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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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1, 21 goners!

Favorite openings Season 3

2.  Haunted Leg -- FND.  Emily is upset about Christopher.  Lorelai refuses to talk about it.  Rory tries to make small talk.  Shauna Christy shot her husband thirty-five times.  At least she had a husband to kill.  "This is nice, isn't it?"

7.  They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? -- Luke's.  Lorelai is trying to find someone to be her dance partner for the 24-hour dance marathon.  She tells the story - again - of how close she was last year to winning, before Kirk enticed her partner Henry 'Ho-Ho' McAphie III with a hot apple pie from McDonald's.  "How many people heard me say 'I know the story'?"

8.  Let the Games Begin -- Girls try to walk to Luke's after being up all night in the 24-hour dance marathon.  They sit on a hay bale to take a break.  Rory wonders why she stayed up all night dancing.  "Because I asked you to." "And that worked?" "At the time. I don’t expect it to again."

12.  Lorelai Out of Water -- The girls are getting ready to clean out the garage.  "We're pack rats."  "We're Sanford & Son."  Lorelai tosses out Hug-a-World.  Rory is horrified.  Hug-a-World would like to see the world.  "It's moving!  I hugged it, I hugged it really tight!  I have to shower!"

15.  Face-Off -- Luke's.  Taylor is going over - again - the arrangements with Lorelai for his family coming in for the hockey semifinals.  This is the first time the Minutemen have been in the semifinals in forty-three years.  Taylor was responsible for the game-winning goal last time.  "So the puck just ricocheted off your head and into the net?"  "Still counted."

17.  A Tale of Poes & Fire -- Luke's.  Rory is working on her pro/con lists for Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.  Kirk is selling t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something he witnessed around town.  "babette ate oatmeal"  Luke gives Rory the most awkward hug in the history of hugs.

18.  Happy Birthday, Baby -- FND.  Richard is making Johnny Machete for dinner.  "I saw an open can of cream of mushroom soup. Nothing good can come of that."  Rory shares the big news about Yale.  Emily and Richard don't react.  "That’s where you went, Dad." "You liked it, remember?"

20.  Say Goodnight, Gracie -- Kyle's front yard.  Lorelai watches some kids clean up after the party while Rory finds Lane's backpack.  Luke has been called in, since apparently the fight that got the cops called in was between Dean and Jess, fighting over Rory.  "So not only did you go to a cop-raided party but you started the raid?  Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I would like to be."

22.  Those Are Strings, Pinocchio -- Luke's.  The girls drop their backpacks on the floor and leave them.  "All the time we've talked about backpacking, I never actually pictured us with backpacks." "Well, what were you picturing?" "Spry, accommodating European men with neat mustaches trailing after us, carrying our luggage, hailing taxi cabs, constantly reminding us how beautiful we are." "No, it's just the two of us humping our backpacks around."

Ha ha Rory's incredulous 'And that worked?' always makes me laugh.  8, 20 gone.

Favorite openings Season 3

2.  Haunted Leg -- FND.  Emily is upset about Christopher.  Lorelai refuses to talk about it.  Rory tries to make small talk.  Shauna Christy shot her husband thirty-five times.  At least she had a husband to kill.  "This is nice, isn't it?"

7.  They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? -- Luke's.  Lorelai is trying to find someone to be her dance partner for the 24-hour dance marathon.  She tells the story - again - of how close she was last year to winning, before Kirk enticed her partner Henry 'Ho-Ho' McAphie III with a hot apple pie from McDonald's.  "How many people heard me say 'I know the story'?"

12.  Lorelai Out of Water -- The girls are getting ready to clean out the garage.  "We're pack rats."  "We're Sanford & Son."  Lorelai tosses out Hug-a-World.  Rory is horrified.  Hug-a-World would like to see the world.  "It's moving!  I hugged it, I hugged it really tight!  I have to shower!"

15.  Face-Off -- Luke's.  Taylor is going over - again - the arrangements with Lorelai for his family coming in for the hockey semifinals.  This is the first time the Minutemen have been in the semifinals in forty-three years.  Taylor was responsible for the game-winning goal last time.  "So the puck just ricocheted off your head and into the net?"  "Still counted."

17.  A Tale of Poes & Fire -- Luke's.  Rory is working on her pro/con lists for Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.  Kirk is selling t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something he witnessed around town.  "babette ate oatmeal"  Luke gives Rory the most awkward hug in the history of hugs.

18.  Happy Birthday, Baby -- FND.  Richard is making Johnny Machete for dinner.  "I saw an open can of cream of mushroom soup. Nothing good can come of that."  Rory shares the big news about Yale.  Emily and Richard don't react.  "That’s where you went, Dad." "You liked it, remember?"

22.  Those Are Strings, Pinocchio -- Luke's.  The girls drop their backpacks on the floor and leave them.  "All the time we've talked about backpacking, I never actually pictured us with backpacks." "Well, what were you picturing?" "Spry, accommodating European men with neat mustaches trailing after us, carrying our luggage, hailing taxi cabs, constantly reminding us how beautiful we are." "No, it's just the two of us humping our backpacks around."

15, 22 out!  Last votes for S3!

Favorite openings Season 3

2.  Haunted Leg -- FND.  Emily is upset about Christopher.  Lorelai refuses to talk about it.  Rory tries to make small talk.  Shauna Christy shot her husband thirty-five times.  At least she had a husband to kill.  "This is nice, isn't it?"

7.  They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? -- Luke's.  Lorelai is trying to find someone to be her dance partner for the 24-hour dance marathon.  She tells the story - again - of how close she was last year to winning, before Kirk enticed her partner Henry 'Ho-Ho' McAphie III with a hot apple pie from McDonald's.  "How many people heard me say 'I know the story'?"

12.  Lorelai Out of Water -- The girls are getting ready to clean out the garage.  "We're pack rats."  "We're Sanford & Son."  Lorelai tosses out Hug-a-World.  Rory is horrified.  Hug-a-World would like to see the world.  "It's moving!  I hugged it, I hugged it really tight!  I have to shower!"

17.  A Tale of Poes & Fire -- Luke's.  Rory is working on her pro/con lists for Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.  Kirk is selling t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something he witnessed around town.  "babette ate oatmeal"  Luke gives Rory the most awkward hug in the history of hugs.

18.  Happy Birthday, Baby -- FND.  Richard is making Johnny Machete for dinner.  "I saw an open can of cream of mushroom soup. Nothing good can come of that."  Rory shares the big news about Yale.  Emily and Richard don't react.  "That’s where you went, Dad." "You liked it, remember?"

Here's our Top 3 for Season 3!  I'll get to work on S4 soon.

Favorite openings Season 3

2.  Haunted Leg -- FND.  Emily is upset about Christopher.  Lorelai refuses to talk about it.  Rory tries to make small talk.  Shauna Christy shot her husband thirty-five times.  At least she had a husband to kill.  "This is nice, isn't it?"

12.  Lorelai Out of Water -- The girls are getting ready to clean out the garage.  "We're pack rats."  "We're Sanford & Son."  Lorelai tosses out Hug-a-World.  Rory is horrified.  Hug-a-World would like to see the world.  "It's moving!  I hugged it, I hugged it really tight!  I have to shower!"

17.  A Tale of Poes & Fire -- Luke's.  Rory is working on her pro/con lists for Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.  Kirk is selling t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something he witnessed around town.  "babette ate oatmeal"  Luke gives Rory the most awkward hug in the history of hugs.

Start voting!  Voting against two.

Favorite openers Season 4

1.  Ballrooms & Biscotti - Crap Shack.  The girls are home from their backpacking tour of Europe.  Babette was worried, since according to the itinerary Rory gave her, they should have been home days ago.  "You gave her an itinerary and she called every consulate in the world."

2.  The Lorelais' First Day at Yale - Crap Shack.  The girls are getting ready to take Rory to Yale.  Copper Boom!  Lorelai is trying to get a good 'going off to college' picture of Rory.  "You look like Alfalfa coming to pick up Darla."

3.  The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles - Yale.  Lorelai brings over a rug, marshmallow cookies from Sookie, muffins from Luke, and a copy of the Stars Hollow Gazette.  Rory doesn't have time to grab coffee, since it's shopping week.  "Isn't it always?"

4.  Chicken or Beef - Crap Shack.  Rory comes home for a visit.  Kirk has installed an alarm.  Lorelai can't figure out how to turn it off, but she has figured out where to crouch on the floor to hide from the motion detector.  "You think I labeled myself 'the pretty spinster'?"

5.  The Fundamental Things Apply - Crap Shack.  Lorelai is gardening.  "What are you doing?"  "I'm gardening."  "What are you doing?"  Babette wanted Lorelai to have something to do to fill her time now that Rory has moved out.  "I'm going to have color coming out of my yin-yang."  "Well then maybe you'll finally get a man."

6.  An Affair to Remember - FND.  The Richmonds gave out king-sized candy bars at Halloween.  Emily feels they may have to go to the homeowners association, as well as go after the Richmonds' ball machine.  "Flying, thumping balls all over the place."

7.  The Festival of Living Art - Crap Shack.  Lorelai wonders if Rory would be horrified if she starts clipping coupons again.  Lane's band is auditioning new guitarists.  "Hey, you hear that?" "What?" "No music." "And the band stopped playing, too."

8.  Die, Jerk - FND.  Richard and Emily tell the girls all about Atlantic City.  "It was actually quite a successful outing. Maybe not to our taste, but the clients loved it." "The clients were too plastered to know better."

9.  Ted Koppel's Big Night Out - Luke's.  The girls take two tables and push them together.  Luke's in too good of a mood to be mad, he finally hired some help.  Rory is disgusted to realize it's Brennan Lewis.  "There have been a lot of frogs, man."

10.  The Nanny and the Professor - Luke's.  Lane has started waitressing.  She had an interview and everything.  "They sat in complete silence for a full five minutes, then Luke said, 'How ya doing?' and she said 'Good,' and then he gave her the job."

11.  In the Clamor and the Clangor - Stan's funeral.  Death in Stars Hollow always comes in fives.  Stan is only the fourth.  The fifth could be Hank Krutzman, or Taylor, or Andrew, or Reggie, or Kirk!  Kirk takes a fall.  "We are the witches of Eastwick."

12.  A Family Matter - Luke's.  There are no empty tables, Lorelai has to share a table with Kirk.  "I have a girlfriend."  A mystery woman shows up, Luke is not happy to see her.  Lorelai and Rory speculate about who she might be.  "Early morning tryst with the county dominatrix?"

13.  Nag Hammadi is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels - Crap Shack.  A window is broken and it's cold.  Lorelai sits on Rory, who is asleep on the couch.  Rory comes out of her bedroom and scares Lorelai.  The couch sleeper is Lane.  "She must have followed me home from Yale."  Lorelai has left a message for Luke to come fix her window, so she doesn't have to listen to a rant about paying too much to have her window fixed, or paying a fee at an ATM, or paying a fee for Ticketmaster, or paying fifty bucks for a ten dollar bottle of wine.  "Oh my G-d, Luke is annoying!"

14.  The Incredible S(hr)inking Lorelais - Dragonfly.  The Inn has horses!  Michel does not care for the animal kingdom.  Lorelai leaves Rory a message to tell her about the horses.  "Hopefully, you're over the time that I took you for the pony ride, and the pony was old and just sort of stopped and laid down, and you sort of rolled off into the ditch."  Tom pulls Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel aside to go over some things.  A phone rings.  It's their first reservation!  "But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper.  It's embarrassing, this is an historical document."

15.  Scene in a Mall - Luke's.  Luke asks Lorelai if she's okay, after her meltdown in the park.  Kirk has a dog in a man bag.  He tries to cover and say it's magazines.  "Ouch!  Paper cut."

16.  The Reigning Lorelai - FND.  They're eating - or not - escargot.  Emily mentions her oldest friend, Sweetie Nelson, has recently died.  Lorelai wonders how they got the nickname Sweetie from Melinda, and is unimpressed that she's called Sweetie because she was sweet.  "Exactly what kind of story about my recently departed friend would amuse you?"

17.  Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist - Town Square.  The girls are taking a ride in Kirk's Pedi-Cab.  Gypsy outstrolls them.  They make Kirk stop and let them out.  "Well, well, well. I guess it wasn't me that was slowing things down. I guess it was my big, fat cargo." "Hey!" "Freshman fifteen!"  "Kirk!"

18.  Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom! - Luke's.  Lorelai's trying to feed Davey.  Luke doesn't like babies.  Jackson is suddenly violently protective.  Taylor has a new toupee.  Or, he's combing his hair differently.  "The comb didn't loosen the glue?"  The town has a problem, there's a flower show coming up and the entire town smells.  They'll have to mobilize the community, make sure there's no skunk infestation.  "Let me go door to door and make sure every townsman looks under his house, Taylor. I'll even knock some heads together -- get medieval on their ass."

19.  Afterboom - Town Square.  Lorelai needs stamps.  Luke needs a notary.  "You're getting a mail-order divorce?"  Kirk shows Lorelai all the whimsical stamps available while Luke tries to sign his papers.  "Trying to get divorced here!"

20.  Luke Can See Her Face - Crap Shack.  The cats know Lorelai and Jason have broken up and that she's one step closer to becoming a crazy cat lady.  "Hey, I am a young, desirable woman!"

21.  Last Week Fights, This Week Tights - Town Square.  Everyone is helping prepare for Liz's wedding.  Kirk is heckling Miss Patty over her maypole dancers.   The Banyan boys are being a problem.  "Lucifer tired of them in hell and dumped them here."  Jess reads a self-help book.  You're Not Alone.

22.  Raincoats & Recipes - Crap Shack.  Rory is still on her finals sleep schedule.  She's doing laundry and making mac-n-cheese at 3 am.  Lorelai locks her in her room.  "Great to have you home, hon."


6, 8 are our first casualties!

Favorite openers Season 4

1.  Ballrooms & Biscotti - Crap Shack.  The girls are home from their backpacking tour of Europe.  Babette was worried, since according to the itinerary Rory gave her, they should have been home days ago.  "You gave her an itinerary and she called every consulate in the world."

2.  The Lorelais' First Day at Yale - Crap Shack.  The girls are getting ready to take Rory to Yale.  Copper Boom!  Lorelai is trying to get a good 'going off to college' picture of Rory.  "You look like Alfalfa coming to pick up Darla."

3.  The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles - Yale.  Lorelai brings over a rug, marshmallow cookies from Sookie, muffins from Luke, and a copy of the Stars Hollow Gazette.  Rory doesn't have time to grab coffee, since it's shopping week.  "Isn't it always?"  Lorelai insists Emily has been to Rory's dorm room.  It smells like guilt and Chanel  No. 5.

4.  Chicken or Beef - Crap Shack.  Rory comes home for a visit.  Kirk has installed an alarm.  Lorelai can't figure out how to turn it off, but she has figured out where to crouch on the floor to hide from the motion detector.  "You think I labeled myself 'the pretty spinster'?"

5.  The Fundamental Things Apply - Crap Shack.  Lorelai is gardening.  "What are you doing?"  "I'm gardening."  "What are you doing?"  Babette wanted Lorelai to have something to do to fill her time now that Rory has moved out.  "I'm going to have color coming out of my yin-yang."  "Well then maybe you'll finally get a man."

7.  The Festival of Living Art - Crap Shack.  Lorelai wonders if Rory would be horrified if she starts clipping coupons again.  Lane's band is auditioning new guitarists.  "Hey, you hear that?" "What?" "No music." "And the band stopped playing, too."

9.  Ted Koppel's Big Night Out - Luke's.  The girls take two tables and push them together.  Luke's in too good of a mood to be mad, he finally hired some help.  Rory is disgusted to realize it's Brennan Lewis.  "There have been a lot of frogs, man."

10.  The Nanny and the Professor - Luke's.  Lane has started waitressing.  She had an interview and everything.  "They sat in complete silence for a full five minutes, then Luke said, 'How ya doing?' and she said 'Good,' and then he gave her the job."

11.  In the Clamor and the Clangor - Stan's funeral.  Death in Stars Hollow always comes in fives.  Stan is only the fourth.  The fifth could be Hank Krutzman, or Taylor, or Andrew, or Reggie, or Kirk!  Kirk takes a fall.  "We are the witches of Eastwick."

12.  A Family Matter - Luke's.  There are no empty tables, Lorelai has to share a table with Kirk.  "I have a girlfriend."  A mystery woman shows up, Luke is not happy to see her.  Lorelai and Rory speculate about who she might be.  "Early morning tryst with the county dominatrix?"

13.  Nag Hammadi is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels - Crap Shack.  A window is broken and it's cold.  Lorelai sits on Rory, who is asleep on the couch.  Rory comes out of her bedroom and scares Lorelai.  The couch sleeper is Lane.  "She must have followed me home from Yale."  Lorelai has left a message for Luke to come fix her window, so she doesn't have to listen to a rant about paying too much to have her window fixed, or paying a fee at an ATM, or paying a fee for Ticketmaster, or paying fifty bucks for a ten dollar bottle of wine.  "Oh my G-d, Luke is annoying!"

14.  The Incredible S(hr)inking Lorelais - Dragonfly.  The Inn has horses!  Michel does not care for the animal kingdom.  Lorelai leaves Rory a message to tell her about the horses.  "Hopefully, you're over the time that I took you for the pony ride, and the pony was old and just sort of stopped and laid down, and you sort of rolled off into the ditch."  Tom pulls Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel aside to go over some things.  A phone rings.  It's their first reservation!  "But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper.  It's embarrassing, this is an historical document."

15.  Scene in a Mall - Luke's.  Luke asks Lorelai if she's okay, after her meltdown in the park.  Kirk has a dog in a man bag.  He tries to cover and say it's magazines.  "Ouch!  Paper cut."

16.  The Reigning Lorelai - FND.  They're eating - or not - escargot.  Emily mentions her oldest friend, Sweetie Nelson, has recently died.  Lorelai wonders how they got the nickname Sweetie from Melinda, and is unimpressed that she's called Sweetie because she was sweet.  "Exactly what kind of story about my recently departed friend would amuse you?"

17.  Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist - Town Square.  The girls are taking a ride in Kirk's Pedi-Cab.  Gypsy outstrolls them.  They make Kirk stop and let them out.  "Well, well, well. I guess it wasn't me that was slowing things down. I guess it was my big, fat cargo." "Hey!" "Freshman fifteen!"  "Kirk!"

18.  Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom! - Luke's.  Lorelai's trying to feed Davey.  Luke doesn't like babies.  Jackson is suddenly violently protective.  Taylor has a new toupee.  Or, he's combing his hair differently.  "The comb didn't loosen the glue?"  The town has a problem, there's a flower show coming up and the entire town smells.  They'll have to mobilize the community, make sure there's no skunk infestation.  "Let me go door to door and make sure every townsman looks under his house, Taylor. I'll even knock some heads together -- get medieval on their ass."

19.  Afterboom - Town Square.  Lorelai needs stamps.  Luke needs a notary.  "You're getting a mail-order divorce?"  Kirk shows Lorelai all the whimsical stamps available while Luke tries to sign his papers.  "Trying to get divorced here!"

20.  Luke Can See Her Face - Crap Shack.  The cats know Lorelai and Jason have broken up and that she's one step closer to becoming a crazy cat lady.  "Hey, I am a young, desirable woman!"

21.  Last Week Fights, This Week Tights - Town Square.  Everyone is helping prepare for Liz's wedding.  Kirk is heckling Miss Patty over her maypole dancers.   The Banyan boys are being a problem.  "Lucifer tired of them in hell and dumped them here."  Jess reads a self-help book.  You're Not Alone.

22.  Raincoats & Recipes - Crap Shack.  Rory is still on her finals sleep schedule.  She's doing laundry and making mac-n-cheese at 3 am.  Lorelai locks her in her room.  "Great to have you home, hon."

Edited by Taryn74
Because I just realized I left part of #3 out.

3, 7 it is!

Favorite openers Season 4

1.  Ballrooms & Biscotti - Crap Shack.  The girls are home from their backpacking tour of Europe.  Babette was worried, since according to the itinerary Rory gave her, they should have been home days ago.  "You gave her an itinerary and she called every consulate in the world."

2.  The Lorelais' First Day at Yale - Crap Shack.  The girls are getting ready to take Rory to Yale.  Copper Boom!  Lorelai is trying to get a good 'going off to college' picture of Rory.  "You look like Alfalfa coming to pick up Darla."

4.  Chicken or Beef - Crap Shack.  Rory comes home for a visit.  Kirk has installed an alarm.  Lorelai can't figure out how to turn it off, but she has figured out where to crouch on the floor to hide from the motion detector.  "You think I labeled myself 'the pretty spinster'?"

5.  The Fundamental Things Apply - Crap Shack.  Lorelai is gardening.  "What are you doing?"  "I'm gardening."  "What are you doing?"  Babette wanted Lorelai to have something to do to fill her time now that Rory has moved out.  "I'm going to have color coming out of my yin-yang."  "Well then maybe you'll finally get a man."

9.  Ted Koppel's Big Night Out - Luke's.  The girls take two tables and push them together.  Luke's in too good of a mood to be mad, he finally hired some help.  Rory is disgusted to realize it's Brennan Lewis.  "There have been a lot of frogs, man."

10.  The Nanny and the Professor - Luke's.  Lane has started waitressing.  She had an interview and everything.  "They sat in complete silence for a full five minutes, then Luke said, 'How ya doing?' and she said 'Good,' and then he gave her the job."

11.  In the Clamor and the Clangor - Stan's funeral.  Death in Stars Hollow always comes in fives.  Stan is only the fourth.  The fifth could be Hank Krutzman, or Taylor, or Andrew, or Reggie, or Kirk!  Kirk takes a fall.  "We are the witches of Eastwick."

12.  A Family Matter - Luke's.  There are no empty tables, Lorelai has to share a table with Kirk.  "I have a girlfriend."  A mystery woman shows up, Luke is not happy to see her.  Lorelai and Rory speculate about who she might be.  "Early morning tryst with the county dominatrix?"

13.  Nag Hammadi is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels - Crap Shack.  A window is broken and it's cold.  Lorelai sits on Rory, who is asleep on the couch.  Rory comes out of her bedroom and scares Lorelai.  The couch sleeper is Lane.  "She must have followed me home from Yale."  Lorelai has left a message for Luke to come fix her window, so she doesn't have to listen to a rant about paying too much to have her window fixed, or paying a fee at an ATM, or paying a fee for Ticketmaster, or paying fifty bucks for a ten dollar bottle of wine.  "Oh my G-d, Luke is annoying!"

14.  The Incredible S(hr)inking Lorelais - Dragonfly.  The Inn has horses!  Michel does not care for the animal kingdom.  Lorelai leaves Rory a message to tell her about the horses.  "Hopefully, you're over the time that I took you for the pony ride, and the pony was old and just sort of stopped and laid down, and you sort of rolled off into the ditch."  Tom pulls Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel aside to go over some things.  A phone rings.  It's their first reservation!  "But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper.  It's embarrassing, this is an historical document."

15.  Scene in a Mall - Luke's.  Luke asks Lorelai if she's okay, after her meltdown in the park.  Kirk has a dog in a man bag.  He tries to cover and say it's magazines.  "Ouch!  Paper cut."

16.  The Reigning Lorelai - FND.  They're eating - or not - escargot.  Emily mentions her oldest friend, Sweetie Nelson, has recently died.  Lorelai wonders how they got the nickname Sweetie from Melinda, and is unimpressed that she's called Sweetie because she was sweet.  "Exactly what kind of story about my recently departed friend would amuse you?"

17.  Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist - Town Square.  The girls are taking a ride in Kirk's Pedi-Cab.  Gypsy outstrolls them.  They make Kirk stop and let them out.  "Well, well, well. I guess it wasn't me that was slowing things down. I guess it was my big, fat cargo." "Hey!" "Freshman fifteen!"  "Kirk!"

18.  Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom! - Luke's.  Lorelai's trying to feed Davey.  Luke doesn't like babies.  Jackson is suddenly violently protective.  Taylor has a new toupee.  Or, he's combing his hair differently.  "The comb didn't loosen the glue?"  The town has a problem, there's a flower show coming up and the entire town smells.  They'll have to mobilize the community, make sure there's no skunk infestation.  "Let me go door to door and make sure every townsman looks under his house, Taylor. I'll even knock some heads together -- get medieval on their ass."

19.  Afterboom - Town Square.  Lorelai needs stamps.  Luke needs a notary.  "You're getting a mail-order divorce?"  Kirk shows Lorelai all the whimsical stamps available while Luke tries to sign his papers.  "Trying to get divorced here!"

20.  Luke Can See Her Face - Crap Shack.  The cats know Lorelai and Jason have broken up and that she's one step closer to becoming a crazy cat lady.  "Hey, I am a young, desirable woman!"

21.  Last Week Fights, This Week Tights - Town Square.  Everyone is helping prepare for Liz's wedding.  Kirk is heckling Miss Patty over her maypole dancers.   The Banyan boys are being a problem.  "Lucifer tired of them in hell and dumped them here."  Jess reads a self-help book.  You're Not Alone.

22.  Raincoats & Recipes - Crap Shack.  Rory is still on her finals sleep schedule.  She's doing laundry and making mac-n-cheese at 3 am.  Lorelai locks her in her room.  "Great to have you home, hon."

10,, 21 out!

Favorite openers Season 4

1.  Ballrooms & Biscotti - Crap Shack.  The girls are home from their backpacking tour of Europe.  Babette was worried, since according to the itinerary Rory gave her, they should have been home days ago.  "You gave her an itinerary and she called every consulate in the world."

2.  The Lorelais' First Day at Yale - Crap Shack.  The girls are getting ready to take Rory to Yale.  Copper Boom!  Lorelai is trying to get a good 'going off to college' picture of Rory.  "You look like Alfalfa coming to pick up Darla."

4.  Chicken or Beef - Crap Shack.  Rory comes home for a visit.  Kirk has installed an alarm.  Lorelai can't figure out how to turn it off, but she has figured out where to crouch on the floor to hide from the motion detector.  "You think I labeled myself 'the pretty spinster'?"

5.  The Fundamental Things Apply - Crap Shack.  Lorelai is gardening.  "What are you doing?"  "I'm gardening."  "What are you doing?"  Babette wanted Lorelai to have something to do to fill her time now that Rory has moved out.  "I'm going to have color coming out of my yin-yang."  "Well then maybe you'll finally get a man."

9.  Ted Koppel's Big Night Out - Luke's.  The girls take two tables and push them together.  Luke's in too good of a mood to be mad, he finally hired some help.  Rory is disgusted to realize it's Brennan Lewis.  "There have been a lot of frogs, man."

11.  In the Clamor and the Clangor - Stan's funeral.  Death in Stars Hollow always comes in fives.  Stan is only the fourth.  The fifth could be Hank Krutzman, or Taylor, or Andrew, or Reggie, or Kirk!  Kirk takes a fall.  "We are the witches of Eastwick."

12.  A Family Matter - Luke's.  There are no empty tables, Lorelai has to share a table with Kirk.  "I have a girlfriend."  A mystery woman shows up, Luke is not happy to see her.  Lorelai and Rory speculate about who she might be.  "Early morning tryst with the county dominatrix?"

13.  Nag Hammadi is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels - Crap Shack.  A window is broken and it's cold.  Lorelai sits on Rory, who is asleep on the couch.  Rory comes out of her bedroom and scares Lorelai.  The couch sleeper is Lane.  "She must have followed me home from Yale."  Lorelai has left a message for Luke to come fix her window, so she doesn't have to listen to a rant about paying too much to have her window fixed, or paying a fee at an ATM, or paying a fee for Ticketmaster, or paying fifty bucks for a ten dollar bottle of wine.  "Oh my G-d, Luke is annoying!"

14.  The Incredible S(hr)inking Lorelais - Dragonfly.  The Inn has horses!  Michel does not care for the animal kingdom.  Lorelai leaves Rory a message to tell her about the horses.  "Hopefully, you're over the time that I took you for the pony ride, and the pony was old and just sort of stopped and laid down, and you sort of rolled off into the ditch."  Tom pulls Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel aside to go over some things.  A phone rings.  It's their first reservation!  "But you wrote it down on a gum wrapper.  It's embarrassing, this is an historical document."

15.  Scene in a Mall - Luke's.  Luke asks Lorelai if she's okay, after her meltdown in the park.  Kirk has a dog in a man bag.  He tries to cover and say it's magazines.  "Ouch!  Paper cut."

16.  The Reigning Lorelai - FND.  They're eating - or not - escargot.  Emily mentions her oldest friend, Sweetie Nelson, has recently died.  Lorelai wonders how they got the nickname Sweetie from Melinda, and is unimpressed that she's called Sweetie because she was sweet.  "Exactly what kind of story about my recently departed friend would amuse you?"

17.  Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist - Town Square.  The girls are taking a ride in Kirk's Pedi-Cab.  Gypsy outstrolls them.  They make Kirk stop and let them out.  "Well, well, well. I guess it wasn't me that was slowing things down. I guess it was my big, fat cargo." "Hey!" "Freshman fifteen!"  "Kirk!"

18.  Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom! - Luke's.  Lorelai's trying to feed Davey.  Luke doesn't like babies.  Jackson is suddenly violently protective.  Taylor has a new toupee.  Or, he's combing his hair differently.  "The comb didn't loosen the glue?"  The town has a problem, there's a flower show coming up and the entire town smells.  They'll have to mobilize the community, make sure there's no skunk infestation.  "Let me go door to door and make sure every townsman looks under his house, Taylor. I'll even knock some heads together -- get medieval on their ass."

19.  Afterboom - Town Square.  Lorelai needs stamps.  Luke needs a notary.  "You're getting a mail-order divorce?"  Kirk shows Lorelai all the whimsical stamps available while Luke tries to sign his papers.  "Trying to get divorced here!"

20.  Luke Can See Her Face - Crap Shack.  The cats know Lorelai and Jason have broken up and that she's one step closer to becoming a crazy cat lady.  "Hey, I am a young, desirable woman!"

22.  Raincoats & Recipes - Crap Shack.  Rory is still on her finals sleep schedule.  She's doing laundry and making mac-n-cheese at 3 am.  Lorelai locks her in her room.  "Great to have you home, hon."

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