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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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17, 21 out.  Vote out ONE now so we can have our Top Three for Season 2!


Favorite Openers Season 2 

7.  Like Mother, Like Daughter - Luke's is busy.  Lorelai tries flirting with him for faster service.  Rory hassles Lorelai about the Barry Manilow CD which was hiding under the seat of the car.  They bicker over whose guilty pleasure music is worse.  "The Macarena. You and Lane for hours and hours, for weeks on end." "Hey, we were mocking. You can't mock the mocking."

10.  The Bracebridge Dinner - The girls are building a snowman.  Er, snowwoman.  The mouth is crooked.  "It gives her a unique expression." "Like she had a stroke?"  Rory has to be careful with her winter break plans, as Paris wants the first Franklin issue after break to be a double issue, because the news never sleeps.  "What about Paris, does she ever sleep?" "I think she periodically makes a whirring noise and then just shuts down."

12.  Richard in Stars Hollow - FND.  Emily grills Lorelai on whether or not she's dating anyone, and if she plans to be single her entire life.  "Well, I visited the family mausoleum today." "Never what you think it’s gonna be!"  There's currently no more room for any spouses or children, unless they get an annex.  Aunt Cecile will have to be moved.

14.  It Should've Been Lorelai - Luke's is empty.  The girls try to play bagel hockey.  Lane is grounded after the Henry/picnic thing, but sees them go into the diner and calls Rory on Luke's phone and rants about the Psalm-a-Day phone line.  Lorelai wants to recruit Luke for bagel hockey, but they'll have to bump Schmitty.  "Schmitty’s over the hill, he’s washed up, put him in Cooperstown. Suit up kid!"  "Call me if anyone sane walks in."

Well my beloved bagel hockey scene made it to the top four at least.  *cries a little tear*

I'll get to work on Season 3!


Favorite Openers Season 2 

7.  Like Mother, Like Daughter - Luke's is busy.  Lorelai tries flirting with him for faster service.  Rory hassles Lorelai about the Barry Manilow CD which was hiding under the seat of the car.  They bicker over whose guilty pleasure music is worse.  "The Macarena. You and Lane for hours and hours, for weeks on end." "Hey, we were mocking. You can't mock the mocking."

10.  The Bracebridge Dinner - The girls are building a snowman.  Er, snowwoman.  The mouth is crooked.  "It gives her a unique expression." "Like she had a stroke?"  Rory has to be careful with her winter break plans, as Paris wants the first Franklin issue after break to be a double issue, because the news never sleeps.  "What about Paris, does she ever sleep?" "I think she periodically makes a whirring noise and then just shuts down."

12.  Richard in Stars Hollow - FND.  Emily grills Lorelai on whether or not she's dating anyone, and if she plans to be single her entire life.  "Well, I visited the family mausoleum today." "Never what you think it’s gonna be!"  There's currently no more room for any spouses or children, unless they get an annex.  Aunt Cecile will have to be moved.

Time to start voting!  Vote against three.

Favorite openings Season 3

1.  Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days -- Two dozen alarm clocks go off and Lorelai is wearing a fabulous nightgown.  Someone downstairs cooking breakfast is hilarious (spoiler: it's Luke!).  Lorelai is pregnant (spoiler: with twins!).  Ah, it was all just a dream.  Rory is in DC.  She's trying to write to Jess but can't find the words.  Paris did not have sexual relations with that woman.  "I'm so glad I only have one more day here."

2.  Haunted Leg -- FND.  Emily is upset about Christopher.  Lorelai refuses to talk about it.  Rory tries to make small talk.  Shauna Christy shot her husband thirty-five times.  At least she had a husband to kill.  "This is nice, isn't it?"

3.  Application Anxiety -- Crap Shack.  Girls are watching The Brady Bunch Variety Hour.  "All cylinders were firing on this one, boy!"  Rory's application to Harvard arrives in the mail.  It's heavy with importance.  Rory frets that it arrived while she was watching The Brady Bunch Variety Hour.  "You don't lose points for that, do you?"

4.  One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes -- Luke's.  Lorelai's been having premonitions of her own death.  Lane runs in on her way to band practice and steals Rory's burger.  Rory then has to steal Lorelai's burger so she'll have something to eat.  "Okay, this band thing is really not working out for me."

5.  Eight O'Clock at the Oasis -- Luke's.  There are babies and Choo Choo Joes and public breastfeedings.  Luke is going to be a bachelor for a really long time.  Jess bolts back upstairs.  "Okay, well, that was kind of fun."

6.  Take the Deviled Eggs -- Crap Shack.  Lorelai is in project mode, which is fine as long as she doesn't abandon it mid-project.  "Make your own seashell candles?  The place smelled like melted crayons for three weeks."  She lists off all the different variations of her name catalog companies use to send her identical catalogs.  She's going to call them all and have them discontinue the duplicates.  "Squeegy Beckenheim?"

7.  They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? -- Luke's.  Lorelai is trying to find someone to be her dance partner for the 24-hour dance marathon.  She tells the story - again - of how close she was last year to winning, before Kirk enticed her partner Henry 'Ho-Ho' McAphie III with a hot apple pie from McDonald's.  "How many people heard me say 'I know the story'?"

8.  Let the Games Begin -- Girls try to walk to Luke's after being up all night in the 24-hour dance marathon.  They sit on a hay bale to take a break.  Rory wonders why she stayed up all night dancing.  "Because I asked you to." "And that worked?" "At the time. I don’t expect it to again."

9.  A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving -- Crap Shack.  Girls are watching Grey Gardens.  "Poor Edie." "Which Edie?" "Little Edie. She’s just trying to sing and her mom won’t stop talking."  The Edies are cool, and free, and happy, and memorable.  "Add a few years and they're us."

10.  That'll Do, Pig -- Lorelai has agreed to let Lane and the band practice in her garage.  Lane tells the girls about having to work a booth in the winter carnival to raise money for the marching band.  "Please let it be for new uniforms."

11.  I Solemnly Swear -- FND.  One of Emily's former maids is suing for wrongful termination.  Lorelai might at least act surprised.  "It's not the first time, is it?"  "It most certainly is."  "Well, then, I'm surprised."

12.  Lorelai Out of Water -- The girls are getting ready to clean out the garage.  "We're pack rats."  "We're Sanford & Son."  Lorelai tosses out Hug-a-World.  Rory is horrified.  Hug-a-World would like to see the world.  "It's moving!  I hugged it, I hugged it really tight!  I have to shower!"

13.  Dear Emily and Richard -- FND.  Rory stopped by the bookstore on the way to pick up books on touring Europe on the cheap, so she and Lorelai can plan their backpacking trip.  "You’re telling me you’re seriously going to traipse across Europe with your possessions strapped to your back and sleep in a room with thirty other people?"

14.  Swan Song -- FND.  Emily spends twenty minutes griping about Gran having moved to Hartford.   Lorelai suggests Gran get a fella.  "I think she did have a man for a time squiring her around to her biddy affairs."  Emily transitions into grilling Rory about breaking up with Dean.  "Those kinds of things are always obvious." "Yeah, I guess." "When a couple is in a relationship and then suddenly isn’t." "Right." "Right." "Is she still looking?" "Yup."

15.  Face-Off -- Luke's.  Taylor is going over - again - the arrangements with Lorelai for his family coming in for the hockey semifinals.  This is the first time the Minutemen have been in the semifinals in forty-three years.  Taylor was responsible for the game-winning goal last time.  "So the puck just ricocheted off your head and into the net?"  "Still counted."

16.  The Big One -- Crap Shack.  The girls are waiting for the mail to run in case Rory's Harvard acceptance letter has arrived.  Kirk is the slowest mail deliverer in the history of mail.  "Rita Flora - didn't she die?"  "While you were delivering her mail?"

17.  A Tale of Poes & Fire -- Luke's.  Rory is working on her pro/con lists for Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.  Kirk is selling t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something he witnessed around town.  "babette ate oatmeal"  Luke gives Rory the most awkward hug in the history of hugs.

18.  Happy Birthday, Baby -- FND.  Richard is making Johnny Machete for dinner.  "I saw an open can of cream of mushroom soup. Nothing good can come of that."  Rory shares the big news about Yale.  Emily and Richard don't react.  "That’s where you went, Dad." "You liked it, remember?"

19.  Keg! Max! -- Crap Shack, Friday night.  The girls try to figure out something to do, since they've been going to FND for the past three years and have forgotten how to have a Friday night life.  Rory calls to at least tell E&R hello.  "The Gilmore house is partying like it's 1999." "And here it's "'At Home with The 700 Club'." "Well, we didn't tell them to stop living their lives."

20.  Say Goodnight, Gracie -- Kyle's front yard.  Lorelai watches some kids clean up after the party while Rory finds Lane's backpack.  Luke has been called in, since apparently the fight that got the cops called in was between Dean and Jess, fighting over Rory.  "So not only did you go to a cop-raided party but you started the raid?  Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I would like to be."

21.  Here Comes the Son -- The girls are memorizing phrases for their trip to Europe.  "We do not need to know how to say 'Does Antonio Banderas live near here?'"  Lane comes in with brochures for the Mrs. Kim approved college she's going to be attending.  "There's a separate park for boys?" "My life is over."

22.  Those Are Strings, Pinocchio -- Luke's.  The girls drop their backpacks on the floor and leave them.  "All the time we've talked about backpacking, I never actually pictured us with backpacks." "Well, what were you picturing?" "Spry, accommodating European men with neat mustaches trailing after us, carrying our luggage, hailing taxi cabs, constantly reminding us how beautiful we are." "No, it's just the two of us humping our backpacks around."

5, 6, 11 out.  Voting against TWO.


Favorite openings Season 3

1.  Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days -- Two dozen alarm clocks go off and Lorelai is wearing a fabulous nightgown.  Someone downstairs cooking breakfast is hilarious (spoiler: it's Luke!).  Lorelai is pregnant (spoiler: with twins!).  Ah, it was all just a dream.  Rory is in DC.  She's trying to write to Jess but can't find the words.  Paris did not have sexual relations with that woman.  "I'm so glad I only have one more day here."

2.  Haunted Leg -- FND.  Emily is upset about Christopher.  Lorelai refuses to talk about it.  Rory tries to make small talk.  Shauna Christy shot her husband thirty-five times.  At least she had a husband to kill.  "This is nice, isn't it?"

3.  Application Anxiety -- Crap Shack.  Girls are watching The Brady Bunch Variety Hour.  "All cylinders were firing on this one, boy!"  Rory's application to Harvard arrives in the mail.  It's heavy with importance.  Rory frets that it arrived while she was watching The Brady Bunch Variety Hour.  "You don't lose points for that, do you?"

4.  One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes -- Luke's.  Lorelai's been having premonitions of her own death.  Lane runs in on her way to band practice and steals Rory's burger.  Rory then has to steal Lorelai's burger so she'll have something to eat.  "Okay, this band thing is really not working out for me."

7.  They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? -- Luke's.  Lorelai is trying to find someone to be her dance partner for the 24-hour dance marathon.  She tells the story - again - of how close she was last year to winning, before Kirk enticed her partner Henry 'Ho-Ho' McAphie III with a hot apple pie from McDonald's.  "How many people heard me say 'I know the story'?"

8.  Let the Games Begin -- Girls try to walk to Luke's after being up all night in the 24-hour dance marathon.  They sit on a hay bale to take a break.  Rory wonders why she stayed up all night dancing.  "Because I asked you to." "And that worked?" "At the time. I don’t expect it to again."

9.  A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving -- Crap Shack.  Girls are watching Grey Gardens.  "Poor Edie." "Which Edie?" "Little Edie. She’s just trying to sing and her mom won’t stop talking."  The Edies are cool, and free, and happy, and memorable.  "Add a few years and they're us."

10.  That'll Do, Pig -- Lorelai has agreed to let Lane and the band practice in her garage.  Lane tells the girls about having to work a booth in the winter carnival to raise money for the marching band.  "Please let it be for new uniforms."

12.  Lorelai Out of Water -- The girls are getting ready to clean out the garage.  "We're pack rats."  "We're Sanford & Son."  Lorelai tosses out Hug-a-World.  Rory is horrified.  Hug-a-World would like to see the world.  "It's moving!  I hugged it, I hugged it really tight!  I have to shower!"

13.  Dear Emily and Richard -- FND.  Rory stopped by the bookstore on the way to pick up books on touring Europe on the cheap, so she and Lorelai can plan their backpacking trip.  "You’re telling me you’re seriously going to traipse across Europe with your possessions strapped to your back and sleep in a room with thirty other people?"

14.  Swan Song -- FND.  Emily spends twenty minutes griping about Gran having moved to Hartford.   Lorelai suggests Gran get a fella.  "I think she did have a man for a time squiring her around to her biddy affairs."  Emily transitions into grilling Rory about breaking up with Dean.  "Those kinds of things are always obvious." "Yeah, I guess." "When a couple is in a relationship and then suddenly isn’t." "Right." "Right." "Is she still looking?" "Yup."

15.  Face-Off -- Luke's.  Taylor is going over - again - the arrangements with Lorelai for his family coming in for the hockey semifinals.  This is the first time the Minutemen have been in the semifinals in forty-three years.  Taylor was responsible for the game-winning goal last time.  "So the puck just ricocheted off your head and into the net?"  "Still counted."

16.  The Big One -- Crap Shack.  The girls are waiting for the mail to run in case Rory's Harvard acceptance letter has arrived.  Kirk is the slowest mail deliverer in the history of mail.  "Rita Flora - didn't she die?"  "While you were delivering her mail?"

17.  A Tale of Poes & Fire -- Luke's.  Rory is working on her pro/con lists for Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.  Kirk is selling t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something he witnessed around town.  "babette ate oatmeal"  Luke gives Rory the most awkward hug in the history of hugs.

18.  Happy Birthday, Baby -- FND.  Richard is making Johnny Machete for dinner.  "I saw an open can of cream of mushroom soup. Nothing good can come of that."  Rory shares the big news about Yale.  Emily and Richard don't react.  "That’s where you went, Dad." "You liked it, remember?"

19.  Keg! Max! -- Crap Shack, Friday night.  The girls try to figure out something to do, since they've been going to FND for the past three years and have forgotten how to have a Friday night life.  Rory calls to at least tell E&R hello.  "The Gilmore house is partying like it's 1999." "And here it's "'At Home with The 700 Club'." "Well, we didn't tell them to stop living their lives."

20.  Say Goodnight, Gracie -- Kyle's front yard.  Lorelai watches some kids clean up after the party while Rory finds Lane's backpack.  Luke has been called in, since apparently the fight that got the cops called in was between Dean and Jess, fighting over Rory.  "So not only did you go to a cop-raided party but you started the raid?  Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I would like to be."

21.  Here Comes the Son -- The girls are memorizing phrases for their trip to Europe.  "We do not need to know how to say 'Does Antonio Banderas live near here?'"  Lane comes in with brochures for the Mrs. Kim approved college she's going to be attending.  "There's a separate park for boys?" "My life is over."

22.  Those Are Strings, Pinocchio -- Luke's.  The girls drop their backpacks on the floor and leave them.  "All the time we've talked about backpacking, I never actually pictured us with backpacks." "Well, what were you picturing?" "Spry, accommodating European men with neat mustaches trailing after us, carrying our luggage, hailing taxi cabs, constantly reminding us how beautiful we are." "No, it's just the two of us humping our backpacks around."


3, 4 out.  Voting against two.

Favorite openings Season 3

1.  Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days -- Two dozen alarm clocks go off and Lorelai is wearing a fabulous nightgown.  Someone downstairs cooking breakfast is hilarious (spoiler: it's Luke!).  Lorelai is pregnant (spoiler: with twins!).  Ah, it was all just a dream.  Rory is in DC.  She's trying to write to Jess but can't find the words.  Paris did not have sexual relations with that woman.  "I'm so glad I only have one more day here."

2.  Haunted Leg -- FND.  Emily is upset about Christopher.  Lorelai refuses to talk about it.  Rory tries to make small talk.  Shauna Christy shot her husband thirty-five times.  At least she had a husband to kill.  "This is nice, isn't it?"

7.  They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? -- Luke's.  Lorelai is trying to find someone to be her dance partner for the 24-hour dance marathon.  She tells the story - again - of how close she was last year to winning, before Kirk enticed her partner Henry 'Ho-Ho' McAphie III with a hot apple pie from McDonald's.  "How many people heard me say 'I know the story'?"

8.  Let the Games Begin -- Girls try to walk to Luke's after being up all night in the 24-hour dance marathon.  They sit on a hay bale to take a break.  Rory wonders why she stayed up all night dancing.  "Because I asked you to." "And that worked?" "At the time. I don’t expect it to again."

9.  A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving -- Crap Shack.  Girls are watching Grey Gardens.  "Poor Edie." "Which Edie?" "Little Edie. She’s just trying to sing and her mom won’t stop talking."  The Edies are cool, and free, and happy, and memorable.  "Add a few years and they're us."

10.  That'll Do, Pig -- Lorelai has agreed to let Lane and the band practice in her garage.  Lane tells the girls about having to work a booth in the winter carnival to raise money for the marching band.  "Please let it be for new uniforms."

12.  Lorelai Out of Water -- The girls are getting ready to clean out the garage.  "We're pack rats."  "We're Sanford & Son."  Lorelai tosses out Hug-a-World.  Rory is horrified.  Hug-a-World would like to see the world.  "It's moving!  I hugged it, I hugged it really tight!  I have to shower!"

13.  Dear Emily and Richard -- FND.  Rory stopped by the bookstore on the way to pick up books on touring Europe on the cheap, so she and Lorelai can plan their backpacking trip.  "You’re telling me you’re seriously going to traipse across Europe with your possessions strapped to your back and sleep in a room with thirty other people?"

14.  Swan Song -- FND.  Emily spends twenty minutes griping about Gran having moved to Hartford.   Lorelai suggests Gran get a fella.  "I think she did have a man for a time squiring her around to her biddy affairs."  Emily transitions into grilling Rory about breaking up with Dean.  "Those kinds of things are always obvious." "Yeah, I guess." "When a couple is in a relationship and then suddenly isn’t." "Right." "Right." "Is she still looking?" "Yup."

15.  Face-Off -- Luke's.  Taylor is going over - again - the arrangements with Lorelai for his family coming in for the hockey semifinals.  This is the first time the Minutemen have been in the semifinals in forty-three years.  Taylor was responsible for the game-winning goal last time.  "So the puck just ricocheted off your head and into the net?"  "Still counted."

16.  The Big One -- Crap Shack.  The girls are waiting for the mail to run in case Rory's Harvard acceptance letter has arrived.  Kirk is the slowest mail deliverer in the history of mail.  "Rita Flora - didn't she die?"  "While you were delivering her mail?"

17.  A Tale of Poes & Fire -- Luke's.  Rory is working on her pro/con lists for Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.  Kirk is selling t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something he witnessed around town.  "babette ate oatmeal"  Luke gives Rory the most awkward hug in the history of hugs.

18.  Happy Birthday, Baby -- FND.  Richard is making Johnny Machete for dinner.  "I saw an open can of cream of mushroom soup. Nothing good can come of that."  Rory shares the big news about Yale.  Emily and Richard don't react.  "That’s where you went, Dad." "You liked it, remember?"

19.  Keg! Max! -- Crap Shack, Friday night.  The girls try to figure out something to do, since they've been going to FND for the past three years and have forgotten how to have a Friday night life.  Rory calls to at least tell E&R hello.  "The Gilmore house is partying like it's 1999." "And here it's 'At Home with The 700 Club'." "Well, we didn't tell them to stop living their lives."

20.  Say Goodnight, Gracie -- Kyle's front yard.  Lorelai watches some kids clean up after the party while Rory finds Lane's backpack.  Luke has been called in, since apparently the fight that got the cops called in was between Dean and Jess, fighting over Rory.  "So not only did you go to a cop-raided party but you started the raid?  Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I would like to be."

21.  Here Comes the Son -- The girls are memorizing phrases for their trip to Europe.  "We do not need to know how to say 'Does Antonio Banderas live near here?'"  Lane comes in with brochures for the Mrs. Kim approved college she's going to be attending.  "There's a separate park for boys?" "My life is over."

22.  Those Are Strings, Pinocchio -- Luke's.  The girls drop their backpacks on the floor and leave them.  "All the time we've talked about backpacking, I never actually pictured us with backpacks." "Well, what were you picturing?" "Spry, accommodating European men with neat mustaches trailing after us, carrying our luggage, hailing taxi cabs, constantly reminding us how beautiful we are." "No, it's just the two of us humping our backpacks around."

Edited by Taryn74

9 (damn it) and 10 out!

Favorite openings Season 3

1.  Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days -- Two dozen alarm clocks go off and Lorelai is wearing a fabulous nightgown.  Someone downstairs cooking breakfast is hilarious (spoiler: it's Luke!).  Lorelai is pregnant (spoiler: with twins!).  Ah, it was all just a dream.  Rory is in DC.  She's trying to write to Jess but can't find the words.  Paris did not have sexual relations with that woman.  "I'm so glad I only have one more day here."

2.  Haunted Leg -- FND.  Emily is upset about Christopher.  Lorelai refuses to talk about it.  Rory tries to make small talk.  Shauna Christy shot her husband thirty-five times.  At least she had a husband to kill.  "This is nice, isn't it?"

7.  They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? -- Luke's.  Lorelai is trying to find someone to be her dance partner for the 24-hour dance marathon.  She tells the story - again - of how close she was last year to winning, before Kirk enticed her partner Henry 'Ho-Ho' McAphie III with a hot apple pie from McDonald's.  "How many people heard me say 'I know the story'?"

8.  Let the Games Begin -- Girls try to walk to Luke's after being up all night in the 24-hour dance marathon.  They sit on a hay bale to take a break.  Rory wonders why she stayed up all night dancing.  "Because I asked you to." "And that worked?" "At the time. I don’t expect it to again."

12.  Lorelai Out of Water -- The girls are getting ready to clean out the garage.  "We're pack rats."  "We're Sanford & Son."  Lorelai tosses out Hug-a-World.  Rory is horrified.  Hug-a-World would like to see the world.  "It's moving!  I hugged it, I hugged it really tight!  I have to shower!"

13.  Dear Emily and Richard -- FND.  Rory stopped by the bookstore on the way to pick up books on touring Europe on the cheap, so she and Lorelai can plan their backpacking trip.  "You’re telling me you’re seriously going to traipse across Europe with your possessions strapped to your back and sleep in a room with thirty other people?"

14.  Swan Song -- FND.  Emily spends twenty minutes griping about Gran having moved to Hartford.   Lorelai suggests Gran get a fella.  "I think she did have a man for a time squiring her around to her biddy affairs."  Emily transitions into grilling Rory about breaking up with Dean.  "Those kinds of things are always obvious." "Yeah, I guess." "When a couple is in a relationship and then suddenly isn’t." "Right." "Right." "Is she still looking?" "Yup."

15.  Face-Off -- Luke's.  Taylor is going over - again - the arrangements with Lorelai for his family coming in for the hockey semifinals.  This is the first time the Minutemen have been in the semifinals in forty-three years.  Taylor was responsible for the game-winning goal last time.  "So the puck just ricocheted off your head and into the net?"  "Still counted."

16.  The Big One -- Crap Shack.  The girls are waiting for the mail to run in case Rory's Harvard acceptance letter has arrived.  Kirk is the slowest mail deliverer in the history of mail.  "Rita Flora - didn't she die?"  "While you were delivering her mail?"

17.  A Tale of Poes & Fire -- Luke's.  Rory is working on her pro/con lists for Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.  Kirk is selling t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something he witnessed around town.  "babette ate oatmeal"  Luke gives Rory the most awkward hug in the history of hugs.

18.  Happy Birthday, Baby -- FND.  Richard is making Johnny Machete for dinner.  "I saw an open can of cream of mushroom soup. Nothing good can come of that."  Rory shares the big news about Yale.  Emily and Richard don't react.  "That’s where you went, Dad." "You liked it, remember?"

19.  Keg! Max! -- Crap Shack, Friday night.  The girls try to figure out something to do, since they've been going to FND for the past three years and have forgotten how to have a Friday night life.  Rory calls to at least tell E&R hello.  "The Gilmore house is partying like it's 1999." "And here it's 'At Home with The 700 Club'." "Well, we didn't tell them to stop living their lives."

20.  Say Goodnight, Gracie -- Kyle's front yard.  Lorelai watches some kids clean up after the party while Rory finds Lane's backpack.  Luke has been called in, since apparently the fight that got the cops called in was between Dean and Jess, fighting over Rory.  "So not only did you go to a cop-raided party but you started the raid?  Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I would like to be."

21.  Here Comes the Son -- The girls are memorizing phrases for their trip to Europe.  "We do not need to know how to say 'Does Antonio Banderas live near here?'"  Lane comes in with brochures for the Mrs. Kim approved college she's going to be attending.  "There's a separate park for boys?" "My life is over."

22.  Those Are Strings, Pinocchio -- Luke's.  The girls drop their backpacks on the floor and leave them.  "All the time we've talked about backpacking, I never actually pictured us with backpacks." "Well, what were you picturing?" "Spry, accommodating European men with neat mustaches trailing after us, carrying our luggage, hailing taxi cabs, constantly reminding us how beautiful we are." "No, it's just the two of us humping our backpacks around."

13, 14 out!

Favorite openings Season 3

1.  Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days -- Two dozen alarm clocks go off and Lorelai is wearing a fabulous nightgown.  Someone downstairs cooking breakfast is hilarious (spoiler: it's Luke!).  Lorelai is pregnant (spoiler: with twins!).  Ah, it was all just a dream.  Rory is in DC.  She's trying to write to Jess but can't find the words.  Paris did not have sexual relations with that woman.  "I'm so glad I only have one more day here."

2.  Haunted Leg -- FND.  Emily is upset about Christopher.  Lorelai refuses to talk about it.  Rory tries to make small talk.  Shauna Christy shot her husband thirty-five times.  At least she had a husband to kill.  "This is nice, isn't it?"

7.  They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? -- Luke's.  Lorelai is trying to find someone to be her dance partner for the 24-hour dance marathon.  She tells the story - again - of how close she was last year to winning, before Kirk enticed her partner Henry 'Ho-Ho' McAphie III with a hot apple pie from McDonald's.  "How many people heard me say 'I know the story'?"

8.  Let the Games Begin -- Girls try to walk to Luke's after being up all night in the 24-hour dance marathon.  They sit on a hay bale to take a break.  Rory wonders why she stayed up all night dancing.  "Because I asked you to." "And that worked?" "At the time. I don’t expect it to again."

12.  Lorelai Out of Water -- The girls are getting ready to clean out the garage.  "We're pack rats."  "We're Sanford & Son."  Lorelai tosses out Hug-a-World.  Rory is horrified.  Hug-a-World would like to see the world.  "It's moving!  I hugged it, I hugged it really tight!  I have to shower!"

15.  Face-Off -- Luke's.  Taylor is going over - again - the arrangements with Lorelai for his family coming in for the hockey semifinals.  This is the first time the Minutemen have been in the semifinals in forty-three years.  Taylor was responsible for the game-winning goal last time.  "So the puck just ricocheted off your head and into the net?"  "Still counted."

16.  The Big One -- Crap Shack.  The girls are waiting for the mail to run in case Rory's Harvard acceptance letter has arrived.  Kirk is the slowest mail deliverer in the history of mail.  "Rita Flora - didn't she die?"  "While you were delivering her mail?"

17.  A Tale of Poes & Fire -- Luke's.  Rory is working on her pro/con lists for Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.  Kirk is selling t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something he witnessed around town.  "babette ate oatmeal"  Luke gives Rory the most awkward hug in the history of hugs.

18.  Happy Birthday, Baby -- FND.  Richard is making Johnny Machete for dinner.  "I saw an open can of cream of mushroom soup. Nothing good can come of that."  Rory shares the big news about Yale.  Emily and Richard don't react.  "That’s where you went, Dad." "You liked it, remember?"

19.  Keg! Max! -- Crap Shack, Friday night.  The girls try to figure out something to do, since they've been going to FND for the past three years and have forgotten how to have a Friday night life.  Rory calls to at least tell E&R hello.  "The Gilmore house is partying like it's 1999." "And here it's 'At Home with The 700 Club'." "Well, we didn't tell them to stop living their lives."

20.  Say Goodnight, Gracie -- Kyle's front yard.  Lorelai watches some kids clean up after the party while Rory finds Lane's backpack.  Luke has been called in, since apparently the fight that got the cops called in was between Dean and Jess, fighting over Rory.  "So not only did you go to a cop-raided party but you started the raid?  Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I would like to be."

21.  Here Comes the Son -- The girls are memorizing phrases for their trip to Europe.  "We do not need to know how to say 'Does Antonio Banderas live near here?'"  Lane comes in with brochures for the Mrs. Kim approved college she's going to be attending.  "There's a separate park for boys?" "My life is over."

22.  Those Are Strings, Pinocchio -- Luke's.  The girls drop their backpacks on the floor and leave them.  "All the time we've talked about backpacking, I never actually pictured us with backpacks." "Well, what were you picturing?" "Spry, accommodating European men with neat mustaches trailing after us, carrying our luggage, hailing taxi cabs, constantly reminding us how beautiful we are." "No, it's just the two of us humping our backpacks around."

16, 19 gone!

Favorite openings Season 3

1.  Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days -- Two dozen alarm clocks go off and Lorelai is wearing a fabulous nightgown.  Someone downstairs cooking breakfast is hilarious (spoiler: it's Luke!).  Lorelai is pregnant (spoiler: with twins!).  Ah, it was all just a dream.  Rory is in DC.  She's trying to write to Jess but can't find the words.  Paris did not have sexual relations with that woman.  "I'm so glad I only have one more day here."

2.  Haunted Leg -- FND.  Emily is upset about Christopher.  Lorelai refuses to talk about it.  Rory tries to make small talk.  Shauna Christy shot her husband thirty-five times.  At least she had a husband to kill.  "This is nice, isn't it?"

7.  They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They? -- Luke's.  Lorelai is trying to find someone to be her dance partner for the 24-hour dance marathon.  She tells the story - again - of how close she was last year to winning, before Kirk enticed her partner Henry 'Ho-Ho' McAphie III with a hot apple pie from McDonald's.  "How many people heard me say 'I know the story'?"

8.  Let the Games Begin -- Girls try to walk to Luke's after being up all night in the 24-hour dance marathon.  They sit on a hay bale to take a break.  Rory wonders why she stayed up all night dancing.  "Because I asked you to." "And that worked?" "At the time. I don’t expect it to again."

12.  Lorelai Out of Water -- The girls are getting ready to clean out the garage.  "We're pack rats."  "We're Sanford & Son."  Lorelai tosses out Hug-a-World.  Rory is horrified.  Hug-a-World would like to see the world.  "It's moving!  I hugged it, I hugged it really tight!  I have to shower!"

15.  Face-Off -- Luke's.  Taylor is going over - again - the arrangements with Lorelai for his family coming in for the hockey semifinals.  This is the first time the Minutemen have been in the semifinals in forty-three years.  Taylor was responsible for the game-winning goal last time.  "So the puck just ricocheted off your head and into the net?"  "Still counted."

17.  A Tale of Poes & Fire -- Luke's.  Rory is working on her pro/con lists for Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.  Kirk is selling t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something he witnessed around town.  "babette ate oatmeal"  Luke gives Rory the most awkward hug in the history of hugs.

18.  Happy Birthday, Baby -- FND.  Richard is making Johnny Machete for dinner.  "I saw an open can of cream of mushroom soup. Nothing good can come of that."  Rory shares the big news about Yale.  Emily and Richard don't react.  "That’s where you went, Dad." "You liked it, remember?"

20.  Say Goodnight, Gracie -- Kyle's front yard.  Lorelai watches some kids clean up after the party while Rory finds Lane's backpack.  Luke has been called in, since apparently the fight that got the cops called in was between Dean and Jess, fighting over Rory.  "So not only did you go to a cop-raided party but you started the raid?  Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I would like to be."

21.  Here Comes the Son -- The girls are memorizing phrases for their trip to Europe.  "We do not need to know how to say 'Does Antonio Banderas live near here?'"  Lane comes in with brochures for the Mrs. Kim approved college she's going to be attending.  "There's a separate park for boys?" "My life is over."

22.  Those Are Strings, Pinocchio -- Luke's.  The girls drop their backpacks on the floor and leave them.  "All the time we've talked about backpacking, I never actually pictured us with backpacks." "Well, what were you picturing?" "Spry, accommodating European men with neat mustaches trailing after us, carrying our luggage, hailing taxi cabs, constantly reminding us how beautiful we are." "No, it's just the two of us humping our backpacks around."

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