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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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I think this is the first time it's been a unanimous vote in a while!  1 is out!


3.  Jason and Lorelai have to pretend to be dating - while hiding that they really are dating - at the Rare Manuscripts Acquisition Fundraiser, because Lorelai didn't know to bring a man.  "So who else is joining us?" "No one. We brought one of Richard's coats to hang over the chair."  (Nag Hammadi)

10.  Luke and Lorelai have their first real date at Sniffy's.  He knows the owners.  "No, no, no garlic. I mean, give the boy a chance."  Lorelai reads the entire back of the menu and Luke declares he is all in.  (WitS)

11.  Luke and Lorelai's first kiss.  "Will you just stand still?"  (R&R)

12.  Luke stays up all night sewing a tarp to salvage Rory's going-away party.  "I just . . . like to see you happy."  (BV)

We're down to all Luke moments!  Still voting OUT.

10.  Luke and Lorelai have their first real date at Sniffy's.  He knows the owners.  "No, no, no garlic. I mean, give the boy a chance."  Lorelai reads the entire back of the menu and Luke declares he is all in.  (WitS)

11.  Luke and Lorelai's first kiss.  "Will you just stand still?"  (R&R)

12.  Luke stays up all night sewing a tarp to salvage Rory's going-away party.  "I just . . . like to see you happy."  (BV)

So ya'll left me to decide between 11 and 12.  Thanks, guys.  >_<  Just kidding.  

I'm voting out 11.  As much of a JJ I am, and as much as I LOVE their first kiss, 12 is just the epitome of why I love Luke Danes, and I think it's the epitome of why Lorelai ultimately does too.  So it stays one more round.

So, time to vote FOR the one you want to WIN!


10.  Luke and Lorelai have their first real date at Sniffy's.  He knows the owners.  "No, no, no garlic. I mean, give the boy a chance."  Lorelai reads the entire back of the menu and Luke declares he is all in.  (WitS)

12.  Luke stays up all night sewing a tarp to salvage Rory's going-away party.  "I just . . . like to see you happy."  (BV)

1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

12 to win.  Great (almost) last line and I wish they had left it at that instead of tainting the whole series with that abysmal AYITL joke.

Agreed and agreed. 

12 to win. 

It fit so perfectly with Luke quietly working in the background of the diner, while the girls chat at a table. Same opening ender, same finale ender. Perfection. 

  • Love 3

Our winner!  No surprise that a Luke moment won out of all of Lorelai's guys, though I wouldn't have pegged this scene as the ultimate winner.  I'm not complaining, though!  I love it!

Luke stays up all night sewing a tarp to salvage Rory's going-away party.  "I just . . . like to see you happy."  (BV)


So I guess now we do the same game for Rory?  Start listing scenes!  Let's try to come up with 10 - 12 each for Dean, Jess, and Logan.  (I'm really intrigued to see what comes out on top for this one, since I pretty much hate Dean but admit that he has some good moments, love Jess but admit that he has some not-so-good moments, and waffle back and forth on Logan altogether.)

  • Love 2

Dean gave Rory the bracelet on her birthday

Dean built her a car

Dean and Rory go to her dance together

Jess and Rory use the kid code and meet up at the gas station. They share their first kiss

Jess outbids Dean and ends up on the picnic with Rory

Logan goes to the hospital to help out Rory when Richard has the heart attack

Logan and Rory are the hosts to Lorelai and Luke at Martha's Vineyard. He makes a great lobster

Logan stays and helps Rory get the paper out. 

Dean builds Rory a car (and asks her Grandpa to dance). 

Jess looks up how far Yale is from Star's Hollow. 

When Jess turns the sprinklers back on so Dean can "save" her instead. 

Logan sending Rory the rocket. 

Dean watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Rory and Lorelai

When Jess and Rory are supposed to be studying and are trying to guess lyrics to a Clash song instead. 

Rory visits Jess in NY and practices her withering stare. 

Logan being there for Rory when Richard was in the hospital. 

Jess calls Rory out on dropping out of Yale. 

Dean makes the Rosemary's Baby reference when he and Rory first meet (back before they turned him into an ignorant dullard). 

Rory's "I love you, you idiot" moment with Dean. 

-Dean kisses Rory and she shoplifts.

-Rory brings Dean rocky road cookies and they discuss literature. He needs to read Jane Austen and she needs to read Hunter Thompson.

-Dean escorts Rory to her coming out ball.

-Dean gets fed up and breaks up with Rory at the marathon "everyone can see Rory"! (I know this isn't "romantic", but this moment gives me so much relief)

-Rory runs into Dean at Doose's in the revival. He's happily married and moved on.  She tells him about her book and that he taught her what being safe feels like. 

-Jess hijacks Rory's carriage ride at the Bracebridge dinner

-Jess crashes Sookie's wedding to see Rory and they kiss. 

-Jess gives Rory back the copy of Howl that he stole, complete with notes in the margin: "Goodnight, Dodger".

-Jess delivers dinner "from Luke" to Rory (and Paris) when Lorelai is out of town.

-Jess and Rory argue about takeout and movie choices in front of Lane "That's really sweet, you're like an old agoraphobic couple".

-Rory and Logan jump off the scaffolding at the L&DB event.

-Rory and Logan spend the weekend in Stars Hollow. She gives him a tour, he has late night pie with Lorelai, and they go through the Hay Bale Maze together. They're going to "factor each other in".

-Rory tells Logan that she has a crush on Richard's TA. He tells her she shouldn't feel bad about a crush. They "belong to each other"

-Logan and Rory have a fight after she writes her "let them drink cosmos" article. He calls her on her hypocrisy : "Like it or not, you're one of us". Later, she apologizes and they make up: "You don't have to approve of everything I do" "We're complimenting each other now"? "If you'll let me".

-Logan goes to Lorelai to ask for her permission to propose to Rory.


1.  Dean gives Rory a handmade bracelet on her birthday and they hold hands.  "I bought the medallion and I just cut some leather straps and drilled a hole, and . . . well, you like it?"  (RBP)

2.  Dean built Rory a car.  "Whatcha doin’?" "Just standing here." "Next to?" "A car. Your car."  Richard refuses to let Rory accept it until Gypsy has inspected it - thoroughly.  (RiSH)

3.  Dean and Rory go to her Chilton formal.  Louise tries to hit on Dean and he and Tristan get into a fight.  (RBP)

4.  Dean comes over to hang out with Rory and Lorelai for the first time.  They watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Lorelai grills Dean while Rory is out of the room.  (Kiss and Tell)

5.  Dean and Rory meet for the first time.  She's picking up the books she dropped and he's just standing there like Ruth Gordon with the tannis root.  "Rosemary's Baby.  It's a great movie.  You've got good taste."  (Pilot)

6.  Dean shows up at Chilton and sees Rory talking to Tristan.  Dean gets angry, Rory tells him not to leave.  "Because I love you, you idiot."  (LDaT)

7.  Dean tricks Rory by hiding a can of soda behind his back and kisses her.  She says thank you and runs out of the store, shoplifting a box of corn starch.  (KaT)

8.  Rory brings Dean a bag of Rocky Road cookies and they discuss literature.  He read Jane Austen so now she needs to read Hunter Thompson.  (L&W&S)

9.  Dean is Rory's escort at her debutante ball.  He has to wear a tux with tails and white gloves.  (PLG)

10.  Dean finally gets fed up with Rory's obsession with Jess and breaks up with her at the dance marathon.  "Everyone can see, Rory! Everyone. And I’m tired, but I’m over it, so go ahead, go. Be together. There’s nothing standing in your way now, ‘cause I’m out."  (TSGDT)

11.  Rory runs into Dean in Doose's Market and finds out he's happily married with kids.  She tells him about the book she's writing and that he taught her what being safe feels like.  (Revival)



1.  Jess and Rory use the kid code to meet up at the gas station after hours.  They have their first real kiss.  "Well, whatever else happens between us, at least we know that part works."  (LtGB)

2.  Jess outbids Dean at the bid-a-basket fundraiser and goes on the picnic with Rory.  They discuss literature and Rory tricks Jess into eating the gross food she packed.  "Dean never would have fallen for that."  (A'T A'T)

3.  Jess knows exactly how far it is from Stars Hollow to Yale - 22.8 miles.  "You looked it up?"  "I just hit a couple buttons on the computer."  "You looked it up."  (HBB)

4.  Rory can't get the sprinklers to turn off and Dean isn't answering his pager.  Jess helps her out but then turns them back on when Dean finally answers.  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5.  Rory comes over to tutor Jess but he wastes time with magic tricks and lyrics to Clash songs.  They go out for ice cream because Luke doesn't have cones.  (TMT)

6.  Rory makes an impromptu trip to New York to see Jess and finds him sitting on a park bench reading.  "You hungry?  I know a place."  She calls NYC The Big Apple and tells a story about her withering stare.  (LGD)

7.  Jess finds out Rory has dropped out of Yale and calls her out on the spoiled richie rich life she's been living.  "It's not complicated!  This isn't you."  (Balalaikas)

8.  Jess joins Rory on the sleigh ride and they talk about him not going home for Christmas break, what she sees in Dean, and the snowman building contest.  " [Yours] definitely has the most personality. Kind of looks like Bjork." "That's what we were going for!"  (TBD)

9.  Jess shows up at Sookie's wedding and he and Rory kiss.  "Don't say a word.  I have to go."  (ICGS)

10.  Jess gives back the copy of Howl he took out of Rory's room, complete with notes he added in the margins.  "Goodnight, Dodger."  (N&N, S&N)

11.  Jess brings over a ton of food when Rory is home alone and lies that Luke sent it.  He, Rory, and Paris spend the evening eating and discussing literature and pop culture.  (TTR)

12.  Jess and Rory argue about takeout and movie choices in front of Lane.  "That's really sweet, you're like an old agoraphobic couple."  (HBB)



1.  Logan is very supportive and helpful when Richard is in the hospital after having a heart attack.  "You came in a helicopter?"  (IRBIP)

2.  Logan and Rory play host to Lorelai and Luke at Martha's Vineyard.  Logan makes a great lobster.  (AVV)

3.  Logan helps get the Yale Daily News out when Paris freaks out and won't come out of her bunker.  Rory is shocked to learn Logan types 90 words a minute.  "You really did only like me for my looks, huh?"  (FNAFF)

4.  Logan sends Rory a rocket and she spends forever trying to figure out what it means.  She finally finds a connection to a Twilight Zone episode and realizes it's a very romantic gift.  (TLM)

5.  Logan convinces Rory to jump off the scaffolding at the LDB event by pointing out all the journalists who got really involved in what they were writing about.  "Isn’t this the point of being young? It’s your choice, Ace. People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it’s one less minute you haven’t lived."  (YJIJJ)

6.  Rory and Logan spend the weekend in Stars Hollow. She gives him a tour, he has late night pie with Lorelai, and they go through the Hay Bale Maze together. They're going to "factor each other in."  (HBM)

7.  Rory admits to Logan she has a bit of a crush on Richard's TA.  He's not concerned, but she feels bad.  "Paris said that I broke you, that if I kicked you with my spurs, you wouldn't spook. Is that true?" "No, I'd definitely be a little spooked."  (Farewell, My Pet)

8.  Rory writes an article making fun of Logan's richie rich business associates  - 'Let Them Drink Cosmos' - and they have a fight about it.  She doesn't see herself as entitled the way they are.  "It's not like I live off a $5-million trust fund my parents set up for me." "Yeah well, you're not exactly paying rent, either."  Later they make up and compliment each other on their great writing, great hair, awesome teeth.  (Planetarium)

9.  Logan wants Rory to move to California with him, but as his wife, not his girlfriend.  He asks Lorelai's permission first.  She is stunned into silence.  "Lorelai? Lorelai?"  (L? L?)

One more each for Dean and Logan and we'll have enough to start voting!



1.  Dean gives Rory a handmade bracelet on her birthday and they hold hands.  "I bought the medallion and I just cut some leather straps and drilled a hole, and . . . well, you like it?"  (RBP)

2.  Dean built Rory a car.  "Whatcha doin’?" "Just standing here." "Next to?" "A car. Your car."  Richard refuses to let Rory accept it until Gypsy has inspected it - thoroughly.  (RiSH)

3.  Dean and Rory go to her Chilton formal.  Louise tries to hit on Dean and he and Tristan get into a fight.  (RBP)

4.  Dean comes over to hang out with Rory and Lorelai for the first time.  They watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Lorelai grills Dean while Rory is out of the room.  (Kiss and Tell)

5.  Dean and Rory meet for the first time.  She's picking up the books she dropped and he's just standing there like Ruth Gordon with the tannis root.  "Rosemary's Baby.  It's a great movie.  You've got good taste."  (Pilot)

6.  Dean shows up at Chilton and sees Rory talking to Tristan.  Dean gets angry, Rory tells him not to leave.  "Because I love you, you idiot."  (LDaT)

7.  Dean tricks Rory by hiding a can of soda behind his back and kisses her.  She says thank you and runs out of the store, shoplifting a box of corn starch.  (KaT)

8.  Rory brings Dean a bag of Rocky Road cookies and they discuss literature.  He read Jane Austen so now she needs to read Hunter Thompson.  (L&W&S)

9.  Dean is Rory's escort at her debutante ball.  He has to wear a tux with tails and white gloves.  (PLG)

10.  Dean finally gets fed up with Rory's obsession with Jess and breaks up with her at the dance marathon.  "Everyone can see, Rory! Everyone. And I’m tired, but I’m over it, so go ahead, go. Be together. There’s nothing standing in your way now, ‘cause I’m out."  (TSGDT)

11.  Rory runs into Dean in Doose's Market and finds out he's happily married with kids.  She tells him about the book she's writing and that he taught her what being safe feels like.  (Revival)



1.  Jess and Rory use the kid code to meet up at the gas station after hours.  They have their first real kiss.  "Well, whatever else happens between us, at least we know that part works."  (LtGB)

2.  Jess outbids Dean at the bid-a-basket fundraiser and goes on the picnic with Rory.  They discuss literature and Rory tricks Jess into eating the gross food she packed.  "Dean never would have fallen for that."  (A'T A'T)

3.  Jess knows exactly how far it is from Stars Hollow to Yale - 22.8 miles.  "You looked it up?"  "I just hit a couple buttons on the computer."  "You looked it up."  (HBB)

4.  Rory can't get the sprinklers to turn off and Dean isn't answering his pager.  Jess helps her out but then turns them back on when Dean finally answers.  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5.  Rory comes over to tutor Jess but he wastes time with magic tricks and lyrics to Clash songs.  They go out for ice cream because Luke doesn't have cones.  (TMT)

6.  Rory makes an impromptu trip to New York to see Jess and finds him sitting on a park bench reading.  "You hungry?  I know a place."  She calls NYC The Big Apple and tells a story about her withering stare.  (LGD)

7.  Jess finds out Rory has dropped out of Yale and calls her out on the spoiled richie rich life she's been living.  "It's not complicated!  This isn't you."  (Balalaikas)

8.  Jess joins Rory on the sleigh ride and they talk about him not going home for Christmas break, what she sees in Dean, and the snowman building contest.  " [Yours] definitely has the most personality. Kind of looks like Bjork." "That's what we were going for!"  (TBD)

9.  Jess shows up at Sookie's wedding and he and Rory kiss.  "Don't say a word.  I have to go."  (ICGS)

10.  Jess gives back the copy of Howl he took out of Rory's room, complete with notes he added in the margins.  "Goodnight, Dodger."  (N&N, S&N)

11.  Jess brings over a ton of food when Rory is home alone and lies that Luke sent it.  He, Rory, and Paris spend the evening eating and discussing literature and pop culture.  (TTR)

12.  Jess and Rory argue about takeout and movie choices in front of Lane.  "That's really sweet, you're like an old agoraphobic couple."  (HBB)



1.  Logan is very supportive and helpful when Richard is in the hospital after having a heart attack.  "You came in a helicopter?"  (IRBIP)

2.  Logan and Rory play host to Lorelai and Luke at Martha's Vineyard.  Logan makes a great lobster.  (AVV)

3.  Logan helps get the Yale Daily News out when Paris freaks out and won't come out of her bunker.  Rory is shocked to learn Logan types 90 words a minute.  "You really did only like me for my looks, huh?"  (FNAFF)

4.  Logan sends Rory a rocket and she spends forever trying to figure out what it means.  She finally finds a connection to a Twilight Zone episode and realizes it's a very romantic gift.  (TLM)

5.  Logan convinces Rory to jump off the scaffolding at the LDB event by pointing out all the journalists who got really involved in what they were writing about.  "Isn’t this the point of being young? It’s your choice, Ace. People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it’s one less minute you haven’t lived."  (YJIJJ)

6.  Rory and Logan spend the weekend in Stars Hollow. She gives him a tour, he has late night pie with Lorelai, and they go through the Hay Bale Maze together. They're going to "factor each other in."  (HBM)

7.  Rory admits to Logan she has a bit of a crush on Richard's TA.  He's not concerned, but she feels bad.  "Paris said that I broke you, that if I kicked you with my spurs, you wouldn't spook. Is that true?" "No, I'd definitely be a little spooked."  (Farewell, My Pet)

8.  Rory writes an article making fun of Logan's richie rich business associates  - 'Let Them Drink Cosmos' - and they have a fight about it.  She doesn't see herself as entitled the way they are.  "It's not like I live off a $5-million trust fund my parents set up for me." "Yeah well, you're not exactly paying rent, either."  Later they make up and compliment each other on their great writing, great hair, awesome teeth.  (Planetarium)

9.  Logan wants Rory to move to California with him, but as his wife, not his girlfriend.  He asks Lorelai's permission first.  She is stunned into silence.  "Lorelai? Lorelai?"  (L? L?)

10.  Logan proposes to Rory in front of her grandparents, parents, and her Yale graduation party guests.  She realizes she's not ready to be married.  "Logan… I'm sorry… I can't. I love you. You know how much I love you. I love the idea of being married to you... but... there are just a lot of things right now in my life that are undecided. And that used to scare me, but now I-I kind of like the idea that...it’s just all kind of...wide open. And if I married you, it just wouldn't be."  (UtB)

11.  Logan gives Rory a Birkin bag.  She has no idea what it is.  "Uh, this is not a computer cord kind of purse, Ace. You know what, why don't you just call my sister, she'll fill you in."  (Dollhouse)


Time to start voting!  Vote out one scene for each guy.


1.  Dean gives Rory a handmade bracelet on her birthday and they hold hands.  "I bought the medallion and I just cut some leather straps and drilled a hole, and . . . well, you like it?"  (RBP)

2.  Dean built Rory a car.  "Whatcha doin’?" "Just standing here." "Next to?" "A car. Your car."  Richard refuses to let Rory accept it until Gypsy has inspected it - thoroughly.  (RiSH)

3.  Dean and Rory go to her Chilton formal.  Louise tries to hit on Dean and he and Tristan get into a fight.  (RBP)

4.  Dean comes over to hang out with Rory and Lorelai for the first time.  They watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Lorelai grills Dean while Rory is out of the room.  (Kiss and Tell)

5.  Dean and Rory meet for the first time.  She's picking up the books she dropped and he's just standing there like Ruth Gordon with the tannis root.  "Rosemary's Baby.  It's a great movie.  You've got good taste."  (Pilot)

6.  Dean shows up at Chilton and sees Rory talking to Tristan.  Dean gets angry, Rory tells him not to leave.  "Because I love you, you idiot."  (LDaT)

7.  Dean tricks Rory by hiding a can of soda behind his back and kisses her.  She says thank you and runs out of the store, shoplifting a box of corn starch.  (KaT)

8.  Rory brings Dean a bag of Rocky Road cookies and they discuss literature.  He read Jane Austen so now she needs to read Hunter Thompson.  (L&W&S)

9.  Dean is Rory's escort at her debutante ball.  He has to wear a tux with tails and white gloves.  (PLG)

10.  Dean finally gets fed up with Rory's obsession with Jess and breaks up with her at the dance marathon.  "Everyone can see, Rory! Everyone. And I’m tired, but I’m over it, so go ahead, go. Be together. There’s nothing standing in your way now, ‘cause I’m out."  (TSGDT)

11.  Rory runs into Dean in Doose's Market and finds out he's happily married with kids.  She tells him about the book she's writing and that he taught her what being safe feels like.  (Revival)

12.  Dean jumps onto the bus, startles Rory when he sits behind her and says hi, and then gets off after one stop.  "Goodbye, Lorelai Gilmore."  (Cinnamon's Wake)

13.  Dean comes over for the first time after he and Rory broke up and then got back together.  They watch the Joan and Melissa Rivers Story and Lorelai cons him into changing out the water jug.  (Sadie, Sadie)



1.  Jess and Rory use the kid code to meet up at the gas station after hours.  They have their first real kiss.  "Well, whatever else happens between us, at least we know that part works."  (LtGB)

2.  Jess outbids Dean at the bid-a-basket fundraiser and goes on the picnic with Rory.  They discuss literature and Rory tricks Jess into eating the gross food she packed.  "Dean never would have fallen for that."  (A'T A'T)

3.  Jess knows exactly how far it is from Stars Hollow to Yale - 22.8 miles.  "You looked it up?"  "I just hit a couple buttons on the computer."  "You looked it up."  (HBB)

4.  Rory can't get the sprinklers to turn off and Dean isn't answering his pager.  Jess helps her out but then turns them back on when Dean finally answers.  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5.  Rory comes over to tutor Jess but he wastes time with magic tricks and lyrics to Clash songs.  They go out for ice cream because Luke doesn't have cones.  (TMT)

6.  Rory makes an impromptu trip to New York to see Jess and finds him sitting on a park bench reading.  "You hungry?  I know a place."  She calls NYC The Big Apple and tells a story about her withering stare.  (LGD)

7.  Jess finds out Rory has dropped out of Yale and calls her out on the spoiled richie rich life she's been living.  "It's not complicated!  This isn't you."  (Balalaikas)

8.  Jess joins Rory on the sleigh ride and they talk about him not going home for Christmas break, what she sees in Dean, and the snowman building contest.  " [Yours] definitely has the most personality. Kind of looks like Bjork." "That's what we were going for!"  (TBD)

9.  Jess shows up at Sookie's wedding and he and Rory kiss.  "Don't say a word.  I have to go."  (ICGS)

10.  Jess gives back the copy of Howl he took out of Rory's room, complete with notes he added in the margins.  "Goodnight, Dodger."  (N&N, S&N)

11.  Jess brings over a ton of food when Rory is home alone and lies that Luke sent it.  He, Rory, and Paris spend the evening eating and discussing literature and pop culture.  (TTR)

12.  Jess and Rory argue about takeout and movie choices in front of Lane.  "That's really sweet, you're like an old agoraphobic couple."  (HBB)

13.  Rory runs into Jess at Doose's for the first time after she got back from DC.  She is jealous that he's with Shane, even though she's still with Dean and didn't contact him all summer.  "Did you call me at all? Did you send me a letter? Postcard? Smoke signal? A nice fruit basket?"  (Lazy Hazy)



1.  Logan is very supportive and helpful when Richard is in the hospital after having a heart attack.  "You came in a helicopter?"  (IRBIP)

2.  Logan and Rory play host to Lorelai and Luke at Martha's Vineyard.  Logan makes a great lobster.  (AVV)

3.  Logan helps get the Yale Daily News out when Paris freaks out and won't come out of her bunker.  Rory is shocked to learn Logan types 90 words a minute.  "You really did only like me for my looks, huh?"  (FNAFF)

4.  Logan sends Rory a rocket and she spends forever trying to figure out what it means.  She finally finds a connection to a Twilight Zone episode and realizes it's a very romantic gift.  (TLM)

5.  Logan convinces Rory to jump off the scaffolding at the LDB event by pointing out all the journalists who got really involved in what they were writing about.  "Isn’t this the point of being young? It’s your choice, Ace. People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it’s one less minute you haven’t lived."  (YJIJJ)

6.  Rory and Logan spend the weekend in Stars Hollow. She gives him a tour, he has late night pie with Lorelai, and they go through the Hay Bale Maze together. They're going to "factor each other in."  (HBM)

7.  Rory admits to Logan she has a bit of a crush on Richard's TA.  He's not concerned, but she feels bad.  "Paris said that I broke you, that if I kicked you with my spurs, you wouldn't spook. Is that true?" "No, I'd definitely be a little spooked."  (Farewell, My Pet)

8.  Rory writes an article making fun of Logan's richie rich business associates  - 'Let Them Drink Cosmos' - and they have a fight about it.  She doesn't see herself as entitled the way they are.  "It's not like I live off a $5-million trust fund my parents set up for me." "Yeah well, you're not exactly paying rent, either."  Later they make up and compliment each other on their great writing, great hair, awesome teeth.  (Planetarium)

9.  Logan wants Rory to move to California with him, but as his wife, not his girlfriend.  He asks Lorelai's permission first.  She is stunned into silence.  "Lorelai? Lorelai?"  (L? L?)

10.  Logan proposes to Rory in front of her grandparents, parents, and her Yale graduation party guests.  She realizes she's not ready to be married.  "Logan… I'm sorry… I can't. I love you. You know how much I love you. I love the idea of being married to you... but... there are just a lot of things right now in my life that are undecided. And that used to scare me, but now I-I kind of like the idea that...it’s just all kind of...wide open. And if I married you, it just wouldn't be."  (UtB)

11.  Logan gives Rory a Birkin bag.  She has no idea what it is.  "Uh, this is not a computer cord kind of purse, Ace. You know what, why don't you just call my sister, she'll fill you in."  (Dollhouse)

12.  Rory gets the call that Lorelai and Luke have broken up and freaks out because her car is in the shop for maintenance.  Logan tells her to take his car and driver and go.  (SS)

13.  Logan runs into Rory at the library while she's giving Anna a tour of Yale.  "I'm sorry, did I just see you smell that book?" (Pushkin)

Edited by Taryn74
Thought of some more I wanted to add

Dean 13, Jess 13, and with my vote, Logan 2 are out.  (I hate everything about AVV, even though I wish I could like the cute R/L parts and the first scripted L/L ILY.  AVV is just such a horrid mess that I can't.)


1.  Dean gives Rory a handmade bracelet on her birthday and they hold hands.  "I bought the medallion and I just cut some leather straps and drilled a hole, and . . . well, you like it?"  (RBP)

2.  Dean built Rory a car.  "Whatcha doin’?" "Just standing here." "Next to?" "A car. Your car."  Richard refuses to let Rory accept it until Gypsy has inspected it - thoroughly.  (RiSH)

3.  Dean and Rory go to her Chilton formal.  Louise tries to hit on Dean and he and Tristan get into a fight.  (RBP)

4.  Dean comes over to hang out with Rory and Lorelai for the first time.  They watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Lorelai grills Dean while Rory is out of the room.  (Kiss and Tell)

5.  Dean and Rory meet for the first time.  She's picking up the books she dropped and he's just standing there like Ruth Gordon with the tannis root.  "Rosemary's Baby.  It's a great movie.  You've got good taste."  (Pilot)

6.  Dean shows up at Chilton and sees Rory talking to Tristan.  Dean gets angry, Rory tells him not to leave.  "Because I love you, you idiot."  (LDaT)

7.  Dean tricks Rory by hiding a can of soda behind his back and kisses her.  She says thank you and runs out of the store, shoplifting a box of corn starch.  (KaT)

8.  Rory brings Dean a bag of Rocky Road cookies and they discuss literature.  He read Jane Austen so now she needs to read Hunter Thompson.  (L&W&S)

9.  Dean is Rory's escort at her debutante ball.  He has to wear a tux with tails and white gloves.  (PLG)

10.  Dean finally gets fed up with Rory's obsession with Jess and breaks up with her at the dance marathon.  "Everyone can see, Rory! Everyone. And I’m tired, but I’m over it, so go ahead, go. Be together. There’s nothing standing in your way now, ‘cause I’m out."  (TSGDT)

11.  Rory runs into Dean in Doose's Market and finds out he's happily married with kids.  She tells him about the book she's writing and that he taught her what being safe feels like.  (Revival)

12.  Dean jumps onto the bus, startles Rory when he sits behind her and says hi, and then gets off after one stop.  "Goodbye, Lorelai Gilmore."  (Cinnamon's Wake)



1.  Jess and Rory use the kid code to meet up at the gas station after hours.  They have their first real kiss.  "Well, whatever else happens between us, at least we know that part works."  (LtGB)

2.  Jess outbids Dean at the bid-a-basket fundraiser and goes on the picnic with Rory.  They discuss literature and Rory tricks Jess into eating the gross food she packed.  "Dean never would have fallen for that."  (A'T A'T)

3.  Jess knows exactly how far it is from Stars Hollow to Yale - 22.8 miles.  "You looked it up?"  "I just hit a couple buttons on the computer."  "You looked it up."  (HBB)

4.  Rory can't get the sprinklers to turn off and Dean isn't answering his pager.  Jess helps her out but then turns them back on when Dean finally answers.  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5.  Rory comes over to tutor Jess but he wastes time with magic tricks and lyrics to Clash songs.  They go out for ice cream because Luke doesn't have cones.  (TMT)

6.  Rory makes an impromptu trip to New York to see Jess and finds him sitting on a park bench reading.  "You hungry?  I know a place."  She calls NYC The Big Apple and tells a story about her withering stare.  (LGD)

7.  Jess finds out Rory has dropped out of Yale and calls her out on the spoiled richie rich life she's been living.  "It's not complicated!  This isn't you."  (Balalaikas)

8.  Jess joins Rory on the sleigh ride and they talk about him not going home for Christmas break, what she sees in Dean, and the snowman building contest.  " [Yours] definitely has the most personality. Kind of looks like Bjork." "That's what we were going for!"  (TBD)

9.  Jess shows up at Sookie's wedding and he and Rory kiss.  "Don't say a word.  I have to go."  (ICGS)

10.  Jess gives back the copy of Howl he took out of Rory's room, complete with notes he added in the margins.  "Goodnight, Dodger."  (N&N, S&N)

11.  Jess brings over a ton of food when Rory is home alone and lies that Luke sent it.  He, Rory, and Paris spend the evening eating and discussing literature and pop culture.  (TTR)

12.  Jess and Rory argue about takeout and movie choices in front of Lane.  "That's really sweet, you're like an old agoraphobic couple."  (HBB)



1.  Logan is very supportive and helpful when Richard is in the hospital after having a heart attack.  "You came in a helicopter?"  (IRBIP)

3.  Logan helps get the Yale Daily News out when Paris freaks out and won't come out of her bunker.  Rory is shocked to learn Logan types 90 words a minute.  "You really did only like me for my looks, huh?"  (FNAFF)

4.  Logan sends Rory a rocket and she spends forever trying to figure out what it means.  She finally finds a connection to a Twilight Zone episode and realizes it's a very romantic gift.  (TLM)

5.  Logan convinces Rory to jump off the scaffolding at the LDB event by pointing out all the journalists who got really involved in what they were writing about.  "Isn’t this the point of being young? It’s your choice, Ace. People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it’s one less minute you haven’t lived."  (YJIJJ)

6.  Rory and Logan spend the weekend in Stars Hollow. She gives him a tour, he has late night pie with Lorelai, and they go through the Hay Bale Maze together. They're going to "factor each other in."  (HBM)

7.  Rory admits to Logan she has a bit of a crush on Richard's TA.  He's not concerned, but she feels bad.  "Paris said that I broke you, that if I kicked you with my spurs, you wouldn't spook. Is that true?" "No, I'd definitely be a little spooked."  (Farewell, My Pet)

8.  Rory writes an article making fun of Logan's richie rich business associates  - 'Let Them Drink Cosmos' - and they have a fight about it.  She doesn't see herself as entitled the way they are.  "It's not like I live off a $5-million trust fund my parents set up for me." "Yeah well, you're not exactly paying rent, either."  Later they make up and compliment each other on their great writing, great hair, awesome teeth.  (Planetarium)

9.  Logan wants Rory to move to California with him, but as his wife, not his girlfriend.  He asks Lorelai's permission first.  She is stunned into silence.  "Lorelai? Lorelai?"  (L? L?)

10.  Logan proposes to Rory in front of her grandparents, parents, and her Yale graduation party guests.  She realizes she's not ready to be married.  "Logan… I'm sorry… I can't. I love you. You know how much I love you. I love the idea of being married to you... but... there are just a lot of things right now in my life that are undecided. And that used to scare me, but now I-I kind of like the idea that...it’s just all kind of...wide open. And if I married you, it just wouldn't be."  (UtB)

11.  Logan gives Rory a Birkin bag.  She has no idea what it is.  "Uh, this is not a computer cord kind of purse, Ace. You know what, why don't you just call my sister, she'll fill you in."  (Dollhouse)

12.  Rory gets the call that Lorelai and Luke have broken up and freaks out because her car is in the shop for maintenance.  Logan tells her to take his car and driver and go.  (SS)

13.  Logan runs into Rory at the library while she's giving Anna a tour of Yale.  "I'm sorry, did I just see you smell that book?" (Pushkin)

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

 (I hate everything about AVV, even though I wish I could like the cute R/L parts and the first scripted L/L ILY.  AVV is just such a horrid mess that I can't.)


This is definitely a fair reason to vote 2 out, in my book.

Dean-3. I actually like a lot about Dean and Rory in this episode, (The way Dean blows off Louise, The "are you my boyfriend"? talk, and the scene of them falling asleep at Miss Patty's is really sweet and visually it's pretty...until it's not, of course), but there are equal amounts that I don't like, particularly his behavior with Tristan.

Jess-5. Kind of similar to above, there are equal parts I like and don't like about this interaction.

Logan-10. I'm not saying I'm unhappy that Rory said no, I just felt like this was a weird turn after how well things were going in S7 and it's just unpleasant to watch.

  • Love 1

Dean 10, Jess 2, Logan 8 out


1.  Dean gives Rory a handmade bracelet on her birthday and they hold hands.  "I bought the medallion and I just cut some leather straps and drilled a hole, and . . . well, you like it?"  (RBP)

2.  Dean built Rory a car.  "Whatcha doin’?" "Just standing here." "Next to?" "A car. Your car."  Richard refuses to let Rory accept it until Gypsy has inspected it - thoroughly.  (RiSH)

3.  Dean and Rory go to her Chilton formal.  Louise tries to hit on Dean and he and Tristan get into a fight.  (RBP)

4.  Dean comes over to hang out with Rory and Lorelai for the first time.  They watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Lorelai grills Dean while Rory is out of the room.  (Kiss and Tell)

5.  Dean and Rory meet for the first time.  She's picking up the books she dropped and he's just standing there like Ruth Gordon with the tannis root.  "Rosemary's Baby.  It's a great movie.  You've got good taste."  (Pilot)

6.  Dean shows up at Chilton and sees Rory talking to Tristan.  Dean gets angry, Rory tells him not to leave.  "Because I love you, you idiot."  (LDaT)

7.  Dean tricks Rory by hiding a can of soda behind his back and kisses her.  She says thank you and runs out of the store, shoplifting a box of corn starch.  (KaT)

8.  Rory brings Dean a bag of Rocky Road cookies and they discuss literature.  He read Jane Austen so now she needs to read Hunter Thompson.  (L&W&S)

9.  Dean is Rory's escort at her debutante ball.  He has to wear a tux with tails and white gloves.  (PLG)

11.  Rory runs into Dean in Doose's Market and finds out he's happily married with kids.  She tells him about the book she's writing and that he taught her what being safe feels like.  (Revival)

12.  Dean jumps onto the bus, startles Rory when he sits behind her and says hi, and then gets off after one stop.  "Goodbye, Lorelai Gilmore."  (Cinnamon's Wake)



1.  Jess and Rory use the kid code to meet up at the gas station after hours.  They have their first real kiss.  "Well, whatever else happens between us, at least we know that part works."  (LtGB)

3.  Jess knows exactly how far it is from Stars Hollow to Yale - 22.8 miles.  "You looked it up?"  "I just hit a couple buttons on the computer."  "You looked it up."  (HBB)

4.  Rory can't get the sprinklers to turn off and Dean isn't answering his pager.  Jess helps her out but then turns them back on when Dean finally answers.  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

5.  Rory comes over to tutor Jess but he wastes time with magic tricks and lyrics to Clash songs.  They go out for ice cream because Luke doesn't have cones.  (TMT)

6.  Rory makes an impromptu trip to New York to see Jess and finds him sitting on a park bench reading.  "You hungry?  I know a place."  She calls NYC The Big Apple and tells a story about her withering stare.  (LGD)

7.  Jess finds out Rory has dropped out of Yale and calls her out on the spoiled richie rich life she's been living.  "It's not complicated!  This isn't you."  (Balalaikas)

8.  Jess joins Rory on the sleigh ride and they talk about him not going home for Christmas break, what she sees in Dean, and the snowman building contest.  " [Yours] definitely has the most personality. Kind of looks like Bjork." "That's what we were going for!"  (TBD)

9.  Jess shows up at Sookie's wedding and he and Rory kiss.  "Don't say a word.  I have to go."  (ICGS)

10.  Jess gives back the copy of Howl he took out of Rory's room, complete with notes he added in the margins.  "Goodnight, Dodger."  (N&N, S&N)

11.  Jess brings over a ton of food when Rory is home alone and lies that Luke sent it.  He, Rory, and Paris spend the evening eating and discussing literature and pop culture.  (TTR)

12.  Jess and Rory argue about takeout and movie choices in front of Lane.  "That's really sweet, you're like an old agoraphobic couple."  (HBB)



1.  Logan is very supportive and helpful when Richard is in the hospital after having a heart attack.  "You came in a helicopter?"  (IRBIP)

3.  Logan helps get the Yale Daily News out when Paris freaks out and won't come out of her bunker.  Rory is shocked to learn Logan types 90 words a minute.  "You really did only like me for my looks, huh?"  (FNAFF)

4.  Logan sends Rory a rocket and she spends forever trying to figure out what it means.  She finally finds a connection to a Twilight Zone episode and realizes it's a very romantic gift.  (TLM)

5.  Logan convinces Rory to jump off the scaffolding at the LDB event by pointing out all the journalists who got really involved in what they were writing about.  "Isn’t this the point of being young? It’s your choice, Ace. People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it’s one less minute you haven’t lived."  (YJIJJ)

6.  Rory and Logan spend the weekend in Stars Hollow. She gives him a tour, he has late night pie with Lorelai, and they go through the Hay Bale Maze together. They're going to "factor each other in."  (HBM)

7.  Rory admits to Logan she has a bit of a crush on Richard's TA.  He's not concerned, but she feels bad.  "Paris said that I broke you, that if I kicked you with my spurs, you wouldn't spook. Is that true?" "No, I'd definitely be a little spooked."  (Farewell, My Pet)

9.  Logan wants Rory to move to California with him, but as his wife, not his girlfriend.  He asks Lorelai's permission first.  She is stunned into silence.  "Lorelai? Lorelai?"  (L? L?)

10.  Logan proposes to Rory in front of her grandparents, parents, and her Yale graduation party guests.  She realizes she's not ready to be married.  "Logan… I'm sorry… I can't. I love you. You know how much I love you. I love the idea of being married to you... but... there are just a lot of things right now in my life that are undecided. And that used to scare me, but now I-I kind of like the idea that...it’s just all kind of...wide open. And if I married you, it just wouldn't be."  (UtB)

11.  Logan gives Rory a Birkin bag.  She has no idea what it is.  "Uh, this is not a computer cord kind of purse, Ace. You know what, why don't you just call my sister, she'll fill you in."  (Dollhouse)

12.  Rory gets the call that Lorelai and Luke have broken up and freaks out because her car is in the shop for maintenance.  Logan tells her to take his car and driver and go.  (SS)

13.  Logan runs into Rory at the library while she's giving Anna a tour of Yale.  "I'm sorry, did I just see you smell that book?" (Pushkin)

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Dean - 11 (Dean is fine here, but Rory's gushing over him feels borderline inappropriate, to me.)

Yes!  Totally agree.  Not only was it inappropriate IMO to say those things to a happily married man (if she had shared her thoughts with Lane later, for example, that would have been different) but Rory's not a starry eyed 18 year old anymore.  She should have grown up enough by now to realize that no, Dean wasn't the most perfect boyfriend who ever boyfriended and let him get off that damn pedestal.


  • Love 1

Aw, man. While I understand that Jess is being a jerk in 2, my bibliophile heart can't help but love this moment:" Earnest only has lovely things to say about you"?.

You guys are right about Rory in Dean's #11, though. I was just so pleased that Dean was given a dignified exit and was the only one of Rory's three guys who seemed to have moved on that I decided to ignore Rory's behavior. I think I'll change my vote.




Edited by Bumblebee Tights
  • Love 1
On 5/7/2018 at 7:14 AM, ghoulina said:

Gah, you guys make it so hard when you agree with me! Now I gotta pick new ones. 

Ha!  I used to pick stuff nobody else was voting on just so I wouldn't have to think about what to vote on next.  >_<


Dean 11, Jess 5, and Logan 10 gone!


1.  Dean gives Rory a handmade bracelet on her birthday and they hold hands.  "I bought the medallion and I just cut some leather straps and drilled a hole, and . . . well, you like it?"  (RBP)

2.  Dean built Rory a car.  "Whatcha doin’?" "Just standing here." "Next to?" "A car. Your car."  Richard refuses to let Rory accept it until Gypsy has inspected it - thoroughly.  (RiSH)

3.  Dean and Rory go to her Chilton formal.  Louise tries to hit on Dean and he and Tristan get into a fight.  (RBP)

4.  Dean comes over to hang out with Rory and Lorelai for the first time.  They watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Lorelai grills Dean while Rory is out of the room.  (Kiss and Tell)

5.  Dean and Rory meet for the first time.  She's picking up the books she dropped and he's just standing there like Ruth Gordon with the tannis root.  "Rosemary's Baby.  It's a great movie.  You've got good taste."  (Pilot)

6.  Dean shows up at Chilton and sees Rory talking to Tristan.  Dean gets angry, Rory tells him not to leave.  "Because I love you, you idiot."  (LDaT)

7.  Dean tricks Rory by hiding a can of soda behind his back and kisses her.  She says thank you and runs out of the store, shoplifting a box of corn starch.  (KaT)

8.  Rory brings Dean a bag of Rocky Road cookies and they discuss literature.  He read Jane Austen so now she needs to read Hunter Thompson.  (L&W&S)

9.  Dean is Rory's escort at her debutante ball.  He has to wear a tux with tails and white gloves.  (PLG)

12.  Dean jumps onto the bus, startles Rory when he sits behind her and says hi, and then gets off after one stop.  "Goodbye, Lorelai Gilmore."  (Cinnamon's Wake)



1.  Jess and Rory use the kid code to meet up at the gas station after hours.  They have their first real kiss.  "Well, whatever else happens between us, at least we know that part works."  (LtGB)

3.  Jess knows exactly how far it is from Stars Hollow to Yale - 22.8 miles.  "You looked it up?"  "I just hit a couple buttons on the computer."  "You looked it up."  (HBB)

4.  Rory can't get the sprinklers to turn off and Dean isn't answering his pager.  Jess helps her out but then turns them back on when Dean finally answers.  (Eight O'Clock at the Oasis)

6.  Rory makes an impromptu trip to New York to see Jess and finds him sitting on a park bench reading.  "You hungry?  I know a place."  She calls NYC The Big Apple and tells a story about her withering stare.  (LGD)

7.  Jess finds out Rory has dropped out of Yale and calls her out on the spoiled richie rich life she's been living.  "It's not complicated!  This isn't you."  (Balalaikas)

8.  Jess joins Rory on the sleigh ride and they talk about him not going home for Christmas break, what she sees in Dean, and the snowman building contest.  " [Yours] definitely has the most personality. Kind of looks like Bjork." "That's what we were going for!"  (TBD)

9.  Jess shows up at Sookie's wedding and he and Rory kiss.  "Don't say a word.  I have to go."  (ICGS)

10.  Jess gives back the copy of Howl he took out of Rory's room, complete with notes he added in the margins.  "Goodnight, Dodger."  (N&N, S&N)

11.  Jess brings over a ton of food when Rory is home alone and lies that Luke sent it.  He, Rory, and Paris spend the evening eating and discussing literature and pop culture.  (TTR)

12.  Jess and Rory argue about takeout and movie choices in front of Lane.  "That's really sweet, you're like an old agoraphobic couple."  (HBB)



1.  Logan is very supportive and helpful when Richard is in the hospital after having a heart attack.  "You came in a helicopter?"  (IRBIP)

3.  Logan helps get the Yale Daily News out when Paris freaks out and won't come out of her bunker.  Rory is shocked to learn Logan types 90 words a minute.  "You really did only like me for my looks, huh?"  (FNAFF)

4.  Logan sends Rory a rocket and she spends forever trying to figure out what it means.  She finally finds a connection to a Twilight Zone episode and realizes it's a very romantic gift.  (TLM)

5.  Logan convinces Rory to jump off the scaffolding at the LDB event by pointing out all the journalists who got really involved in what they were writing about.  "Isn’t this the point of being young? It’s your choice, Ace. People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it’s one less minute you haven’t lived."  (YJIJJ)

6.  Rory and Logan spend the weekend in Stars Hollow. She gives him a tour, he has late night pie with Lorelai, and they go through the Hay Bale Maze together. They're going to "factor each other in."  (HBM)

7.  Rory admits to Logan she has a bit of a crush on Richard's TA.  He's not concerned, but she feels bad.  "Paris said that I broke you, that if I kicked you with my spurs, you wouldn't spook. Is that true?" "No, I'd definitely be a little spooked."  (Farewell, My Pet)

9.  Logan wants Rory to move to California with him, but as his wife, not his girlfriend.  He asks Lorelai's permission first.  She is stunned into silence.  "Lorelai? Lorelai?"  (L? L?)

11.  Logan gives Rory a Birkin bag.  She has no idea what it is.  "Uh, this is not a computer cord kind of purse, Ace. You know what, why don't you just call my sister, she'll fill you in."  (Dollhouse)

12.  Rory gets the call that Lorelai and Luke have broken up and freaks out because her car is in the shop for maintenance.  Logan tells her to take his car and driver and go.  (SS)

13.  Logan runs into Rory at the library while she's giving Anna a tour of Yale.  "I'm sorry, did I just see you smell that book?" (Pushkin)

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