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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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Gran tells Richard that Emily really loves the nuts.

Gran gives Jason a hard time about the French Antique book

Gran tells Lorelai she is hemorrhaging money with the Dragonfly

Gran tells Michel how she wants the meal timed out. Seven minutes is good for her digestion

Gran comes to Lorelai and Rory's house and checks it out

Gran and Jogging Suit Guy are kissing

Gran and Emily have a sweet (short) moment when Emily apologizes for outing her about Jogging Suit Guy

Gran and Richard have a blow up. She reminds him that she lent him money back in the day

Gran calls a halt to the high tea.  The Third Lorelai "Raising your voice during high tea, who ever heard of such a thing. It’s like Fergi all over again."

Assuming we can add posthumous moments....

Gran writes a letter to Richard warning him about marrying Emily.  The Reigning Lorelai  "She begged him to leave me at the altar! She begged him in writing, and then she saved the carbons!"

1.  Richard and Jason finally arrive at FND after keeping Emily and Gran waiting for an hour.  "Would you like a nut? They seem to be very important to your wife."  (TISL)

2.  Jason meets Gran, offers her a gift, and attempts to make polite chit-chat.   "You know, small inns and bed and breakfasts can be real money factories." "Yes, and wonderful places to put all those French antiques." (TISL)

3.  Gran sees through Lorelai's attempts to gloss over how things are going with the Dragonfly.  "You are hemorrhaging money."  (TISL)

4.  Gran has dinner at the Inn.  "Now, please take this to your chef. These are the times I would like each course to appear at this table. I like a brisk pace, twelve minutes per course is best for my digestion. However, please tell your servers that they are not to clear until everyone has finished. Thank you." "Oh, no, thank you. It is so rare that I get to carry a note anymore."  (TDP)

5.  Gran inspects the Crap Shack.  "Let’s go." "Are we moving?" "I don’t know." (TDP)

6.  Emily walks in on Gran kissing a man in a track suit.  "I wonder if he was wearing Nike’s also." " 'Just Do It' takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?"  (Face-Off)

7.  Emily apologizes for outing Gran and the Track Suit Man, they share a nice moment.  A nice, brief moment.  "I have pride, too, you know. And my husband travels and is very busy and I miss him and I’m lonely sometimes, just like you." (Face-Off)

8.  Gran blames Richard for Lorelai's money problems with the Dragonfly, the conversation escalates into an argument.  "You made that terrible investment in Dubliners Paper Corporation when you were first married. I told you not to, but you wouldn't listen, and of course, I had to step in and bail you out."  Emily helpfully reminds Richard that he paid that money back within two months.  "That's right, two months. How deep in financial ruin could I have been to get that money back to you in two months?"  (TISL)

9.  Gran rescinds her offer to give Rory early access to her inheritance money, because neither Emily nor Lorelai are mature enough to handle Rory having her own money.  "Raising your voice during high tea, who ever heard of such a thing. It’s like Fergi all over again."  (The Third Lorelai)

10.  Gran gets in one last dig from beyond the grave when Emily finds the letter she wrote to Richard the night before his and Emily's wedding.  "She begged him to leave me at the altar! She begged him in writing, and then she saved the carbons!"  (TRL)

11.  The Gilmores are having a lovely evening celebrating Richard's birthday when Gran shows up unannounced.  Emily panics.  "Come on, let’s see if she tries to make a break for it."  (TDP)

12.  Gran wants to have dinner at the Inn, but it's the same night as the winter carnival.  "Rory, you’re a young person who works hard. It’s equally important to have fun. You go to the carnival.  Lorelai, you’ve had enough fun in your life."  (TDP)

1.  Richard and Jason finally arrive at FND after keeping Emily and Gran waiting for an hour.  "Would you like a nut? They seem to be very important to your wife."  (TISL)

2.  Jason meets Gran, offers her a gift, and attempts to make polite chit-chat.   "You know, small inns and bed and breakfasts can be real money factories." "Yes, and wonderful places to put all those French antiques." (TISL)

3.  Gran sees through Lorelai's attempts to gloss over how things are going with the Dragonfly.  "You are hemorrhaging money."  (TISL)

4.  Gran has dinner at the Inn.  "Now, please take this to your chef. These are the times I would like each course to appear at this table. I like a brisk pace, twelve minutes per course is best for my digestion. However, please tell your servers that they are not to clear until everyone has finished. Thank you." "Oh, no, thank you. It is so rare that I get to carry a note anymore."  (TDP)

5.  Gran inspects the Crap Shack.  "Let’s go." "Are we moving?" "I don’t know." (TDP)

6.  Emily walks in on Gran kissing a man in a track suit.  "I wonder if he was wearing Nike’s also." " 'Just Do It' takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?"  (Face-Off)

7.  Emily apologizes for outing Gran and the Track Suit Man, they share a nice moment.  A nice, brief moment.  "I have pride, too, you know. And my husband travels and is very busy and I miss him and I’m lonely sometimes, just like you." (Face-Off)

8.  Gran blames Richard for Lorelai's money problems with the Dragonfly, the conversation escalates into an argument.  "You made that terrible investment in Dubliners Paper Corporation when you were first married. I told you not to, but you wouldn't listen, and of course, I had to step in and bail you out."  Emily helpfully reminds Richard that he paid that money back within two months.  "That's right, two months. How deep in financial ruin could I have been to get that money back to you in two months?"  (TISL)

9.  Gran rescinds her offer to give Rory early access to her inheritance money, because neither Emily nor Lorelai are mature enough to handle Rory having her own money.  "Raising your voice during high tea, who ever heard of such a thing. It’s like Fergi all over again."  (The Third Lorelai)

10.  Gran gets in one last dig from beyond the grave when Emily finds the letter she wrote to Richard the night before his and Emily's wedding.  "She begged him to leave me at the altar! She begged him in writing, and then she saved the carbons!"  (TRL)

11.  The Gilmores are having a lovely evening celebrating Richard's birthday when Gran shows up unannounced.  Emily panics.  "Come on, let’s see if she tries to make a break for it."  Gran retires to the guest room to freshen up.  "Emily, I expect to return in twenty minutes. That should give you enough time to pull my gifts out of storage and place them around the room as if they actually stand there all year."  (TDP)

12.  Gran wants to have dinner at the Inn, but it's the same night as the winter carnival.  "Rory, you’re a young person who works hard. It’s equally important to have fun. You go to the carnival.  Lorelai, you’ve had enough fun in your life."  (TDP)

13.  Gran has been renting her home in Hartford to a group of musicians who call themselves Korn.  "They were fine tenants. Took wonderful care of the place. They planted some lovely tulips in the front yard."  (TDP)

14.  Emily scrambles to find hors d'ouevres Gran likes.  "Am I supposed to eat that cheese?"  She brings out the spiced nuts but forgot something to serve them on.  "Thank you, Emily. I suppose I can just put these nuts in my hand."  (TTL)

15.  We find out Trix is still alive and is coming to visit.  "God lives in London?" "My mother lives in London."  (TTL)

16.  Lorelai has to shop for fresh underwear, otherwise Gran's going commando.  "She wanted fresh clothes, and I'm here buying her fresh clothes. So if she has a problem with the size or the strawberry print, then she can rise from the dead and come back here and yell at me herself. Because you know what, if anyone could, that tough, old, crazy, wonderful broad would be the one!"  (TRL)

Emily struggles to find something to do while Gran is in town and suggests the arboretum.  Gran graciously responds "I have no desire to spend the entire day with plants, Emily. I’m not a bee." (TDP)

While viewing paintings, one of Trix's homies is scandalized that the Picasso has 6 breasts.  "You cannot be sure if those are breasts. They could be canons. He was quite obsessed with the Spanish Civil War for awhile." Face-Off

Trix greets Lorelai after many years.  "So Lorelai, since I’ve seen you last, you’ve grown up, gotten pregnant out of wedlock, raised a child and still haven’t bothered to get married. Have I left anything out?" TTL

Trix wants to go into dinner but it's not on table and Emily responds that it's only 5 minutes late. " Only five after? Richard, in the event that I am kidnapped and a ransom is demanded at a certain time, I would prefer that Emily not be in charge of the drop off." TTL

1.  Richard and Jason finally arrive at FND after keeping Emily and Gran waiting for an hour.  "Would you like a nut? They seem to be very important to your wife."  (TISL)

2.  Jason meets Gran, offers her a gift, and attempts to make polite chit-chat.   "You know, small inns and bed and breakfasts can be real money factories." "Yes, and wonderful places to put all those French antiques." (TISL)

3.  Gran sees through Lorelai's attempts to gloss over how things are going with the Dragonfly.  "You are hemorrhaging money."  (TISL)

4.  Gran has dinner at the Inn.  "Now, please take this to your chef. These are the times I would like each course to appear at this table. I like a brisk pace, twelve minutes per course is best for my digestion. However, please tell your servers that they are not to clear until everyone has finished. Thank you." "Oh, no, thank you. It is so rare that I get to carry a note anymore."  (TDP)

5.  Gran inspects the Crap Shack.  "Let’s go." "Are we moving?" "I don’t know." (TDP)

6.  Emily walks in on Gran kissing a man in a track suit.  "I wonder if he was wearing Nike’s also." " 'Just Do It' takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?"  (Face-Off)

7.  Emily apologizes for outing Gran and the Track Suit Man, they share a nice moment.  A nice, brief moment.  "I have pride, too, you know. And my husband travels and is very busy and I miss him and I’m lonely sometimes, just like you." (Face-Off)

8.  Gran blames Richard for Lorelai's money problems with the Dragonfly, the conversation escalates into an argument.  "You made that terrible investment in Dubliners Paper Corporation when you were first married. I told you not to, but you wouldn't listen, and of course, I had to step in and bail you out."  Emily helpfully reminds Richard that he paid that money back within two months.  "That's right, two months. How deep in financial ruin could I have been to get that money back to you in two months?"  (TISL)

9.  Gran rescinds her offer to give Rory early access to her inheritance money, because neither Emily nor Lorelai are mature enough to handle Rory having her own money.  "Raising your voice during high tea, who ever heard of such a thing. It’s like Fergi all over again."  (The Third Lorelai)

10.  Gran gets in one last dig from beyond the grave when Emily finds the letter she wrote to Richard the night before his and Emily's wedding.  "She begged him to leave me at the altar! She begged him in writing, and then she saved the carbons!"  (TRL)

11.  The Gilmores are having a lovely evening celebrating Richard's birthday when Gran shows up unannounced.  Emily panics.  "Come on, let’s see if she tries to make a break for it."  Gran retires to the guest room to freshen up.  "Emily, I expect to return in twenty minutes. That should give you enough time to pull my gifts out of storage and place them around the room as if they actually stand there all year."  (TDP)

12.  Gran wants to have dinner at the Inn, but it's the same night as the winter carnival.  "Rory, you’re a young person who works hard. It’s equally important to have fun. You go to the carnival.  Lorelai, you’ve had enough fun in your life."  (TDP)

13.  Gran has been renting her home in Hartford to a group of musicians who call themselves Korn.  "They were fine tenants. Took wonderful care of the place. They planted some lovely tulips in the front yard."  (TDP)

14.  Emily scrambles to find hors d'ouevres Gran likes.  "Am I supposed to eat that cheese?"  She brings out the spiced nuts but forgot something to serve them on.  "Thank you, Emily. I suppose I can just put these nuts in my hand."  (TTL)

15.  We find out Trix is still alive and is coming to visit.  "God lives in London?" "My mother lives in London."  (TTL)

16.  Lorelai has to shop for fresh underwear, otherwise Gran's going commando.  "She wanted fresh clothes, and I'm here buying her fresh clothes. So if she has a problem with the size or the strawberry print, then she can rise from the dead and come back here and yell at me herself. Because you know what, if anyone could, that tough, old, crazy, wonderful broad would be the one!"  (TRL)

17.  Emily struggles to find something to do while Gran is in town and suggests the arboretum.  Gran graciously responds "I have no desire to spend the entire day with plants, Emily. I’m not a bee." (TDP)

18.  While viewing paintings, one of Trix's homies is scandalized that the Picasso has 6 breasts.  "You cannot be sure if those are breasts. They could be canons. He was quite obsessed with the Spanish Civil War for awhile." (Face-Off)

19.  Trix greets Lorelai after many years.  "So Lorelai, since I’ve seen you last, you’ve grown up, gotten pregnant out of wedlock, raised a child and still haven’t bothered to get married. Have I left anything out?" (TTL)

20.  Trix wants to go into dinner but it's not on table and Emily responds that it's only 5 minutes late. "Only five after? Richard, in the event that I am kidnapped and a ransom is demanded at a certain time, I would prefer that Emily not be in charge of the drop off." (TTL)

21.  Trix wonders if Lorelai is still single by choice, or if she scares the men away with her independence.  "Actually, I scare them with my Minnie Pearl impression." (TDP)

22.  Trix announces that she will be moving back into her Hartford home due to declining health, Richard assures her that they will care for her every need.  Emily asserts herself.  "When she finally got to the last bean, she cut it in six pieces. I swear, I thought Gran was gonna lunge across the table at her."  (TDP)

Ha ha ha she is a snarky old bird.


14 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Are we voting until we get the snottiest comment?  Or the least snotty?

Voting until we get to the favorite scene for whatever reason.  It could be a particularly snarky comment, or just the scene as a whole is amusing, or the storyline resonates with you for some reason, whatever floats your boat, really.


We still need just a few more before we start voting!

Does anyone have any more or are we ready to start voting?

Gran scenes

1.  Richard and Jason finally arrive at FND after keeping Emily and Gran waiting for an hour.  "Would you like a nut? They seem to be very important to your wife."  (TISL)

2.  Jason meets Gran, offers her a gift, and attempts to make polite chit-chat.   "You know, small inns and bed and breakfasts can be real money factories." "Yes, and wonderful places to put all those French antiques." (TISL)

3.  Gran sees through Lorelai's attempts to gloss over how things are going with the Dragonfly.  "You are hemorrhaging money."  (TISL)

4.  Gran has dinner at the Inn.  "Now, please take this to your chef. These are the times I would like each course to appear at this table. I like a brisk pace, twelve minutes per course is best for my digestion. However, please tell your servers that they are not to clear until everyone has finished. Thank you." "Oh, no, thank you. It is so rare that I get to carry a note anymore."  (TDP)

5.  Gran inspects the Crap Shack.  "Let’s go." "Are we moving?" "I don’t know." (TDP)

6.  Emily walks in on Gran kissing a man in a track suit.  "I wonder if he was wearing Nike’s also." " 'Just Do It' takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?"  (Face-Off)

7.  Emily apologizes for outing Gran and the Track Suit Man, they share a nice moment.  A nice, brief moment.  "I have pride, too, you know. And my husband travels and is very busy and I miss him and I’m lonely sometimes, just like you." (Face-Off)

8.  Gran blames Richard for Lorelai's money problems with the Dragonfly, the conversation escalates into an argument.  "You made that terrible investment in Dubliners Paper Corporation when you were first married. I told you not to, but you wouldn't listen, and of course, I had to step in and bail you out."  Emily helpfully reminds Richard that he paid that money back within two months.  "That's right, two months. How deep in financial ruin could I have been to get that money back to you in two months?"  (TISL)

9.  Gran rescinds her offer to give Rory early access to her inheritance money, because neither Emily nor Lorelai are mature enough to handle Rory having her own money.  "Raising your voice during high tea, who ever heard of such a thing. It’s like Fergi all over again."  (The Third Lorelai)

10.  Gran gets in one last dig from beyond the grave when Emily finds the letter she wrote to Richard the night before his and Emily's wedding.  "She begged him to leave me at the altar! She begged him in writing, and then she saved the carbons!"  (TRL)

11.  The Gilmores are having a lovely evening celebrating Richard's birthday when Gran shows up unannounced.  Emily panics.  "Come on, let’s see if she tries to make a break for it."  Gran retires to the guest room to freshen up.  "Emily, I expect to return in twenty minutes. That should give you enough time to pull my gifts out of storage and place them around the room as if they actually stand there all year."  (TDP)

12.  Gran wants to have dinner at the Inn, but it's the same night as the winter carnival.  "Rory, you’re a young person who works hard. It’s equally important to have fun. You go to the carnival.  Lorelai, you’ve had enough fun in your life."  (TDP)

13.  Gran has been renting her home in Hartford to a group of musicians who call themselves Korn.  "They were fine tenants. Took wonderful care of the place. They planted some lovely tulips in the front yard."  (TDP)

14.  Emily scrambles to find hors d'ouevres Gran likes.  "Am I supposed to eat that cheese?"  She brings out the spiced nuts but forgot something to serve them on.  "Thank you, Emily. I suppose I can just put these nuts in my hand."  (TTL)

15.  We find out Trix is still alive and is coming to visit.  "God lives in London?" "My mother lives in London."  (TTL)

16.  Lorelai has to shop for fresh underwear, otherwise Gran's going commando.  "She wanted fresh clothes, and I'm here buying her fresh clothes. So if she has a problem with the size or the strawberry print, then she can rise from the dead and come back here and yell at me herself. Because you know what, if anyone could, that tough, old, crazy, wonderful broad would be the one!"  (TRL)

17.  Emily struggles to find something to do while Gran is in town and suggests the arboretum.  Gran graciously responds "I have no desire to spend the entire day with plants, Emily. I’m not a bee." (TDP)

18.  While viewing paintings, one of Trix's homies is scandalized that the Picasso has 6 breasts.  "You cannot be sure if those are breasts. They could be canons. He was quite obsessed with the Spanish Civil War for awhile." (Face-Off)

19.  Trix greets Lorelai after many years.  "So Lorelai, since I’ve seen you last, you’ve grown up, gotten pregnant out of wedlock, raised a child and still haven’t bothered to get married. Have I left anything out?" (TTL)

20.  Trix wants to go into dinner but it's not on table and Emily responds that it's only 5 minutes late. "Only five after? Richard, in the event that I am kidnapped and a ransom is demanded at a certain time, I would prefer that Emily not be in charge of the drop off." (TTL)

21.  Trix wonders if Lorelai is still single by choice, or if she scares the men away with her independence.  "Actually, I scare them with my Minnie Pearl impression." (TDP)

22.  Trix announces that she will be moving back into her Hartford home due to declining health, Richard assures her that they will care for her every need.  Emily asserts herself.  "When she finally got to the last bean, she cut it in six pieces. I swear, I thought Gran was gonna lunge across the table at her."  (TDP)

23.  Emily freaks out at the thought of Gran coming to visit for the first time and runs to the basement to start getting things out of storage.  "Because she doesn’t just give you a present, she ‘gives’ you a present and she tells you where to put it, how to use it, what it costs - for insurance purposes of course - and God forbid you should have a different opinion or you don’t think it works in the space or you just get tired of waking up every morning with those horrifying animals staring at you!" (TTL)

24.  Trix wonders when the Dragonfly will be up and running.  "Soon."  "I see you measure time like your mother."  (TISL)

9, 10, 18 gone!  Still three.

Gran scenes

1.  Richard and Jason finally arrive at FND after keeping Emily and Gran waiting for an hour.  "Would you like a nut? They seem to be very important to your wife."  (TISL)

2.  Jason meets Gran, offers her a gift, and attempts to make polite chit-chat.   "You know, small inns and bed and breakfasts can be real money factories." "Yes, and wonderful places to put all those French antiques." (TISL)

3.  Gran sees through Lorelai's attempts to gloss over how things are going with the Dragonfly.  "You are hemorrhaging money."  (TISL)

4.  Gran has dinner at the Inn.  "Now, please take this to your chef. These are the times I would like each course to appear at this table. I like a brisk pace, twelve minutes per course is best for my digestion. However, please tell your servers that they are not to clear until everyone has finished. Thank you." "Oh, no, thank you. It is so rare that I get to carry a note anymore."  (TDP)

5.  Gran inspects the Crap Shack.  "Let’s go." "Are we moving?" "I don’t know." (TDP)

6.  Emily walks in on Gran kissing a man in a track suit.  "I wonder if he was wearing Nike’s also." " 'Just Do It' takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?"  (Face-Off)

7.  Emily apologizes for outing Gran and the Track Suit Man, they share a nice moment.  A nice, brief moment.  "I have pride, too, you know. And my husband travels and is very busy and I miss him and I’m lonely sometimes, just like you." (Face-Off)

8.  Gran blames Richard for Lorelai's money problems with the Dragonfly, the conversation escalates into an argument.  "You made that terrible investment in Dubliners Paper Corporation when you were first married. I told you not to, but you wouldn't listen, and of course, I had to step in and bail you out."  Emily helpfully reminds Richard that he paid that money back within two months.  "That's right, two months. How deep in financial ruin could I have been to get that money back to you in two months?"  (TISL)

11.  The Gilmores are having a lovely evening celebrating Richard's birthday when Gran shows up unannounced.  Emily panics.  "Come on, let’s see if she tries to make a break for it."  Gran retires to the guest room to freshen up.  "Emily, I expect to return in twenty minutes. That should give you enough time to pull my gifts out of storage and place them around the room as if they actually stand there all year."  (TDP)

12.  Gran wants to have dinner at the Inn, but it's the same night as the winter carnival.  "Rory, you’re a young person who works hard. It’s equally important to have fun. You go to the carnival.  Lorelai, you’ve had enough fun in your life."  (TDP)

13.  Gran has been renting her home in Hartford to a group of musicians who call themselves Korn.  "They were fine tenants. Took wonderful care of the place. They planted some lovely tulips in the front yard."  (TDP)

14.  Emily scrambles to find hors d'ouevres Gran likes.  "Am I supposed to eat that cheese?"  She brings out the spiced nuts but forgot something to serve them on.  "Thank you, Emily. I suppose I can just put these nuts in my hand."  (TTL)

15.  We find out Trix is still alive and is coming to visit.  "God lives in London?" "My mother lives in London."  (TTL)

16.  Lorelai has to shop for fresh underwear, otherwise Gran's going commando.  "She wanted fresh clothes, and I'm here buying her fresh clothes. So if she has a problem with the size or the strawberry print, then she can rise from the dead and come back here and yell at me herself. Because you know what, if anyone could, that tough, old, crazy, wonderful broad would be the one!"  (TRL)

17.  Emily struggles to find something to do while Gran is in town and suggests the arboretum.  Gran graciously responds "I have no desire to spend the entire day with plants, Emily. I’m not a bee." (TDP)

19.  Trix greets Lorelai after many years.  "So Lorelai, since I’ve seen you last, you’ve grown up, gotten pregnant out of wedlock, raised a child and still haven’t bothered to get married. Have I left anything out?" (TTL)

20.  Trix wants to go into dinner but it's not on table and Emily responds that it's only 5 minutes late. "Only five after? Richard, in the event that I am kidnapped and a ransom is demanded at a certain time, I would prefer that Emily not be in charge of the drop off." (TTL)

21.  Trix wonders if Lorelai is still single by choice, or if she scares the men away with her independence.  "Actually, I scare them with my Minnie Pearl impression." (TDP)

22.  Trix announces that she will be moving back into her Hartford home due to declining health, Richard assures her that they will care for her every need.  Emily asserts herself.  "When she finally got to the last bean, she cut it in six pieces. I swear, I thought Gran was gonna lunge across the table at her."  (TDP)

23.  Emily freaks out at the thought of Gran coming to visit for the first time and runs to the basement to start getting things out of storage.  "Because she doesn’t just give you a present, she ‘gives’ you a present and she tells you where to put it, how to use it, what it costs - for insurance purposes of course - and God forbid you should have a different opinion or you don’t think it works in the space or you just get tired of waking up every morning with those horrifying animals staring at you!" (TTL)

24.  Trix wonders when the Dragonfly will be up and running.  "Soon."  "I see you measure time like your mother."  (TISL)

8, 11, 15 gone.  Still three!

Gran scenes

1.  Richard and Jason finally arrive at FND after keeping Emily and Gran waiting for an hour.  "Would you like a nut? They seem to be very important to your wife."  (TISL)

2.  Jason meets Gran, offers her a gift, and attempts to make polite chit-chat.   "You know, small inns and bed and breakfasts can be real money factories." "Yes, and wonderful places to put all those French antiques." (TISL)

3.  Gran sees through Lorelai's attempts to gloss over how things are going with the Dragonfly.  "You are hemorrhaging money."  (TISL)

4.  Gran has dinner at the Inn.  "Now, please take this to your chef. These are the times I would like each course to appear at this table. I like a brisk pace, twelve minutes per course is best for my digestion. However, please tell your servers that they are not to clear until everyone has finished. Thank you." "Oh, no, thank you. It is so rare that I get to carry a note anymore."  (TDP)

5.  Gran inspects the Crap Shack.  "Let’s go." "Are we moving?" "I don’t know." (TDP)

6.  Emily walks in on Gran kissing a man in a track suit.  "I wonder if he was wearing Nike’s also." " 'Just Do It' takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?"  (Face-Off)

7.  Emily apologizes for outing Gran and the Track Suit Man, they share a nice moment.  A nice, brief moment.  "I have pride, too, you know. And my husband travels and is very busy and I miss him and I’m lonely sometimes, just like you." (Face-Off)

12.  Gran wants to have dinner at the Inn, but it's the same night as the winter carnival.  "Rory, you’re a young person who works hard. It’s equally important to have fun. You go to the carnival.  Lorelai, you’ve had enough fun in your life."  (TDP)

13.  Gran has been renting her home in Hartford to a group of musicians who call themselves Korn.  "They were fine tenants. Took wonderful care of the place. They planted some lovely tulips in the front yard."  (TDP)

14.  Emily scrambles to find hors d'ouevres Gran likes.  "Am I supposed to eat that cheese?"  She brings out the spiced nuts but forgot something to serve them on.  "Thank you, Emily. I suppose I can just put these nuts in my hand."  (TTL)

16.  Lorelai has to shop for fresh underwear, otherwise Gran's going commando.  "She wanted fresh clothes, and I'm here buying her fresh clothes. So if she has a problem with the size or the strawberry print, then she can rise from the dead and come back here and yell at me herself. Because you know what, if anyone could, that tough, old, crazy, wonderful broad would be the one!"  (TRL)

17.  Emily struggles to find something to do while Gran is in town and suggests the arboretum.  Gran graciously responds "I have no desire to spend the entire day with plants, Emily. I’m not a bee." (TDP)

19.  Trix greets Lorelai after many years.  "So Lorelai, since I’ve seen you last, you’ve grown up, gotten pregnant out of wedlock, raised a child and still haven’t bothered to get married. Have I left anything out?" (TTL)

20.  Trix wants to go into dinner but it's not on table and Emily responds that it's only 5 minutes late. "Only five after? Richard, in the event that I am kidnapped and a ransom is demanded at a certain time, I would prefer that Emily not be in charge of the drop off." (TTL)

21.  Trix wonders if Lorelai is still single by choice, or if she scares the men away with her independence.  "Actually, I scare them with my Minnie Pearl impression." (TDP)

22.  Trix announces that she will be moving back into her Hartford home due to declining health, Richard assures her that they will care for her every need.  Emily asserts herself.  "When she finally got to the last bean, she cut it in six pieces. I swear, I thought Gran was gonna lunge across the table at her."  (TDP)

23.  Emily freaks out at the thought of Gran coming to visit for the first time and runs to the basement to start getting things out of storage.  "Because she doesn’t just give you a present, she ‘gives’ you a present and she tells you where to put it, how to use it, what it costs - for insurance purposes of course - and God forbid you should have a different opinion or you don’t think it works in the space or you just get tired of waking up every morning with those horrifying animals staring at you!" (TTL)

24.  Trix wonders when the Dragonfly will be up and running.  "Soon."  "I see you measure time like your mother."  (TISL)

1, 5, 16 gone.  Let's vote against three, one last time.

Gran scenes

2.  Jason meets Gran, offers her a gift, and attempts to make polite chit-chat.   "You know, small inns and bed and breakfasts can be real money factories." "Yes, and wonderful places to put all those French antiques." (TISL)

3.  Gran sees through Lorelai's attempts to gloss over how things are going with the Dragonfly.  "You are hemorrhaging money."  (TISL)

4.  Gran has dinner at the Inn.  "Now, please take this to your chef. These are the times I would like each course to appear at this table. I like a brisk pace, twelve minutes per course is best for my digestion. However, please tell your servers that they are not to clear until everyone has finished. Thank you." "Oh, no, thank you. It is so rare that I get to carry a note anymore."  (TDP)

6.  Emily walks in on Gran kissing a man in a track suit.  "I wonder if he was wearing Nike’s also." " 'Just Do It' takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?"  (Face-Off)

7.  Emily apologizes for outing Gran and the Track Suit Man, they share a nice moment.  A nice, brief moment.  "I have pride, too, you know. And my husband travels and is very busy and I miss him and I’m lonely sometimes, just like you." (Face-Off)

12.  Gran wants to have dinner at the Inn, but it's the same night as the winter carnival.  "Rory, you’re a young person who works hard. It’s equally important to have fun. You go to the carnival.  Lorelai, you’ve had enough fun in your life."  (TDP)

13.  Gran has been renting her home in Hartford to a group of musicians who call themselves Korn.  "They were fine tenants. Took wonderful care of the place. They planted some lovely tulips in the front yard."  (TDP)

14.  Emily scrambles to find hors d'ouevres Gran likes.  "Am I supposed to eat that cheese?"  She brings out the spiced nuts but forgot something to serve them on.  "Thank you, Emily. I suppose I can just put these nuts in my hand."  (TTL)

17.  Emily struggles to find something to do while Gran is in town and suggests the arboretum.  Gran graciously responds "I have no desire to spend the entire day with plants, Emily. I’m not a bee." (TDP)

19.  Trix greets Lorelai after many years.  "So Lorelai, since I’ve seen you last, you’ve grown up, gotten pregnant out of wedlock, raised a child and still haven’t bothered to get married. Have I left anything out?" (TTL)

20.  Trix wants to go into dinner but it's not on table and Emily responds that it's only 5 minutes late. "Only five after? Richard, in the event that I am kidnapped and a ransom is demanded at a certain time, I would prefer that Emily not be in charge of the drop off." (TTL)

21.  Trix wonders if Lorelai is still single by choice, or if she scares the men away with her independence.  "Actually, I scare them with my Minnie Pearl impression." (TDP)

22.  Trix announces that she will be moving back into her Hartford home due to declining health, Richard assures her that they will care for her every need.  Emily asserts herself.  "When she finally got to the last bean, she cut it in six pieces. I swear, I thought Gran was gonna lunge across the table at her."  (TDP)

23.  Emily freaks out at the thought of Gran coming to visit for the first time and runs to the basement to start getting things out of storage.  "Because she doesn’t just give you a present, she ‘gives’ you a present and she tells you where to put it, how to use it, what it costs - for insurance purposes of course - and God forbid you should have a different opinion or you don’t think it works in the space or you just get tired of waking up every morning with those horrifying animals staring at you!" (TTL)

24.  Trix wonders when the Dragonfly will be up and running.  "Soon."  "I see you measure time like your mother."  (TISL)

3, 6, 23 gone.  Drop to voting against two.

Gran scenes

2.  Jason meets Gran, offers her a gift, and attempts to make polite chit-chat.   "You know, small inns and bed and breakfasts can be real money factories." "Yes, and wonderful places to put all those French antiques." (TISL)

4.  Gran has dinner at the Inn.  "Now, please take this to your chef. These are the times I would like each course to appear at this table. I like a brisk pace, twelve minutes per course is best for my digestion. However, please tell your servers that they are not to clear until everyone has finished. Thank you." "Oh, no, thank you. It is so rare that I get to carry a note anymore."  (TDP)

7.  Emily apologizes for outing Gran and the Track Suit Man, they share a nice moment.  A nice, brief moment.  "I have pride, too, you know. And my husband travels and is very busy and I miss him and I’m lonely sometimes, just like you." (Face-Off)

12.  Gran wants to have dinner at the Inn, but it's the same night as the winter carnival.  "Rory, you’re a young person who works hard. It’s equally important to have fun. You go to the carnival.  Lorelai, you’ve had enough fun in your life."  (TDP)

13.  Gran has been renting her home in Hartford to a group of musicians who call themselves Korn.  "They were fine tenants. Took wonderful care of the place. They planted some lovely tulips in the front yard."  (TDP)

14.  Emily scrambles to find hors d'ouevres Gran likes.  "Am I supposed to eat that cheese?"  She brings out the spiced nuts but forgot something to serve them on.  "Thank you, Emily. I suppose I can just put these nuts in my hand."  (TTL)

17.  Emily struggles to find something to do while Gran is in town and suggests the arboretum.  Gran graciously responds "I have no desire to spend the entire day with plants, Emily. I’m not a bee." (TDP)

19.  Trix greets Lorelai after many years.  "So Lorelai, since I’ve seen you last, you’ve grown up, gotten pregnant out of wedlock, raised a child and still haven’t bothered to get married. Have I left anything out?" (TTL)

20.  Trix wants to go into dinner but it's not on table and Emily responds that it's only 5 minutes late. "Only five after? Richard, in the event that I am kidnapped and a ransom is demanded at a certain time, I would prefer that Emily not be in charge of the drop off." (TTL)

21.  Trix wonders if Lorelai is still single by choice, or if she scares the men away with her independence.  "Actually, I scare them with my Minnie Pearl impression." (TDP)

22.  Trix announces that she will be moving back into her Hartford home due to declining health, Richard assures her that they will care for her every need.  Emily asserts herself.  "When she finally got to the last bean, she cut it in six pieces. I swear, I thought Gran was gonna lunge across the table at her."  (TDP)

24.  Trix wonders when the Dragonfly will be up and running.  "Soon."  "I see you measure time like your mother."  (TISL)

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