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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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Well I saved it as many times as I could, but Kirk's 'I have a girlfriend' refrain has finally bit the dust.  (It just makes me laugh because I can remember trying to find "natural" ways to tell people I had a *!*!*!BOYFRIEND!*!*!* when hubby and I first started dating.  I hope I didn't come across quite like Kirk, but no promises.)

4.  The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)

8.  Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel wait for their turn to speak to the town about the Dragonfly property.  Michel offers to take questions "...about the Dragonfly, or deodorant - the places to buy it, how to apply it, that sort of thing."  (Chicken or Beef)

12.  The second troubadour is back, with a vegetable stand, and Taylor's upset.  Taylor tries to shut him down on a cart, kiosk, cart/kiosk technicality and doesn't understand why the town troubadour isn't backing him, since he had a beef with the guy before.  The troubadour argues that Taylor left him twistin' for too long, he even wrote a song about it.  "Taylor left me twistin’, he set my eyes a' mistin’."  (DUAV)

13.  Taylor starts the town meeting early so they can discuss The Jess Situation before Luke arrives.  The town has a list of things Jess has done.  Lorelai heard he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter.  They keep on until Lorelai tells them to stop it because what they're doing stinks.  (Inns and Outs of Inns)

24.  The townies are excited to be hosting the Festival of Living Pictures this year.  The head of the Connecticut Arts Council, Buff Otis, responds.  "Your enthusiasm . . . shocks me."  (TFOLA)

25.  Taylor has a mockup of the Old Fashioned Soda Shoppe he wants to build, complete with a giant horse and Jackson holding a tiny zucchini.  Luke says no, Taylor threatens eminent domain, Luke backs off when Lorelai and Rory say they want it.  "Be ready to pay through the nose."  (AA)

25 it is!

(Sorry I completely forgot to update until now!)


4.  The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)

8.  Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel wait for their turn to speak to the town about the Dragonfly property.  Michel offers to take questions "...about the Dragonfly, or deodorant - the places to buy it, how to apply it, that sort of thing."  (Chicken or Beef)

12.  The second troubadour is back, with a vegetable stand, and Taylor's upset.  Taylor tries to shut him down on a cart, kiosk, cart/kiosk technicality and doesn't understand why the town troubadour isn't backing him, since he had a beef with the guy before.  The troubadour argues that Taylor left him twistin' for too long, he even wrote a song about it.  "Taylor left me twistin’, he set my eyes a' mistin’."  (DUAV)

13.  Taylor starts the town meeting early so they can discuss The Jess Situation before Luke arrives.  The town has a list of things Jess has done.  Lorelai heard he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter.  They keep on until Lorelai tells them to stop it because what they're doing stinks.  (Inns and Outs of Inns)

24.  The townies are excited to be hosting the Festival of Living Pictures this year.  The head of the Connecticut Arts Council, Buff Otis, responds.  "Your enthusiasm . . . shocks me."  (TFOLA)

8 out!

4.  The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)

12.  The second troubadour is back, with a vegetable stand, and Taylor's upset.  Taylor tries to shut him down on a cart, kiosk, cart/kiosk technicality and doesn't understand why the town troubadour isn't backing him, since he had a beef with the guy before.  The troubadour argues that Taylor left him twistin' for too long, he even wrote a song about it.  "Taylor left me twistin’, he set my eyes a' mistin’."  (DUAV)

13.  Taylor starts the town meeting early so they can discuss The Jess Situation before Luke arrives.  The town has a list of things Jess has done.  Lorelai heard he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter.  They keep on until Lorelai tells them to stop it because what they're doing stinks.  (Inns and Outs of Inns)

24.  The townies are excited to be hosting the Festival of Living Pictures this year.  The head of the Connecticut Arts Council, Buff Otis, responds.  "Your enthusiasm . . . shocks me."  (TFOLA)

Time to say goodbye to Buff Otis!  Does anyone else use "Your enthusiasm . . . shocks me" more than is necessary in daily conversation?

4.  The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)

12.  The second troubadour is back, with a vegetable stand, and Taylor's upset.  Taylor tries to shut him down on a cart, kiosk, cart/kiosk technicality and doesn't understand why the town troubadour isn't backing him, since he had a beef with the guy before.  The troubadour argues that Taylor left him twistin' for too long, he even wrote a song about it.  "Taylor left me twistin’, he set my eyes a' mistin’."  (DUAV)

13.  Taylor starts the town meeting early so they can discuss The Jess Situation before Luke arrives.  The town has a list of things Jess has done.  Lorelai heard he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter.  They keep on until Lorelai tells them to stop it because what they're doing stinks.  (Inns and Outs of Inns)

I use 13 in conversation regularly. Like, if someone is ranting about someone (especially at work) I will at times say "I hear they control the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter."  I'm sad to say no one has ever "gotten it."

With that said, I'm going to have to vote for 12.  Much as I love that town meeting, it can't compete with the perfection of the other 2.

I was on the phone with my daughter the other night (she was in her dorm room) and her roommate came in and was telling her that she had to go somewhere, so my daughter was answering me and her roommate both at the same time and confusing all of us.  I finally told her to just say CatKirk when she was talking to me and she busted out laughing.  She had me on speakerphone at the time and her roommate was like, who are you people.  LOLOL.

Edited by Taryn74
  • Love 1

Happy Thanksgiving, all!

13 is out!  Which leaves -

4.  The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)

12.  The second troubadour is back, with a vegetable stand, and Taylor's upset.  Taylor tries to shut him down on a cart, kiosk, cart/kiosk technicality and doesn't understand why the town troubadour isn't backing him, since he had a beef with the guy before.  The troubadour argues that Taylor left him twistin' for too long, he even wrote a song about it.  "Taylor left me twistin’, he set my eyes a' mistin’."  (DUAV)

Okay I think it's pretty obvious this is going to be our winner, and I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to get on in the morning, so -

Our glorious Town Meetings winner:

The townies discuss Luke and Lorelai's relationship and the ramifications on the town.  "Now, as you all know, the relationship we have feared for some time has emerged, and we need to carefully consider whether or not we can support this."  As a member of the town, Luke is welcome to voice his opinion.  (WitS)


I had jotted down some ideas for what to do next.  How about Chilton scenes?  (Either at Chilton itself, or a Chilton function such as the dance or graduation.)

  • Love 1

I'll start us off -

Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

2.  Paris deliberately tells Rory the wrong time for the Franklin meeting, then assigns her the parking lot repavement story for arriving so late. Rory turns it into a "bittersweet piece on how everybody and everything eventually becomes obsolete."  (N&N, S&N)

3.  Tristan invites Rory to the dance, sort of.  She calls him slimy and weasely and tells him he'd have to be stupid to think she'd ever want to go anywhere with him.  (Rory's Dance)

4.  Madeline and Louise find the lesson on the golgi body distracting, because everything sounds dirty.  Paris is, naturally, annoyed. "My life with the Banger Sisters."  (ADFKT)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

Lorelais reaction to Headmaster Charleston's assistant when she looks up. 

When Rory flips out after she misses the Shakespeare test and calls Paris "quippy". 

When Rory gets caught with the Puffs and stands up to Headmaster Charleston. 

When Rory and Lorelai carve their initials into the pillar on graduation day. 

When someone at Chilton finally cracks a joke. 

When Paris admits to sleeping with Jamie. 

When Rory and Dean make up - "I love you,  you idiot."

Madeline having to cover her ears while they discuss the blood drive. 

After Rory crashes and burns with the Puffs and she goes back to eating with a book and a Walkman, and a fellow introvert joins her. 

Chilton scenes

1.  It's Lorelai and Rory's first day at Chilton, and Emily is already there. "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them . . . . And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." (TLFDAC)

2.  Paris deliberately tells Rory the wrong time for the Franklin meeting, then assigns her the parking lot repavement story for arriving so late. Rory turns it into a "bittersweet piece on how everybody and everything eventually becomes obsolete."  (N&N, S&N)

3.  Tristan invites Rory to the dance, sort of.  She calls him slimy and weasely and tells him he'd have to be stupid to think she'd ever want to go anywhere with him.  (Rory's Dance)

4.  Madeline and Louise find the lesson on the golgi body distracting, because everything sounds dirty.  Paris is, naturally, annoyed. "My life with the Banger Sisters."  (ADFKT)

5.  The students are waiting to enter the speech contest.  Paris is terrorizing everyone, trying to throw them off their game.  Brad is winningly naive.  (The Big One)

6.  Lorelai is startled by Headmaster Charleston's assistant, and starts babbling to cover. "We call her Rory. It's short for Lorelai, but she'll answer to either one, or even 'Hey, you' depending on the . . . uh, is the headmaster here?"  (TLFDAC)

7.  Rory oversleeps and misses the Shakespeare test.  She flips out on Paris and Tristan both as she's being escorted out of the room.  "What's up quippy? Why so silent?"  (The Deer Hunters)

8.  Rory, Paris, and Random Chilton Girl are in the middle of being Puffed when Headmaster Charleston comes in and threatens to expel them.  Rory turns the whole thing around on him since it was his insistence on her socializing more at school that made her sit with the Puffs at lunch in the first place.  "Random?!"  (LM, LD)

9.  Lorelai tries to get Rory to carve their initials into a pillar at Chilton during Rory's graduation.  "Come on, knife, knife." "Like the switchblade I keep in my sock?"  (TAS,P)

10.  Lorelai threatens to fling herself off the building if she can't find her coat.  Someone from Chilton finally cracks a joke:  "We put some of the coat racks in the classroom over there, take a look. Otherwise the staircase to the roof is on your right."  (The Big One)

11.  Paris wigs out on camera after receiving a rejection letter from Harvard, blaming it on her having had sex with Jamie.  "Pack your chastity belt, Gilmore, you're going to Harvard!"  (The Big One)

12.  Dean comes to Chilton to make up with Rory but sees her talking to Tristan and acts like a jealous asshole gets upset.  Rory stops him from leaving.  "Because I love you, you idiot!"  (Love, Daisies, and Troubadours)

13.  The student body council discusses where to hold the sign up for the annual blood drive and Madeline wigs out.  "She hates the word blood. . . . Just keep your hands over your ears. . . . Hum to yourself."  (I Solemnly Swear)

14.  After the Puffs fiasco, Rory goes back to eating lunch alone, with her Walkman, reading a book.  A fellow introvert joins her.  (LM, LD)

15.  Tristan shows up at the Romeo and Juliet performance long enough to explain he is being sent to military school.  He and Rory share a sweet moment while Paris stomps off to play the part of Romeo.  "Goodbye . . . Mary."  (RALB)

Edited by Taryn74

Richard blows up at Headmaster Charleston about the school project that Rory, Paris and the group made.

Paris and Rory are fencing and Paris says Rory talked about her to Francine (?)

Rory has a heart to heart with Max as she interviews him for the school paper

Sookie starts the table on fire at the food fair

Rory bumps into Paris as she is carrying her school project and it breaks. Paris doesn't want any help fixing it.

Rory does her graduation speech. Brad sings. Paris annoys Headmaster. Everyone blubbers.

Rory and Paris simultaneously speak to classrooms full of students. Rory entrances the students and can "hear music when she sees it", while Paris terrifies them to the point of tears-The Revival, Spring

Rory and Tristan discuss his taste in women and she suggests he date Paris "Louis I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" "Who's Louis"? "Just think."

Lorelai shows up late to Rory's parent teacher conference in a B-52s shirt, bumps into a globe, complains about the coffee, horrifies the other parents, and intrigues Max.

Lorelai calls headmaster Charleston "El Dueche" after he refuses to let Rory take her test. Charleston tells Lorelai that Rory "Did a lovely impression of you"

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