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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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11, 16, 24 gone! Still voting against three.

Dragonfly Inn Scenes

1. Luke & Lorelai share their first kiss.  "What are you doing?"  "Will you just stand still?"  They are interrupted when Naked!Kirk runs by screaming.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

2.  Babette recounts how her bathrobe slipped and Luke's poor little heart couldn't take it.  "Just . . . staring at my plate."  He and Lorelai share a sexy, lingering look.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

3.  Sookie is on bedrest so Luke takes over the Dragonfly kitchen.  She figures out a way to taste-test everything he prepares.  Sookie's a loon, Luke's in a rant.  "You want to know what I’m going to do? Nothing! Because I am in a relationship with you and you know very well I can’t leave."  (But I'm a Gilmore!)

8.  Lorelai mistakes the construction guy for Rory, since it's been so long since they've seen each other.  "You're never going to attract a man looking like that."  (Scene in a Mall)

9.  Paris and Lorelai have lunch while Rory is on the outs.  Paris needs sleepwear advice.  "Maybe I should reconsider the 'completely naked' option. After all, I'm 21. If not now, when? I mean, right now, my ass is probably as good as it's ever going to get. I should exploit that, right?"  (The UnGraduate)

12.  Lorelai and Sookie start demolishing the old Dragonfly property.  Michel gets ready to take their picture.  "This is a good picture of the two of you about to record an important moment for the two of you."  Michel has to be in the picture, too.  (Chicken or Beef)

13.  Lorelai takes the first registration for the Dragonfly . . . on a gum wrapper.  (TISL)

14.  Sookie tries to set Lorelai up with Shel, the poultry guy.  Lorelai awkwardly pretends that Luke is her 'special friend'.  "Don't touch my stomach."  "You put my hand there."  (LCSHF)

17.  Michel is trying to sell the RV he won.  He goes to measure the shower area and finds Kirk, naked, sleeping in the bed.  (Pulp Friction)

18.  Luke comes to the Dragonfly and chats awkwardly with Michel before asking Lorelai to write him a character reference for his custody hearing.  "Liz wrote one, but my lawyer read it, and he said it was sweet, but it was filled with all these weird childhood anecdotes that I probably don't want to share with anyone, much less a court of law."  (Santa's Secret Stuff)

19.  Kirk landed butt-first in Taylor's rose bushes and Lorelai and Luke need Sookie to deal with the thorns.  "Because you're a chef."  "And you have a kid."  "Yes, that's better.  You have a kid."  Sookie drags Luke away for details when she finds out Kirk saw him and Lorelai kissing.  (SGTDM)

20.  Sookie promises not to say anything to Lorelai yet about the kiss, but starts in as soon as Lorelai comes into the kitchen.  She's happy that Lorelai's not going to die alone.  "Was it on top of a table? 'Cause I always thought it would be on top of a table -- oh, like in 'Bull Durham'!"  (SGTDM)

21.  Lorelai is upset about her fight with Rory and is micromanaging the Dragonfly to keep her mind off it.  "Want to know the last time I saw staff and maids looking this scared of their boss? Your mother's house."  (AMNM)

22.  The Dragonfly has its first guests but no doors.  Lorelai hands out room keys and tells guests to follow their doors.  (R&R)

23.  The Krumholtz kids play insipid board games with Michel.  He grounds them and tells them to go do something dirty to themselves.  (AMNM)

25.  Lorelai holds a staff meeting.  Michel has been sexually harassed.  "No one touch Michel, moving on."  Kirk is there.   "I thought I might like to go into hotel management someday, and I figured this was a good place to learn."  The Inn has ghosts who muss the beds and steal Toblerones.  (Come Home)

26.  Everything is snowed in and the Inn is out of coffee.  Lorelai tries to drink what's leftover from the guests' cups.  "Give me that. I’m ashamed of you." "I’m ashamed of me too."  (Women of Questionable Morals)

27.  Cletus hangs out in the lobby.  Sookie tells him hi, Michel didn't know there was a rule about horses inside the building.  "It's a giant, smelly horse. I figured someone was already taking care of it."  (LWF,TWT)

28.  Dean and Michel move a bookcase.  Several times.  It doesn't fit.  "Anywhere else you want to try it -- maybe at the Lincoln Memorial, on his giant lap?"  If they'd have ordered it through Tom, it would've fit.  (Tick Tick Tick Boom)

29.  Taylor's loafer got eaten because Michel had added 'complimentary shoeshine' to a list of services the Inn supposedly offered, along with seaweed wraps and watsu massages.  Pau-Pau is testing his boundaries.  So is Michel.  (SGTDM)

30.  Chin-Chin passes away.  Under protest, Lorelai and Sookie plan a lovely memorial, complete with Zach playing 'My Heart Will Go On' on his guitar.  Lorelai realizes she doesn't love Chris.  (Farewell, My Pet)

31.  Where it all began -- Rory and Lorelai sit outside the "Rachel Property" and dream of what it might could be some day.  (Emily in Wonderland)

32.  Lorelai sits in a closet and talks with Luke about their kiss.  It was a great kiss.  "If one of us had been a frog . . . "  Pau-Pau chews Taylor's shoe.  (SGTDM)

17, 28, and 25 are gone!  Still three.

Dragonfly Inn Scenes

1. Luke & Lorelai share their first kiss.  "What are you doing?"  "Will you just stand still?"  They are interrupted when Naked!Kirk runs by screaming.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

2.  Babette recounts how her bathrobe slipped and Luke's poor little heart couldn't take it.  "Just . . . staring at my plate."  He and Lorelai share a sexy, lingering look.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

3.  Sookie is on bedrest so Luke takes over the Dragonfly kitchen.  She figures out a way to taste-test everything he prepares.  Sookie's a loon, Luke's in a rant.  "You want to know what I’m going to do? Nothing! Because I am in a relationship with you and you know very well I can’t leave."  (But I'm a Gilmore!)

8.  Lorelai mistakes the construction guy for Rory, since it's been so long since they've seen each other.  "You're never going to attract a man looking like that."  (Scene in a Mall)

9.  Paris and Lorelai have lunch while Rory is on the outs.  Paris needs sleepwear advice.  "Maybe I should reconsider the 'completely naked' option. After all, I'm 21. If not now, when? I mean, right now, my ass is probably as good as it's ever going to get. I should exploit that, right?"  (The UnGraduate)

12.  Lorelai and Sookie start demolishing the old Dragonfly property.  Michel gets ready to take their picture.  "This is a good picture of the two of you about to record an important moment for the two of you."  Michel has to be in the picture, too.  (Chicken or Beef)

13.  Lorelai takes the first registration for the Dragonfly . . . on a gum wrapper.  (TISL)

14.  Sookie tries to set Lorelai up with Shel, the poultry guy.  Lorelai awkwardly pretends that Luke is her 'special friend'.  "Don't touch my stomach."  "You put my hand there."  (LCSHF)

18.  Luke comes to the Dragonfly and chats awkwardly with Michel before asking Lorelai to write him a character reference for his custody hearing.  "Liz wrote one, but my lawyer read it, and he said it was sweet, but it was filled with all these weird childhood anecdotes that I probably don't want to share with anyone, much less a court of law."  (Santa's Secret Stuff)

19.  Kirk landed butt-first in Taylor's rose bushes and Lorelai and Luke need Sookie to deal with the thorns.  "Because you're a chef."  "And you have a kid."  "Yes, that's better.  You have a kid."  Sookie drags Luke away for details when she finds out Kirk saw him and Lorelai kissing.  (SGTDM)

20.  Sookie promises not to say anything to Lorelai yet about the kiss, but starts in as soon as Lorelai comes into the kitchen.  She's happy that Lorelai's not going to die alone.  "Was it on top of a table? 'Cause I always thought it would be on top of a table -- oh, like in 'Bull Durham'!"  (SGTDM)

21.  Lorelai is upset about her fight with Rory and is micromanaging the Dragonfly to keep her mind off it.  "Want to know the last time I saw staff and maids looking this scared of their boss? Your mother's house."  (AMNM)

22.  The Dragonfly has its first guests but no doors.  Lorelai hands out room keys and tells guests to follow their doors.  (R&R)

23.  The Krumholtz kids play insipid board games with Michel.  He grounds them and tells them to go do something dirty to themselves.  (AMNM)

26.  Everything is snowed in and the Inn is out of coffee.  Lorelai tries to drink what's leftover from the guests' cups.  "Give me that. I’m ashamed of you." "I’m ashamed of me too."  (Women of Questionable Morals)

27.  Cletus hangs out in the lobby.  Sookie tells him hi, Michel didn't know there was a rule about horses inside the building.  "It's a giant, smelly horse. I figured someone was already taking care of it."  (LWF,TWT)

29.  Taylor's loafer got eaten because Michel had added 'complimentary shoeshine' to a list of services the Inn supposedly offered, along with seaweed wraps and watsu massages.  Pau-Pau is testing his boundaries.  So is Michel.  (SGTDM)

30.  Chin-Chin passes away.  Under protest, Lorelai and Sookie plan a lovely memorial, complete with Zach playing 'My Heart Will Go On' on his guitar.  Lorelai realizes she doesn't love Chris.  (Farewell, My Pet)

31.  Where it all began -- Rory and Lorelai sit outside the "Rachel Property" and dream of what it might could be some day.  (Emily in Wonderland)

32.  Lorelai sits in a closet and talks with Luke about their kiss.  It was a great kiss.  "If one of us had been a frog . . . "  Pau-Pau chews Taylor's shoe.  (SGTDM)

8, 23, and 29 have bitten the dust!  Still three.

Dragonfly Inn Scenes

1. Luke & Lorelai share their first kiss.  "What are you doing?"  "Will you just stand still?"  They are interrupted when Naked!Kirk runs by screaming.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

2.  Babette recounts how her bathrobe slipped and Luke's poor little heart couldn't take it.  "Just . . . staring at my plate."  He and Lorelai share a sexy, lingering look.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

3.  Sookie is on bedrest so Luke takes over the Dragonfly kitchen.  She figures out a way to taste-test everything he prepares.  Sookie's a loon, Luke's in a rant.  "You want to know what I’m going to do? Nothing! Because I am in a relationship with you and you know very well I can’t leave."  (But I'm a Gilmore!)

9.  Paris and Lorelai have lunch while Rory is on the outs.  Paris needs sleepwear advice.  "Maybe I should reconsider the 'completely naked' option. After all, I'm 21. If not now, when? I mean, right now, my ass is probably as good as it's ever going to get. I should exploit that, right?"  (The UnGraduate)

12.  Lorelai and Sookie start demolishing the old Dragonfly property.  Michel gets ready to take their picture.  "This is a good picture of the two of you about to record an important moment for the two of you."  Michel has to be in the picture, too.  (Chicken or Beef)

13.  Lorelai takes the first registration for the Dragonfly . . . on a gum wrapper.  (TISL)

14.  Sookie tries to set Lorelai up with Shel, the poultry guy.  Lorelai awkwardly pretends that Luke is her 'special friend'.  "Don't touch my stomach."  "You put my hand there."  (LCSHF)

18.  Luke comes to the Dragonfly and chats awkwardly with Michel before asking Lorelai to write him a character reference for his custody hearing.  "Liz wrote one, but my lawyer read it, and he said it was sweet, but it was filled with all these weird childhood anecdotes that I probably don't want to share with anyone, much less a court of law."  (Santa's Secret Stuff)

19.  Kirk landed butt-first in Taylor's rose bushes and Lorelai and Luke need Sookie to deal with the thorns.  "Because you're a chef."  "And you have a kid."  "Yes, that's better.  You have a kid."  Sookie drags Luke away for details when she finds out Kirk saw him and Lorelai kissing.  (SGTDM)

20.  Sookie promises not to say anything to Lorelai yet about the kiss, but starts in as soon as Lorelai comes into the kitchen.  She's happy that Lorelai's not going to die alone.  "Was it on top of a table? 'Cause I always thought it would be on top of a table -- oh, like in 'Bull Durham'!"  (SGTDM)

21.  Lorelai is upset about her fight with Rory and is micromanaging the Dragonfly to keep her mind off it.  "Want to know the last time I saw staff and maids looking this scared of their boss? Your mother's house."  (AMNM)

22.  The Dragonfly has its first guests but no doors.  Lorelai hands out room keys and tells guests to follow their doors.  (R&R)

26.  Everything is snowed in and the Inn is out of coffee.  Lorelai tries to drink what's leftover from the guests' cups.  "Give me that. I’m ashamed of you." "I’m ashamed of me too."  (Women of Questionable Morals)

27.  Cletus hangs out in the lobby.  Sookie tells him hi, Michel didn't know there was a rule about horses inside the building.  "It's a giant, smelly horse. I figured someone was already taking care of it."  (LWF,TWT)

30.  Chin-Chin passes away.  Under protest, Lorelai and Sookie plan a lovely memorial, complete with Zach playing 'My Heart Will Go On' on his guitar.  Lorelai realizes she doesn't love Chris.  (Farewell, My Pet)

31.  Where it all began -- Rory and Lorelai sit outside the "Rachel Property" and dream of what it might could be some day.  (Emily in Wonderland)

32.  Lorelai sits in a closet and talks with Luke about their kiss.  It was a great kiss.  "If one of us had been a frog . . . "  Pau-Pau chews Taylor's shoe.  (SGTDM)

14, 22, 26 are history!  Let's drop to voting against two.

Dragonfly Inn Scenes

1. Luke & Lorelai share their first kiss.  "What are you doing?"  "Will you just stand still?"  They are interrupted when Naked!Kirk runs by screaming.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

2.  Babette recounts how her bathrobe slipped and Luke's poor little heart couldn't take it.  "Just . . . staring at my plate."  He and Lorelai share a sexy, lingering look.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

3.  Sookie is on bedrest so Luke takes over the Dragonfly kitchen.  She figures out a way to taste-test everything he prepares.  Sookie's a loon, Luke's in a rant.  "You want to know what I’m going to do? Nothing! Because I am in a relationship with you and you know very well I can’t leave."  (But I'm a Gilmore!)

9.  Paris and Lorelai have lunch while Rory is on the outs.  Paris needs sleepwear advice.  "Maybe I should reconsider the 'completely naked' option. After all, I'm 21. If not now, when? I mean, right now, my ass is probably as good as it's ever going to get. I should exploit that, right?"  (The UnGraduate)

12.  Lorelai and Sookie start demolishing the old Dragonfly property.  Michel gets ready to take their picture.  "This is a good picture of the two of you about to record an important moment for the two of you."  Michel has to be in the picture, too.  (Chicken or Beef)

13.  Lorelai takes the first registration for the Dragonfly . . . on a gum wrapper.  (TISL)

18.  Luke comes to the Dragonfly and chats awkwardly with Michel before asking Lorelai to write him a character reference for his custody hearing.  "Liz wrote one, but my lawyer read it, and he said it was sweet, but it was filled with all these weird childhood anecdotes that I probably don't want to share with anyone, much less a court of law."  (Santa's Secret Stuff)

19.  Kirk landed butt-first in Taylor's rose bushes and Lorelai and Luke need Sookie to deal with the thorns.  "Because you're a chef."  "And you have a kid."  "Yes, that's better.  You have a kid."  Sookie drags Luke away for details when she finds out Kirk saw him and Lorelai kissing.  (SGTDM)

20.  Sookie promises not to say anything to Lorelai yet about the kiss, but starts in as soon as Lorelai comes into the kitchen.  She's happy that Lorelai's not going to die alone.  "Was it on top of a table? 'Cause I always thought it would be on top of a table -- oh, like in 'Bull Durham'!"  (SGTDM)

21.  Lorelai is upset about her fight with Rory and is micromanaging the Dragonfly to keep her mind off it.  "Want to know the last time I saw staff and maids looking this scared of their boss? Your mother's house."  (AMNM)

27.  Cletus hangs out in the lobby.  Sookie tells him hi, Michel didn't know there was a rule about horses inside the building.  "It's a giant, smelly horse. I figured someone was already taking care of it."  (LWF,TWT)

30.  Chin-Chin passes away.  Under protest, Lorelai and Sookie plan a lovely memorial, complete with Zach playing 'My Heart Will Go On' on his guitar.  Lorelai realizes she doesn't love Chris.  (Farewell, My Pet)

31.  Where it all began -- Rory and Lorelai sit outside the "Rachel Property" and dream of what it might could be some day.  (Emily in Wonderland)

32.  Lorelai sits in a closet and talks with Luke about their kiss.  It was a great kiss.  "If one of us had been a frog . . . "  Pau-Pau chews Taylor's shoe.  (SGTDM)

3-way tie and I don't feel like breaking it so they're all out.  20, 21, 31 gone!  Vote against two.

Dragonfly Inn Scenes

1. Luke & Lorelai share their first kiss.  "What are you doing?"  "Will you just stand still?"  They are interrupted when Naked!Kirk runs by screaming.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

2.  Babette recounts how her bathrobe slipped and Luke's poor little heart couldn't take it.  "Just . . . staring at my plate."  He and Lorelai share a sexy, lingering look.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

3.  Sookie is on bedrest so Luke takes over the Dragonfly kitchen.  She figures out a way to taste-test everything he prepares.  Sookie's a loon, Luke's in a rant.  "You want to know what I’m going to do? Nothing! Because I am in a relationship with you and you know very well I can’t leave."  (But I'm a Gilmore!)

9.  Paris and Lorelai have lunch while Rory is on the outs.  Paris needs sleepwear advice.  "Maybe I should reconsider the 'completely naked' option. After all, I'm 21. If not now, when? I mean, right now, my ass is probably as good as it's ever going to get. I should exploit that, right?"  (The UnGraduate)

12.  Lorelai and Sookie start demolishing the old Dragonfly property.  Michel gets ready to take their picture.  "This is a good picture of the two of you about to record an important moment for the two of you."  Michel has to be in the picture, too.  (Chicken or Beef)

13.  Lorelai takes the first registration for the Dragonfly . . . on a gum wrapper.  (TISL)

18.  Luke comes to the Dragonfly and chats awkwardly with Michel before asking Lorelai to write him a character reference for his custody hearing.  "Liz wrote one, but my lawyer read it, and he said it was sweet, but it was filled with all these weird childhood anecdotes that I probably don't want to share with anyone, much less a court of law."  (Santa's Secret Stuff)

19.  Kirk landed butt-first in Taylor's rose bushes and Lorelai and Luke need Sookie to deal with the thorns.  "Because you're a chef."  "And you have a kid."  "Yes, that's better.  You have a kid."  Sookie drags Luke away for details when she finds out Kirk saw him and Lorelai kissing.  (SGTDM)

27.  Cletus hangs out in the lobby.  Sookie tells him hi, Michel didn't know there was a rule about horses inside the building.  "It's a giant, smelly horse. I figured someone was already taking care of it."  (LWF,TWT)

30.  Chin-Chin passes away.  Under protest, Lorelai and Sookie plan a lovely memorial, complete with Zach playing 'My Heart Will Go On' on his guitar.  Lorelai realizes she doesn't love Chris.  (Farewell, My Pet)

32.  Lorelai sits in a closet and talks with Luke about their kiss.  It was a great kiss.  "If one of us had been a frog . . . "  Pau-Pau chews Taylor's shoe.  (SGTDM)

18 and 27 out.  Voting against two.

Dragonfly Inn Scenes

1. Luke & Lorelai share their first kiss.  "What are you doing?"  "Will you just stand still?"  They are interrupted when Naked!Kirk runs by screaming.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

2.  Babette recounts how her bathrobe slipped and Luke's poor little heart couldn't take it.  "Just . . . staring at my plate."  He and Lorelai share a sexy, lingering look.  (Raincoats & Recipes)

3.  Sookie is on bedrest so Luke takes over the Dragonfly kitchen.  She figures out a way to taste-test everything he prepares.  Sookie's a loon, Luke's in a rant.  "You want to know what I’m going to do? Nothing! Because I am in a relationship with you and you know very well I can’t leave."  (But I'm a Gilmore!)

9.  Paris and Lorelai have lunch while Rory is on the outs.  Paris needs sleepwear advice.  "Maybe I should reconsider the 'completely naked' option. After all, I'm 21. If not now, when? I mean, right now, my ass is probably as good as it's ever going to get. I should exploit that, right?"  (The UnGraduate)

12.  Lorelai and Sookie start demolishing the old Dragonfly property.  Michel gets ready to take their picture.  "This is a good picture of the two of you about to record an important moment for the two of you."  Michel has to be in the picture, too.  (Chicken or Beef)

13.  Lorelai takes the first registration for the Dragonfly . . . on a gum wrapper.  (TISL)

19.  Kirk landed butt-first in Taylor's rose bushes and Lorelai and Luke need Sookie to deal with the thorns.  "Because you're a chef."  "And you have a kid."  "Yes, that's better.  You have a kid."  Sookie drags Luke away for details when she finds out Kirk saw him and Lorelai kissing.  (SGTDM)

30.  Chin-Chin passes away.  Under protest, Lorelai and Sookie plan a lovely memorial, complete with Zach playing 'My Heart Will Go On' on his guitar.  Lorelai realizes she doesn't love Chris.  (Farewell, My Pet)

32.  Lorelai sits in a closet and talks with Luke about their kiss.  It was a great kiss.  "If one of us had been a frog . . . "  Pau-Pau chews Taylor's shoe.  (SGTDM)

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