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Dragon Ball Super - General Discussion

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I thought "Peter" because I'm a gaijin. And I'm not blaming Chi Chi that much. I mean, she wants the best for her kids and granddaughter. Watching Mr. Satan and Gohan fight and fling up in the air must be unnerving to watch. I mean, Pan is only quarter-Saiyan. Even with whatever potential her mother and grandfather have, why take a chance?

In other news, Goku is super annoying. It's not like he wants to keep Vegeta down below him, but he needs an excuse to train and grow stronger. And if that means going Kool-Aide Man through a wall? So be it.

Hey, Krillin has a job! And he bones Bulma! Good for you, Krillin!

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Gohan is a snitch! Ha. All this time and he still doesn't get his parents' relationship. Chichi always been all bark and no bite and always gave in. If Goku really wants to do something, he's gonna do it even if it's against his wife wishes. Chichi accepts it and Goku knows she will. 

Who wouldn't freak seeing a newborn tossed in the air? 

Finally Yamcha is no longer the only male with a job. 

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"He's like a gnat."

Yes, Whis, he most certainly is. At least Vegeta worked for it. Goku just basically pestered.

Sometimes I can't tell whether I'm watching the original or the Abridged series.

Edited by Terrafamilia
clarifying my thoughts
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I particularly liked Vegeta in yesterday’s show. Unlike Goku, he did the work without complaints. Granted, Vegeta had been there for six months and was used to it but I think it’s closer to Vegeta’s personality than some people give him credit for. I know in fanfiction some like to write Vegeta as spoiled because he’s a prince but given Vegeta’s own upbringing being raised by Saiyans like Nappa and working under Freeza and his henchmen, who often mocked him and probably had him do demeaning things, I don’t think Vegeta would be above doing housework, especially when it contributes to his training. Vegeta definitely seemed more disciplined and determined than Goku right now by continuing his training at night. That actually surprised me. With Vegeta having a six month head start, I would think Goku would be the one training at night.

Goku comes off spoiled here and seems to have forgotten his training from Master Roshi. Then, he was more than willing to do the milk runs and the construction work while Krillin was the one to complain.

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Is this the first we see of the Seer? I forgot if he popped up earlier in the series.

Nice to see Vegeta get a workout from menial chores. That came in handy for Goku back in the day. Well, except for the parts where Master Roshii tried to get Goku and Krillin to put Launch into sexy situations. And then she'd sneeze. Anyway . . . getting the Saiyans to have their body parts move without them thinking about it? That's begging for disaster. Who would need Beerus and his fat relative (Beerfield?) when you have those two?

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Piccolo playing peek a boo. Never thought I'd see the day. What would King Piccolo say? 

I'm not spoiling myself looking ahead too much with Super but Freeza's revival feels underwhelming. So I'll wait and see. 

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Even Piccolo cannot resist the power of the cheeks!

Nice to see that the cold themed bad guy naming continues with Sorbet. Who's next, Spumoni? Sherbet? Otter Pop?

On Sunday, May 14, 2017 at 10:26 PM, Lantern7 said:

Is this the first we see of the Seer? I forgot if he popped up earlier in the series.

No, we saw him at the beginning of the Beerus shenanigans, prophesying about the Saiyan God.

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Looks like we're getting into turf covered in Resurrection 'F'. Some things are different. I remember Piccolo rocking Pan's cradle, but I don't think he made funny faces. Nice touch that we didn't get to see those, because Piccolo's status as a badass would be greatly revoked. I know Vegeta has been doing housework, but that's for training purposes.

Also funny: Shenron returning Freiza in malevolent chunks. Of course Sorbet lets Team Pilaf screw up the remaining wishes. I don't even think "Sorbet" is his real name. He probably wanted to keep the legacy of Freiza and Cold (and Cooler, but he's probably not canon). With some quick thinking, we could have had Freiza reassembled to wreak immediate havoc. Gohan and Piccolo fail for not calling Bulma when the sky went dark in order to track the dragon balls.

ETA: Apparently, Freiza went past the ogres in hell, and he got cocooned and surrounded by all things cute. Seems about right. Also, I think I prefer Little Kuriboh's take on the character in the abridged series.

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Heads up: Last week's DBS will air at 8 p.m. tonight. The Toonami block is a marathon of the final season of Samurai Jack. The "Resurrection 'F'" arc continues next week.

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As puzzling Yamcha, Trunks and Goten's absence are, I was even more disturbed over Gohan's clothes. He looks like he's getting ready for a morning jog. I agree with Piccolo in the tease for next week over Gohan's clothes.

I think 18 should've went with Krillin. Marron could stay with Chichi or Bulma until the fight is over. If Piccolo and company die against Freeza and his army, 18 doesn't stand a chance against them trying to protect Marron anyway.  Might as well go down fighting together. 

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Krillin: Wow . . . I've died at least twice. I don't shit myself around Piccolo anymore after his dad sent a minion to murder me. Why am I so scared now?

Master Roshi: Dude! Head in the game!! I'm centuries old, and I'm holding my own!! Naughty thoughts are the only thing keeping me alive!

Piccolo: Geezer's right. If we wanted useless, we could have called Yamcha!

Frieza: Hey, troops! If the monkey isn't coming to us, let's bring him here by murdering his best friend!

Frieza's Troops: Awright! We're gonna score points with the boss!

Krillin: Eep!! (dodging) What the hell?!?

Gohan: Dude. You're Peter Parker. This asshole is Flash Thompson!

Krillin: Wow! (beating ass) Now I'm glad the missus is back home!! (powering up) And I just remembered . . . we can use ki blasts!!

Z-Fighters: Oh my fuck!!! How did we forget that?!?


Frieza Minion #1: (clutching Gohan in bear hug) What's a daddy gonna do to me?!?

Gohan: You don't get my resolve! I'm a father! And I will protect my fami-

(Minion gets blasted in the back)

Goha: Awesome! They're turning on each other! (looking down at small hole in chest) Oooooooooh poop.

Piccolo: Hey, that's what I did to your father when I met you! Is that the defintiion of irony?

Gohan: (nodding frantically as he falls and bleeds out)


Trunks: Dude! Did you sense that power?!?

Goten: I know! Let's endanger our precious lives and cause the heroes to really worry!

Trunks: With all this fighting, who needs girls?

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Say what you want about Freeza, the dude knows how to be villainous with the worst of them. His solution for his minions' lack of teamwork? "Everyone try to kill the one in orange!" Instant teamwork.

Bulma's Galactic Guardian friend sure can pose, can't he? Not much use for anything else, but he has the posing down pat.

1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

Master Roshi: Dude! Head in the game!! I'm centuries old, and I'm holding my own!! Naughty thoughts are the only thing keeping me alive!

Is that why he...ah...enlarges...when he powers up?

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5 hours ago, Lantern7 said:


Trunks: Dude! Did you sense that power?!?

Goten: I know! Let's endanger our precious lives and cause the heroes to really worry!

Trunks: With all this fighting, who needs girls?

What was Bulma thinking leaving those two alone together? You know they are gonna get in something. I would blame Chichi too but she probably thinks Goten is playing with Trunks and has no idea Freeza and his minions are on Earth. This show loves to keep her in the dark about things. 

Gohan definitely inherited his father's slacking tendency. While Goku slacks on responsibilities as a husband and father, Gohan slacks on his fighting. 

Whis made a very good point about Goku and Vegeta. If you get over your being frenemey and be sparring partners, you can unlock your true potential on your own. 

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This week: New Guy lays out beatings. And then Gotenks shows up to headbutt him in the groin. Apparently, the area between the legs is sensitive in 99 percent of beings in the universe. But then a frog swaps places with the guy. Did you guys "see" Ginyu after he became a frog? I wasn't watching Kai, so I don't know if they covered him becoming Bulma for several episodes. That is shit she does not want to talk about. The gang is overmatched, Frieza pokes holes in Gohan for giggles, and Piccolo takes a blast for his adopted son. Basically, business as usual. Oh, and Goku and Vegeta are stuck in a pocket dimension that resembles the Hyperbolic Time Chamber on the Lookout.

ETA: I like Frieza thinking that Trunks might be related to the guy that turned him into sashimi. The mere notion of time traveling is the only thing keeping Trunks alive at this point.

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1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

 Did you guys "see" Ginyu after he became a frog? I wasn't watching Kai, so I don't know if they covered him becoming Bulma for several episodes. 

I think those scenes were skipped since it wasn't part of the manga. 

I hope after this Gohan gets back to training. 

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Ouch! Super Saiyan head-butt to the groin! Hope he wasn't planning to have kids. I wonder if Freeza could be affected the same way. Of course, he'd have to get out of his flying bumper-car first.


19 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Did you guys "see" Ginyu after he became a frog? I wasn't watching Kai, so I don't know if they covered him becoming Bulma for several episodes. That is shit she does not want to talk about.

Yeah, they spent some time on that. Even as a frog she was annoying. I kinda hoped Ginyu would squash her. Not a big Bulma fan here.

And speaking of the frog: Since the Ginyu frog counted as a person for purposes of the "bring everyone to Earth" wish, did all of the other Namekian frogs come to Earth too? Instant invasive species!

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Numerous hilarious lines this week involving Beerus's ass, Vegita and Bulma's pillow talk, and descriptions of cheese as "congealed mammal lactation." Also, Vegeta annihilates Ginyu utterly.

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Think of it this way, Goku . . . now Vegeta has murdered all five members of the Ginyu Force. And unlike Recoome, Jace and Burter, you didn't have to soften up Ginyu for him. Now they can coordinate epic poses in HFIL hell.

Damn, Gohan looked gaunt. Also, I don't recall Freiza (never sure about the spelling) killing everybody except Koala Alien Sorbet in the movie. It really fits the character, doesn't it?

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Nothing like pissed off Dads to get Goten and Trunks leaving the battlefield. Nothing will ever top Goku's pissed Super Saiyan rage at Gohan. 

I did lol at Vegeta's refusal to hold Goku's hand while he IT them to Earth. 

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Goku, Vegeta and Freeza spend an episode pissing each other off. Then again, when is Vegeta not pissed off? There's a lot of preliminary sparring, and Freeza takes a few cheap shots. Because he's Freeza. Goku reveals his new Super Duper Saiyan With Blue Hair On Top Mode. Next week, Freeza will do the same.


Question: In the opening credits, Goku is yanking some sort of root vegetable out of the ground. Is that a real life vegetable?

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14 minutes ago, Sandman87 said:



Question: In the opening credits, Goku is yanking some sort of root vegetable out of the ground. Is that a real life vegetable?

It's Daikon, a long white radish. 

Why Goku and Vegeta ordered Goten and Trunks away but didn't do the same for the others I'll never understand. 

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And adult non-fighters, like Bulma! Seems a bit unfair when you consider that Goten and Trunks could kick the asses of most of the fighters who are standing around, even without combining their forms.

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Freeza shows off his new Golden Freeza powerup which makes him...more powerful and...golden. Beerus shows up for some magical non-melting strawberry sundae that looks like it was made using about three gallons of ice cream. Freeza pees his pants a little because he thinks The Destroyer is there to stop him, but gets back down to it after being assured that it's strictly a dessert run.

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The Goku vs. Freeza fight swings one way and then another, eventually reaching the predictable conclusion of Goku winning...and then Freeza has his flunky Sorbet shoot Goku in the back when he's powered down. He's the cheatingest cheating bastard who ever cheated! One wonders why he didn't just sneak up on the planet and nuke Goku to start with if that's how he wants to play. Up next: Vegeta wants to play.

A question occurs to me. You know those sensu beans that heal all injuries and restore energy? Why don't they regrow the tails of the Saiyans?

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Guess this proves Goku has a short term memory. His first fight with Freeza ended nearly the same way but that time Goku saw the betrayal coming and still defeated Freeza. It was his sparing Freeza that had Goku yelling at Gohan to finish Cell. You don't have to be spoiled to know what happens next. 

As for the tail, Goku's was permanently removed by Kami so maybe he did something that a sensu bean couldn't fix. I assume Gohan being half Saiyan means there's a limit to how many times a tail can regrow. As for Vegeta, since he got a senzu  well after his recovery from his fight with Goku, maybe it only recovers one from injuries from the most recent battle and not from any past battle where a limb was lost.

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I kinda wish Goku's temper ran hotter. That would've made the twist more interesting.

Goku: Give it up, Freeza. You achieved Gold form, you couldn't wait to murder me with it, and you burnt yourself out. Accept it.

Freeza: Cursing! More cursing!! Monkey epithets!!!

Goku: Come on, be reasonable. You're now 0-3 versus Saiyans.

Freeza: (grumbles)

Goku: Okay, 1-3. You did kill Vegeta. And Trunks was/is half-Saiyan .  . so maybe one win and two-and-a-half losses?

Freeza: I fucking hate you.

Goku: You terrorized Earth, you almost murdered my son, and you killed the guy who's more of a father to him than I ever was. So I want you to leave the planet, lick your wounds, terrorize the universe, and keep training until you feel you can kill me.

Freeza: I have a better idea. [BLAST]
Goku: (looking down, noticing the hole) What the . . . shit?!?

Sorbet: You forgot about my koala-looking ass, you monkey motherfucker!!!
Goku: (collasping) Really?!? FUCKING REALLY?!?!?!? You do this shit to Yamcha! I'm the fuckin' franchise!!!

Freeza: Wow. You actually thought I would grow fond of you and respect you enough to not dirty? Are you fucking kidding me??

Tien: Hey, most of us did try to kill Goku at one point or another.

Goku: You walking, talking dildo. Uggggggggggh.

Freeza: Sticks and stones can't break these bones, so your words mean jack shit. Time to die! [stray power blast] What fresh hell is this?!?

Vegeta: How do they say it on Earth? Oh, right. "HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER!!!!"

Whis: Oooooo! Plot twist! You got any more treats, Bulma dear?

Bulma: Crap.

Oh, and I liked the part where Gou bit the tip of Freeza's tail. He did the same thing to a bigger chunk on Namek.

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Heads up: last week's episode --  "A Chance Appears in a Tight Spot! Launch a Counteroffensive, Goku!" -- starts the Adult Swim block at 8 p.m. tonight. That's followed by the "newest" episode: "The Earth Explodes?! A Decisive Kamehameha." That episode will also start the Toonami block at 11 p.m., as opposed to 11:30.

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Earth explodes and everyone but a handful of people dies.

Bulma: (cries) Vegeta. Trunks. Mom. Dad.

Gohan: I lost Videl and Pan.

Krillin: Marron and 18.

Goku: Silence.

At least Gohan realizes he needs to start training again. Is it me or did Earth look like Apokolips before it blew up?

Vegeta got screwed big time. .

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1 hour ago, Arcadiasw said:

Earth explodes and everyone but a handful of people dies.

Goku: Silence.

Maybe he was doing some deep thinking. Well, deep for Goku. "Wow. This is what I did to King Kai's planet. Holy cow, I am an asshole!! I mean, he found a new place, but he's still dead. That settles it . . . next time we get the Dragon Balls, I'm wishing him, Bubbles and Gregory back!! But wait . . . Earth is destroyed, and all of our loved ones are dead. Meh . . . not the first time, won't be the last. Somebody will make an ass-pull, and none of this will matter." And then Whis breaks out the deus ex macchina from Galaxy Quest, and the rest resolved itself.

I wonder what Bulma's folks were thinking when the shockwave hit. "Damn. I fucking knew she'd destroy the planet."

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I did think it was sort of interesting that for all the "Goku is too passive/compassionate", they only needed the do-over because Vegeta was too busy yacking to get it done. So yeah he's all pissy "lil bro stole my glory again" but dude, you want to do it yourself DO IT and don't stand around talking so much just like he does. Maybe Vegeta does it from overconfidence rather than misplaced leniency, but seriously, they both have a problem facing an opponent who is like "yeah I'm going to destroy your planet". If you don't want him to and you think you can kill him in one blow, just do it and get on with your day instead of toying with him and talking for ages and giving him a chance. You don't want your glory stolen? Blow up the dude and be done quickly. Then drop the mic and walk off.

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We all know Saiyans can't do that. They have to showboat in some way especially if you embarrass them in a previous fight. On one hand I can understand Vegeta wanting to gloat a little bit. He was under Freeza's thumb for years and he killed off his home planet with the rest of his race. So I get Vegeta wanting to make Freeza suffer but like you said, "Kill him and be done with it." Vegeta could've finally had something to gloat over Goku. He and his son Trunks finished off Freeza while Goku lost the fighting letting his guard down and getting a hole in his chest. 

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New arc! Goku and Vegeta meet Champa, the Destroyer from the Sixth Universe and twin brother of Beerus. Food is consumed, shit is blown up, and we get the start of a battle between the finest fighters of the Destroyers' universes. Needless to say, Goku ruins his training outfit out of an orgasm of pure anticipation. That's what I took away from him.

"It's like Lord Beerus ate another Lord Beerus!!!" Sometimes, Goku can be funny.

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Beerus's "brother" Champa comes visiting from the universe next door for a culinary dick-swinging contest, which he loses. Beerus introduces him to the perfection that is instant ramen, and he decides that he must have Earth because his version of Earth got destroyed. Also, his universe has bigger balls.

If the Super Dragon Balls are so all-powerful, couldn't he just wish his Earth back?

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He could, but he doesn't know for sure that his Earth would've had the same awesome snacks (and would probably need two wishes to guarantee it, which would take longer? I guess). For all the time Goku and Vegeta spend saving the Earth they sure are quick to put the whole thing at risk just so they can see if they're the strongest-ongest-est.

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Beerus and Chompa work out the details of a competition to determine who gets to keep the Earth. Bulma whacks Beerus upside his head, manages to survive, and asks approximately the same question that I asked last time. Beerus says basically "this way is more fun."

Chompa and his assistant get to work making a stadium for the contest, including the all-important concession stands. Meanwhile Bulma works on grabbing the universe's balls.

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I literally reacted the same way Goku and Vegeta did: Bulma has a sister??? I hope this is explained in the future.

So has a year has passed since Freeza showed up? I thought this new arc took place a few days or weeks after Freeza.  Unless I’m mistaken all three wishes were used then. Two to revive and put Freeza back together and the other on ice cream. If not, chalk this up to another thing from the DB/DBZ series I have to disregard to accept things in Super.

Vegeta, the errand boy. How fast he must’ve been going to get those Dragon Balls. 

I guess King Kai has to wait another year to be revived. Goku can always go to Namek and use their dragonballs to revive King Kai like he did with Piccolo. I mean, if he really wanted to.  

So planet size Dragon Balls. Those wishes must be really powerful. 

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At least Goku remembered King Kai. I mean, it came about a minute too late, but it's progress, right?

I think I saw most/all of the original series, as well as DBZ. Where the HFIL did Tights come from?  You'd think that Vegeta would know that he has an in-law. Or Trunks having an aunt. Or Goku, because he's known Bulma longer than anybody.

If Beerus' mystery fighter takes the top slot, and Goku and Vegeta occupy the next two, who would fill the roster? Gohan is probably still trying to power up. Piccolo is probably tired of all the bullshit and he's training Gohan. Krillin might be the strongest full-blooded human alive, but he's always going to be the weak link. I'm not reading ahead, so I might be surprised.

ETA while I'm here: What is Tien's deal? I mean . . .  why does he have a third eye? And why doesn't it seem to move like the other two?

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More setting up for the big tournament. Whis and Beerus snipe at each other. Goku and Vegeta make their choices: Buu and Piccolo. Yes, the big sack of pink goo was that big of a major threat in the final DBZ arc. Goku briefly considers calling in Gohan, but not only is the kid still rusty, he's also become an academic neurotic. Poor guy. I would've let the vetting take longer. I mean, is Krillin that big a slab of chopped liver? And Eighteen did break both of Vegeta's arms, while he was Super Saiyan.

Oh, and Goku talks Vegeta into going into the Hyperbaric Time Chamber for three days. Here's what I see happening:

Dende: No. Nuh uh. No way.

Goku: Aw, c'mon!!! You're the boss on the Lookout! Open that sucker up!

Dende: To review: you two will spend three years training. Is that right?

Goku: FUCK YEAH! I mean, if I can't spar with Beerus's mystery warrior . . .

Dende: Vegeta, this was not your idea, was it?

Vegeta: Did you have to ask?!?

Dende: See, if I let you two in for even half a day, I fear two things. One: the fighting and leveling up would escalate to a point where the universe would be ripped asunder. And I don't just mean the world inside the chamber. I mean the whole damn universe.

Goku: Would that affect the other universes?

Dende: Okay, now I have to deal with the idea that this isn't the only reality. Kami never had to put up with this shit.

Vegeta: What is the other concern?

Dende: That one of you would kill the other, either by accident or through murder. Knowing you, it would be the latter. And you'd make it look like an accident.

Vegeta: Well, I do make terrible decisions . . .

Goku: I know! We'll take the Dragon Balls in there! If one of us dies, the other can wish him back!

Shenron: (appearing without fanfare) No, that ain't happening. (poofs out)

Vegeta: About time he grew some balls.

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Mr. Satan, why don't you and Buu go get a room already. Geez.

Beerus had better lay off the Ramen or he's going to end up looking like Chompa. That's nearly 100% starch there.

If Vegeta and Goku are gonna end up old and creaky awfully quick if they don't lay off the Gravity Chamber.

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1 hour ago, Sandman87 said:

Mr. Satan, why don't you and Buu go get a room already. Geez.

If Vegeta and Goku are gonna end up old and creaky awfully quick if they don't lay off the Gravity Chamber.

1. They're not like that. I know, it's tough to understand those two if you didn't see their story hasn't play out on DBZ. Crap, DBZK just got into the concept of Fusion. In my head, Buu isn't awestruck by Satan's fame, but he doesn't know he's 99.99 percent hype. Satan likes the blobby guy, and it's not out of fear that he might rampage like he did at the end of DBZ.

2. "Hyperbolic Time Chamber." I goofed on the name. And it's basically one day = one year.

ETA: I like the idea that Vegeta might be the narrator, complete with different voice. And Goku argues with the narrator, because Goku.

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So mostly a recap episode. The only interesting thing was Whis and Beerus’ conversation. Gohan is also burdened by being a responsible father and husband as he had mentioned as one of the reasons besides his academics as to why he couldn’t go. I felt sorry for Gohan. He’s so wired with blame going to both parents. ChiChi was strict on studying probably influenced by Goku, realizing what she got with him as a husband. Gohan was left with a lot of responsibility at a young age due to his father’s absence. Seeing the effects of Goku’s absence on ChiChi, taught Gohan what not to do as a husband and father but also crippled him in making a rational decision to leave his family for a few days to save their planet.

Bulma and Vegeta have come a long way in their relationship. The sneak attack was cute. Years ago Vegeta didn’t care to save Bulma and baby Trunks from Dr. Gero and now he’s protecting Bulma’s ears from Beerus’s outburst and in a preview of next week’s show, threatening Jaco to not try anything with Bulma.

I didn’t expect Goku to drop the news about Uub to Piccolo, Vegeta and Krillin given only Goku knew about the reincarnation at the end of Z but with Super I guess that’s another thing that’s tossed out. Since Vegeta and Goku are going in the chamber for three years, did they change the rule that you can only spend a year there or the door that connects with the real world will disappear? Wouldn’t Gohan benefit from spending a year in the time chamber? That should help get the rust out.

I think Piccolo turned down the offer of spending three years in the Time Chamber with Goku and Vegeta because he knew he would kill Goku or attempt to in his sleep if he had to stay with him that long. 

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