Lantern7 December 29, 2016 Share December 29, 2016 I'm starting a thread for Dragon Ball Super, which has been out in Japan for a while, and will make its debut on American TV on January 7. I'm not terribly familiar with this anime, save for that it picks up after the final arc from Dragon Ball Z, but not as far into the future as GT. Also, I think that the latest two movies -- Battle Of Gods and Resurrection 'F'-- will be incorporated, meaning cat-god-thing Beerus and his faithful manservant Whis will be showing up. This thread is for those who want to watch it on Toonami and be unspoiled. Editor's Note: Please use spoiler tags in here for episodes that have aired only in Japan. Link to comment
Lantern7 January 7, 2017 Author Share January 7, 2017 Bumping up. If you need to get to bed early and don't want to fuss with the DVR, Adult Swim will be running the DBS premiere at 8 p.m. ETA: Let's review. Goku? Still a dumbass. Mr. Satan? Still the biggest phony in the universe, though he doesn't buy into his own hype. Buu? Still an uncomfortable character to watch. Also, I don't think Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F' happened, and that Beerus (the god-like cat creature) hasn't met the gang yet. Bright side: Goku gets 100 million zeni, so Chi Chi is okay with him going to train with King Kai. And Gohan and Videl are married, though I don't think Pan is a thing yet. Just once, I'd like to see a DB female character kick ass and remain kicking ass. For Kami's sake, Android 18 (or whatever her name is) is married to Krillin. Krillin. Here are the opening credits. I couldn't find a "clean" version. And it looks like Toriyama character Jaco will be coming back. Link to comment
Lantern7 January 15, 2017 Author Share January 15, 2017 Looks like the movies aren't in continuity. That was the same deal with DBZ, so I shouldn't be surprised that Beerus is more of a dick-like god/god-like dick in DBS. In other news, Vegeta goes on a family resort trip with Bulma and Trunks. As much as I valued the DBZ episodes over Kai, I can see why filler would be eliminated. Vegeta being the grumpiest spiky-haired motherfucker in paradise? Whatever. I like Trunks busting his mother's hump about not being able to fly. I mean, a. She is a genius, and b. Gohan was able to get Videl flying during the Buu arc. She was young, though. Bulma? Not so much these days. Meanwhile, Goku trains on King Kai's world. Two things. One, the planet's gravity is ten times greater than Earth's. By comparison, Vegeta goes for 150 times normal. Secondly, why does King Kai put up with Goku? Bastard brought Cell to him, and he wound up getting killed with Gregory and Bubbles. I'm guessing death in Otherworld isn't a huge deal, but Goku just wrecks so much around him. Link to comment
Sandman87 January 15, 2017 Share January 15, 2017 It's weird that they have this scheduled before DBZ, especially since this show has spoilers for that one, such as the fact that Gohan and Videl are married, or that Mr. Satan is waiting hand and foot on a childish alien named Buu. Nice to see that King Kai is still making awful puns. "A world piece of pie" indeed. Maybe he should serve up a fresh slice of "get the fuck off my lawn" to Goku. Beerus looks like he's going to be boring. He also looks like an Egyptian god that's half man and half Sphynx cat. (Fun trivia fact: Sphynx cats didn't exist before the 1960s. Fun trivia fact #2: The Sphynx that portrayed Mr. Bigglesworth in Austin Powers was named Ted Nudegent.) Link to comment
Terrafamilia January 15, 2017 Share January 15, 2017 So Chi-Chi now has 100,000,000 zeni at her disposal. Hmm, let's try to figure out the zeni/dollar exchange rate. If I recall correctly, at the store where Bulma was buying clothes for Trunks there were tacky shirts going for 1800 zeni as well as a few for 3000 zeni. I'm nowhere near to being a contestant on The Price is Right but let's say similar shirts could go for 18-30 dollars U.S. That would give us an estimated 1,000,000 dollar stash. That's still a nice chunk of change but if she isn't careful and goes on a big spending binge it could be gone before she knows it. Link to comment
Lantern7 January 15, 2017 Author Share January 15, 2017 Knowing Chi Chi, this goes straight towards Goten's education. Personally, I'd invest in a panic room inside a panic room. There was a time where she was a heavyweight, but this anime is not kind towards women in general. Not like she teams up with Videl, Eighteen and Launch on a regular basis. She could probably kick Mr. Satan's ass, though. Who couldn't? 1 Link to comment
Sandman87 January 15, 2017 Share January 15, 2017 1 hour ago, Terrafamilia said: So Chi-Chi now has 100,000,000 zeni at her disposal. Hmm, let's try to figure out the zeni/dollar exchange rate. If I recall correctly, at the store where Bulma was buying clothes for Trunks there were tacky shirts going for 1800 zeni as well as a few for 3000 zeni. I'm nowhere near to being a contestant on The Price is Right but let's say similar shirts could go for 18-30 dollars U.S. That would give us an estimated 1,000,000 dollar stash. That's still a nice chunk of change but if she isn't careful and goes on a big spending binge it could be gone before she knows it. Or you could just say that the zeni is probably about the same as the yen, which hovers around 100 yen to the dollar, giving the same result. Link to comment
Terrafamilia January 15, 2017 Share January 15, 2017 You would think that a reward for saving the entire world from destruction would be a tad bit higher. Link to comment
Lantern7 January 22, 2017 Author Share January 22, 2017 Looks like the series is taking a longer route than the movie. Nice to see Eighteen flying, even though she's not nearly as interesting being Mrs. Krillin. And does the little girl have any development? On the other hand, nice to get an answer about whether King Kai and his friends being dead actually matters. It does. Bug/Catfish-looking aliens deserve respect, too. Link to comment
Spartan Girl January 22, 2017 Share January 22, 2017 On January 15, 2017 at 4:46 PM, Lantern7 said: Knowing Chi Chi, this goes straight towards Goten's education. Personally, I'd invest in a panic room inside a panic room. There was a time where she was a heavyweight, but this anime is not kind towards women in general. Not like she teams up with Videl, Eighteen and Launch on a regular basis. She could probably kick Mr. Satan's ass, though. Who couldn't? I've seen the Japanese version of this show so I'm a little ahead of the Toonami run. And while she does have a few good moments, yeah, Super has butchered her character a lot worse -- along with Goku's. It's worse then GT sometimes. Link to comment
Sandman87 January 22, 2017 Share January 22, 2017 Krillin and Eighteen have a kid. Does that mean that the kid is half android? I don't even want to know how an android has a kid. Meanwhile, Goku continues to make life miserable for King Kai. And forgets about Bulma's party. He's kind of an asshole, isn't he? Link to comment
Terrafamilia January 22, 2017 Share January 22, 2017 If I recall correctly, Eighteen and her brother are actually cyborgs. I don't know if the "android" thing is just a translation issue or if they just kept going with the android numbering system because that's just what Dr. Gereaux (however that's spelled) had settled on. Link to comment
Lantern7 January 23, 2017 Author Share January 23, 2017 On 1/22/2017 at 1:38 PM, Sandman87 said: Meanwhile, Goku continues to make life miserable for King Kai. And forgets about Bulma's party. He's kind of an asshole, isn't he? He's a jackass. Or dumbass. He's too nice to be an asshole. Getting too into training and forgetting Bulma's birthday isn't too bad. Now . . . knowing about her party and opting to train even though she's your wife and mother to your kid? That's being an asshole, Vegeta. And factoring everything in DBZ, including the stuff about to be covered in Kai, we know this guy does not make good decisions. @Terrafamilia . . . from the movies, I know the "androids" go from 20 (Dr. Gero), past 16, all the way down to 13. Here's the movie abridged by Team Four Star. That means the guy "made" seven cyborgs. And he referred to them as "androids," probably because he was a huge asshole. ETA: Did Vegeta and Bulma formally get married? Does such a thing exist for those with a Saiyan heritage? I'd picture the honeymoon to resemble the Klingons, in that lots of stuff would get broken. 1 Link to comment
Lantern7 January 30, 2017 Author Share January 30, 2017 More setting up for Beerus' eventual battle with Goku. Also, more party fun on the Princess Bulma. And we get Pilaf and his minions, who were the original bad guys in the DB series. Remember when Pilaf was about to make a wish, and Oolong came out of nowhere to get the most comfortable panties ever? Good times. I don't know why they're young here. I think it was a wish gone wrong in Battle Of Gods. I know that they wished on the black Dragon Balls in GT and inadvertently made Goku a kid, but that hasn't happened yet. And it might never happen, because GT kinda blows. Gotta love Bulma giving away extravagant prizes, where a castle is second place. First prize? The Dragon Balls, natch. I like the abridged series, where it's no secret that Shenron friggin' hates these people. Still waiting for King Kai to snap. "Get off my planet. Get off my planet. Get the fucking FUCK off my planet!! I have the God of Gods homing in, and I don't want to know what it would be like to die twice!" Almost forgot: Krillin and Eighteen's kid is named Marin. After the girl Krillin was seeing during the "Garlic Jr. Revenge" miniarc. That is a bit odd, even for anime. Or this anime. Link to comment
Sandman87 January 30, 2017 Share January 30, 2017 Seems weird that "the richest woman on Earth" hasn't put Goku & Family on Capsule Corp's payroll as security consultants or something. Seems like freeing up their time for training would be a good investment, considering how frequently bad guys come along and threaten to blow up the planet that Capsule has all of its assets on. It wouldn't even qualify as pocket change for her. More like pocket lint. On Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 7:28 PM, Lantern7 said: ETA: Did Vegeta and Bulma formally get married? Apparently. Can't be sure (unless someone here who has seen all the other DB shows can tell us), because "wife" is sometimes used loosely, similar to the way that "princess" doesn't have to refer to royalty. Link to comment
Lantern7 January 30, 2017 Author Share January 30, 2017 Maybe Goku wouldn't want things to be weird between his family and Bulma . . . even though he's saved her life directly. And more times indirectly. Oh, and the first time they met, she shot him in the face. Lucky for her the dim, semi-feral, tailed child turned out to be an alien that gets powered up after every defeat. "But Chi Chi, I don't even have a scar!" "I don't care!!! Exploit that shit for all she's worth!!!" 2 Link to comment
Sandman87 January 30, 2017 Share January 30, 2017 I don't even have a concept of what would qualify as "weird" in this context. Link to comment
Lantern7 February 5, 2017 Author Share February 5, 2017 For those who missed DBS at 8. . . Beerus: So you're the guy that beat Freeza. Don't take this the wrong way, but you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Goku: *sigh* I am socially inept, yes. I forgot that my friend's birthday is today. But I wanna fight you. This? Is Super Saiyan! (minutes later) Beerus: Is that it? Goku: Not even close. SUPER SAIYAN 2!!! (time passes) Beerus: If I wasn't a cat-god-thing, I still wouldn't be sweating. King North Kai: Hell, Goku, why don't you just blow up the planet?!? Or would you fuck THAT up as well?!? Goku: I got this! SUPER SAIYAN 3!!!! Weiss: Oh, my. Do you spend a lot for haircuts? (more time) Beerus: And that's that. Goku: (staggering) SUPER . .. SAIYAN . . . NUMBER THAT COMES AFTER 3! (collapses) Right . .. GT might not happen yet . . . (goes limp) Beerus: That was fun. And boring. Weiss, take me to Earth! We need to talk with Prince Vegeta! (zaps out) King Kai: Oh, good. You're still breathing. And most of my world is intact. Thank Supreme Kai for that. Or is it Old Kai? Whatever. . . King Kai to Vegeta! Hey! Monkey douchebag! Are you there?!? Vegeta: It's the alien catfish man. And I'm just relaxing after working out, while barely pretending to care about my wife. What is it? King Kai: Lord Beerus is coming to Earth. He is the god of destruction. Whatever you do, do NOT confront him! He just gave Goku a beating! Did you hear me, Vegeta?!? Vegeta: He . . . beat . . . Kakkarot?!? King Kai: Fucking Kai Christ, you're going to fight him. Vegeta: That just occurred to you? King Kai: As soon as I said it, yeah. Vegeta: And you know I don't make good decisions. Did you see the last arc? King Kai: Just . . . just try not to destroy the universe. Can you do that for me? Vegeta: I. Promise. NOTHING. King Kai: Kai damn it, why couldn't Freeza be better at genocide?!? Vegeta: I HEARD THAT!!!! 2 Link to comment
Sandman87 February 5, 2017 Share February 5, 2017 Beerus is going to attend Bulma's party, which even Goku didn't bother to do. It figures that he'd be a party animal, based on the fact that his name is the plural form of "beer me." Link to comment
Lantern7 February 12, 2017 Author Share February 12, 2017 In case you missed the 8 p.m. airing and don't want to wait until 11:30 . . . Vegeta: I don't get it. Even if I am vastly overpowered by this "Destroyer," my first instinct would be to kill him even if I take out half the planet, and wear his feet around my neck for good fortune. Why the shit do I feel like the scarred beta male around this . . . thing?!? (flashback) Beerus: (putting a foot on King Vegeta's head) You get why I'm doing this, right? King: I am sorry. Very, very sorry. But why would you ask me for a comfortable pillow?!? I am a Saiyan. We'd sleep on nails if we had to. And some of do that anyway. Beerus: Still, you disappointed me. It's a good thing you people are Freeza's bitches. If you displease me again, I will have no choice but to utterly destroy Vegeta. King: My son, the planet or me? Beerus: . . . yes. Young Vegeta: Bastard! He's too scared to power-blast you through a wall, you freak! Beeus: *sigh* Good thing I know where the off switch on these people is located. (Vegeta collapses in a heap) (end flashback) Vegeta: Wait . . . how the hell did I forget that?!? That should have haunted my dreams like Freeza and Kakkarot! Maybe the woman is right . . . I might need a "head shrinker" after all. ETA: Yes, I borrowed the "Vegeta" gag from Team Four Star. Because it's that funny. Link to comment
Sandman87 February 12, 2017 Share February 12, 2017 Vegeta spends an entire episode having a cow because Beerus is doing party things at Bulma's party, such as eating takoyaki (which he declares to be yummy) and introducing himself. Things finally take a turn for the worse when the obnoxious pink stomach-alien refuses to share his pudding. Let the fighting begin! BTW: Vegeta sounds like a vegan version of Velveeta. Link to comment
Lantern7 February 13, 2017 Author Share February 13, 2017 While I'm at it . . . Beerus: Why is everybody staring at me? That . . . thing punched me twenty times. I actually felt that! Damn it, it was wearing boxing gloves! So it gets a little wet. Big deal! Mr. Satan: (trembling) Hello, your royal catness. That fella's name is Buu, and he's my buddy. Beerus: Are you as strong? Mr. Satan: No. Right now, I'm thankful I'm only pissing myself. Anyways, the thing about Buu is that he's special. He's . . . he's . . . Weiss: Benny from L.A. Law? Mr. Satan: Exactly!! Benny from- . . . hold on. How do you know that?!? Weiss: I'm a servant for a deity. Of course I get marvelous reception. Mr. Satan: On this here boat, I'd say the strongest fella here is Bulma's husband . . . Not-Goku? He's over there. Vegeta: (clenching his teeth, veins popping up on forehead) Gk . .. Gk . .. Gkkk!!!! Beerus: Is he Benny as well? Bulma: In many ways? Yes, he is. Link to comment
Lantern7 February 19, 2017 Author Share February 19, 2017 Quick question for those with better memories . . . has Goku ever gone double bugfuck with cheese when somebody went after Chi Chi? While I think Vegeta needed an excuse to flip out on the irresistible force that is Beerus, maybe the big lug really does care about Bulma. For anybody who hasn't seen the Buu arc . . . and yes, I reckon it's a little messed up that Toonami/AS is showing the two shows at the same time . . . Goku learned a technique where fighters with similar power levels can fuse together. A dance is involved. Goten + Trunks = Gotenks. Yes, really. He/they can go to Super Saiyan 3. I feel bad for Gohan. He ended Cell. Here? He gets Buu-slapped. On the bright side, Eighteen can still fight. I don't think any other female in this series can fly. ETA: Gotta love Bulma giving Krillin shit about not fighting. He says that he wants to look after his daughter. Then Yamcha volunteers to fight in his place. Cut to the next day . . . "We need you to bring the dumbass back, Shenron." "Again?!?" "Again." ETA2: Not sure if Videl can still fly. Link to comment
Spartan Girl February 19, 2017 Share February 19, 2017 20 hours ago, Lantern7 said: Quick question for those with better memories . . . has Goku ever gone double bugfuck with cheese when somebody went after Chi Chi? The dream sequences he had of the Androids murdering her while he had the heart virus made flip out. And then there was also that vision he had in the Frieza saga of Earth being destroyed; he was seeing the faces of all his friends and family but she and Gohan were the ones that popped up quite often. And heads up because I've seen the Japanese version of Super, another such scene is coming where an upcoming enemy murders Goten and Chichi (albeit in an alternate timeline) and Goku loses his shit when he finds out. Link to comment
Sandman87 February 20, 2017 Share February 20, 2017 So, if Buu gets an injury while he's fighting, would that be considered a Buu-boo? 'Cause I think he's got a few now from Beerus. Sure is handy that they've already got the Dragon Balls right there on the ship and ready to use once almost everyone is dead. Link to comment
Terrafamilia February 21, 2017 Share February 21, 2017 Best line of the night (the delivery really sold it). Whis to Sushi Master: You truly are a peach. Link to comment
Lantern7 February 26, 2017 Author Share February 26, 2017 Had to pause the credits . . . Whis is played by Ian Sinclair, who can be heard voicing Brook on One Piece. Also, he starred in Space Dandy. Like the commercial teased, Vegeta takes the fight to Beerus . . . and he gets knocked down. On the bright side, he does get a few hits in this time. Beerus gives the Earth a second chance with a game of rock-paper-scissors. Against Oolong. Because Beerus thinks he and Buu are related. I'd call him racist . . . but c'mon, could you tell red ants apart from black without looking closely? Oolong loses after three rounds, and Beerus is gearing up for the fatal blast (as Whis holds the box of goodies) . . . and that's when Goku shows up. His plan: summon Shenron to figure out how to get a Super Saiyan God. Oh, and Pilaf and his buddies have fled the ship in panic. Not really caring about them, truth be told. ETA: Here's Puar going apeshit on Oolong. They used to be able to shapeshift. Also, in the original series, Bulma fed Oolong a pill that forces him to go to the bathroom anytime she mentions "bacon." Dragonball was nuts, guys. Link to comment
Sandman87 February 26, 2017 Share February 26, 2017 I thought maybe Vegeta was going to give Beerus more of a fight before getting knocked on his ass. Didn't even last for half of an episode. Seriously? Beerus is the most powerful being around and he wants to play Rock-Porker-Scissors? Lame. Link to comment
Sandman87 March 5, 2017 Share March 5, 2017 The show gets back to its roots, by which I mean that Goku spends the entire episode getting powered up. Looks like there may be an actual fight soon. Link to comment
Terrafamilia March 5, 2017 Share March 5, 2017 I loved it that the discerning connoisseur, Lord Beerus, was just lying back sucking up orange soda/juice and munching corn chip straight out of the bag while waiting for the show to get a move on already. Link to comment
Lantern7 March 9, 2017 Author Share March 9, 2017 And now we see why Pan could only fly around in GT. But I don't know if GT will end up happening. I know she would be a quarter-Saiyan, but I'd expect her to launch a few ki blasts. I mean, if Yamcha could do that, why not her? ETA: Forgot about Shenron crapping himself in front of Beerus. I don't think Shenron has been in fear of anything, and King Piccolo killed him for a bit. Link to comment
Lantern7 March 12, 2017 Author Share March 12, 2017 This week: Super Saiyan God Goku battles Beerus, and he's loving it. Yes, Beerus did threaten to blow Earth up, but they look like they're having fun. When has Goku ever fought when everything a fan could imagine was not on the line? Off the top of my head: Gohan (training during the Cell arc), Pikkon (Otherworld Tournament; got lopped off from DBZK) and Uub (not a misspell; it's a long story). Saw this on the Toonami Tumblr. Here's what gets me: most of those people can fly. I get needing the shuttle to see the fight, but why are they running? The only ones that I know can't get air are Maron and Oolong. And maybe Roshi. Anybody caring about the Pilaf gang? Me neither. At least Whis is still making friends. Link to comment
Sandman87 March 12, 2017 Share March 12, 2017 4 hours ago, Lantern7 said: Here's what gets me: most of those people can fly. I get needing the shuttle to see the fight, but why are they running? And why doesn't the shuttle have any seat-belts for the passengers? Also, where was King Kai running to? He's on a planet that's only about 100 yards in diameter. Link to comment
Lantern7 March 13, 2017 Author Share March 13, 2017 Another weird thought: in the opening credits (both full and shortened), they have Goku powering up. Nothing wrong with that, but there's a shot of my groin area. It's not explicit . . . you can see his legs and stomach, but it's just a little much for me. I went to Big Apple Comic Con this weekend, and look who I ran into today. I don't think I've seen those guys before at a con, but DBS has been out for a while, and I can be very oblivious. Link to comment
Sandman87 March 26, 2017 Share March 26, 2017 Goku must be the only "good guy" around who's willing to endanger the entire universe just so he can have a fun fight. Giggling like an idiot the entire time. Nice to see that Kai knows how to do the drill: "When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." Couldn't the Kais isolate Goku and Beerus or something? Like in another universe? Piccolo asks "Did we make it in time?" Yes, you're in time nothing at all, other than be endangered. Good job. Link to comment
Lantern7 April 2, 2017 Author Share April 2, 2017 Apparently, Adult Swim will be running a new episode of Rick and Morty through midnight. At least that's what I found on Twitter. The 8 p.m. airing was preempted, and there's a chance we might have to wait a week for a "new" episodes of DBS. Just wanted to give a heads-up. Link to comment
Arcadiasw April 2, 2017 Share April 2, 2017 On 3/26/2017 at 6:16 PM, Sandman87 said: Goku must be the only "good guy" around who's willing to endanger the entire universe just so he can have a fun fight. Giggling like an idiot the entire time. Guess Goku forgot he chastised Freeza for 'bustin' up other people's planets'. I know not to expect a lot of character development because DB isn't that type of show or manga but there used to be some developments. With this series, whatever developments there were in say Goku for example took a huge step back all in the form to bring back humor that was more prevalent in Dragonball. Link to comment
Sandman87 April 10, 2017 Share April 10, 2017 Goku and Beerus basically spend most of the episode playing tug o'war with a super black hole. They spend so much of that time grunting and groaning that it sounds more like a constipation contest. Mr. Satan "saves the world" again. Then Goku's god-power wears off, but somehow his super-blond form absorbed the whatever-energy-stuff, meaning that he somehow got a permanent power-up out of the deal. I'm just waiting for Beerus to transform. Seems like everyone in this franchise transforms. Link to comment
Terrafamilia April 16, 2017 Share April 16, 2017 Awwww, Vegeta didn't let Goku go splat. And in Sandwhale and Me happenings - Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Take that, green peace! Link to comment
Sandman87 April 17, 2017 Share April 17, 2017 Beerus beats Goku, then fakes falling asleep so he doesn't have to destroy the Earth. Yay face-saving dishonesty! Link to comment
theatremouse April 17, 2017 Share April 17, 2017 That was such a non-ending ending, especially the bit where Goku was also apparently faking some of the fight? I didn't quite understand what he was saying but seems like for all their bluster, neither was super into it. Link to comment
Lantern7 April 23, 2017 Author Share April 23, 2017 Great episode. Mr. Satan does what he does best: lie to the public to cover up for Goku. This time, he brags about he fought Beavis the Destroyer. No, high amounts of sugar were not involved. Also, he got bright blonde hair from the power-up. And then, actual aliens arrived to meet the guy that defeated Lord Beerus. Normally, I roll my eyes when I see Mr. Satan/Hercule, but I had a good laugh at the comedy of errors. Link to comment
Sandman87 April 23, 2017 Share April 23, 2017 Funny, I seem to recall that it was Bevis who was the blond one. Link to comment
Arcadiasw April 23, 2017 Share April 23, 2017 Laughed the entire show. Haven't laughed this much with Super since Vegeta cooked for Beerus. Link to comment
SilverShadow April 24, 2017 Share April 24, 2017 I love the little breather episodes. Mr. Satan was great. And Gohan trying to cook for Videl was precious. Poor Goku's in the doghouse for awhile. His reaction to getting spotted was great. I forgot my tractoooor aaaaah. Link to comment
Lantern7 May 1, 2017 Author Share May 1, 2017 This week: Vegeta finds out Whis was/is Beerus's mentor, and he basically embarrasses himself to be taken under his delightful wing. Also: Krillin wants to feel Goku's power. That involves taking a punch. And it goes as well as you'd think. Miraculously, Krillin lives through the experience. Link to comment
Arcadiasw May 1, 2017 Share May 1, 2017 On Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 9:24 PM, SilverShadow said: I love the little breather episodes. Mr. Satan was great. And Gohan trying to cook for Videl was precious. Poor Goku's in the doghouse for awhile. His reaction to getting spotted was great. I forgot my tractoooor aaaaah. I love the tease for next week with Goku bursting through a wall when he learns Vegeta has been training with Whis for six months while he's been farming. Link to comment
theatremouse May 2, 2017 Share May 2, 2017 I found Vegeta attempting to cook a lot funnier than I should have. Link to comment
Sandman87 May 2, 2017 Share May 2, 2017 I can't help but wonder if the inclusion of the "heavenly bowl of noodles" was conceived as an opportunity for product placement. Link to comment
Sandman87 May 7, 2017 Share May 7, 2017 Gohan's daughter is named Pan? As in the Japanese word for bread? (BTW thanks to Yakitate! Japan. for teaching me that.) Nice that they're sticking to the food themed naming. Also, Chichi is obnoxious. Link to comment
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