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S25.E02: Love In The Fast Lane

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I need to stop watching this show live. I prefer it when I can fast forward through the insane, drunken, confusing rambling.

I hadn't paid attention during the instructions and so I had to watch the show from the beginning to learn that the boys didn't HAVE to be the ones driving the cars. Could none of the women drive a stick shift or is it so completely unheard of to allow the women to actually DO anything on this show?

No wonder Frank wants to quit the Challenges . . . Lady Luck fucking hates him. I laughed out loud when he had to draw the kill card, even when I realized that previews gave it away that he'd survived. Poor Dustin . . . I know I shouldn't feel bad for him, but he's way better than Frank could ever hope to be. I'm pissed off that newcomers to the show will think Frank as unfortunate. No, he's going into Elimination because Karma has been waiting for him for some time.

Camila/Nany . . . okay, how did this fight spill out of CT paying for drinks? It's so hard for me to keep track of the fights. I can imagine Big Easy sitting at home, wondering why he's the bad guy for quitting on Camila, when it's plain to see that she's a psycho hose beast. I think she's the one that was berating CT for no real reason. Bitch crazy, y'all.

Mission . . . usual amount of nonsense from BMP, though the bikes were a nice touch. Of course Frank would pick Nia. And, of course, few guys would know how to drive stick. Then again, when has that ever come up in any season? It's not like The Amazing Race where it's a prerequisite. And thinking about it . . . dunno why none of the women stepped up and drove. Something to ask them online.

Elimination . . . Emilee who? All I know is that she just flunked out of her second Challenge with only three missions under her belt, so maybe this isn't her thing. Once again, I feel bad for Dustin, because he's a better man than Frank. And it looks like Frank is going to lose it over the phone next week. Thinking about it, though, don't the kids have cell phone access in case of emergencies? I'd hate to rip on Frank if something legit awful happens, even though he does deserve to be kicked in the balls about twenty times.

Thanks for the link, Sarah. I didn't even know that we have recaps. Cool.

How unlucky is Frank? He's still there. And I wish he wasn't because I LOATHE him. I really enjoyed the relationship between him and Nani (is that it? I'm not sure of her name) - they look like really good friends. The clip they showed, I remember that scene & didn't like her back then, but put it together with how she was with Dustin on this aftershow & I really like how they are together, like a couple of buddies. You don't see that too often between male/females on this show.

Speaking of the aftershow, yikes Suzie. She looks a bit haggard. Could be the eye liner though. I kind of miss Suzie in the challenges purely from a competitor standpoint.

Those cars were really nice!

I thought it was a pretty good episode. I'm happy with who went home, because I didn't like either of them. Emilee trying to seduce Dustin was revolting, knowing that he was semi-involved with Jessica. She really just came off as a desperate whore. Had to laugh at Nany calling it like she saw it, too.

A little disappointed in Laurel for te maybe kiss with Jordan, because she could do SO much better.

I was really surprised that CT even had a bar tab. I had no idea they had to buy their own drinks at the bar, for some reason I assumed BMP covered everything. Huh.

The Camilla/Nany fight was odd. It showed an ugly side of Nany I don't think I've seen before. I couldn't understand anything Camila said, but I think I heard a "I have my own house" from CT? So I gathered Camilla was harping on him about something to do with Diem, because I've read that CT and Diem are together but keeping it hush hush in public, an aren't Camilla and Diem friends? Anyway, that was my thought process.

Cohutta is adorable. I love Jonna, but if she thinks Laurel is gonna be scared that she's gunning for her...yeah. Right.

I thought it was a pretty good episode. I'm happy with who went home, because I didn't like either of them. Emilee trying to seduce Dustin was revolting, knowing that he was semi-involved with Jessica. She really just came off as a desperate whore. Had to laugh at Nany calling it like she saw it, too.

A little disappointed in Laurel for te maybe kiss with Jordan, because she could do SO much better.

I was really surprised that CT even had a bar tab. I had no idea they had to buy their own drinks at the bar, for some reason I assumed BMP covered everything. Huh.

The Camilla/Nany fight was odd. It showed an ugly side of Nany I don't think I've seen before. I couldn't understand anything Camila said, but I think I heard a "I have my own house" from CT? So I gathered Camilla was harping on him about something to do with Diem, because I've read that CT and Diem are together but keeping it hush hush in public, an aren't Camilla and Diem friends? Anyway, that was my thought process.

Cohutta is adorable. I love Jonna, but if she thinks Laurel is gonna be scared that she's gunning for her...yeah. Right.

I THINK Camilla said something about CT being a loser and still living with this parents or something like that. That's why he said he has his own house. But it's really hard to understand her, so I could have misheard.

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