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Just finished "Principal From Another Planet".  I thought the episode was okay…this was I think the first to rely on potty and gross out humor.  I think the best moment, until the end, was Perry wanting to dissect Chase and Leo and Adam thinking Chase is the alien. "I was in the bathroom, do you want me to invite everyone next time." or something like that when they question why he was gone.  Again, given the ending, I think it was okay being a Perry-centric episode.  I still think the last couple episodes have been the strongest, but this one I think ranks better than some of the early season episodes.

I'm a week behind, but finally caught "Taken".  I love Krane…he's so deliciously evil.  He's the comic book villain of the XD shows (barring Mighty Med of course)…like I thought the Omega Defiance were the Bond villains in S1 of Aaron Stone…and the mutants of S2 of Aaron Stone were a more serious take on the Power Rangers villain of the week formula.

For Douglas, I hope they don't reset the status quo in any future appearances.  He started a path on the good side…I hope that stays in tact.  I just hate when they do something major for a character…and then it's ignored in the future.  I'd like to see a good Douglas from here on out.  Maybe not 100% good, but when it comes to the kids, he doesn't play around…

For Krane…He's already gone toe to toe with the "Rats" a couple times, I think the next logical step is for him to create a bionic or super powered "family" of his own to take on the kids.

Favorite Line: Leo mentioning he's also a threat to Douglas and I think Douglas replies "You could always faint on somebody the wrong way." or something to that affect.

Overall a very good episode…I think this was the first one I enjoyed so much, I wasn't forcing myself to pick or say something positive about the episode.  Although I did enjoy the last couple before "Taken"…minus the premiere, I felt there were quite a few stinkers.


Started re-watching the series from Season 1 with the first few episodes, I think Leo's Jam is officially my favorite episode, at least until I get further in the series.  I think it balanced the boys main plot with Bree's subplot well. 





I remember commenting on TWOP how, since Leo and Bree both have recurring romantic interests, I'd like to see Adam and Chase with storyline revolving them pursuing the same interest … that actually happened in "Leo's Jam" -- I probably hadn't seen the episode since it premiered back in 2012 -- but the episode was just with Leo, Adam and Chase eventually pursuing the same girl.  Also, as funny as it is, I think Leo teaching Chase to dance trumps anything Adam's ever done to Chase in the cruel department.

Edited by CyberJawa1986

BIlly Unger in trouble with the law. http://www.tmz.com/2014/06/30/disney-star-billy-unger/.

With Hal Sparks being a straight edger it's fairly certain that this news won't sit well with him.



Back on TWOP, I don't recall if it was 88Keys, who also moved over here, or another poster, but at TWOP somebody mentioned visiting the actors social media and after that, I did visit various cast members pages a few times…and that was in the back of my head after seeing his pages…I didn't visit most of the casts, but I recall Kelli and Spencer having a professional approach to their media and Billy seemed to be cultivating a rocker…bad boyish persona…after that, it was in the back of my mind…I wonder if this will or could effect his future on the show…


IIRC, I remember hearing Mitchell Musso's character was written out of Pair of Kings and that Prank show he hosted was cancelled, because of his DUI back in 2011, again that's what I remember hearing.

Edited by CyberJawa1986

Is it bad that my first thought was "I hope they don't kick him off the show, because it really wouldn't be the same without Chase?"  I can't imagine Disney would cancel the whole show after they've already committed to another season.  Especially since it is more of an ensemble piece than something like "Pair of Kings." 


I just don't know what to think.  Yeah, Billy Unger has been doing the rock and roll thing for a year now, but I never really thought he was a bad kid.

  • Love 1

We'll have to wait and see 88Keys…


…I'm not a big fan of the "Bionic Academy" thing coming later this season and/or next season…as a fan of comic books, which influenced my writing…the "Academy"  tends to be an overused  tool for teenage characters, which I strongly dislike, I'm already dreading the move to whenever it happens…


…But I'm sure we'll get a supporting group of new "bionic" characters…after reading this story and thinking of the "Academy" thing…I don't want it, but I could see them maybe pulling a "Pair of Kings" situation and writing out and replacing the character…thinking about it…I'd rather the show cancelled/ended than lose/replace a cast member, regardless of the circumstances.

Edited by CyberJawa1986

Other than the continued humiliation of Tasha, I really liked "Three Minus Bree."  I thought the friction between Bree and Donald was well-done and even realistic, by Disney standards at least.  I enjoy episodes that focus on the family aspect of this show, and this was one of the better ones in that regard.  I do wish we could have seen the dangerous fire.  I know it would cost too much to film, but man, that would have been exciting.


And how ironic that we get an episode about Bree doing something selfish and having to deal with the consequences the same day that news of Billy Unger's arrest breaks.

I didn't visit most of the casts, but I recall Kelli and Spencer having a professional approach to their media and Billy seemed to be cultivating a rocker…bad boyish persona…after that, it was in the back of my mind…I wonder if this will or could effect his future on the show…


I noticed Spencer and Kelli stopped following him on Twitter a while back, and they don't seem to interract as much as they used to.  I wonder if he's been going down this road for a while.  Or maybe he was getting too big for his britches, as my grandma would say.


He might have gotten lucky with the timing, though.  I mean, season 3 is already filmed and will continue to air until November, maybe December.  Season 4 won't start airing until probably February or March.  By that time, people will probably have forgotten about this, and Disney will have time to see if Billy is going to straighten up or not.  If Disney wants to kick him off the show, now would be the time, but there is no way they would not use all the episodes they've already shot. 




…I'm not a big fan of the "Bionic Academy" thing coming later this season and/or next season…as a fan of comic books, which influenced my writing…the "Academy"  tends to be an overused  tool for teenage characters, which I strongly dislike, I'm already dreading the move to whenever it happens…


I'm not a fan of the Academy idea, either.  I can understand that they want to expand the scope of the show a bit, and get away from the "wacky hijinks at school" episodes (how many more of those can they really do?)   But like you said, academies are overdone and tend to introduce a bunch of new characters who take screen time away from the characters I actually care about.  I also don't like the idea that there are a bunch of bionics just milling around out there, like the X-Men.  I mean, as far as we know, Douglas is the ONLY one who can create bionic technology.  Even Donald can't replicate it.  So it doesn't make sense that there are other bionics, unless Douglas is going around implanting people.  Nothing turns me away from a fanfic faster than reading "So and So is the new bionic at school!" in the summary.


It does look like there are good things in store for the rest of season 3, though.  I think I'm just going to try to enjoy that and resign myself to the idea that season 4 will not be good.  That way, I can be plesantly surprised instead of disappointed.

Edited by 88Keys

Other than the continued humiliation of Tasha, I really liked "Three Minus Bree."  I thought the friction between Bree and Donald was well-done and even realistic, by Disney standards at least.  I enjoy episodes that focus on the family aspect of this show, and this was one of the better ones in that regard.  I do wish we could have seen the dangerous fire.  I know it would cost too much to film, but man, that would have been exciting.


And how ironic that we get an episode about Bree doing something selfish and having to deal with the consequences the same day that news of Billy Unger's arrest breaks.


Just watched the episode, enjoyed the episode as well…and any characterization for Bree is a good thing, she's and Tasha are usually sidelined or the straight man to the zaniness of the guys.  To Tasha for a sec, last time I checked…Perry's been in more episodes than Tasha…a travesty.  Back to Bree, I did find the intensity and friction between Donald and Bree very well done and like you said, the family aspect of this story was well done.


Your final comment, I also think the timing of the episode and events is interesting…I also thought Chase telling Bree a few things about her selfishness that really had me thinking of the parallel of Chase saying this and Billy Unger's arrest…


ETA: Season 1 Adam is my favorite character as I re-watch Season 1…

Edited by CyberJawa1986

I'm really enjoying Leo a lot more than I used to, they've added quite a bit to his character.  I've been re-watching the first season…and he's not as annoying…I mean, over the top, shouting and mannerisms, typically his reactions to situations.  Toned down, he's a very good character and a good foil as an inventor to Davenport and Chase.


Just watched "Which Father Knows Best", good episode.  


Douglas is my new favorite character, favorite moment of the episode…Donald and Douglas arguing over the motorcycle seating arrangements just like Chase and Adam, Adam and Chase's comments over their behavior was gold too and the parallel between the two group of brothers relationships.  I hope Douglas stays in the picture.


No Tasha…I wish they would at least acknowledge her being gone.  She's a reporter isn't she, all I need is a "She's covering a big story" or something. 


Finally, any development or stuff for Bree to do is a good thing.  Good too see her out of the shadows of the other characters…


…I don't mind zany hijinks just as long as the stakes are high…like with this and the previous episode and I prefer Adam and Chase team-up subplots with banter between the to, to the usual Adam vs Chase pranks.

Edited by CyberJawa1986

one tiny thing I noticed in the last couple of episodes: is it just me or has Chase's voice gone down an octave? It seems a bit deeper to me.......


…I know he sounded higher in the first season…haven't really payed particular attention to the voice…unlike Chase and the running gag he'll never grow up, be man…maybe Billy grew up a bit, he was certainly at that awkward stage when the series began…


…I also remember way back when in an interview with Drake Bell or another Nickelodeon actor, it was said they were trained/told to act/speak in a higher tone to recreate/simulate a youthful tone, I guess…maybe that's what was happening and they stopped?…I can't believe I'm talking about voice tone…

"Which Father Knows Best" may be my new favorite episode.  I loved it.  Loved the family interactions, and everyone wanting to help Bree even though she messed up big time.  Loved the Donald and Bree interactions, as we don't get to see that much.  I love how she hugged his neck and squealed- it was such a normal, teen-aged girl thing to do.  All of the family interactions were great.  Even Adam and Chase were reasonably nice to each other. 


Not only did this one have good family moments, it was freakin' funny!  I laughed repeatedly.  Even my husband was laughing, and he barely tolerates this show.  Adam and Chase on the bike...look at their faces.  I think Spencer Boldman was about to lose it when they did the Kim and Kanye thing.


And I think all of the boys' voices have changed.  Leo went through a huge growth spurt while stuck in the elevator between season 2 and season 3.  :)

  • Love 1

Douglas being welcomed, sort of, into the fold was inevitable after Taken.  Points to the show for wrapping that plot development in perhaps one of the better character stories it's done (Bree and Leo, in different ways, are probably the closest things to relative/baseline normality in this thing), though it still felt like they sped through it a bit.  Now, everybody's united against Victor Krane.

  • Love 1

I think what Billy Unger has in his favor over MItchell Musso is outside of a few gossip/entertainment blogs (TMZ, etc)…myself, I haven't seen it covered anywhere.  


Mitchell still had the association of Hannah Montanah…which was winding down, but still a pretty big thing at the time…which is probably why  Mitchel Musso's incident was covered and posted everywhere…


…Billy's incident doesn't have the coverage or exposure, "Lab Rats" (not a knock against the show, but had MM not been on HM, would his case had the exposure it did?)---LR isn't the same type of monster HM was, which again I think is something in his favor.  


And yes…he deserves some major time in the doghouse. 

Edited by CyberJawa1986

I was just saying the same thing to a friend on another forum the other day.  Everyone involved with the show and Disney has been really quiet about this.  Maybe they're trying to kind of ignore it and hope people don't notice?


I wasn't a Disney fan back at the time of MM's arrest, but I get the vibe that he had no remorse and maybe didn't want to be a Disney kid anymore.  I don't get that vibe from Billy, though I could be wrong.  Maybe actually showing some remorse will work in his favor.

  • Love 1

Admittedly I'm just sort of getting into this show now so don't know too much about the actors, but has Billy Unger shown much remorse? I heard about the arrest when it happened and out of curiosity I went to his twitter page and he posted a statement that was basically thanking his fans for standing by him and asking people to reserve their judgment while he addresses the issue through the legal system.  There hasn't really been any admittance of guilt or anything of that sort.  But then again, who knows what Disney has told him to say if anything.


I agree the whole thing hasn't gotten much coverage because honestly, most people in the mainstream have no clue who Billy Unger is in the first place.  While I saw it posted on TMZ and the like, the basic follow up from many was to ask who he was.  I also think Disney XD in general just gets less exposure than regular Disney Channel.   Had it been Ross Lynch for example, I think it would have gotten much wider play.


I also thought it was interesting that I saw a really recent interview with Spencer at some non-Disney event and the media outlet didn't even touch the topic.  I can see maybe Disney trying to squash questions at Disney sanctioned events, but outside of that they don't have much control.  While I don't expect his co-stars to volunteer their opinion, I could see it coming up in interviews.  From what Spencer said though it sounds like the 4th season is supposed to start shooting in October.

  • Love 1

Some new air dates and episode titles I've seen floating around:

"Which Father Knows Best?" - July 7th

"Cyborg Shark Attack" - July 14th

"You Posted What?" - July 28th---maybe this will be the one I mentioned reading about where Bree's boyfriend finds out about her abilities. 


…quick reminder…"Cyborg Shark Attack" is tomorrow night…much like the moon themed episodes, I think tomorrow is a night of Shark themed night of shows.


Cyborg Shark Attack: not a bad episode but I had to rewind the dvr during the A plot because I was too distracted by Adams pecs: My God, Spencer's got a hot bod. Check this out:










As for the Perry plot : boooooring! Can they please dump her next season? As I said on TWOP, just have Chase zap her with Davenports memory wiper gizmo (with his mind he could easily calculate the exact moment she saw the trio "expose" themselves). Either that or have Adam throw her off the planet (I don't think anybody would miss her).

Edited by madhacker

Whether a Disney PR move or nobody notices or cares to speak about it, I think it's in the shows and Billy's best interest to not bring attention to a negative situation nobody is talking about anyways.  I agree with 88, they're probably waiting for a legal outcome before moving on.  While I think it could go either way, I think the lack of coverage is still something in Billy's favor.


And sorry for the multiple posts, my browser went wonky for a sec…

Edited by CyberJawa1986

Haven't seen the new episode yet, but not thrilled Perry's involved.


Read a brief description for the upcoming episodes "You Posted What" scheduled for the 28th…sounds like it's a one hour episode/special…and


…the public find about the "Rats" bionics…I bet this starts the transition to the academy.  I'm still calling it…Perry blackmails or somehow becomes headmistress of the Bionic Academy…




Finally watched "Cyborg Shark Attack"…it was an okay episode, nothing but fun filler.  I felt like more time was devoted to the Perry plot over the Shark plot which was a no-no to me.  Perry wasn't as annoying…but what made the previous episodes so refreshing was the lack of Perry…at least Bree and Davenport acknowledged the lack of Tasha…still saying it's sad when a zany side character like Perry, the Principal gets more airtime over Tasha, Leo's mom…


IIRC, Perry acknowledged it was summer, but did anybody think it was weird that Leo, Chase and Adam would be at school to talk about the Shark film…I guess they had to work in embarrassing Chase and Adam in some way to move along the shark plot…but then again it did seem like they were doing the CPR training or what have you…

Edited by CyberJawa1986

Cyborg Shark Attack broke up that pleasant four-episode run with no Perry whatsoever, and unfortunately it disproved the theory that absence makes the heart grow fonder--I still mostly can't stand her.  (It also didn't help that The Thundermans, of all shows, did a variant on that B-story a few weeks ago and it was more pleasant.)  Flip side, the shark story went about as well as it could have under the circumstances.  Considering how silly the episode was, though, I'm thinking it counted as the regular "breather" episode before the show busts out one of its super-serious arc-level episodes; they've been surprisingly consistent about that from Bionic Showdown onward, and the upcoming You Posted What!?! (which they're doing very brief dedicated promos for, too) is an hour-long episode on top of that.


Kelli was as the Guardians of the Galaxy premiere…not digging the blonde.




(not sure how to do links..)


…and the DC film "How To Build A Better Boy" featuring Kelli premieres August 15th…I'm not usually one for the TV films, but I might check it out…


Side note: quick question…any reason DXD only did one TV film "Skyrunners" back in 2009?

Edited by CyberJawa1986

No clue, Cyb.  Considering the generally girly bent of the vast majority of Disney Channel movies, it likely was an experiment of sorts (at the time Kelly Blatz was modestly popular thanks to Aaron Stone) that probably didn't do well enough to start a trend.


As for a blonde Kelli Berglund...it's Disney.  We really don't need more blondes.

  • Love 1

You Posted What!?! is available on watchdisneyxd.com and at least one cable provider's (Verizon FiOS) VOD service as of this morning at least.


Without getting too specific...at its core it's super-serious (if a bit more sledgehammery with its humor than all this show's other arc episodes except perhaps Taken), and it's a game-changer in at least three ways...one of which is more than a little Aaron Stone-ish.

  • Love 1

No clue, Cyb.  Considering the generally girly bent of the vast majority of Disney Channel movies, it likely was an experiment of sorts (at the time Kelly Blatz was modestly popular thanks to Aaron Stone) that probably didn't do well enough to start a trend.


As for a blonde Kelli Berglund...it's Disney.  We really don't need more blondes.


…Anybody up for an Aaron Stone board?  


…Even a few days later and blonde Kelli still isn't appealing… 

I went ahead and watched "You Posted What?!" online.  If you are waiting until Monday, I highly highly advise avoiding spoilers, including promo videos and Wikipedia.  There were some things in there that genuinely surprised me, and I'm so glad I watched it without being spoiled.  I will refrain from getting specific until after it airs on Monday night, other than to say it was a very good episode overall.

  • Love 1

Well, I'm going to go ahead and share my thoughts on "You Posted What?"  I'm not using spoiler tags since it has already aired, but if you haven't watched it yet, I would advise you to read this after you have.  There really are some nice surprises in there.




Last warning....turn back now...



OK.  I thought the first part was a bit meh. Not because it was bad, but because I already had a pretty good idea what was going to happen, so it didn't really surprise me. The only thing I wasn't expecting was the Douglas/Perry thing. It was kind of odd, but funny.  My theory is that Perry is trying to cozy up to Douglas because she can no longer get money for keeping Donald's secret, but she still wants to be close to the Davenport fortune. 


I thought the Perry presence was a little heavy in this one.  Did she need to be there the whole time?  She really only helped out once, in the hospital.  HOWEVER, I will admit that she had some great lines tonight.  "I was a streetfighter in Bangkok."  And the "Get Well Grandma" balloon line had me laughing.  I guess they are going to try to redeem her like they did Douglas. 


The second half, though...  I'm SO GLAD I wasn't spoiled because I was genuinely surprised by so much of it. Like Leo getting seriously hurt- damn, that thing with the beam was pretty brutal.  And then Douglas giving him bionics. I honestly did not see that coming, even though we've speculated about it before. Not sure how I feel about it, as I always felt like he provided the outsider voice to the show.   But at least they did it in a good way (make the arm bionic or lose the use of it, so Douglas really had no choice). It wasn't just "hey, let's give Leo bionics because it will be cool!" 


And I'm glad they've redeemed Douglas, because I think I like him more every time he's on the show.  He also ha some great lines tonight.  I find it really interesting that he seems closer to Leo than to the kids he actually helped create.

The family stuff was good...maybe could have been a bit deeper. I mean, I thought Davenport and the kids were pretty calm about being raided by feds and taken away, until Adam stepped up. CAN WE PLEASE SEE THIS ADAM MORE OFTEN?! I hate that he has just become the guy who says dumb stuff and picks on Chase. Adam is at his best when he is defending his family. I immediately re-watched that part a couple of times.  And also, angry and protective Spencer Boldman is pretty hot. 


I was also surprised by Krane's bionic army there at the end. Not sure how I feel about that, either. I guess those kids will end up being the students of the bionic academy later. :-/ My concern there is that they will just take screen time away from the main characters that I actually want to see. This show already has a pretty big cast.  However, every time I've been unsure about how something will go, the writers have proved me wrong.  I'm really, really impressed with the writing, pacing, and overall storyline of this show. 


Minor notes: I like that they fleshed out Evil Fox Mulder- I mean, Agent Graham, the government goon, and gave him some motivation for why he was so hell-bent on taking the kids away.  I guess we will see more of him?  I find it sad that the 3 Davenports are constantly being used by others for their abilities. 


Oh, and Krane got a new long leather jacket of evil. Looks good. :) Re-watching "Bionic Showdown" the other day, I realized that Marcus now seems like a pretty tame villain compared to Krane.

  • Love 1

I'm sure Kelli will be brunette again before the new season starts filming in October.  Last Summer Billy Unger grew his hair out long and shaggy, but it was gone before filming started.


And I think both Lab Rats and Kickin' It deserve to get their own DCOMs.  They're both action shows that should translate well to the longer movie format.


I'm sure Kelli will be brunette again before the new season starts filming in October.  Last Summer Billy Unger grew his hair out long and shaggy, but it was gone before filming started.


And I think both Lab Rats and Kickin' It deserve to get their own DCOMs.  They're both action shows that should translate well to the longer movie format.


…or they could do a cross over…Disney crosses over their shows on DC what, once a season…why not the DXD shows.



I think Mighty Med and Lab Rats could cross over well...

Edited by CyberJawa1986

I saw this last week, but Kelli and Spencer were featured as part of the list of The Third Annual Backstage Thirty:




ATM, I think Kelli and Spencer are my favorites on the show…but Chase is still my favorite character.

Edited by CyberJawa1986

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