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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 5 (10/26/2016 - 11/01/2016)


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6 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

Can she? I know she was going to ask the DR, since the CP said 3 houseguests votes not America.

Oh, I didn't realize that.  So maybe she can't.

Morgan will be fine this week.  Jason and Kryssie are discussing Scott as the target again.  Jason said, "America put him up for a reason.  If we want to be in good with America, we gotta give them what they want."  Kryssie agrees.

2 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Oh, I didn't realize that.  So maybe she can't.

Morgan will be fine this week.  Jason and Kryssie are discussing Scott as the target again.  Jason said, "America put him up for a reason.  If we want to be in good with America, we gotta give them what they want."  Kryssie agrees.

Still wonder why HG's aren't thinking Danielle and Scott seen to be not liked by America so why not take them to the end since America picks the winner?

Only way Kryssie has any shot at winning is sitting next to Dani and Scott.

I'm rooting for Jason or Justin to win Veto because I really need Whitney to stay. I'm sick of this side vs. that side and I want things to finally mix up and that's what Whitney is trying to do so good for her. She knew she was at or near the bottom of that totem pole so she did what she felt was best for HER game. Fuck loyalty, this is BB haha. I still don't think she has fully defected but choosing Justin sent a very strong message to the other side so she may as well have.

I'm not interested in helping America pick off a side one by one so I think the fact that it's been going back and forth is great. Also, if all the Misfits left late night feeds would be boring because the BS'ers go to bed before midnight every damn night. Snooze.

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At least Alex/Shelby know they can't trust Justin, because he has all those people (Jason/Kryssie/Whitney) wanting to take him deep.  Now if only Danielle would catch a clue.  Her fans still think she's so "perceptive", that Justin and Jason are crazy to think that she's working with Alex/Scott because she always knows what Alex is planning, that's just because Dani is a "genius" and Alex is "overrated".  Well, where's Danielle's "genius", now, folks?  How come she's not "perceptive" enough to know that J/J have turned on her?

Although she did tell Scott she was at the bottom of her alliance, but that might have been a line she was feeding him, and it's not the same thing, anyhow.

3 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

I'm rooting for Jason or Justin to win Veto because I really need Whitney to stay. I'm sick of this side vs. that side and I want things to finally mix up

If Whitney stays, it's 5 on 3, just with Alex/Shelby/Morgan (or Scott, if the LNJ eliminates Morgan instead) in the minority and getting picked off.

Get Whitney's overbite out of the house, and it's 4 v. 4 (3 girls + Scott v. J/J/K/D)…at least until Danielle wakes up and smells the backstabbing.  Which might be a moot point if Whitney goes, anyhow.

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Flashback to c. 3.06 AM and we've got classic Jason sanctimony coming off of the Shithead Stockboy from Swansea:


JASON:  The most disgusting part of it is, they're trying to evict you [Whitney] because you're a good person.

WHITNEY:  I know!

JASON:  Like I told you the other day about Scott vs. Neeley's campaign, when he came to me and started to throw your name out there, and I was like "that's crazy, I'm not going to vote to evict Whitney!" {Jason's been campaigning against Whitney going back to Week 1…]  Like, it's just, their whole plan is "Get the likable people out".

JUSTIN:  Oh, god!

JASON:  They're like: "I don't have a soul, you don't have a soul, Danielle doesn't have a soul—let's go!"

JUSTIN:  I think that is exactly why Danielle voted Neeley out, because maybe…

JASON:  I hope that's true.  Because then, you know what?  Scott's going up tomorrow.

Great, now he has "confirmation".

Allegedly, shortly after this, Justin said that Dani played footsie with him in the HoH bed (a lie, the "Shane" pillow was between them) and Whitney called Danielle "a slut".  Oh, Innocent Whitney! [/eyeroll]

But it's almost time for Veto, so later for that.

Edited by DAngelus
1 hour ago, silverspoons said:

As for now:

If Dani, Justin, Jason or Whitney win veto Scott leaves

If Scott or Shelby win Veto, Whitney leaves,

Well then, Dani/Jason/Justin/Whitney for veto please!

1 hour ago, flipflopdiva said:

As I said, I could totally be wrong, but for me, it's just too early to say 'Whitney's totally flipped.' She's on the block and she's nervous she's the target (she told the girls yesterday she thought she was), so of course if the LNJ is now offering her safety and deals and another option, she's going to take it. But unless she says tomorrow night in her DR that she's now loyal to the LNJ over the BS and that she would vote out Morgan over Scott, I don't believe that she actually would.

Do I think she would jump ship at some point to get herself further? Of course! She's definitely a gamer. I just don't believe she has completely turned on them right now. I think she is doing what she needs to do to make it through the week, although I think what she is doing is undermining her position in the BS and is going to actually hurt her more in the long run than it will help. YMMV

+1. I agree with all of this.

56 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

Jokers just posted the veto is finding 3 items in the dark in the house . . . If this is true,  I say Jason, then Dani , then Scott, in order of who could win.

I would say anyone could win that.

Edited by peachmangosteen

It's a timed find-the-objects Veto; they told a ghost story about a girl named Clementine who killed her family (because "My Darling Clementine" is in public domain) and they're going to hide three objects in the house for the veto players to find.

ETA:  BTW, the actual "My Darling Clementine" is about a girl during the Gold Rush who drowns.  Seems you could tell a decent story about that, anyhow.

Poor Alex, stuck in HoH during Veto for the second straight week.  And this time she's with Belchin' Kryssie, nowhere to go.  Lovely.

I think Scott is the best searcher, but Justin will move the quickest.

Edited by DAngelus
7 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

I actually like some of these low budget comps better than the ones where they spend all day building ones in the backyard.

I completely agree.

I love this comp, but I'm pissed because it's gonna take forever so I'm not gonna be able to watch all of it. I have to get dinner ready and put my cat makeup on and then trick-or-treating starts at 6. Dammit BB can't you schedule things with me in mind!

ETA: Someone on Joker's is saying that Lawon is one of the scarers, too. Love it lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen

So is it each person going by themselves? and timed?

I hope if Austin and twins are scarring tem, they do not go after certain people more then others.

Also not happy if they go separate. I have a ton to do, and the feeds are not family friendly to have in the background, especially if you live in rural Utah like me.

6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I completely agree.

I love this comp, but I'm pissed because it's gonna take forever so I'm not gonna be able to watch all of it. I have to get dinner ready and put my cat makeup on and then trick-or-treating starts at 6. Dammit BB can't you schedule things with me in mind!

They are so selfish, aren't they? LOL!!

Krissye, Morgan & Alex are in the HOH and get to watch. Too bad it isn't just the sisters so they could talk freely. Of course, they might think Justin is in the bathtub. LOL!! I have no idea who will win this. I think Justin will either bomb or throw it. I don't think he's that smart and his looking for the camera when talking other people is so annoying. I don't recall other HG doing that. Usually, they forget about the cameras but he is always looking right in them.

  • Love 1

Yes, it's one-by-one.  Like last week.

From the Dani thread:


Not a Scott fan but I am praying he wins veto because it is best for Dani's game if Whitney goes home this week. Not only is whit coming for her but j/j/k trust her more and I can't have that. 

Of that trio Justin is really the worst. He is the one that really mistrusts Danielle the most. I will forever believe it was because she rejected him. Earlier today Kryssie told Justin that the only reason Dani made that deal with Alex & Scott is so that she could keep their side safe and that she doesn't think Dani is really with them. Justin didn't seem to care. Even then, I was thinking well where was all that loyalty last night?

From the 3.00 AM H-N convo (the quad previews can show me when the Veto starts), Justin and Whitney are snickering about how Danielle had her head on Justin's lap, or his "nuts" to hear him tell it.  She's so sweet, isn't she?

Oh, and this from the Dani thread (can't wait to see it "live"):


I am so done with Justin. He is a piece of shit and so is Whitney (telling him to sleep with Dani to control her...as if he could). I can't believe she actually stood up for this trifling mofo in the past. There is nothing worse then a man lying about his intimate interactions with a woman. That is one of the lowest things I think a man can do because it can have serious consequences for a woman's reputation (if she cares).

Yeah, Whitney's letting her inner Hogg come out, methinks.

JFC, it's been 20+ minutes and they're still setting up.  And it's probably going to take MORE time to reset after each round, because they'll have to tidy the house so as not to clue the searchers in as to where the previous searcher looked.  This is gonna take FOREVER.  Shelby's "Dia de los Muertos Girl" costume may end up being chronologically appropriate.

ETA:  Justin's up first.  He's about to start.

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 1

He does get a night vision scope, but there are both people and mannequins throughout the house and he's screaming.  A LOT. Alex is loving it in the HoH.

ETA: JFC, he was done in less than 2 minutes.  The objects weren't "hidden" at all.  The brush was on a bed in Tokyo, the rattle on a table in London, and the doll hanging from the wall in the H-N room.  I think his time was about 1.50; I'll check during the re-set.

Edited by DAngelus

Scott is such a goddamn pussy.  He actually found the items faster than Justin did, despite all the bitching and moaning, but somehow missed the chest in the living room, and finished in 2.08.  He had the items in about 1.30, but took too much time finding the chest.

Remaining order:  Jason, Shelby, Whitney, Danielle.

Edited by DAngelus

Damn. Shelby was doing well, but then she missed going to the London room, so she lost.

Honestly, can anyone tell who's in what room, because I'm trying to place the scarers. I think one of the Nolans is in London and the other is standing by the TV. Lawon might be in the Have Not room?? 

So, Whitney's safe. Bye, Scott! 

  • Love 1

Lawon is in Tokyo.  I think Austin is in London, presumably with Julia, as it would be awkward if that was Liz.  Is there actually a human in the H-N room?

5.10 for Shelby.  Fuck.  No hope now.  Unless Danielle has a complete revelation, it's either Scott or Morgan going home and the Asshole Jamboree will be 5 strong against Alex/Shelby/the other one. 

God. Damn. It.

Edited by DAngelus
Just now, DAngelus said:

Lawon is in Tokyo.  I think Austin is in London, presumably with Julia, as it would be awkward if that was Liz.  Is there actually a human in the H-N room?

Yeah, they're right beside the door to the right. I can't remember who else is there. I actually think it might be Austin, because of how tall he is. Which leaves mystery man in London with Liz or Julia. 

Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, they're right beside the door to the right. I can't remember who else is there. I actually think it might be Austin, because of how tall he is. Which leaves mystery man in London with Liz or Julia. 

Yea, I think it's Austin in the HN room becasue it's a taller guy.

Shelby had the first two items in less than a minute, but then the wheels came off.  Apparently Justin is winning this because he's the only one who saw the toy box on the way in.  Gah.

ETA: The way the instructions are written, it sounds as though the chest would be on the floor, so that's confusing.

Definitely Austin in H-N, because Jason mentioned his beard.  Jason started well, but completely missed the doll, twice.  2.13 for him.

Hilarious that Jason didn't get scared at all.  Points to you, kid.

Justin: 1.50

Scott: 2.08

Jason: 2.13

Shelby: 5.10

Edited by DAngelus

Jason may have wanted to throw it, but if he'd found the doll the first two times he looked, he could have won it by accident.

Whitney has to win this.  There's like a 1% chance of Dani waking up and backdooring Justin…but there's 0% chance of her bd-ing Kryssie or Jason if Justin takes Whitney down and is safe, himself.

Whitney got fucked by production.  The hairbrush was placed on the frame of the double-bed in Tokyo, not on the twin bed, as it was for the others.  She searched the whole room, twice, before finding the smaller footboard area, instead of the bed.

ETA: 4.53 for Whitney.

Only hope is Dani winning this, by accident.  Grr.  (Or, I guess, if Dani insists that Justin take down Scott to force the BS to send CP-eligible Whitney home [since if they swap Whit for Morgan, Scott could still go], and he buckles.  But that's 50-50, at best.)


Justin: 1.50

Scott: 2.08

Jason: 2.13

Whitney: 4.53

Shelby: 5.10

Edited by DAngelus

I guess Whitney picking Justin wasn't such a horrible move after all. :P I think Dani might have a good shot at this too though. If Justin does win and keeps his word it will be interesting to see how Whitney maneuvers the next week. The BS'ers are probably none too happy with her.

ETA: Yup, Dani killed it.

Edited by Marie80

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