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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 1 (09/28/2016 - 10/04/2016)


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17 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The Feedsters should really be happy about an all girls alliance that can stick.

I agree with a lot of what you say, except this.  Every site I go to has its group of feedsters who do actually want to see an all girl alliance that sticks, but more often than not I see the opposite.  People like drama and controversy and people crashing and burning and not getting what they want.  There's a core group of ppl on every site I visit who are tick-tocking the minutes away until the all girl alliance does its inevitable crash and burn.

1 minute ago, La Traviata said:

I agree with a lot of what you say, except this.  Every site I go to has its group of feedsters who do actually want to see an all girl alliance that sticks, but more often than not I see the opposite.  People like drama and controversy and people crashing and burning and not getting what they want.  There's a core group of ppl on every site I visit who are tick-tocking the minutes away until the all girl alliance does its inevitable crash and burn.

I totally get this. I know that this all girls alliance could very well crash and burn, especially with people already targeting them. Jason/Danielle/Neeley want it split up ASAP. Alex/Morgan are at odds, Shelby's a huge target for people, and Alex doesn't trust Whitney because she's too trusting of Monte. But with so many people complaining about girls turning on each other and there will never be a successful all girls alliance because they'd turn on each other, I'd just want there to be people who recognize that this is an all girls alliance which is working because they ARE controlling the current HOH and that should be given props in itself. 

Apparently, I just really needed to rant about this whole thing because I guess I'm a little more attached to these girls than I previously thought! Now, come Thursday morning, I am aware that things could change very quickly and the alliance could blow up and then Jason's running the house. I'm just going to enjoy the time I have left with this successful Plastics alliance! 

Justin needs to pull up his damn pants. I HATE when guys have their pants hanging so low that you can see their underwear. Just....just stop, Justin. 

Justin/Scott talking about a possibility of saving Kryssie/Danielle. They say with America's vote, they need six. They don't think they have the votes, but they could. If Justin, Scott, Neeley, and Jason vote out Cornbread with America, and if Scott can convince Alex to throw a hinky vote to Danielle for laughs, Cornbread would go. If Alex tells Scott about her joking comment about throwing a hinky vote, Cornbread could leave. 

As it is, I don't care if it's Cornbread or Kryssie. Either one is fine for me. But watching Monte's ego being knocked down ten pegs would be glorious. 

Scott is playing both sides of the house. It's kind of funny because he's totally going to get found out. 

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Hmm. So, Shane just campaigned to Monte that they should get Cornbread out, telling him about some of his comments toward people. Monte is way too easy to manipulate because he's almost on board. They're going to try to convince Scott to flip. 

Well, I think Shane is going to shoot up to be Feedster's favourite with this. I wonder what Morgan will say when Monte tells her tonight about this move. I wonder if she'll flip as well. I don't think Morgan really cares who goes in the end. I don't know her feelings on Kryssie, though. 

Well, Cornbread could actually leave! We shall see! 

Danielle had told Neeley that she convinced Shane that CB should go. I was skeptical, but it seems it worked since Shane is campaigning to Monte for CB to go now. I hope Jason goes soon so I can like Danielle more. She's got some game. Meanwhile, Alex keeps sending Morgan up to Monte - now they want to make sure votes aren't flipping - then scolds Morgan when she says she trusts Monte. Alex is freaking out that her and Shelby are going to be on the block next week, and I think she's right.

Once Monte tells the Plastics about this, they'll know for sure Shane flipped on him. It will probably make them want to get rid of Danielle this week, but I don't see that happening. I'd rather see Kryssie/CB go anyway. I don't really know why Shane is sticking his neck out for Kryssie - he won't be able to play the middle anymore. And this is going to make Scott show his cards earlier than he wants.

ETA: I'm loving that Morgan is controlling Monte and Danielle is controlling Shane. It's great! 

Edited by mooses
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18 minutes ago, mooses said:

ETA: I'm loving that Morgan is controlling Monte and Danielle is controlling Shane. It's great! 

I love this too. It's really too bad that the Feedsters aren't seeing that we have very powerful women controlling the men this season. I also think Alex has the potential to control Scott, as they're close. If Alex/Morgan/Danielle could have teamed up, then that could have made for an awesome season. I know it'll never happen, but man if those three girls could have had the dominant alliance with their side pieces. Throw in Shelby and I would have enjoyed seeing that very much. 

22 minutes ago, mooses said:

I don't really know why Shane is sticking his neck out for Kryssie - he won't be able to play the middle anymore. And this is going to make Scott show his cards earlier than he wants.

Because of Danielle. Shane has wanted Kryssie out since day 2 until he got very close with Danielle the past couple of days. Now he wants Cornbread out? That's all Danielle's doing. But like Monte, Shane doesn't realize how big of an influence his showmance is when it comes to making decisions. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Because of Danielle. Shane has wanted Kryssie out since day 2 until he got very close with Danielle the past couple of days. Now he wants Cornbread out? That's all Danielle's doing. But like Monte, Shane doesn't realize how big of an influence his showmance is when it comes to making decisions. 

Yeah, it's a pretty stupid move for him as a player, but I love that Danielle is pulling the strings. Monte/Shane talk to each other like they have any say in the matter, and then go report back to Morgan/Danielle respectively. I was confused about Danielle jumping into a Showmance since she seemed like that's the last thing she wanted from the pre-interviews, but now I can see she's using it to her advantage. I definitely am excited to see her move further in the game.

I think Morgan is playing a better game than Alex right now. Alex is a better strategic thinker, but all you really need to do this early is create good relationships and bonds with different people. Morgan seems to be much better at doing that. Alex's paranoia is getting the better of her - probably because she's obviously the bigger fan - and it's going to get them into trouble this early on. I give credit to Alex for pushing Morgan to get close to Monte and for making sure the sisters have a different look day to day, but she's overplaying a bit with other HGs.

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6 minutes ago, mooses said:

I think Morgan is playing a better game than Alex right now. Alex is a better strategic thinker, but all you really need to do this early is create good relationships and bonds with different people. Morgan seems to be much better at doing that. Alex's paranoia is getting the better of her - probably because she's obviously the bigger fan - and it's going to get them into trouble this early on. I give credit to Alex for pushing Morgan to get close to Monte and for making sure the sisters have a different look day to day, but she's overplaying a bit with other HGs.

I agree that Morgan's gameplay is slightly better, but Alex is close with Scott, who is in everybody's pockets right now. He's telling Alex about the Cornbread vs Kryssie eviction right now and how he doesn't want to work with Cornbread if that'll put a target on his back. He knows he's the swing vote along with Shane. As soon as Shane talks to him about getting out Cornbread, I think Scott might turn to Alex for advice. Scott's definitely leaning toward getting Cornbread out because of the America thing, and the fact that he's telling Alex all of this is very telling. He seems to trust her a lot, and we know that Alex is keeping him close for game reasons. We'll see if Alex tries to talk him out of evicting Cornbread or if she encourages him to, but I think Alex might have almost as much pull with Scott as Morgan has with Monte, and Danielle has with Shane. However, it may still be early, but I also see more trust and honesty with these two than with the other two showmances. This particular alliance/friendship feels more real. 

LOL, Scott just called Cornbread a shitty person. 

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1 minute ago, mooses said:

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So, it seems that CB is a goner. That's fine with me! And the Plastics are going to need to win HOH next week to save themselves. I'd rather see Kryssie/Jason out next, but I don't think anyone is gunning for them anymore. At the moment, the Plastics and Shane/Danielle/Justin are in trouble.

Danielle might be in trouble sooner now, if Scott/Alex vote to evict Danielle. Whitney/Morgan just convinced Monte to let them vote Danielle out and he (of course) agreed. So now Kryssie isn't even in trouble. It's now between Cornbread and Danielle. It's literally up to Scott's vote now. He will have to choose sides now. I feel for him. It sucks to do this so early when you don't really have a fully established alliance. 

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Scott tells Shelby he wants the votes against Cornbread to be a blindside. He decided when he talked to Shane. He's playing the "going with the House" card, but the House is split right in two and he's the deciding vote. I don't think this will get him in trouble, but I don't see Alex/Morgan falling for the "go with the House" line. 

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Also, Scott always comes off as subtly rude to Shelby, like he's talking down to her. 

Edited by mooses

So, Live DR Sessions start in 10 minutes. I worry because these DRs are going to absolutely pander to us, the Feedsters. I know some DRs do, but these ones especially will. There'll be people who want to just look good for the Feedsters so they're going to be sucking up hard, I just know it. They do it without the other houseguests. Now, will they be honest and strategic, or will they use these live DRs as an attempt to get votes from Feedsters? I guess we'll find out how it works.

Also, how long are these sessions? Because there's 13 houseguests to go through, and I highly doubt we're all going to want to watch DRs going on all night without getting to see the rest of the house strategizing/talking. I wonder if they're actually going to try to put just one feed on the DRs and one on the house so people can pick and choose which to watch. Because unlike the recaps, they're not going to be done in 10 minutes. 

3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Although I am still trying to figure out their hate for Danielle.

I like the Plastics, but I think the fact that Danielle is a confident and beautiful black women definitely has a bit to do with it. It might even be a subconcious thing for them, but imo there's definitely some racially tinged jealousy there.

24 minutes ago, mooses said:

Also, Scott always comes off as subtly rude to Shelby, like he's talking down to her. 

Yea, it's awful. It's really hard for me to watch their convos because he obviously thinks of her as an idiot he can use and yet she obviously actually trusts him and his opinions. It makes me uncomfortable to watch them tbh.

19 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I wonder if they're actually going to try to put just one feed on the DRs and one on the house so people can pick and choose which to watch. 

That is what they're doing, which is perfect.

ETA: Wow, Shane is deeply stupid. It's amazing and hilarious. I love this DR lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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So, it looks like DR has each HG answering a series of questions. So it looks like they'll be quick DR sessions.

Shane is in the DR first. He wants to break up the Plastics, he wants Whitney out first, but he also wants him, Danielle, Monte, and Morgan to work together. He doesn't want to win HOH this week. He's not thinking about being a nominee because he feels safe (which he probably is, at least more safe than The Plastics/Scott/Monte/Danielle). If he did win HOH, he'd take out Shelby or Kryssie. It also seems like Danielle will be his ride or die. He's willing to backstab Monte later on for Danielle. 

Reading Twitter on the other happenings in the house, Scott/Monte are counting votes and they are pretty sure Cornbread's a goner. Scott is pretty much voting for Cornbread and Monte understands. You know, I do like that Monte knows he's going up. He's very self aware. He might be an idiot and he might have some subconscious racism imbedded in him that makes him hated, but I don't hate him nearly as much as most. He does genuinely seem like an ok guy, but just incredibly dim witted, self centered, and a jerk, but not a total asshole. I think that might be an unpopular opinion. Don't hate! 

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Both Shane and Justin like Kryssie, but both call her Kristy. Heh.

I like Shane less after his DR. I hope Danielle just uses him until he's all dried up. 

I like Neeley more after her DR sesh. She's closest with Danielle/Kryssie/Jason, maybe wants to work with Morgan Whitney as well. She's just trying to create relationships, take in information right now which is smart. A lot of the other HGs are making themselves targets this first week - she can probably take advantage of that for a while. 

Justin also names Whitney as one of his favorites for doing his laundry and "folding his drawers" today.

Everyone hates Shelby so far. 

Edited by mooses

So Whitney didn't mention the Plastics as an alliance at all in her DR and says she trusts Monte the most. Ew.

Monte says Justin doesn't know when to shut up. That. Is. Rich. Zero self awareness with this one lol. I am counting the minutes until I can vote for him. I don't find his delusions nearly as entertaining as Jozea's.

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5 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

So Whitney didn't mention the Plastics as an alliance at all in her DR and says she trusts Monte the most. Ew.

Monte says Justin doesn't know when to shut up. That. Is. Rich. Zero self awareness with this one lol. I am counting the minutes until I can vote for him. I don't find his delusions nearly as entertaining as Jozea's.

Apparently, Monte does not know he.talks.a lot. LOL!!! Please look in the mirror, buddy!

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I guess I'll just kind of update the DR sessions for people, if they want to know! It looks like they're timing the DRs and making sure they're 10 minutes max. 

Neeley's up next! She's loyal to Jason, Kryssie, Danielle and maybe Monte. She likes most of the people in the house. She's tired of a lot of the stories, though, even Kryssie's. She doesn't really like Shelby. She thinks she helped to put the target on Cornbread (I'm pretty sure it was mostly Danielle). Neeley wants to win HOH to get Shelby out and to break up the Plastics, but unlike others, she just wants to see if she could possibly work with them. From this DR alone, I think I could enjoy Neeley. 

Justin's DR is up now. He loves Danielle, Scott, Jason, Kryssie (and he's most loyal to Jason). He doesn't like Shelby. He likes to go into the phone booth and pretend to talk to someone from home, which is kind of interesting. I think I'd do the same thing. He wants to go after Shelby/Monte. He suspects that Monte was going to put him up (true). He wants Shelby to keep it real. He's not concerned with this HOH comp, but he won't throw it. Like Shane, he feels confident that he won't be a target this upcoming week. And one last note from me: PULL UP YOUR PANTS, BOY. Otherwise, he does have a little insight, which is good. I can see why people are automatically drawn to him. 

Whitney's DR is up. She's loyal the most to Monte (surprise, surprise). She's aware that it could be her downfall. She likes Morgan the most. She dislikes Danielle the most because she thinks she's running the other side of the house as well as her being in a showmance. She also thinks Danielle is self absorbed. She trusts Monte more than her girls....goddamnit, Whitney! She's going to ruin the all girls alliance. She wants to win HOH. Her targets are Danielle/Jason. Man, her voice is grating. 

Monte's up. He's aligned with Shane, Morgan, and Whitney. He doesn't like Justin because he thinks he's a brown-noser. He doesn't know when to shut up (Justin, not Monte....well, Monte too). He doesn't want to backstab Shane, Morgan, or Whitney ever. He wants Shane, Morgan, Whitney, Scott, or Alex to win. He's ok with Feedsters if he's put up by them. He doesn't want Justin or Jason to win, because he knows Jason could backstab him. Monte keeps talking and....surprise, surprise, doesn't know when to shut up! So basically, no new information here! 

Jason's up. He's mugging the camera, no surprise. He's aware that he's not really wanted by many people in alliances. He doesn't have any true alliances, but he's most loyal to Danielle. He's keeping Kryssie at arm's length because he knows she's a ticking time bomb. He doesn't like anyone because he learned from last time. He called everyone fake. Honestly, Jason is playing so hard for America, most will unfortunately buy it but I don't. He knows how to manipulate Feedsters. I feel like some of it is real, but he's overplaying it for Feedsters too much. He obviously wants to win, and he wants to take a shot at people and not be as nice as he was last game. He also shaded Jozea (LOL). He's calling out to everyone from Feedsters to alumni and everyone in between. 

Morgan is up now. She didn't want to work with her sister. She wanted to align with the guys, and she's worried about her alliance with Alex. She's still unsure about the girls alliance. She trusts Monte a lot and she hopes she stays loyal to him. She really wants Monte/Shane's bromance to end. She also has stated that she doesn't have a crush on Monte. She also really likes Neeley, and dislikes Danielle. She also says that Danielle is self absorbed. Morgan likes Justin, but she suspects that he knows about her and Alex. She wants Justin and Danielle up if she gets HOH. Right, people my age do say ratchet. I forgot. She wants HOH and she wants to break up Shane/Danielle. 

I'll recap the second half of the DR sessions in another post. 

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Scott says he does like Shelby a lot, and knows she's such a big target in the game, that it's good for him, but feels bad for her because she's so disliked in the house and has no clue about it. I feel bad for her, too. I just don't get it. 

LOVE this diary room format. Are they pandering a bit? Sure. But they're talking about their strategy in the game! And what they're doing! And who they are aligned with! And not recapping stupid shit we just watched!

Heh, Scott said he'd like to form a few enemies. He's such a dork. 

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