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Neighbours (AU) - General Discussion

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I'm also not sure why it's unreasonable to do a track on Sonya? She's obviously not in the right state of mind so can't they argue she's a danger to herself as reason for police to find her? (Granted I don't know much about police protocol, but hey, it's Neighbours.)

Xanthe's not exactly bright but this Fynn thing is not her fault, she's what, 17? That's about as impressionable an age as you can get. Given how her parents have been largely absent her whole life it's understandable she'd fall for the older guy who's showing her all this attention. Not sure whether she's interested in him in that way though, and I really hope they don't go there.

So the person Toadie called - I assumed it was Callam (with all the rumours of him coming back) but some people suggested it could be Jade? I wouldn't mind if Jade came back though, she and Amy can commiserate on how awful Kyle was lol. 

(It seems like all the people living on that street become BFFs with anyone else in the same demographic.)

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I suppose Therese is a higher earner than Gary, so there wouldn't be much wrong with her putting funds towards her ring.  They may be playing it for laughs here, or there is going to be a male pride problem.  

They may all trust each other on the street - I remember my grandparents left their house (in a small town) open and if they weren't home and you came to visit, you could still go in.  But in modern times, no.  And even if they trust each other, there could still be professional thieves that would notice.  Plot purposes solely.  There's a character on American soap opera General Hospital who owns a hotel and everyone jokes how she barges into her customers' rooms at will.  


They didn't show us what happened in Queensland so I know no more than you do.

The young actress who is playing Xanthe has been doing a great job on the Finn story imo.

Could see how they tricked Finn coming a mile away but still loved it when he threw his arms up.

Aww poor David, the actor does hurt so well.

Edited by Nozycat
11 hours ago, Nozycat said:

Really?  Jack and Steph?  I think he would be a much better fit with Amy.

And I am sick of hearing babies screaming.

That screaming baby noise was ridiculous! At first it was ridiculous because they kept quite obviously not showing the baby's face, but from behind you could tell that he was calm and not upset, and then it became more ridiculous because they played the noise then showed the baby immediately afterwards and his face was peaceful and he didn't look like he'd been crying at all, and then it got even more ridiculous because at one point they showed the baby putting on a happy face while they were in the middle of playing the crazy screaming noise.

Yeah but I would rather that than showing the baby actually crying for the sake of the scene like they used to do.  I would always find that distressing and wondered what they did to make it cry and how long they would let it cry for so they could get the shot instead of soothing it.  I am glad they are moving away from that..

1 hour ago, Nozycat said:

Yeah but I would rather that than showing the baby actually crying for the sake of the scene like they used to do.  I would always find that distressing and wondered what they did to make it cry and how long they would let it cry for so they could get the shot instead of soothing it.  I am glad they are moving away from that..

I think babies cry often enough and about minor enough things that it probably wouldn't necessarily mean that they were actually distressed. But yeah, I agree, good to see that that baby is calm.

I did notice the fake baby cry too but yeah, it's better than the baby actually crying, you get the point and can use imagination.  Some babies these days don't even cry that much, everything is so comfortable, I guess, modern diapers, mothers that don't have a lot of other kids, etc.  

Jack being attracted to Steph is out of the blue and she is quite the cougar if she goes for it.  We know he has some experience with women but less than usual, so maybe Steph is the answer, lol.  

I don't recall exactly, but Susan does have something, MS?  That would lead to falling down perhaps.  


Lol, they're just pairing off all the characters in any combination they can think of aren't they? Jack and Steph? What's with Steph and Paige's leftovers? At least Jack won't be hankering for a baby (not yet anyway). I agree Jack and Amy makes more sense. 

And ugh, Mark and Elly...actually I don't really care about either character so I don't care about this relationship.

While I think both the Piper and Xanthe storylines aren't that interesting I give props to the two girls for pulling off all that emotional stuff. The actress for Willow is cute, but her acting reminds me so much of Amber - one expression and every line spoken in a monotone, she has potential for some good storylines so I hope her acting improves!

Edited by Olivia Y

Therese is so indispensable that she can't take off work for cancer.  Really she does not seem to accept she has it for real.  Paul's advice was just dumb.  Who does this? Most unrealistic storyline for a soap ever, and that's saying something.  

Elly is not going to be happy to find out the terms on which her "relationship" with Mark is occurring.  

Yes, and I suppose Xanthe broke up with Ben and forgot about it, or Willow would have a problem.  

So Willow should be told of her father's new interest in her.  It does not mean she could not continue on with Toadie. 

Paige is going to help Therese go on now.  Though she is not qualified for the job.  Being American, of course I know even at the very top you don't really need qualifications, LOL.  This story line I hope is over soon.   It is so dumb.  The obvious end is Therese just collapses due to lack of needed medically recommended rest. 


LOL at Tim Collins' line to Sonya about reversing utes and surrogacies. :D Great call!

I don't see how Toadie has any more right than Amy or Mark or anyone else to decide what's best for Willow. She's not related to any of them.

Yeah, the Steph and Jack pairing is just random and weird. The only things they have in common are that one of Steph's brothers is named Jack and her uncle Tom was a priest. :P

That actress playing the Brennans' mum was on the show playing Paul's Polish cleaner for four weeks in 2011: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Neighbours_characters_(2011)#Lorraine_Dowski

Edited by neutron

Hmm, I'd guess that was why the mother came back suddenly, to tell them he died? 

Was it made clear what Aaron's problem with her was? Was it purely on Tyler's behalf or does he have another issue with her?

Aaron and David are cute together, even though the karaoke thing was sooooo cringeworthy.

23 hours ago, neutron said:

I don't see how Toadie has any more right than Amy or Mark or anyone else to decide what's best for Willow. She's not related to any of them.

Yeah I wondered about that too! When Mark said it was Toadie's decision I was like...he's just a random guy, he has literally no legal rights over her. How do these arrangements even work? Can he apply to foster her until she's 18 or something? Does he have rights to sign stuff like permission notes for school?

Since when did anyone on Neighbours ever need any qualifications to do anything? Amber's job in Qld, Imogen (and Naomi, who supposedly offered her this job) in the US, I can accept it a bit more if it's a job that benefits more from vocational training (e.g. mechanic, or even Xanthe with the beauty course) than a degree, but stuff like legal work? Yeah...no.

I can't remember any character at any point even finishing a degree (I guess Toadie would have to have done once upon a time, but that was before I started watching). 

Edited by Olivia Y

Yeah Toadies applying for something to have care of Willow but right now he has no legal standing at all or right to make decisions for her.  I think he is actually thinking more of himself than her with not wanting to tell her about her father.  And wouldn't her parents have to agree anyway?

I can't stand the Brennan's mum's voice, it's so breathy.  I would have thought an actress would project more.

I don't know what the queen card means either.

Afaik Aaron is upset only on Tyler's behalf.

Love Aaron and David together.

Yeah, these pairings they've brought out of nowhere make no sense: Amy and Toadie, and Jack and Steph. But I'm assuming that's the entire point, and they won't be permanent pairings. Sonya will get all worried about Amy and Toadie, and it will push her to try to work things out with Toadie. Amy will be left on her own and be jealous of Jack and Steph. Jack and Steph won't work out (because Steph looks like she's having mental health issues again), and Jack will end up getting together with Amy. And Mark will be all obsessed with protecting Gabe from Steph, and will end up with Paige, rather than Elly. Well, those are my predictions, anyway. :P

Edited by neutron

After all that build-up with the Karl incident I was expecting it to be something completely banal (it was obvious it wouldn't be something related to drugs or prostitution since they were telegraphing it so hard), but they actually came up with something that Susan would be believably furious about. 

The only thing that was not believable was Karl trying to bring that stuff past customs. Given he seems to travel reasonably often (all those impromptu trips to London for one) and all the 'Border Control' type shows there are, surely he'd know Australia has some of the toughest biosecurity measures in the world?

Lol @ the story with Karl - the stuff they come up with for him.  Yeah it was clear it wasn't actually something to do with another woman but I had no idea what it might be instead.  No wonder Susan was furious.  And I can see Karl being pig headed and arrogant enough to try it.  When he really wants something he will go to any lengths.  Great Sheila bested him, too funny.

Sheila always looks so uncomfortable in the shoes she wears when she walks, I wish they would put her in something more comfortable for her.

I genuinely couldn't tell how we were supposed to interpret Karl's story about his attempt to bring "seeds" into Australia. Were they trying to hint at them being marijuana seeds without actually saying it? Or was it supposed to be obvious that he meant durian seeds because he also tried to bring a durian home? Or was it supposed to be ambiguous? Pretty sure you'd have a hard time transporting any types of seeds into Australia, given that you can't even bring in soil stuck to your shoes. But if they just meant like pumpkin seeds or something, there would have been no need to be so vague about what type of seeds they were. But I was just confused, because they seemed to be hinting at pot, but shouldn't people be asking why Karl wants to grow pot? Is it for Susan's treatment, or are we supposed to just assume that Karl has always been a massive pot user? I've never really gotten that vibe from him.


That Andrea/Dee return came out of nowhere, especially since Willow is gone! And from the comments I've seen online, it seems like everyone was just as surprised as I was. Good work, Neighbours!


Just read spoilers for this week and it looks like one of my previous predictions in this thread will come true on Wednesday. I won't say anything more in case people don't like spoilers, but you'll see what I mean. I hope they do the story well.

Edited by neutron

There was no indication that it was drug related at all, it was pretty clear that Karl just meant fruit that he's wanted to grow.

So is that woman at the end meant to be realDee? The hair/style of dress looked different to Andrea. I'm guessing the next storyline will involve the realDee turning up and Sonya implodes. TBH that seems like too much of a coincidence right after Andrea, unless realDee somehow got wind of the fact someone was impersonating her? But then they'd have to come up with a whole new backstory as to why she didn't contact Toadie for all those years.

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