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S17.E14: Nationwide Manhunt (1)

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I think the SVU side worked better than the PD side. At least in SVU they showed the escape as a huge manhunt where every law enforcement agency in the US was involved and SVU was just a part of it. When they got to Chicago the capture of an escaped serial killer from multiple states over is completely handled by a local police sargeant and the cops in his unit.

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Carisi, otoh, is the one who is not burdened by having a terrible life/past/werewolf curse. It is nice to see someone who still has faith in humanity and spring to their step.



Well, NOW you jinxed it. His entire family is probably going to be taken hostage/murdered/vanish on Mt. Everest while he breaks an ankle and fails the law exams.

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Okay, I just have to say: WOOHOO!!!!!! I PREDICTED THIS EXACTLY, 100% PERFECTLY BACK IN THE FIRST EPISODE OF THIS SEASON!!!! BWAHAHAHHA! I mean I know I'm not the only one, but I feel like I was the first, so I'm taking total credit for this.  That complete, unnecessary, flash-in-dark shot of Cupcake Bitch at the trial was a dead give-away.  And Rudnick and Yates at the same prison? I mean come on, please.


The only thing I didn't predict was the way the Rudnick/Yates relationship would turn.  I kinda had the impression, after we saw their first sit down lunch at Greenhaven, that they were gonna become butt buddies.  Run the prison with their doctorial geniusness!  But I actually like how the producers made the choice....something about Rudnick is kinda....likable.  And nothing about Yates is (although I did gain some affection for him during the Devil's Dissection episode....dunno why).  I thought it was hilarious how Barba said "imagine Robert Durst and Ted Bundy on the loose" as that is EXACTLY who these two characters were "supposed" to play...he just confirmed it.


And the thing about Durst is, as crazy and evil as he may be, he is still somewhat LIKABLE.  There are a good amount of people out there who hold some deep affection for him.  Ted Bundy on the other hand, while he managed to charm a few women here and there, was pretty much universally thought of as an odd guy.


I absolutely LOVED Carisi and the way he handled Rudnick in the boat. By the way - how many random news stories are you gonna throw into one? Dzhokar Tsarnaev anyone?!  At least it was a somewhat subtle reference to that, but still.  I loved how Carisi stopped them and said "I KNOW THIS MAN!"  I almost shed a tear.  And when he approached the boat and said "Dr. Rudnick, it's DETECTIVE CARISI, I WANT YOU TO LIVE TONIGHT!!!" Oh. My. Gosh.  He's so precious.


All his interactions with Rudnick were fabulous.  Even at the hospital when you saw him snatch away his hand in disgust.  And the bacon scene...SWOON.  Carisi is so cute.  And there really is something endearing about Rudnick!  I liked that Rudnick said basically "look, I wanted to just go away and live my life in peace, alright?!"  Rudnick is a different kind of man that the Yates of the world.  Still a horrible criminal, but he's different.


Shout to Jose.  I want to see him all the time.  He's just precious.


One thing that REALLY pissed me off - and they've done this in other episodes (Funny Valentine, Spousal Privilege, etc.) - is when they outright mention the incident that they are definitely biting off of.  I MEAN COME ON!  IF Dannemora happened before this in real life, there's no chance in H - E- DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS that this second escape would have happened.  Cupcake Bitch would have never been allowed to bring in food that wasn't checked.  Or give food to the prisoners.  And inmates certainly wouldn't be allowed to have posters in their cells that could easily cover up a human-sized hole.  I wish they just ignored Dannemora and pretended it never happened.  They stretch our imaginations enough in SVU world, I don't think this should have been that hard.


Okay - guys. I don't get why you all don't like Liv's hair.  I thought during these last two episodes she's looked more beautiful than she has in a looooong time.  I think it's chic and frames her face well.  I think the waves and all that mess makes her looked either aged or fat.  Just my opinion.


LIV'S SMACKDOWN OF THE CUPCAKE BITCH WAS SO GREAT!!!! A) I love that she said "I'M NOT GONNA CODDLE HER!" and B) I love that she didn't get ALL PERSONAL about it.  I mean WE knew it was personal, but she didn't start spitting out her sob story and all that.  She was just PISSED.  I loved it.


I hate Cupcake Bitch.  She's a disgusting person.  And btw nice shout out to Lyle Mitchell by making her husband's name "Kyle."


Someone said it earlier, but aside from the charges being dropped, how did the Cole family not file a FAT ASS CIVIL LAWSUIT against this bitch? And how would it not be all over the news that she wasn't charged in the William Lewis escape?!  I dunno man.


I did watch the Chicago Episode, cause I had to know what happened.  Here's the thing about Erin Lindsay: Sophia Bush is just WAY too beautiful to be a cop.  I'm sorry.  I've seen beautiful female cops before but this is just ridiculous.  And she does not emote an OUNCE other than "pissed off" or "super duper melancholy."  Give us some RANGE, girl!  That's why I think Kelli Giddish is such an underrated actress.  Homegirl has given us A LOT on that screen.


So depressed about the lack of use of Fin.  When they said he was coming to Chicago with Benson I actually said: "Why?"  AND I LOVE ME SOME ICE-T SCREEN TIME! But I just KNEW they weren't gonna use him properly....and they didn't.


The thing that really pissed me off was that final scene with Yates, his dad, and Lindsay was just so unbelievable.  Lindsay could've shot Yates, Mr. Williams would have fallen, and she could have jumped down there and held him up while waiting for the ambulance to get there. I think.


Anyway, I don't mind the Crossovers as much as y'all do.  I think what I like about it is that it feels like an ACTUAL police station when there are more than just three people involved.

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