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Preview A Clip From The Season 2 Premiere Of Agent Carter

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Okay I watch the Marvel movies but I don't know every detail.

Isn't Jarvis the name of Tony Stark's family's butler and then his voice is used for whatever that is that talks to Tony when he's in his lab?

We have all this technology and we can't figure out how to get Cap & Peggy back together?

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Although I have to express my shock that in that day and age, Peggy wouldn't wear a skirt to travel. People dressed up to fly back then.

A transcontinental flight would have been a pretty big deal, and she is on a TWA flight, so not a private deal from Howard. Still, maybe she had to make a connection and changed somewhere along the way? She's carrying a jacket, though it doesn't match her trousers and she doesn't have a hat, so maybe she was going business casual.

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