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Criminal Minds Trivia Game

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Because what I REALLY need in my life are more time-killing activities that enable my raging TV addiction :)  

Someone posts a trivia question about anything related to CM, and whoever guesses it correctly posts the next question. Sound fun? I'll get us started:

Q: How many words does read Reid per minute? 


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Heh---I tend to remember the names of dogs better than I remember the names of their owners :) 

What is the youngest Unsub we've seen on the show, how old was he/she and in what episode was he/she featured?

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The two that immediately spring to mind are the kid who rammed a truck down his brother's throat, and the one that was lactose intolerant. Erk! Can't think of their names without google-cheating! 

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Ha, yep. I was wondering what took everyone so long. Reid's pissy "Yeah Owen's out there right now 'working it out' with an assault rifle." is burned into my brain. ;)

You're up! 

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Which team member reads the quote “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods", and in which episode! (If this one is too hard, just ask for a hint...I'm sadly quote-obsessed, so I tend to pay more attention to the quotes on this show than is probably normal!) 

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Yikes! That's hard. I know some of the quotes but can't necessarily link to episodes or characters. However, as I know you like the early seasons I will guess at Gideon because he did most of the quotes back then I think.

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Yes me too! I wouldn't like to say how many times I've seen it. It is West Bune Texas = so you're up!

It's really hard to think of questions that aren't too easy yet not so obscure no-one would know them! And is it just the three of us playing??

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No one else dares accept the challenge! ;)

Name three Buffy alums that have been on Criminal Minds. Character AND actor's name.

"alums"?? That doesn't look right for some reason. Pretend I said alumni (male), or alumnae (female)! :D

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Oh, no---I was counting on you to bail us out, Old Dog! I've only got Nicholas Brendon (Xander!) as Kevin and Juliet Landau (aka Drusilla) as, er, some woman in Heathridge Manor. :)  

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There was also Michelle Trachtenberg as Diane in Zugswang of course.

She played Dawn in Buffy - forgot to say that.

So who's up? As we both failed Willowy should ask another!

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Argh---I adore those scenes in Uncanny Valley and can actually remember certain lines from them (and I adored the reference to how he used to play with Gideon; love that Reid hasn't forgotten about him!) but, sadly, I can't recall the name! 

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I know! And I loved that! He has such an odd delivery too, like he was telling a ghost story or something...

"So you have a lifetime's worth of chess strategy in your head and your just... sitting on it." The way he says that sounds so weird. 

But everything about Reid is perfect in this scene. What he does, what he's wearing, what he says... Good Gaia.

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Considering that Hotch has been listed as having two different ages on the show, it's hard to know how old he really is. I remember this particular bit of trivia, because I was trying to work out Hotch's timeline based on the canon facts we have heard about him. That is when I realized there is NO way he could have done all the things he's been attributed to over the years.

But, no...not 1985. :)

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All right, I see I have no takers for my trivia question. So here is another one.

What is the book Reid bonds with Cory (the unsub) over in "The Popular Kids?"


Answer to my trivia question:

The yearbook year was 1987 and it was Hotch's junior year of high school. 

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A: It was Nietzsche's "Thus Spake Zarathustra" (sp?!) Love that episode, by the way. 


If that's correct:


Q: Name at least five female Unsubs (or, if you don't recall the exact names, the episodes in which they were featured!) 

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1. Clara, "Compulsion."

2. Megan "Pleasure is My Business."

3. Samantha, "The Uncanny Valley."

4. Diane, "Zugzwang".

5. Crazy Hot Teacher lady, "I Love You, Tommy Brown." 


Hmmm...now I have to think of ANOTHER one. :)

Here is an easy one, because it's late and I need to go to bed. 

What was JJ's biggest fear? 

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Hotch suggested that Reid catch the rest of his movie when he got back, and it was a metaphor for attending Beltway Clean Cops.

Next question:

Name at least three other baby names Hotch and Haley considered naming Jack.

Edited by ForeverAlone
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