RedheadZombie July 10, 2015 Share July 10, 2015 It baffles me how NO ONE ever seems to clean up on this show. Basically every season, unless TPTB force them to clean, there is like 1 person who cleans and everyone else is a pig. Do you live like that at home? On second thought I don't want to know. I think (for the most part) that a group of people who can so easily walk away from work/family/life obligations for three months, are a more spoiled group, in general. Sure we see people with real jobs here and there, but most of us couldn't put our lives/spouses/children/work on hold while we go incommunicado on a game show for the summer. The typical cleaners seem to be the slightly older "mother" types, as well as the occasional anal germ phobic (typically female) HG. It doesn't seem like there are many take charge or leader types, at least so far. Is this the first time in years there's nobody in their forties? There doesn't even seem to be many thirty-somethings. Maybe they all live in mom's basement, like Jason, and believe in the magically cleaning fairies. 2 Link to comment
lilabennet July 10, 2015 Share July 10, 2015 It baffles me how NO ONE ever seems to clean up on this show. Basically every season, unless TPTB force them to clean, there is like 1 person who cleans and everyone else is a pig. Do you live like that at home? On second thought I don't want to know. Speaking as someone who comes from a large family and was forced to clean up after that large family including many, many hours of dishes, I can say that I now have a general aversion to cleaning up after other people. I will wash all of my own dishes, but if I saw a pile of dishes in the sink that I do not consider my responsibility, like I would find in the Big Brother house, I absolutely would not wash them. I would even hoard/hide my clean dishes so that the other houseguests would not benefit from my work. As far as why the houseguests never seem to clean up, I think the broken windows theory might be coming in to play. 3 Link to comment
bafleyanne July 10, 2015 Share July 10, 2015 I wonder if they ever try to institute a chore rotation or something similar? At least for the dishes. That is a) a health hazard and b) necessary to be able to, you know, EAT. Then again some of these people would probably have a hissy fit if someone tried to make them clean. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina July 10, 2015 Share July 10, 2015 ^^^ That's exactly the problem. No matter how tactful you are, if you even mention a hint of cleaning you're automatically labeled "bossy" and "controlling" and it puts a target on your back. Same shit happens on Survivor. To be fair, some people ARE too bossy and controlling. But damned if I'd live in that pigsty. 2 Link to comment
AndreaK1041 July 10, 2015 Share July 10, 2015 (edited) They are messy and gross, but in CA, you need a bug guy. It's not expensive. For there to be ants within a week, there were already nearby nests and BB was too cheap to pre-spray. My house in CA is relatively clean, but still we had ants coming in through pin sized holes in the tile grout in a freshly mopped room before I understood you truly do need a bug guy (I'm originally from the Midwest, we do not have these ant issues). It's worth every penny. Still, do your dishes. Edited July 10, 2015 by AndreaK1041 Link to comment
RedheadZombie July 11, 2015 Share July 11, 2015 What they need is one good outbreak of food poisoning. A house full of people vomiting with explosive diarrhea, fighting to use the two bathrooms, does not make for good television. It's unbelievable that it's necessary, but the HOH should have filling out a weekly chore list as part of their reaponsibilities. Most of these people have arrested development. They're permanent teenagers. 2 Link to comment
tinderbox July 11, 2015 Share July 11, 2015 It baffles me how NO ONE ever seems to clean up on this show. Basically every season, unless TPTB force them to clean, there is like 1 person who cleans and everyone else is a pig. Do you live like that at home? On second thought I don't want to know. I have the live feeds and I see Becky cleaning up all.the.time. Occasionally, Shelli helps her out. Link to comment
Kris117 July 12, 2015 Share July 12, 2015 (edited) I have the live feeds and I see Becky cleaning up all.the.time. Occasionally, Shelli helps her out. I'd be cleaning all the damn time. At least it's something to do. The ants are a nuisance, but they don't carry diseases. It's just the ick factor. I did find a funny and apropos quote in this article: When we think of insects, we tend to think of them as unsanitary beings that track germs and other bacteria wherever they go. Research actually shows that ants are much cleaner than humans. Not washing your hands will expose you to more bacteria than a colony of ants will.Shelli and Clay asking John not to use the veto on himself, and John's subsequent DR reaction, was the funniest thing so far this year. A close second was Audrey campaigning to not be a replacement nom by sounding threatening, as if she had a shred of any kind of pull with anyone. Edited July 12, 2015 by Kris117 1 Link to comment
Kris117 July 12, 2015 Share July 12, 2015 From Jeff Alexander's recap: In order to save Liz from the block, because apparently she's his ally now that Jace is gone, Austin makes up a lie about having overheard Meg plotting with James and Jason to turn on Clay and Shelli. Austin and an apparently trusting Vanessa sell this to Shelli, already pre-bundled with the obvious solution of making Meg the replacement nominee. Shelli seriously considers it, because she is less Head of Household than Ear of Household. Man, that bit of hilarity gives me a whole new way to look at HoHs! For instance, last season any HoH who wasn't Amanda would qualify. Link to comment
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