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Climbing the Spitball Wall - An Unsullied's Take on A Song of Ice and Fire - Reading Complete! Now onto Rewatching the Show and Anticipating Season 6!

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Thank you, Terra Nova and I think WindyNights posted them a bit back, so thank you also!  Might have been WSmith, come to think of it.  


You know what?  If you're reading this post, please apply a general, but heartfelt thank you to your day :-D 

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Yeah in concerns to the Tyrion, Vic and Barristan chapters, I think it's okay to wait until TWOW comes out. You don't necessarily need to read those.

There's also an Arianne II chapter but that hasn't been officially released. It was just read at a convention and when it's not officially released GRRM is subject to change it a bit.

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And I'm still here, wondering what he meant by "that Aeron chapter will surprise you"...


Cause that's what he said when he offered the audience the choice between reading Arianne and Aeron... saying the first was more or less eventless and the second was like... out of the blue...


Damn... even if I prefer Arianne as a character (who wouldnt ?), I really would have picked the Damphair one... he's not a character I'm bashing as much as other. Sure, the guy's a total moron, but I dont read Asoiaf to read about "nice people" I'd like to hang around with, and there must be a reason why the Damphair is a PoV character and I cant wait to find out which one in Winds !

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Random but I got shown the interview quote about ADWD with GRRM's editor:

AG: Well… Probably more say that he would have liked…though many of the choices were his as well. Finishing this book where he absolutely wanted to end it would have taken probably another year and more pages than could be realistically bound between two covers. And so much great stuff had happened already that no one, I felt, could be unsatisfied by the developments. So he voluntarily pulled one big sequence out of the book. I lobbied for another…and it came out, too. People may hold me to blame for this, but I still think it was the right choice. The book is so big and complex and rich and wonderful that adding these two sequences would not have made it any better than it already is. - Suvudu Q/A with Anne Groell, 7/8/2011

The first sequence she was talking about is clearly the Battle of Winterfell/Ice and the second sequence is the Battle of Meereen/Fire.

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Aeron. Aeron.

Aeron. Who with the what now? Who is Aeron? The Aegon. Aemon. Aerys.

Why can't I place Aeron?

Did I hit my head again?

Aeron Damphair.

BalON, EurOn, VictariON, TheOn, AerON. They Greyjoys sure are creative with first names.

Although yeah Aeron sounds like a Targ name.

Oh and the game of thrones season 6 trailer just dropped, guys

Edited by WindyNights
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The production values certainly look as high as ever. This could easily pass for a trailer for a big blockbuster--though in a way I suppose that's what's Thrones has become.


I'm still hesitant to say it was really that good. I mean I did like it, but that may be just because I love Liam Cunningham as Davos.

The dual sword wielding looked ridiculous though. Also, couldn't they give Euron his patch? As it is, I was confused at first because I thought he was Theon. He looks like he could be playing his brother rather than his uncle.

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All that trailer managed to accomplish for me was make me even less enthused for the King's Landing storyline than I already was, especially where Jaime and Cersei are concerned. Why oh why is this show so hell bent on pushing that so-called love story? Ugh.


You can see glimpses of the Tower of Joy scene though.


And a certain someone who is supposed be dead on a horse looking very much alive. Season 6 spoilers:

Jon Snow in Stark armor

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I'm guessing they're still playing the Jaime/Cersei relationship out because he still has to burn her letter and they want it to be shocking. That's how D&D work:


You are a Stark, Jon, and I'm going to tell you who you're mother is as soon as I come home -- Ned dies.


Oh, Robb, I'm pregnant. I know! Let's name him Ned. -- Ned dies again.


You are mine own daughter and I love you -- Stannis rethinks this new commitment to feeling and burns his daughter alive.


I expect Jaime will practically bow down to Cersei in an act of worship before he leaves her.

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I'm guessing they're still playing the Jaime/Cersei relationship out because he still has to burn her letter and they want it to be shocking. That's how D&D work:

You are a Stark, Jon, and I'm going to tell you who you're mother is as soon as I come home -- Ned dies.

Oh, Robb, I'm pregnant. I know! Let's name him Ned. -- Ned dies again.

You are mine own daughter and I love you -- Stannis rethinks this new commitment to feeling and burns his daughter alive.

I expect Jaime will practically bow down to Cersei in an act of worship before he leaves her.

That seems unlikely. In the show he already knows about her affair with Lancel and is still sprung on Cersei.

Not sure what Cersei could do at this point to reject her.

And Cersei already has Robert Strong and the trial is already happening this season so it seems even unlikeliest that Cersei would write to him.

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That seems unlikely. In the show he already knows about her affair with Lancel and is still sprung on Cersei.

Not sure what Cersei could do at this point to reject her.

And Cersei already has Robert Strong and the trial is already happening this season so it seems even unlikeliest that Cersei would write to him.


I suppose he could just leave her against his will, by being taken captive after Riverrun or whatever. However, it'll be hard to see why Jaime would do anything but run back to Cersei the first chance he gets. Basically, if he doesn't turn away from her on his own it's going to become a problem for the character. Unless she dies, or he does.

Edited by Autarch
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The spoiler Alayne mentioned was actually already known from leaked pictures of the set, with the 'dead' sporting a ponytail.

Season 6

And sure as the taxes Jorah put his grey-scaly fingers on Dany's ring, that managed not to be trampled by the whole khalasar.

Regarding the Tower of Joy there is a fan film about it that should be available before season 6. I can't link the site now but it is easy to find, and Young Ned has a very apt long face :)

Season 6

ETA: so it seems that there's a very quick frame of two women kissing in the trailer, one of them most likely being Asha. Wow. I mean, one of the director was sure Brienne is a lesbian, so apparently a woman skilled at fighting can't be straight. I think I just filled my daily quota of ranting on the show XD peace!


ETA2: the trailer frame-by-frame:



Edited by Terra Nova
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Hm. Okay. Definitely made the right decision regarding season 6 for myself (and the wrong for season 5 where I loved some of the promotional material). I'm utterly done with this show.


I did not recognize a single ASOIAF character in that trailer. Well, except for Rhaegar (I think that was supposed to be Rhaegar at the battle of the Trident in one snipet). Kinda adult Sansa & Bran, calm Cersei, nasty Lancel, whiny Jaime, Marg having religious debates with the HS??? The only thing that made me interested for a second was Mel having a crisis of faith.


And now my watch begins (for the books).

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You mean the guy with the Targ sigil on the chest? I thought it's a given the guy is (season 6)

Arthur Dayne, the SwordS of the Morning XD A casting call required some re-enactor or some such proficient with double-wielding, for 'the best swordsman of his age'. Also, some leaked picture on the set showed a battered man on his knees, with 'Arthur' preparing the final blow (you know, swinging the swords like movies show) and behind him a scrawny figure; so that should be Howland about to save Ned. That wimp is Arthur, with a Targ stamp on his chest. It's depressing.

I will stick around this topic but once Season 6 airs, I will futily try to stay away from everything show-related.


ETA: about the indie fan film, the page on Indiegogo:



And Ned Stark (he really looks like show Benjen, who I think has one of the most interesting faces ever):



And Lyanna:


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I don't see any reason to assume that the guy with the Targaryen sigil is anyone special. He's probably just a stuntman in a battle sequence. I'm sure that

Arthur Dayne is going to get more of a hero edit than that picture suggests; surely he'll be the dramatic one-on-one encounter at the end of the battle, probably inside of tower or just outside it, not one guy in a big brawl on the side of a hill. Also, the casting notice specifically mentioned that he carries a famous sword on his back.

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Guys, about all the trailer talk?  Maybe spoiler tag that stuff?  I'm actually fine with reading it and have been, but as a for instance, I know Which Tyler is someone who opted not to watch season 5 and there are open details about season five and that trailer.  


So slap tags on the stuff that cannot unseen, friends, Romans, Countrymen, please? 

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So now onward and about the trailer.  Hee!  I get to watch and talk about trailers now!! 


Okay, I am so torn on watching the show, but realistically I'm going to be stuck here for most of the season which makes for some really dull weekend nights, so the likelihood that I'll watch is high.  Plus, my poor husband -- stuck in a corporate apartment and all that implies about the decor -- would likely really appreciate someone to talk to about the show.  so with that in mind:  


Season six trailer

Looks like they are just going to pull the rip chord on Jon's parentage at long last and I actually look forward to just getting that bandaid off.  The actor playing Bran also looks old enough to vote and clearly they've had to just let him stand, etc and essentially astrally project, because he's the size of a nearly grown person and no way can they make the poor guy playing Hodor tote him around any longer.  So I did like that we're apparently on a journey through Bran o'vision, showing us some of the past.   Poor Perpetual Fall Guy, Ned being featured actually gives me hope for the season.  You know why?  At least I bloody well know he won't die in that particular vision.  Something of a rarity in the good guy scenes.


I just don't even know what to say about Jaime and Cersei.  Show Cersei is not that closely related to Book Cersei, but the nature of their relationship is the same.  Presumably Jaime's going to find out she boffed Lancel and be just as happy about it in the Series as he was in the Books.  In Jaime's mind -- as witnessed by that trailer - he truly thinks that theirs is a love story.  However, "everything they've taken from us..."  ...dude, two of your children are dead there's no getting that back.


Dany's Helter Skelter back to the beginning tale continues and it's at least kind of interesting that they've clearly decided to feature Jorah in the story where Barristan once stood in the books.  Or so it would seem.  


I don't know where Littlefinger is, but that looks a lot like Winterfell and I'm hoping he uses some of that chaos stirring power of his to take out Ramsay, or at least lay a trap for him to be taken out, seemingly by the Risen Jon -- who please let him not be a member of the Night's Watch any longer -- dude it was 'for life' they killed you, if you get to come back, move on and forget them.  But hopefully a) Sansa is NOT back in Winterfell under Fucking Ramsay's power, because the books and their tendency to circle back in holding patterns on plots are bad enough.


Finally, for now

my very favorite thing about that trailer breakdown -- Guys, I totally get to watch Press for the Series now!! I have a new toy!! -- is the caption "an audition for Assassin's Creed" ...because, yeah, what the hell is that "I'm leaping from a building!" scene.  

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Here, a still:



and the extremely shaky video (the link to Youtube it's broken so that there's no preview in the post, the title itself is spoilery):



But what in particular connects the blurry images in this footage to the individual in the trailer? The still image shows a bunch of bodies lying around, so clearly there was some element of the fight before the part depicted there. Couldn't the Targaryen guy in the trailer be one of those bodies?

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For that last spoiler of yours, Shimpy, there was a leaked video from the set that showed, if you want to know,

Arya jumping from a building and running down a street, followed instants later by the Waif in hot pursuit with a bloody knife. Because they seeded her envy/jealousy towards Arya last season, right?



DevF, firstly the location seems to be the same. Secondly,

How many guys with two swords are going to be included in this season? Ockam's razor would suggest only one. The picture is blurry but it's clear the guy in the grey armor is wielding two swords and using them to parry the opponent's swing. It fits with the picture of the trailer: shiny metal on the torso, brownish skirts to the knees, and a grassy slope behind him. Besides, we know Arhur is the last one going down at the ToJ, against Ned and Howland, and the leaked video shows two-swords being the last man standing against two foes. Also, both in the still from the trailer and the shaky video you can clearly tell on of his opponents has a Northern-style armor and Ned's hair - of course, it even fits he's the only one without the helm, since 'heroes' have to be recognizable. Again, to me it only makes sense that the brawl is the 7 vs. 3, (there's another frame where you see a small group of around six persons in various attire unsheating their swords, so they're probably Ned's posse, and the lights and the general environment seem to fit with the ToJ set) and that the video shows the final moments of the duel.

Edited by Terra Nova
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Ah, my bad. I was basing my comments on a still from the trailer in which

the second sword was spinning too fast to see.

Edited by Dev F
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The show has Arthur Dayne dual-wielding?  Why, oh why??  Dawn is a greatsword.  It's 5+ feet long.  He carries it on his back because it would drag if he used a sword belt.  Why the hell would they change that?

Edited by mac123x
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I will wait to see the final edit of the scene to give my opinion of it

(Obviously, I am talking about the Tower of Joy fight), but the very few seconds of it in the trailer look awesome!

Edited by OhOkayWhat
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Dual wielding swords is so Hollywood.

I will wait to see the final edit of the scene to give my opinion of it

(Obviously, I am talking about the Tower of Joy fight), but the very few seconds of it in the trailer look awesome!


It has potential. I'm not digging those two swords though and the Targaryen KG armor.

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Season 6 trailer:

I can already sense the fan rage at Euron not wearing an eye patch and Arthur Dayne not fighting with Dawn. I don't have much of a problem with it. I think Dawn would have been great to see, but for a single scene, I can see why they wouldn't want to go into the backstory and find a way to make it look right. They clearly are trying to make Dayne look like the best fighter in the series, even if you're not crazy about dual wielding. Since this is a fantasy, I can believe a man can dual wield and do so successfully(I believe Garlan Tyrell dual wields in the books). From a storytelling perspective, Dawn isn't that important. There are two things that need to be established, that there are Kingsguard with Lyanna/Jon and that Arthur Dayne is a God-like swordsman. That looks to be the case from what little I've seen. I'm not crazy about the Targaryen KG armor, but I understand why they would want it to be visually different from the Baratheon KG. I would have preferred something a bit more ornate.


Overall, I thought it was an effective trailer that didn't spoil much of anything. I'm so ready for Jaime to leave Cersei. It has to be coming this season, as I expect he'll learn of Cersei's fling with Lancel, which he hasn't found out about in the show, as he was in Dorne when the stuff with the Sparrows happened. The rest is about what I expected to see. For a dead man, Jon got as much screentime as anyone. Are they going to pair Davos with Jon as his consigliere? I guess him sailing south to rejoin his wife is unlikely, though it's not stated whether she is even alive in the show. I have no idea what will happen with Mel. Will they follow through with her meeting Arya again as she said in season 3? Will her vision of herself walking the battlements of Winterfell as the Bolton banners are being lowered come true, but with a different king/leader? Or will they ignore all of that and simply sacrifice her? Bran's tree-vision should be fun. Dany better be sailing for Westeros by season's end, but somehow I doubt she will. The Ironborn are back.  I don't expect much to resemble the books with them. Though I do hope Euron will still be an obstacle in Dany's way, and not just some plot device to further Theon's story. Last but not least, there was no sign of Dorne, which is fine by me.

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Joke about season 6 trailer: 

Maybe Arthur Dayne is specced Fury.


I can't wait for gotgifsandmusings and theculturalvacuum to do a write up on it :) 


On the topic of a full show re-watch: Since S6 premieres April 24th, if we wanted to give ourselves a week to watch each season, that means we'd need to start watching by March 20th. So I say we start after shimpy finishes the Winds chapters! Unless we're migrating over to Twitter or whatever to do live viewings, I think we can all fast forward through those scenes that gives us the creeps! :) For me the scenes in Craster's Keep in season 4 were the hardest to watch. 

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Response to Impin's second spoiler box: 

I agree this trailer did not give a lot away. I feel like last year we were able to pick up on a lot of the plot points that were supposed to be surprise, like Sansa going to Winterfell. This time, there don't seem to be any hints like that (unless I am missing something?). Most of the things, like Dany going to Vaes Dothrak, the Tower of Joy, and Jon being less than dead were things we already knew. About the only thing that surprised me in the trailer was Asha maybe kissing a woman? I love the idea of including more queer characters (especially if it's presented positively!) but I fear it will just be used for gratuitous nudity.

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Oh wow, that was super quick.  I was expecting a chapter, chapter.  Okay, well I read Arianne's chapter.  


Winds of Winter

well that was fun and again, relatively brief.  One thing that has the potential to get old is Daemon fussing around about his bastard born birth, blah blah, blah blah.   People who lived in those worlds really did understand how they worked.  That Princess didn't get to marry whomever they liked.  I can see a young man asking anyway, but by the time Daemon turning down offers of some sexy fun times, he's a grown man, who should know how the world works.



I did like that both the question of Aegon's legitimacy and then Daenerys motives in allowing her brother to die at the hands of Kahl Drogo were called into question almost immediately.  I guess we'll see (uh...eventually) how well the Lady Lance wears upon further acquaintance, but I like Arianne.  I find her interesting and I also think she's one of the most realistic female characters that Martin has created.  


Also, on the subject of a rewatch, yes I can absolutely do a season a week.  I've finally got my house prepped and so I just sit around in it, trying not to mess it up until it lists after Easter :-)  

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In Jaime's mind -- as witnessed by that trailer - he truly thinks that theirs is a love story.  However, "everything they've taken from us..."  ...dude, two of your children are dead there's no getting that back.

lol, I was wondering at that too, but maybe Qyburn is in for a new Frankenstein project.

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I spoiler tagged that one spoiler because I know there are some people who do not keep up with the season 6 leaks at all. :)

All trailer spoilers below ...


Regarding Jaime and Cersei:

Yeah, I just can't even. There will be no letter. No letter burning. We are past that point in the show. I suppose Lancel could reveal the nature of his former relationship with Cersei to Jaime but it would probably come across as so antagonistic that I see no reason why Jaime should even believe him. I fear the ship has set sail on that storyline sadly and I don't anticipate Jaime will ever be redeemed in the show.


Northern storylines:

Littlefinger looks to be in the North, but that's all I can gather from his brief appearance in the trailer. I keep up with all the spoiler leaks so I have an idea about how this whole storyline is going to turn out so I don't even know if I should comment on it? What do you think, Shimpy? Just leave our speculation to what appears in the trailer/promotional footage?


I don't understand why Arthur would be dual wielding either. The casting call even specifically mentioned "has a sword (ONE. SINGULAR) with a famous name." So ... who knows. And yeah, I know it's a nitpicky thing, but the dual wielding sword play just bugs. It seems like such an unnecessary thing to add and I imagine dual wielding is also more difficult to choreograph? That one thing aside, I am still excited for the Tower of Joy to finally be adapted if only because I was certain it had been scrapped so long ago. I feel like I'm watch Spartacus now though lol.


Regarding Dawn:

Dawn will indeed be important if it turns out it is Lightbringer. ;) Another crackpot fan theory to munch on.


I haven't read that Arianne sample chapter so I clearly need to get on it. I take it it's relatively short? And I will definitely probably rewatch the series with you guys but I've only been able to rewatch season 4 in its entirety one time and I can't imagine I will be able to do season 5 at all, mostly because I have elected to not purchase the BluRay as I'm pretty sure I would just end up breaking it lol

Edited by Alayne Stone
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@shimpy Something funny I just noticed but your commentary on the chapters reminds me so much of Leigh Butler's who is a writer for TOR.com.

She did a Read of Ice and Fire recently. It was a chapter by chapter commentary. She recently finished the read in December. She starts a concise chapter summary and then post her comments on it. She's never watched the show and hasn't experienced any spoilers so if you ever feel bored and want to check out what it would've been like to have experienced the books first without the show here it is:


These were some of the more amusing comments:

Steffon and Stannis were thousands of leagues from the fighting and safe from harm, but Devan was at Castle Black, a squire to the king

Wow, he even named one of his sons after the guy who cut off his fingers. Davos Seaworth, what even are You.

So, as this chapter demonstrates, Davos is a morally upright, reasonable, perceptive, intelligent guy who is not afraid to speak truth to power, stands up for what he believes in, seeks to better himself for the good of others, protects the innocent, has an absolutely delightful aversion to fanaticism, and is a good dad.

Therefore, if he actually survives past the end of this book I will be ASTOUNDED.

Happily so, because damn if he isn’t one of my favorite supporting characters right now, but given that this series seems to be an exercise in worshipping at the altar of Machiavelli Was So Right, Bitches, Davos might as well be walking around with a giant glowing neon target painted on his forehead. Maybe with a big blinking arrow pointing down at it for extra emphasis.

She also went into a meltdown when Ned, Jon, Robb and Cat were killed. Here was her commentary of the RW chapter:


Fucking hell.

Fucking HELL.




I’m sorry, we are experiencing rage blackout difficulties. Please come back later when my urge to find George R.R. Martin and slap him with a wet fish has died to a dull roar.

Fuck. I need a drink.

*walks away*

Okay, I have a drink now. I’m all better.

No, fuck that shit, I am NOT all better. Jesus H. Christ. Y’all, my heart is actually hurting me right now and my fingers are kind of shaking, and I’m maybe a little too much invested in this and that is really bad because this is obviously the LAST story one should get invested with the characters in it because they ALL FUCKING DIE and WHAT THE FUCKING HELL.

Because, okay, I knew Walder was going to pull something and I kind of worried that it was going to be an assassination attempt but even though I really REALLY ought to know better by now I still convinced myself it was just going to be something humiliating re: Roslin and not a fucking massacre, because JESUS, WALDER, HOW THE FUCK IS THAT A PROPORTIONAL RESPONSE TO A JILTING, YOU FUCKING WEEPING PUSTULE.

And even if there was an assassination attempt, I convinced myself, surely Robb would survive it. Or even if Robb didn’t survive it, surely Catelyn would survive it, because that is what she does, she survives, right? Martin can’t kill off Catelyn, right?


I would *headdesk*, but that doesn’t seem like a proportional response either.

Of course, this wasn’t actually about the jilting per se, I don’t think. This was about that gangrenous ass-licking dicknozzle Walder using the jilting as an excuse to throw in with the Lannisters. Not that that makes it any better; it makes it worse, in fact. Although I’m a little puzzled that Pink Cloak Dude (who I feel like I’m supposed to know who that is but I am drawing a total blank) mentioned Jaime Lannister specifically, because isn’t Jaime still blundering around the countryside with Brienne? When would he have made a let’s all be traitors together agreement with Walder Fuckface Frey?

Well, whatever. Ugh, this is all just so sad and ugly and terrible.

Holy shit, Catelyn and Robb are dead. I can’t even fucking believe it. Jesus, when I decided to root for the Starks that was like the worst decision ever.

…Oh my God, and Arya is about to walk in on this shit. There is not enough vodka in the world.


*goes to get another

Edited by WindyNights
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Oh wow, that was a little startling.  In a weird aside, I'm one of those people who's frequently told I look like a bunch of different actresses, some of whom don't even resemble each other, so I've just sort of learned to roll with it and say "Oh, right.  I guess I can see that" when in reality? No.  I don't personally see it.  


So when you said:  


I just noticed but your commentary on the chapters reminds me so much of Leigh Butler's


I just assumed it was going to be the same sort of experience, only via the written word.  


But the all caps response to the Red Wedding, "How is that a fucking proportional response to a fucking jilting, you fucking weeping pustule!"  sounds so much like me I actually wondered for a second, "Is there any chance we're related?  Nah.  No way.  For one thing, I don't drink Vodka.  Often. " 


Thanks for the link even if it was strangely surreal :-)  I wonder if there are just huge crops of relatively small, extremely-profane-when-agitated, reactionary brunettes out there?   We could form a verbose sorority and rant together.  

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Compare and contrast


Shimpy's reaction to Lady Stoneheart (page 46 of this thread):


Not currently reading anything above this. My husband is a happy hour with coworkers and I powered through the end of the book in two hours figuring, "I'll read it now. Process. Comment tomorrow."


Good GOD DAMN, people!!! CAT is a Zomboni??? Hanging out with the Brotherhood and enacting fucking vengeance on the Freys from the woods where Arya's wolf left her dead body????

WHY WOULD THEY LEAVE THAT OUT? It's a little bit fucking important!!!

Holy shit and she can't talk? Is she a Wight? Did they bring her back using the Lord of Light??? Who....could really use a good cosmetic surgeon, by the fucking way.

Thoros brought Lady Catelyn Stark back from the dead? That better be the deal because if she is a god damn Zomboni I am going to PEE THE FLOOR IN PROTEST.

What the fuckity fuck fuck fuck, SHOW?


Twins separated at birth I think, lol

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Indeed, even the reaction to Ramsay is pretty similar - of course, Shimpy already sorta knew what to expect from the series -, I particularly like Leigh's comments à propos making boots out of human skin:


Ben Bones, who liked the dogs better than their master, had told Reek they were all named after peasant girls Ramsay had hunted, raped, and killed back when he’d still been a bastard, running with the first Reek. “The ones who give him good sport, anywise. The ones who weep and beg and won’t run don’t get to come back as bitches.”


The really sick thing is, I bet Ramsay thinks he’s honoring them in that way. I’m getting to the point where I would pay actual money for someone to kill this character in some extraordinarily painful way.


    Ramsay’s face darkened. “If I cut off her teats and feed them to my girls, will she abide me then? Will she abide me if I strip off her skin to make myself a pair of boots?”



Also, the thoughts about Arya and the Faceless Men in AFfC:



Wow, I never thought a character’s happiness would make me so sad, but there you are. When your basis for feeling good is hey I’m being indoctrinated into a crazy death cult but they totally feed me and don’t beat me up!, well. I kind of have to cry about that a little.

Still, I suppose on the very very comparative scale we’re apparently using these days, Arya’s life has taken a turn for the better. Which, okay, I guess, but damn if this entire thing doesn’t give me a severely acute case of the screaming meemies.

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It is somewhat unsettling to know that I have mental twin to that extent.   So much for my snowflake status then!  I'd peeved, or vexed or something uncharacteristically restrained, except, how can I be?   Clearly she's a delight.  *nimbly ducks all projectiles, rotten fruit and the occasional chair* 


I haven't read that Arianne sample chapter so I clearly need to get on it. I take it it's relatively short? And I will definitely probably rewatch the series with you guys but I've only been able to rewatch season 4 in its entirety one time and I can't imagine I will be able to do season 5 at all, mostly because I have elected to not purchase the BluRay as I'm pretty sure I would just end up breaking it lol


It's comparatively incredibly short, actually.  Really took me off-guard.  I was all ready to settle in for the long haul and there was no long about it. 

Edited by stillshimpy
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I finished Theon's chapter too and it's also very brief.  These are more teasers than chapters Winds of Winter

okay so I wonder how much that one is going to change?  The Ravens, since we know they are Bloodraven/children of the forest and possibly Bran, being all "Theon, Theon, Theon!! Tree! Tree! Tree!"  were at least a little interesting.  Brain's not going to have any tender feelings about Theon.  He didn't kill Rickard and Bran, but he did kill a lot of the people of Winterfell.  


I did at least like Asha asking for Stannis to do the deed himself, but I wonder what she can be thinking?  Also, poor freaking Jeyne, if she gets to the Wall, Jon would know her immediately and for a moment I thought, "so poor Jeyne won't....oh....that's right....Jon's a little dead right now. The Pink Letter details came to mind when Theon was thinking about "he'll want his Reek".  


I've finally grown oddly fond of Stannis and I guess he's about ready to die out there.  It's a pity that poor, ruined Theon was giving him better counsel from his place as a freakign wall hanging.  So overall, I just didn't really know what to make of that and where it might be going.  

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Yeah the chapters you've read so far are ones that were originally in ADWD but got moved.

I think Asha wants to make sure Theon

gets a painless death versus the painful death he would receive via burning.

I'm not so sure on

Stannis' fate. The favors seem stacked in his favor as he has a mysterious plan and the northerners are getting rebellious especially now that they don't have a Stark girl to unite behind.

Also I was combing through old posts yesterday and this is relevant now:

I did finish the prologue, Mya. Wow. That's about a zillions time creepier than anything that happened in the show. Holy crap. Poor Cressen. I guess my hope that I'd like book Stannis is completely in vain.

Hehe and since I brought that up I'll bring your mental twin up to to make a point:

*wince* Well, that about sums that up, doesn’t it. I’m about 95% sure that we never actually met Stannis in AGOT, and I’m made more sure by how I’m convinced I would have remembered meeting someone so fundamentally unpleasant. And you know, for someone’s unpleasantness to stand out in this crowd makes you pretty darn unpleasant, you guys. The way he treated Cressen was just nine kinds of shitty. The guy practically raised you, and you can’t show even the smallest bit of compassion, dude? Yuck. What a dick.

It's pretty meta that Stannis gives everyone even the readers a really bad first impression.

I've met plenty of Stannis fans but I don't think I've met one that liked him from the prologue.

Edited by WindyNights
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I'm a Stannis fan and I definitely did not get the best first impression from him either. ;)


It probably wasn't until he got to the wall that I started to have more of an appreciation for him.


Okay, just read that Arianne chapter:

Probably the most interesting part to me was the younger Toland daughter's dream/prophesy of a second dance with dragons. I knew people were suggesting Aegon and Daenerys would ultimately be fighting one another and now I know where that comes from.


I can see why that chapter was moved, because it is definitely the start of a new plot that would have felt awkward at the end of Dance. Still could use some editing. If we are going to anticipate more of this "I'm on my way to x to get this next plot going" from most of our POV characters, nothing is actually going to start happening in Winds until about 1/3 of the way through.

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And I just read the Theon chapter too.


Man. How weird was it to read that back in Theon's voice again. And to actually be happy to see he has regained some of that snark that used to infuriate me so much in earlier chapters! lol


As for where things will go from here? I've read some people speculate that Theon's death in front of a heart tree would suffice as a potential sacrifice to the old gods, possibly to work some old god magic and bring back a certain Snow bastard? Or do some other magical Northern thing? It seems likely that Theon will die soon, which is why I actually don't actually expect it.


I've never read this chapter before now but I know this is the chapter everyone cites as for why Stannis burning Shireen in the show goes completely counter to his book counterpart (despite comments made by the show creators) because Stannis even commands Massey to put Shireen on the Iron Throne in his place if he dies.


I'm not convinced of Stannis's fate either. Strangely enough this chapter had me rethinking the possible author of the Pink Letter. Could it be Asha? She now seems to have all the information that letter would contain. I have no idea for what the motive or objective could possibly be though.

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Theon spoiler:

I assume Asha went back out to the hearttree after Theon telling her about the gods. It presumably talked to her since her and the ravens seemed to be in agreement. As for what the plan is, Bloodraven knows, like Asha does, that he still has some worth alive.

Edited by Autarch
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This chapter also contains the nicest thing that

Stannis has ever done in the story which is giving "Arya" back to Jon and taking her out of his own hands despite the fact that Jon'll probably send her far away so that he can't forge a marriage between one of his own bannermen and a Stark girl.

Edited by WindyNights
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