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Season 6: Speculation

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Anyone thinks that Sansa may die in child birth?

Throwing it out there because of her Stark outfit for season 6.


I doubt the outfit is any sort of hint. Remember the dragonfly Michele Clapton was so persistent in using as a motif in Sansa's costuming? Exactly. Fans are still trying to figure that one out. Sometimes a cool design is just a cool design.


Maybe it's just me but I've seen too many hints from the showrunners to ignore that pair as an endgame. Even if they're reluctant partners, I still think those will be the final two when the show ends.


If Sansa/Tyrion was going to be a thing in the long run, the showrunners wouldn't have dispensed with their marriage so readily.

Edited by Eyes High

I never said that they're going to be in love, merely a necessary partnership. If currently ignoring the marriage is needed to extend their adventure then so be it. Doesn't change the endgame.


I don't mean in a romantic sense, I mean in any sense. The only reason Sansa and Tyrion were thrown together in the first instance was their marriage. There's nothing else like blood, warm feelings of any variety or even common goals binding them, so when the marriage goes away, so would any reason they might have to interact, let alone form any kind of partnership.

There's nothing else like blood, warm feelings of any variety or even common goals binding them, so when the marriage goes away, so would any reason they might have to interact, let alone form any kind of partnership.


But there is a reason. Dany needs the North's support in order for her to be able to get to the throne,  so why not use something that's already in place to get their support?  Ditto for the starks having the support of the future queen.

There's no reason for that marriage to take place if something doesn't happen with it in the future.


I wonder if the Bronn will become princess Tyene's concubine thereby giving the audience a payoff to the "bad pussy" line

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Some folks in another forum asked what Davos was looking at around Jon's body in the snow. I didn't see anything but a blood splotch, but a few people said Jon's blood pattern looked like a dragon. I'll rewatch later to see, but did anyone else notice that?  Some people last season said it looked like a wolf. 


Intentional, or just wishful thinking? I don't know, but did anyone else see it?

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It was a bit unclear to me, but Trystane seemed to be on the ship outside King's Landing that could be seen in the background when Jaime/Myrcella were rowed ashore. If he didn't return to Dorne to be killed, does it hint that Obara and Nymeria are going to be in King's Landing in disguise, perhaps ending up as victims in the speculated season-ending massacre?

Edited by ElizaD

It was a bit unclear to me, but Trystane seemed to be on the ship outside King's Landing that could be seen in the background when Jaime/Myrcella were rowed ashore. If he didn't return to Dorne to be killed, does it hint that Obara and Nymeria are going to be in King's Landing in disguise, perhaps ending up as victims in the speculated season-ending massacre?

Yeah, he was clearly in KL (he was making one of those creepy eyestones for Myrcella).  I imagine the Snakes are in town for good, since that's where they're headed in the books (well, Nym is; Obara's not; and Tyene is supposed to be there in the books, but is in Dorne in the show as of this moment).

Some folks in another forum asked what Davos was looking at around Jon's body in the snow. I didn't see anything but a blood splotch, but a few people said Jon's blood pattern looked like a dragon. I'll rewatch later to see, but did anyone else notice that?  Some people last season said it looked like a wolf. 


Intentional, or just wishful thinking? I don't know, but did anyone else see it?


I think they lingered just to mess with us.  Its seeing shapes in clouds or a Rorschach test.

Yeah, he was clearly in KL (he was making one of those creepy eyestones for Myrcella).  I imagine the Snakes are in town for good, since that's where they're headed in the books (well, Nym is; Obara's not; and Tyene is supposed to be there in the books, but is in Dorne in the show as of this moment).

Apparently, Trystane wasn't in KL but was on a boat back to Dorne. HBO released a picture of the text of Jaime's letter, which states that he was sending Trystane back to Dorne for his own safety...which doesn't explain the eye stone Trystane was working on, since Myrcella's body was in KL, but whatever.

Apparently, Trystane wasn't in KL but was on a boat back to Dorne. HBO released a picture of the text of Jaime's letter, which states that he was sending Trystane back to Dorne for his own safety...which doesn't explain the eye stone Trystane was working on, since Myrcella's body was in KL, but whatever.


The existence of the message and the text does not mean he was necessarily in a boat back to Dorne. It only means that was the plan.

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Apparently, Trystane wasn't in KL but was on a boat back to Dorne. HBO released a picture of the text of Jaime's letter, which states that he was sending Trystane back to Dorne for his own safety...which doesn't explain the eye stone Trystane was working on, since Myrcella's body was in KL, but whatever.

Before Trystane dies there's an establishing shot of the ship in the harbour, so he hadn't left yet (incidentally, this show rarely used establishing shots in the early seasons, but we're getting more of them now, I've noticed).

Since Jon and Sansa know that Bran is alive but currently unreachable, I can't really guess what happens to the title of the Lord of Winterfell after the battle. However, I do think there's a decent chance that Sansa will proclaim herself the Lady of the Dreadfort on the show. Wives don't inherit titles, but neither do bastards and the Sand Snakes are going to be in charge of Show Dorne.

I really hope Sansa/Brienne reach the Wall in 6x03. That could make the episode very busy, if it has the aftermath of Jon's resurrection, the first Stark reunion, Rickon's unfortunate reappearance as a Bolton captive and the Tower of Joy fight, but since it's looking like the characters leave the Wall in 6x05 I'd like to see more than one Jon/Sansa scene before they're separated again.

I'd forgotten about the casting call that was assumed to be Lyanna: "A stunner of a brunette. She has a couple of scenes, and a great final scene where there is a major twist." Originally I thought that meant Lyanna would have two scenes of buildup before a late-season TOJ reveal with Ned and baby Jon, but now that the fight appears to be in 6x03 it doesn't seem to leave anything else for her except the reveal. Bran's first flashback with tween Ned should have a child actress as Lyanna, so even though that introduces the character to the viewers it's not quite the same thing as the earlier speculation of a teen Lyanna making multiple appearances.

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4 hours ago, ElizaD said:

Since Jon and Sansa know that Bran is alive but currently unreachable, I can't really guess what happens to the title of the Lord of Winterfell after the battle. However, I do think there's a decent chance that Sansa will proclaim herself the Lady of the Dreadfort on the show. Wives don't inherit titles, but neither do bastards and the Sand Snakes are going to be in charge of Show Dorne.

I really hope Sansa/Brienne reach the Wall in 6x03. That could make the episode very busy, if it has the aftermath of Jon's resurrection, the first Stark reunion, Rickon's unfortunate reappearance as a Bolton captive and the Tower of Joy fight, but since it's looking like the characters leave the Wall in 6x05 I'd like to see more than one Jon/Sansa scene before they're separated again.

I'd forgotten about the casting call that was assumed to be Lyanna: "A stunner of a brunette. She has a couple of scenes, and a great final scene where there is a major twist." Originally I thought that meant Lyanna would have two scenes of buildup before a late-season TOJ reveal with Ned and baby Jon, but now that the fight appears to be in 6x03 it doesn't seem to leave anything else for her except the reveal. Bran's first flashback with tween Ned should have a child actress as Lyanna, so even though that introduces the character to the viewers it's not quite the same thing as the earlier speculation of a teen Lyanna making multiple appearances.

Agree!! Especially if is the only "happy" Stark reunion we will have this season.

I have been waiting for one for a long time, been teased so many times (Bran&Jon, RobCat&Arya) that I hope is worth it.
Also they changed so many things  in Sansa storyline for this (I know she "builds" Winterfell with Snow but I don't think she gets to the Wall) that I really hope they share a few scenes before....

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5 hours ago, ElizaD said:

I really hope Sansa/Brienne reach the Wall in 6x03. That could make the episode very busy, if it has the aftermath of Jon's resurrection, the first Stark reunion, Rickon's unfortunate reappearance as a Bolton captive and the Tower of Joy fight, but since it's looking like the characters leave the Wall in 6x05 I'd like to see more than one Jon/Sansa scene before they're separated again.

They may all go to Bear Island (I'm not sure what else Jon would do until Snowbowl).

On 4/25/2016 at 0:35 AM, Eyes High said:


I doubt the outfit is any sort of hint. Remember the dragonfly Michele Clapton was so persistent in using as a motif in Sansa's costuming? Exactly. Fans are still trying to figure that one out. Sometimes a cool design is just a cool design.



If Sansa/Tyrion was going to be a thing in the long run, the showrunners wouldn't have dispensed with their marriage so readily.

Actually the Dragonfly has symbolism, it's suppose to represent her rebirth, metamorphosis.

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1 hour ago, SeanC said:

They may all go to Bear Island (I'm not sure what else Jon would do until Snowbowl).

That's possible, but the way Sophie and Liam have been talking about her storyline being great this season I got the feeling that gathering the Northern lords would be Sansa's achievement, with an assist from Davos (last season Sophie's references to a traumatizing scene and staying alive for her brothers were accurate warning signs that immediately started speculation about a rape scene, IIRC before the trailers ever showed Sansa in Winterfell). Jon could start moving south with the wildling army while Sansa/Davos race to find allies. If Jon is present, then as an experienced military commander and potential male heir, I'd expect the focus to be more on him winning the lords by explaining why he left the NW and allied with the wildlings than on Sansa getting an opportunity to be useful. Jon is a bigger character than Sansa, so even if he screws up the explanation and Sansa/Davos need to do some talking for him, the scene will have a different vibe than if it's Sansa + Davos, in which case she would get to be its main character.

1 hour ago, SeanC said:

They may all go to Bear Island (I'm not sure what else Jon would do until Snowbowl).

Road trip!

...Seriously, though, there is a question of what Jon (and Melisandre, for that matter) are going to do when Sansa and Davos head to Bear Island.

Interestingly, unlike Davos, Sansa, and Jon, Melisandre was not seen on set when the BOTB was being filmed or at the BOTB wrap party. Nor was she mentioned in the Jon/Sansa/LF/Ramsay scene at Winterfell.She's not a fighter or leading an army, so it's not all that strange that she would be absent for the battle, but I'm tempted to guess that Melisandre is going off on her own when she leaves Castle Black in 6x05. Or maybe she's going with Brienne and Pod and is going to meet with Thoros again. She might also have a date with Arya, who's supposed to end up back in the Riverlands by season's end. Or maybe she's headed off to Essos.

Edited by Eyes High
1 hour ago, ElizaD said:

That's possible, but the way Sophie and Liam have been talking about her storyline being great this season I got the feeling that gathering the Northern lords would be Sansa's achievement, with an assist from Davos (last season Sophie's references to a traumatizing scene and staying alive for her brothers were accurate warning signs that immediately started speculation about a rape scene, IIRC before the trailers ever showed Sansa in Winterfell). Jon could start moving south with the wildling army while Sansa/Davos race to find allies. If Jon is present, then as an experienced military commander and potential male heir, I'd expect the focus to be more on him winning the lords by explaining why he left the NW and allied with the wildlings than on Sansa getting an opportunity to be useful. Jon is a bigger character than Sansa, so even if he screws up the explanation and Sansa/Davos need to do some talking for him, the scene will have a different vibe than if it's Sansa + Davos, in which case she would get to be its main character.


If Jon gets resurrected this episode then I don't think a lot of people are going to find out about his death and  "his watch has ended" scenario. So for a lot of northern lords he will be an outbreaker... 

Also his a bastard with a wildling army on his back. That doesn't sound like a good candidate to rally the north. 

1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

Road trip!

...Seriously, though, there is a question of what Jon (and Melisandre, for that matter) are going to do when Sansa and Davos head to Bear Island.

Interestingly, unlike Davos, Sansa, and Jon, Melisandre was not seen on set when the BOTB was being filmed or at the BOTB wrap party. Nor was she mentioned in the Jon/Sansa/LF/Ramsay scene at Winterfell.She's not a fighter or leading an army, so it's not all that strange that she would be absent for the battle, but I'm tempted to guess that Melisandre is going off on her own when she leaves Castle Black in 6x05. Or maybe she's going with Brienne and Pod and is going to meet with Thoros again. She might also have a date with Arya, who's supposed to end up back in the Riverlands by season's end. Or maybe she's headed off to Essos.

If Jon comes back, it be more like she goes to the RL to get help and spread the word, than going to Essos.

31 minutes ago, Edith said:
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If Jon gets resurrected this episode then I don't think a lot of people are going to find out about his death and  "his watch has ended" scenario. So for a lot of northern lords he will be an outbreaker... 

Also his a bastard with a wildling army on his back. That doesn't sound like a good candidate to rally the north. 

An oathbreaker bastard with a wildling army at his back. (Technically, Jon isn't an oathbreaker since he died and all, but I doubt the already-skeptical Northern lords will appreciate the distinction.)

14 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

I can't be the only one who thought that the elaborate non-mention of the Hound was conspicuous. Arya was with "a man," not the Hound? And Sansa doesn't bother to ask which man she was with?

At a minimum, clearly the writers trying to avoid that conversation going down a sidetrack.

I don't really know what to make of that, though. Do the writers want to avoid having Sansa react to that in some telling way?  If "SanSan" is ever going to amount to anything, as its fans clearly hope it will, surely by this point the writers would want to give us some sign of her attitude toward him?  Or is it going to be a Shocking Twist?

20 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

We've been through 6 seasons of this show and they've given no indications of Sansan. I'd tend to think that ship has sailed.

In the first two seasons I'd have no problem believing they avoided the sexual edge to things because of the actress' age and the corresponding desire to avoid making the Hound come across like a creep, but by this point that's clearly not an issue, so that explanation isn't available.  Though at the same time, if she wouldn't have had any particular reaction, why avoid saying who it was (unless, again, they just wanted to avoid that whole conversation)?

14 minutes ago, SeanC said:

At a minimum, clearly the writers trying to avoid that conversation going down a sidetrack.

I don't really know what to make of that, though. Do the writers want to avoid having Sansa react to that in some telling way?  If "SanSan" is ever going to amount to anything, as its fans clearly hope it will, surely by this point the writers would want to give us some sign of her attitude toward him?  Or is it going to be a Shocking Twist?

Could go either way. Either they're saving that conversation for a more suitable time, or they're trying to downplay the ship.

1 minute ago, Winnief said:

And those aren't mutually exclusive theories. 

I think the show is actually even more interested in the twisted child/mentor dynamic Arya had with the Hound anyway.

LOL, a lot of the Hound/Arya stuff could be read as shippy in another context: Jaqen catching Arya in a lie when she claims that she hated the Hound, Brienne's statement this episode that "She didn't want to leave him and he didn't want to leave her," etc.

They could be saving SanSan for the Hound's return, if he does return. As it is now, Sansa's got one living husband to deal with, two if she's somehow still married to Tyrion, and Winterfell to reclaim. Her love life, if indeed she's going to have one, will have to wait.

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3 minutes ago, Winnief said:

And those aren't mutually exclusive theories. 

I think the show is actually even more interested in the twisted child/mentor dynamic Arya had with the Hound anyway.

Sure, but they keep talking about how the major characters will have the same endings.  If the Hound is in any way significant to Sansa's story endgame, there's precious little sign of it so far, and after this season there's only 13 or so episodes left.

I not even a SanSan person, myself, but unless GRRM has just gone a massive tangent writing Sansa's internal thoughts about the Hound I would think there would be some sort payoff for it.  Not even necessarily in them actually having a relationship, but something.


I not even a SanSan person, myself, but unless GRRM has just gone a massive tangent writing Sansa's internal thoughts about the Hound I would think there would be some sort payoff for it.  Not even necessarily in them actually having a relationship, but something.

I actually think SanSan was one of those storylines Martin later regretted using.  Notice how he retconned that Sansa's memory of the Hound kissing her was a false one.

9 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Sure, but they keep talking about how the major characters will have the same endings.  If the Hound is in any way significant to Sansa's story endgame, there's precious little sign of it so far, and after this season there's only 13 or so episodes left.

I not even a SanSan person, myself, but unless GRRM has just gone a massive tangent writing Sansa's internal thoughts about the Hound I would think there would be some sort payoff for it.  Not even necessarily in them actually having a relationship, but something.

I always thought there would be payoff for SanSan, too. As for the lack of setup in the show, the show writers seem to alternate between setting things up in advance and forgetting about things until they're needed for the plot. I wouldn't put it past these guys to have TV Sansa throw herself into the Hound's arms upon their reunion and tell him that she's loved him this whole time.


I wouldn't put it past these guys to have TV Sansa throw herself into the Hound's arms upon their reunion and tell him that she's loved him this whole time.

I wouldn't put it past them, but I don't think its going to happen. 

I do wonder though if the SanSan or Arya/San dynamics will play any role in CleganeBowl though-like maybe Sandor is defending one or more of the Stark sisters.


In the first two seasons I'd have no problem believing they avoided the sexual edge to things because of the actress' age and the corresponding desire to avoid making the Hound come across like a creep, but by this point that's clearly not an issue, so that explanation isn't available.  Though at the same time, if she wouldn't have had any particular reaction, why avoid saying who it was (unless, again, they just wanted to avoid that whole conversation)?

I don't even think that Brienne knows who the hound is. If they were trying to emphasize Sansan, I'd imagine that they'd have Sansa recognize the hound from Brienne's description and have her react to it.  Ultimately, the most important part of that scene is that Sansa knows that Arya's alive and well.


I think Hound's only other contribution (provided that he's alive) will be Clegane bowl.

41 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

I don't even think that Brienne knows who the hound is. If they were trying to emphasize Sansan, I'd imagine that they'd have Sansa recognize the hound from Brienne's description and have her react to it.  Ultimately, the most important part of that scene is that Sansa knows that Arya's alive and well.

I think Hound's only other contribution (provided that he's alive) will be Clegane bowl.

Brienne knows very well that it was the Hound who was with Arya, and whom she defeated. There was Pod's line to Brienne "You're the best fighter I've ever seen. You beat the Hound" in Season 5, and Brienne didn't correct him.

CleganeBowl! (Get hype.)

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There was a casting call for a nobleman who makes a stirring speech and shifts allegiances. It's looking like the Umbers are going to be genuinely loyal to the Boltons but Lord Manderly will go to Bear Island and choose the Starks.

3 hours ago, SeanC said:

In the first two seasons I'd have no problem believing they avoided the sexual edge to things because of the actress' age and the corresponding desire to avoid making the Hound come across like a creep, but by this point that's clearly not an issue, so that explanation isn't available.  Though at the same time, if she wouldn't have had any particular reaction, why avoid saying who it was (unless, again, they just wanted to avoid that whole conversation)?

IMO, if Sansan was going to happen they would have cast someone closer to Book Sandor's age and not a man who's now approaching fifty. Surely GRRM spoiled the major endings even before they started having more detailed meetings with him, and that should have included both titles (Lord of Winterfell? The Rock?) and main characters' marriages (Jon/Dany? Sansa/Sandor?).

6 hours ago, ElizaD said:

There was a casting call for a nobleman who makes a stirring speech and shifts allegiances. It's looking like the Umbers are going to be genuinely loyal to the Boltons but Lord Manderly will go to Bear Island and choose the Starks.

IMO, if Sansan was going to happen they would have cast someone closer to Book Sandor's age and not a man who's now approaching fifty. Surely GRRM spoiled the major endings even before they started having more detailed meetings with him, and that should have included both titles (Lord of Winterfell? The Rock?) and main characters' marriages (Jon/Dany? Sansa/Sandor?).

According to D&D, they knew who winds up on the Iron Throne in Season 1 but didn't get more detailed info until the Santa Fe meeting in 2013, where they sat GRRM down and got an outline from him. I once thought that if there was some big change in focus for a character between Season 3 and 4, then that might reflect D&D's new information. I can't say that anything jumped out at me, other than Gendry disappearing from the series.

Okay, who are the two named characters on Ramsay's crosses?  Ramsay is claiming that some unnamed enemy poisoned Roose, so it wouldn't make any sense for it to be him.  They don't appear to have Stannis' body (even though that never really made much sense anyway).  Sue confirmed Rickon wasn't among them.  Davos, Jon, Tormund, etc. have all been shown at the battle.

Seriously, who's left?

15 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Okay, who are the two named characters on Ramsay's crosses?  Ramsay is claiming that some unnamed enemy poisoned Roose, so it wouldn't make any sense for it to be him.  They don't appear to have Stannis' body (even though that never really made much sense anyway).  Sue confirmed Rickon wasn't among them.  Davos, Jon, Tormund, etc. have all been shown at the battle.

Seriously, who's left?

Osha? In the trailer, though, there seemed to be way more people on crosses than just two.

Maybe in a transposed version of the ADWD plot, Jon sends a team of wildlings to conduct a covert rescue of Rickon, and it fails.

Edited by Eyes High

Osha and Shaggydog? I'm sure about Osha since the Umbers are traitors. I can't really think of anyone else, except Edd if Ramsay spends 6x06-08 visiting the Wall and finds Jon/Sansa gone.

I'm really surprised that the showrunners didn't get more detailed information before 2013. Surely there are plenty of things that GRRM could have mentioned to them even if they'd only become relevant on the show around seven years later (the lords of the seven kingdoms when the series ends, the final fates of the season 1-2 POV characters even if it's just "Arya is dead, Bran is Lord, Davos is dead").

Now that the first flashback has aired, it's interesting that even though there was no casting call for little Lyanna her presence was spoiled (I can't quite remember, was it an extra or someone who'd read the script?) back when we were still speculating about the identities of the three boys.

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