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Party Down South 2: Season 2 Talk

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Episode 1:

"Motorboats and Mustard"

The "Party Down South 2" cast get back together for an unforgettable Spring Break in Florida. But no one wants to share a room with warring couple Bradley and Raven, while Hunter and Duke get in a heated competition over new roommate Kelsie.

Airs May 14, 2015.

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I really never warmed up to this group. They are just not....I don't know. Is the new girl replacing an old one? I don't remember names but we still get the ratty-haired girl, the "flirt to convert girl", and the beer necklace girl. Was there another one?

As for the guys? I remember the fireman that is not the brightest crayon in the box, the dude that I thought I would never like but didn't really bother at the end (hooked up with ratty haired girl), the quiet one, and the one that looks like he needs a good cleansing shampoo.

Did I forget anyone? I won't take this off my DVR just yet but it doesn't look like it's going to be very entertaining. I'd rather watch the first group, even just reruns.

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I really never warmed up to this group. They are just not....I don't know. Is the new girl replacing an old one? I don't remember names but we still get the ratty-haired girl, the "flirt to convert girl", and the beer necklace girl. Was there another one?

As for the guys? I remember the fireman that is not the brightest crayon in the box, the dude that I thought I would never like but didn't really bother at the end (hooked up with ratty haired girl), the quiet one, and the one that looks like he needs a good cleansing shampoo.

Did I forget anyone? I won't take this off my DVR just yet but it doesn't look like it's going to be very entertaining. I'd rather watch the first group, even just reruns.


I think the new girl is replacing the black hair stripper girl - she was pregnant on the reunion show. I don't know their names either - ha ha. The first cast is just SO much better.

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I totally forgot about Magan! I must have liked her a little because I didn't remember her.

I think Bradley is the one I thought I would really not like but by the end, he didn't bother me as much. I thought the fireman was going to be cool but no. He's not even cute enough to be so dumb. The quiet one seems nice but I hate that he gets picked on for it. He could be the smartest one of the bunch. The other guy is trying too hard to be Murray and doesn't realize he doesn't have the heart to pull it off. He's too loud and talks too much.

I'm not looking forward to church girl throwing herself at a guy only for ratty haired girl to swoop in for the kill, again this season. (Those two are exactly alike.) Or pretty much anything I've seen of the new girl. I'll take the beer necklace girl (Dorinda?) drunk dancing though.

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Karynda is drunk dancing girl. And yeah, the whole cast came in trying to be the originals (except Magan and Karynda), and failed miserably. I think that's why they became my favorites last season, they seemed to just be themselves and were perfectly happy doing so.

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In the previews, the new blonde girl bragging about being hit on so much?  Honey, being hit on by hormone-crazed boys only means you have a vagina.  Get a grip.

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Yeah, Hunter talks of about Duke having no game, but his isn't much better and may even be worse. Who are these girls who appreciate his flirting technique? I'd be calling someone for a restraining order after about five minutes.

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Episode 2:

"Two Can Play at This Game"

Duke returns home to be with his family, while the rest of the roommates explore St. Petersburg. Meanwhile, Kelsie struggles with being the new girl in the house.

Airs May 21, 2015.

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Episode 3:

"Girl's Night!"

Raven and the girls head out for a wild night on the town away from Bradley and the boys. The roommates call Duke to check up on him, though little do they know he has a surprise in the works for them.

Airs May 28, 2015.

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Bradley is seriously a total dick.


Karynda is the only cool girl.  I'd totally party with her.  She cray.


And I can't help it, but Hunter is hot.  I just saw the episode where he pulls up his shorts and exposes his sexy buns.  I want to motorboat his buns.


I'd also hit the hell out of Duke.

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Yay! Raven and Bradley broke up! I loved that when he was trying to get the words out, she was already halfway across the lawn. Single Raven (& single Bradley) should be much more fun to watch than this mess.

Karynda is still my spirit party animal.

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Episode 4:

"Bringing Home the Bacon"

Bradley decides the best way to get over his recent breakup is to roast a pig for his roommates who are extremely skeptical of his "reverse oven" technique.

Airs June 4, 2015.

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That poor pig. Bradley, too. I had no idea you could buy a frozen, cleaned pig but I'm pretty sure it takes longer than a few hours in bathtub to thaw. And then throwing it on the ground and warming for 5 hours sounds like a great way to get sick. But oh no, Bradley has done this several times. So what does he do? Proceeds to set in on fire. Well most of it. Then he argues with the fireman on how to put that fire out. I'd have let that dumb ass blast it with the hose just so I could say, "see? Now tell me again about my job. Even Barbi-girl knew not to do that."

But then I hear, "we wasn't gonna eat the head anyway." Not that you could eat it by then but for a bunch of bacon lovers, how did they not know the cheeks are the best part? And then I hear, "we were just gonna eat the hind end anyway. Everybody eats Boston Butt, right?" Oh, she's lucky she's cute for sure.

Then they take the dirty, burnt, raw carcass and chop it up and throw it on the grill to catch fire again. And Bradley was *still* pretending like he knew what he was doing. I could have survived off of mustard and liquor for that dinner.

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Hunter was the smartest.one in the house he decided to not eat that pig. And the rest of the crew (except Bradley) said it was gross so, good call, Hunter!

I loved that Karynda fell asleep while hiding from the boys. I can't wait for next week to see two guys vying for her.

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I would have put my foot down when they tried to put that pig in the bath tub. I was disgusted that they took it out of its plastic bag. At one point it looked like it was covered in water in the tub. UGH.

In other news Bradley creeps me out. I'm glad they broke up.

Edited by UmmHello
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Episode 5:

"Three's a Crowd"

Karynda's love life heats up when she gets involved in the beginning of a love triangle with two guys from work. Meanwhile, Bradley and Raven claim they have broken up, but the housemates aren't so sure.

Episode 6:

"In and Out of Love"

Hunter and Kelsie grow closer, while Bradley and Raven's relationship suffers.

Airing June 11, 2015.

Edited by OnceSane
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Well, Karynda's love triangle fizzled quickly. At least it was by her choice after she realized she's just not that into the "good boy". I wish she'd have just been honest with him, though, instead of passing out.

I love that Raven has no interest in anything serious with Bradley right now. Friends with benefits at best.

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Episode 7:

"Hot Tub Cry Machine"

Bradley attempts to rekindle his relationship with Raven, but as result he finds himself in a pool of tears--not once, but twice, maybe three times.

Airs June 18, 2015.

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Can we please talk about Duke's buns? I don't think we see enough of them. He's about to give Mr. September a run for his money.


P.S. The fact that Bradley is whining about Raven only exemplifies the way he is a complete tool. She is dumb and if he's hurting for her, he only sucks that much more.

Edited by OnceSane
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Bradley crying for days had me rolling! Raven has him wrapped around her little finger but doesn't even want him.

I had higher hopes for Karynda solving her romance woes, but maybe she and Tommy will bang later in the season.

Speaking of Tommy: Ashton, mind yo bidness. She loves drama, no matter how much she claims otherwise. Ashton just prefers for the drama to star her rather than anyone else, imo.

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Episode 8:

"Double Shot of Heartbreak"

Bradley and Raven's relationship reaches its breaking point, leading to a guy's night out and Duke reeling in two women.

Airs June 25, 2015.
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Raven is really packing on the pounds.

I noticed that too. I keep thinking she's stress-eating because of living with Bradley.  Not to mention all the alcohol she pounds down.


Now that the two of them aren't fighting in every scene, I can bear to watch this cast. Well, except for when Ashton hurtles herself into everyone's business (and camera time).


Did Ashton and Raven get breast implants since last season?


Bradley appears to have some smarts, and a capacity for kindness, but he's so damn needy and controlling that he turns me off. When he started trying to micromanage exactly what people Raven can bring home from the bars, I thought he sounded like your basic abusive jerk.


In the midst of one of the many screaming drunken fights, someone yelled at him "you're living with her dad and you have no job." I wonder which of them has a regular job.


They all live like pigs I couldn't sleep in any of those nasty bedrooms.

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I've hated Bradley from Day 1... Such a little bitch, but I hate Ashton soooo much more. Bradley slightly redeemed himself in the finale. Seems he is finally over Raven, too. I couldn't stand Hunter this season & Kelsey brought less than nothing to the show.

Karynda used to be my fave but she was starting to annoy me. I'm here for Tommy. I love when he deviates from his prescribed role of "not two brain cells to rub together" and let's a little smarts spill out. I also love Raven & her deviousness.

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Ashton annoys me, and I'm sure her boyfriend obsessions would drive me crazy if I were cooped up with her. But I hate when everyone gangs up on anyone, so I felt a bit of compassion for her. She's quite immature, but she's trying to learn how to stand up for herself, and she's no match for the expert manipulations of the narcissistic Codependent Twins Raven and Bradley. It was interesting to watch how they just completely immersed themselves into the fight and tried to keep it going. They both thrive on that kind of thing.


Karynda is obnoxious when drunk, but she knows when to apologize. As does Duke, who is the quiet MVP of this group.


I like Hunter and Kelsey together, as compared to the usual effed up relationships we see on reality TV.

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Raven is pregnant.

The news everyone has been waiting for!! YES we are having a baby!!! :)))))

I love you Bradley Mitchell!!


What is it with this show and pregnancy? Lol


Wow... Congrats I guess.


I guess this means at least two more roommates next season. I wonder how that will change the dynamics of the house. Raven is such a big personality I'll miss her but I won't miss her and Bradley fighting constantly.

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Wow... Congrats I guess.

I guess this means at least two more roommates next season. I wonder how that will change the dynamics of the house. Raven is such a big personality I'll miss her but I won't miss her and Bradley fighting constantly.

In my opinion they should sack the whole cast and bring in a new crew.
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Episode 11:

"The After Party"

The cast look back on their vacation in St. Petersburg together, and give the inside scoop on Kelsie and Hunter's relationship. Also: an update on where Bradley and Raven now stand.

Airs July 16, 2015.

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I hope the update is just that Bradley and Raven are pregnant, not that they are getting their own show or something. I can see these two wanting a spinoff for the pregnancy, birth, and probably an engagement to try and get a second season with a wedding. Or even a few specials like the recent holiday ones. I don't want to watch that. I will, but I don't want to.

Except (!) if there is footage of them telling her dad she is having Bradley's baby. That is something I want to see!

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Hell the season is over & there's still drama.

• I just wanna start off by saying that I LOVE this show. I just never really liked the first season too much. Are there people here who watch & like both groups?

• My favorites are probably Karynda, Duke, & Hunter. Karynda looks so fun to party with!!

I was never too crazy about Ashton. By the looks of it, no one is. I watch the Real World too & I always wondered why you'd even bother doing something like that if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend. I don't think it would be as fun. Especially if you're immature & insecure like Ashton. It makes me wonder what made them cast her in the first place.

• I liked Magan. But I like Kelsey a lot more. She involves herself with the group more and she's just more fun. I really like her with Hunter.

• There are many things that make Bradley completely unlikable. I really tried to like Raven in season 1 & 2. But I just can't like her either. There's a good chance that they won't be back to the show- so that's good. I can't believe they're having a kid.... That's just not a good idea. If Bradley & Raven did get their own show, nothing could make me watch that shit.

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I'm dismayed that the two codependent idiots are procreating. They have the immaturity of young teenagers, and their constant bickering will damage a child. Not to mention, I don't think either one of them works. They were sponging off of her father. I suspect Raven got pregnant on purpose to maximize her reality TV opportunities. I hope CMT sends them packing. Any substitute would be better.

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I'm so annoyed, watching the reunion with how Raven is like, "You need to apologize because y'all are doing exactly the same thing me and Bradley did last season..."


Actually, Hunter and Kelsey are very, very different from Bradley and Raven in that they are not a couple of ignorant douchebags.  Hunter and Kelsey are adorable. Bradley and Raven are repugnant.  I am mortified that they have procreated.  


P.S.  I apologize for any previous misogyny or slut-shaming.  I don't even remember what I had said because I was probably so drunk when I said it.

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