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Supernatural Survival Game

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@SueB - the numbers weren't quite right, I think, since there were a couple of votes this morning, so I'm taking the totals from @DittyDotDot's post and I'll add your stuff and mine below... And apparently @catrox's votes also since I wasn't fast enough. Someone who enjoys math can let me know if there's a discrepancy / problem. So from DDD's totals we add and subtract:

SueB's votes (from 2 posts above):
++ Don't Call Me Shurley
++ Baby
-- Hell's Angel

catrox's votes (from above):
-- We Happy Few
-- Our Little World
-- Don't Call Me Shurley

My votes:
++ Into the Mystic
-- Our Little World
-- Don't You Forget About Me

25 - Safe House
23 - Don't Call Me Shurley
21 - Baby
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
17 - Just My Imagination
17 - Into the Mystic
15 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - Form and Void
15 - Plush
15 - The Chitters
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
13 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
11 - Love Hurts
11 - Thin Lizzie
09 - Hell's Angel
07 - The Devil in the Details
05 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

Edited to add: ...Aaaand of course I'm at the top of the page so all of the above makes much less sense. Grumble, grumble, grumble. Hopefully someone can double check for me.

Edited by AwesomO4000
Dang top of the page again. I hate being the post at the top of the page.
  • Love 2
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So sorry I  messed up.  

I did a spreadsheet, checked it twice. You did GREAT!

++ O Brother Where Art Thou?   I thought the Lucifer reveal was pretty damn awesome
-- Love Hurts
-- Hell's Angels

25 - Safe House
23 - Don't Call Me Shurley
21 - Baby
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
17 - Just My Imagination
17 - Into the Mystic
15 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - Form and Void
15 - Plush
15 - The Chitters
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
13 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
11 - Thin Lizzie
09 - Love Hurts
07 - Hell's Angel
07 - The Devil in the Details
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

Link to comment
15 minutes ago, SueB said:

So sorry I  messed up.  

I did a spreadsheet, checked it twice. You did GREAT!

No problem... I've done it myself enough times. It helped that the first one was at variance. That made it easier for me to catch.

And thanks for the double check... and with a spreadsheet no less. Ooh ambitious.

  • Love 1
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++ Safe House
++ Don't Call Me Shurley
-- Thin Lizzie

27 - Safe House
25 - Don't Call Me Shurley
21 - Baby
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
17 - Just My Imagination
17 - Into the Mystic
15 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - Form and Void
15 - Plush
15 - The Chitters
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
13 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
09 - Love Hurts
07 - Hell's Angel
07 - The Devil in the Details
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

Link to comment

-- Hell's Angel
-- The Devil in the Details
-- O Brother Where Art Thou?


27 - Safe House
25 - Don't Call Me Shurley
21 - Baby
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
17 - Just My Imagination
17 - Into the Mystic
15 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - Form and Void
15 - Plush
15 - The Chitters
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
13 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
09 - Love Hurts
05 - Hell's Angel
05 - The Devil in the Details
05 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

Link to comment

++ Into the Mystic
++ Just My Imagination
-- The Chitters

27 - Safe House
25 - Don't Call Me Shurley
21 - Baby
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Into the Mystic
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - Form and Void
15 - Plush
13 - The Chitters
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
13 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
09 - Love Hurts
05 - Hell's Angel
05 - The Devil in the Details
05 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

Link to comment

-- Love Hurts
++ Baby
--  Safe House

25 - Safe House
25 - Don't Call Me Shurley
23 - Baby
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Into the Mystic
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - Form and Void
15 - Plush
13 - The Chitters
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
13 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
07 - Love Hurts
05 - Hell's Angel
05 - The Devil in the Details
05 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

Link to comment

I keep forgetting to vote! Crap

++ The Chitters
++ Thin Lizzie 
++ Baby

25 - Safe House
25 - Don't Call Me Shurley
25 - Baby
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Into the Mystic
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - Form and Void
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
13 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
11 - Thin Lizzie
07 - Love Hurts
05 - Hell's Angel
05 - The Devil in the Details
05 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

Link to comment

++ Safe House
++ Don't Call Me Shurley
-- O Brother Where Art Thou?

27 - Safe House
27 - Don't Call Me Shurley
25 - Baby
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Into the Mystic
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - Form and Void
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
13 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
11 - Thin Lizzie
07 - Love Hurts
05 - Hell's Angel
05 - The Devil in the Details
03 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

Link to comment

-- Thin Lizzie
-- Love Hurts
-- The Devil in the Details


27 - Safe House
27 - Don't Call Me Shurley
25 - Baby
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Into the Mystic
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - Form and Void
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
13 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
05 - Love Hurts
05 - Hell's Angel
03 - The Devil in the Details
03 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

Link to comment

-- Form and Void
++ Red Meat
-- The Bad Seed

27 - Safe House
27 - Don't Call Me Shurley
25 - Baby
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Into the Mystic
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
17 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Form and Void
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
11 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
05 - Love Hurts
05 - Hell's Angel
03 - The Devil in the Details
03 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

Link to comment

++ The Devil in the Details
-- Love Hurts
-- Hell's Angel

27 - Safe House
27 - Don't Call Me Shurley
25 - Baby
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Into the Mystic
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
17 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Form and Void
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
11 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
05 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
03 - The Devil in the Details
03 - Love Hurts
03 - Hell's Angel

Link to comment

Start firing those synapses for our dead pool title.  

++ Safe House
++ Don't Call Me Shurley
-- Hell's Angel

29 - Safe House
29 - Don't Call Me Shurley
25 - Baby
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Into the Mystic
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
17 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Form and Void
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
11 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
05 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
03 - The Devil in the Details
03 - Love Hurts
01 - Hell's Angel

Link to comment

All I can think of right now: "Sent off in a blast of white light" or "Soul bombed"

Maybe I need some coffee this morning?


-- O Brother Where Art Thou?
-- The Devil in the Details
-- Love Hurts


29 - Safe House
29 - Don't Call Me Shurley
25 - Baby
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Into the Mystic
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
17 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Form and Void
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - We Happy Few
13 - Beyond the Mat
11 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
03 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
01 - The Devil in the Details
01 - Love Hurts
01 - Hell's Angel

Link to comment

How about "Dumped into the Empty"?


-- Don't Call Me Shurley

-- We Happy Few

++ Baby


29 - Safe House
27- Don't Call Me Shurley
27 - Baby
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Into the Mystic
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
17 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Form and Void
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - Beyond the Mat
11 - The Bad Seed
11 - We Happy Few
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
03 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
01 - The Devil in the Details
01 - Love Hurts
01 - Hell's Angel

Link to comment

-- Hell's Angels
-- Love Hurts
++ O Brother Where Art Thou?


29 - Safe House
27- Don't Call Me Shurley
27 - Baby
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Into the Mystic
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
17 - Red Meat
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Form and Void
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - Beyond the Mat
11 - The Bad Seed
11 - We Happy Few
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
05 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
01 - The Devil in the Details

The Roakill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel

Link to comment

++ Into the Mystic
-- Form and Void
++ Red Meat

29 - Safe House
27- Don't Call Me Shurley
27 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - Beyond the Mat
11 - Form and Void
11 - The Bad Seed
11 - We Happy Few
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
05 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
01 - The Devil in the Details

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel

Link to comment

++ Safe House
++ Don't Call Me Shurley
-- The Devil in the Details

29 - Safe House
27- Don't Call Me Shurley
27 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - Beyond the Mat
11 - Form and Void
11 - The Bad Seed
11 - We Happy Few
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
05 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details

Link to comment

++ O Brother Where Art Thou?
-- Beyond the Mat
-- We Happy Few

29 - Safe House
27- Don't Call Me Shurley
27 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Beyond the Mat
11 - Form and Void
11 - The Bad Seed
11 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
09 - We Happy Few
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details

Link to comment

++ Just My Imagination
-- Our Little World
-- The Bad Seed

29 - Safe House
27- Don't Call Me Shurley
27 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Beyond the Mat
11 - Form and Void
09 - The Bad Seed
09 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
09 - We Happy Few
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details

Link to comment

I just realized that I forgot to add my up votes yesterday.  Whoops!  Adjusting accordingly.

++ Safe House
++ Don't Call Me Shurley
-- O Brother Where Art Thou?

33 - Safe House
31- Don't Call Me Shurley
27 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Beyond the Mat
11 - Form and Void
09 - The Bad Seed
09 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
09 - We Happy Few
05 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details

Link to comment

-- Beyond the Mat
-- The Bad Seed
++ O Brother Where Art Thou?

33 - Safe House
31- Don't Call Me Shurley
27 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Form and Void
09 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
09 - We Happy Few
09 - Beyond the Mat
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
07 - The Bad Seed

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel

Link to comment

-- Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
++ Baby
-- The Bad Seed

33 - Safe House
31- Don't Call Me Shurley
29 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Form and Void
09 - Our Little World
09 - Thin Lizzie
09 - We Happy Few
09 - Beyond the Mat
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
05 - The Bad Seed

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details

Link to comment

++Thin Lizzie
++ Baby
++ Beyond the Mat

33 - Safe House
31- Don't Call Me Shurley
31 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Form and Void11- Beyond the Mat
11 - Thin Lizzie
09 - Our Little World
09 - We Happy Few
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
05 - The Bad Seed

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details

Link to comment

++ Safe House
++ Don't Call Me Shurley
-- The Bad Seed

35 - Safe House
33- Don't Call Me Shurley
31 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Form and Void11- Beyond the Mat
11 - Thin Lizzie
09 - Our Little World
09 - We Happy Few
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
03 - The Bad Seed

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details

Link to comment

-- Beyond the Mat
-- The Bad Seed
++ O Brother Where Art Thou?

35 - Safe House
33- Don't Call Me Shurley
31 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Form and Void
11 - Thin Lizzie
09 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - Our Little World
09- Beyond the Mat
07 - We Happy Few
01 - The Bad Seed

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details

Link to comment

--The Bad Seed
++ We Happy Few
++ Don't Call Me Shurley

35 - Safe House
35 - Don't Call Me Shurley
31 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
17- Alpha and Omega
17- All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Form and Void
11 - Thin Lizzie
09 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - Our Little World
09- Beyond the Mat
09 - We Happy Few

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

-- Alpha and Omega
-- All in the Family
-- O Brother Where Art Thou?

35 - Safe House
35 - Don't Call Me Shurley
31 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15- Alpha and Omega
15- All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Form and Void
11 - Thin Lizzie
09 - Our Little World
09- Beyond the Mat
09 - We Happy Few
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

++ Baby
-- Just My Imagination
-- Don't Call me Shurley

35 - Safe House
33 - Don't Call Me Shurley
33 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15- Alpha and Omega
15- All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Form and Void
11 - Thin Lizzie
09 - Our Little World
09- Beyond the Mat
09 - We Happy Few
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

Having to shift an hour earlier due to time zone change.


-- Safe House
-- Beyond the Mat
++ Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

33 - Safe House
33 - Don't Call Me Shurley
33 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15- Alpha and Omega
15- All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Form and Void
11 - Thin Lizzie
09 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - Our Little World
09 - We Happy Few
09- Beyond the Mat

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

-- Our Little World
++ Just My Imagination
-- Out of the Darkness Into the Fire

33 - Safe House
33 - Don't Call Me Shurley
33 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15- Alpha and Omega
15- All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
11 - Form and Void
11 - Thin Lizzie
09 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - We Happy Few
09- Beyond the Mat
07 - Our Little World

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

++ Safe House
++ Don't Call Me Shurley
-- Our Little World

35 - Safe House
35 - Don't Call Me Shurley
33 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15- Alpha and Omega
15- All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
11 - Form and Void
11 - Thin Lizzie
09 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - We Happy Few
09- Beyond the Mat
05 - Our Little World

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

-- Red Meat
-- Thin Lizzie
-- O Brother Where Art Thou?


35 - Safe House
35 - Don't Call Me Shurley
33 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
17 - The Vessel
17 - Red Meat
15 - Alpha and Omega
15 - All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
11 - Form and Void
09 - We Happy Few
09 - Beyond the Mat
09 - Thin Lizzie
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
05 - Our Little World

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

++ Baby
++ Beyond the Mat
-- Don't Cal Me Shurley


35 - Safe House
35 - Baby
33 - Don't Call Me Shurley
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
17 - The Vessel
17 - Red Meat
15 - Alpha and Omega
15 - All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
11 - Form and Void
11 - Beyond the Mat
09 - We Happy Few
09 - Thin Lizzie
07 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
05 - Our Little World

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

++ Baby
++ O Brother Where Art Thou?
-- Safe House

37 - Baby
33 - Don't Call Me Shurley
33 - Safe House
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
17 - The Vessel
17 - Red Meat
15 - Alpha and Omega
15 - All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
11 - Form and Void
11 - Beyond the Mat
09 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - We Happy Few
09 - Thin Lizzie
05 - Our Little World

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

++ Safe House
++ Red Meat
-- Our Little World

37 - Baby
35 - Safe House
33 - Don't Call Me Shurley
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15 - Alpha and Omega
15 - All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
11 - Form and Void
11 - Beyond the Mat
09 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - We Happy Few
09 - Thin Lizzie
03 - Our Little World

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

++ Safe House
++ Don't Call Me Shurley
-- Baby

37 - Safe House
35 - Baby
35 - Don't Call Me Shurley
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15 - Alpha and Omega
15 - All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
11 - Form and Void
11 - Beyond the Mat
09 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - We Happy Few
09 - Thin Lizzie
03 - Our Little World

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

-- Just My Imagination
-- Red Meat
-- Our Little World

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

37 - Safe House
35 - Baby
35 - Don't Call Me Shurley
21 - Into the Mystic
19 - Just My Imagination
17 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15 - Alpha and Omega
15 - All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
11 - Form and Void
11 - Beyond the Mat
09 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - We Happy Few
09 - Thin Lizzie
01 - Our Little World

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

-- Safe House
++ Red Meat
++ O Brother Where Art Thou?

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

35 - Safe House
35 - Baby
35 - Don't Call Me Shurley
21 - Into the Mystic
19 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15 - Alpha and Omega
15 - All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
11 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
11 - Form and Void
09 - Beyond the Mat
09 - We Happy Few
09 - Thin Lizzie
01 - Our Little World

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed

Link to comment

-- Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
++ Just My Imagination
-- Our Little World

35 - Safe House
35 - Baby
35 - Don't Call Me Shurley
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15 - Alpha and Omega
15 - All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
11 - Form and Void
09 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
09 - Beyond the Mat
09 - We Happy Few
09 - Thin Lizzie

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed
Our Little World

Link to comment

++ Safe House
++ Don't Call Me Shurley
-- Thin Lizzie

37 - Safe House
37 - Don't Call Me Shurley
35 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15 - Alpha and Omega
15 - All in the Family
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
11 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
11 - Form and Void
09 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
09 - Beyond the Mat
09 - We Happy Few
07 - Thin Lizzie

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed
Our Little World

Link to comment

-- Alpha and Omega
-- All in the Family
-- Thin Lizzie

37 - Safe House
37 - Don't Call Me Shurley
35 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - Alpha and Omega
13 - All in the Family
11 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
11 - Form and Void
09 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
09 - Beyond the Mat
09 - We Happy Few
05 - Thin Lizzie

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed
Our Little World

Link to comment

++ Beyond the Mat
-- O Brother Where Art Thou

37 - Safe House
37 - Don't Call Me Shurley
37 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - Alpha and Omega
13 - All in the Family
11 - Beyond the Mat
11 - Form and Void
09 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
09 - We Happy Few
05 - Thin Lizzie

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed
Our Little World

Link to comment

-- Thin Lizzie
-- We Happy Few
++ O Brother Where Art Thou

37 - Safe House
37 - Don't Call Me Shurley
37 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - Alpha and Omega
13 - All in the Family
11 - Beyond the Mat
11 - Form and Void
11 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
07 - We Happy Few
03 - Thin Lizzie

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed
Our Little World

Link to comment

++ Safe House
++ Don't Call Me Shurley
-- Thin Lizzie

39 - Safe House
39 - Don't Call Me Shurley
37 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
21 - Just My Imagination
19 - Red Meat
17 - The Vessel
15 - The Chitters
15 - Plush
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - Alpha and Omega
13 - All in the Family
11 - Beyond the Mat
11 - Form and Void
11 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
07 - We Happy Few
01 - Thin Lizzie

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed
Our Little World

Link to comment

-- Just My Imagination
-- Red Meat
++ Plush

39 - Safe House
39 - Don't Call Me Shurley
37 - Baby
21 - Into the Mystic
19 - Just My Imagination
17 - Plush
17 - The Vessel
17 - Red Meat
15 - The Chitters
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - Alpha and Omega
13 - All in the Family
11 - Beyond the Mat
11 - Form and Void
11 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
07 - We Happy Few
01 - Thin Lizzie

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed
Our Little World

Link to comment

-- Beyond The Mat
-- Safe House
++ Baby

39 - Don't Call Me Shurley
39 - Baby
37 - Safe House
21 - Into the Mystic
19 - Just My Imagination
17 - Plush
17 - The Vessel
17 - Red Meat
15 - The Chitters
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - Alpha and Omega
13 - All in the Family
11 - Form and Void
11 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
09 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
09 - Beyond the Mat
07 - We Happy Few
01 - Thin Lizzie

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed
Our Little World

Link to comment

++ Beyond The Mat
-- Don't Call Me Shurley
++ Baby

41 - Baby
37 - Don't Call Me Shurley
37 - Safe House
21 - Into the Mystic
19 - Just My Imagination
17 - Plush
17 - The Vessel
17 - Red Meat
15 - The Chitters
13 - Don't You Forget About Me
13 - Alpha and Omega
13 - All in the Family
11 - Form and Void
11 - O Brother Where Art Thou?11 - Beyond the Mat
09 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
07 - We Happy Few
01 - Thin Lizzie

The Roadkill So Far
Love Hurts
Hell's Angel
The Devil in the Details
The Bad Seed
Our Little World

Link to comment

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