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Supernatural Survival Game

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I'll save the killing for someone who enjoys it - heh. Meanwhile I have other fish to fry, namely...


-- Vampire Dean - Sure, he was badass, but his common sense went right out the window to idiot levels. And the angst gave Spike a run for his money. Die vamp die.

-- Dream Demon Dean - Blah blah evil monologue (for me)... Real Demon Dean was so much more interesting to me

++ Teen Dean - I liked Teen Dean *shrug*


17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Dog Dean
17 - Future Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Teen Dean
13 - Old Dean
13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Titanic Dean

11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Vampire Dean
09 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean
01 - MoC Dean


(I got rid of the second Demon Dean.)

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SueB did you mean to vote Vampire Dean up?  I'm assuming you did, but you voted -- instead of ++ so just checking.


I kind of liked MoC Dean for the most part, so I'll let someone else vote him off.


-- Future Dean

-- Teen Dean ( I thought the actor was poorly cast.  Not a bad actor I guess but I just couldn't imagine him growing up to be adult Dean.  Also maybe this is dumb, but it really bothered me that his eyes were brown.)

++ Old Dean (I thought the actor was very well cast and hilarious.)


17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Dog Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Old Dean

13 - Teen Dean
13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Titanic Dean

11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Vampire Dean
09 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean
01 - MoC Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean


I got rid of the second Hallucination Dean.  Not sure how that happened.

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++Future Dean

--Dog Dean

--Old Dean

19 - Future Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

15 - Dog Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Demon Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Demon Dean

13 - Cartoon Dean

13 - Dream Demon Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

13 - Teen Dean

13 - Vampire Dean

11 - Old Dean

09 - Coma Dean

05 - Darkness Dean

01 - MoC Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

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Hey now, don't be taking extra points from Old Dean.  I fixed it.


19 - Future Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Old Dean
13 - Demon Dean
13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Teen Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
09 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean
01 - MoC Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean

Link to comment

If no one else wants to do it, I'm happy to.


MoC Dean -

Demon Dean --

Dog Dean ++



19 - Future Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Dog Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
13 - Demon Dean

13 - Old Dean
13 - Demon Dean
13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Teen Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
09 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

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I think there is something squirrelly with the board. I see my words disappearing, double posts etc.

Somehow your entire post is missing (I voted after you).

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++Demon Dean

--Dog Dean

--Stoned Dean



19 - Future Dean

15 - Stoned Dean

15 - Dog Dean

15 - Demon Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

13 - Old Dean

13 - Cartoon Dean

13 - Dream Demon Dean

13 - Teen Dean

13 - Vampire Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

09 - Coma Dean

05 - Darkness Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

Link to comment

-- Future Dean

++ Old Dean

-- Teen Dean


17 - Future Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Old Dean
13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
13 - Titanic Dean

11- Teen Dean
09 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean

Edited by BlueMeanie
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-- Titanic Dean
-- Old Dean -- you've put me in a pickle Blue Meanie, I really really dislike Old Dean's portrayal but I hate to keep voting down your favorite. It's a conundrum.
-- Cartoon Dean
17 - Future Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
13 - Old Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Vampire Dean

11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
11- Teen Dean
09 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean
When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean

Link to comment

I agree, SueB. I'm in the same pickle. I found Old Dean sort of annoying. It didn't help that I didn't like that episode, either.


I changed my vote like 3 times. I'm so conflicted between saving some and voting up others. Heh, it's weird. I have more definite opinions on the Deans vs the Sams. There are only a few Dean's that I am indifferent to. Most I either really like or I really, really don't like.


-- Yellow Fever Dean

-- Vampire Dean

++ Teen Dean



17 - Future Dean

15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean

13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Old Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean

13- Teen Dean
11 - Vampire Dean

11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
09 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean

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Heh I'm like that about the Deans..although I think alternate!Deans are more challenging because they are all kind of Dean. 


Wait we totally forgot shapeshifter!Dean...or was he in the monster thing. I"m so confused.

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Demon Dean --

Vampire Dean --

Future Dean --


15 - Future Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean

13 - Demon Dean

13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Old Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13- Teen Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean

09 - Vampire Dean

09 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean

Link to comment

Demon Dean ++

Dog Dean --

Future Dean ++

17 - Future Dean

15 - Stoned Dean

15 - Demon Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

13 - Dog Dean

13 - Yellow Fever Dean

13 - Old Dean

13 - Dream Demon Dean

13 - Teen Dean

11 - Cartoon Dean

11 - Titanic Dean

09 - Vampire Dean

09 - Coma Dean

05 - Darkness Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

Edited by catrox14
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I wouldn't say Old Dean is my favorite, but I like him more than others (apparently I'm the only one who does).  I haven't really decided on my favorite, but I'm leaning towards Stoned Dean because that's just good stuff.  Most of these I'm actually pretty indifferent to, didn't love them, didn't hate them.  Please feel free to vote however you are inclined, don't worry you won't hurt my feelings. ;-)


Wait we totally forgot shapeshifter!Dean...or was he in the monster thing. I"m so confused.


Shapeshifter Dean was not actually Dean, so wasn't included.


-- Future Dean

++ Old Dean

-- Coma Dean


15 - Future Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean

15 - Old Dean
13 - Dog Dean
13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
09 - Vampire Dean
07 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean

Link to comment

I love Old Dean; I'm just on a mission at the moment.  I'll make a slight detour today, though.  ;-)


Demon Dean --

Dog Dean ++

Old Dean ++


17 - Old Dean

15 - Dog Dean

15 - Future Dean

15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
13 - Demon Dean

13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
09 - Vampire Dean
07 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean

Link to comment

++ Dog Dean

-- Old Dean

++ Stoned Dean


17 - Dog Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

15 - Old Dean

15 - Future Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
13 - Demon Dean

13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
09 - Vampire Dean
07 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean

Link to comment

-- Hallucination Dean

++ Demon Dean

++ Future Dean


17 - Dog Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Future Dean

15 - Demon Dean

15 - Old Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

13 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Yellow Fever Dean

13 - Dream Demon Dean

13 - Teen Dean

11 - Cartoon Dean

11 - Titanic Dean

09 - Vampire Dean

07 - Coma Dean

05 - Darkness Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

Link to comment

Demon Dean --

Darkness Dean --

Vampire Dean --


17 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Future Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean

13 - Demon Dean

13 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
07 - Vampire Dean
07 - Coma Dean
03 - Darkness Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean

Link to comment

I tried to vote last night but I couldn't get onto the website for some reason.  I normally vote in the evening.  I know it is against the rules, but would anyone mind if I vote again tonight, since I wasn't able to get on the board to vote yesterday.  If not, let me know and I'll wait until tomorrow night to vote.


-- Future Dean

-- Coma Dean

-- Darkness Dean (I actually find Amara's affect on Dean kind of interesting, but for the sake of moving things along.)


17 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
13 - Demon Dean
13 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
07 - Vampire Dean
05 - Coma Dean
01 - Darkness Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean

Link to comment

-- Dream Demon Dean

++ Demon Dean

++ Hallucination Dean



17 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Teen Dean

11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
07 - Vampire Dean
05 - Coma Dean
01 - Darkness Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean

Link to comment

-- Death Dean

++ Demon Dean

++ Future Dean



17 - Dog Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Future Dean

17 - Demon Dean

15 - Old Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Death Dean

13 - Yellow Fever Dean

13 - Teen Dean

11 - Dream Demon Dean

11 - Cartoon Dean

11 - Titanic Dean

07 - Vampire Dean

05 - Coma Dean

01 - Darkness Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

Link to comment

Well, nobody complained, so I'm voting.


-- Future Dean

-- Coma Dean

-- Darkness Dean


17 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Demon Dean

15 - Future Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Death Dean
13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
07 - Vampire Dean
03 - Coma Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean

Darkness Dean

Link to comment

Demon Dean --

Vampire Dean --

Hallucination Dean --


17 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
13 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Death Dean
13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
05 - Vampire Dean
03 - Coma Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean

Link to comment

-- Vampire Dean

-- Old Dean

++ Hallucination Dean



17 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Old Dean
13 - Death Dean
13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
03 - Vampire Dean
03 - Coma Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean

Link to comment

++ Demon Dean

-- Stoned Dean

++ Future Dean



17 - Dog Dean

17 - Demon Dean

17 - Future Dean

15 - Stoned Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Old Dean

13 - Death Dean

13 - Yellow Fever Dean

13 - Teen Dean

11 - Dream Demon Dean

11 - Cartoon Dean

11 - Titanic Dean

03 - Vampire Dean

03 - Coma Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

Darkness Dean

Link to comment

-- Future Dean

++ Old Dean

-- Coma Dean


17 - Dog Dean
17 - Demon Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Old Dean
13 - Death Dean
13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
03 - Vampire Dean
01 - Coma Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean

Link to comment

++ Future Dean

-- Old Dean

++ Vampire Dean


17 - Dog Dean
17 - Demon Dean
17 - Future Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Old Dean
13 - Death Dean
13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
05 - Vampire Dean
01 - Coma Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean

Link to comment

Normally I'd take the kill, but Coma Dean is from In My Time of Dying, right?  I like that Dean; that was a smart Dean.  Or am I confused?  (Entirely possible, btw.)


Demon Dean --

Vampire Dean --

Future Dean --


17 - Dog Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Old Dean
13 - Death Dean
13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
03 - Vampire Dean
01 - Coma Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean

Link to comment

-- Future Dean

++ Old Dean

-- Coma Dean


17 - Dog Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Old Dean

13 - Future Dean
13 - Death Dean
13 - Yellow Fever Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
03 - Vampire Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean

Coma Dean

Link to comment

++ Demon Dean

++ Future Dean

-- Dog Dean


17 - Demon Dean

15 - Future Dean

15 - Dog Dean

15 - Stoned Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Old Dean

13 - Death Dean

13 - Yellow Fever Dean

13 - Teen Dean

11 - Dream Demon Dean

11 - Cartoon Dean

11 - Titanic Dean

03 - Vampire Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

Darkness Dean

Coma Dean

Link to comment

-- Yellow Fever Dean

-- Old Dean

-- Death Dean



17 - Demon Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Old Dean

13 - Teen Dean
11 - Death Dean
11 - Yellow Fever Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
03 - Vampire Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean

Link to comment

++ Future Dean

-- Old Dean

++ Vampire Dean


17 - Demon Dean
17 - Future Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Teen Dean

11 - Old Dean

11 - Death Dean
11 - Yellow Fever Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
05 - Vampire Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean

Link to comment

Demon Dean --

Future Dean --

Vampire Dean --


15 - Demon Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Old Dean
11 - Death Dean
11 - Yellow Fever Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
03 - Vampire Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean

Link to comment

This game feels like we are mostly just going in circles.


-- Future Dean

-- Teen Dean

++ Old Dean


15 - Demon Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Old Dean

13 - Future Dean
11 - Death Dean
11 - Yellow Fever Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean

11 - Teen Dean
03 - Vampire Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean

Link to comment

Such is the nature of the survival game!

++Future Dean

--Spirit Dean

++ Demon Dean


17 - Demon Dean

15 - Future Dean

15 - Dog Dean

15 - Stoned Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Spirit Dean

13 - Old Dean

11 - Death Dean

11 - Yellow Fever Dean

11 - Dream Demon Dean

11 - Cartoon Dean

11 - Titanic Dean

11 - Teen Dean

03 - Vampire Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

Darkness Dean

Coma Dean

Link to comment

Demon Dean --

Yellow Fever Dean --

Vampire Dean --


15 - Demon Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Spirit Dean
13 - Old Dean
11 - Death Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
11 - Teen Dean

09 - Yellow Fever Dean

01 - Vampire Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean

Link to comment

-- Future Dean

++ Stoned Dean

++ Old Dean


17 - Stoned Dean

15 - Old Dean

15 - Demon Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Spirit Dean

13 - Future Dean
11 - Death Dean
11 - Dream Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
11 - Teen Dean
09 - Yellow Fever Dean
01 - Vampire Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean

Link to comment

++ Demon Dean

++ Future Dean

-- Dog Dean


17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Demon Dean

15 - Future Dean

15 - Old Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Spirit Dean

13 - Dog Dean

11 - Death Dean

11 - Dream Demon Dean

11 - Cartoon Dean

11 - Titanic Dean

11 - Teen Dean

09 - Yellow Fever Dean

01 - Vampire Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

Darkness Dean

Coma Dean

Edited by catrox14
Link to comment

++ Dog Dean

++ Teen Dean

-- Dream Demon Dean


17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Demon Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Dog Dean
13 - Spirit Dean

13 - Teen Dean
11 - Death Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean

09 - Dream Demon Dean
09 - Yellow Fever Dean
01 - Vampire Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean

Link to comment

Demon Dean --

Yellow Fever Dean --

Vampire Dean -


17 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Dog Dean
13 - Spirit Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - Death Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
09 - Dream Demon Dean
07 - Yellow Fever Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean

Vampire Dean

Link to comment

++ Stoned Dean
-- Demon Dean
++ Good Luck Dean


19 - Stoned Dean

17 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Dog Dean
13 - Spirit Dean
13 - Teen Dean

13 - Demon Dean
11 - Death Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
09 - Dream Demon Dean
07 - Yellow Fever Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean

Link to comment

-- Stoned Dean
-- Old Dean
++ Future Dean


17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Good Luck Dean
17 - Future Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Dog Dean

13 - Old Dean

13 - Spirit Dean
13 - Teen Dean

13 - Demon Dean
11 - Death Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
09 - Dream Demon Dean
07 - Yellow Fever Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean

Edited by SueB
Link to comment

-- Future Dean

++ Old Dean

-- Death Dean


17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Old Dean
13 - Spirit Dean
13 - Teen Dean
13 - Demon Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean

09 - Death Dean
09 - Dream Demon Dean
07 - Yellow Fever Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean

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++ Future Dean

++ Demon Dean

-- Teen Dean


17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Good Luck Dean

17 - Future Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Demon Deann

15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Dog Dean

15 - Old Dean

13 - Spirit Dean

11 - Teen Dean

11 - Cartoon Dean

11 - Titanic Dean

09 - Death Dean

09 - Dream Demon Dean

07 - Yellow Fever Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

Darkness Dean

Coma Dean

Vampire Dean

Link to comment

Demon Dean --

Future Dean --

Dream Demon Dean --


17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Dog Dean
15 - Old Dean

13 - Demon Dean

13 - Spirit Dean
11 - Teen Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean
11 - Titanic Dean
09 - Death Dean
07 - Dream Demon Dean
07 - Yellow Fever Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean

Link to comment

++ Dog Dean
++ Titanic Dean
-- Demon Dean

17 - Dog Dean

17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Future Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Old Dean
13 - Spirit Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

11 - Teen Dean
11 - Cartoon Dean

11 - Demon Dean
09 - Death Dean
07 - Dream Demon Dean
07 - Yellow Fever Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean

Edited by DittyDotDot
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