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Supernatural Survival Game


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++ Future Dean

++ Demon!Dean

-- Titanic Dean


19 - Dog!Dean

19 - Future!Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Old Dean

17 - Demon!Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Cartoon Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Darkness Dean

15 - Dream Demon!Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

15 - Coma!Dean

15 - Hallucination!Dean

13 - BadPenny!Dean

13 - Vampire!Dean

13 - MoC Dean

13 - Teen Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

11 - Wicked Witch Dean

11 - Siren Dean

Demon Dean --

Wicked Witch Dean --

Siren Dean --


19 - Dog!Dean
19 - Future!Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Old Dean
15 - Demon!Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Darkness Dean
15 - Dream Demon!Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma!Dean
15 - Hallucination!Dean
13 - BadPenny!Dean
13 - Vampire!Dean
13 - MoC Dean
13 - Teen Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
09 - Wicked Witch Dean
09 - Siren Dean

-- Teen Dean

-- Wicked Witch Dean

-- Teen Dean


19 - Dog!Dean

19 - Future!Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Old Dean
15 - Demon!Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Darkness Dean
15 - Dream Demon!Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma!Dean
15 - Hallucination!Dean
13 - BadPenny!Dean
13 - Vampire!Dean
13 - MoC Dean
13 - Titanic Dean

11 - Teen Dean
07 - Wicked Witch Dean
07 - Siren Dean

-- Bad Penny Dean

-- Vampire Dean

++ Teen Dean


19 - Dog!Dean

19 - Future!Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Old Dean
15 - Demon!Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Darkness Dean
15 - Dream Demon!Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma!Dean
15 - Hallucination!Dean
13 - MoC Dean
13 - Titanic Dean

13 - Teen Dean

11 - BadPenny!Dean
11 - Vampire!Dean
07 - Wicked Witch Dean
07 - Siren Dean

++ Demon!Dean

-- Vampire Dean

-- DarknessDean


19 - Dog!Dean

19 - Future!Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Old Dean

17 - Demon!Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Cartoon Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Dream Demon!Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

15 - Coma!Dean

15 - Hallucination!Dean

13 - MoC Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

13 - Darkness Dean

13 - Teen Dean

11 - BadPenny!Dean

09 - Vampire!Dean

07 - Wicked Witch Dean

07 - Siren Dean

Back to having a moment of playtime! (Not really, I'm really running away from my deadline but that's my issue):


-- Old Dean
++ Vampire Dean -- I liked him.
++ Future Dean

21 - Future!Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Demon!Dean

15 - Old Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Dream Demon!Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma!Dean
15 - Hallucination!Dean
13 - MoC Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Darkness Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - BadPenny!Dean
11 - Vampire!Dean
07 - Wicked Witch Dean
07 - Siren Dean

Hey!  Who took Dog Dean off the list?  Not cool.  ;-)  Meanwhile, I'm going to take all the "!" out and add spaces.  With the ! in, the list is unnecessarily difficult to read, IMO.  If it's really important to anyone, then I guess you can add them back in.  It just throws me off for some to have them and others not.  *shrug*


Demon Dean --

MoC Dean --

Dog Dean ++



21 - Future Dean

21 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Dream Demon Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Darkness Dean
13 - Teen Dean

11 - MoC Dean

11 - Bad Penny Dean
11 - Vampire Dean
07 - Wicked Witch Dean
07 - Siren Dean

-- Bad Penny Dean
-- Wicked Witch Dean
-- Siren Dean


21 - Future Dean
21 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Dream Demon Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Darkness Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - MoC Dean
11 - Vampire Dean

09 - Bad Penny Dean
05 - Wicked Witch Dean
05 - Siren Dean

-- Future Dean

-- Dog Dean

++ Old Dean


19 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Old Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Dream Demon Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Darkness Dean
13 - Teen Dean
11 - MoC Dean
11 - Vampire Dean
09 - Bad Penny Dean
05 - Wicked Witch Dean
05 - Siren Dean

++ Future Dean
++ Vampire Dean
-- Old Dean

32 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Dream Demon Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Darkness Dean
13 - Teen Dean

13 - Vampire Dean

11 - MoC Dean
09 - Bad Penny Dean
05 - Wicked Witch Dean
05 - Siren Dean

LOL well I guess future dean wins!

Hee nope, because non-rulebreaker me is gonna correct it. ; ) Nothing to see here...


-- Bad Penny Dean

++ Teen Dean

-- Coma Dean


21 - Future Dean

19 - Dog Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

15 - Old Dean

15 - Demon Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Cartoon Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Dream Demon Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Teen Dean

13 - Coma Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

13 - Darkness Dean

13 - Vampire Dean

11 - MoC Dean

07 - Bad Penny Dean

05 - Wicked Witch Dean

05 - Siren Dean

  • Love 1


-- Darkness Dean

++ Demon Dean

-- Dog Dean


21 - Future Dean

17 - Dog Dean

17 - Demon Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

15 - Old Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Cartoon Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Dream Demon Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Teen Dean

13 - Coma Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

13 - Vampire Dean

11 - Darkness Dean

11 - MoC Dean

07 - Bad Penny Dean

05 - Wicked Witch Dean

05 - Siren Dean

Demon Dean --

MoC Dean --

Dog Dean ++


21 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

15 - Demon Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Dream Demon Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Teen Dean
13 - Coma Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
11 - Darkness Dean
09 - MoC Dean
07 - Bad Penny Dean
05 - Wicked Witch Dean
05 - Siren Dean

-- Future Dean

-- Wicked Witch Dean

++ Old Dean


19 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Old Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Dream Demon Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Teen Dean
13 - Coma Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
11 - Darkness Dean
09 - MoC Dean
07 - Bad Penny Dean
05 - Siren Dean

03 - Wicked Witch Dean

++ Future Dean

-- Dream Demon Dean

++ Demon Dean


21 - Future Dean

19 - Dog Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Old Dean

17 - Demon Dean

15 - Old Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Cartoon Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Teen Dean

13 - Dream Demon Dean

13 - Coma Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

13 - Vampire Dean

11 - Darkness Dean

09 - MoC Dean

07 - Bad Penny Dean

05 - Siren Dean

03 - Wicked Witch Dean

-- Old Dean

-- Siren Dean
-- Wicked Witch Dean

21 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Old Dean
17 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Teen Dean

13 - Old Dean

13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Coma Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
11 - Darkness Dean
09 - MoC Dean
07 - Bad Penny Dean
03 - Siren Dean
01 - Wicked Witch Dean

Not voting, just fixing the counts because I forgot to take one of the Old Deans out.


21 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Demon Dean

15 - Old Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Teen Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Coma Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
11 - Darkness Dean
09 - MoC Dean
07 - Bad Penny Dean
03 - Siren Dean
01 - Wicked Witch Dean

-- Siren Dean

-- Bad Penny Dean

++ Stoned Dean


21 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
19 - Stoned Dean
17 - Demon Dean

15 - Old Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Teen Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Coma Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
11 - Darkness Dean
09 - MoC Dean
05 - Bad Penny Dean
01 - Siren Dean
01 - Wicked Witch Dean

Have we come up with a name for the dearly departed yet?  I'll put in a placeholder.


Demon Dean --

MoC Dean --

Siren Dean --


21 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
19 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Teen Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Coma Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
11 - Darkness Dean
07 - MoC Dean
05 - Bad Penny Dean
01 - Wicked Witch Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

  • Love 1

-- Future Dean

-- Teen Dean

-- Wicked Witch Dean


19 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
19 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
13 - Teen Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Coma Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
11 - Darkness Dean
07 - MoC Dean
05 - Bad Penny Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

++ Future Dean

++ Demon!Dean

-- Cartoon Dean


21 - Future Dean

19 - Dog Dean

19 - Stoned Dean

17 - Demon Dean

15 - Old Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Cartoon Dean

13 - Teen Dean

13 - Dream Demon Dean

13 - Coma Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

13 - Vampire Dean

11 - Darkness Dean

07 - MoC Dean

05 - Bad Penny Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

++ Future Dean
++ Vampire!Dean
-- Old Dean

23 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
19 - Stoned Dean
17 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Vampire Dean

13 - Old Dean

13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Teen Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Coma Dean
13 - Titanic Dean

11 - Darkness Dean
07 - MoC Dean
05 - Bad Penny Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean

Can I ask, just out of curiosity, why do people like Future Dean?  Maybe I'm missing something.


I loved that Future!Dean was present!Dean without hope and filled with so much regret. He was full on soldier and leader at that point. He was a more broken less empathetic Dean. He was also kind of funny. I will never forget his "Okay, me and him, we have a pretty messed up situation here" when present!Dean confronted him in front of future!Dean's crew.   I love that he wouldn't trust his past self.  I especially loved his reaction to present!Dean reminding him about Rhonda Hurley's pink panties. 


See also. THIGH HOLSTER..../swoon

++ Teen Dean

-- Vampire Dean

-- Bad Penny Dean



23 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
19 - Stoned Dean
17 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Teen Dean

13 - Vampire Dean

13 - Old Dean

13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Coma Dean
13 - Titanic Dean

11 - Darkness Dean
07 - MoC Dean
03 - Bad Penny Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean

Demon Dean --

MoC Dean --

Future Dean -- (I don't love him.  He makes me sad.)


21 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
19 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Teen Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
13 - Old Dean
13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Coma Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
11 - Darkness Dean
05 - MoC Dean
03 - Bad Penny Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean

I loved that Future!Dean was present!Dean without hope and filled with so much regret. He was full on soldier and leader at that point. He was a more broken less empathetic Dean. He was also kind of funny. I will never forget his "Okay, me and him, we have a pretty messed up situation here" when present!Dean confronted him in front of future!Dean's crew.   I love that he wouldn't trust his past self.  I especially loved his reaction to present!Dean reminding him about Rhonda Hurley's pink panties. 


See also. THIGH HOLSTER..../swoon


Interesting, I thought he was kind of a humorless asshole, but with good reason.  I don't like the idea that Dean could become that someday.  I don't even remember the thigh holster and I'm a Dean girl.  I would go back and watch it, but I didn't really like that episode.


Which reminds me that we kinda forgot dead Sam and Dean... I guess they were pretty much themselves, but they were technically dead.


Too late now. :-) We also have Soul Eater Dean now, but the game had already started before he showed up.  We can add in Soul Eater Bobby though.


Thigh Holster. And he was hot being all decisive and such.


Oh wait... you wanted an intellectual based answer?  Nope.  Totally in the shallow end of the pool for me. 


Yeah, but there isn't a version of Dean that isn't hot, so that isn't enough to make me want him to stick around.

++ Old Dean
-- Future Dean
-- Bad Penny Dean


19 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
19 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Teen Dean
15 - Old Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Coma Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
11 - Darkness Dean
05 - MoC Dean
01 - Bad Penny Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean

- Bad Penny Dean

-- Vampire Dean

-- Coma Dean



19 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
19 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Teen Dean
15 - Old Dean
13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Titanic Dean

11 - Coma Dean

11 - Vampire Dean
11 - Darkness Dean
05 - MoC Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

-- Darkness Dean

-- Coma Dean

++ Demon Dean



19 - Future Dean

19 - Dog Dean

19 - Stoned Dean

17 - Demon Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Teen Dean

15 - Old Dean

13 - Cartoon Dean

13 - Dream Demon Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

11 - Vampire Dean

09 - Darkness Dean

09 - Coma Dean

05 - MoC Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

Edited by catrox14

Alpha Male Asshole Dean does nothing for me, whether he's in the future, a demon, has the Mark of Cain, whatever.  Dean is better than that, IMO.


Demon Dean --

MoC Dean --

Darkness Dean --


19 - Future Dean
19 - Dog Dean
19 - Stoned Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Teen Dean
15 - Old Dean
13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
11 - Vampire Dean

09 - Coma Dean

07 - Darkness Dean
03 - MoC Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean

Okay, the thigh holster is hot, still voting him down though.


-- Future dean

++ Stoned Dean

-- Teen Dean


21 - Stoned Dean

19 - Dog Dean

17 - Future Dean
15 - Demon Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean
15 - Old Dean
13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Titanic Dean

13 - Teen Dean
11 - Vampire Dean
09 - Coma Dean
07 - Darkness Dean
03 - MoC Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean

I'm kind of in the middle. I don't like Asshat Dean as a person, and he doesn't do much for me either beyond being nice to look at - but then again I'm kind of odd, which I'll get to in a minute - but I enjoy him a bit for the contrast and because I find him interesting. Kind of like Soulless Sam. Soulless Sam is a complete asshat. He's awful, but I find him fascinating as a character. He was nice eye candy when he was doing the half-naked exercising for example, but if he talked and acted with me the way he did with that prostitute, I'd be entirely creeped out and it would be all I could do not to run out of the room. Yeeungh. Just no. Demon Dean and future Dean are kind of the same way. Nice to look at, but they kind of creep me out with how they act. Fascinating though in their own way.


But for me, here's the me being kind of odd thing: for me, even regular Sam and Dean are somewhat like how I feel about horses. Really pretty to look at... from a distance, but up close, probably no (the human equivalent of "they might step on me"*). Too much reality-wise. Not what I'd be looking for in a real-life interaction kind of way. I'm definitely more into the cute nerd type. And actually short (I like short). So basically looking at Sam and Dean would be really nice and really nice to imagine, but realistically I'd probably more go for say Kevin. Same with Buffyverse. I'd like to look at Spike - maybe be friends with him *shrug* - Angel is not my type at all with the tall, dark, and brooding thing... and I'd probably want to date Jonathan.


What can I say - I'm a weirdo. ; )


* Though Sam does it a little more for me with the floppy, nerdy hair thing (I like long hair) and the puppy eyes, and the contrast between that and the muscles is very intriguing, but still in general relationship-wise... "horse." Though I could imagine being friends with Sam. He's a little more of a weirdo. Dean would totally find me annoying, and the first time I made an ech face at Led Zeppelin, he'd probably kick me out of Baby. Hee.

  • Love 3


I'm kind of in the middle. I don't like Asshat Dean as a person, and he doesn't do much for me either beyond being nice to look at - but then again I'm kind of odd, which I'll get to in a minute - but I enjoy him a bit for the contrast and because I find him interesting. Kind of like Soulless Sam. Soulless Sam is a complete asshat. He's awful, but I find him fascinating as a character. He was nice eye candy when he was doing the half-naked exercising for example, but if he talked and acted with me the way he did with that prostitute, I'd be entirely creeped out and it would be all I could do not to run out of the room. Yeeungh. Just no. Demon Dean and future Dean are kind of the same way. Nice to look at, but they kind of creep me out with how they act. Fascinating though in their own way.



I'm a bit like that with Demon!Dean and Future!Dean, even demon!Dean was so fucking pretty...but I love them because they were so fascinating to me.  Unfortunately I didn't find Soulless Sam fascinating. I found Samifer, and Mystery!Spot Sam much more interesting. 

Edited by catrox14

Unfortunately I didn't find Soulless Sam fascinating. I found Samifer, and Mystery!Spot Sam much more interesting. 


Oh, I found them fascinating, too. Samifer was less Sam, though, and more Lucifer. But I find Lucifer interesting as well. He's a villain I love to hate - he's such a narcissistic asshat. But his motives are more complex than just "I want to do evil!" So I find Lucifer in general interesting, and so Samifer is an extension of that.


I agree about Mystery Spot Sam, though. (Did we include a Mystery Spot Sam? I guess he was arguably regular Sam taken to the brink, since his personality wasn't magically enhanced or affected.)

I don't remember if we had Mystery Spot Sam. I'm thinking no, because I would have been voting for him as much as Samifer! LOL


There are actually aspects of Soulless Sam that I didn't hate. He was pretty funny because he was so horrifingly pragmatic. LOL.  But I really hated how he treated the hooker.  Blech. And contrary to popular opinion and really did not find him sexy in that scene in the least. He was just such an asshole. No charm nothing. 


At least demon!dean in Black was kind of funny with being drunk and was snarky with Crowley. Heck I though he was funny in a dark way in Reichenbach and Soul Survivor.  I also liked how they amped up demonDean to be incrementally more complicated and horrifying. I guess for me it's more how much of a impact the alternate version had on me.   If I'm indifferent to the alternate version then it failed for me.

But for me, here's the me being kind of odd thing: for me, even regular Sam and Dean are somewhat like how I feel about horses. Really pretty to look at... from a distance, but up close, probably no (the human equivalent of "they might step on me"*). Too much reality-wise.


They'd scare the poop out of me.  They are very dangerous human being who could squash me like a gnat.  "Run away! Run away!" (say it like Monte Python).


-- Vampire Dean

-- Stoned Dean

-- Old Dean


19 - Stoned Dean

19 - Dog Dean

17 - Future Dean

15 - Demon Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Old Dean

13 - Cartoon Dean

13 - Dream Demon Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

13 - Teen Dean

13 - Vampire Dean

09 - Coma Dean

07 - Darkness Dean

03 - MoC Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

  • Love 1

Setting someone up for a kill....


Demon Dean -- 

MoC Dean --

Darkness Dean --


19 - Stoned Dean
19 - Dog Dean
17 - Future Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Demon Dean

13 - Old Dean
13 - Cartoon Dean
13 - Dream Demon Dean
13 - Titanic Dean
13 - Teen Dean
13 - Vampire Dean
09 - Coma Dean
05 - Darkness Dean
01 - MoC Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean



++Demon Dean

--Dog Dean

--Stoned Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Dog Dean

17 - Future Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

15 - Demon Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Death Dean

15 - Hallucination Dean

13 - Demon Dean

13 - Old Dean

13 - Cartoon Dean

13 - Dream Demon Dean

13 - Titanic Dean

13 - Teen Dean

13 - Vampire Dean

09 - Coma Dean

05 - Darkness Dean

01 - MoC Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

Edited by catrox14

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