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Supernatural Survival Game


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Hallucination Dean --

Spirit Dean --

Dog Dean +


13 - Stoned Dean

11 - Dog Dean

10 - Good Luck Dean
09 - Spirit Dean

06 - Hallucination Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean

I subtracted one form Spirit Dean because he was given two +'s when he should have only gotten one.


+ Stoned Dean

-- Good Luck Dean

+ Spirit Dean


14 - Stoned Dean
11 - Dog Dean

09 - Spirit Dean
08 - Good Luck Dean
06 - Hallucination Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean

--Dog Dean

--Good Luck Dean

--Stoned Dean

12 - Stoned Dean

09 - Dog Dean

09 - Spirit Dean

06 - Good Luck Dean

06 - Hallucination Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

Darkness Dean

Coma Dean

Vampire Dean

Dream Demon Dean

Yellow Fever Dean

Old Dean

Cartoon Dean

Demon Dean

Teen Dean

Death Dean

Titanic Dean

Future Dean

--Dog Dean
+ Spirit Dean
--Stoned Dean


10 - Stoned Dean

10 - Spirit Dean

07 - Dog Dean
06 - Good Luck Dean
06 - Hallucination Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean

Spirit Dean --

Good Luck Dean --

Hallucination Dean --


10 - Stoned Dean
08 - Spirit Dean
07 - Dog Dean
04 - Good Luck Dean
04 - Hallucination Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean

+ Stoned Dean

-- Good Luck Dean

-- Hallucination Dean


11 - Stoned Dean
08 - Spirit Dean
07 - Dog Dean
02 - Good Luck Dean
02 - Hallucination Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean

-- Stoned Dean
+ Spirit Dean
-- Hallucination Dean

09 - Stoned Dean
09 - Spirit Dean
07 - Dog Dean
02 - Good Luck Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean

Hallucination Dean

-- Dog Dean

-- Stoned Dean

-- Good Luck Dean

09 - Spirit Dean

07 - Stoned Dean

07 - Dog Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed

Siren Dean

Wicked Witch Dean

Bad Penny Dean

MoC Dean

Darkness Dean

Coma Dean

Vampire Dean

Dream Demon Dean

Yellow Fever Dean

Old Dean

Cartoon Dean

Demon Dean

Teen Dean

Death Dean

Titanic Dean

Future Dean

Hallucination Dean

Good Luck Dean

Don't worry, SueB, I'll do it...


+ Stoned Dean

+ Dog Dean

-- Spirit Dean


08 - Stoned Dean

07 - Spirit Dean
06 - Dog Dean


When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean
Hallucination Dean
Good Luck Dean


Edited: Dang it - I know I put a line space there...

Edited by AwesomO4000

Stoned Dean --

Spirit Dean --

Dog Dean +


07 - Dog Dean

06 - Stoned Dean

05 - Spirit Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean
Hallucination Dean
Good Luck Dean

+Spirit Dean

+Stoned Dean

--Dog Dean

07 - Stoned Dean

06 - Spirit Dean

05 - Dog Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean
Hallucination Dean
Good Luck Dean

+Spirit Dean
--Stoned Dean
--Dog Dean


07 - Spirit Dean
05 - Stoned Dean
03 - Dog Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean
Hallucination Dean
Good Luck Dean


Took me a while... use "shift" + "enter" to get a new line versus just "enter" to get a new paragraph

Edited by SueB

-- Spirit Dean
+ Stoned Dean
+ Dog Dean

06 - Stoned Dean
05 - Spirit Dean
04 - Dog Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean
Hallucination Dean
Good Luck Dean

The formatting looks all wonky, but I suppose I'll grow accustomed to it in time....

Stoned Dean --
Spirit Dean --
Dog Dean +

05 - Dog Dean
04 - Stoned Dean
03 - Spirit Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean
Hallucination Dean
Good Luck Dean

I haven't been able to get on the site since Monday evening, so I am going to vote.

-- Dog Dean
+ Stoned Dean
-- Spirit Dean

05 - Stoned Dean
03 - Dog Dean
01 - Spirit Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean
Hallucination Dean
Good Luck Dean

I guess I will, too.

Stoned Dean --
Dog Dean +
Spirit Dean -

04 - Dog Dean
03 - Stoned Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean
Hallucination Dean
Good Luck Dean
Spirit Dean

I must admit, for all the excellent performances Jensen has given, I'm surprised two that relied on broad comedy are the "favorites".

Stoned Dean --
Dog Dean --

02 - Dog Dean
01 - Stoned Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean
Hallucination Dean
Good Luck Dean
Spirit Dean

  • Love 1

RIP Dog Dean, you were funny for 5 minutes until I remembered you died by fucking Hellhounds. I far more appreciated Dark!Dean moments and Yellow Fever Dean was the best comedy.

Stoned Dean +
Dog Dean --

01 - Stoned Dean

When He Comes Back, He's Gonna Be Pissed
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Bad Penny Dean
MoC Dean
Darkness Dean
Coma Dean
Vampire Dean
Dream Demon Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Old Dean
Cartoon Dean
Demon Dean
Teen Dean
Death Dean
Titanic Dean
Future Dean
Hallucination Dean
Good Luck Dean
Spirit Dean

Dog Dean

Edited by catrox14

While Jensen always gives a great performance in my opinion, so many of the other versions of Dean are really dark, even Yellow Fever Dean in the end.  Jensen prefers to play comedy and he excels at it, so it is very enjoyable to watch him just let loose.

I almost died during Dog Dean Afternoon when the car pulled around the corner and Dean was hanging out the window.  Playing fetch, pulling a gun on a pigeon, what's not to love?

Stoned Dean is just all around hilarious.  I cannot watch those scenes without laughing.  "Does a rat shake it's ass?"  The face he makes after he says "I don't even care that I don't care?"  "If I wasn't so chilled out right now I would puke."

Here's what I have for the supporting characters.  Let's take 24 hours in case there are any objections or additions that anyone wants to make.  If no one wants to make any changes then we can start at midnight MST (EST shouldn't get all the glory).

Leviathan Castiel
Future Cas
Human Castiel
Crazy Town Castiel (after he took on Sam's hell memories)
Action-figure Castiel (from anti-christ episode)
Naomi-controlled Castiel
Attack Dog Castiel
Female Crowley
Human Crowley
Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself to avoid killing Dean)
Ghost Bobby
Khan Worm Bobby
Soul Eater Bobby
Djinn Dream Mary
Ghost Mary
Titanic Bobby
Coma!Bobby (in Sam’s coma after the trials)

I think it's really interesting how freaking excited Jensen was to play demon!Dean and that he wanted that to go  6 to 10 episodes.  I thought we really got his full range with demon!Dean. He went from broad comedy with the karoake, and snark with Crowley, badass action with like 3 big fights, giving way to stone cold killer, and full on crazy pants when he was stalking Sam and some pretty emotional stuff.  I hope whatever Jensen does after SPN he doesn't forget his dramatic work because he's just amazing.

Of course Jensen is great at playing drama as well, most good comedic actors are.  I think comedy is a lot harder to do.  I would have liked for the demon Dean arc to have gone on longer, but I wasn't all that impressed with what they did with it, not Jensen's performance, but the writing for those episodes.

Edited by BlueMeanie

I'm not knocking Jensen's comedy chops. I just prefer his more subtle comedy. That's why I prefer Yellow Fever (minus screaming at the cat) because he knew just how far to stretch the comedy in that episode to make it funny and dramatic at the same time. Or in Simon Says where he can't NOT talk and it's funny and awful but funny. Or Dean's joy at mowing the lawn or worshipping the donut burger vs letting food fall out of his mouth. Bleh.

Ok, I'll start.  Sorry for the odd formatting.  Doing this from my phone.  I took action-figure Cas out.

++ Casifer

++ Azazel/John

-- Attack Dog Castiel

17 - Azazel/John

17 - Casifer

15 - Godstiel
15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - Future Cas
15 - Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Crazy Town Castiel
15 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
15- Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Khan Worm Bobby
15 - Soul Eater Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Ghost Mary
15 - Titanic Bobby
15 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)

13 - Attack Dog Castiel

Just to make things more clear I changed Misha to French Mistake!Misha

++ Godstiel

++ FutureCas

-- Coma Bobby

17 - Azazel/John

17 - Casifer

17 - Godstiel

17 - Future Cas

15 - Leviathan Castiel

15 - FrenchMistake!Misha

15 - Human Castiel

15 - Emmanuel/Castiel

15 - Crazy Town Castiel

15 - Naomi-controlled Castiel

15 - Female Crowley

15 - Human Crowley

15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)

15 - Ghost Bobby

15 - Khan Worm Bobby

15 - Soul Eater Bobby

15 - Michael/John

15 - Djinn Dream Mary

15 - Ghost Mary

15 - Titanic Bobby

13 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)

13 - Attack Dog Castiel

Edited by catrox14

Bottom 3 --


17 - Azazel/John

17 - Casifer

17 - Godstiel

17 - Future Cas

15 - Leviathan Castiel

15 - French Mistake Misha

15 - Human Castiel

15 - Emmanuel/Castiel

15 - Crazy Town Castiel

15 - Naomi-controlled Castiel

15 - Female Crowley

15 - Human Crowley

15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)

15 - Ghost Bobby

15 - Khan Worm Bobby

15 - Soul Eater Bobby

15 - Michael/John

15 - Djinn Dream Mary

15 - Ghost Mary

13 - Titanic Bobby

11 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)

11 - Attack Dog Castiel

YAY! I'm, back home and can vote again. Trying to do it on my Kindle in this new format was sucky. BTW, hope no one minds I change the formatting so it doesn't run so long.


-- Azazel/John
++ Future Cas
++ Crazy Town Castiel


19 - Future Cas
17 - Crazy Town Castiel
17 - Casifer
17 - Godstiel
15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - French Mistake Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
15 - Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Khan Worm Bobby
15 - Soul Eater Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Ghost Mary
15 - Azazel/John
13 - Titanic Bobby
11 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)
11 - Attack Dog Castiel

  • Love 1

Thanks for fixing the formatting DittyDotDot, I'm going to mess it up a little.  Still posting from my phone.

-- Future Cas

-- Attack Dog Cas

-- Naomi-controlled Cas

17 - Future Cas
17 - Crazy Town Castiel
17 - Casifer
17 - Godstiel
15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - French Mistake Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Khan Worm Bobby
15 - Soul Eater Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Ghost Mary
15 - Azazel/John

13 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
13 - Titanic Bobby
11 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)
09 - Attack Dog Castiel

It messes up in my browser on my laptop. I don't know how to make the big spaces go away

++ Future Cas

-- Attack Dog Cas

-- Coma Bobby

19 - Future Cas
17 - Casifer
17 - Godstiel
15 - Crazy Town Castiel

15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - French Mistake Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Khan Worm Bobby
15 - Soul Eater Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Ghost Mary
15 - Azazel/John

13 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
13 - Titanic Bobby
09 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)
07- Attack Dog Castiel


This might be what you're doing @catrox14, but I do a shift+enter to get a line break and then delete the return that gave the double space. It's really no big deal though. It might be too hard to actually keep up with so many of us posting from mobile devices here and there, so I wouldn't worry about it. I'm just weird about formatting...it's my day job, ya know?

Edited by DittyDotDot
making that @mention work properly
17 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

This might be what you're doing catrox, but I do a shift+enter to get a line break and then delete the return that gave the double space. It's really no big deal though. It might be too hard to actually keep up with so many of us posting from mobile devices here and there, so I wouldn't worry about it. I'm just weird about formatting...it's my day job, ya know?

I'll try that the next time. Thanks!

++ Azazel John
-- Soul Eater Bobby
-- Khan Worm Bobby

19 - Future Cas
17 - Casifer
17 - Godstiel
17 - Azazel/John
15 - Crazy Town Castiel
15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - French Mistake Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Ghost Mary
13 - Soul Eater Bobby
13 - Khan Worm Bobby
13 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
13 - Titanic Bobby
09 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)
07- Attack Dog Castiel

Bottom 3 --

19 - Future Cas
17 - Casifer
17 - Godstiel
17 - Azazel/John
15 - Crazy Town Castiel
15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - French Mistake Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Ghost Mary
13 - Soul Eater Bobby
13 - Khan Worm Bobby
13 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
11 - Titanic Bobby
07 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)
05- Attack Dog Castiel

-- Khan Worm Bobby
-- Naomi-controlled Castiel
-- Attack Dog Castiel


19 - Future Cas
17 - Casifer
17 - Godstiel
17 - Azazel/John
15 - Crazy Town Castiel
15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - French Mistake Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Ghost Mary
13 - Soul Eater Bobby
11 - Khan Worm Bobby
11 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
11 - Titanic Bobby
07 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)
03- Attack Dog Castiel


-- Coma Bobby
-- Kham Work Bobby
++ Future Cas

21 - Future Cas
17 - Casifer
17 - Godstiel
17 - Azazel/John
15 - Crazy Town Castiel
15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - French Mistake Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Ghost Mary
13 - Soul Eater Bobby
11 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
11 - Titanic Bobby
09 - Khan Worm Bobby
05 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)
03- Attack Dog Castiel

Edited by catrox14

-- Future Cas
++ Casifer
-- Attack Dog Cas (somebody kill him please)

19 - Future Cas
19 - Casifer
17 - Godstiel
17 - Azazel/John
15 - Crazy Town Castiel
15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - French Mistake Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Ghost Mary
13 - Soul Eater Bobby
11 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
11 - Titanic Bobby
09 - Khan Worm Bobby
05 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)
01 - Attack Dog Castiel

Anyone have an idea for our "dead pool"?

Bottom 3 --

19 - Future Cas
19 - Casifer
17 - Godstiel
17 - Azazel/John
15 - Crazy Town Castiel
15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - French Mistake Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Ghost Mary
13 - Soul Eater Bobby
11 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
11 - Titanic Bobby
07 - Khan Worm Bobby
03 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)

*Insert quip about death here*
Attack Dog Castiel

How about, "Hey, I know you. You're dead."? It's what one of the demons said to Cass when he thought he was Emmanuel and when to smite them in The Born-Again Identity.


-- Naomi-controlled Castiel
-- Titanic Bobby
-- Khan Worm Bobby

19 - Future Cas
19 - Casifer
17 - Godstiel
17 - Azazel/John
15 - Crazy Town Castiel
15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - French Mistake Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Ghost Mary
13 - Soul Eater Bobby
09 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
09 - Titanic Bobby
05 - Khan Worm Bobby
03 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)

*Insert quip about death here*
Attack Dog Castiel

  • Love 1

++ Azazel/John
-- Godstiel
++ Djinn Dream Mary

19 - Future Cas
19 - Casifer
19 - Azazel/John
17 - Djinn Dream Mary
15 - Godstiel
15 - Crazy Town Castiel
15 - Leviathan Castiel
15 - French Mistake Misha
15 - Human Castiel
15 - Emmanuel/Castiel
15 - Female Crowley
15 - Human Crowley
15 - Demon#3/Bobby (when he stabbed himself)
15 - Ghost Bobby
15 - Michael/John
15 - Ghost Mary
13 - Soul Eater Bobby
09 - Naomi-controlled Castiel
09 - Titanic Bobby
05 - Khan Worm Bobby
03 - Coma Bobby (Sam's coma after trials)

*Insert quip about death here*
Attack Dog Castiel

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