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Small Talk: The Welcome Mat

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12 hours ago, Netfoot said:


By the way, some time this afternoon, the blood-blister disappeared, leaving only a little bit of raised white skin in my mouth where it had been. You can see it in the photo if you zoom/look close. It's just like what happened with the last one!


Netfoot, sorry I don't remember, but, if are you taking any blood thinners like Xarelto, or Plavix, or Coumadin; it could be that you inadvertently bit the inside of your cheek at some point which happens a lot.  People who are on thinners will often get little blood blisters from this, and, like yours, they drain and go away.  

You don't need to do anything about them as long as they stay small and eventually resolve.

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4 minutes ago, Notabug said:

I don't remember, but, if are you taking any blood thinners like Xarelto, or Plavix, or Coumadin

I am on Warfarin which is a blood thinner. (If Joe Rogan took it, they would describe it as "Rat Poison" and tint his photo green.)

Yes, it could be this, but I bite myself inside my mouth fairly frequently. Sometimes 2-3 times in one day, because once you bite your cheek it swells a little which only increases the chance that you bite the exact spot again! But this is only the second time I've ever seen this happen.

I do get occasional issues with the Warfarin, like a huge black and blue when I bump into something or excessive bleeding if I get cut. I got a small cut one evening. I bandaged it but the next morning it was still bleeding. I stopped the Warfarin for a couple days to let healing start and then resumed it. Later, Dr. Kristi said I'd done the right thing.

I'm not overly concerned about the blood blisters in the mouth, which is why I have not taken it to Dr. Kristi either time. 

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Finished all the cutting, drilling and sanding of the parts needed to make the items ordered. Had only screwed together 12 of the complete units


before the battery on the drill/driver went dead. On charge but doubt it will be charged in time to finish the pieces (30+) in daylight. 

The guy said he wanted them today, "...or at least some of them." So he can get 12 now and the rest tomorrow early. It only takes a minute to finish each one so if I get rolling I should be done in 20-30 minutes.

I am shattered. 60+ pieces to cut, 30+ pieces to drill, 60 pieces to sand, a jig to build and 30+30 pieces to screw together in the jig.

I think there are only 2-3 acetylcholine molecules left in my entire body! I'd do Garden Patrol now And go straight to bed, except it isn't dark yet!

And I stupidly used all the ice in the freezer (thirsty!) without refilling the ice trays. So now, there is no ice in the house. 😕

Edited by Netfoot
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OK, another 8 done so only 10 more to do tomorrow. Will charge all batteries overnight and I doubt it will take 15 minutes to do the remainder in the morning. Maybe a bit longer if I have to run them past the sander again, which is needed for maybe 1 in 6? 1 in 8?

I've been working all day with cramps rippling through my right hand. Been getting cramps in my left hand these last few days, but today, naturally, it is the right.

And my head is splitting. Not one for headaches very often but occasionally. And this one is a peach. I usually ride it out but I will swallow two Panadol in a moment. With warm water.

Missed my Lunchtime Meds and took them at four. So I can't go to bed early because Dinnertime Meds are now due at midnight! Unless I set the alarm and go to sleep early, wake up at midnight to take them, then go back to sleep...

Oh, and I seem to have developed a cold...

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I'm listening to Deacon Blues by Steely Dan. I am of the opinion that Aja is their best album. Out of a catalogue of great albums.

I had my shower as soon as I finished the woodwork for the day, then ate the last of the soup for dinner. Actually, Mo got the last of the soup after he got the last of the chow. So godnozewot we will eat tomorrow! (Actually, Mo will be good; I have two things I can feed him. Not so myself, unless I cook more soup. Back to showering. Had one already but it's 8:30 PM and the temperature in this room with the fan blowing and the window open is 31.4°C or 88.6°F di a shower would be cooling. But I just don't have the energy to drag myself out of bed. I could have one when I go to lock up but I suspect I will leave the door open all night and give Mo a chance to come and go when ever he likes, literally all day night long.

I have counted several times and there are 22 completed units out there and parts to make another 10 so barring some crazy accident, I should end up with 32. Only 30 were requested, but he usually takes the excess if I exceed his quantity. I just wish I knew how much he was planning to pay for them! They were more complicated to build than the usual bits so I hope I get more than I get for them. He's paid me over $20 each for far simpler "sofa feet" in the past. And he wanted these done ASAP, as well! Anyway, what ever I get is better than nothing.

I have ten more to finish, first thing in the morning. I stick the two pieces in the jig I made, one in top of the other. The jig holds them in proper alignment to each other. I drill through the three holes pre-drilled in the upper piece and down into the lower, ensuring that the holes in the two pieces line up. Then I drive three screws down through the top piece and into the second, fixing the two pieces together. Done. Next!

If it were me, I'd add glue between the two pieces but I asked and he said "Don't bother with that." 

Batteries are on charge, the last parts are waiting by the jig, and as soon as I finish them, I will WhatsApp him and let him know they are all ready and waiting. I'd have done them this evening but the light got too bad as time advanced. I only have one 2' fluorescent tube in my garage, and that isn't enough light to do good work with. You try it and tomorrow you get to fix all the things you did wrong the night before because you couldn't see properly. Mo was sleeping in the passage when we went out on Garden Patrol but he has not returned to the house. He may be lying on the concrete in front of the van, or up in the verandah, on the tiles. Can't blame him; it's much cooler outside tonight. 

Anyway, I am going to post this now, and I won't read but I will play a time-wasting game of some sort on my phone. The first time I nod off and drop it, I will kill the lights and let the alarm wake me at 11:55 to take my Midnight Meds.

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Yesterday, I broke a drill bit. I located my spares, dug them out and replaced the broken one, packing away the rest of the spares again.

As I was working to complete additional units, the drill fell over and the new drill bit bent.  I realized immediately that I would not be able to dig out the spares again and replace the bent bit before the light was completely gone, so I halted at that point with 22 units complete.

Naturally, being desperately tired, I couldn't get to sleep.  The last time I checked the time was 5:05 AM. I opened the door for Mo and the next thing I knew, was when a wet-footed puppy ran over my face at 7:29 AM. 

I dragged myself out of bed, fetched the spare drill bits, replaced the bent one and put away the spares again. Then, I went out and put together the last 10 units, bringing the total to 32. I WhatsApped my guy at 7:50 AM. So 21 minutes including changing the drill bit and putting freshly a charged battery in the drill.

The final assembly was never the hard part, especially after I took time to build the alignment jig. (I am a firm believer in using jigs if multiple items are to be made to the same pattern. They allow you to speed through the process of completing the operation on many pieces. However, the jigs take time to build and if they use adhesives, the glue needs additional time to dry before the jigs can be used.) What took the time was cutting out all the pieces, drilling the holes needed for the screws, and sanding all the pieces. To remove any saw marks, sharp corners or surface blemishes.

I would normally have wanted more time to do all this. Plan all the cuts to maximize number of parts from the lumber on hand, figure out what jigs would be needed and then build them, and then do all the work to complete the pieces carefully

For instance, if I have 30+ items to cut out of a board I will set up a stop-block on the saw by measurement, and cut a piece of scrap. Measuring the scrap and confirming the length wad correct, I would then proceed to cut out the individual pieces in rapid fashion, but I would stop every 5-6 pieces and measure the latest one. Had the stop-block moved? No? Good. Cut another half-dozen and measure again. But because I was asked to rush the job, I just measured the first one and once it was found to be OK, I cut all the rest without additional checks. 

OK, my guy told me he would collect in the morning as soon as possible. And I advised him I was ready for him at 7:50 AM. It is now 10:05 AM and no sign of him. His place of business is only 5-10 minutes from me, depending on traffic. So these really weren't needed all that urgently, were they?

Edited by Netfoot
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$150 for all 32. That's $4.69 per unit. And a vague promise to try and get some more money for me. 

This is the least I've ever got from him, for the most difficult pieces I've made for him. And a rush order too. The simplest pieces I've done, of the "cut me squares and sand them!" were $5 each.   I've received over $20 per piece for much simpler pieces in the past. I was hoping for minimum of $15-$20 each for these. Or even $25.

I have a big bill coming due next month for $520. If I don't pay that, I permanently  lose some digital property I've owned for 29 years. Once gone, I will never be able to get it back again because it will be snapped up by someone else. I'd hoped to get a good bit of that money from this job. Instead I have enough for one careful trip to the supermarket to buy a small amount of groceries.

We are out of chow for Mo. Very little milk and sugar and only a few teabags left. Potatoes very low. No meat scraps or meat of any kind. Only half a tin of corned beef, two tins of diced potatoes and and one watery tin of lentils. We're low on pretty much everything. A couple leaves of pak choy, one cucumber and no carrots, No pasta. Onions low. Stock cubes low. Garlic powder out. Salt low. No eggs. No bread/biscuits. No cheese. We're out of rice! (The last of the rice is on the stove now, for Mo's lunch & dinner.)

I am disappointed. 

I'm sure he will eventually "get some more for me". But I'd have been a lot happier if he'd given me $300 and promised to get me some more. Because I doubt the "more" is going to exceed the initial $150, and probably be less.

And he complemented my work, saying that the other people making components for him only slap them together whereas my work is always carefully done and much better.

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Terribly disappointed not to make even a quarter of what I thought I might. I made these a while back:


A simple triangle with no pilot holes for screws or anything. Got between $22 and $23 each. I thought that was actually quite a lot for what they were but I think these most recent ones were complex enough to warrant something around there. And he tells me he wants me to make more triangles. At what price? A buck each?

Spent $95 of the money at Popular supermarket for potatoes, onions, rice, pasta, sugar, tea, salt, garlic powder, diced tomatoes, minced beef, a pack of sausages, a couple tins of tuna for a change of pace (Triple J, so I'm taking a risk!) and a bag of chips. No, not french fries. We use "chips" for fries and crisps and determine which is which by context. I had the chips for lunch - Mo had turkey & rice.

Also spent $58 from the bank at another supermarket to get 4 Kg grub for Mo, couple 250 ml evap. and some corned beef.

Made rice with pak choy for my dinner. Corned beef and onion with a little ketchup on the side. Better than nothing but not much good for all that. When Mo refuses to take his tax.....

Tired. Tried to get a nap this afternoon but only got about 39 minutes. Well, I suppose that is in fact a nap. (How does autocorrect turn "fact" into "gravy"?) But I'm still tired as hell, having got only 2½ hours sleep last night after the exhausting day I had yesterday. I just hope I will be able to get some sleep tonight.

It's been rainy all day, including some severe thunder & lightning mid-afternoon. Mo is not usually phased by thunder. Old Dotty used to run back and forth from one end of the house to the other. Whatever it was, If it wanted him it was going to have to catch him. Buddy was fairly cool. Maxi (one of my mum's dachshunds) used rush into the bathroom, crawl behind the stool in the knee-hole under the dressing table, and quake & shake. Mo mostly ignores it. But today, he came and lay down by my feet. Then on my feet. And eventually to comfort him, I took him to bed where he insisted on cuddles and hugs until the storm passed. 

I finished part/book one of my book. It's really two books in one cover. Apparently the author has a number of novels - maybe a couple of dozen - and these are sometimes published like this, two-up so to speak. Both these books feature the same officer in the British Navy during the age of sail, but at different times in his career. The first was set in 1802 and the second in 1813. I would normally embark on book/part two tonight but I don't know how long I would last, given how tired I am. Or maybe that is just wishful thinking and I will be wide awake until dawn tomorrow?

While My Guitar Gently Weeps by the Fab Four. This is one from the latter part of their career, with a little more sophistication in the music & lyrics. And a weepy, waily guitar!

Today is Wednesday so two days and I can cash that welfare cheque. I will pay a month of the water bill with it and put the remainder in the bank. The cheque after that can pay telephone. 

Not sure where Mo is. Will try and spy him out when I go for a shower in a minute. He is prolly lying in the passage. Don't actually want to take a shower on a damp night like tonight but really feel like I should. Would have made sense to take one this evening before night set in. 

Gotta do the pharmacy thing early next week. Didn't I just spend five hours waiting on drugs at QEH and Edgar Cochrane? I have to get a prescription from Dr. K. for half the stuff so I had better go see her Monday.

OK, so I will go for a shower now, check on the whereabouts of Mo-baby and maybe even lock up the house. 

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