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Small Talk: The Welcome Mat

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Woke to a wet, blustery day. Wind strolng and cold, rapidly switching direction back and forth.

Feeling a bit better than yesterday, I flung Mo in the van and we went off to the Book Tent. They had canvas awnings out that caused the rain runoff to be directed straight down the neck of my tee shirt. I was moving gradually along the shelf, when one of the ladies asked if I was looking for something specific. I told her what I wanted and she said, "We don't have that!" She checked with the other ladies who all agreed they didn't have it. That was exactly when I found it, right on the top of the "Featured" pile. Four bucks. Result!

The ladies came over to the van and spent quite a long time fussing over Mo but eventually we had to go. Gas station. Parked and waited for the attendant. After five minutes I started up... just as he came along. I left in search of a different gas station. Stopped at Kooyman to buy more "bait" because for the fourth night in a row, the bait has been completely taken. So enough bait for several nights more and if the stuff continues to vanish I will assume the stuff is less of a health risk and more like a picnic for them.

And back home.

So. My book. Wilbur Smith has written over 50 novels. From what I can gather, these mostly feature stories set in modern day Africa. Generally, a corrupt corporation led by a criminal mastermind exploits the people and resources of some African country while the good guys work to put a stop to it. I've read a few but I am no real fan. However, among Smith's novels are six that are known as "The Egyptian Novels" which are set in ancient Egypt. I read the first two of these years ago, and would like to read the entire series. #1 was about the construction of a hidden tomb for one of the Pharaohs to be laid to rest with his funereal treasures. #2 set in the present day (and more in keeping with the normal WS genre) was about archaeologist tracking down the tomb from clues on old scrolls and placing the treasures into suitable museums while a corrupt group try to steal the treasures for personal gain. #3-6 return to ancient Egypt, where the Pharaohs struggle against each other for supremacy and control of the wealth of the region.

I have recently acquired five out of these six novels. The only one I was missing was the first. It's absence meant I could not start reading the series. Well, I just acquired the first in the series, the last one I was missing.


And right when I have finished what I was reading and looking for something else to read. (More on Christopher Columbus later, perhaps.)

So now, a little light reading at night or when visiting QEH.

Meanwhile, the rain continues to pour, Mo is in and out and I'm afraid to go see what state the bedclothes are in. 

Edited by Netfoot
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My last book, just completed last night.

A modern-day group of historians are dismayed that the discovery of the "New World" by Christopher Columbus (1492) lead to the enslavement of the American (N&S) natives and exploitation of their resources. A plan is hatched to prevent CC from succeeding by time traveling to a suitable moment in the past and changing the course of history.

Everyone understands that this would instantly eliminate all progress and discovery made in the new world (art, engineering, science, etc) from 1492 to the present day and eliminate all new world people who ever lived in that time period.

The population of the world votes to proceed. (I doubt Bajans got much if a chance to object!) The plan succeeds and 600 years of human existence for half the planet is eradicated. But it was all worth while because it turns out the new people of the new world are better Christians than the old.

Ok, I admit I am not devout. I don't have a problem with those who are, but I am not personally devout. 

But to tell me that you want to eliminate the lives and the achievements of hundreds of millions of people over centuries of time, across the entire new world, so the native occupants of 1492 get a chance to do a better job of being people than what we had previously? And then judge success or failure based upon the subjective quality of their religious adherence to a specific sect which just happens to be espoused by you?

Honestly, there were entertaining moments in the book. Interesting historical facts about CC and his bid to sail west and also about that journey, as well as other facets of his life and those around him. But the general premise of this book is shit. That anyone could possibly think that we should kill (essentially) anyone who lived in the Americas at any time in the last 600 years and destroy their achievements to boot is ludicrous. And to think that the people of the world would vote unanimously to proceed with such a scheme is delusional.

3 hours ago, Netfoot said:

My last book, just completed last night.

A modern-day group of historians are dismayed that the discovery of the "New World" by Christopher Columbus (1492) lead to the enslavement of the American (N&S) natives and exploitation of their resources. A plan is hatched to prevent CC from succeeding by time traveling to a suitable moment in the past and changing the course of history.

Everyone understands that this would instantly eliminate all progress and discovery made in the new world (art, engineering, science, etc) from 1492 to the present day and eliminate all new world people who ever lived in that time period.

The population of the world votes to proceed. (I doubt Bajans got much if a chance to object!) The plan succeeds and 600 years of human existence for half the planet is eradicated. But it was all worth while because it turns out the new people of the new world are better Christians than the old.

Ok, I admit I am not devout. I don't have a problem with those who are, but I am not personally devout. 

But to tell me that you want to eliminate the lives and the achievements of hundreds of millions of people over centuries of time, across the entire new world, so the native occupants of 1492 get a chance to do a better job of being people than what we had previously? And then judge success or failure based upon the subjective quality of their religious adherence to a specific sect which just happens to be espoused by you?

Honestly, there were entertaining moments in the book. Interesting historical facts about CC and his bid to sail west and also about that journey, as well as other facets of his life and those around him. But the general premise of this book is shit. That anyone could possibly think that we should kill (essentially) anyone who lived in the Americas at any time in the last 600 years and destroy their achievements to boot is ludicrous. And to think that the people of the world would vote unanimously to proceed with such a scheme is delusional.

It's got me wondering how the indigenous people of the Americas became Christians, presuming that no European nations colonized the new world in that scenario.  Most of them became Christians at the end of a sword or looking down the barrel of a gun.  If left alone, how would they even find out about Christianity, let alone decide that it was better than their own spiritual beliefs and practices?  Glad you took one for the team and read that one so we don't have to.

3 minutes ago, Notabug said:

Glad you took one for the team and read that one so we don't have to.


Their plan didn't stop CC from getting there, they stopped him from getting back to Europe.  But yes, there are loads of weird stuff. When the people of the Americas finally discovered Europe, the Europeans were surprised that the Americans all spoke Spanish...

Yah. Find another book.

5 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Woke to a wet, blustery day. Wind strolng and cold, rapidly switching direction back and forth.

Feeling a bit better than yesterday, I flung Mo in the van and we went off to the Book Tent. They had canvas awnings out that caused the rain runoff to be directed straight down the neck of my tee shirt. I was moving gradually along the shelf, when one of the ladies asked if I was looking for something specific. I told her what I wanted and she said, "We don't have that!" She checked with the other ladies who all agreed they didn't have it. That was exactly when I found it, right on the top of the "Featured" pile. Four bucks. Result!

The ladies came over to the van and spent quite a long time fussing over Mo but eventually we had to go. Gas station. Parked and waited for the attendant. After five minutes I started up... just as he came along. I left in search of a different gas station. Stopped at Kooyman to buy more "bait" because for the fourth night in a row, the bait has been completely taken. So enough bait for several nights more and if the stuff continues to vanish I will assume the stuff is less of a health risk and more like a picnic for them.

And back home.

So. My book. Wilbur Smith has written over 50 novels. From what I can gather, these mostly feature stories set in modern day Africa. Generally, a corrupt corporation led by a criminal mastermind exploits the people and resources of some African country while the good guys work to put a stop to it. I've read a few but I am no real fan. However, among Smith's novels are six that are known as "The Egyptian Novels" which are set in ancient Egypt. I read the first two of these years ago, and would like to read the entire series. #1 was about the construction of a hidden tomb for one of the Pharaohs to be laid to rest with his funereal treasures. #2 set in the present day (and more in keeping with the normal WS genre) was about archaeologist tracking down the tomb from clues on old scrolls and placing the treasures into suitable museums while a corrupt group try to steal the treasures for personal gain. #3-6 return to ancient Egypt, where the Pharaohs struggle against each other for supremacy and control of the wealth of the region.

I have recently acquired five out of these six novels. The only one I was missing was the first. It's absence meant I could not start reading the series. Well, I just acquired the first in the series, the last one I was missing.


And right when I have finished what I was reading and looking for something else to read. (More on Christopher Columbus later, perhaps.)

So now, a little light reading at night or when visiting QEH.

Meanwhile, the rain continues to pour, Mo is in and out and I'm afraid to go see what state the bedclothes are in. 

I love thick books! Those should keep you busy for a bit, LOL. I remember devouring the Harry Potter and Outlander series. I love to read!

2 hours ago, andidante said:

I love thick books!

Me too. I used to read a book a day. Even when I was 10 years old, the School Librarian allowed me to take out three books on a Friday. Students were only allowed one book a day. But myself and my friend Ian (who I've not seen for years) were allowed three on Fridays, so we would have something to read on Saturday and Sunday. 

Of course, thick books would take longer than a single day. 

And nowadays, I only get to read for a little while at night, before I find myself so tired that I'm falling asleep with the book in my hand, dropping it, losing my page... So I imagine the six of those will take me a while.

I'm actually looking for another book, called The Source by James Michener. He's usually good for a thick book. I like several of his, although, strangely, not so much Caribbean. (I should read that again.)

I think I just may have actually met him once. Ran into a guy researching a book on the Caribbean at a local watering hole. Back in the days when I used to drink rum.  Not long after that, Michener's Caribbean was published. All I really remember about the guy was that he wore a colourful bandanna around his neck. Most likely wasn't him though. 

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Damp from my shower, door locked, in bed with a cool breeze in the window, which Mo is looking out of. 

High Hopes by Pink Floyd playing on the gramaphone. 

Ramen for dinner, with a boiled egg. Had a bit of difficulty with the egg and chopsticks. Ended up using the chopsticks as a two-pronged fork. 

It's closer to one in the morning than to midnight, so I am making this post short. Of course, you won't be reading it until tomorrow (prolly) so no need to actually get it posted in any hurry or to keep it short. But late as it is, I still want to read a little of my new book, River God before I close my eyes for the night. 

I've put out green bait pellets again, for the fifth night in a row. I think that after a certain number of nights, all the mice should be dead. Unless the bait is not working. This stuff costs between $5 and $6, depending where you get it. I also saw a different bait for sale. It was $42 and change and was labeled as "non-toxic". Now, I don't quite understand how you get a non-toxic poison, so I guess it can't actually be a poison at all. Obviously formulated for use in "Sanctuary Mouse Houses". In other words, made for California.

Phone battery running low, but enough juice for another half an hour, I'd guess. I bought this phone in 2018 or 2019 and it looked brand new until Mo knocked out out of my pocket and shattered the back, a few months ago. But it needs a new battery. The one in there is soft - it does not hold a charge like when it was new. Now, unlike some, I don't be using my phone all the time, every minute of the day. So I can usually get through a day with one full charge. Since I charge overnight, I'm good most days. But as time passes the battery only continues to get softer and softer. 

Didn't watch any movies today. Or TV. Did a little design work on a new computer desk I'm contemplating, because the one I'm using is slowly giving up the ghost. Like most things in my life. Not that I have the resources to build a new desk.... Otherwise, apart from our excursion this morning, all I did was take a short nap this afternoon. 

Anyway, two minutes to one in the morning. And I still have to get to my new book. So I will say goodnight to all and get stuck into that. Dunno if I will complete a whole chapter but a few pages at least, I hope. 

Mo is curled up against my tummy right now, but he has been quite mobile this evening. He keeps going out to check if the door is closed. It is, and it is staying that way until first light. 

Which won't be long, if I don't put this post to bed...

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Lying on his back, writhing back and forth while making yowly, howly noises, Mo preparing for bed.


(30 seconds later he was at the door demanding to be let out and another 30 seconds later, he was back looking out the window.)

I've been battling sleep all day. Don't know why I'm so incredibly sleepy. Watched two movies today. One was an old Clint Eastwood western and the other starred Rutger Hauer as a blind ninja. I say I watched them but in truth I only watched those parts where the sound track was loud enough to make me lift my head up off the desk. 

Listening to Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part 1) by Pink Floyd. There is a drawback to just having a giant playlist and letting my phone play tracks at random. Right now, for example, I'd just like to play the entire album, front to back. But too much fiddling about to create special playlists required!

I had a pack of metallic Eclipse biscuits with metallic PB&J for breakfast, a metallic boiled egg for lunch and metallic fettuccine with metallic tuna for dinner. The only thing I've had all day that didn't taste metallic was the rehydration lime squash. Understand that if I'm telling you that that is the best tasting thing I've had all day? You will know things have been desperately dire in the dining department.

I paid $20 for a copy of the CT imagery disk on Monday. I suppose it would make sense to get it to the doctor without unnecessary delay. But that means driving down to QEH to drop it off. I prefer to make each trip in the van kill at least two birds with one stone but I can't think of any other good reason to go into town. 

Long ago I used to go to the biscuit factory and buy "broken" Teatime biscuits. By the pound. Way cheaper than off the shelf. And I'm not talking about "sweepings" which have been on the floor. I mean biscuits that might have the top put on crooked or with a crack or a chip. I wonder if they still sell them? I wonder if they are still cheap as chips? I mean, with all the price hikes, not even chips are as cheap as chips any more! If I go to QEH and can't find anything else to do I might try bringing home some cheap bikkies.

In bed fairly early tonight. Well, I did say I was tired/sleepy. But I've been late to bed several nights recently. Maybe I just need to get a good night's sleep for a change. Then I should feel fresh in the morning. But now I'm in bed I'm not feeling all that sleepy any more. 

(Ow! Mo is playing games. And he doesn't seem to have any idea how uncomfortable his toenails are when he sticks them in your armpit or scrapes them down the back of your neck.)

I didn't have a mug of tea when I came back from Garden Patrol. Maybe I should go brew one now? But the prospect of climbing out of bed does not enthrall. 

Mo has wandered off. My eyes are all aflutter. I think I will just kill the lights and see if I can get a little sleep. I keep telling myself that one of these days I just won't bother to get out of bed come morning. But that just might be way too much of a watershed day for me to stomach.....

Edited by Netfoot
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Bad belly cuttings last night. Did not get a mug of tea but lay still with a canine hot water bottle and eventually it passed. Woke this morning and had a coffee. Now the belly cuttings are back. 

Good (?) news: For the first time, green "bait" pellets remain in the bowl. About half have vanished but the other half are still in there. I view this as a sign that there are less mice around to eat the stuff and assume that the reduction is due to the bait doing it's job.

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Today's belly-cuttings turned into a genuine case of the trots. But I immediately took some suitable medication and it didn't last long. Never the less, I'm in a delicate state and I'm taking care not to put stress on my tummy. 

Lunch was ramen with pak choy, onion and a boiled egg. Dinner was Eclipse biscuits with cream cheese and more boiled egg, sliced thin. No pepper sauce for a tender tummy to deal with. No taste either, except a mild flavour of machinery. 

Been watching YT videos all day, but I think I've watched them all, now. Because it seems like every video they recommend, I've already seen.

Unka Rudy popped around this afternoon. I told Mo he was coming to see him specifically which pleased him a great deal. He (Rudy) also gifted me with small loaf of bread he baked. It was like a sweet bread. Like a coconut bread. But with no coconut and only a little sugar. Never the less, Mo and I enjoyed it with a mug of tea. I drank the tea and Mo helped me eat the bread. It was good, but I think it would have been a little better with some butter on it. After it was gone, I remembered that the refrigerator clean-out I was gifted a couple weeks of go included a block of butter. But it is in the freezer, solid as a rock and it's unsalted butter anyway. What possible use is there for unsalted butter? I'm sure someone will think up a use like baking vegan sausage rolls or something. But I don't think it will be much use for spreading on Unka Rudy's bread!

Found a How-To playlist of 89 YT episodes I'd like to watch. Only the creator has the playlist starting at #89 and counting down to #1. I don't create YT videos but I can't believe it would be too difficult to get this straightened out. Because every other playlist I've ever watched starts at the start and progresses from there to the end. But it looks like I will have to overrule the play order 89 times because, well.....

The last of the green pellets from last night are still there, but I saw a mouse when I went into the kitchen! He scurried away pretty quick, so they aren't all dead. I will leave the pellets where they are and keep refilling the bowl as it empties. (Assuming the consumption has slowed and not stopped all together.)

Because of the belly-cuttings I didn't go to QEH today, and I forgot to call WIBISCO to ask if they still sell the broken biscuits. Maybe I will remember to call tomorrow and find out what day for what biscuit types and what the prices are. I am assuming that if you want Teatime biscuits you have to go the day (after?) they make Teatimes. Ditto Shirleys, Eclipse, etc.

Now playing: Ants Marching by Dave Matthews Band. I like Dave Matthews but I find this song quite fun. Lighthearted, but oh, so unfortunately true. 

Approaching midnight again. Mo is wandering around outside somewhere so I will have to get up and close the door when he finally decides to come to bed. In the mean time, I will avoid drinking anything sweet. I've already had a mug of tea after Garden Patrol which will blow up my glucose in the morning again. Prolly. But a glass of sweet milk or even lime squash at this stage would just push the glucose from sub-orbital to trans-lunar. So if I do go get a drink while locking up, it can only be water.

Speaking of water, the pressure is back in the shower and I've done nothing, so I guess it was just the system. This area is constantly suffering from outages and low pressure. The trouble is, many of the island's mains are cast iron and over 100 years old. They crack, they leak, they have to be carefully dug up down to, bandaged to stop the leak, and carefully buried again. You may ask why the troublesome pipe is not replaced. Well, I hope that if they can find the money to buy a new 16" main, that they can afford a few biopsy needles! 

(Mo has just arrived and is ministering into his nether regions. But when he does this he thrusts his paws out to maintain his balance and he really doesn't care where those talons end up. Like in my belly button, which already has some of the ugliest scars on my entire body. And I'm the guy who was burnt from head to foot, except for a small patch behind my ear, and the 1%. And if you don't already know what the 1% is don't look up "Rule of Nines".)

Going back to biopsy needles for a moment, I hear that QEH has actually acquired at least one new CT machine! Dr. Kristi told me they had no functioning CT machines for over a year but I hear they have rectified that situation. And the doctor told me on Monday that she would arrange a CT for me, so that supports the rumour. She also said she would try to arrange a biopsy, so.....

Anyway, with Mo still polishing his nuts, I can go lock the house and contemplate that glass of water. Unless Mo follows a familiar pattern and races past me in the passage and shoots out the door before I can close/lock it. He is getting quite annoying with that. Not just at night. He has already barged past me three times today, shouldering me out of the way as he goes past. I'm having a hard enough time staying upright as it is. I do not need a puppy body-checking me on the steps! Damn, he has departed.

I've got four days worth of rehydration salts left. Two days  of pre-mixed lime squash and two packets still unopened. Keep thinking I'd like to try it with chocolate milk but I am hesitant to buy Milo and try it. Milo prolly being the easiest way to go. 

Anyway, I will read my book (which I'm enjoying although I'm still only in the opening stages of the story) until Mo returns which he will, eventually. Then I will lock up and lights out.

Edited by Netfoot
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In bed. Hot mug of tea in my tummy, along with three wholewheat crackers. That was dinner. What was on the crackers? Nothing. Lunch was a bowl of rice with pak choy, small chunks of chicken and a plantain.

No shower tonight. Prolly smell bad, but can't be bothered. 

Don't recall watching any movies today. Only YT videos. Mo has just joined me in bed and is curled up against my back. 

Mo suffers from a skin condition that makes him itch. A short course of steroids will sort him out for many months. The steroids only cost a few bucks but the vet won't let him have them without a full exam. That would cost about $250. I dunno why I can't go in and say "His itch is back. Can I have the Prednisolone?" and they just let me have it. But I suppose they are thinking about his wellbeing. Except, now he gets no meds. (It's the same stuff the doctors give me to take, but I don't know how to trick them into giving me extras. I wouldn't be happy tricking Dr. Kristi anyhow.)

Mo has departed again. 

Mr. Barry White sings I Only Want to Be With You. The Ambassador of Romance. When I was a lad, they would occasionally ban his latest song from airplay. This would cause sales of the song to instantly double. West Indians expect their music to have at least two meanings, and the risque-er one of them is, the better! Example (YT): A Honeymooning Couple. (That one is at least 60 years old.)

Today has been a TNTF day. (Try Not To Fall.) Other days are NGTF days. (Not Going To Fall.) I hope tomorrow is the latter because...

Got some woodwork to do, but it's easy. The hardest and most time consuming part will be the sanding. Depending on how tired I get I should have all the cutting done in the morning which will give me all afternoon to complete the sanding. And because only 11 pieces will be needed (I will strive to make 12 with the piece of wood I will be using) the whole task should be easily accomplished in minimum time. If I have issues, there is Sunday to complete. The bits are needed Monday.

 I got a bag of pork scraps today. You never know what you will find when you open the bag. What I discovered inside was several large but very ugly pork chops. I'm talking over a foot in diameter. But with plenty of skin, gristle and fat. I cut the chops up into smaller pieces which I bagged and froze in three separate batches. The off-cuts of skin, fat, etc I kept separate. I put one bag of the off-cuts in the freezer and cooked the other half. Half of this, Mo had for lunch. The other half is in the fridge for his lunch tomorrow.

The good pork, I plan to cut into smaller pieces and make stew. So there is enough pork for three medium sized stews, with other veggies, like potato & carrots. But I want to go and get some salt bread tomorrow, and make chicken sandwiches because I have two breasts in the fridge that need to be eaten. 

Besides the large, ugly pork chops was an entire roast. Not huge, but easily 3-4 meals worth. If I can only figure out the best way to cook it. Or persuade Heidi to cook it for me....

(Mo is back.)

I've been avoiding cooking lately. The taste of the food - what ever it might be - is only a disappointment. I think I should just switch to Food-as-Fuel mode and make no attempt to make things nice. Just get a big pot and throw everything in it. Make a big stew or soup and keep throwing new things in to keep it going, as I dip out bowls to eat. It's going to taste like crap either way, so don't make too much of an effort. Maybe keep some salt bread on hand to eat with the stew/soup. (Stoup: Rachael Ray).

Mo is now sitting on my left arm and panting. The entire phone is shaking like the seed pods of a shak-shak tree in a gale of wind. Good think for backspace. I'm using it a lot.  He just twisted around and kisses me on the nose. 

With the difficulty of puppy-assisted typing, I think I will halt here. Read my book. Go lock the door.


(Mo has gone again, but I will still stop here.)

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Couldn't get my eyes to close until after 4:00 this morning. Not that Mo cared - he still woke me up at 5:00 to get the door open. 

Went out to buy bread for chicken cutters. And milk. Couldn't find any milk. Whole, 2% or skim. Evap? No. Ended up buying something called "Moo". And a small bag of Milo. Still got two packets of rehydration salts, after all. Just not sure if I have the stones to actually try that. 

Really didn't want to go and do woodwork this morning. But like I said, it was a simple task, and I did it before going out for bread. Oh, and a 1Kg breadfruit.

So that's done. Will send the guy this photo tomorrow morning. He said he needed them by Monday so he should be pleased to see they are ready in plenty of time. Why not send photo now? Don't want him to come to expect next-day results. That is not usually possible.

So I came home and has cheese cutters for lunch. Will cook the chicken breasts and have chicken cutters for dinner. Meanwhile, it's 2:30 PM and I am going to try and catch up with my sleep.

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For the record, salty Milo does not taste bad! I'm not saying it's delicious, but it is palatable enough. Much more so than plain old salty water. Adding the salts to something with enough flavour to relieve the salty, muddy taste is definitely an improvement. So lime squash or Milo I can say are an improvement.

Of course, Milo crystals are not free and I mixed it up with milk instead of water. (Actually, I used the "Moo", the carton of which says it's made from "real cow's milk".) So mixing up salty Milo probably costs a bit more than salty lime squash. But a change is as good as a rest.

Mind you, I don't think any of this is going to help. I've been drinking a liter a day for what, two weeks now? And still getting cramps in my hands and feet. (To most West Indians, your foot is everything from your hip to the floor.) So next time I expense myself with Milo, I may save myself $2.27 per liter and leave out the rehydration salts and just enjoy the Milo for its own sake.

And you know, I quite like Horlicks as well!  😃

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Argh! Several paragraphs eaten. Must retype in brief:

Half the afternoon in bed but no sleep. Got the belly. Had chicken sandwiches for dinner (not bad!) and it would be easy to say I got the trots from the dinner but the trouble started while the chicken was still on the stove!

Listening to Oh Carolina by Shaggy.  Shaggy always makes me laugh. Or smile, anyway. 

Not much sleep last night, none this afternoon... cramps. It's already after ten and I want to get some rest, so I won't say much tonight. 

Never got around to dropping off that imagery CD at QEH but as it turns out, I have to go to QEH next week anyway, to get meds. So sometimes, procrastination is a good thing!

Book (River God) going well. The hero of the story is a eunuch slave whose gifts in many areas are exceeded only by his lofty opinion of his own talents. Not planning to read tonight because I am going to have a hard enough time getting some sleep with the constant rumble in the fundament. 

Didn't bathe last night but after the sawing and sanding today a hot shower was a definite requirement. Well, sawing/sanding or no, after not showering yesterday, it was obviously essential this evening. 

10:19 PM. I will call it quits now. Will wait for Mo to put in an appearance and that will be that.

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Once again, no sleep last night. Or not much. The sun was already well up before i finally drifted off. So much so that I sent a photo of the wooden parts to the guy. Mistake. Less than an hour later he was at my gate to collect them. I lumbered out with my tee-shirt on inside out and backwards, couldn't find my shoes, tripped over Mo (who kept barging back and forth past me and practicing his shoulder-check) and nearly fell down the steps. 

Anyway, another small job promised for Friday.

So, now. Egg cutter and a mug of coffee and try to keep my eyes open? Or back to bed try to and sleep until time for Lunchtime Meds at 2:00?

Edited by Netfoot
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2 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Once again, no sleep last night. Or not much. The sun was already well up before i finally drifted off. So much so that I sent a photo of he wooden parts to the guy. Mistake. Less than an hour later he was at my gate to collect them. I lumbered out with my tee-shirt on inside out and backwards, couldn't find my shoes, tripped over Mo (who kept barging back and forth past me and practicing his shoulder-check) and nearly fell down the steps. 

Anyway, another small job promised for Friday.

So, now. Egg cutter and a mug of coffee and try to keep my eyes open? Or back to bed try to and sleep until time for Lunchtime Meds at 2:00?

I hate when I get little to no sleep at night especially when I have to work the next day. I am so grateful to work at home where no one can see me yawning all day!


Blast! Two good sized paragraphs eaten again. 

Took to my bed this afternoon but couldn't get to sleep so I wanted to get off tonight early. So here I am, showered and in bed enjoying a cool breeze in the window. But every time I tried to go to bed I remembered something else I had to do. So it's nine o'clock already. Not late, but not early!

Mo syphoned off half my glass of water again. I will say he didn't touch it while I was out of the room. He waited until I returned before helping himself. The polite, purloining pirate!

I have managed to get a small injury on my toe. Not sure. Some sort of pinch? Don't remember any such but can't think of another explanation.


Dinner was the last of the fettuccine with a chicken, onion and peanut butter sauce. Served with plantain. Seasoned with tomato sauce, garlic and paprika. 

Too much peanut butter and not enough savory spices to counter. It was a little on the sweet side. Which didn't help it with the plantain. I think some Worcester sauce and/or some soy plus maybe a bit of pepper would have been a great help but don't have anybody any soy or Worcester sauce in the house.

Mo had the half I decided not to finish and he seemed fairly pleased. It didn't take him long to finish it off.

Tomorrow is Monday. Officially, I'm supposed to go to Dr. Kristi to get a blood pressure reading. (I will also check blood glucose at home.) But I will call and see if the BP reading is actually required. I mean, I can't be going there every Monday for ever more, can I? I've not actually seen her to talk to for 2-3 weeks now, so I don't know what goal we are looking to achieve so I don't know if we've achieved it already or not! 

If the biweekly nature of previous welfare cheques is anything to judge by, I should get another in time for this coming Friday. Nothing in the mail yet. I am expecting to get two, one dated Friday and one Friday fortnight. (All assuming that the cheques are to continue, which I have no confirmation of.)

If I have to go to the post office to cash the cheque on Friday, I might as well go to QEH pharmacy the same day. And WIBISCO, for cheap Teatime or Shirley biscuits. I must remember to call the biscuit company and find out about broken biscuits. Also got to compute when is the last day before my meds actually start to run out.

Unchained with David Lee Roth on vocals. Some classic Van Halen, right there. Now, there are some who will say that when Roth parted company with the band, that was the end of the good times. Sorry, don't agree. With new vocalist Sammy Hagar, the band was as much a force to be reckoned with as ever before. But it's nice when occasionally a track comes up on rotation that reminds you that if nothing else, DLR helped put the band on the map, even if Hagar was well up to the task of seeing that it stayed there.

Mo has just come in. I've locked the door and now he wants to go out again. But I want to crash out. I have had very little sleep in the last three days. 

Finished River God. Good yarn. With the fabulous funereal treasures of Pharaoh Mamose VIII sealed and concealed in the secret tomb created for him near the headwaters of the Nile, the Egyptian people have returned to begin the overthrow of the Hyksos invaders.

Now ready to embark on The Seventh Scroll. Set in contemporary Africa, where a 4,000 year old papyrus in the hands of archeological scholars gives clues to the whereabouts of the tomb, as the henchmen of an unscrupulous profiteer circle with intent to steal the treasures. Should be fun, but not tonight.

The lights are going off now, so I can get some actual sleep. There they go now.....


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Judging from the last time I looked at the clock, I finally fell asleep around 12:30 last night. 

The alarm went off and continued to ring for 52 minutes before it roused me. And that was with my head right next to the alarm! So I guess I was really tired.

But I feel fairly fresh now, and will go get my BP taken by Clauder. (Glucose: 4.7 mmol/L.) And see if I can talk my way out of continued BP tests every Monday.

And buy a carton of milk, hopefully. Because last time I tried, they had none. And I could use a mug of something this morning...

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Apparently the BP reading this morning was good because I have been told I need not return every Monday. Just get some exercise. (Does walking to the bathroom count?)

Tried calling WIBISCO. Got one of those automated response systems. "Press one for Eeany. Press two for Meeny. Press three for Miney..." I tried every number that they listed. "Response 6206: Nobody to answer your call." "Response 1944: Nobody to answer your call." Apparently, there was nobody in the entire company at their desk today. I hate when this happens. I had an issue with a branch of my bank a few months ago. It turned out that the entire branch was unreachable by telephone. When I finally made contact through someone at corporate headquarters, it turned out that the branch had not received a single incoming call for months and nobody had noticed! They had a robot receptionist installed, it crapped the bed and nobody paid any attention to that fact.

Anyway, no idea what the story is WRT buying broken biscuits. I will try again tomorrow, and if I get nowhere, I will try the "Contact Us" email on their website. But with little expectation of success. Those remind me of the cartoon of the suggestion box that is open on the bottom and positioned right over the trash bin.

Walking On The Moon by The Police. I think Sting is a very talented musician with a wide style-palette. A few people have negative things to say about him, but for the most part I think he is OK. And if he has a few quirks, who doesn't? I'm only interested in his music, really. Stories about his politics or his personal chef (or what ever) are of only passing interest.

Started my new book today. Just got stuck in for a few pages. Set in the present day it is different from the first book but the protagonists are on the trail of Mamose's treasure as concealed near the headwaters of the Blue Nile in the first book, some 4,000 years ago. Looking forward to reading a bit more later.

Made a pork stew for dinner. With potatoes and onion. Before I could add any carrots or pak choy, the saucepan was full. It's only a tiny saucepan at best. Anyway, ate half the stew for dinner which leaves room in the pot now, for carrots and pak choy to be added tomorrow. However, additional cooking and the potatoes will become mush. So I have to cook the new additions separately and then combine... I wonder if I could burn some sugar when cooking the additions? Just to darken it. My mom told me how to do it when making pelau but I've never actually done it. I don't make pelau because it is no particular favourite of mine. I am OK with it, but.....

The stew I had for dinner was OK. Slightly metallic but not too bad. And of course, half the ingredients missing! And it occurs to me that I bought a small breadfruit so I can put some of that in the stew. Or simply cook the breadfruit separately and ladle the stew over it.

I was yammering on last night about a cheque from Welfare reaching me by Friday... Oblivious to the fact that the last time Postie delivered those cheques she ran screaming at the sight of Mo, and I didn't get the cheques in my hand from the landlord until the following week. So I might end up waiting until early next week again this time, for all I know. 😕

On the way back from Dr. Kristi I stopped to buy milk. Still none in the store! Had none at home so had to visit several stores until I found one with small stocks. Of course it was the most expensive store you could find, in the mall. A $7.59 carton of milk was $9.85 which is highway robbery. But what was $4.09 in gravy crystals only a few years ago is now $13.99 so why bother to complain?

While I was at Dr. Kristi, I spotted a pretty, little bowl made of spalted tamarind. It contained individually wrapped peppermints and I was tempted so I took one. It took me about three minutes to break open the cellophane wrapper. I kid you not. I had two knives on me, but I was determined not to have to use one of them. But my hands, especially the left, was so weak! If you are trying to tear a wrapper, you have to hold it with one hand  pull it with the other. If, when you pull with the right hand it just slips between the fingers of the left, you won't be able to tear it! In the end I resorted to using the stronger (right) hand and my teeth. 

I will stop now. I still have to shower. And a little bit of cramp is now starting to creep up on me. Today was the last of the electrolyte replacement salts. I can't remember how many days I've been drinking the stuff. It's at least 14 days but I wouldn't be surprised to hear it's more like 3 weeks. And still cramps? Puts paid to the idea that electrolytes have anything to do with it!

So yes. Shower. A page or two of my book. Summon the Monster. Sleep. Nowhere near as bushed as last night but could still use some.

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Had a good night, for the most part. Mo woke me at 3:52 and wanted the door open. It was a bit early but I didn't think I'd get back to sleep anyway, so I opened up for him. Surprise, surprise! I fell off to sleep again almost right away!

Called WIBISCO this morning and got through immediately. Not sure what happened yesterday... Anyway, the news is not good. They do still sell broken biscuits.... but only to registered farmers, for feeding livestock. I explained that my livestock consisted of a naughty but very sweet puppy who liked Teatime biscuits. While they were sympathetic, they said I would need to be on the list of registered farmers before they could sell me anything. I asked what was involved. Apparently, you have to go to the Min. of Ag. and register your company/farm in order to get put on the list. Since I have no farm or company to register, I would not be able to do that... Unless I first registered a business with a different government department, and described it's purpose as farming. Then I could take the papers that showed I owned a farm to the ministry, and register it with them. Which would cost money and make me subject to random visits by Min. of Ag. inspectors. Who would wander around my garden asking where my crops were. (They would know all about my livestock because as soon as they showed up, my livestock would be trying to jump up high enough to give them kisses!)

So not a practical way of getting hold of some cheap bikkies for me to have with my tea and to feed to Mo as a treat. 

Isn't it great how the bureaucracy gradually works to make everything worse than before? I just used to arrive at their factory, ask for 5 lbs. of biscuits, pay a few bucks and haul the bikkies home in a sack. Now, we have progress! And paperwork!

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Mum's pelau method worked fine and the pork stew adopted a lovely dark tinge. I know it doesn't affect the taste but sometimes I just want that dark, rich colour.

With the pork & potatoes in a dark gravy, I prepared and cooked sliced carrots, cubed cucumber and pak choy stems & leaves in a separate pan, combining when everything was ready. It was as tasty as I have come to expect, and with the addition of the extras, there was enough for lunch with enough left over for a light dinner this evening.

Been looking at my stock of meds and I must renew some as early as next Monday, while some will last until the end of next week. So, if I get the Welfare cheques any time on or before Monday next week, I can go to the post office to cash the first one, then to Edgar Cochrane and QEH pharmacies to get meds. And while I'm at QEH I can drop off the imagery disk on Ward B6. (And I'm willing to give odds that I will screw up and come away from QEH without remembering to drop off that disk, and so have to make a return trip.) Then drop the cah from the post office into the bank on the way home. Yes, I could just deposit the cheque directly into the bank, but they say it takes 3-5 working days for the funds to clear. The post office will pay cash on the barrel head and I can deposit that immediately.

Also, Friday this week (when the first cheque should be due) is when that guy said he would get back to me with a few simple wooden items he wants made. Not sure what they will be or look like, nor how many he will need, so it might be a simple task that brings in some fast cash, or a nightmare of jigs and setups to make a handful of parts that earns me very little. We will just have to wait and see.

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Dinner was the leftovers from lunch. I added a generous squirt of a savoury tomato-based sauce as ingested I warmed it up and ate it all up with a spoon in my right hand and a salt bread in my left.

Just as I was coming out of the kitchen with the salt bread in one hand and the bowl of stew in the other, Mo was wandering in. I don't object to him being in the kitchen but disappearing spatulas, etc, make me prefer that he isn't in there when I'm not there to keep an eye on him. There is also the risk that he might pull down a hot pan onto himself. So, I put my bowl and bread on the table and turned back... just in time to see him stroll back out of the kitchen with a large mouse in his mouth. 

I know that a pup is not likely to suffer I'll effects from eating a poisoned mouse. But I don't like the idea anyway. So I was determined to get it away from him. Getting him to relinquish a toy is not easy, and I have video evidence to prove it!

 Anyway, I rushed back into the kitchen and sacrificed half a tin of corned beef which gave him a very nice after-dinner treat and got the poisonous, dead mouse into my hands. Disposed of, all I had to do was scrub poison and rodent off my hands, and return to my now cooling dinner. 

Listening to Avalon by Roxy Music. Title track of their eighth and final album. While in the studio recording this track they were not too pleased with their progress, so they stepped out for a coffee. From the next studio they heard the vocals of a Haitian singer and we're determined for her to sing a little backing vocals for their track. One problem: she spoke not one word of English! But with the help of other Haitian musicians present, they got her to add the feminine "Avalon!" to the chorus, and then at the end, to add what ever she thought she wanted to, to contribute to the finished track. Her resulting freeform warble at the close will be familiar to anyone who knows the track. And inspired the band to name the album after that very track.

Mo was here a moment ago but has departed again. My mouse-hunter! (Actually, I doubt very much that he caught the mouse. Much more likely he stuck his head into a cupboard and found it.)

I still need to shower. And when I get up, I will try to remember to put some chicken or something to defrost. I have half a tin of corned beef left from bribing Mo and will either make rice or pasta to use some of that up tomorrow lunch. Prolly lunch as it's been awhile since Mo and I shared a meal. But if I have chicken breasts in the freezer I will consider chicken sandwiches for dinner tomorrow. I have two salt breads left in the fridge to get rid of before they go stone-hard.

Pity I have nothing I could dip the sandwiches into. Even a nice, spicy bowl of beans would be good. I do have one largeish potato I could probably make chips out of.... Also, I'm out of mayo. So if I walked over to PriceLo or what ever it's called, I could get mayo and beans tomorrow. And maybe get some of that exercise Dr. Kristi is so keen on, at the same time.

Book pages turning well. Book #2 is turning out to be the adventure/ romance I knew it would be. (I have read it before but a lot of years ago.) in River God, the tomb and treasure was hidden, concealed and protected, but few details were given as to what tricks and traps were used. (Yes, I used to play AD&D when I was a lad.) This will allow the devious mind of Taita (vainglorious eunuch slave  and architect of the tomb) to be slowly revealed in The Seventh Scroll without spoilers from the previous book, uh, spoiling anything. Indiana Jones redux!

Think I will go and have my shower now. May retrieve a glass of water, but it seems pointless. I usually don't get to enjoy much of my bedtime drinks.... Will also look for chicken breasts and set them to defrost if I find any. Green bait pellets have already been set out - I will keep feeding the stuff to the little buggers until their number have been depleted a little bit more. May sit at my desk and drink my drink of water there. And while it's out of a puppy's reach, I may as well upgrade it to a glass of milk.....

ETA: No breasts. Only chunks. Time for a rethink...

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Not even eight thirty and I'm in bed already. Had a meal earlier, Garden Patrol complete, mug of tea, and retire.

My meal was chicken sandwiches. Not breasts but chunks, fried with onion. And it was across between lunch and dinner, served around 3:30 this afternoon. Since it was not breasts I didn't bother going out to buy beans & mayo nor did I attempt to make chips.

Listening to Leaf And Stream, by Wishbone Ash. Popular in the early 70s, I listened to them in secondary school as I studied for my 'O'- and 'A'-Levels. This track is from Argus, their medieval-themed, third and most successful album. The warrior on the album cover


Is thought by many to be the primary inspiration for the character of Darth Vader.

Mo, who was here snuggling and cleaning his feet has now left. I still have to have a shower. I have already had one earlier but another is in order. There is a cool breeze in the window but it's been one of those days where you end up feeling sticky. I unstickied earlier but it needs doing again. 

Chap was here earlier to talk about more woodworking tasks he wants done. Looking for a suitably pale wood sample, I showed him a piece of oak I had laying around and so he took it away, along with another piece of mystery wood. He says he will bring them both back tomorrow. He didn't actually leave me with anything to work on. He vaguely described a frame he wanted made as a surround for a small cabinet or cupboard. Medicine cabinet sized, maybe? Didn't go into details, saying he would explain more on Friday. Not sure if he wants a single sample made, or several.

Leg cramps got me out of bed this morning but I've had hand cramps off an on, all day. 

Three paragraphs eaten. About cramps and about groceries and about woodwork. I hate this so much! 

Rather than risk losing more, I will end here and listen to The Tubes performing White Punks On Dope. (Aki no Tetoron wa Teijin desu.)

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I don't know how they survive the continued abuse.


But it's nice to know that however crazy the world gets, there are some things you can count on. Like Mo stealing your footwear at every opportunity.

Eventually, when a hole appears in the sole of these (soon), I will give these to Mo and try to scrape up the funds to buy myself a new pair. But I suspect that Mo will lose interest in these and concentrate his attentions on the new ones.

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Been jonesing for a particular meal.  A cheeseburger with cheddar, jalapeno and bacon, a side of coleslaw and a large sweet potato chips. Just looked up the price: $53.45 and that's without a drink because for some reason their online menu doesn't list beverages.

In bed, somewhat wet, with a nice little breeze in the window and a snuggly puppy in bed with me. The door is locked. He was outside at the gate, barking and barking his little head off and I went out three times and told him "Enough!" But on the fourth trip outside, I carried a switch and gave him two spanx, chasing him inside. I followed and locked up, then came to bed.

Watched a movie this evening. A western that's almost 50 years old, starring (amongst others) a Kevin Costner who was so young he was almost unrecognizable. It's name is Silverado and is fairly well known, so you may have seen it yourself, at some point in the last half-century.

Made rice for lunch, with corned beef, cucumber and pak choy. I also added a handful of cubes of cheddar. I didn't have a single tin of anything I could add to flesh it out and add to the flavour. No pigeon peas, channa, red beans, black-eyes... nothing! Taste-wise let's just say it was OK. Only problem was that somehow, when dipping out of the pot into the two bowls, Mo got 90% of the pak choy. The cheddar made the rice slightly cheesy (who would have guessed) and I think it was a good idea. More cheese might have made for even better results, but the rice was sort of sticky to plate and obviously the more cheesy it were, the harder the plating would have been. I could have just cooked the rice as normal and grated the cheese over the top but by melting it into the water as it cooked, I got each and every grain coated. 

Dinner was a far less complicated affaire. I boiled spaghetti and when it was cooked I tossed it in a hot pan with egg until the egg was all cooked and the spag. was all coated. Then the grater came out to grate cheddar over the top. 

Hotel California by The Eagles. I listened to this on rotation on a trans-Atlantic 747, shortly after it came out. Probably every hour for 8 hours? This was back before everyone carried an iPod or a smartphone so you had to pay £4.00 for a set of "headphones" that were little more than two plastic tubes that plugged into the armrest. Anyway, the long and short is, rather than getting completely sick of it, I ended up liking this track more than you would think!

My guy was supposed to return my little oak board today, but of course he did not show. No problem. That's just who he is. I've told him over and over to call before he comes, but he never does. I know I tend to avoid taking the van out any more than necessary but that doesn't mean I'm always here. So I tell him call or WhatsApp before you set off. Just to confirm I'm home and warn me to look out for him.

Anyway, he had previously promised to come tomorrow to talk about the rectangular molding he wants for his small (medicine?) cupboards. So if he comes tomorrow (giving me no warning and therefore having to stand outside the gate for 20 minutes until I notice him), perhaps he will bring back the piece of oak. Not that I need it but he wanted it to decide upon a different job he wanted me to do.

Welfare cheque(s) due by tomorrow as well. I would have expected them maybe by today. But no sign of the landlord and all my mail ends up in his mailbox because the cheap bastard refuses to buy one for my house. 

I have considered making a mailbox for my own use but I am far too demanding in my requirements and far too lazy to implement them. 

My phone battery is down to single digits and my clock laments the passing of the day. Or perhaps celebrates the new day? Either way I'm gonna call it quits and leave you with this photo of Mo, relaxing on the floor. 


Of course, the instant this photo was taken, he jumped into bed and sat on my chest. Fortunately, he has since relocated and is now curled up against the small of my back.

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7 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Watched a movie this evening. A western that's almost 50 years old, starring (amongst others) a Kevin Costner who was so young he was almost unrecognizable. It's name is Silverado and is fairly well known, so you may have seen it yourself, at some point in the last half-century.

One of my favorite movies, and I don't generally like westerns!  I suspect the cast has a lot to do with why I love it so much (who expects John Cleese in a western?), but the story is good, too.

7 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Hotel California by The Eagles.

I love this song, too, although I think it kind of drags a bit after the lyrics finish.  Goes on too long.

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7 hours ago, Browncoat said:

who expects John Cleese in a western?


And unlike what I expected, his part was not played in any sort of comedic fashion. I was thinking that no matter how hard he tries, he won't be able to avoid throwing in some sort of quirky look or something, to raise a laugh. I was wrong, which was a happy surprise.

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Edgar Cochrane polyclinic @ 10:52.

My landlord handed over my Welfare cheques this morning and I set off to the polyclinic to collect some of my meds. Mo is in the car. Now serving #57, my number is #65. The pharmacy in here usually goes pretty fast so I don't expect to be here that long. From here to QEH which can (and usually does)  only ake hours, so it might be a difficult day if I am unlucky.

Meanwhile, brought The Seventh Scroll with me to help pass the time. Nearing the end of that book; only 218 pages remaining, so might finish it before I see home again.

Now serving #60. See? Pretty quick at the polyclinic...

@ 11:27 - Now leaving for QEH 

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Home @ 1:12 PM.

The journey from QEH to here was fraught.

First to the post office to cash my cheque. No trouble - the PO is usually quick unless there is a long line of customers, which there weren't. (Wasn't?)

But then, as I got to the bottom of Rendezvous Hill, I noticed a traffic jam in the hill. Never good. It's a small hill but the center of it is quite steep, and if you have to stop at that point, you sometimes can't get going again, and end up only spinning your wheels as you slide backwards into what ever traffic is below you on the hill. Ask me how I know.

Seems an idiot, driving a truck, towing a trailer, carrying a Bobcat, got to the halfway point and discovered his truck didn't have the power to pull all that load to the top. So there he was, blocking the entire road, trying to figure out what to do next. It took him about 15 minutes to figure out what the obvious solution was: Unload the Bobcat and let it drive to the top of the hill under it's own power, while he pulled the greatly lightened trailer up after it. When this was finally accomplished, all the cars started up the hill...

To discover that the idiot stopped ten feet past the top of the hill to reload. And there we were, all stuck in the hill for the next 10 minutes, wondering if we would get to pull away again when he finally cleared the road.

And baking to death because Rendezvous Hill is in a cutting so no breeze, just the midday sun set to Broil!

Anyway, finally got to the bank and deposited every cent I have and set off back to the parking lot to collect Mo and go home for some iced water. Almost back at the van I spotted something on the ground. It looked almost exactly like...

I picked up the $100 bill and kept walking. There was nobody around, and for sure, if I'd asked 100 people whether they'd lost a Grantley they would all, every one of them, without fail, have said "Yes!!". So, I will bank that next week and be that little bit better off, thanks to the bad luck of some poor, unfortunate soul. 

Mean time, I'm bushed. This despite the fact that the polyclinic, QEH and the PO all went off rather swiftly. Especially QEH, which has in the past had me spend 3+ hours and wait for 300+ numbers between "Now Serving" and my own number. But I'm still bushed.

So, I will drink my glass of iced water for lunch, and maybe take a nap. Mo has been fed, but there is no sliced or salt bread, no biscuits, and I am not in a mood to cook anything. There is no J to make PB&J even if there was something to put the PB&J on.

Or maybe I won't take that nap, because my guy is supposed to come this afternoon to show me what he wants made, but I can't count on him to call and give me a a heads-up (wake-up) that he's on his way. I need to make myself a new Adirondack chair so I can put the chair out front and take my nap in that while waiting.  Hmmm. Wonder what the wood would cost?

ETA: Should have known what the day would be like when I made myself a mug of cofftea this morning. Yep. when I went to take my first sip, I noticed it contained a spoonful  of coffee and a teabag. Tasted pretty good, actually....

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Showered and all locked up in bed with Mo. Who has now promptly departed. 

My guy never showed. That's two days he has had me constantly looking out for him and him not coming as promised. That probably means he will show up some time tomorrow. Hopefully, when Mo and I are at the supermarket. No, not really, because I do want to try my hand at whatever job he has for me to do. But we also do have to go to the supermarket...

Ate mustard from the bottle for lunch. Just tiny little drops, not like a spoonful. I defrosted a chicken thigh for dinner. Since I am being constantly told that Mo can only have bones if they are raw, I cut the bones out of the thigh. This left me with little fragments or crumbs of chicken meat which I fried in a small pan. Meanwhile I cooked ramen with one chopped pak choy leaf. This combined with the fried chicken crumbs was my meal. More interesting than plain ramen, I'll give you that. But it was the last of my ramen. So one of the things I must contemplate is another box of 24 packets.

I was sitting with my left leg pressed unnaturally against the leg of my chair. After a couple hours, I moved and the area began to hurt quite a bit. Like the blood returning. Only it's been hours since and it's still hurting. And very sensitive to the touch. Hope I've not done myself any sort of permanent harm.

Watched a movie this evening called The Locksmith. Ryan Phillippe plaid played the lead role. Now, I'm not all that fond of him, but this film was not too bad. Without too much spoiling: ex-con trying to go straight but forced to misbehave by crooked cops....

(Pause to tickle irresistible tummy.)


Since QEH pharmacy was so speedy today, I did not finish my book. Will get stuck into it in a while but it's almost midnight so won't get to read much.

(The irresistible tummy has relocated to the tiles. It isn't a particularly cool night. Not hot, but not cool.)

Marilyn Manson and I Don't Like The Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me). The guy is sick AF - or maybe just role-playing -  but I quite like some of his older music. Can't say I know what he's been doing recently. I should try and find out. 

I have a fairly complicated program I use to keep track of my meds. It lets me know what to take and when, how many of each remain, when they run out, whether I have repeats it a new prescription is needed... Over the years I've added more and more features which I thought would be good but for the most part I have since stopped using. So there is massive code-bloat and much of it unnecessary. I've been telling myself for years that what it needs is a lean, clean rewrite. But I've been avoiding the task because the code is so crufty I just didn't want to get into it. 

But today I started. Break the thing apart, separate functionality into individual small programs that are easier to maintain, can be run only as and when needed and are easier to discard if I decide I no longer need that functionality. 

No rush to complete. I have retained the original and it will continue to serve until the new program(s) are ready to replace it. 

There is one thing I want to change and that is how dosages are declared. Right now, if I want to denote three Pyridostigmine a day at breakfast, lunch and dinner, I say 1-1-1. For 1½ warfarin a day at breakfast I say 1.5-0-0 but if I want 1½ warfarin a day at breakfast except on Friday, when I should take 2 at breakfast... Or to say 1 Iron tablet every two days... I have no means to specify the more complex cases. I must devise a notation that is flexible but not too complex that I can't remember how it works. I wonder if ChatGPT can help with a suitable notation? Maybe it can be similar in some respects to the notation used in the Unix crontab file? It might end up getting wild. I may be forced to settle for a slightly less flexible notation than I would like. I mean, the current notation works OK-ish, so any improvement will be welcome. Perfection need not be implemented immediately! Notation analysis must be completely modular so it can be replaced as soon as something better us devised.

I'm going to stop talking now, because I don't want to end up woffling on and on about more and more esoteric matters of coding that frankly, nobody wants to hear!

So it's time for me to read my book before lights-out.

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Garden Patrol. 1) Teddy found out on the grass. No problem; Mo can do what he likes with his own Teddy. No rain today anyway. 3) plastic jar of parmesan cheese lying on the grass, chewed to shreds. A d all the parmesan kidding, of course. There was only about ¼" left in the jar anyway, but for that very reason I was sort of saving it for a special occasion. I threw the empty jar at Mo taking great care to miss him. 3) A crapaud. When Mo first came home I was disposing of six of these every night. Tossing them over the wall so they could live out their lives elsewhere, and hopefully protecting my puppy from getting addicted. These days I'm surprised to see a crapaud once every six months. Mo is now hiding outside in the dark, wondering if I will come after him with the cheese bottle again. I will go and put his mind at rest when I finish here.

Coming Into Los Angeles by Arlo Guthrie. From the original Woodstock recording.

Cooked a chicken thigh for lunch and ate it by itself. No point really trying to make a tasty meal out of it; it's going to taste like pocket change no matter what I do. But I did fry it nice and crispy, and later, I did another one exactly the same, for dinner.

Dunno why people eat chicken thighs. Well, I know why they eat them, just not why they buy them. Sold by the pound. You cook them up, eat the meat and throw away 50% of the weight (IOW, your money) in the form of bones. I prefer boneless breasts which I can eat 100% of and which my doctor tells me are healthier and which I like the taste of!

Got two more in the fridge so I will prolly have them for lunch & dinner tomorrow.

Started book #3 after lunch today. Only got about 20 pages in before I fell asleep. It's called Warlock and returns us to ancient Egypt and the talented eunuch slave Taita. Since the events of book #1, he has been living in seclusion in the desert, honing his skills and abilities. Now, summoned by the new pharaoh, he faces those forces of evil that threaten Egypt.

My leg hurts a lot. Where it had been pressed against the leg of the chair yesterday? Ouch. If it brushes even lightly against anything, or a puppy does his infamous side-fall on it. And also if I am sitting and then stand and put weight on it. I think it's the movement of muscle and tendon in the area that makes that painful. Oh, and when a cramp runs right through it? That really puts a sparkle in your eyes! I really hope this starts to fade soon. I would post a photo of the affected area but there is virtually nothing to be seen. Perhaps only a mild discoloration of the spot.

Watched a movie today. Russell Crowe as a drone pilot, watching over a team of special operations soldiers making a hostage rescue attempt. Can't remember the name of the movie. And have no plans to switch to another tab to look it up, because I don't want to switch back only to find that this entire post has vanished. Anyway, the movie was OK. 


1" high carbon steel ball. A bit tatty. Could polish it up shiny and pretty but no need. 

No sign of my guy. And I didn't go shopping. Not because I was waiting around for him. I have limited funds. Around $200. And I need to earmark $30 of that for gasoline and $150 for my phone/internet bill. Running low on milk & sugar, have no bread or biscuits. A small amount of PB, no J and no mayo. Or parmesan. 😠 And Mo's grub is starting to run a bit low as well. It would be very easy to go to the supermarket and blow everything. So I will wait a bit. At least until I get the chance to bank my windfall Grantley.

Ok, time for a shower. First, I will go out and locate Mo and give him a cuddle. He is a despicable hound and needs to be thrashed! But I will give him a break this time and let him return to the fold unharmed. But if he bangs against my bad leg.....

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When we first started hearing about CV19 in early 2020, I was suffering from two medical issues that compromised my breathing. I was also taking  immunosuppressant medication, which is not good when an infectious disease is rapidly spreading in your environment.

Long before any official suggestion that we might have to lock down, I had already decided to voluntarily lock down at home (for my own safety) and was laying in supplies to make that happen. 

In the midst of this, my main computer at home died.

I was forced to obtain parts to rebuild my system, but to my dismay, very few of the usual sources had any useable parts. There were mostly some very expensive, top-of-the-line bits I couldn't afford, but I was eventually able to locate a motherboard I could. Unfortunately, it was an AMD motherboard and it works like crap, and has from day one. (Never again AMD!) I've been longing for the day when I could just go and buy decent parts and rebuild again. Things being how they are, I've obviously not done that.

This morning, my computer froze (it isn't Windoze, it never does this) and it turns out the motherboard/storage subsystem has developed hardware issues. It took 30 minutes for it to reboot as it tried to resolve these. All the while I am watching all the error messages and retry attempts and praying I don't get the dreaded "kernel panic" message.

After rebooting, I could see that of my three RAID ranks, two were in need of resync. This resync took a couple of hours but (that being the sweet nature of RAID) was accomplished concurrent with other work. If my system did not use RAID it would have been completely dead.

So all is well. Except my system is now known to have hardware issues. The solution is a new motherboard, which would require a new CPU and memory. Also, two or three large hard drives. My system currently has 6½ terabytes of disk space, so I would need at least that much space in two (or preferably three) separate physical drives.

A really cheap motherboard would be $240 with CPU starting at $490 and RAM around $180. 2x 4Tb drives would be $530ish and Total around $1,440 for a system with a bottom-end motherboard, slow memory and only two drives (RAID 2) instead of three (RAID 5).

You know this is not going to happen, right? So instead I will just wait for the next time the system freezes and hope and pray it comes back up again.

And the forum has switched to red ink again.....

  • Sad 1

Ten paragraphs eaten. So sick of this. Not retyping them.

Just found a flea on Mo. Not easy with the inky black fur, but I'm always checking. Don't recall ever finding a flea (or tick) on him before. Will physic his arse first thing in the morning. The flea did not survive the encounter, by the way. But it was probably not alone.

Killa Bunnies by Moloko. I liked this duet, named after the drugged, milk-based drink popular in The Clockwork Orange

While surfing I found a post which claimed to identify the worst movie ever. So of course I watched it. Steven Seagal, of course. Well, it would have to be him. Or Adam Sandler, right? Although these days, Disney seems to be struggling mightily to win the accolade for worst movie ever. And they're using the 12 gauge approach. Fire off dozens of stinkers in a scatter-shot and hope one wins the prize for worst ever.

Skipped lunch, fried up the last chicken thigh, and while I was at it I dug out a potato I'd been "saving" and cut it into long, thin chips. Pretty good meal. Thin-cut chips cook best and they came out of the oil crispy and nice. I then made the mistake to cover them to keep them warm because the chicken wasn't quite ready. I think they must have steamed themselves under the cover because some of the crispy was gone by time I ate them, but there was enough left that I found them enjoyable. I was actually thinking of treating myself to some more chicken (breasts, of course) but now I have to buy flea-physic for the puppy that may have to wait.

Do need some groceries tho. Thought I was low on sugar but found another bag in the bottom of the fridge. Am short of milk though, and also potatoes as I chipped the last one tonite. And carrots, pak choy, tinned vegetables..... You know, I could go to PriceSmart now and find $2,000 worth of grocery items to buy. Then stop at the supermarket on the way and find another two grand's worth of stuff I still needed. But we will have to see how we manage with what we've got in the bank.

Uh-oh. Miserable night last night with cramps running up and down my right leg while the bruise on the left leg only made matters more interesting. Now I'm starting to have cramps run up and down my left leg, right through the bruised area! Could be another interesting night.


Various colours of Accessory Cord.

Looking for two that give an attractive contrast. Not too light (gets dirty fast) and not too bright (don't want flashy). So, none of the neons. Thinking the green on the far left with... The gray next to the blue? Or even the red? I actually like the goldenrod with the red but that goldenrod is a dirt-magnet. And the combo is a little on the flashy side. What about the green and the blue?

Somehow, it's nearly midnight again. Mo is on the tiles right next to the bed and I can lean over and give his side a rub.

I feel a little on the thirsty side but can't be bothered to go get a glass of water. And don't want to disrupt Mo, who would be obliged to come and drink it for me. So I will end here and read my book a little. Then, well, sleep. If the twitching in my left leg gets no worse.

Edited by Netfoot
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4 hours ago, Browncoat said:

How about with the silver/grey between the pink and red?

I looked closely at that:


Unfortunately, the silver grey next to the green takes on the appearance of plain white. The darker grey doesn't suffer from this, but it doesn't look all that pretty, either!

I'd be OK with the upper left green/silver combo but I just know that in no time at all that silver grey would be looking soiled and dirty.

6 hours ago, b4pjoe said:

If I am typing something lengthy online and there is a risk of it being lost I will type it into a text editor and then copy/paste when ready to post.

I know what you mean, and on my desktop that is fairly easy to do. I always use a programmer's editor and having used them for years I an very comfortable with their use. Unfortunately, it isn't that easy to do on a phone.

What I think is happening, is that the browser is trying to use some sort of memory saver technique. If I switch to some other app and memory usage starts to peak, the browser drops the page on the floor.  When you switch back to the browser, it simply reloads the page, and you're good, right? Unless you have 1 dozen paragraphs typed into a text entry box. In that case, when it reloads, the text entry box is conveniently erased for you. Obviously, no low-memory mitigation system should be used when the user is (essentially) filling in a form!

The forum then initiates message recovery. But message text entered since last recovery save is lost. This can be half a paragraph or the entire 25 paragraph post. There is no way that I can see to get the forum to do a recovery save on demand, and you may sometimes find it saves frequently or that it hardly saves at all. (A function of forum load perhaps?)

I've tried to turn off any/all memory saver features in the browser and I'm told you can switch it off on a site-by-site basis which would be ideal. But it says "Go here and set this option OFF", yet when I go there, there is no such option to be found.

Now, my tea is drawing and the heavy downpour has stopped, so time for a quick Garden Patrol!

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46 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

I know what you mean, and on my desktop that is fairly easy to do. I always use a programmer's editor and having used them for years I a very comfortable with their use. Unfortunately, it isn't that easy to do on a phone.

I use it on my phone too because on a phone app that accesses the internet they like to refresh everything when they come out of hibernation. Just a plain text or note app doesn’t do that…at least on my phone it doesn’t.


After a thunderous downpour, everything was wet on Garden Patrol but the sky was clear, with few clouds visible. As I lie here in bed I can hear Mo barking away furiously, just under the window. I know he isn't trying to attract my attention because the door is still open.

Returned from Patrol and immediately knocked a jar off a shelf, scattering glass shards from here to hickey! Swept up and dumped them as best I could, but it is after dark so bright lights be damned, I won't be surprised tomorrow when I find an overlooked splinter with the sole of my foot.

Mo returned from Patrol looking like a golliwog. Two bright eyes peering out of a dark ball of spikey fur. Had changed the bedclothes today so naturally, before I could even get to lie on the clean sheets for one little minute, he was in out of the wet and drying himself off in the bed. Honestly, I don't know why I keep him. 

Today for dinner, I had corned beef and cabbage with a generous splash of pepper sauce, chopped onion and tinned tomatoes. Grated a little cheddar in top when I plated up. Some potatoes would have been a positive addition.

Wait! I bought a small breadfruit late last week and I could have had that with my corned beef meal. But have not seen it nor thought of it since I bought it! Where is it? The trouble with putting veggies away in dark corners to finish ripening is you forget all about them until 8 months later, when you unexpectedly find them in some obscure corner covered with mold. Could that breadfruit still be edible?

My bruised leg is still very painful and I am hobbling around the place, very often using one of my bamboo walking staffs to help. It feels a little different today. In hope this means it has finally decided to get slowly better. But it might mean that gangrene has set in. 

Still have not gone shopping. My guy still has not showed. I was hoping I would hear from him what he wanted me to make and roughly what he would pay, so I would have an inkling as to how much I could spend. No word. But I have to go shopping tomorrow. I am out of milk, and there is barely one meal left for Mo to chomp on. And I was missing potatoes today. And mayo. And you see how it goes: no matter what you buy, there is always one more thing you could really use. I'm not looking forward to hobbling around the grocery with this leg, either.

Listening to Bad Girls by DJ Rap, whose real name is Charissa Saverio. She is a British DJ as well as a producer of house music, progressive electronica and good old drum and bass. Going only by her stage name, I would have never given her the time of day, seeing as I am no lover of crap rap music particularly. But I heard some of her stuff without knowing the name of the artist.... She's good. 

This track is from Learning Curve, her second album. She has produced a regrettably small number of studio albums (three), of which I only own this one. But she can lay claim to another half a dozen or so "mix" albums, which I am not familiar with.

Mo got his flea meds today. One of the chewable flea, tick & worm types. I didn't even have to leave home. I asked Heidi who had the best prices and she brought him one round to the house. Which was very generous because they are damned expensive at $50+ at the vet and not much different at the hardware store, supermarket or pharmacy. But Heidi has a fairly large pack of Jack Russells (I won't call them dogs) and I believe she buys that sort of stuff in bulk.

Thirsty again. Mo still has not come in. He's been paying me running visits since I came to bed. I think I could fetch me a glass of water. There is no more milk, so no coffee, tea or (obviously) milk. No lime juice remains so no lime squash. Milo long gone. So water it will have to be. And I could poke around for a sec and see if I can find that breadfruit. If I decide to get out of bed, that is...

Ok let me go get my water, peep out to see what Mo is up to and then get to my book. More treachery, murder and usurpation of Pharaohic titles, if the earlier pages are anything to go by.

Where is my walking stick?

ETA: No sign of Mo but breadfruit found. Spoiled well beyond useable. Oh well. It only cost me about $3.50 but the question is, when will I see breadfruit for sale again?

Edited by Netfoot
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Groceries. $138.26 including a bag pf of chow for Mo, and $30 for gasoline, I now have a whopping $34.31 in the bank. That plus a Grantley in my wallet and a welfare cheque for next week Friday. Nothing much going on around here. Think I will take a nap. Read for a few pages, cuddle with Mo (if he is available) then zzz-z-z-z.

Edited by Netfoot
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