Netfoot October 18, 2021 Share October 18, 2021 The bedside crate went well. He cuddled with me in bed for a few minutes and then I put him in the crate which is directly beside the bed and on the same level. (With the door open, he can literally walk back and forth from crate to bed and vice versa.) He complained for a minute or two, with me offering a soothing finger to chew through the bars, but then he curled up quietly. It wasn't long before I turned off the light and went off to sleep myself. For the last 30 years (since my house burned down as I slumbered) I have not often slept the night through. I wake every 1½ to 2 hours. I no longer get out of bed and prowl the house looking for flames and sniffing for smoke. Mostly these days, I hardly open my eyes, just using my feet to check that my boy is with me at the foot of the bed, if I can't immediately feel his warmth against my back. Last night I was awoken a couple of times to the sound of Mo crying. Stretching out a couple fingers through the bars comforted him and he went off to sleep again, as did I. First thing this morning I took him out and he did a large P&P for which he was thoroughly praised. We then went back to bed for a cuddle whereupon he spent quite some time chewing my face! I took a short video, which you may look at if you chose, but don't feel compelled to watch if you don't have time to waste. He likes the bed, but while he can get down off of it, he can't get up on his own. This is a good thing. I have spread an old towel on the bed and when we are there cuddling, I try to keep him on it to avoid any accidents. This morning, having just done his business outside, there was no danger. But see below! Mo has a delightful pounce which he uses on my fingers when I scratch the bedclothes. He sits back on his hind legs and tail, watches and waits for the perfect moment, then leaps clean into the air and lands upon his target! I wish I could capture it on video, because it really is cute. Just now, Mo went into the bedroom and began calling for assistance. He wanted a lift into the bed. So, I lifted him up and put him on the towel. We played together for several minutes before he scooted off the towel and peed on the sheet! I admonished him and carried him out into the garden, showing him the correct place for such behaviour. Then I went back and removed the sheet from the bed. He beat me back into the house, of course. And in the time it took for me to get the sheet off the bed, he had done a large poo in the passage! So out into the garden he went again, and again he beat me back into the house. I've been disposing of his poos by flushing them away. Should I take them into the garden and show him where they should go? I've never done that before, and I think it's a bit excessive, but always willing to hear suggestions. heaven knows how he is producing such large "movements". He is eating, but nowhere near as much as I expected. Obviously I give him much less than I would give sweet Buddy, but even so, he isn't eating as much as I'd think. But I guess he knows what he wants. I'm feeling a little better than yesterday, but still plan to take it easy today. Have to go for a blood-draw and to the pharmacy tomorrow. Sure wish Dr. Kristy were here, but she's not due back until next Monday. And Heidi isn't back for three weeks. Gotta run. I can hear someone wreaking destruction in the passageway, by the bookcase. 1 Link to comment
Netfoot October 18, 2021 Share October 18, 2021 (edited) So today, I decided the time had come to dispose of Buddy's Bottle Collection. I removed the mattress and the bed slats to achieve my goal. I know what I am about to tell you will be a condemnation of my housekeeping abilities. That's OK. I am a terrible housekeeper. First thing I noticed on the bottom of the tatty old mattress was this patch: Made with 2" Duct Tape eight years ago when a micro-sized Budweiser dug a giant hole in the mattress and scattered small pieces of foam rubber far and wide. I patched it then, intending to get a replacement mattress when Bud was old enough not to want to do this again. Time flies, and now I must wait again for Mo to grow up a bit before I risk a new mattress. I just hope he doesn't chew a hole in the other side of the mattress first! When the bed-slats came up an unbelievably huge amount of 'treasure' was revealed! This bag contains 137 bottles (and nothing else), each with the stopper removed. There were some smaller water bottles but the vast majority were 500ml 'pop' bottles. Along with the bottles were 27 milk cartons (each with the pour-spout removed), half a dozen long-lost pairs of underwear, at least as many long-lost pairs of socks, and an incredible number of empty "midnight-snack" peanut packets. (When the last of the peanuts were eaten each night, Bud would take the empty packet away to check that I wasn't holding any back.) There were one or two other treasures as well, and a very large amount of volcano dust from earlier in the year. It's all cleared out now, so Mo can start a collection of his own when ever he is ready. As soon as he decided decides what to collect. I'm a sappy idiot, and it broke my heart to do this job. Every little erasure of Buddy's presence hurts to the core. But Molasses was on hand to comfort me, thank goodness. Right now he is sleeping on my feet, head on one and butt on the other. I am going to get two large photos printed of my sweet, departed boys. I already have this one of old Dotty but I was thinking of changing it to this one instead. And I'm thinking this one for Bud. but I'd welcome recommendations. This is Dotty's Album and this is Buddy's Album. Please feel free to have a look and recommend the one you think most appropriate to task. Earlier today, a gentle rain began to fall. I went out and walked about in it, and Mo ran along with me. After a while I picked him up and we walked in the rain a bit more. Then we came in and I dried him thoroughly with a towel. I'm glad he has no objection to going out in the rain. Both Buddy and Dotty were happy to get wet and muddy, and I am fine with Mo being the same. He is now eating my toes..... Edited October 18, 2021 by Netfoot 3 Link to comment
raven October 18, 2021 Share October 18, 2021 7 hours ago, Netfoot said: Just now, Mo went into the bedroom and began calling for assistance. He wanted a lift into the bed. So, I lifted him up and put him on the towel. We played together for several minutes before he scooted off the towel and peed on the sheet! I would refrain from playing on the bed until he is trained (or if he's done all of his business already). You could take him out into the yard/garden to play and then he will be where he needs to be to go. At his age, it's not unusual for a pee to be followed by a poop. Any type of excitement will cause him to pee. He is like a toddler in that regard. Leaving poop in the garden is not a bad idea. My second puppy house trained very quickly because I already had one house trained dog (again, years ago when I had the time for this). So leaving the poop in the garden may interest him (be careful he doesn't snack on it!) and he may get the idea that it's where it goes. Worth a try. I like the pic you selected for Dotty or the one with his paws on the wall that says "take me with you". The pic is a bit darker though. I think the one you picked for Buddy is perfect - he looks so calm but he's on top of the car, so you know he's thinking of trouble :) It's great you had nighttime crate success! Mo is too cute for words - those are the only ones I can think of! 2 Link to comment
Netfoot October 18, 2021 Share October 18, 2021 (edited) 39 minutes ago, raven said: I would refrain from playing on the bed until he is trained (or if he's done all of his business already). Yes. I have a folding chair, so when it is time I will go sit out on the grass and read a book with one eye, until he does his business. 39 minutes ago, raven said: I like the pic you selected for Dotty or the one with his paws on the wall that says "take me with you". That's a favourite of mine. He was about two, and we still lived in the same house as when he was a baby. I used to have to go to work each day, and he always wanted to come with! I actually took him once, and he was very well behaved and everyone was pleased to see him, but it wasn't much of a day for him, so I didn't take him again. 39 minutes ago, raven said: I think the one you picked for Buddy is perfect - he looks so calm but he's on top of the car, so you know he's thinking of trouble :) Yes, his serene face shows what a sweetheart he was, but his choice of perch reminds what an absolute rascal he could be! He practically lived on top of that old Suzuki. As several photos and the odd video will attest. This is another lovely one of him up there. I could put up all their photos because each one brings back an unforgettable memory. Alas, I don't have the room. But wait! I've got an old LCD picture frame I bought years ago and never used. I wonder where it is? It wasn't very big or very sophisticated, if I remember, but it should be able to do a slideshow. Or! I could build a unit powered by a Raspberry Pi with a big old flat-screen monitor, and have it be as sophisticated as I like. I might actually look into this. It could be a fun project! And I've got all the stuff I need just laying around here. But I'm still going to get a couple prints made. Edited October 18, 2021 by Netfoot 2 Link to comment
Netfoot October 19, 2021 Share October 19, 2021 On 10/16/2021 at 10:58 PM, luv2lurk said: Get a fluorescent/glow in the dark collar for Mo. Yellow, green, maybe orange for Halloween I've just dug through my big bag o' Paracord. I was looking for some Zombie Green I know I had, but instead I found some "Safety Orange", a hue used to paint lifeboats and the like, because of its high visibility. Measured Mo's neck (an achievement, believe me) and cut myself a suitable length of cord. Let the steaming hot, solar hot water run over it for five minutes while the kettle got up to a boil, then dribbled boiling water over it for another minute or so. It's now hanging out to dry. Mean time, with an odd length of black Paracord (unboiled), I set my jig to the size collar needed (allowing for thickness and two fingers of slack plus a bit extra for growth) I tied up a test collar. Fit is good, and the black-on-black looks great... but doesn't look like it will help with finding him in the shadows. Here he is, having an afternoon nap with his test-fit collar in place. It's a loose fit, because he is going to grow out of it in about three weeks, so I want to stretch that to four weeks if possible. Tomorrow, when the boiled Paracord is thoroughly dry, it will be time to make up the Safety Orange one. Hopefully, homemade collars like this can suffice until he has reached his full growth, and I can order him one with his name and contact info on it! 3 Link to comment
Netfoot October 20, 2021 Share October 20, 2021 (edited) I shouldn't be saying this, but I am feeling pretty good tonight. Better than I have in days. So I'll probably expire in the night... I've been feeling crook ever since Bud was attacked and the sun hasn't helped over the last few days. Bought some cassava and spare ribs for lunch, and it was delicious, but I could hardly eat it. I'll try it again tomorrow. But right now, I feel good. Went to see Dr. Gabby today for my PT/INR. Results to come, but the needle stick bled profusely to the extent of my tee shirt sleeve being bloodstained. Didn't know it was happening; didn't feel a thing. But I'm down six pounds this past fortnight, although I wouldn't recommend the last six weeks as a weight-loss programme. Mo is in bed a bit early because instead of cuddling, he was trying to dig a hole in the good side of the mattress! But he's had a busy day, and as soon as I put him in his jail, he zonked right out. One of my Crocs has vanished. Just can't imagine who to blame. Hope I can locate it tomorrow, because I live in those things. Opened up one of the sheet sets I recently bought. I was very careful to make sure I bought the right size. My bed lies halfway between 'Full' and 'Queen' so I usually get 'Full' because I prefer the fitted sheet to be tight. Unfortunately, the new fitted sheet is twenty inches (20") too narrow for my mattress! And of course I have no idea what became of the receipt. Anyway, I hope I survive until tomorrow, that I'm still feeling good tomorrow, and I think I'll even read a little of my old book now, before joining Molasses in the Land of Nod. ETA: Bloody sleeve probably means PT/INR is high..... Edited October 20, 2021 by Netfoot 3 Link to comment
Netfoot October 20, 2021 Share October 20, 2021 This is Mo's homemade "Safety Orange" collar under construction. It doesn't look too bad, but I'm sure it could be better. I'll probably improve, if I have to keep making these. Depoending on how much he grows. It's made from boiled Paracord. The boiling is necessary for two reasons. It makes the collar slightly softer and less stiff. It "pre-shrinks" the cord. Paracord will shrink over time, with exposure to moisture. Boiling eliminates the gradual tightening of the collar as time goes by. Not that I think this is of much concern in this case, since I believe he will outgrow the collar pretty quickly. The collar is 10¼" long and required 13' 11" (155") of cord. Here he is wearing his new apparel. He is still difficult to photograph, but hopefully I can find him a bit more easily. He's certainly easier to see in daylight, but it isn't glow-in-the-dark as suggested by @luv2lurk, so we'll see tonight if it helps. When he sits in a shadowy corner, it can be very hard to find him. He eats well, but in his own time. When you give him his grub he may not eat it. Later, he will come along and polish it off sharpish! He alternates between right underfoot and away exploring. He is most inquisitive, and wants to play with / eat everything he finds in the house. This morning I must go buy two ¼-sheets of 3/16" ply to barricade him from certain parts of the house -- the kitchen for instance. I don't in principle mind puppies in the kitchen, but underfoot stumbling blocks and pots of hot are not a good combo. (Speaking of the kitchen, I found some salted pork rib strips, and some pig-tails. But I have not yet got around to trying the Pinto beans. Depending on how I feel tonight, I might put them on to soak, and try to cook them tomorrow!) Feeling good still, this morning, except for the shortness of breath. (Come on, rat-poison! Do your thing!) If I still feel good this afternoon I will take him up to the club and walk him up and down the strip a couple of times. That will be good for the both of us! Besides, Uncle Rudy telephoned yesterday to to complain for his absence on Sunday, and ask when he was coming up next! So, it's a sort of Command Performance. Now, I have to go out. I would love to take Mo for the ride, but until the A/C in the fan gets fixed ($$$) I can only do what I did for Bud: Park under a tree, leave the windows open, and hustle. But while Bud could look after himself, Pocket-Pooch is so cute and so defenseless and so easy to steal, I think he will have to stay in the crate at home until I get back. Still haven't found the missing Croc... 5 Link to comment
raven October 20, 2021 Share October 20, 2021 6 hours ago, Netfoot said: Still haven't found the missing Croc... You will undoubtedly trip over it when you least expect it. Love the collar - little Mo is looking stylish and Halloween appropriate, for those who celebrate that. 2 1 Link to comment
Netfoot October 20, 2021 Share October 20, 2021 41 minutes ago, raven said: Love the collar - little Mo is looking stylish and Halloween appropriate, for those who celebrate that. It looks big for such a little boy, but he will outgrow it quickly so I made is a bit larger than necessary. I think he's actually grown since Saturday! He was a hit at the club today in his new fashions. I caught one of the guys trying to persuade him into the cockpit of their model! But I think I was supposed to catch that..... Mo has taken to grass, which I don't think he ever saw until he came home. I'm glad, I say, because there is a lot of it in his future! I am on the hunt for a thinner cord to make a less-heavy collar. But dunno where to get anything suitable locally, and don't want to have to order from USA right now. If I use a thinner cord I will have to use a different weave/knot style, probably... The missing Croc has been located. Right where Buddy used to stash his treasure! Silly me - I should have looked there first. Bud Mo has had his dinner and I am about to have mine. The cassava and ribs from yesterday. Just heating them up now. Had planned to add a plantain, but the ones I had turned out to be over-ripe, so I've binned them. (Did you see what I did there? Didn't catch it right away. Mo's a great little fellow, and is developing quite a character, but I still miss Buddy terribly, and Dotty too, for that matter. And I hope the day never comes when I don't.) Looking like it might be a windy weekend, so we may go gliding, unless the weather turns foul. A new experience for Mo: The Cliff. I doubt I'll get any flying done. I will be watching him like a hawk the entire time! Old Dotty used to stroll along the edge with nary an issue (and sometimes go over and explore the face of the cliff). And Bud was much the same. But Pocket-Molasses won't be making so free with gravity for a while yet! Dinner! 3 Link to comment
Netfoot October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 Dinner was great! 🙂 But less. 😕 Oh, shoot, and I was supposed to put Pinto beans to soak but forgot, and don't plan to climb out of bed now to do it. Mo has been scratching his neck all day. I immediately suspected the collar, but several times I caught him scratching his chin and jaw, not the collar. Anyway, I've taken the collar off and we'll see. If it is the collar, that's too bad, because he has to learn to wear one. But we can start him off with a single strand of cord, and only for an hour or two at a time to get him acclimated. If it's not the collar, does that mean he's got fleas? Where from? Buddy rarely got fleas or ticks, and Dotty was the same. They would only ever show up after a close encounter of the bovine kind, and would be dealt with swiftly and mercilessly. Mo has not yet met any cows. He was here playing with me in bed after a successful pre-bedtime walk on the grass. Then he put himself to bed. Now, he is farting most potently, in his crate. Which is upwind... 2 Link to comment
luv2lurk October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 (edited) @Netfoot I love Mo and his "Safety Orange" collar, as @raven said, perfect for Halloween. And exactly what I had in mind. When I said glow-in-the dark I had no idea if such a thing existed but figured it must. Since then, I did a search on Google and discovered there is such a thing - and they have LED lights and are re-chargeable using a USB cable. Mostly designed for people walking dogs at night but as low as $13 Cdn. Although models are adjustable you might want to hold off until Mo gets a little bigger. Do you have a pet supply store you could check - I agree with you about the horrors of online ordering right now. I like that both of Mo's collars have a ring - presumably to attach a leash when needed. As for the Croc - glad you found it. Funny but true story - I was at the cottage this summer and went inside to read because the mosquitoes were very bad. It was a warm day and I left my Crocs on the deck. A short time later I heard a noise outside so I got up to investigate - a mink was chewing on my Croc. I said Hello Mr Mink - he dropped the Croc and came right up to the screen door as though looking to be let in! This is unusual because normally minks scamper along the shore by the lake and are terrified of anything. After he left, I opened the screen door and discovered my other Croc had been moved 10 feet down the deck and was suspiciously wet - the little bugger probably pee'd in it! Anyway I now have a pair of blue Crocs with mink teeth etchings :-) About the beans - you can quick soak them. This only involves rinsing the beans, putting them in a pot with water at a depth to cover plus maybe an inch, bringing the water to a boil - let boil for 2-3 minutes then turn off heat and put a lid on for at least an hour. I actually prefer this to over night soaking. Some recipes suggest adding salt but I never do because baked beans usually involve pork which already has salt. Strain the beans and proceed with your recipe. I keep the water to add as necessary during cooking. Will let the experienced dog parents here comment about Mo's scratching . . . ETA: Didn't you say mosquitoes love Mo? Maybe he has bites from them Edited October 21, 2021 by luv2lurk Link to comment
Netfoot October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 (edited) 11 hours ago, luv2lurk said: Didn't you say mosquitoes love Mo? Maybe he has bites from them That is very true! I took the collar off last night at bedtime. Woke at 6:00 to find Mo sitting up and watching me. As soon as he saw I was awake he started raising the roof! Took him out for a wander and he did P but not p. Brought him back in for a cuddle on bed (he chomped my chin). Point is, tho, that I observed him scratching neck/jaw several times as well as chewing on his legs. Do So not the collar! Uh oh! I just saw him departing with one of the Crocs. At least he isn't a mink, although his teeth are probably just as sharp! Anyway, I will make up a much simpler collar for him to wear for the next day or so, to help him get used to it. I'll soak the beans tonight. That way I can cook them tomorrow and eat them over the weekend. I have two pig-tails so I will do a whole 500g package. Mo isn't supposed to get bones (but I forgot last night and gave him the rob rib-bone from my dinner and he demolished half of it before I remembered and wrestled the remains away from him). But pig-tails bones are usually soft and gristly, so he might get some of that if he plays his cards right. The leash ring is the hardest part of the collar, for me. I've got lots of cord and a couple dozen bracelet-sized clasps, but the only D-rings I have are larger, luggage sized. Fortunately I had a very old, damaged collar from the puppyhood days of Buddy, and I was able to get one from there. I could order a batch from Amazon, but... He is trying to dig a hole in one of my pillows... I will watch him closely to see if I see any signs of fleas. They are usually tough to spot in black fur though. I'm not sure I want to use a NexGard, etc, on him so young. He is getting vaccinations, worm medicines, all that stuff, on a schedule sat out by the vet. So I won't mess with his meds. Just hope it doesn't worsen. He's gone back to bed, so I can reach in through the open door and play with him. One thing about him being all black: he is a 'fingerprint magnet'. The tiniest little speck of lint, fluff, dirt, etc and he looks filthy! And he loves to play in all manner of stuff, so he constantly has to be wiped down! Forecast continues to show windy and dry for this weekend. Forecasts have a tendency to change as the day approaches. But so far, it looks like we may be off to the cliff at least one day this coming weekend... He has gone off to sleep, so I will try and catch 40 winks as well. Edited October 21, 2021 by Netfoot 2 Link to comment
Browncoat October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 Ask the vet for a flea comb. They're very fine-toothed, but based on the photos, I think it would go through his fur nicely. If he has fleas, the comb will pick them up. Link to comment
Netfoot October 21, 2021 Share October 21, 2021 Mo has been observed scratching himself off and on all morning. I made up a much simpler, temporary collar consisting of a single strand of Paracord with two sliding knots so it can be cinched up to fit. Just put it on him. (He's snoozing right under my chair as usual.) Both Crocs vanished early this morning. Checked under the bed: No. Mid-morning, I caught him eating one, and took it away from him. He made his displeasure known loudly! When I went to get him for his lunch, he was eating the other one! So, I've got them both back now, and put them up high. But it's easy to come in, slip them off unthinkingly, and Ooops! They're gone again! He didn't eat his lunch. Not yet, anyway. I'm still looking for something that he will reliably eat, to use as a staple. He can get other things to broaden his palate, but I have to discover what I can give him and know he'll eat it. Puppy-chow is not it. First meal I ever fed to Dotty was sausage & rice, when he was four weeks old. And he inhaled it! Mind you he was a starving street-waif at the time. But I may try Molasses with sausage and/or rice. He'll be nine weeks tomorrow. @Browncoat, I will speak to the vet about a flea-comb. Or just explain the problem and see what they recommend. 2 Link to comment
Netfoot October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 The four words Mo is hearing most are (in no particular order): "No", "Stop", "Don't" and "Ouch!". I had a naughty puppy before, and I loved him and still do. And I told myself that I hoped my new puppy wouldn't be a milquetoast in comparison. But this little guy is really a handful and he hadn't even been with me a week! He has a surprisingly loud, shrill, bark/howl combo that he uses to advantage. Like if you walk away and leave him on his own. It's ok for him to wander off, but not for me to do so. He has the jaw of the monster from Alien. And the teeth too. And he likes to use then. I had to drag him away from my 'nether regions' so he immediately chomped down on a nipple! By time I recovered from that, he was chewing the USB cord to my phone. And before I could get that sorted, he was eating the phone itself! Anyway, he's just put himself to bed. He can walk from my bed into his cage/crate and back, so after an energetic rumble, he decided it was time, and off he went. I will keep the door open until he's well bedded down, in case he wants to come back out. One thing I've noticed last two nights is Mo moves the towel or blanket I put to save him from the steel floor, and deliberately sleeps on the cold metal. And he does so up near the fan. So I think he's finding the nights a little warm. Come morning, when the chill of the wee hours sets in, he will move away from the fan and move on to the blanket down at my end, where he can snuggle up and make a nest. On a different note, the virus of unknown origin is going from strength to strength. The highest number of active cases we had before was 1,093 but in the last 14 days, it's jumped to 4,283. And just think! After a year and a half, we still don't know who is responsible! Spring cleaning continues at as rapid a pace as my clotty lungs will allow. Now concentrating on the bedroom, because a little person seems to like that room best. And it isn't safe storing things in boxes on the floor when Mr. Piranha-face frequents the space! Gotta go out tomorrow. Have to go get some zinc. Dr. Kristi put me on zinc when I was on the immune-suppressants. But now I'm off them, I wonder if I can't stop the zinc too? Also, Dr. K's Christmas presents have arrived and must be collected. Nothing fancy: a coffee mug (for a woman who doesn't drink coffee) and a 2022 calendar. But they both feature doggies like her own puppy; a Samoyed. My Christmas gift for her is always the same. A simple something like a book, plus a jar or tin of Quality Street for the family to share. I dunno if I will see QS this year, tho. An alternative would be a Terry's Chocolate Orange but they will be even more difficult to find locally. Ok, little Mo is far away in the Land of Nod so I will close up the door and read a little of my book, now. Spot the puppy! Imagine trying to find him when he isn't wearing a day-glo collar! 2 Link to comment
Browncoat October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 Back in the day, when I had a puppy, I’d “bribe” her with a food treat if I had to leave her. She’d be so engrossed in the treat that she wouldn’t notice I’d gone, and that cut down on the barking/whining. 1 Link to comment
Spunkygal October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 I’m still recommending those enrichment chew toys that I mentioned before. You can hide tiny bite sized treats and it keeps the poochie occupied on how to work it out. I tried to send you a pic of one of Honey’s old ones but the file size was too big. Kong is one brand but there are others. Honey’s had a round rubber hollow ball with a very thick rope tied through and the ball had little openings in which to stuff the treats. So she could chew on the ball (to get the treat out) or chew on the rope. 2 Link to comment
raven October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 Hope he doesn't have fleas - it only takes one of the little bastards. You're correct that there are no topicals safe for a puppy his age so @Browncoat's suggestion of trying a flea comb is a good one. Since he's teething, you can try a twisted washcloth that's been frozen. It will give him something to chew while also being cool on his teeth. Like anything else, you wouldn't want him to get to the point where he can swallow a piece of it. I know you know this @Netfootbut I can't help myself 😶 It's great that he's finding his crate a place of comfort! That's exactly what you want. I see you in there, little puppy 👀 3 Link to comment
Netfoot October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, Browncoat said: Back in the day, when I had a puppy, I’d “bribe” her with a food treat if I had to leave her. She’d be so engrossed in the treat that she wouldn’t notice I’d gone, and that cut down on the barking/whining. That's good, but not always possible. He woke me this morning, rather than waiting for me to wake like yesterday. Anyway, first thing each morning is a bathroom break. When I step into the bathroom, he raises Cain until I reappear, to take him out. No treat available just then. But see below. Not sure exactly what he'd consider a treat anyway. Still working towards a better understanding of his tastes. I've tried Puppy-chow (whole-grain and crushed) with milk, with beef gravy, and plain. I've tried minced beef cooked with a tomatoey sauce. I've tried pulled pork. And he ate them all, but not immediately. He would sample and walk away. An hour or two later he might return for some more, but the only thing he has tucked into with gusto is light chunk tuna at $5+ a can. Will explore more today for more options. Maybe chicken? Just heard a noise and looked over the side of the bed, and on the bedroom floor: The landlord who has been working on the lawn probably won't be pleased! And this was after dragging down a dusty old 54" delta-wing model off a shelf he shouldn't be able to reach. Now he's trying to drag down the mozzie-machine. And now he has knocked over my bedtime water glass, thankfully empty. And now he's eating a pillow... And I haven't even gotten out of bed yet. 35 minutes ago, Spunkygal said: I’m still recommending those enrichment chew toys that I mentioned before. I'm going to visit a pet store today. Perhaps they will have some? And I'll ask about a flea-comb at the same time. And maybe a bag of treats of some sort to try @Browncoats tactic? Yes, every photo I post has to be cropped, edited, and tweaked to fit. I don't know who chose the forum max file size, but given the reality of today's camera phones... 33 minutes ago, raven said: Since he's teething, you can try a twisted washcloth that's been frozen. Now that's an idea I haven't heard before. He is certainly doing his best to eat everything else he can reach. His favourite and most worrying, anything made of steel (poor baby teeth!) Should I soak it in water? Wring it out? Or do I go with it 100% dry? He's put himself back to bed now. But he's not sleeping. He has his evil eye on me. I just know he's planning something! Edited October 22, 2021 by Netfoot 3 Link to comment
raven October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 12 minutes ago, Netfoot said: Should I soak it in water? Wring it out? Or do I go with it 100% dry? Soak in water, wring & twist and freeze. I've never done it but have heard good things from the foster homes that I volunteer with. It's OK if he eats some food and walks away (unless of course the food sits so long it smells or whatever). He will eat when he's hungry. My first dog was a self feeder which worked great until I got my second dog; she would eat her food plus what he hadn't eaten of his so I had to regulate meal times. Still, check with the vet to make sure. His poops are solid and normal looking? That's a good indication that he's getting his nutrition. His energy level is high (wheeee!!!) which is good. 3 Link to comment
Netfoot October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 (edited) 2 hours ago, raven said: It's OK if he eats some food and walks away [...]. He will eat when he's hungry. My first dog was a self feeder which worked great... I just gave him some puppy-chow and he ate it right up! Unusual because he usually isn't fond of puppy-chow, and he usually doesn't eat until he's good and ready. Both Dotty and Bud used to eat in their own good time. Often leaving some of their dinner to have as a morning snack. 2 hours ago, raven said: His poops are solid and normal looking? Yes, solid but not hard. And he 'goes' at least 4-5 times a day. BTW, Nine weeks old today! Edited October 22, 2021 by Netfoot Link to comment
Netfoot October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 Went to the pet store near me with baby in arms. "That dog isn't allowed in here," said the clerk. "Do you have customers?" "Yes, of course..." "Well, now you got one less." Supermarket to buy tinned puppy-food. Buddy's car-wash guy came over and I made introductions. Back home for lunch. Thank goodness! A proper, West-Indian dog! Gave him pigeon peas and rice with baked chicken and gravy. He ate it all up! Called around to the other pet-stores, but none of them had ever heard of a flea-comb. (One guy had never heard of a comb!) Nobody had any enrichment toys, either. An Amazon order may be my only option. I could ask Dr. K to bring something and I'm sure she would, but I hate to ask people to bring things for me. Sent a message to the vet asking for suggestions (re. fleas) and I will await a response. Piranha-puppy! You think this is bad? Wait 'til he starts on your feet! 1 Link to comment
Browncoat October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 8 hours ago, Netfoot said: Anyway, first thing each morning is a bathroom break. When I step into the bathroom, he raises Cain until I reappear, to take him out. No treat available just then. Oh, yeah -- that same dog I treated when I left the house hated a closed door. Didn't matter where they led, all doors had to be ajar if not wide open*. And even though she's been gone a good 20 years, I *still* leave the door to the bathroom open (just slightly ajar if I'm showering). *The only exception was the front door -- it was closed and latched because that dog could open doors, too. And yes, I still keep doors latched/locked, too! Old habits and all. 1 Link to comment
Spunkygal October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 Wait, WHAT?!! A pet store where dogs aren’t welcome? WTH? That is asinine. Seriously, I have never, ever heard of that. Too bad Mo didn’t leave them a little brown present on the way out. 1 3 Link to comment
Netfoot October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 1 hour ago, Spunkygal said: Wait, WHAT?!! I know. Knocked me for six! Well, he was in my arms the whole time, so not practical, so I might have to go back and leave a little present for him! And certainly, if Google asks me for a review (as they keep doing), I shall write one they won't forget. But I was in and out so fast Google may have missed that I actually stopped there. @Browncoat, the doors in my house are usually wide open and never close. Even the front door is open from first light until midnight or later. (While we're home, of course.) So Bud could come and go as he saw fit. Now I have five rooms closed/blocked to minimize chewing. Mo doesn't care if a door is locked or closed, so long as we are both on the same side of it. And even if the door is open, if he can't come with me (like the mornings when he is still in his crate and I disappear around the corner into the bathroom) he goes ballistic. Right now he is chewing on a woodworkers glue-bottle. But he is in no danger, since it's never had glue in it a day in it's life. Because the day it arrived (at great expense from USA) the top got chewed completely to destruction by a puppy named Dotcom! Only mystery is where Mo found it after 21 years... My feet are being systematically destroyed. It's like some sort of torture invented by the makers of the virus of completely unknown origin! 3 Link to comment
raven October 22, 2021 Share October 22, 2021 36 minutes ago, Netfoot said: Only mystery is where Mo found it after 21 years... I think that Dot and Bud are leaving hints and gifts for Mo around the house. 3 3 Link to comment
Netfoot October 23, 2021 Share October 23, 2021 (edited) My toe is bleeding! The little monster just kept on pouncing and biting until I was forced to wrap my feet up in the top-sheet. Blood was flowing by then. And not a simple puncture, no! He actually managed to strip off a little piece of skin! After that came attacks on my knees, my 'wedding tackle', my chest, my book, my phone, my glass of milk, my nose, my chin and my eyelid. Frequently interspersed by him base-jumping off the end of the bed, then moments later demanding a lift back up. I have an 8-9" rip in my shorts, right where you least want your shorts to rip, and he has finally taken himself away to bed at the far end of his crate. To bed, but not to sleep! He is laying there watching me. Two bright eyes just waiting for some tasty morsel of daddy-flesh to present itself. Then he'll pounce like the part panther, part barracuda he is. I wouldn't mind some biting except it seems to have completely taken the place of snuggly/cuddles. Which I used to enjoy. He's dangerous when he gets going on one of these bitey binges! I also think he's growing fast. I know they weighed him at the vet, but that's no use to me now. I should have measured him. How do you measure a puppy? The same way the British Raj measured tigers in India? The bright eyes have closed. Soon, I'll shut the door to his crate and consider going off to sleep myself. ETA: Finally remembered to put Pinto beans to soak, tonight. Picked out a few manky ones, then skimmed off the 'floaters'. Will cook them tomorrow! Edited October 23, 2021 by Netfoot Link to comment
Browncoat October 23, 2021 Share October 23, 2021 You definitely need to get the little land-shark some chewy toys that aren't you! 😄 I remember those needle-sharp teeth and how they seem to seek out your cuticles among other sensitive bits. 1 Link to comment
Netfoot October 24, 2021 Share October 24, 2021 (edited) Pinto beans! Ok, this was my first attempt and I'm a lousey cook to begin with... but I had them for dinner and enjoyed then them, despite there being a lot of room for improvement. To begin with, I soaked them for 20 hours. No specific reason for that time, that's just how it worked out. Then I drained and rinsed them, and put them to boil with an inch of water over them. I added a little Cayenne pepper, garlic powder, a whole onion, fairly large, chopped. Six really small tomatoes eighthed, two jalapenos cut into rings, a sprinkle of salt and a dash of worcester. Also a spoon-full of "Bajan Seasoning". This is mostly thyme, marjoram and shallots, cut very fine. Oh yes, and two pig-tails. I don't usually like pig-tails. Too many small bones, too much soft, rubbery skin. But I concede they do add flavour. When the pot came to the boil, I lowered the fire to a good simmer, and set my timer for 10 minutes. That was 5:20 this afternoon. I stirred the pot every 10, to make sure there was no sticking or burning. And I tasted the "juice" to check the flavour, and chewed a bean, on the lookout for the ideal softness. It was incredibly peppery. Too peppery. I dunno why. I've made stir-fries with that same amount of Jalapenos and Cayenne without experiencing this level of burn! What happened? Dunno, but I began trickling in small amounts of olive oil at each stirring. This lowered the heat until it was where I was OK with it: Nice and peppery, but not punishing, and not overpowering the other flavours. So, stir and check every 10, until at 8:40, I said "I'm eating this at 9:00 no matter what!" But at 9:00 the beans were still a little hard. It wasn't until 9:20 that the beans were soft enough to eat and enjoy. Not perfect, but enjoyable enough that I claim them as successful, for a first attempt. I didn't have any corn-bread, so I ate the Pintos with regular multi-grain bread. And a small plantain. And I enjoyed it all. I think they would make a fine accompaniment to a bowl of rice, or even potatoes, but I liked them fine on their own. And I've got at least two more servings remaining! But next time I want to try salt-kine instead of pig-tails. 20 hours soaking and 4 hours boiling. Next time I will soak for longer, and start the boiling earlier in the day, so I can eat at a more normal time. I learned a little bit about Baby Mo while cooking these Pintos. First, when you go into the kitchen, he wants to come. The anti-puppy barrier designed to stop me tripping over him and dousing him with a pot full of boiling water (happened to me when I was 5-6 years old) only raises his ire. Second, when you go into the kitchen, he expects you to come out with food. And he expects that he will get some of it! There is a lot of complaining and clawing at your lower legs (excruciating) that goes on when all you do is stir the pot and come back empty-handed! Third, he likes his grub. But not necessarily the grub you give him, because if he doesn't like that, he complains until he gets something else he likes more. Or until you pick him up and show him everything you are eating (or that you aren't eating anything). Only then will the complaints stop. Until the next time you stir the pot... Anyway, the Pinto beans are judged to be a success, but I expect subsequent batches will be even more of a success. And Mo is a sweetie, but has a will of his own and isn't afraid to express it, thank God.... Gotta take him out for a walk around the garden, then slot us both into bed. Edited October 24, 2021 by Netfoot 1 Link to comment
Netfoot October 24, 2021 Share October 24, 2021 Mo had a very busy afternoon at our clubhouse today. Here is a picture of a proud dad introducing his son to good friend, Ian. Ian has been a great friend to both Dotty and to Buddy in their time, and he was very pleased to see Mo! Ian took one look at his ridge and started calling him Mohican! But he also called him many other names as well, so I don't know that it will stick. Here is Ian playing with baby Mo: As usual, it's difficult to get a good photo of the the little night-bat. Especially since Ian wore a black shirt! The little boy did plenty running around and exploring, under the watchful eye of his dad and four uncles. He got to eat some pieces of a current-slice, and several bits of a blueberry muffin (both Dotty and Buddy liked blueberry muffins). Then uncle Rudy cooked a couple plates full of salt-fish cakes, and everyone was slipping Molasses a bit of fish-cake here and there careful to ensure he didn't get the bits with the fresh pepper in them. Pretty soon, he was full, and tuckered out, and napping on the deck. He's snuggling up against my feet right now, but I will soon put him in his crate to go off to sleep. And will probably join him soon thereafter. Dr. K. should be back tomorrow, but I have a runny nose and everyone is saying "Unclean! Unclean!" around me, so I won't go out and mix until the cold gets better. (I was 36.0°C when I reached the club this afternoon, and I've been sniffling since lunchtime, so I don't think I have the virus of completely unknown origin. But your friends.....) 4 Link to comment
Netfoot October 26, 2021 Share October 26, 2021 Bedtime. Baby Mo is sleeping, stretched out against my back. He's lucky to he alive. We went out for a pre-bedtime walk in the garden, and we were in our way back. He was playing his favourite game: sinking his teeth into my feet and biting my shoes and refusing to let go. With every step I took, he would race between my legs to catch the descending foot and chew on it most painfully. Suddenly he was under the front foot, and I was already transferring my weight onto it. I felt he's tiny body under my foot, and he began howling with alarm. He was about to get squashed flat! There was only one thing I could do. With my rear foot, I jumped forward, in a sort of hop, praying he wouldn't run under my foot again. Thankfully he didn't. That would have been it for baby Mo! Yelping and howling, he ran right around the house and disappeared inside. I followed, and calmed him with love and cuddles. Put him his crate while I had a shower, then let him out onto the bed. He was snuggling while I read my book, and sinking his teeth into any tender spot he could find. Presently, he went into his crate and got comfy but then he came out again and got all snuggly with me. Finished the book. Not very good, I'm afraid. And now Molasses must be woken from his slumber and placed in his crate. I'd like to leave him where he is, but it would be dangerous for him. He likes milk. He likes plantain. He likes cheese. He likes bread. He demands a taste of anything you are eating or drinking, and enjoys most of it to the degree that he demands more. Is it OK for puppies to drink milk? I only gave him a teaspoonful. I think that much should be fine. Dr. Kristi sent a message this morning to ask why I hadn't brought him to see her. I told her when things were quiet she should let me know and I would bring him for a visit. Also, my blood test results are back. 3.36 which is quite high as expected. So reduce dosage of rat-poison and test again in six weeks. Anyway, time to disturb that puppy, then turn out the lights and try to get some sleep. But he looks so peaceful! 1 Link to comment
Netfoot October 27, 2021 Share October 27, 2021 Things I have learned about Mo: He poops twice his own bodyweight each day. He eats almost anything that is edible, with the exception of puppy-chow. He tries to eat everything else. He can unfailingly find your nipple, even though a heavy shirt. However heavy the shirt, you will wish it had been chain-mail. He has a loud, shrill voice which he uses to announce his displeasure. He climbs your leg when he wants to get your attention. His claws are almost as sharp as his teeth. He doesn't like the taste of blood, which is surprising, given how much of it he manages to draw. He likes to cuddle, especially if that gets him within striking distance of your nipple. He doesn't like to be left alone, and he lets you know it. He has furry feet which manage to track more grit, gravel and dirt into the house than you can believe. He is trying to destroy everything in the house, including items made from ceramics, and steel. Water clings to his fuzzy face when he takes a drink. He prefers to go to sleep on the cool metal floor of his hutch near the fan, but in the wee hours he relocates onto the bathtowel at the other end and builds a little nest. Oh, and also: He is incredibly sweet. 7 Link to comment
Netfoot October 28, 2021 Share October 28, 2021 The Met. office says "Hazy conditions due to a combination of Saharan dust and Volcanic smoke from La Palma, Canary Islands will continue to reduce visibility across Barbados and the surrounding marine area. These conditions will persist over the coming days fluctuating in intensity." And here I was having trouble enough catching my breath without this! I hope it doesn't last long. This sort of thing is nothing like the Vincie volcano dust like earlier in 2021, but it isn't fun to go out in. Speaking of which, I bought an "I Survived 2020" tee shirt last year and was thinking of getting an "I Survived 2021" shirt as well. But the question is: Should I just get the annual subscription? Or will 2022 be a return to normalcy? I doubt it somehow, but interested in opinions. Mo is fine. Eating like a horse, chewing and biting everything (got me by the lower lip this afternoon), or sleeping like a log. Clambered up onto a cooler this afternoon, and thence to my lap. from there (with a little assistance) made it onto my desk. He was captivated by how much stuff there was on the desk; so much potential for destruction! Loudly complained when I put him back on the floor, and kept complaining for at least 5 minutes! He has several chew-toys, three with internal squeaky-bladders and several improvised ones, including some that go in the freezer for him. But his favourite chew-toy continues to be: ME! 1 2 Link to comment
Spunkygal October 28, 2021 Share October 28, 2021 I would just put a piece of duct tape over the 1 in 2021, write a 2 on it and just update the years that way! You’ll go broke buying tee shirts if you’re waiting for normalcy! 🤣 4 Link to comment
raven October 28, 2021 Share October 28, 2021 On 10/26/2021 at 10:28 PM, Netfoot said: Oh, and also: He is incredibly sweet. Puppy foot pad! In some of these pix it looks like he has long legs. That face though ! 1 Link to comment
Netfoot October 28, 2021 Share October 28, 2021 Some non-puppy news: My grand-niece Chloe is "making bones." That is a local expression which you many not understand: it means she is having a baby. Chloe is baby-Nina's mummy. Nina was born literally days after I got out of hospital in 2019. Due to family issues I've alluded to in the past, I have yet to meet Nina in person. I regret that this is so, but don't feel in any position to insist. Especially since the virus of completely unknown origin is making parents extra-protective of their kids - even though kids are the least at risk. (Some friends of mine have just moved house and keep asking me to come down and see the new place, but I am avoiding it because their grand-daughter frequents the place, and I don't want to be seen as placing her in any sort of jeopardy. It would be different if the child's parents were to ask me, but they can't invite me to a house that isn't theirs, so...) Anyway, Chloe is expecting another girl, due in May. I'm happy for her and the entire family. Babies make families bigger and therefore better. More news: About a week or so ago I mentioned how active cases had jumped 292% in the previous 2 weeks, to 4,283 active cases. Well, it's now jumped up another 27% from last week, to 5,461 active cases. This is part of why I'm giving people space. A friend is telling me to get a booster. I was given the AZ vaccine which was originally predicted to be 95% effective, and has now been shown to be way more effective than that, so why would I want to take a booster? Now news is coming out that two boosters may be required... Well, I have absolutely no intention of getting any boosters, or taking any medication whatsoever, for that matter, unless my doctor convinces me I should. I don't care what any politician, YouTube host, Fake-News TV pundit or alphabet-soup agency says. I ain't taking it unless Dr. K. convinces me I should. Of course there is Mo-news! Not very much, I'm afraid. The little trencherman spotted me bringing a glass of milk to bed last night and raised nine kinds of hell until I poured some of the milk out into the palm of my hand and let him lap. He woke me at 2:00 this morning to go out for a pee, and again at 5:30. Then he chewed my face for 20 minutes before commandeering a pillow and sleeping on it (snuggling up against my arm) until it was time for us to rise. When I picked up the empty glass from last night to bring it out of the bedroom he caused a ruckus until I let him stick his head in the glass to confirm that there was nothing there that was being withheld from him. A short while ago, I heard him barking away outside, so I sneaked up on him to observe him in the garden, barking at each tuft of grass in turn. Now he's fast asleep under my chair, but I have to go prepare something for my lunch, so there will soon be insistent barking echoing through the house. He's still scratching away at what I presume are fleas, although not so much. That StrongHold stuff doesn't seem to have done much good. But now I have to wait at least another month before I give him NexGard or some other alternative. I don't believe in monthly doses for pets. When Dotty or Buddy manifested fleas and/or ticks, they would get dosed, and once the infestation was gone, the medication stopped. I doubt I had to dose Dotty more than 4-5 times in his life, and Buddy probably thrice. I think this is better than medication every month for their entire life. Dr. Kristi was so keen to meet him and wanted me to bring him to her clinic, but I told her call me when she had a quiet time. I guess that hasn't happened yet. However, next Tuesday is a weigh-day, so she will get her chance to meet him then, if not before. Tuesday is also Book-tent day, so Molasses will have the opportunity to meet Buddy's ladies. I hope the meeting goes well. It may seem like every little step forward that Mo makes is an erosion of Buddy's presence from my life. Believe me when I say, I still miss my Budweiser to the point of tears, and I will never forget that sweet, little rascal so long as I live. 3 Link to comment
Spunkygal October 28, 2021 Share October 28, 2021 7 minutes ago, Bonnie R. said: Love expands, Netfoot. We don’t have to take ours away from someone in order to give it to another. Grief is similar. I still feel strong grief for my sister who died 30 years ago as I do for my mother who died in 2017. I hope you aren’t feeling judgment from anyone regarding your love or your grief. Brilliant post! 3 Link to comment
raven October 28, 2021 Share October 28, 2021 8 minutes ago, Bonnie R. said: Love expands, Netfoot. We don’t have to take ours away from someone in order to give it to another. Grief is similar. I still feel strong grief for my sister who died 30 years ago as I do for my mother who died in 2017. I hope you aren’t feeling judgment from anyone regarding your love or your grief. Beautifully put!! 4 Link to comment
Netfoot October 29, 2021 Share October 29, 2021 1 hour ago, Bonnie R. said: Love expands, Netfoot. I truly appreciate your post. And I agree completely. When I lost Dotcom, it was a terrible blow. But he was aging, and I had accepted for some time that he would not be with me for ever. When Buddy came home, it didn't make me miss Dotty less, or love him any less. Bud was an incredible boy, completely different from Dotty, but my love for him didn't diminish my love for Dotty at all. But Bud needed my attention because he was only a little tyke that needed a caring daddy to look after him. Buddy was taken in his prime, with years of his life still before him. The untimeliness of it hit particularly hard, and I still cry wet tears when I think of it. My 'mistake' was, when passing near the Ark, to go and ask to see puppies. One look at Molasses and I new I had to look after him and take care of him, best I could. He was one of nine surviving puppies in the litter, and I thought he was likely to get lost in the shuffle. So, I took him home and I will give him the best life I know how. He needs all of my attention, and I'm going to give it to him, but my love for Buddy and Dotty will not be diminished by his presence in my home, or my heart. Mo is an unusual character. No, I shouldn't say unusual: The word is different. As different from Buddy as Bud was from Dotty. And that is good. I wasn't looking for another Buddy because such a creature doesn't exist. There can and will only ever be one Budweiser. Little Mo seems to be having a hard time making up his mind. Sometimes when he sees me coming he runs away. Sometimes when I try to pick him up he backs out of reach. But sometimes, he sleeps with his head on my foot (like he is now) and sometimes he sinks his little claws into my leg demanding that I pick him up and cuddle him. He loves to cuddle in bed, which would be totally delightful, if he didn't try to chew off bits of you while cuddling. He leaps off the bed like a base-jumper, but can't get back up. So he comes to the bedside and raises hell until you lean over and offer him a lift. At which point he will either back out of reach, or allow himself to be raised up again. We're still getting to know each other. I wish he were easier to photograph, but that radar-reflective stealth technology he's got makes it very difficult to get a nice photo. The auto-focus can't seem to operate properly when you point your camera at him. And all the while you're trying to get it sorted, he is either off out of sight, or trying to eat the camera! Or the camera-man! I've been posting blurry photos of him doing nothing much, like a doting-dad. I have to try to settle for the occasional good photo that comes along, rather than hundreds of bad ones. Anyway, it's nearly nine o'clock, and I will have to take him walkies soon, and then pop him into bed. And for the last couple of weeks, I've been popping off to bed at the same time. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. 3 Link to comment
Netfoot October 29, 2021 Share October 29, 2021 (edited) He expressed loud displeasure when he checked my bedtime glass of water and discovered that it contained no milk! And every time he sees me take a sip, he checks it again, and the loud complaining begins once more. I have to pacify him with a piece of ice each time. He also gets noisy when his piece of ice 'disappears' after a while. I think I've got myself a puppy with high expectations and no inclination to accept disappointment quietly. A rock has turned up in the bedroom. Not a pebble. A rock! He might have found such a rock in the garden. But how in hell did he get it all the way into the house? I may use it as a doorstop. What is this?!?? Kisses on the lips? No, just checking to see if I have any ice in my mouth... His fur is incredibly silky, shiny and jet black. The ridge is adorable. And his wire-hair whiskers are too cute. But his mouth is not right. That many teeth can't be normal! Uh-oh! He's just discovered my butt! ETA: Just listening to Nick Cave. One of the most unconventional opening lines in any lovesong: "I don't believe in an interventionist God." What a voice. Edited October 29, 2021 by Netfoot 2 Link to comment
Netfoot October 29, 2021 Share October 29, 2021 (edited) 4:30 in the morning, and he wanted to go out. He did a good poo, but he was straining to do more, then he butt-surfed on the grass. I think my baby is constipated. All he eats is Pedigree puppy-food out of a tin, very small amounts of puppy-chow, and occasionally something I'm eating, like chunk tuna or corned beef. I gave him some olive oil this morning, and he did lick up a little. I'm hoping that makes things a little easier for him. I don't want to take him to the vet without seeing if we can remedy the issue at home. Obviously, if he continues to have trouble, he will go off to his doctor. He has a bowl of water large enough for him to use it as a swimming pool, and I throw out the contents and replace it every day. He somehow gets that water very dirty in no time. I'm not sure how. I haven't actually caught him doing anything other than drinking out of it. But one way or another, he has no reason to be dehydrated. We had a lovely long cuddle from 4:30 onwards, and right now he's asleep at my feet. His lunch will have a little olive oil added to it, to help him a bit more. Edited October 29, 2021 by Netfoot 1 Link to comment
Netfoot October 29, 2021 Share October 29, 2021 (edited) Anybody want a puppy-dog? You just pay shipping! We took an afternoon 'nap' and he spent 30 minutes attacking every bit of me he could reach. Then he turned his attention to the Ray Bradbury short stories I was reading, seriously chomping two pages which I had to smooth out carefully. And suddenly, a chomp in the face. He doesn't just bite any more. He sinks his teeth in and shakes his head violently from side to side. My hands and forearms feel like they've been dipped in stinging nettles. Anyway, he then jumped down off the bed and did a huge poo on the floor. Got paddled good (one sheet of newspaper rolled up) and fled the house with me chasing. He waited while I cleaned up, returning just as I finished, with a treasure from the garden. A short piece of PVC pipe, packed with dirt. Now, he's crying to be lifted up into bed again! But he's out of luck. I need 15 minutes of bite-free relaxation time before I have to deal with him again. What age would he have to be before I take him swimming at the beach? He's the perfect size to bait a shark-hook. (Heidi had a dog that didn't get on with anyone else in the family. My mum nicknamed her 'Shark Bait', and it stuck, much to Heidi's displeasure. Shark Bait lived to be 20 years 8 months old.) OK, so I relented and the first thing he did when I lifted him up, was chomp the other cheek, immediately followed by a nipple. Tell you what: I'll pay the shipping! ETA: He's 10 weeks old today. Edited October 29, 2021 by Netfoot Link to comment
Netfoot October 30, 2021 Share October 30, 2021 (edited) Well, constipation isn't an issue after all. I've previously mentioned he produces twice his bodyweight a day? Well, he's exceeded that today. And he's a skilled farter as well! Mo really is a pain in the butt when it comes to food. When ever you exit the kitchen, he starts barking and howling his little head off for 'his share' of what ever he imagines you've got. So when you start preparing a meal, you have to put up with a deafening racket all the while the food is cooking, which does not stop until the meal is ready, and a sample is made available to him. And if it turns out he doesn't like whatever it is you've cooked, the noise continues until you produce something more to his liking. Cooked myself some scrambled eggs tonight, and he made such a fuss while it was cooking, I had to beat a raw egg into a froth and give that to him to keep him quiet. Then, when the scrambled egg was ready, he turned his nose up at it, and demanded something else. My mum used to give an occasional raw egg to her dachshunds. Said it improved their coat. Molasses has the sleekest, shiniest coat you could ever want to see. So, I guess he'll have to get the occasional egg to make sure it stays that way! Sometimes I think he is a gigantic puppy, who has doubled in size in the two weeks he's been with me. And sometimes I think he is the tiniest, most vulnerable little creature on the planet. Edited October 30, 2021 by Netfoot Link to comment
Netfoot October 30, 2021 Share October 30, 2021 This bright-eyed boy, in his search for more stuff to chew to destruction, had climbed onto my larger cooler so as to more easily reach items otherwise untouchable. 1 2 Link to comment
Netfoot October 31, 2021 Share October 31, 2021 Baby Mo playing in the grass. He is a dirt-magnet with that black coat! And the reason his water bowl is always dirty is because his little fuzzy face is always dirty! 4 Link to comment
raven October 31, 2021 Share October 31, 2021 We can see him! Look at his smile!! He is getting bigger. Link to comment
Netfoot October 31, 2021 Share October 31, 2021 I think he's getting big too! But sometimes he just looks tiny. 1 Link to comment
Spunkygal November 1, 2021 Share November 1, 2021 Nope, not gonna love him, not gonna fall for that adorable face, for those cute paws, for those floppy ears, for the way he sprawls on the porch, oh, shit, I love him.. 3 Link to comment
Netfoot November 1, 2021 Share November 1, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, Spunkygal said: ...oh, shit, I love him.. Heh! I know what you mean! He went up to the club with me this afternoon. He ran back and forth like a little loony. He bit unka Rudy! He barked imperiously at Raf, until Raf gave him a share of his potato chips. He pooed in the pits! He jumped over the grass barrier, back and forth, for half the afternoon. Every time I picked him up, he distain my affection and wriggled and wriggled until I put him down to continue his mischief. Except when he got sprinkled by rain, after which he was very happy to cuddle up against my shirt... until he was dry. He sweetly put his front paws on the front of someone's chair (between their legs) to be picked up, and when they ignored him, he went for their nuts! He had to be removed from eating a steel pipe at least 100 times, immediately racing back to the pipe as soon as released. He loudly objected to half of what he saw, and loudly insited on being given the other half. He base-jumped off the deck and into the grass, over and over again, and struggled to climb the steps each time so he could make his next jump. He is a complete little hellion whose spell captivates everybody that meets him. He has a willy-whisker that is twice as long as the willy itself. I just hope he grows into it! His ears have a tendency to turn themselves inside out at every opportunity. The fact that none of the photos show this, is a testament to my folding forward again before snapping any photos. His wire-hair heritage makes him difficult to assess. His fuzzy, bearded and moustachioed little face is as cute as a button, including his Denis Healey eyebrows. His feet are as hairy as a hobbit's, making them look larger than they really are, so it is difficult to decide if he will grow up to be a big doggie or not. Those feet look huge, but maybe it's all for show? And he has a foolish daddy. Nowadays I'm drinking "No-Sugar" Sprite. Because I've been advised to avoid sugar and caffeine. But the "No-Sugar" Sprites have recently switched to new labels that look almost exactly like "Cranberry" Sprite. So, I recently bought and brought home (by accident) a dozen "Cranberry" Sprites. Shit. Anyway, I took them up to the club and said, "Boys, I bought these by accident, and I'm not allowed sugar, so please help yourself to these." Naturally, it wasn't until only three remained that someone said, "You do realize that these Cranberry Sprites are also No-Sugar, right?" Anyway, it's time to take him out for a walk around the garden, before I sling him into his bed, and slip into my own. I seem to be getting sleepy much earlier than usual, probably because he wakes me up at all hours demanding to be taken out for a walk! And I have a new book to read. The jackets, front and back, have been ripped off, so (intriguingly) I can't tell you what it's called, or who it's by, or what it's about. Or even if I've read it before. If I find out these things, I will post the info later. ETA: Scorpion in the Sea by P.T. Deutermann. "On a calm night off the Florida coast, a fishing boat vanishes without a trace. Something deadly is hiding in U.S. waters..." No, not munsters. A submarine. I think I may have read it already. Edited November 1, 2021 by Netfoot 2 Link to comment
Netfoot November 1, 2021 Share November 1, 2021 I try to raise my boys to be helpful to their friends. Here is baby Mo 'helping' unka Rudy with his Spacewalker. This was before the biting incident, I think. After he perforated Rudy's finger with a fang, I told him he had made a huge strategic mistake! No more fish-cakes! So, he stole the Spacewalker's spinner (removed to facilitate engine testing) which was only recovered after a prolonged chase. When it's very bright outside you need a good camera to not under-expose the shaded part of the image. I didn't actually take this photo, but my camera is just as crappy as this one. Just heard from Dr. Kristi, who says I must definitely bring him when I come tomorrow, fuzzy face, bushy eyebrows, woolly feet, sharp fangs and all. Slightly different point: Heidi (who is in Colorado) just messaged me to say that the little Princess with the broken leg is all healed up and looking for a home. I think she is still hoping I will take her. When she finds out about Molasses, she's gonna be real mad! 3 Link to comment
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