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Small Talk: The Welcome Mat

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Late, but finally in bed. Garden Patrol was also late and I have not seen Mo since then. 

Furniture guy dropped off $55 today. He also came on Saturday and part-paid $120 which I promptly spent. $30 on gas, around $25 on Mo-food, and the remainder on groceries. Now, $55 more. Problem: the 31 feet at $5 each comes to $155 but now he has given me $175. I will spend the extra $20 and tell him to deduct it from the next payment.

Watched Batman Begins tonight, with Christian Bale. I don't really like superhero movies but Batman is the exception. Because he had no magical powers or abilities. No shields made of unobtanium, no hammers belonging to gods. He has just the one thing, and it's a real thing: money!

Did a tiny bit of work on my program today. The old program includes a description of each medication such as "Digoxin 0.125mg". The new program will use a slightly different layout. The description will be simply "Digoxin" and a separate data field will hold "0.125mg". Right now I have two different size of prednisolone, 20mg and 5mg. I take 35mg daily: 1½x20 & 1x5. With the size separate from the description the program could be persuaded to compute how to make up the 35mg needed. Say, 1x20 & 3x5, if I was low in 20s but had extra 5s. 

Lunch was a rubbery steak and breadfruit cou-cou. I bought the breadfruit on Saturday and ate some but it was really too ripe, so today it was only fit for cou-cou. Breadfruit cou-cou is essentially mashed breadfruit, like you would mash potatoes. It is not at all my favourite way to cook a breadfruit. Anyway, I didn't mash it smooth or add milk & butter, grate cheese on top and bake it or any of that good stuff. Just mashed it and deliberately left it lumpy (maybe smashed rather than mashed?). Tasted OK with some of the onion gravy over the top. The steak tasted OK too, but the more rubbery bits I left on the plate along with the last bit of cou-cou for The Tax Collector.

By the way, the national dish of the island is flying fish & cou-cou. But that is cornmeal cou-cou which I can't stand and refuse to eat. It is often served with okra slush (gag!). I think it's something similar to polenta but since I've never actually seen polenta (far less tried it) I may be wrong about that. 

Dinner was chicken ramen soup... except I had no ramen so I made the broth with a stock cube and some diced chicken from a thigh, and boiled ordinary spaghetti. It wasn't horrible but it certainly wasn't great. I wouldn't recommend unless you were low on other options. 

My new book is Idoru by Bill Gibson. The blurb describes it as the best novel he has ever written but I don't remember it being all that great. But it's been a while so I will read it again and see if it's grown on me. But I won't start that tonight.

It's nearly one in the morning and I'm listening to Stand By Me by Ben E. King. I'm going to leave the music playing and get some sleep. Still no sign of Mo and no sign of the landlord any time today so still no welfare cheque. I think I will go and call Mo and see if he will come in. As for he landlord, I probably won't call him.

QEH tomorrow. Think I'd better leave Mo at home. It might be hours they keep me waiting. Hopefully not, but I shouldn't take a risk with leaving Mo in the car for an extended period, even if I do park under a shady tree and leave the windows mostly open!

Right. Going to fetch him if he's willing. And then it's the land of The Sandman.

Edited by Netfoot
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11:01 and I'm at QEH. Stopped on the way to deposit $50 in the bank. Never been comfortable with a sub-dollar balance. Kept five bucks in case I need to buy a drink while waiting.

Left Mo at home, just so he doesn't have to suffer in the car under that tree for what might be hours. My number is #320 and they are serving #290.

11:04 and now serving #297 so I might get out of here faster than anticipated!

Meanwhile I brought Idoru with me so I can start that...

11:25 Number called! Now serving: Me!

11:29 Meds in hand, OMW. Poor Mo. He could have come for the drive after all!

12:03 and home. Stopped on the way to buy six salt bread so I will have a couple cheese cutters for lunch. 

On my way out this morning, as I put on my pants, a 5¢ piece fell from my pocket. I picked it up and put it on my desk. While buying the bread, I saw current slices for sale. I checked my pocket and did the math. That's right. Exactly 5¢ short. So bread but no current slices. 😕

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44 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Better safe than sorry!

Exactly. I love it when he comes for the drive with me. Sticking his head out the window and barking gleefully at pedestrians.  Barking at the other vehicles. Barking... 

And its good for him to get out and see the world. 

But QEH can take hours. And while I do get away quickly sometimes, there is no way of knowing in advance which it will be. So better he stay home than run the risk. 

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It's ten to nine and I'm already in bed. I still need to grab a shower but I can do that closer to time when I lock the house. Mo is outside still. 

Cheese cutters & tea all day. Not very tasty. But the bank now contains $50.76 and my cheque still not in hand. So in a pinch I could go and buy something tasty to eat, if I could only think of something that might actually stand a chance of being tasty.

But I've got bad reflux. Had it most of the afternoon. Already took a Nexium. Not much more I can do. Already built my pillow pyramid. Fortunately it is periodic and not continuous. But when it hits it's bad.

Meanwhile I am being soothed by Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part 1) by Pink Floyd. And I need soothing still. I told you I was seething since the weekend and I still am. A very pleasant chat with Dr. Kristi yesterday bled off some of the pressure (she told me some of the most recent antics of her baby Cockapoo, and I described Mo using me as a towel). Mo himself can be great for pressure relief.

While at QEH I got stuck into Idoru but only about 15 pages because things progressed quickly. I will finish the chapter I was in the middle of when they got close to my number. I stopped reading at #317 because when they signal your number you have about 5 seconds to get moving or they will assume that number has given up in disgust and gone home so they will call the next number and you have to go get a new one and start your wait all over again. So I will try to finish the chapter, but otherwise I will be wanting to get to sleep. 

By the way, Dr. K. says I have to get out in the sun more. Even if it's just to go sit outside for 20 minutes playing with Mo. She sent a message querying progress on the kidney biopsy but she does this periodically and as far as I know, she never gets any sort of decent response. She has a very low opinion of QEH and says she doesn't understand how/why any of the doctors remain there instead of quitting. "$75 million for Cricket but no money for biopsy needles."

Finally got to watch that Charles Bronson movie from 1987 whose name I won't mention. Meh... I liked him in some of his roles but this one was mediocre. I liked him in The Mechanic, a movie that was more recently remade with Jason Statham in the leading role. And there were his Death Wish movies plus westerns and more.

Speaking of movies, Mel Gibson played the part of Porter in a movie called Payback, back in 1999. Apparently they did a special cut called Payback: Straight Up that resulted in significant changes to the original plot. Anyone seen it? Is it worth seeing?

Mo just arrived and is here, biting my feet and double-kicking my butt. I threw the sheet over him and he got himself all wound up in it. 


Now he's livid! I love my puppy. Annnnd he's gone. 

OK, I think it's time for that shower now. Because the more comfortable I get here, the less likely I am to get up and shower later. So I will call it quits for now.

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Feeling sick all day. And extra wobbly too. But still did some work in the garage. 

Cut the tapers into the legs. But as previously mentioned, the blade won't go all the way through. The cuts could be a little deeper, but deeper cuts are more difficult to make, and since another cut is going to be required anyway....


This photo shows the Japanese style pull-saw that will be used to finish the cut. I have tried all manner of other methods but this saw is sharp, so despite my weakness, I think this is the easiest way to finish the tapering cuts. 

I have 17 talented tapered feet (4 sets of 4 and a spare). Started with 20 but majorly screwed up three. 

I've already cut and sanded eight feet (2 sets of 4)


and still have the remainder to cut, then sand. This is the most strenuous part of the job, pulling that saw by hand. The sanding is unpleasant, time consuming and tiring. But I will do them ASAP because I've taken quite a while on these, due to the job being unexpectedly tricky to complete.

The job would have been easiest on the band saw. I have just been to the maker's website and it will be about U$75 in parts plus shipping to the island and then Excise duties. I will also need a blade. Amazon will sell me a 1" blade for about U$30. That is not a carbide blade or even bi-metallic, just a plain carbon blade. Or I can buy a ¾" blade locally for around $105 but that's probably a plain carbon blade as well.

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By the way, the Japanese saw has teeth on both sides. Coarse & fine. When you use one side to cut wood, you need to make sure you aren't simultaneously cutting something else with the other side by accident!


Had to sand the blood off the first leg.....

Edited by Netfoot
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In bed. Feeling terrible all day. Listening to Common People by Pulp. Great song. I even have a cover by William Shatner & Joe Jackson that is surprisingly good. Even Jarvis Cocker, front man from Pulp lauded it!

Last of the legs cut out. Only 16 legs now (4 sets of 4). I didn't ruin one since my last post. I ruined it before, but only realized it later. So 8 more to sand. Would have done them this evening but I was whacked and the failing light gave me an excuse to stop for the day. I will finish them first thing tomorrow. Frankly, they didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. They may get rejected. 

Had no lunch. At dinner time I told myself I had to go and cook something. Been eating bread or skipping meals for to many days.

(Mo just rocked up and is snarling and wriggling around in the bed behind me. The double butt-kicking will soon start. Wait! He has spotted my glass of water.... The pilfering has begun.... Now he's left.)

Dinner. I told myself to go and cook a pot of rice & bully with channa, carrots and pak choy. Set off but stopped halfway to the kitchen and pressed my forehead to the wall. It took a couple of minutes arguing with myself before I decided not to return to my chair and instead to carry on with my rice-cooking plan. Anyway, the channa turned out to be pigeon peas but otherwise the rice came out as planned. And I was able to eat it. I made quite a lot, intending to split it with Mo (who got his regular dinner up front). In the end I ended up eating most of it and Mo only got about a quarter. Grating a bit of cheddar on top may have helped the medicine go down. Or maybe just hungry on a cellular level.

No sign of the landlord nor my cheque. 

Watched a movie called Lucky Number Slevin today. Or started it, anyway. Stars Josh Hartnett, an actor who I think is blessed with no more than mediocre talents. (Bruce Willis, Lucy Liu, Morgan Freeman and Ben Kingsley also appear but play smaller parts.) Anyway, it seems to be progressing in an interesting direction. Paused it to attend to other matters (like cooking dinner). Will continue tomorrow. After some sanding. 

Painful tummy and dizzy head all day long. Have been experiencing issues with my vision off and on too but this may simply be the result of my spectacles being covered with a thin film of fine sawdust. Like the rest of me. Showered three times today. Cramps off & on in both hands. Dr. Kristi suggested several methods of alleviating them when I saw her Monday but I've tried them all without success. Except the banana a day. But I have tried a liter of rehydration salts a day and that didn't put a stop to it. 

Minutes to midnight and I will stop here and read a chapter of my book. Mo will come to bed eventually and I can lock up. I could use the remote to extinguish the lights without moving from this bed and just leave the door open. Mo likes it when that happens (but still wakes me at dawn for some reason). I prefer to lock up if I can muster the energy to get out of bed, don't forget and don't fall asleep first. 

Still cleaning up my medication management program code. Want to avoid ending up with  messy, unmaintainable code like before. Splitting functionality into separate, smaller programs rather than one monolithic monster. Have created a module to contain common routines which can be reused by each of the individual programs. Slow progress because I'm not in any hurry.

Phone will get disconnected if I don't pay the bill soon. Ditto electricity. And water. 

Never mind. Those are problems for me to worry about tomorrow.

Any Colour You Like by Pink Floyd. An (the only?) instrumental piece from DSOTM. 

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Awoken at six by a puppy chewing on my cut thumb. Ouch, baby. Ouch! A vigorous game of Tummy Trampoline followed. 

Completed the sanding on the remaining 5" legs.


Contacted the guy and waiting to hear back from him now. I must remember to return the $20 he overpaid last time!

Computer monitor causing issues this morning. Years ago bought a pair of monitors. Was using one but it was giving trouble (foggy display) so I swapped it out for the other last week. Both are prolly a decade old and well used. The replacement was pretty much the same as the last. Now, the monitor is periodically switching itself off for a split second and back on again. Annoying! Gotta check the cable is securely connected.

Got two more monitors here, but they are prolly older than this one. Not sure how well they would work if I had to switch to one of those. Or if they would work at all.

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Guy came and took the 5" legs. He was to return with the money but never showed. Now this is a little annoying. If something came up and he could not make it, a WhatsApp would be appreciated. I'm not in the least worried about getting paid. I know that will happen. But I might have wasted my entire day waiting. 

Not that I did. I felt very dizzy and unsteady all day. And most of the week, for that matter. When I see Dr. Kristi next Monday for a blood pressure test, I will ask if the recent elimination of the Verapamil might be responsible. My blood pressure should be an indicator - it should have increased.

So not feeling particularly frisky, I did very little all day. Watched YT videos, a little coding on my program, etc. And took a nap in the afternoon.

Cooked spaghetti for lunch. It was horrible. I gave more than half to Mo and he refused it!

Dinner was found after a vigorous rummage through the back of the fridge: a small packet with three wheat-thins in it. Cheddar on two of them, PB&J on the last one for desert. 

Didn't watch any movies. Didn't even finish the one I had paused since yesterday. It's still paused. Now listening to A Day In The Life by The Beatles. One of their most famous, it discusses the state of the roads, contains that iconic spoken lyric (Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head...) and ends with a sustained chord lasting nearly 45 seconds. 

Tomorrow is a week I've been waiting for a chance to get and cash my welfare cheque. If it exists. Next week will be time to cash another welfare cheque. If the landlord ever shows up to give it to me. If the welfare department ever sent it. Yes, I could make a mailbox for myself and put it up, but I understand they're soon switching to direct deposit anyway, so.....

Will read a little. Still in the early stages of my book and as usual, still not 100% on what exactly is going on.

Mo outside still. When it was time for Garden Patrol I couldn't find him so I set off alone. He usually catches me up pretty quick! But surprise, surprise! Mo was already on Patrol! The grass is getting quite tall (no landlord to cut it) and was quite wet. I also found Teddy and an empty rice-bag on the driveway. I dunno where Mo got the bag but I think he thought he was in trouble over it. Which obviously, he wasn't. When that happens I give him a head-snuffle and a pat to reassure him. 

I could tell you a story about my mum and I dealing with a hole in the roof in the middle of a thunderstorm using a rice bag. It lead to the family term "rice bag engineering". But that term is no longer used because everyone who was around at the time and who understood the term is now dead. Except me, and I won't be long now.

So I will read and eventually I will lock the house and try to make it to morning.

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40 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

Tomorrow is a week I've been waiting for a chance to get and cash my welfare cheque. If it exists. Next week will be time to cash another welfare cheque. If the landlord ever shows up to give it to me. If the welfare department ever sent it. Yes, I could make a mailbox for myself and put it up, but I understand they're soon switching to direct deposit anyway, so.....


Would your landlord get angry if you called him and asked him about your mail? He seems to be in a bad mood all the time!

41 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

 Except me, and I won't be long now.

Perish the thought!

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Started on another job. I'd previously cut the stock to width & thickness, and this morning I lightly sanded them. I have to make three sides of a door frame for a cupboard. Two of them actually. But the lack of a fourth side makes it very fragile. So three pieces, joined at the three corners. Those joints must be strong enough not to break between my house and the place they will be used. Going To use miter joints but must reinforce the joints somehow. Thinking a plain 45° spline or a disk insert into the back of the joint. 

While out there I spotted my pull saw. You may recall this item caused a blemish on my thumb a couple days ago.  The saw is sharp. It comes with plastic guards which protect the teeth from damage (and you and I from the teeth).


Here you can see the end of the saw with the guards partially retracted. Rip and cross-cut sides of the blade easily seen.

So I noticed I'd forgotten to replace the guards when last I used the saw. I attempted to replace them. Try as I might, over and over, I just couldn't get those guards over the blade teeth. It was like I was an SS agent trying to reholster a pistol or something! I gave up and went for a glass of iced water. 

Guess what? All ice trays empty. How?!?? I used to have 16 ice trays in the fridge because ice is critical. Gradually, as they broke (would like to try those supposedly unbreakable silicone rubber trays) they have not been replaced but I still have 7 ice trays. Four white and three blue. When I finish the white ones I refill them and meanwhile use ice from the blue trays. And vice versa. So now I have all seven trays with water in the freezer but the ice won't be available until much later today. 

So, thirsty still, I returned to my pull-saw and yay! I was able to holster my weapon!

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For some reason, Mozie insists on curling up under my chair.


He often does curl up under there but this afternoon he isn't taking no for an answer.

I need to go out and buy eggs, bread, sugar, milk, etc. Don't want to spend the money but need something in the house I can eat. My cooking these days is crap. For a while I need some food that doesn't need cooking, particularly. Would like to buy other stuff like sliced ham, tomatoes, ramen, extra cheese & PB (running low), but there isn't any money. 

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Bought seven bananas. Ate four. Also ate four PB&J and now I'm essentially out of PB. 

Just made myself a mug of tea. Why is it that my kettle is always empty? It has a high water mark of 1.8 liters and inevitably I fill it up to just above that mark.  Google tells me that 1.8 liters nearly 61 ounces and my mug is 16 ounces. So I should get almost four mugs out of one fill-up. Even accepting that I never (rarely!) pour out the dregs from the kettle (limescale not really being to my taste) I should get three mugs before having to dump out the kettle and refill it. But every single time I want to brew up, I have fill up first.

Also mpoured myself a glass of iced water. The ice trays appeared to have solidified but when I broke out the cubes they were still liquid in the center. So, having used half a tray of partially frozen cubes, I will allow myself one more glass with the other half of that tray, and the remainder can solidify overnight. As can that first tray, if I remember to refill it before bed.

Bought two loaves of sliced white and a dozen eggs, plus three little cartons of Carnation milk, some sugar and something else... Oh, yes. The bananas. Which I am inclined to go and finish off right now!

Bank balance now down to $7.49 and there is another $4.70 in my pocket.

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In bed with a glass of iced water. After a thorough scrub in the shower. Just finished the last of the woodwork for the night (at eleven o'clock!).

Mo just showed up and his nose is now in my water! 

I had cut three pairs of scrap and prepped them to make miter joints. I made a jig to get the miters to 90° or as close as possible. So with three samples and one jig I glued up one at three, one at seven and just finished the last. They will cure overnight. Tomorrow, I will reinforce the glue joints. I will  try an ordinary spline, a plug-spline and a cross-pinned dowel. These tests will let me know which is most easily implemented. I don't want to be trying new tricks on the final pieces because I don't have the extra wood stock to recover from a screw-up.

I don't like working after dark. It's a matter of lighting. In my experience, if you work in poor light, next day you have to fix all the glitches you made as a result if poor visibility. Of course, you can equip a workshop with an array of string lights which solve that issue. My garage has a single 2' fluorescent tube.

The second half of the ice tray solidified in the mean time. I refilled the tray and by time I need ice tomorrow, it should be solid again. In any case, I can use one of the other trays that will have been in the freezer for nearly 24 hours by then. The longer it's been freezing the slower it melts. 

Listening to Soul Sacrifice by Santana. This is the cut from Woodstock, nearly 12 minutes in length. Not the one from the "Lion Face" album. (The actual name of the album is "Santana". It is their eponymous debut. But one look at the cover and you will know why it is referred to by the "Lion Face" name.)

No movies today.

No cheque forthcoming from the landlord and no payment forthcoming for the 5" legs. Phone will be 2 months in arrears on Sunday. Electricity and water not far behind. About one meal worth of chow remaining for Mo. From tomorrow he will be on rice. 

It will be tomorrow in two minutes. Will read, then when I am ready I will whistle Mo up and see if he wants to come in. He came readily enough last night but wanted to be let out at 3:30. 

I saw him listening to the drill-press this evening. Suddenly a mouse popped his head out from under and the chase was on! Alas, the mouse escaped but Mo had been on the prowl for him ever since. Hello, here he is now! (Mo, not the mouse.) Curled up against my back. No wriggling, snarling or butt kicking. Yet. 

So yes, I will read and then sleep. I will show my successful miter joint tests tomorrow. Assuming any of them are successful and don't simply shatter when I attempt to add the reinforcement.

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Started the morning by building a little jig to help me cut spline slots. While the glue is drying there, I got into the disk/plug spline. 

Drilled a ⅞" recess across the miter joint that needs reinforcement. Then using my ⅞" plug cutter I cut a handful of plugs. 1" would have been better but my 1" Forstner bit was stolen months ago. 1⅛" would be good too but my plug-cutter set maxes out at 1". 


Carefully applying glue to the recess, making sure all surfaces, bottom & sides is covered in glue, I use an F-clamp to press one of the plugs into the recess. A little bit of squeeze-out is a good sign.


Note the plug is a little thicker than the recess is deep. This insures that the plug bottoms out in the recess and doesn't "float" above the bottom. The two halves of the bottom of the recess (on either side of the miter joint) being glued firmly to the bottom of the plug is where the majority of the reinforcement comes from. Note also that the plug is installed with the grain running perpendicular to the miter joint.

Waiting for this glue-up to cure before I plane & sand the plug flush. 

Meanwhile, also waiting for glue on the spline slots cutting jig to dry. Will then cut a slot and glue in a spline. I've already cut a strip of spline stock. Might try doing two parallel slots/splines. Stronger and prettier but dunno if actually necessary. And more difficult and riskier. So prolly not 

Tried cross drilling a test piece for a dowel but it turned out to be a very fiddly job. I'd have to build another complicated jig to get it done right. Then I realized I don't actually have any dowels, so I'd have to go out and buy one... So no dowels. 

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And here is the joint complete. The glue won't be fully cured until tomorrow but otherwise it's all complete


The size of the plug (⅞" diameter) is the size of added side-to-side grain glue area. That's why bigger would have been better. The sides of the plug also add some side-to-end-grain glue area but it's difficult to work out exactly how much. Without side-to-side-grain glue area, the miter joint would be all end-to-end-grain which is the weakest possible glue joints for wood.

The advantage of this type of reinforcement is that since the plug is not visible from the other side of the joint, it can be turned away to the back (inside a cupboard for example) and it essentially becomes invisible under normal conditions. 

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Spline slot cut diagonally across the miter joint and a triangular spline glued into place. Again, spline grain runs perpendicular to the miter joint. This so that if (for what ever reason) the spline should split along the grain, the split would not be aligned with the miter joint and the two pieces of the spline on either side of the split would still support & strengthen the miter joint itself.


Four additional splines for future use. Side-to-side grain glue area is much larger than that of the plug. It is the area of the entire triangle doubled! Because it is glued on both sides of the spline, unlike the plug which is not glued at the top. Should be much stronger.

Will give this a couple hours for the glue to set up and begin to cure before I cut & sand the excess of the splines flush.

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And here is the finished test joint with spline installed. 


The advantage of this reinforcement method is that it is very strong. And if you choose, you can cut two parallel slots and use two parallel splines for even more strength.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to achieve without a jig to make the cut. Also, while the front & rear face of the joint does not show the spline, the two edges of the joint do show it. This can be turned to an advantage. You could make you spline out of a deliberately contrasting wood (purple heart?) so as to have a decorative spline. And/or cut your spline(s) at angles like // or / \ instead of ||. I've seen people use a piece of ⅛"  aluminium plate as a spline for the effect. I think that would be less strengthening than wood even if you used epoxy as an adhesive.

In the case before me, the visibility of the spline is not at issue. And since I already have a suitable jig, it should be relatively easy to go with this method. And since I only need to keep the miter joints intact long enough for the frames to be taken away and incorporated into the cupboard being built, I will settle for a single spline. 

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I think I’d touch base with landlord and ask if there are any checks. Tell him the cupboard is bare and you and Mo have grown fond of food. And build a temporary mailbox and arrange with post office to deliver to you, this is ridiculous. After that, contact whatever pertinent office to get the address on the checks directed to you. 

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1 hour ago, Spunkygal said:

I think I’d touch base with landlord and ask if there are any checks. Tell him the cupboard is bare and you and Mo have grown fond of food. And build a temporary mailbox and arrange with post office to deliver to you, this is ridiculous. After that, contact whatever pertinent office to get the address on the checks directed to you. 

I concur Spunkygal! 

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I can't do anything with the cheque over the weekend so I will give him another day. If I don't get anything from him tomorrow, I will call and try to persuade him to comre check the box Monday morning.

Once welfare start doing the direct deposits it won't matter. In the mean time maybe he will lend me a copy of the mailbox key?

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The moon is waxing gibbous at 99% and will be full later tonight. At the start of Garden Patrol, I spotted Teddy out on the concrete. I picked him up, intending to bring him in after the Patrol. Mo began to stare intensely at Teddy in my hand so I offered him to Mo. Who snatched him out of my hand and raced down to the bottom of the garden with him! And abandoned him on the grass. I went to pick him up again buy Mo snatched him up again, ran to another part of the garden and abandoned him once more. Several times I went to his rescue but I just couldn't get hold of him, nor could I persuade Mo to bring him under cover. So let's hope it doesn't rain tonight!

Tried watching a movie today. Can't recall the name but it was aimed at a younger audience (adults, not kids) and it was utter crap. Got about ⅓ of the way through and had to give up on it. 

Numb by U2. Always liked the way the main vocal line was completely monotonal. That was a little risky! But it works well. And the backing helps offset the monotone. 

Started work on assembly of the door frames. There are two of them, 37" tall and 28½" wide. So one piece up each side and one across the top. Where the sides join to the top is a glued 90° miter joint which I will spline for added strength. I have glued one joint and clamped it in a little jig to hold it at 90° while the glue sets up. After 3 hours I removed it from the jig and glued up another joint in the other frame. Meanwhile I cut a spline slot in the first joint and glued in a spline. So I have one side and the top of one frame glued and splined and drying overnight, plus one side and the top of the other frame glued and clamped in the 90° jig also drying overnight.

Tomorrow, I will take the one out of the jig and add a spline. Then the one that is already splined will go back into the jig to add the other side. A few hours of drying time later the second frame will come back into the 90° jig to have the second side added, and after more glue-drying time the last spline will be glued in. After that, comes the fun part: sanding. 😖

All I have to do is make sure the second side goes on parallel to the first |_| and not misaligned like \_/ or /_\ which may be tricky. The stock has a few knots in it. These can cause the wood to warp when the humidity changes. 

You know, the guy wanted these to be made 37"x28½" and provided some wide boards from which the narrower pieces could be cut. But the longest piece of wood he provided was 26½" long. How do you cut four 37" sides and two 28½" tops out of boards only 26½" long? I mean, I could have scarf-joined shorter pieces together, I suppose, but...

Mo came in a while back, drank my water and left... Wait! He's back and now he's stealing my ice! Ok, I've bribed him with a cube. I've asked him several times where Teddy is but no response. Wait! He's bogarting my water again!

He had the last of the chow for his dinner. I will have to cook rice for him tomorrow. I hope there is some corned beef left to flavour it with. I had sliced white with PB&J for breakfast, with egg & cheese for lunch and with J for dinner because the PB ran out at breakfast. Tomorrow I dunno what I will eat. Is there any more meat-scraps chicken in the back of the freezer? Better go check because if there is, I will need to take it out now so it can defrost for tomorrow. 

I wonder what I'm going to get for those two door frames? Not much - they are very basic and simple. And he's talking about paying by cheque now, so 3 days wait while the bank processes the cheque.... He also talked about a big order of 250-300 of the sofa legs. At $5 each that would be $1,500 bucks but I doubt he would want more any time soon after that. At least they are simple to make. No glue-up time, and the only jig is the one for drilling the mounting holes, which I already have. 

Mo is back and I will go lock the door. And check for frozen chicken. Then read and then snooze.



Wants to lie down on my face! I wouldn't mind, except for, you know, the breathing.

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A couple days ago I replaced my old, failing monitor with another old monitor. Yesterday evening the replacement began to misbehave as well, and this morning it was dead.

So I was forced to put back the original monitor. Which somehow, is now better than it was when I switched it out a few days ago.

One more step forward with the cupboard frames. The joint which was drying last night has now been removed from the jig, slotted for a spline and the spline has been glued in and is drying. Meanwhile the other frame has had the third and final part glued in and the miter joint is drying in the 90° jig.

In an hour or so that joint will be slotted & splined while the last miter is glued up in the 90° jig. Late this afternoon that joint will be slotted and the final spline added.

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Just walked out to the gate and guess what I found!


I just bought this for a whopping $7 (I think). Now, the trigger plate had been ripped off and (look closely) one of the plastic clips that it is attached by is broken so I'm not sure it will go on again. Also and more to the point, the entire trigger bar is missing. I don't know that I can remake one, and if I do, I don't know that the trap will ever work again. 

Thank goodness this trap was not armed when that blasted dog went fooling with it. Otherwise I'd have a puppy with a broken nose to deal with on top of everything else!

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Put the puppy's rice & bully beef to cook and... forgot all about it. Didn't think of it again until I smelt burning! Rushed inside and added more water to the boiled-dry pot. I had also put two eggs in with the rice to boil, and I removed them at the same time I added more water.

Funnily enough, despite the burning smell the rice was not burnt. I shelled the eggs, put them through a sliced and had two egg sandwiches for lunch. 

As I finished the second sandwich I smelt... yes, I'd forgotten the rice again! Rushed in and once again no burnt rice. I tasted it and while it wasn't the greatest (not much in the way of extra ingredients) it was fine.

Dished out half for his lunch and have it cooling behind me now. The balance will be for his dinner.

There are no more tins of corned beef. There is a little in a bowl in the fridge, enough for one more pot of rice for Mo tomorrow. I have enough money in my bank account for one tin and the change from that plus what's in my pocket would buy another.

A tiny noise behind me! I turn around. Ninja-pup has his nose in the rice bowl. I scratch his back, right alongside his ridge. He looks up, but then enthusiastically  continues with his meal. I think he is OK with Twice-Blundered Bully Beef Rice for lunch.....

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New trigger made from a paper clip and new trigger bar made from coat-hanger wire. 

It's works but it's very dodgy. 

Now, I have to worry about how to deploy this so as to ensure that the puppy doesn't get a busted nosie due to his thieving nature.

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Hoping to have the job essentially complete today, I took the third spline out of the clamp and sanded the excess spline off. One frame complete!

The other frame was in the 90° jig with the second and final miter joint glued. Time to remove it from the 90° jig, use the spline-slot jig to cut a slot and glue in the 4th and final spline.

Started removing clamps (6 clamps in all used) and suddenly the miter joint fell apart! So instead of gluing in the spline and sanding it flush later this afternoon, I had to prep and redo that miter joint!

A miter joint glues end-grain wood to end-grain wood. This type of joint is weaker than end-grain to side-grain (aka long-grain) and much weaker than side-grain to side-grain. That's the whole reason for adding the splines. The sides of the splines are side-grain and the sides of the spline slots are also side grain. So by adding the splines you add lots of additional side-grain to side-grain gluing area which adds strength. The miter joint falling apart just now goes to prove that point. 

I sanded the two faces of the miter to remove the old glue and expose fresh wood. (No point making the miter joint even weaker by leaving old glue in place.) I will leave it overnight in the 90° jig which will help with joint strength because the glue will have longer to cure. Come morning, I will try again to remove it from the 90° jig and then slot and spline it. This means it won't be ready for final sanding before late tomorrow morning, instead of first thing. Even if the miter joint doesn't fall apart again before it can be reinforced.

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A nearly full moon in a nearly clear sky. Light, cool breeze. I rescued Teddy from the middle of a knee-high clump of grass. Mo ducked down and waited for lix. You would think I beat him daily for the fun of it! Gave his head a rub and Garden Patrol resumed as normal. Upon return I discovered:


A guy on the group was looking for a 13x6 prop. As I was sitting next to box of spare props, I checked. Yes, I have a few. How much? It's an APC LP13060 which from APC direct is U$7.25 plus shipping to this rock plus government charges/duties. Let's call it $15 (dollarettes) and be done. He complained that I was ripping him off. 

Battery at 12% and falling fast.

Without You I'm Nothing by Placebo. I like this band. Front man may be a little weird but I wonder what he'd say about me if he saw me walking around grabbing onto everything so as not to fall down. Or not grabbing onto anything because both hands were full of wooden boards and tools. (Spell check just corrected "wooden" to "Biden". A word I don't think I've ever typed before. Makes you think.) When you can't grab on you end up bobbing and leaning and weaving and doing your best Drunken Sailor impression.

Cheese sandwiches for dinner didn't taste all that well so after the first I switched to guava jelly sandwiches instead. Much better. Not much bread left now. Not much guava jelly either.

Gotta go to Dr. Kristi tomorrow for a blood pressure check. Tuesday I gotta go to QEH to see Dr. Jacinto who I've not seen since February. I really don't get the impression she really gives a fart whether I get better or not. Or if she ever sees me again in life. She cancelled my early April appointment and rescheduled for the end of July!

Last miter joint remains in 90° jig tonight. Hopefully with a whole night curing time it will be strong enough to come out of the jig and be slotted for that last spline first thing in the morning. Don't see why not. The first three miters were done after only 3 hours of drying/curing time.

Mo had the other half of his bully beef rice for dinner. When I emptied the pot into his bowl there was the tiniest bit of "bun-bun" on the bottom of the pot which I guess accounts for the burning I smelt when cocking up the cooking today. Mo ate it with relish. He likes his grub, that boy! I may buy a tin of bully tomorrow when I visit Dr. K. Her clinic shares a car park with a low-rent sort of bargain grocery store. One tin should be enough for at least four days of rice. Maybe more if I am "lean" with the bully.

I must also remember to call the landlord and see if he is planning to come my way. If not, the 12" hemostats are coming out!

Battery now down to 5% so I'd better call it quits before it dies completely. 

No idea where Mo is. He has not come in yet. Unless (checking behind me) no, he has not ninja'd his way into the bed.

4%! Gone.......

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Up at 6:30, I took my blood sugar (5.8 mmol/L 😕) and my meds. Brewed and drank a mug of tea. Then, the cupboard frame.

Clamped into the little 90° jig since yesterday, I removed the seven (?) clamps and freed the frame.


No difficulties there, thank goodness. This is where the joint fell apart yesterday, but this morning, no issues. 

Back into clamps as I placed it into the spline slotting jig. 


As the jig (with frame attached) slides along the fence, the blade of the saw reaches up through the bottom of the jig and cuts away a triangular slot across the miter joint.

Now, all that remains to be done is to glue a triangular spline into that slot.


Using plenty of glue to make sure there are no dry spots in the joint, clamping to close the slot snugly on the spline, I now wait for the glue to set up and cure a bit before sanding away the excess bits of the spline which stick out of the joint sideways. This is the last job needed. When this joint is dry, the frames are finished.

Except for the final sanding. 😖

One of the fiddly tasks when using splines is cutting spline material that fits the slot left by the blade. My blade is a standard ⅛" thick. Some blades vary but ⅛" is common. It leaves a ⅛" slot (kerf) or as some say, wastes ⅛" of your valuable lumber! Still, cutting a ⅛" thick slice off the edge of a board can leave you with a strip of stock which, when you test fit it into the slot may leave you wanting it a hair tighter or looser. But it isn't a biggie. The small size of the jig I made (from scraps lying around the garage) mean it is more prone to vibration which causes variations in the slot width. A larger, heavier jig would produce a slot closer to the expected ⅛". Splines don't have to be ⅛" by the way. As the frame is ¾" I could have cut a ¼" slot and made ¼" splines. But that would have been more difficult for me and ⅛" splines are fine for this job.

Another issue is squeeze-out. You don't want dry spots in your joints if you want maximum strength. So using slightly more glue than you actually need causes the excess to flow through the joint, filling any dry spots with glue and the remainder squeezing out of the joint. I find that I consistently use way too much glue in splined joints and end up with twice as much glue squeezed out as remains in the joint. The cleanup is messy and that squeezed out glue is wasted. And glue ain't cheap! Most woodworkers would rather waste some glue rather than have a bad glue joint. But obviously you try to avoid excess squeeze-out.

Going to call the landlord now and then go see Dr. Kristi for my blood pressure test. And I will buy bully beef for Mo's lunch while I'm over there. 

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Called the landlord. He came and gave me my cheque which I cashed at the post office. Came back again and went to see Dr. Kristi who was pleased that my blood pressure had gone up to where records show is more normal for me. I'm to go again in two weeks.

While at the doctor my guy called. Wanted to bring me a cheque. Told him I was at the doctor and that I would message him when I got home. Sent a message the moment I got home but it's 1:40 later and he has not read that message yet.

Splurged on food for Mo.  I normally buy something called Nutri-Pet which Mo likes. It's $18.99 for two kg. When that isn't available I will get Purina One which he also likes, but it's $28.25 for two kg. (although last time it was on special for $24.99). Today, I bought a five kg bag of Nutri-Pet for $42.59 which is about a buck cheaper per kg than the two kg bag. At least Mo's food is in hand for the next week plus.

I wanted to go buy some potatoes, onions, maybe some meat, beans... something that I can eat. But now, I can't leave home because I have no idea when the cheque for the 5" sofa feet might arrive. Today some time? Tomorrow? 

The three-sided cupboard door frames are all pretty much finished. I swear they would have been far easier to make if they were four-sided like any normal cupboard door frames! In fact, I should have made them four-sided and cut away the unwanted fourth side when all the assembly was complete and the glue was dry and the sanding complete. I said "pretty much" finished because when I finished the sanding I spotted a couple small, rough spots in the surface of the wood. I made up some filler ans smeared it firmly into place over those rough spots. 'll give it a couple hours to set up & cure and then two minutes sanding and it will all be complete. Really complete.

Okk, he's just seen the message saying that I'm home but I don't know when he plans to come.

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All done. The box contains a couple small pieces made to requested size. Dunno if he will find the job acceptable or not. He might complain about the knots. But given that he provided me with boards that were several inches too short, he should be glad that I was able to get these made at all!


Up to him. I have done all I can. I've left the ends 1" long so they can be trimmed to perfect length.

The trouble with these bits is that they are made to fit into an existing set of cupboards. Which I have never seen. The frames are 26½" wide because the space where they will be placed is exactly (or so I'm told) 26½" wide. I hope they measured right.

He just said he likes the look of the pieces in the photo. Maybe he will like the actual pieces when he sees them IRL...

ETA: He came with a cheque for the 5" sofa legs ($160) and took away the frames. He is to return on Wednesday and pay for them. Still don't know how much. 

He also says he has more work for me to do. This is a good thing. So long as it is nothing too complex for me to handle!

Now I have 6 minutes to get dressed, get across to the mall and deposit this cheque. Which is not possible so I won't try. So this cheque won't be available for me to spend for three working days from tomorrow. Which could be Monday next week, depending on how you count the days. 

Edited by Netfoot
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2 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Called the landlord. He came and gave me my cheque which I cashed at the post office.

I wonder how many days he had the cheque? Just waiting for you to call?

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2 hours ago, b4pjoe said:

I wonder how many days he had the cheque? Just waiting for you to call?

The cheque was dated on the 12th and would probably have come on the 11th. I saw him take the cheque out of the mailbox (along with my electricity bill). He said he will leave the box unlocked from now on. Not sure how secure that is, but.....

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In bed. Not fresh from the shower because I had a shower just before dinner. Which was a couple pieces of ugly looking chicken, fried mostly crispy. Not too bad.

Listening to A Whiter Shade Of Pale by Procol Harum. According to Google this track is one of the most commercially successful singles in history. I remember when this hit the charts for the first time. It was a smash! But I honestly can't think of any other track that this band produced.

So with a cheque for $160 in hand, I want to be at the bank early tomorrow to make the deposit. The sooner that money appears on my account, the sooner I can pay something towards the telecoms bill which was two months due yesterday. I should be able to pay one month and put the remaining $10 towards electricity. The bill for which was also in the mailbox. After that I will take the balance of the welfare cheque and try to buy some potatoes, onions and a few other things. I could put that towards the electric or the second month of the Telco, but I need to put a little food in the fridge. The next welfare cheque will be this Friday. 

If Fenty (her uncle) comes around to get the two props and the starter insert, that will be an additional $60 in the kitty. But he better come in the morning because my appointment with Dr. Jacinto is for 1:00 PM. Me and about 50 other people. Hoping to get her to drop the Mestinon (Pyridostigmine) from my diet. But since the symptoms of the MG are not completely under control I don't know how likely that is. She might push my dosages up!

Frankly, I've completely given up on the idea that anyone at QEH gives a damn one way or another. And I pretty much don't give a damn myself. I'm doing all I can and if that is insufficient to task and nobody is going to lend a helping hand, I will just be resigned to what ever outcome presents itself.

Mo just wandered in with his face covered in sweethearts. Now he is curling up... No, he's gone to the window. No, he's retired to the tiles at the foot of the bed. 

Had a nice chat with Dr. Kristi this morning. She is a generalist so if something happens that needs the attention of a specialist she sends me to one. I inevitably bitch (to myself) that she can't sort me out herself. Honestly, if Mo has an issue I bitch about her not being a vet!

I saw her sister in the car park today as I was leaving. Wasn't sure it was her because I hardly ever see her these days and she has now got a different car. Nominally, we get on but she doesn't like me much because I teased her once about fancying me. Last time I saw her I gave her a quick hug and tried to kiss her on the cheek but she wrenched her head around so hard I ended up accidentally biting her earlobe. 

Anyway I will go read my book and wait for Mo to come to bed. 

Oh, remember the big trap that Mo chewed up and that had to fix with bailing  wire and spit? Tried setting it this evening and 


If it doesn't  look too bad that's because it was only a glancing blow, and the spring was only cranked about ⅓ when it slipped. I'm convinced a full blow from that thing could break your finger. 

I've been waiting for this from the moment I bought it. I mean, it was inevitable, right? When it happened I said "Oh dear!". But loudly. And in another language. French, I think.

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The trap got a mouse!

Then the trap got me again.

Welt across the back of my thumb.


Some swelling.


More french was spoken. I expect it will hurt tomorrow. 

Ugly hands. It's the 33 year old grafts.

Edited by Netfoot
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13 hours ago, Netfoot said:

The cheque was dated on the 12th and would probably have come on the 11th. I saw him take the cheque out of the mailbox (along with my electricity bill). He said he will leave the box unlocked from now on. Not sure how secure that is, but.....

He should have given it to you right then! He makes no sense. LOL

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34 minutes ago, andidante said:

He should have given it to you right then! He makes no sense. LOL

Yes but he does not live here. He lives in another part of the city. He visits frequently but it seems that for some reason he didn't get around to visiting since before the 12th. So he did not know what mail was available. 

If he isn't going to give me my own mailbox I think he should make it his business to visit frequently, but that is another argument waiting to happen.

Thumb much better this morning. Swelling gone down and bruise hardly visible. Still hurts when you poke at it tho.

No internet this morning. Has the Telco cut me off? Over at the mall and they have no internet either. Had to go to the bank and use their wifi. Was coming here anyway to bank that $160 cheque. Now done. How long before the funds become available? 3 working days. Which would be Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. So I get to pay the phone bill next Monday?

Taking Mo to Popular. So he can bark at folks in the lot while I buy $65 worth of groceries.....

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1:03 PM at QEH. Only not really. Across the road at Enmore. Wish someone had told me in advance. Standing in the sun but it was raining a moment ago and prolly will again. At least there is a cool breeze blowing.

Shouldn't have eaten lunch before leaving Mo at home On Guard. Two bouts of The Trotts since then. Eighteen other people standing outside and maybe a dozen chosen ones inside sitting on the chairs. More later.

1:18 PM. No change but an observation. Obviously there are no vending machines or hawkers around here. They are thickly congested around the QEH building itself. So nothing to drink. If there is a water fountain it will without doubt be broken...

1:21 PM and I have been invited to sit inside in the A/C. It's lovely and cool. I had to sanitize my hands and dig a CV19 mask out of the bottom of these trouser pockets where it has hidden unused for the last three years. I really should consider laundering these shorts...

1:29 PM and BP is 119/75. Pulse 95. Back in the waiting room. Why are we waiting?!?? 🎶

2:14 PM and someone had an "accident" in the waiting room so we're all out in the sun again. At least it isn't raining and the breeze is cool. Thirsty.

2:18 PM and I'm back inside again. Well, at least I'm getting some exercise....

2:30 PM and I'm seeing Dr. Mayers. No sign of Dr. Jacinto.

2:40 PM and we're done. Try reducing the prednisolone to once every two days. Come again on 26th November. Next!

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Over at the mall. Normal mall wifi and DIB wifi non-functional so standing outside my bank which has its own wifi. No connecting from the bedroom window I'd DIB wifi is not available. Nothing to report other than that the wifi at home is (obviously) still non-functional.

Since I'm here I checked; the recent cheque I deposited has not cleared yet so bank balance is only $7.49 which won't appease the Telco. I was promised payment today for the cupboard door frames but 1) no idea how much and 2) it will prolly be another cheque which will also take time to clear.

Fenty said he was coming to get the props Monday or Tuesday but today is Wednesday and still no sign. Fenty has been known to show up two years late to collect something and get annoyed when told that it was thrown away 18 months before.

Mo is well, I am a bit wobbly this morning. Since mall wifi is not working I can't sit in the food court and surf in comfort and I have to stand outside the bank. Given that I am feeling wobbly.... will probably go home and go back to bed. Puppy (who was annoyed to be left home On Guard) was very cuddly before I left. 

Will go home now, but might go past DIB and ask innocently what's up with the wifi.

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At the mall again. Cheque still not cleared. Pension due to drop today, but no sign yet.

Mall wifi is back. Will check for DIB wifi on the way out. That is the one I can access from my bedroom window.

Mo was limping badly last night on Garden Patrol. Favouring his left front foot. Then he was very thirsty and when he discovered that my glass was empty I had to go and refill it so he could get a drink. His bowl was full to brim so there is no reason for him to be thirsty.


Anyway, this morning he seems to be fit as a fiddle. No limp, no issue with footies at all. He was very cuddly and loving. Paused licking his balls to give me kisses! Never know with him. It might have been a burr between his toes which he has now dislodged. Mo does not like anybody fussing with his front paws. Particularly the left front. So when he seems to have an issue it is not always easy to figure out what exactly is going on. 

I'm sitting in the food court and something is tantalizing my nose. Not sure if it is one thing or a combination. I am smelling a curry with a sour pickle or chutney. 

To be honest I feel like I could go from this chair to each food-court vendor in turn and order a meal, eat it and move in to the next vendor. On the way in I walked past Subway and I really felt like I could go in and order two foot-longs plus a washpan of chips and eat the lot before beginning my food-court marathon. 

But I will go and see if I can buy a small milk. So far for the day, all I've had is my breakfast meds and a sip of water to help wash them down. Today is a prednisolone day.  Bank balance is $7.49 which should cover a small Carnation even at the super high prices charged at the thieving store in this place. Will go do that now and check DIB wifi at the same time, then home.

Set that big old mouse trap last night and found it this morning lying on the floor at least 10 feet from where I left it. Bait gone, no sign of a victim. I suspect there is a very large mouse lurking around the place. 

Oh, by the way, saw these in the store. (Not the mall store.) Thought you might get a laugh out of it:


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So that’s roughly $5.30 here in the states? For two tomatoes? Wow.

That’s something I’ve been meaning to ask. Can you get a couple of containers and grow a veg or two? A tomato plant in one, squash or peppers or something in another? Would have to be fenced off from Mo of course. You get plenty of rain.

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20 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

So that’s roughly $5.30 here in the states? For two tomatoes? Wow.

That's about right. Notice they are imported tomatoes. The locally grown ones cost more.


Can you get a couple of containers and grow a veg or two?

That's a good idea. But I am absolutely hopeless with plants. Been killing them dead with just a glance since I was a teenager. Guess it wouldn't hurt to try.

Sitting in the food court again. The mall proper doesn't open for another 20 minutes.

Paid a month on the phone bill yesterday but the internet never came back on. Which leads me to wonder if the reason I was not getting any internet had anything to do with being in arrears or not. Will have to go sort it out one way or another as soon as things actually open for business.

Just cashed today's welfare cheque and will deposit that first. Once processed I should be able to pay the electricity bill. The cheque I deposited first thing Tuesday morning has not cleared yet. I'm spending my pension but hopefully the cheque will clear before the end of the month.

The cheque for the cupboard door frames (which was coming on Wednesday) has not arrived yet. I still have no idea how much it will be for. 

Mo is good. He just enjoyed a trip to the post office. On the way he barked at 1,001 people out the window of the van. Not "Woof! I am going to eat you!" More like "Yip! Look at me out for a drive in the van, having a lovely time! Yippee!"

Sitting in the food court really is tantalizing even at this hour when so little is being cooked. Had minced beef with onion, black beans and tomato sauce for dinner last night. Had it with bread with grated cheddar. Tasted so aweful I gave up and switched to PB&J again. Sweet things seem to have less of the metallic taste for some reason.

Ages ago my microwave died and I couldn't afford to replace it. Some time later my toaster died and I couldn't afford to replace it. Yesterday, my kettle died.....  😩

Hope my furniture guy visits today. I could use the cupboard frame money even if I have to wait a week for the cheque to clear. And he also mentioned some other work he wanted me to consider.

Previously he suggested he might order 250-300 sofa legs. They are only $5 each but they are dead easy to make, especially if you are doing a batch. Once you cut the stock to width and set up the sled with a stop block, you can cut them out in about one second each. Drilling & counter-boring the mounting holes is time consuming but with the little jig I built it is not difficult. The worst bit is sanding them.

Bank should be open any time now so I will go and deposit the welfare cheque money. Then the Telco to see what they have to say. They are always full of shit, with the most outlandish excuses for what ever stupid thing they have done. And their solution to every problem is "A technician will have to come to your house!" But hopefully I can get connectivity again for the weekend. No internet is bad but it also blocks things like WhatsApp so no messages. Walked into the mall and got a WhatsApp message from Heidi ("Are you still alive?") which she sent yesterday. Good thing it wasn't important!

Mo sends his love. 

ETA: Phone/internet back on. The stupidest excuse I've ever heard. But I'm online again. Wonder what's been happening in the world over the last few days?

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So yesterday, I was looking at toasters. Found a two-slice for $59 which looks like it would toast two slices by bursting into flames the first time you use it. Got home to discover the kettle was dead. 

A Proctor-Silex 1L kettle is $59 and a Brugmann 1.8L kettle (the size I have) is $79. Never heard of Brugmann. Can't afford it either way. 

Fortunately, I can boil water in a saucepan. It is inconvenient but at least I can get a mug of tea if I want one.

I will see if I can fix the kettle but given the high current / high heat nature of kettles I am not interested in using one which has dubious wiring. 

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So I am on medication to combat the symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis. One of the meds is prednisolone, a steroid. Extended steroid use is not good for you, so obviously everyone would like to reduce if not eliminate the steroids. Unfortunately, the drugs aren't quite controlling the symptoms of MG so they can't be eliminated. On Tuesday, I was told to reduce my dosage from 35mg daily to 35mg every second day. Having taken the prednisolone that morning, I took none on Wednesday, took 35mg on Thursday and took none today (Friday) and will continue in like manner. 

(Mo just showed up, looked out the window, drank my water, and has departed.)

So I am glad to be on essentially half dose Prednisolone. The less of that the better! But these last couple days I've been feeling funny. Can't put my finger on exactly what is up with me but something is different. 

They told me if things took a turn for the worse I should revert to 35mg/day. But I don't know if I feel worse or just different. And at least I'm poisoning myself at only half the rate I was before! I see Dr. Kristi on Monday in 10 days time for a blood pressure check, so perhaps I can get some advice from her as to the benefits of reduced steroid use against the funny feelings. 10+ days will give me a chance to assess how the change in dosage is affecting me.

Wait though. 10 days from now takes us to.... Kadooment day. So I guess it will have to be 11 days.

The cheque I deposited on Tuesday morning finally cleared this afternoon and along with today's welfare cheque I paid my phone bill in full. Mr. Fenty says he will come for the props tomorrow and if I ever get something for those cupboard door frames it all just might add up to enough to pay the electricity bill. Then I only need to pay the water bill and buy some food. With the 5kg bag of chow recently acquired, at least Mo is covered for a while.

Spent the entire day catching up on the news. Being disconnected from the world leaves you in a sort of vacuum. 

Meanwhile I finished Idoru, the book I was reading and coincidentally All Tomorrow's Parties fell into my hands. This is follow-up to Idoru, in that it's set in the months following that work, and some of the dramatis personae return in somewhat altered circumstances. 

Right now I'm listening to I Am The Walrus. This is the live version performed by Oasis. It's from their album The Masterplan. It's quite different to the original but well worth a listen.

I'm pretty tired today even though all I did was watch the news. Well, I went to the post office, then the bank, then the Telco and then I went home and watched the news. But I'm still tired. 

Took the kettle apart. There is very little to it. There is a switch with a clever built in mechanical mechanism that allows it to switch itself off when the water boils. This is integral with the shiny heating element at the bottom of the kettle. The entire unit is fixed into the kettle with a seal or gasket which is obviously waterproof and heat resistant. To break this seal and remove the switch/element without a doubt will result in a kettle that leaks boiling water each time it's used. Assuming that some correctable fault can be found. I saw no sign of anything amis. So given the high heat, high current and high chance of leakage, I decided this was not a project I wanted to play with. I've fiddled around with high heat/current before (toaster) but no water was involved. High current & water don't mix well in my experience. When I was a nipper (maybe 5?) I got well shocked by the 240 volt supply in TnT. Still got the scars on my right hand to prove it. 

I wish Mo would come to bed. I could use the shut-eye and after all, it is just after midnight.... Oh, here he is now! Sweet baby!

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Just headed off to bed. Switches on the light to find Ninja-pup standing in the dark, looking out the window. Gave his head a snuffle and went for a shower. When I returned he was gone. 

Today was a steroidal day; yesterday was not. Had particular trouble getting out of bed this morning. Just didn't feel like moving. When I finally dragged myself out, Mo came squirming out from under the bed. Now what was he doing under there? He could have snuggled with me in bed instead!

Took today's steroids first thing. Been wobbly all day. Tomorrow is steroid-free. Let's see what happens.

Fenty did not come to collect the props as promised. But I was not surprised. He is well known for being tardy when it comes to paying out cash. A long while ago, he asked me to order something for him from overseas. It cost me about $68 and a few cents. I told him I wanted $70 because I didn't want to fool around with loose change. When it arrived, I called him and he came and looked at it. Then he said he would think about it. Now, I was already out the $68, so what was there to think about? If he was undecided he should have made up his mind before asking me to order it! It was two years before he finally decided to go ahead, but that's when I told him the price was $140. So he went away again and six months later when he raised the subject the price had gone up again to $210...... Eventually told him I'd sold it to someone else. Not true - I still have it around here somewhere. 

Had boiled potatoes with corned beef & onion for lunch. Not too bad. But that was the last of the corned beef. And with less than $3 in the bank and the electric & water bills being $172 & $155 respectively.... My next three welfare cheques won't even cover those bills. 🙁

Dinner was ramen soup with grated cheese and a boiled egg. Funnily enough I was better with the egg than the noodles with the chopsticks. I don't really know why I keep trying with the chopsticks for ramen. 

I wonder if I could live on nothing but ramen? I guess I'd get pretty tired of it eventually but would there be nutritional issues?

Anyway the ramen (or the egg) has left me with a slight case of the reflux. Not a problem. The big cushion that forms the base of my Pillow Pyramid lives permanently on the bed these days even though I only use it occasionally.

You Belong To Me by Carly Simon. This was one of several well received songs of hers, produced over a career which produced a couple of dozen studio albums.

Nearly midnight. Going to read for a few pages and then crash out. 

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I was supposed to take my blood sugar this morning but I completely forgot until mid afternoon. I test first thing so as to get a "fasted" reading, si so I couldn't take it when I finally remembered. I will take it tomorrow instead. 

Not that I had any food up until that point. Glass of iced water for lunch. But apparently as you become active in the morning, your liver starts to generate glucose to power you through the day. Therefore, to test late would give a result that wasn't in line with the norm. And if of course, I did have two mugs of tea under my belt by then.

I have about a kilo of sugar remaining but only 26 tea bags and very little milk. Probably enough for 5-6 mugs.

There is rice, pasta and potatoes in the fridge and a tin of pigeon peas (I think) in the cupboard. But there is nothing to go with the carbs. No bully, tuna or anything like that. I think I will have to start making fry-bread. I've avoided making  it for a while. I have a little PB and some J so I could make fried bread and eat it with PB&J. 

Mo just arrived and plonked himself down. Right on my left arm. 


Now he has moved behind me and is snuggling up against my butt. Double-kicks will prolly begin soon.

Today was a  no-steroid day. I was quite wobbly most of the day. Tomorrow will be a steroid day. I expect I will be wobbly tomorrow as well. To be honest, this every-other-day schedule is a bit of a PITA. I have to consult the computer every morning to find out which pill box to take; the one with three pills or the one with six. You'd think you could remember easily enough if you took the prednisolone yesterday or not. Maybe you could! Maybe I could as well, if I wasn't vegetating in my old age.

Excuse me as I reach behind me and rub a tummy. Hopefully that will prevent the kicking. 

It's early. Not even ten yet. But I have been sleepy all day. It seems I'm sleepy every day. So right after an uneventful Garden Patrol, I had a last mug, and while the saucepan was boiling I had a shower. Watched some YT videos while the tea was drawing but frankly it is difficult to find videos to watch. I honestly don't care how woke the Olympics ceremony was, I don't care who bowed out (or was kicked out) of the race, I don't care what the polls say, and I don't want to hear anybody's "take" on what ever, especially when the video they show completely debunks their take!

So I am looking for space frame structure design and fabrication videos and stuff like that. (It's actually hard to believe how many people design "space frame" structures but clearly have no idea what characteristics of a structure determine whether it is a space frame or not.)

Mo has left the building 

Anyway, I have spent quite some time watching YT videos, or with my head down on my desk sleeping through them. Must try and look for a movie and watch it tomorrow. 

Not heard from my old mate Fenty, and no word about future woodworking projects nor payment on the last. So nothing to do tomorrow.

Except continue work on my medication management program suite. I've actually got it handling the case where the medication is not taken each day. Like my prednisolone or my blood sugar test strips. Test strips and lancets are not really medication, but I use one of each every third day and by pretending they are, the program keeps track of them for me. I am entitled to a free box of 50 test strips every three months. Since I use one every three days, the box lasts for 3x50=150 days or closer to five months. Lancets are another story. They are not available free and actually cost a bundle! I bought 400 from Amazon years ago but I'm down to 40 left. Which means I will run out in four months. Which means I gotta start reusing them. Which means they will get dull and that means they hurt when used. ☹️

Listening to Shape Of My Heart by Sting. I've always liked Sting, from back when The Police were the hot new band in town. 

And now I'm reminiscing about my days as a student. And it doesn't seem all that long ago, but next year it will be 50 years since I got on that Jumbo and flew out of the Caribbean for the first time ever. And boy, was it bizarre! 

On that note I think best I shut off the light and stop daydreaming so that I can start nightdreaming. So I'll see you in the morning. 

Edited by Netfoot
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Unka Rudy came to see Mo and brought a small hand of figs.

Thruought the West Indies, bananas are commonly referred to as figs. In some places, any type of banana goes by that name. In some, this short, plump variety are what is generally meant by figs.

I like this variety. Short, fat, silky and sweet, they are my favourite. The only negative thing about them is they are small. If only they were as big as the Gros Michel variety!

Edited by Netfoot
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A quiet day with nothing much done. Unka Rudy's figs were a very welcome surprise!

Some of the guys pop around from time to time with something from their kitchen garden. Austin has an extensive property with an orchard, and can be counted in for a breadfruit from time to time.  (Mo just arrived and has made a space for himself between my shoulder blades.)

Sliced some potatoes and made a pile of chips for lunch. Ate them with home made Hotchup which is now low. Dinner was ramen again.

Managed to watch a 1958 movie today. Almost as old as me! The Vikings with Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis. Naturally, they end up in a swordfight over a woman. Fight choreography wasn't all that sofisticated 66 years ago. They simply battered each other with primitive, (probably dull) swords. I won't tell you who wins because I'm sure you will want to watch it yourself at the earliest possible opportunity. So I will avoid spoilers.  

Mo is peering out the window and will prolly run off in a second. I've had lots of kisses & cuddles from him today. Every time I went for a pee he followed me and waited on the bed for me to finish. Then we have a snuggle and a game of Tummy Trampoline or one of his other favourites. He is good at making up new games on the fly! He just got down from the window and curled up peacefully but it wasn't long before he hopped back to the window. I imagine he will keep looking out until he sees a reason to run out barking. He was just licking my knees but he has walked around to the other side (of me) and is now bogarting 75% of the pillows. 

Killing Me Softly With His Song by Roberta Flack. She had a local boyfriend once upon a time and used to visit the island fairly frequently as a result. But that was long ago. I think it was supposed to be a secret. But around here, everybody knows your business. No matter how good your security is, at least one Bajan will find out your secret. (And that one Bajan will most likely be Heidi. Thankfully, she isn't as big a blabbermouth as some!)

I spent some of the afternoon with my head down on my desk again. I even took a kitchen towel and folded it to make a comfy pillow for my face. So I wouldn't end up with the impressions of a ball point pen and a pair of compasses on my forehead. 

Mo has departed without a sound and without even looking out the window first. If I refer to him from time to time as a ninja, it's because he can (and frequently does) come and go without my noticing. I will be reading and there will be an unexpected movement in the bed behind me. Causing me to leap out of bed reaching for the nearest cutlass to defend myself from what is obviously a cobra! Only it isn't a cobra, it's Ninja-Mo, who entered the room without me noticing and jumped into bed so lightfootedly I never felt a thing. He can also vanish as  surreptitiously as he materialized in the first place.

Tested my glucose this morning, seeing as I forgot yesterday. Got 4.1 mmol/L which is good! It hasn't always been nice and low recently!  Will test again on Wednesday which will put me back in sync.

It's kind of hot tonight. I will go and have my shower now, and will lock up on the way back. Then a bit of light reading followed by lights out.

There are no cobras here. We don't have snakes of any kind. Other than escaped or abandoned pets. And when they are discovered (usually terrorizing workers in a district post office, for some reason) it is such a big deal it is the lead story on the TV news that evening and front page news in the paper next day.

Edited by Netfoot
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