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Baby Mikaelson : A New Hope

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So what's the deal with baby Hope?  Is she a hybrid?  I mean considering her mother is/was a wolf and her father is a hybrid what does this make her?  Three quarter wolf to one quarter vampire?  Or is she all wolf since Vampires can't procreate.


If she's a hybrid shouldn't she not be aging?  Since technically vampires are dead.

Is she mortal?  Will she live out a normal life span and then die?

Can she have children of her own?  Can Haley?  Esther seemed to imply that because she was a hybrid she couldn't have any more children.


If she is a hybrid, why would her blood create more hybrids, I thought TVD established only doppelgänger blood could do that.

Not to forget she's also of some witchy bloodline.  I worry about the Hope story.  She's set up so that she could potentially be some super being.   She's like a mix of every supernatural thing that's been introduced and a direct descendant of some of the most powerful supernatural bloodlines.  Super hybrid babies always turn out to be super dumb.  Often they can age quickly (thankfully no sign this will be a problem) and they become some lazy plot device to unite opposing forces, usually because they are blood related to all sides.  I actually sort of hope that Hope gets truly killed because I don't want the writers to be too tempted to use her in ways that super hybrid babies are most often used.  

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Super babies are the worst.  I also wish the show had had the balls to kill her off right away, it would have been dark, but it would have been a good catalyst for a ton of drama.  Sadly I think it's too late.  Killing that adorable chubby baby just seems wrong now.


She should just be a werewolf, with no other super abilities at all, and instead of her blood creating hybrids I wish it cured them because it still annoys the shit out of me that Haley became one.

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I'm really enjoying this season but baby Hope is one of my few issues.
While I can't see them actually killing her at this point, I do hope once the current danger has been quelled they decide NOLA is too dangerous in general and ship her far far away.
It’s not JUST that I don’t feel like dealing with a baby every episode or once they decide to inevitable age Hope up to where she doesn’t need a babysitter… It’s that I’m so tired of ever road leading back to that damn mystical baby! I mean the underlining issue EVERY episode this year has been about keeping Hope safe. For example….
"Oooo.. ahhh... it's Klaus's bio dad... this should exciting... oh wait.... nope he killed him for Baby Hope.. awesome"

I’m so not looking forward to the upcoming storyline of what a special little snowflake this baby is.


She should just be a werewolf, with no other super abilities at all, and instead of her blood creating hybrids I wish it cured them because it still annoys the shit out of me that Haley became one.


Yeah- I still don't understand this.  I mean one mystical baby passes through your who-ha and poof you're a hybrid too?



I feel like the show might be purposely diminishing Hope's scenes with Klaus, because Josef Morgan lights up like a candle around that baby, and it's hard to think badly of him whenever they're together. The casting of Hope is great; I mean you can see the entire cast around her adores her and she's (well, they, as far as I can find out she's played by twins named Charlie and Blake) such a bright happy baby. And every time I see Klaus around her I find it hard to believe him of any ulterior motive at all aside from protecting her. He's so good with her that in the last episode when Hayley threatened to disappear with Hope, I started yelling at the screen about paternal rights, which I don't think is quite the reaction the writers were going for.

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I'm not sure about real custody rights existing in this world. If Klaus does intend to kill Jackson, I don't blame Haley for taking the baby and running too.


I do think Klaus's is less hands on dad to Hope, while Jackson is for story reasons. Because of Hope's powers and Klaus wanting to go after Jackson. I think Hope's powers will come into play when Klaus tries to hurt Jackson and make her powers known to them all. 

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