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Terri Edda Miller @TerriEdda  ·  18h

@AndrewWMarlowe I love you. I love our life. You are my sweetheart. There's nothing I can say that can encapsulate how much. #MilMar #Always


Andrew W. Marlowe @AndrewWMarlowe  ·  22h

Happy anniversary to the light of my life @TerriEdda The best is yet to come!!!


Happy Anniversary now okay you guys go get a room. When I see tweets like this I wonder why they find it so difficult to translate some of the obvious love and affection they share between them into Castle and Beckett's relationship.

Edited by verdana
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Happy Anniversary now okay you guys go get a room. When I see tweets like this between them I wonder why they find it so difficult to translate some of the obvious love and affection they share between them into Castle and Beckett's relationship.


I'm probably terribly old, but I never felt the need to shout out to the whole world the things what I wanted to tell my wife. 

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Extended SP is marginally better without the overly melodramatic score, but I still don't like the shot of Beckett sinking to her knees, palms up as the water is sprayed on her ever so artistically. ;)  No doubt Bowman was going for an artistic shot and imagery of some sort there, but the framed 'prettiness' of the shot took me out of the authenticity and drama of what should be a raw and messy moment.  Not always the best directing choice imo, and not the first time he's overindulged in this either imo (thought so in ITBOTB too) arguably at the expense of the characterisation.   


Alexis and Martha's reactions seemed a tad muted to me, especially Alexis.  Not that screaming 'Dad' is the only way to go, but I wanted more of a punch in the gut reaction from her.  Still think it's BS no one stopped Beckett from going down to the burning car.  Beckett seemed a little too quick to return to cop mode after seeing the car was empty.


Nitpicks aside, it was thankfully improved from the original version of the SP.

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I've said since the finale that the only thing that would slightly salvage the ending would be the reactions of Beckett, Martha, and Alexis. THAT scene? Did not do it. No, screaming & yelling & crying doesn't need to happen to pack an emotional punch but I expected more than that! Meh. 

Edited by Samantha84
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I agree with mad maverick about the reactions of Martha and Alexis I was expecting more there, kind of disappointing and Beckett certainly did move on very quickly from her initial distress into lets get back to business mode. I hope there's something better to come later on.


As for Beckett being allowed to scramble around by the car by the fire and police personnel, I can't take that kind of thing remotely seriously, they would have wanted her as far away from a burning vehicle as possible, so they lost me there. 

No doubt Bowman was going for an artistic shot and imagery of some sort there, but the framed 'prettiness' of the shot took me out of the authenticity and drama of what should be a raw and messy moment.  Not always the best directing choice imo, and not the first time he's overindulged in this either imo (thought so in ITBOTB too) arguably at the expense of the characterisation.



I sense that Bowman has an ego the size of a planet and he wants to make a "statement" every time he gets in the chair. He needs to take a lesson from the truly great directors who know how to let the scene speak for itself whilst also conveying the story they want to tell. 


Found this clip apologies if it's been posted before.


Castle vanishing made the papers in ‘Castle’s world’


Nice to see Castle making the papers as the "famed New York mystery author" but here's what I don't get, how the hell did a photographer manage to get a picture of a soaked and downcast Beckett at the scene?  The car I could understand but not Beckett being there. Were they hiding behind a bush? 

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Nice to see Castle making the papers as the "famed New York mystery author" but here's what I don't get, how the hell did a photographer manage to get a picture of a soaked and downcast Beckett at the scene?  The car I could understand but not Beckett being there. Were they hiding behind a bush? 


Believe me, gung ho fans will explain (if this remains in the epsiode - which I can't rule out, it was in one of the previews that Castle's disappearing will hit the media, but it will not be a topic in the episode), that surely the official photographer of the wedding saw the commotion and run after them, or something like this...

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Is a Castle Wedding Still in the Cards? 7 Teases for the New Season by Adam Bryant at TV Guide.


A few things here that had me eye rolling.


we were conscious about not wanting to have dueling mythologies on the show. 


Really writers? You can't manage TWO story arcs running concurrently. Jesus that is so lame. Has Marlowe watched some of the shows out there that have three, four, five or even more plotlines running simultaneously with no problem and the audience are perfectly able to cope - yet Castle has to close down one in order to focus on another.  So Beckett gets put on the back burner for Castle now? Hope not. 


And what "seeds" have you been planting along the way Marlowe for this new mythology you have planned because I can't find them! 


As for Esposito may be getting into possible danger, frankly I don't care they could kill him off and I would shrug.  


Good to know that they haven't forgotten Ryan has a child, although I'm shocked they can address this given they can't cope with juggling stories around but I presume it will be contained in an Extra Special Ryan episode.


As for the wedding...yawn sadly I don't care any more.

Edited by verdana
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If they will ever invent a BullShit-O-Meter, it must be tested on Marlowe&Co for high peak calibration, they make politicians run for their money. I wish all the best for the cast and because of this I will never hope in bad audience numbers, but after reading these kind of empty self promotions I started to change my mind, just to know that this would hit his ego.

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@Ehorvat1: Look what I got.Castle Beckett get married episode 6.This episode 7. #Castle #CastleSeason7 #Caskett #CaskettWedding http://t.co/rEDs1cADWD

Any way (assuming this is real) they aren't actually married by episode 7? Like could they be talking about being newlyweds in the future and having a honeymoon in the future? I know it's stretching it but don't wanna get my hopes up for nothing.

There are two pictures there, by the way. I saved them in case they have to delete the tweet.

Edited by FlickerToAFlame
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Nice job flicker. For sure a legit call sheet. It would be hard to believe they were talking about their future wedding. I only saw the call sheet. Was there something else there?

From the ABC board, posted by Kelly (AlwaysCastle, I think her screen name is). Interview from the "mysterious" guy in the premiere and beyond:

New interview with Matt Lerscher in TV Watch Tower regarding his guest appearance on Castle:

I know you are probably under some strict rules about what you can or cannot say about your role on CASTLE, but can you just generally talk about it?

MATT: We can very generally talk about it. I’m actually very surprised. I honestly don’t know where it is headed because they will not tell me. But I can tell you that I’ll be in multiple episodes, that I’ll be in the premiere, and I’ll be holding myself out to be somebody that I am not. I think that was pretty much the list of talking points.

Without getting into specifics, could you talk about the experience of working on the show. Was it fun, challenging, surprising?

MATT: Working on CASTLE is great. It’s in its seventh season and they’ve got the thing wired now. I mostly worked with Nathan [Fillion] and it was lovely. He is jus a really lovely guy. So easy to work with and very generous. Plus, the show looks great. I feel they do a great job with the look of the show. So I’m excited to see where my character and the story goes.

Are we supposed to assume that your character on CASTLE will be back?

MATT: (Laughs) I’m supposed to. That’s the plan. But I’ll get shot if I tell you when or where that might happen.

Maybe you can talk about how you got cast on CASTLE and what drew you to the role?

MATT: It was an offer that came in and then I called the producers because there wasn’t much to it. I just couldn’t figure it out. But they couldn’t tell me much or they didn’t want to tell me much. They basically just talked about what their plan was for this season with the odds that things could morph and change as the story progresses. But what’s happening is sort of a major reinvention for the show and my character has a lot to do with that. So I’m excited. Even though the show’s been on for six seasons and is entering its seventh season, this feels like it is going to be a new start for it and it’s exciting to be in on that


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It worked. I'm still skeptical that they get married at the end of 706 unless it's tacked onto the end of the episode (which is possible when it comes to the show). My spec would be it being at the start of 707 before they get shipped off to the Western town, etc. But that is all pure spec on my behalf.

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As for the wedding...yawn sadly I don't care any more.

Last season I wanted a heartfelt ceremony with TPW, Hanning or the Creaseys penning the ep. At this point I don't care where or when the wedding happens as long as we don't have to sit thru blah wedding planning again this season as the 2-3 min home Caskett scenes per ep. Please find something new to talk about. Have them discuss a book/movie, a meal/poker with friends, Castle trying to do yoga with Beckett, just anything over wedding planning and umpteenth wine on the couch scene. With these articles, Marlowe's ego and the horrible finale I would not be surprised if we end up with a Kyra's like wedding ceremony packed in the last min of a MilMar ep. They seem to care more about the COTW and this new mythology than anything else.

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Drat! They took the tumblr page down! Oh well, we have really good intel regardless. Call sheet says it's day 3 of shooting, likely they're doing all the ranch stuff at once. Also there would be some night shooting as well with a call time of 11AM. Minimum talent and union crew would be working until 11PM or later.

So now it begs the question: married in Terri's ep (about if they had never met) or the start of TPW's. it's MilMar, so it's got to be Terri's. I don't think they know that TPW is the best writer on staff (including MilMar). And didn't Jon or someone say its going to be a fan favorite? Well, if you're into five minute weddings tacked on to episodes, then this should be nirvana.

Edited by Elysium1973
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Well either way regardless if it is 706 or 707 it will literally be a 5 min wedding. Going by the leaked info, etc. But I guess it means I probably got my City Hall wish after all. Heh.

Edited by Nadine
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Any way (assuming this is real) they aren't actually married by episode 7? Like could they be talking about being newlyweds in the future and having a honeymoon in the future? I know it's stretching it but don't wanna get my hopes up for nothing.

Guess we will really find out the next time a fan with a decent zoom on their camera is at an on location set or when publicity releases stills for the western ep.

Well either way regardless if it is 706 or 707 it will literally be a 5 min wedding.

Lol, I just speculated in the media thread about this. If it's Terri's ep then it'll be like a rehash of Kyra's one minute ceremony, but if it's TPW's ep we might get some decent vows. Hopefully Jim is actually present for it.

Edited by turnitwayup
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So now it begs the question: married in Terri's ep (about if they had never met) or the start of TPW's. it's MilMar, so it's got to be Terri's. I don't think they know that TPW is the best writer on staff (including MilMar). And didn't Jon or someone say its going to be a fan favorite? Well, if you're into five minute weddings tacked on to episodes, then this should be nirvana.



This blogger has been telling everyone who is prepared to listen to her that it is definitely not #7.06, she's supposedly "knows" people who give her information sometimes of what's to come. Since she comes over as such a know it all I'm going to be interested in what happens when she gets told about that call sheet.


But how does that major shit even get out? I thought there were rules about releasing those, didn't one guest start take a photograph once of part of one last season and then had to delete it?  If it is true someone is getting their knuckles wrapped.


But Nadine is right the one thing it does seem to confirm is that the wedding is not going to take up much time which is exactly how Marlowe no doubt would prefer it. 

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Yeah that was my reaction to that comment too after reading that. What major reinvention would that be exactly?  Concentrating on your title character for a change? Makes me wonder what these guest stars get told about their role by TPTB which in the end probably never turns out nothing like what they thought it would. Marlowe is not the kind of showrunner who is possessed of great imagination and he won't change from an established set formula and way of storytelling, he's utterly predictable in that respect so that comment from Matt stuck out. 

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They really have sucked any joy out of this wedding business for me, so many great opportunities there were available to do this couple real justice and yet I sense they will get skipped past for the sake of developing this new mythology business. I just want them married and I don't care how or where because like you I've had my fill of boring wedding planning that tells me nothing interesting about them as a couple. Get it over and done with so I don't have to read these interviews by Marlowe and Amann trying to pathetically hedge their bets. What got me most about that interview was Amann pleading for fans "indulgence" and "patience" over the first few episodes until fans can see where they're going. Forget it, you dicked me around for an entire season over a wedding that never was and now you expect me to forget about that and get screwed over again? No, they lost me there.

Edited by verdana
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True that. Have we seen any stills from 7x06? We have for 7x07, but nothing close enough to warrant hand/ring inspection. This being Castle, of course, they may not end up wearing them. It might be too difficult for Rick to write or play video games with his ring on. :0

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I can barely make out anything on the call sheets, I therefore apologize if this doesn't make any sense; but is there any way they are just playing pretend in 7x07? That for some reason they have to pretend to be newlyweds and that's why they talk about it? 

From the spoilers I've read, I just can't imagine that we'll get a satisfying wedding in 7x06. I don't want/need a big ceremony like we were supposed to have in 6x23, but I do want vows and a meaningful Kate/Jim talk and a worthy ceremony, and you can't squeeze that into the last 10 minutes. 

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v wouldn't it be awesome if that blogger was wrong? ;) I would drink some coffee to that.

I studied that call sheet pretty well and it's real for sure. The thing is that everyone gets a call sheet, from the line producer/ADs/PMs (who write them - mostly the ADs or 2nd AD put them together as I recall, with input from the line producer/UPM) to the lowly PA who's job it is to pick up water bottles and cigarette butts from the ground (yes, thank you, I did do that job myself at one time). So it's hard to keep control of whose hands they ultimately get in to. Sometimes the crew would just leave the call sheets on the floor (my personal favorite). And day players (actors there for one or more days) get them too, so there is that as well. It's going to be tough to figure out where/who it came from, but it's all very interesting.

Looking at it again, the scene in question is being shot at night, only has C and B (1 and 2) and is about a page of dialogue. I'm not 100% sure about the pages of script, but that's my best guess. Maybe halwideman can weigh in on that. I would find it odd if the two of them were talking about that, at night, alone, if they weren't already hitched.

ETA: checked it. The page numbers refer to how much of the script page is being shot.

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Well the other thing to look at is the day/night thing as Elysium stated the C/B scene is a night scene. But before they arrive to the ranch there is a full first day/night in there. So anything can happen in those first eight scenes minus the murder, etc.

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This being Castle, of course, they may not end up wearing them.

It would be still rediculous if Beckett wears bulky fashion rings like last season but no understated wedding band. Since Ryan wears one then Castle should wear one. Didn't Mongomery wear one too?

Have we seen any stills from 7x06?

I don't think we've seen any yet. Maybe most of the ep is filmed on the soundstages. Hopefully we get some official publicity stills in October. I'll be shocked if any of the entertainment sites/shows gets an on set interview of the wedding ep cause wouldn't we get hints from some media twitter if it was in 7x06 or 7x07 by now? For as long as I followed Brad Bessey, Castle has never been a topic he has tweeted about. Not even sure which media were at the 100th ep party and I wasn't watching the show in real time so I didn't paying attention to his tweets. So it's possible he tweeted about it if ET or The Insider was there but I'm not gonna scroll back over a yr of his tweets.

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I can barely make out anything on the call sheets, I therefore apologize if this doesn't make any sense; but is there any way they are just playing pretend in 7x07? That for some reason they have to pretend to be newlyweds and that's why they talk about it? 


From the pictures and videos it looks like 7x07 is some kind of undercover episode. Otherwise why dress up? The call sheet says it’s supposed to be Mojave* Desert Arizona? Long way from home…


So, did Beckett and Castle tie the knot in Vegas, and on their way to their honeymoon destination  (Airport Los Angeles or Tijuana) they get caught up in a murder case that requires them to do some undercover digging?


Or is the ranch their actual honeymoon destination and they happen to stumble upon a murder there?


Or is it all part of the undercover mission? But if it is a planned mission, then they would surely have undercover names as well?


Edited to add: *Scratch that, it says Moving not Mojave. My eyes...

Edited by Sonik Tooth
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FWIW, I saw a better/clearer copy of both call sheets and the top (less yellow-y) one is from the location shoot at Paramount Ranch last Thursday (the day that started at 11 a.m.). So any wedding-y talk happened there too and looks like continues at the Universal location. The lower yellow-y one is today and tomorrow, so they're at Universal for the next two days. 


I also picked up on a line from that bottom call sheet that Castle is involved in a poker game at a saloon that turns into a fight. Gotta say, I'm super excited to see that on-screen. ;) 


We did see some pics of Nathan/Castle from 7.06 getting coffee for him and Beckett when someone comes up on him with a gun on location, but I don't recall seeing a wedding band on his finger. Though, if the spec about the wedding being last minute and at some place like City Hall, then we wouldn't have seen a wedding ring in those location pics I would imagine. 


Also, I've been witness to female fans of the show flirting with crew for information on location before (which, sadly works often because the crew don't receive attention as much as actors do, lol), so it's very possible one of them gave a call sheet to a visitor last week at Paramount. Wouldn't shock me if that were the case. 

Edited by S55
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That blogger I mentioned earlier is sticking to her guns, there is no wedding in 7.06. Her comments are here if you care to read them. She says three people associated with the show have told her that and she has no reason to believe they would all lie to her. Make of that what you will. 


So, did Beckett and Castle tie the knot in Vegas, and on their way to their honeymoon destination  (Airport Los Angeles or Tijuana) they get caught up in a murder case that requires them to do some undercover digging?


You would think after the Rogan incident, both Castle and especially Beckett would want to steer clear of getting married in Vegas.  Although I suppose at least this time around Castle could explain to Kate how this complicated marriage business works.


I also picked up on a line from that bottom call sheet that Castle is involved in a poker game at a saloon that turns into a fight. Gotta say, I'm super excited to see that on-screen. ;)


That sounds great, I hope they don't have him cowering under a table though in fear whilst all the action is going on around him. No doofus Castle please. 

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There's some chatter I'm seeing that it was an intentional leak. Not sure I'm buying that, but it's interesting promotion on their part if so, lol. And the Twitter account which posted the info originally (Ehorvat1) has now disappeared (which doesn't surprise me in the least). Hmmm....  

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Ask Matt: Good Wife, Parenthood, Gotham, Murder, Castle, Scorpion, Forever and More at TV Guide.

Question: Castle will enter its seventh season Monday night, but what are the chances this could be the final season for the ABC drama? Nathan Fillion's contract expires at the end of this season and seven seasons marks the end for many series. Andrew Marlowe has stated the story doesn't need to end once the two main characters get married (whenever that happens this season), but I'm not sure Castle can pull off a Bones scenario. — Emily


Matt Roush: I don't see why Castle couldn't continue the way Bones has, with its central couple happily married (though not without the usual complications), but I can't see Castle continuing without Castle — so if Nathan Fillion doesn't renew his contract (although I expect he will, after the usual back and forth), that would be it, and I hope that decision would get made early enough for everyone to plan a grand finale for such a long-running crowd-pleaser. In our Returning Favorites issue, Fillion takes a "We'll see" stance regarding his undecided future. Read into that what you will. (I read it as, "Make it worth my while and I'll be back.")


Terri Edda Miller @TerriEdda  ·  11h
Remember tomorrow morning AWM & Amann are on Reddit doing Ask Me Anything!!! That should be interesting. #Castle


Ask those guys anything huh? Wow. Somehow I doubt they're going to be responding to the kind of questions I would be interested in having answered.

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Matt Roush: I don't see why Castle couldn't continue the way Bones has, with its central couple happily married (though not without the usual complications), but I can't see Castle continuing without Castle — so if Nathan Fillion doesn't renew his contract (although I expect he will, after the usual back and forth), that would be it, and I hope that decision would get made early enough for everyone to plan a grand finale for such a long-running crowd-pleaser. In our Returning Favorites issue, Fillion takes a "We'll see" stance regarding his undecided future. Read into that what you will. (I read it as, "Make it worth my while and I'll be back.")

You know, what hacks me off about all this contract renewal crap is that no one ever mentions the fact that SK's contract is up this year as well. So if she doesn't resign, which I think is a distinct possibility as she seems ready to move on and pursue other projects, the show also ends. But as this is still seen as the Fillion show (ugh), she doesn't even warrant a mention. 


I really would love for AWM to get some tough questions at the AMA but I have a feeling only the funny/fawning ones will be answered and the real ones (such as: what the hell are you thinking with this crap?) will just be ignored. *sigh*

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Yeah Stana is integral to what happens, if either of them quit that's it - the show is done - it can't possibly continue.  But I guess Fillion is considered the "name" so he gets the focus more than she does and there has been more gossip and rumors swirling around him and what he wants to do than her, Stana tends to fly under the radar. 

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we were conscious about not wanting to have dueling mythologies on the show.



Really writers? You can't manage TWO story arcs running concurrently. Jesus that is so lame. Has Marlowe watched some of the shows out there that have three, four, five or even more plotlines running simultaneously with no problem and the audience are perfectly able to cope - yet Castle has to close down one in order to focus on another.


I hope AM gets asked about this no 2 mythologies with 2 characters at the same time BS (over 20+ episodes!) on reddit, but I too don't see him answering these sorts of legitimate critical questions.  Is his writing ability that limited or does he believe the audience is so dumb we can't deal with 2 ongoing storylines at the same time?! ;)


What got me most about that interview was Amann pleading for fans "indulgence" and "patience" over the first few episodes until fans can see where they're going. Forget it, you dicked me around for an entire season over a wedding that never was and now you expect me to forget about that and get screwed over again? No, they lost me there.



Good storytelling shouldn't require that kind of indulgence from viewers.  Good writers should know how to pave their stones on the path to the payoff so that viewers can feel engaged throughout the journey as well as rewarded at the end.


Some believe NF is the one more likely not to sign on for another season, but in my mind, the chances of SK not re-signing are just as great because she might feel she's been tied down to one thing for too long after 7 seasons, and I can't say I'd blame either of them.  If the show is really coming to an end, no doubt NF is going to get the blame in this fandom as usual even if it's both of them not wanting to continue. ;)

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Some believe NF is the one more likely not to sign on for another season, but in my mind, the chances of SK not re-signing are just as great because she might feel she's been tied down to one thing for too long after 7 seasons, and I can't say I'd blame either of them.

Same here. The way he is talking, if the conditions are right and he still gets to do his fun stuff, he'll stick around for at least another season. It pays the bills and that's something he pointed out more than once. I, too think it's rather Katic who'll be out. Depending on what's happening this season.

Playboy interview with Nathan Fillion





What do you feel that the natural end point of the show is? This year? Next year?

The natural end point? Excellent question. You are asking the wrong guy. I’m the guy who said, “Don’t put Castle and Beckett together, because that will be the end of it. That’s the end.” People watch because they don’t want them to be together, but at the same time how long can you wait for two people to finally... Yeah, remember how wrong I was about that? I’m going to reserve my opinion for the future. I’m going to just kick back and wait and watch and see what happens. My hope is that there’s no natural end point. That we can continue as long as we want to. That would be nice.

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She says three people associated with the show have told her that and she has no reason to believe they would all lie to her. Make of that what you will.


Maybe they found out she was leaking their info to the internet?


Episode 6 is the AU episode, right? It could be interesting if they have a wedding, but keep jumping to scenes in the "what if they never met" universe.  That way they could still have a case (in the AU), spend more than 2 minutes on the wedding, and have an excuse to segue into the never met scenario (one of them mentions how much better their life is since they met).


Spending their honeymoon in the wild west doesn't really work for me though.

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I was wondering if some crazy fan dug the call sheets out of the trash or something.


Imagine if the call sheet had referenced fonting as newlyweds on a wedding night and not just talking about being newlyweds.   Fandom would have gotten so high they might forgive them anything from the premiere. ;)

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I think people wonder about Nathan resigning more, because he is the one that seems least excited about the show, and he's the one in the press (accurately or not) about asking for more time off, better storylines, etc).


Stana usually seems pretty happy with the storylines she's getting and talks about liking the character, so I think people assume she would want to continue.

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Nathan will be grilled alive by the crazies that he would take home photos with Molly and Susan but didn't mentioned Stana. :(


OTOH kudos to him that he openly admits he was wrong when he believed the show couldn't go on after they got together.

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cappucino, I say go in with low expectations because I don't think they will be answering any really interesting questions candidly.  I will be curious to see what the quality of the questions will be like, and if they get any critical questions or if it'll all be of the fawning variety.  


That Playboy interview was a nice read (heh, are there really many articles in there?).  Good to get something a little deeper than the usual coverage Castle gets.  I don't read too much into what Nathan said about hoping for no natural end point for Castle (at the same time he did also talk, not for the first time, about really wanting to do stuff that challenges him so...).  My guess is still that NF and SK are both ready to move on, even AM. 

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Has this been posted already ?





Expect Alexis’ reaction to cause tension. Castle and Beckett aren’t the only ones affected by the accident. Amann said Alexis will have a “very particular reaction to what Castle’s been through.”

“It’s going to change her relationship with Castle a bit,” he said. “There’s going to be a little bit of a struggle [between Alexis and Beckett] as a consequence of that, but it’s more about a reaction to the upset of what happened at the end of last season and less about Beckett.”

Yeah so digging bitchy Alexis. Didn't get enough of that during the first half of season 6.

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My guess is still that NF and SK are both ready to move on

And who can blame them, really? Shows can't, and shouldn't, last forever and I imagine they both would welcome a break from the insanity that is the Castle fandom. I'm no Fillion fan but I certainly don't envy what the man has to deal with as far as that goes. 

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[–]taraloki 9 Punkte 26 minutes ago

Were you surprised at how many fans were more upset about Beckett's Vegas "marriage" (that she wasn't one and done) than about the Caskett marriage not taking place in the finale? (Cant wait for tonight so excited for the twists & turns of season 7!)


[–]castle_writers 5 Punkte 7 minutes ago

AWM: As far as Beckett knew, she was a one-and-done kind of gal. She had no idea that she was actually married. But we felt that having a very human moment in her past would put her and Castle on more equal footing going into the marriage. And the moment in Vegas happened before the defining event in her life - her mother's murder. AMA

Still don't buy the storyline with all the background checks Beckett had to go through and her being that stupid.

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The more equal footing justification is such a poor rationale imo.  We'll never know if the other writers truly thought the previous wedding plot was a good idea, or just AM/TM.


No one seems to have asked why there's rarely any sexual tension (or sex) on the show anymore.  I am curious to learn what writing challenges they experienced after resolving the WT/WT and whether they believe there's no room for sexual tension between couples who are together.

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ETA: By the way I didn't mean that no one should discuss it here. I meant more of the press talking about it now. All that does is create hype and than Fillion can ask for more money.

And that is a bad thing? Along with Katic? I don't see how.

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I wasn't arguing from a fan's side either. More along the thoughts of: If ABC would be in the fortunate position to make more money from Castle, so should others. As I'm sure they won't spend it on the crew, the actors are next on my mind. At least on this show, as IMO they have a lot to do with keeping the show on air.

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