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Wrote it in the TVLine comments section but I'll repeat it here:


If anyone within the core characters (I.E: Espo, Ryan, Lanie, and even Gates) believe that Castle just got cold feet or willingly left/disappeared I’m writing that character off in my head. B/c even if you believe for a second that Castle got cold feet .. would he really put his daughter & mother through this hell? And the core character would/should know this, in my opinion.
……But then again Espo and Lanie were the ones that believed that Castle could have killed that woman in Probable Cause so …

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Gorgeously directed? I'll judge for myself thanks Matt, I can think of other ways to describe Bowman's style.


Someone at one point is made to wonder if Rick perhaps had last-minute “misgivings” about marrying Kate. 


Oh please this is ridiculous, Samantha is right.

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I refuse to believe that Castle would put his daughter, mother and wife to be through this kind of special hell unless he absolutely had no other choice (though I sense that will be a bone of contention between him and Beckett when he reappears).  I just hope the writers don't make out that Beckett's right (again) and Castle made a bone-headed decision, because he is not that guy who would do this to his family carelessly!  The writers are playing with fire (pun intended) if they go in that direction. Being burned before, I have little faith right now and they haven't earned it back yet.

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One thing I'm happy to see is that Castle's disappearance does make the news! Sometimes this show forgets that Castle is a best selling author is seems to be fairly famous & well known. 


No Castle would never do this to Alexis, his daughter, his only child. He would never do this to his mother. It's one thing to get cold feet and run out of the church or not show up to the venue .. it's a whole other story to fake a car crash and let the people you love most and who love you most believe you've died a fiery hellish death! If Espo or Ryan or Lanie believe that for a nano second I'm done. B/c that would be plot driven bullshit; not character storytelling. 

There’s a long-lost Derrick Storm novel…?


Mark my words y'all .. this new mythology is setting up the potential DS show. Some, likely convoluted way, Marlowe/Amann/Edda are gonna backdoor DS show on Castle. This all is gonna to some way, some how come back to DS. 

Edited by Samantha84
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* The cold open, which picks up immediately where the finale left off, is gorgeously directed by Rob Bowman


On the basis of that sneak peek alone, I too beg to differ.


* Bracken, 3XK and a third blast from the past all get name-checked as Kate takes stock of her and Rick’s assorted enemies.


Third blast being Mexican mob guy or just random mob guy from Castle's past research?  Doesn't Daddy Dearest get a mention?


* Rick is first seen about one-third of the way into the episode — and in a most unexpected context.



So i'm guessing not bound and gagged in an underground cellar/torture room then.  He's probably free to move about in luxurious surroundings or a (safe) house in a scene meant to arouse our suspicions about him. ;)


* Someone at one point is made to wonder about the missing groom, “Maybe there’s a secret side to the man nobody knows?”


Man nobody knows?  He's been a public figure for decades of his life and presumably had to go through background checks to become a civilian consultant.  But of course we know how law enforcement background checks work on this show! ;)


* Someone at one point is made to wonder if Rick perhaps had last-minute “misgivings” about marrying Kate.



(And before everyone asks, yes, Tory is in the episode.


Who is asking, besides Matt? ;)  Don't care in the least.


* Make no mistake, the best-selling novelist’s vanishing does make headlines. Lots of ‘em.



Well, at least they remembered he was famous, semi-famous. ;)

Are there going to be any jibes about a runaway groom? ;)


*As first reported by TVLine, there is a decent-sized time jump about midway through the premiere.

If Castle's been gone for months, it's really a disservice to all the characters involved and makes a mockery of the whole disappearance if there aren't any serious emotional repercussions felt.  But 7.02 is supposedly is or isn't part 2 of a 2 parter.


* Dueling theories about what transpired (and who may have had a hand in it) will put Esposito and Ryan at odds.

Go Team Ryan.

But I'm kind of tired of how they always have to have characters at odds to create drama.  Espo and Ryan.  Beckett vs the fam.  Would be refreshing if everyone's pulling together in this time of crisis.


* Whomever is behind this mystery is deduced to have “unlimited resources” at his or her disposal.

Yawn. Is there any other kind of Big Bad in a Mythology with a capital 'M'? ;)


* There’s a long-lost Derrick Storm novel…?

At least it's not a long lost love child.  Small mercies. ;)


So I guess they might tie in DS to the mythology, and mention DS any way they can on Castle to generate interest in the new show that they are developing. Predictable.


Twistier doesn't always = good if it means character assassination.  I hope the writers got that memo in writing school. ;)

Edited by madmaverick
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You mean to tell me Stana is making more than Kerry Washington? Bullshit. Stana is a good actress and I know Castle has been on longer but Kerry was a bigger star than Stana and her show is the most buzzed about show on television. PS: Kerry got a salary bump middle of season 2 (early syndication deal helped, I'm sure) 

I heard Nathan earned around $100,000 per episode would that sound about right?


Yes. He was on the list w Neil Patrick, Sofia V. Ellen P, Patrick D, Mariska H. Making less than them at $100,000 per episode. 

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Who is asking, besides Matt? ;)  Don't care in the least.


May be they've kept her on to develop some story around her. She could turn out to be a spy or serial killer for example. 


Good to know that the writers remembered Castle is famous, unlike in Probable Cause where his arrest didn't cause a ripple of gossip or news. 


Good call on the Derrick Storm link. I sense we will be hearing more about that as the season progresses. 


7 Things to Know About Castle’s Season 7 Premiere at Screen Spy


After reading this one, I sense Castle's reappearance coincides with the need for that coast guard.


And Beckett going outside the law to get some answers? I'm shocked. 

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From Spoiler TV: http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/09/castle-season-7-premiere-advance-preview.html


Now let's talk about the new mythology. I frankly found the new mythology a little underwhelming. However, one thing that I have to say that the writers came up with something that no one would have guessed or expected. It surely is mysterious and will definitely leave everyone talking. It may even divide the fandom on what they think actually happened.



And speaking of cores, our delicate Caskett core was kicked about and trampled on quite a bit this episode. Prepare to be confused, angry and demanding of answers, dammit!


Great.  Just what I want to watch for an engaged couple.  Guess they were only getting started on the 'obstacles' for their grand love story. ;)  


Looks like Marlowe's going to save the juicy stuff for his own episode after all... for better or for worse indeed. ;)


And I have no desire to see anyone but Castle get Beckett coffee.


And Beckett going outside the law to get some answers? I'm shocked.


Police brutality/violence doesn't = badassness for me.  Wish storytellers would stop sending out that poor message.

Edited by madmaverick
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Police brutality/violence doesn't = badassness for me.  Wish storytellers would stop sending out that poor message.


Someone tell Amann and/or Marlowe/Edda to stop watching Chicago P.D., please.


<Goes back to my sugar overload/birthday cake. Mmmm!>

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I think that spoiler TV article lived up to its name and is quite detailed spoiler wise just to warn others.


Police brutality/violence doesn't = badassness for me.  Wish storytellers would stop sending out that poor message.


Absolutely, I never enjoy seeing the writers go there, makes me uncomfortable and doesn't impress me in the badass stakes. 


I see there is some continuity at last with Alexis. Heh. 

Edited by verdana
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I'm actually profoundly worried and dismayed by the reviews we're getting. When the critics know the fandom is going to be pissed off and upset, I take that as a very bad sign. Very Very Bad. Worse than Moonlighting Curse. A true fucking disaster. There's really only so long we can be screwed around - and with potential character and Caskett annihilation at stake my patience is very very short.

From ScreenSpy:

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Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion in ABC's CASTLE. Picture by: ABC Network

When we last checked in on almost-weds Rick Castle and Kate Beckett, things had taken a turn for the worse.

On his way to the wedding of our dreams, Castle’s car was cruelly driven off the road where Kate discovered it moments later, engulfed in flames.

Is Rick dead? What about the wedding? And what’s all this about the show taking a new direction this season?

Having reviewed the premiere episode, courtesy of our friends at ABC, we can finally dish on some of those questions. Here, in no particular order are 5 things to know about Castle’s season seven premiere episode “Driven.”

What Happens Next?

We’ve been specifically asked by ABC not to reveal what happened to Castle but trust us, you won’t want to be spoiled on that front. Beckett’s search for her husband to be forms the backbone of this mile a minute episode and sets up some really juicy plot lines for the rest of the season. What we can tell you is that she almost goes up in flames too while attempting to drag Rick from that burning wreckage. That wedding dress won’t be walking down any aisles any time soon. Also, Castle will be missing for two months before real answers are revealed.

Double Whammy

And if the thought of Castle’s mangled body in twisted burning metal hasn’t sufficiently freaked you all out, you’ll be treated to a double whammy of horrible car death terror before the opening credits roll. Well done Castle!

Friends and Family

Although Kate is driven (geddit?) to find Castle at any cost, Agent Connors of the FBI reluctantly suggests that friends or even family may be behind Rick’s kidnap plot. Although Kate is reluctant to believe or accept this possibility, what she uncovers will shake her to the core. And speaking of cores, our delicate Caskett core was kicked about and trampled on quite a bit this episode. Prepare to be confused, angry and demanding of answers, dammit!

A Difference of Opinion

The search for Rick not only rattles Kate, but Ryan and Esposito too. Our favorite cop buddies fall out during their two month investigation when they are challenged to accept a hard truth about Rick.

Outside the Bounds of the Law

Expect to see Kate leaning on a witness (read breaking some fingers) to get at the answers she desperately craves. Ouch!

Where’s Rick?

We’re not saying, but you will be all at sea over his sudden return.

Unlimited Resources

It looks like Rick’s disappearance was by the hand of a new villain with “unlimited resources” … and quite an imagination!

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Came across this on Tumblr and thought I'd share. It's a post from a background extra who was at Paramount when they filmed a day of 705: "Meme is Murder" there Monday.  Apparently the heat was so bad a crew member suffered heat stroke and had to be taken off in an ambulance. Yikes. She also posted some pics on her Tumblr (nothing spoilery except maybe a storefront that's in a scene). Also, fair warning, there's some salty language there. lol


As an aside, to the person from the ABC message boards who lurks here and takes info to there (often without giving credit for where you found it), just a heads-up...you never know who from this board also lurks there. And sees your posts. Might keep that in mind when you talk about info you share there that originated here. (You know who you are.)  

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S55 thanks for saying that about the other boards. I wanted to say something but bit my tongue.

Going by the reviews, at least the Beckett/Alexis tension isn't there as much. But can they please knock down Espo and his bitterness. I was over that a few seasons ago.

Nothing has really surprised me after reading all the screeners. Though the consensus from quickly scanning social media, etc is people are annoyed by the potential lack of reunion.

I'm not surprised this is Beckett's episode considering Castle is supposed to be MIA. I always assumed that 7.01 would be the search while 7.02 would provide some of the answers.

Edited by Nadine
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Okay this spoiler comes from Caskett 12, it's a screen shot and I have no idea of her source which is annoying. It's rambling, it's detailed so you have been warned and from someone who obviously attended the screener. Seems all sorts get to see these things not just the usual media outlets. 


If someone does know where it comes from then please advise. 


I must admit after reading this it's a good thing I'm keeping my expectations low, this episode feels like it's going to be Beckett focused in the main and all over the place pacing wise.

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Nadine. Okay thanks that makes sense if it's a translation because it sure was hard going wading through that. 


And no reunion for our love birds may be? Boo! I really needed a fill up after that wedding fiasco so to be deprived of such a scene after a four month wait, well lets say I can understand some fans anger over this. 


Whilst I can understand the episode focusing more on Beckett than usual because Castle is missing, I sense the Beckett I'll get is the version I least enjoy watching, perhaps they're saving up the best stuff for Montreal and an Alexis/Castle outing? 

Edited by verdana
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Castle Preview: Four Things You Need To Know About The Season 7 Premiere from Luciana Mangas at ScreenFad.


Not too spoilery, seems like it's questions, questions and not many answers thrown up.  She compared the premiere to watching the first season of LOST when you didn't really know what was going on during an episode, I never got into that show so make what you will of that. 

Edited by verdana
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I don't know why I keep going back to this, honestly, given the fuckery of that finale, but I'm fairly certain this new crapology is just going to piss me off. I don't want to watch Caskett get trampled on and destroyed. I don't want the character of Rick Castle to turn into an evil doer that could potentially deceive his family and friends. I don't care that he's on a boat at sea when the coast guard finds him. And, worse yet, what if he does have amnesia? Not only is that just so fucking pathetic and hokey, they already did it on Bones (and it was barely tolerable then). If Hack and Amann (I'm reserving my new name for him until after the premiere) think that putting Caskett and the rest of the characters through a meat grinder is the way to win the fans back it's not. This fan is running out of hope.

Edited by Elysium1973
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Castle Season Premiere: Everything You Think You Know at TV Fanatic 


Most importantly, use caution! There are so many twists and turns in this episode it may give you whiplash. You may be left questioning everything you think you know about Castle.


This seems to be a recurring theme of many of the reviews, lots of twists and turns, lots of questions, very few answers but it's the last part that worries me the most. Will it be something which detracts from his character which has already come under attack over the last few seasons or is it something that adds an interesting and intriguing further element to the man? I hope for the latter but fear it will be the former.  

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Castle goes missing and Beckett is tasked with trying to find him. I can only smh at anyone that thought that the premiere was going to be anything but Beckett focused.


Other than that, I can't do much with the tidbits from the screener viewings. They're told to not give too much away (lest their screener privileges be taken away) and told to make it so that people want to watch. Of course they're vague. Of course they're making you think wtf ... how ... and why. They're trying to garner interest. (Honestly though, if Marlowe made a whole episode of Castle and Beckett in bed and let it slip that was the premise, I bet he could get a bunch of interest.)


I'm still intrigued and I'm still waiting anxiously for the premiere, at least to judge. I just have to figure out how spoiler/spoiler-lite I want to be.

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Are TPTB trying to give Stana Katic Emmy bait with the premiere already? I hope not. Not saying anything about her abilities specifically, but as a whole, the show will never get awards, especially aging as all shows do, so I hope no one is going to try and tonally make this show what it isn't...again.


If Castle were made in the 1980s when shows of this kind were prevalent and widespread? Maybe. But the TV landscape has vastly changed from 30 years ago.


So I'm hoping the concern is for naught and it's natural to the aftermath and not trolling for awards that are never materializing for anyone involved here. Not that awards are the be-all, end-all, but the suits still seem to covet them.

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Oh lawd wendy from your mouth to God's ear. Neither Stana, Nathan or Castle are getting anywhere near an award that isn't voted for by fans. Let's get real. This entire genre hasn't been original in 40 years - but the truly great shows stand the test of time. I'm not sure how people are going to see Castle in 30 or 40 years - I guess time will tell.

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Originally I thought NF was making $150K/episode. I imagine he's making in the $200K range at this point. I can't imagine he'd hit $300 or more unless he resigned for season 8. I'm sure SK made something like $30-50K/episode to start and after season three (when renegiotations happens) she'd likely be at least $100-150K with Fillion in the $200K range. I had a feeling that there was no way Fillion would have signed an automatic eight year option given his ambivalence in interviews. In a lot of ways I really hope this is the last season and they make it the best one they possibly can. When Marlowe told us in Austin that the story basically ended in seven years (I think he said that's what they had originally intended and had a show arc planned out) I got the impression that's how it would play out. But then AWM had to backtrack and say he had tons of ideas left - which somehow I doubt. I'd really rather have the show end on a high note and not drag through an eighth season with actors who are only there because they're getting paid absurd sums of money.

And halwideman thanks for the info. Very interesting. Also good to know about the Q rating. The majority of people I know have no idea who Nathan Fillion is, much less Stana. NF has cult/geek status but there's no way in hell he could open a movie (not by himself, at least). Though I hope both of them go on to terrific projects they love.

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I'm sorry but there is no way Stana is pulling 100,000, let alone 100,000+, per episode. Neither she or Nathan made this years list if highest paid TV stars. I know neither are spokes-models for products but still actors on that list just made it from their TV salary alone. Nathan isn't pulling in 200,000 either. 110,000/120,000 at the most. Stana 70,000 at the most. 

Edited by Samantha84
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I know for a fact he started at either $100 or $150K so he would be making more now. And Stana would have to make at least $100K. That isn't even all that much for TV salaries. Mariska makes $450K/episode, for instance. That's crazy money. I'll try to find some sources for you samantha. I promise you what hal is saying is not far off. She and I have both worked in the business (and she's doing it currently) and I promise this is legit info.

Edited by Elysium1973
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This is old news but the comment section is interesting. Deadline is an industry website so it's a slightly more legit spin:


A person there confirms the $100-150K to start (up to season three) salary.

This confirms his starting salary in 2010 (back when the actors on BBT theory were making less than $100K/episode. They're now making $1M! I was friends with Jim Parson when he was in college and I can tell you he's a terrific guy and deserves all of his success).


Also note that David Boreanaz was making $200K back then, so it's not like that salary is some crazy amount.

And then there's this


Which I don't think is legit but kind of funny all the same.

Last one. Here's an estimate of Stana's net worth in 2012. $2M is around $100K/episode from 2012 on (post season 3)


Edited by Elysium1973
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Because some were discussing it earlier, the

from season 2. What happened to that chemistry? And that incredibly gorgeous man? Oh well. Lots of kidnapping and hand wringing instead. Yay.

Also the

. We will ever see that level of hotness again? Edited by Elysium1973
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No Jim Beckett by the looks of things, but if dad can't make an appearance now when his daughter is in such great need for emotional support then when is he going to show up?


For a character that is so important to one of the leads, it seems like he's treated as an afterthought now days. It would be nice to get him back for some father/daughter scenes and some with Martha and Alexis.



* Someone at one point is made to wonder if Rick perhaps had last-minute “misgivings” about marrying Kate.


Sounds like Ryan is still the only character that seems to be mostly consistent over the seasons. I don't even know what tptb try to accomplish with Espo and Lanie half the time cause they seem to flip flop depending on ep.




* There’s a long-lost Derrick Storm novel…?

At least it's not a long lost love child.  Small mercies. ;)


That could be interesting if done right. Agent Gray from Fool Me Once would be fun to bring back but I doubt it would happen. That long lost love child is really one of those things that you know that tptb are running out of ideas. Didn't like it in Gilmore Girls or Californication.

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For a character that is so important to one of the leads, it seems like he's treated as an afterthought now days. It would be nice to get him back for some father/daughter scenes and some with Martha and Alexis.


Sounds like Ryan is still the only character that seems to be mostly consistent over the seasons. I don't even know what tptb try to accomplish with Espo and Lanie half the time cause they seem to flip flop depending on ep.


All of this, Luciana Managas did confirm to one twitter query that Jim Beckett isn't mentioned at all. That's so disappointing. He's her father and she's lost the man she loves and is obviously desperate that he's missing for what looks like months and they can't even fit in a casual mention in of him?  These are the kind of little things they miss which I'd much prefer to them include than some of the more overblown drama that adds nothing to the characters or my interest in them.


About Ryan I agree, he's the only character that has remained consistent throughout the course of the show by some miracle. 


As for Emmy bait, I do hope they're not even attempting to go there with Katic again because if so they're wasting their time and her energies. 

Edited by verdana
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Verdana it's from SK Brasil site since they posted that on their site. I think someone translated it or at least threw it into Google Translator.


She sure spoils ALL. Last season already and it seems to continue. Is everyone who keeps a blog out there allowed to watch the screener nowadays ? I don't mean her personally but all those reviews popping up from people having like only a blog on tumblr kinda baffles me.


I must admit after reading this it's a good thing I'm keeping my expectations low, this episode feels like it's going to be Beckett focused in the main and all over the place pacing wise.


That's not really that shocking since Castle is gone but I hope we'll get more Castle centered stuff throughout the season AND PLEASE NOT ONLY with Alexis ! Episode 2 seems to be more focused on him but I kinda fear more with Alexis or on his own than with Beckett.



And speaking of cores, our delicate Caskett core was kicked about and trampled on quite a bit this episode. Prepare to be confused, angry and demanding of answers, dammit!

I wonder how this is gonna go since Castle is gone and everything about it is theory or speculation. We don't know what happened to Castle in the past or now and neither does Beckett. The stuff she discovers: is it real or fake ? Espo bashing Castle or his intentions towards Beckett - nothing new there. He should ride off into the sunset and take that Tory girl with him. He is getting on my nerves since season 4/5 when everytime Castle is counting on him as a friend he tries to get either the Ferrari out of him or something else. When Beckett wasn't around at the beginning of season 6, he treated Castle as if he was dirt under his shoes. Ryan to some degree too but at least he gets his 5 minutes where  he shows he genuinely likes Castle.

Edited by cappuccino
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Cappuccino. I often wonder at some of the people that are allowed into watching screeners. Matt, Luciana and the like I can understand but some of these others seem to run personal blogs and be nothing more than glorified fan girls in some cases, they don't seem very picky as to who gets the rights to see them and some of the less professional ones spoil things they've been told not to reveal by the network yet they still get access rights. 

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Cappuccino. I often wonder at some of the people that are allowed into watching screeners. Matt, Luciana and the like I can understand but some of these others seem to run personal blogs and be nothing more than glorified fan girls in some cases, they don't seem very picky as to who gets the rights to see them and some of the less professional ones spoil things they've been told not to reveal by the network yet they still get access rights. 

And I wouldn't even be so sure they keep the screeners to themselves......

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Thanks for the articles but I'll take them w a grain of salt. One w. Stana also said her name is Stana Jacqueline Katic ... Stana said on twitter that her middle name isn't Jacqueline so...

I wasn't saying you were lying, at all! I just don't know for sure and why should I really? Her salary is none of my business .. I was just guessing. PS: I don't work in the business but I know people that do and that 6 figure salary is a stretch. That's all. Done w the subject. 

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I'd be really surprised if Stana and Nathan weren't making at least 100,000 an episode.  They're the leads of this show.  Castle gets a certain amount of buzz and has been on for 7 years.  I'd understand secondary characters were making 60-70,000, but these two have to be making more than that at this point.  I'm not in the business, but I just can't imagine them not making six figures from the little I know from following this kind of news.

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So it sounds like there's no big reunion in the first episode and that things are a little sketchy between C&B at the end of the episode. My bet is that by the end of episode two we'll have a few more answers and maybe a bit more Caskett. I still think there will be a wedding during November sweeps so things can't get too bad between them.

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Thanks for the information on salaries halwideman, Elysium and Samantha, interesting discussion. I have to admit that I wouldn't be aware of Stana or Nathan if I didn't watch Castle. 


When Marlowe told us in Austin that the story basically ended in seven years (I think he said that's what they had originally intended and had a show arc planned out) I got the impression that's how it would play out. But then AWM had to backtrack and say he had tons of ideas left - which somehow I doubt. I'd really rather have the show end on a high note and not drag through an eighth season with actors who are only there because they're getting paid absurd sums of money.


There was such a fuss created after Austin that he had to do damage control on everything, I seem to recall he said if ABC want him to continue he can find stories for ten seasons or more. I don't believe they have a stockpile of good stories to last two or three seasons let alone ten, I'll see what the new mythology on Rick brings us in S7 but I'm not getting my hopes up. 



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Will it be something which detracts from his character which has already come under attack over the last few seasons or is it something that adds an interesting and intriguing further element to the man? I hope for the latter but fear it will be the former.


My feelings exactly.  I am definitely hoping for the latter as well, but with their track record and coming off FBFW, my faith in their abilities (and their care for consistent characterisation that isn't sacrificed for plot hijinks) is almost at an all time low.  I think if they feel something can bring mystery and intrigue and their idea of mythology (ugh), and can stall milestone story events (weddings) as long as possible, they'll do it regardless of whether it's the best thing for the character/relationships.  


My question is, is there still a compelling new component to Castle, the man, that has yet to be unearthed by himself, Beckett, his family etc. after all these years we've been with the character, for a believable reason?  


My mindset was all set for a loving couple ready to commit to each other for the rest of their lives, with no more secrets between them (lessons learned), eagerly anticipating their marriage (after suffering through tedious wedding planing).  Not sure I'm of a mind to react to something that upsets that apple cart with equanimity. Whatever intrigue they stir up may not make any breakdown in trust and communication palatable.  I'm not even sure the intrigue will be all that interesting, especially if we won't be getting any satisfying answers for many episodes to come.


7.01 seems focused on intrigue and more like set up for the mythology so I'm reigning in expectations for much in depth focus on characters and their emotional turmoil.  We'll get a vengeful, badass breaking the rules Beckett no doubt, but I'm hoping for more than that characterisation, which we've gotten several times already.  Sounds like 7.02 is definitely the second part of a 2 parter if no answers are forthcoming at all in 7.01 .  No idea why they've denied that it was a 2 parter unless we're getting absolutely nothing at all in 7.02 by Marlowe, which would be a foolish move.  


So after all the heightened emotion and devastation of Castle disappearing from his own wedding, sounds like we won't be having an intense, passionate reunion for whatever reason.  Disappointed whenever we don't get this, but can't say I'm surprised anymore.


He is getting on my nerves since season 4/5 when everytime Castle is counting on him as a friend he tries to get either the Ferrari out of him or something else.



That Ferrari thing was fun at first, but it has started to grate.  Somewhere along the line I thought the writers starting making characters like Castle and Esposito etc. caricatures of themselves, going to the same well/same annoying character trait/same kind of punchline too often and it stopped becoming good natured fun and funny anymore.  They lost the balance.  Another example is how they've had Castle mentioning his ex girlfriends to Beckett's face.  Anyway, feels like writers put secondary characters into their designated superficial plot roles more and more these days rather than trying to stay true to their characterisation or digging deeper with them.  Their 'advice' serves the plot or to stir conflict rather than being well thought out according to their character.





He is getting on my nerves since season 4/5 when everytime Castle is counting on him as a friend he tries to get either the Ferrari out of him or something else.

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New poster, but wanted to share that it was revealed I believe by Matt Mitovich a while back that the wedding would take place before the end of 2014.


Also, I have no seen this review from NathanFillion Online posted here.  This one surprised me because of the line I highlighted about reunion moments.  It is the only one where I have seen that mentioned reunions and I believe it reveals to much because ABC requested that no one reveal if Castle is found in the episode.  Obviously he is found if they have reunion moments.  From what I understand the first reunion moment is just Caskett and the second is family.


It does indeed pick up after the crash and then continues a bit of what happens and all of a sudden it fast forwards in time but I didn’t know until they mentioned it.

Beckett shows intense emotions (as expected!) very well and gets badass with handling the case like a pro.

Someone from the past few seasons makes an appearance!

Some nice reunion moments somewhere in the episode, and toasting.

It’s quite confusing actually, the episode made me feel like a roller coaster ride.

A lot of twists and turns also occur to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Questions, questions, questions! LOTS of questions come into mind of the characters and to the viewer.

A mysterious person with unlimited resources is behind the whole scheme.

Caskett will be a work in process to find their way home.

Beckett has developed (stupid) rituals to cope with Castle being gone – two funny ones that doesn’t seem Beckett-like.

I didn’t see the tension between Beckett and Alexis as everyone’s been talking about..?

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Terri Edda Miller @TerriEdda  ·  15h

For those asking, there will be live tweeting by some folks #castle premiere night. We will let you know more closer to 9/29. @lisaschomas


It will be interesting if they get Nathan back, given his tweeting during the finale wasn't so well received in some quarters. Heh. 

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I think it'll be likely Stana's turn to live tweet since Castle's supposed to be missing and the focus is on Beckett.


I think the Castle leads likely aren't as well paid as they should be compared to comparable leads on other networks, but I also think they are already well compensated for their work compared to the crew and people in other professions who do important work.

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They're the leads of this show.  Castle gets a certain amount of buzz and has been on for 7 years.


Except, IMO only, Castle seems buzz free to me minus its loyal fanbase online, and those reporting online do cover it and acknowledge those fans.


But in terms of mainstream buzz? No, I don't think it really has buzz. Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and the other hot water cooler shows seem to have it reserved for them.


But shows like Castle and Bones and lighter fare don't seem to merit much, be it age or just lack of being cool. They're light, steady, dependable utility shows, which isn't a bad thing, but that's where it ends, I think.

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Except, IMO only, Castle seems buzz free to me minus its loyal fanbase online, and those reporting online do cover it and acknowledge those fans.


Maybe.  I am not that into the show itself right now but I like Fillion ever since his Joey Buchanan days :) and follow people on Tumblr who still watch Castle so I still keep up with spoilers for the most part.  If I didn't know a handful of people who watched, it might be off my radar.  It's definitely not on the same level as Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad or even Scandal, but then I watch a lot of shows that have quiet fanbases, so Caslte comparison seems to have more buzz to me.  I agree that it's not a "hot" show.

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