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OK, since my post earlier about the BTS pics from that Lopes guy, I've had several others brought to my attention and mentioned to me that maybe all these tweets from him are from the same day he visited the set and therefore from the same ep. Some of the dates are earlier than when 704 was shooting, so the scenes could be in as early as 702?


In chronological order of when the tweets were tweeted:


1, 23456

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The scan is cut off, but NF is hinting season 8 isn't a sure thing. This could just be him playing hard ball for a raise or it could be the end.

@BecklebeeCastle: spoiler #Castle S7 &Nathan thoughts on continuing w/the show MT "@77rocket

Latest from TV Guide Mag about #Castle http://t.co/Pa0G5ARhcI"

@NFillionOnline: #Castle #NathanFillion RT @77rocket: Latest from TV Guide Magazine. Straight from @NathanFillion mouth. http://t.co/IH00MwjayG

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I still can't read much into that. Maybe he doesn't want to keep going, maybe he doesn't know if they storytelling is there, maybe he just doesn't want to get hopes up if the ratings/ABC decides they're done. So many people would take "yeah, I'm in for S8" from Nathan to be "omg... Castle's got a S8!!!" and that's probably exactly what he wants to avoid.


Plus, it's probably smart to keep it vague. There's strength in numbers. If he were all "yep, right now, S8" then he's got negotiating room and not just for himself. He strikes me as the kind of guy that would also negotiate good/better deals for his costars and crew.

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This isn't really spoilers - more speculation - but for those interested, I complied some tidbits from the Ryan/Espo commentary from the DVDs. They do commentary on 6x03 - Need to Know. I wouldn't say it's canon and sometimes their stories/opinions change to suit whatever they're talking about, but whatever. It's slightly weird (a bit too meta?) and vaguely inappropriate, but here you go:


(interestingly, point 1 touches on the speculation of Espo/Beckett's relationship from upthread. I also found the tweet from Jon from January 2012 (I saved it because it made me laugh) I'll see if I can embed the image. (his web twitter doesn't go back that far) - update: here you go



-  they talk about how it's weird to see Castle and Beckett in bed (it's like seeing your mom and dad having sex), but it's weirder for Espo because of the history between him and Beckett, but he's had a few years (and girls) to get over it. It was before Ryan got there and Espo doesn't want to talk about it.


- the story of Sully isn't the same: Ryan says they moved his desk and he had a lot of sick days built up, Espo says he transferred precincts


- Perlmutter glares at everyone. Ryan thinks it might be a neurological disorder but hasn't asked because he doesn't want to upset anyone


- they rag on Sully's fashion sense - he can't rock a pink shirt (Ryan and Espo both can) and his ties might be 90s hand-me-downs from his dad


- Jenny wanted her own 2 Cool 4 School hat and Ryan regrets not taking two.. Ryan's hat is now in a glass case at his house


- of anyone, Beckett should have known it was Espo by the way his pants fit his butt


- they don't know what Beckett did with her apartment while she was in DC, either


- McCord is condescending and a "mean girl", but both think she's attractive. Espo wishes she had stayed longer, maybe her cold demeanor would have cracked. Ryan speculates that she's into bondage or S&M


- they debate whether or not Svetlana was into Charlie or just in it for the green card


- a good detective is "keeping your ears and your eyes open"


- "hubba hubba" makes Ryan laugh every time and it "broke his heart" to arrest Ramon


- the difference between the FBI and the NYPD (or any gov't agency) is the human side


- Ryan's wine pouring tip - only pour to the widest part of the glass. Anything more is too much. (Castle has too much wine)


- Ryan got stuck to Castle's couch the last time he was there (it also makes a lot of noise)


- Castle confided to Espo before he "proposed something" (them moving in together in DC). Espo gave his blessing and Castle promised he'd take care of her


- they're sad they don't get to go down to visit Beckett (and Castle) in DC


- they don't remember cameras around the precinct, or that they gave permission, so they must have been hidden

Edited by McManda
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Of course Nathan wouldn't say in that interview that he's up for a season 8 .. whether he's decided or not. If he's staying he needs to act like he isn't so he can leverage for more cash in negotiations. Perhaps he hasn't decided and he's waiting to see how this season goes. But doesn't someone need to find out if he, and Stana, are re-signing so Marlowe & Co. can decide on how to write the finale? Either as a season or series finale. My only hope is that if they decide not to re-sign, everyone knows it so plans can be mad to give Castle a proper finale. 

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Thanks for that, McManda. I hadn't watched their commentary as Ryan & Espo yet, but that's all interesting to read and chew on. ;) I started on the actor/crew episode commentaries (I love listening to commentaries on anything) beginning with The Good, The Bad and The Baby. Some things I enjoyed in that one were funny anecdotes on the four babies who played Cosmo and their personalities and a lovely comment from John Terleskey about how for not being a dad in real life how natural Nathan is as a father on the show (Terri mentions how good he was with all the babies too). :) I also enjoyed hearing from a different director than Rob Bowman; I don't think JTs done a commentary before, but I could be mistaken or forgotten he did. 

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I started on the actor/crew episode commentaries (I love listening to commentaries on anything) beginning with The Good, The Bad and The Baby. Some things I enjoyed in that one were funny anecdotes on the four babies who played Cosmo and their personalities and a lovely comment from John Terleskey about how for not being a dad in real life how natural Nathan is as a father on the show (Terri mentions how good he was with all the babies too). :) I


That's for tomorrow for me. :) (Work it too early tomorrow to stay up much longer tonight!) That commentary and the one on Deep Cover w/ Nathan, Brolin, and Susan (and the writer/director?) seems like it could be fun, too. I don't have much interest for the one with Marlowe and Amann on In The Belly of the Beast, though.


Nathan does seem to have a way with babies. People seem to want to have him take photos with his kids, so they pop up occasionally. He looks to be pretty familiar with kids and I think he'd probably make an awesome dad if he wanted. (His brother has kids, right? Maybe being the cool uncle is enough for him.)


New sneak up on ABC.com.


Spoilers! Don't read if you're truly spoiler free - although this isn't anything we didn't already know (aka: Castle's not in the car). I was trying to stay spoiler free, but I figured this one was okay - a little taste to hold be over until it airs. (I'll probably stay away from the others ... if my will holds out.)


It might be melodramatic and cheesy, but I like that it's dramatic. I think Stana did a great job. I like how Beckett just sort of collapses next to the car (because it's burning and there's nothing she can do - if he's in there he's dead already) and she's a bit stunned when it starts to "rain". (Random: that part reminded me of the very beginning of the 2nd Pirates of the Caribbean movie, how it opens with Elizabeth in a wedding dress in the rain at her failed wedding.) And then Beckett's just resigned herself to the worst thing ever - having to look into the car and see Castle's dead, burned body, except he's not there.


And it's nice to see Ryan and Espo and Alexis and Martha weren't far behind her.


I've made it this far, but 2 weeks feels like foooreeeeverrrr.

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they talk about how it's weird to see Castle and Beckett in bed (it's like seeing your mom and dad having sex), but it's weirder for Espo because of the history between him and Beckett, but he's had a few years (and girls) to get over it. It was before Ryan got there and Espo doesn't want to talk about it.


Yeah, I'm going to just take that as the actor's own take.  Or wanting to make Espo a bigger part of the storyline in his head.  Cause I really don't like the idea of a past Espo/Beckett hook up.  I don't think it's really been written that way, and I'd think we'd have seen some sign of it if we were supposed to.  Wouldn't Beckett find his hooking up with Lanie weird?

New sneak up on ABC.com.


I caved and watched it.  And the one from yesterday.  I swear I have self-control in other aspects of my life.


I think Stana did a great job in that scene, even if we're not seeing much more than was in the promo.

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I think NF has been pretty consistent about how long he wants to keep doing the show. I don't recall him saying that he wants to stay past season 7. I also don't really think he'd do a lot of campaigning for his co-stars or crew. His agent will likely be doing the negiotating anyway - and unless they have the same agent I doubt his priority would be on the cast and crew. I would be genuinely interested to find out if there was now parity in the salaries of NF and SK (even with SK lack of experience before the show). At one point the highest paid actors on TV were Mariska Hargitay and Chris Meloni despite her having had little TV exposure. Most of the crew would be in a union so I'm doubtful they'd be getting a raise unless their union got involved. I may be wrong but my understanding is that they have to commit for 2 years after the end of their contracts - but, like I said, I could be wrong. I think the most important thing is that everyone involved makes this potential last season the best it can be and to end the show on a high note.

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This may be an unpopular opinion here, but I thought that sneak peek was terrible.  Castle's always been a cheesy show (at times) but this was a new level of cheesiness.  All I thought whilst I was watching was that this was Melodrama with a capital 'M' and soapy as hell (not in a good way).  Bride running towards a still burning car (explosions still possible, no way the other characters wouldn't have dragged her away or realistically would she have been allowed so close!).  The sinking into the ground.  The sprinkling water, omg the water. ;)  Drowning the poor bride like a wet cat.  The swelling, melodramatic score put it all over the top.  It was just overkill to me.  Too cheesy and melodramatic for me to feel the genuine punch in the gut emotion that should have come from such a scene.  Sorry, the scene just didn't work for me on any level.  Let's hope the rest of the episode is far better.


Thanks to those who are sharing all the tidbits from the commentaries.  I'm not going to listen to them myself, so it's nice to see info posted here.  And I'm going to pretend that's just JH/Espo's little fantasy. ;)  I would rather Espo/Ryan or Beckett/Lanie had a drunken night together than anything sexual between Espo and Beckett. Ugh.

Edited by madmaverick
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 The sinking into the ground.  The sprinkling water, omg the water. ;)  Drowning the poor bride like a wet cat.  The swelling, melodramatic score put it all over the top.  It was just overkill to me.  Too cheesy and melodramatic for me to feel the genuine punch in the gut emotion that should have come from such a scene.  Sorry, the scene just didn't work for me on any level.  Let's hope the rest of the episode is far better.


I had to laugh so hard at that scene and "Beckett at the car wash" was playing in my head

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I will put a link to the sneak peek for those who can't access the ABC site on the media thread where I believe Wendy (thank you for the confirmation) said they should stay in future.


madmaverick. With you on the sneak peek, You ticked them all off - overblown, melodramatic, cheesy. But oh the music! Turn that racket off as my dear old dad would say when I was a kid. Too much, it's as if the writers have decided lets throw everything into this because it will make more of an impact on our audience but it has quite the opposite effect with me.  Best bit was seeing Martha and Alexis pop up. Hooray! 


I would have to throw logic out the window here in order to try and enjoy this and I can't, the fireman are not there yet the accident happened some time ago I seem to recall. The car is on fire, there are police cars already at the scene yet she's allowed to scramble down and sit there getting covered in water by the fire department who suddenly appear out of nowhere. It's eye roll worthy. I hope it works better during the episode itself but truth be told I've seen enough of that moment to feel that nothing can rescue this particular opening scene. Stana did her best with it but it was like something out one of those day time soaps. Bowman needs to rein it in, way too over the top.   

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I find it strange if they really haven't discussed past S8 yet, I'm sure they have talked about the future but Fillion is obviously going to bargain through his agent for more cash and incentives to stick around and these kind of comments are all part of the game seems to me. He's not going to commit to anything in print yet. 


I find it strange they totally ignore Stana in all of this and concentrate on Fillion, if she left they wouldn't have a show either. 


My only hope is that if they decide not to re-sign, everyone knows it so plans can be mad to give Castle a proper finale.


I still say S7 feels like the last one but if it isn't whenever that time comes please dear God in heaven announce it in advance and let the show go out on a high. My hope if that if Marlowe has a definitive end point in mind (or the network gives him one) it will allow him to pace the season out properly for a change, take off the shackles and stop with the obvious hesitancy he likes to employ when writing Castle and Beckett and give the characters and fans a deservedly great send off. 

Edited by verdana
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I will put a link to the sneak peek for those who can't access the ABC site on the media thread where I believe Wendy (thank you for the confirmation) said they should stay in future.


Oops, my bad! Apologies Wendy. I know I read that guideline and forgot when I posted the sneak link here. Will remember better for next time, promise! 

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Works for me. I'll watch early .. so I can watch NCIS:LA live. 


Also? After the devastation we see Beckett experience at that car crash scene? We better get a good, decent reunion between her and Castle! Unlike Belly of the Beast.

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Espo and Ryan ain't worth a shit. lol. Grab Beckett, hold her down if possible, but keep her away from that burning car. As said already .. it could easy explode & kill her too. I think it would have been much more dramatic if Espo & Ryan were holding her as she's crying and fighting to get to the car. The firefighters put out the fire and they/he yells up to say there's no one in the car. Cue to Beckett falling to the ground in happiness, relief, but confusion. Stana could have played all three of those emotions w/o a word of dialogue. 

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I may have to eat my words but I'm feeling strangely optimistic about the coming season. Of course they have to work through the leftover dreck from last year in as melodramatic fashion as possible. Once that's behind us maybe they can recapture some of the old magic.

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Samantha. I agree your version would have worked better, Stana could have had her moment and it would have felt more genuinely emotional to me. I looked at it again to see if a re-watch changed my feelings but alas not, still comes across as overblown and strangely emotionally disconnecting.  

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This AU-episode sounds interesting. I wonder which AU avenue they'll take, because there's so many possibilities. Are they going to go back so far as to not have Johanna murdered? That would alter Beckett's life completely - she'd probably not be a cop, she wouldn't have arrested Castle, they never would have met. Unless she because a lawyer (family job and all) and she had to work on of his cases because he never really settled down and still had the bad-boy persona going. Or do they stick with the murdered-mommy story and have Beckett being a cop that because she never meets Castle never finds that link that she needs to keep investigating - so probably no dead-hitman (Coonan) and no dead-captain (because he never feels like he needs to atone for his mistakes). That makes some interesting stories to bring a live-Johanna into the episode, or even get Reuben Stantiago Hudson back for an episode.


The premise is definitely intriguing but the writers don't have the greatest track record for me when it comes to handling more complex storytelling, the show is not really cut out for it since everything revolves around the COTW leaving only a small amount of time for character development. I don't like the idea of them going back as far as having Johanna Beckett alive, I know it's tempting but I feel it's taking too much on for the writers to create a whole new alternative world for both of them in 45 minutes and manage a COTW. They can still make things interesting with more subtle differences and I would hope they do that rather than get overly ambitious and make wholesale changes that ends up being sandwiched awkwardly around a murder.  

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Okay I would love if they went back to JB being alive. Ala 'what if JB wasn't murdered'. Who would Beckett be? Would she become a lawyer, like her parents, or would she still be a cop? Would she still have the friends she had? All that. 

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I looked at it again to see if a re-watch changed my feelings but alas not, still comes across as overblown and strangely emotionally disconnecting.

Same here.



I hope it works better during the episode itself but truth be told I've seen enough of that moment to feel that nothing can rescue this particular opening scene. Stana did her best with it but it was like something out one of those day time soaps. Bowman needs to rein it in, way too over the top.


They've taken pains to emphasise in a few interviews that they'll be picking up straight from where they left off.  But so what?  I don't find the opening scene as revealed in the sneak peek to be impressive at all (even by Castle standards).  There's little mystery to it (Castle revealed to not be in the car straight away) and little emotional impact that I felt (unfortunately).  Just as a comparison, I thought the scene in the episode where Alexis was kidnapped and Castle & co. had the van scene with the blood was much better, both on an emotional level and on a suspense level.  Don't remember if that was directed by Bowman.  Bowman definitely indulged too much here, with the framing of Beckett in the muddy ground and the water and panning to the fire hoses and I think I detected slow mo too.  Way too much.  Less can be more!  I find that dramatic scenes are often more powerful when they just let the drama/character speak for itself without too much interference and distraction.  I am sorry but I just wasn't feeling Stana/Beckett in this scene here.  Not even Susan Sullivan/Martha's "Oh my God!" unfortunately.  Alexis' mute shock might have been the best reaction.  The boys didn't do anything for me either as they basically just stood there.  


As another poster said, I think the scene might have been better without the music but just with the camera following Beckett as she runs up to the scene, shouting for Castle, being restrained by others, and then someone else revealing that Castle wasn't in the car.  Something more messy and real than the artificial, over-choreographed version here.


I can only hope the all important Castle and Beckett reunion scene is as emotionally powerful as it should be.  But low expectations here as they don't have a great track record with reunion scenes and Bowman's last one in ITBOTB was understated (as well as cloaked in darkness ;)).


I don't like the idea of them going back as far as having Johanna Beckett alive, I know it's tempting but I feel it's taking too much on for the writers to create a whole new alternative world for both of them in 45 minutes and manage a COTW. They can still make things interesting with more subtle differences and I would hope they do that rather than get overly ambitious and make wholesale changes that ends up being sandwiched awkwardly around a murder.


Much as I'm intrigued by AU possibilities, I agree that they shouldn't try for overly ambitious changes in one episode as that would require too many character-oriented scenes when they still want to fit in the COTW.  I doubt they'd want to do a universe where they'd have to bring in Jim Beckett, Montgomery, cast a Johanna Beckett, or bring in Josh, Will or Demming (though I could imagine Beckett dating someone like Josh if JB were alive and Beckett was a lawyer and not a cop).  Hm.. but JB would still be a fan of Castle's books so maybe she'd still like Beckett and Castle's paths to cross.  My guess is the universe will still have the precinct but with some subtle, but like you say, hopefully interesting changes (that aren't too WTF, like Rogan).

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Enjoyed this 'interview' with author Richard Castle (have they done these before other than the stuff on fictional Castle's website?): http://crimespreemag.com/castle-interviewed/


My favourite bit:


And the craziest thing a fan ever did for me? This one fan let me follow her around while she investigated New York’s strangest homicides. She’s still letting me, and I love her for it.


I wish they would have Beckett fangirling over Castle/his books once in a while. It's cute and it's part of their history from the very beginning.  Still waiting for Beckett to share that she once stood in line for Castle's autograph, but never going to happen on screen of course.


Interesting that they chose the 'wild Castle theories' angle to promote S7 on itunes, instead of going with the 'omg, groom in the burning car cliffhanger' angle or with selling romance and sexual tension (couldn't find enough clips from later seasons? ;)).



My favourite promos are still the snooker table one, the Advice from Castle (though not really a promo), and there was a cute one where Castle and Beckett throw in different adjectives from ages ago.


Not related to Castle directly, but I was watching a short video of TV critics talking about their favorite returning shows on Yahoo TV and notably, many of them were very excited about a cliffhanger on Hannibal.  Now I don't watch that show and perhaps I should because there was a great deal of enthusiasm from many critics about what they described excitedly as a holy sh*t cliffhanger.  My point being, that cliffhanger successfully generated a lot of enthusiasm and interest in the new season so it seems that cliffhangers can still work as a dramatic tool if executed well.  In comparison, the Castle cliffhanger hasn't generated enthusiasm either with the critics (if anything, it generated ridicule for its cliches with any of the few TV professionals who still watch) or with fans.  We'll see when the new season gets underway, but I think that Marlowe made a big miscalculation when he decided to end the season the way he did after a season of wedding planning, with 2 unexpected (unpleasant) surprises in Beckett's past and Castle's fate.

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I wish they would have Beckett fangirling over Castle/his books once in a while. It's cute and it's part of their history from the very beginning.  Still waiting for Beckett to share that she once stood in line for Castle's autograph, but never going to happen on screen of course.


Definitely could do with some fangirling. What about spoilers? Isn't she the least bit curious? Does she try and sneak a glance at his computer for information? Does he tease her about what he's got planned? I'd love to know. Sadly I think the reveal to Castle about her standing in line and how much his books meant to Beckett during the darkest period of her life are not considered interesting enough by TPTB to revisit.

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The continued conversation about the season six episode commentaries felt more appropriate here than in the spoilers thread, so I hope no one minds that I moved it here. :)


Dare I say the Deep Cover commentary was even better than TGTBATB (IMO). I love the combo of TPW, James Brolin, Nathan & Susan. Susan needs to do all commentaries. She's. A. Gem. And a riot in them. Especially when she comes on-screen in them. And she asks great questions that I as a viewer always wonder, so it's nice to hear the answers from other participants. She and Brolin also are fantastic to listen to together. They both have such a history in the business that it's neat to hear their POV on TV vs. film, acting vs. directing, etc. At least it was to me. :) Also, much like having a director on a commentary, I LOVE having TPW as a part of this one. If I had to pick a favorite current writer, it's him, so to hear him talk about the show and writing process is a treat for me. I want more writers & directors of the eps on these. Their perspective is one I always enjoy hearing. It felt like a missing piece of the story's puzzle in a way. But like I said before, I love commentaries period. Unless the commentator is dull, which some are, lol. I'm looking at you, Chris Carter. 


Like I said, I thought this one was so enjoyable. I like the ep much more than I did the first time I saw it after listening to this. And apparently they were writing the finale (or about to) when they were recording the commentary (TPW let that reveal slip). Brolin has some interesting things to say about weddings and how when everything goes right, they're boring. lol That struck me as funny seeing as how he had no idea how opposite of that it would be. 

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I think NF has been pretty consistent about how long he wants to keep doing the show. I don't recall him saying that he wants to stay past season 7. I also don't really think he'd do a lot of campaigning for his co-stars or crew.


I still maintain that he's happy to be employed (and recognized) for being on a weekly, long-running TV show, so unless he's got something better lined up (maybe, but probably not) or is completely, 1000% burned out with no recovery in sight, he won't walk. It's much, much more likely that the show ends (either a creative decision or a ratings one) before he decides it's in his best interest to leave.


And you don't think he's the kind of guy that would use his negotiating power to help the people he works with? I can't believe that the lines about how he works with great people, the crew carry the show, this is like his family, they're great friends so on, so on, are just a front. Maybe he won't do it without benefit to himself too (and I can't blame him for that), but I think he'd negotiate something that's beneficial for everyone. It's not that unheard of, and he doesn't strike me as a douche. Heck, that's how the cast of Friends wound up making 22 million dollars each a season.

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No I don't think he's a douche. I think he's an actor that's not in an ensemble cast. The shows that have lobbied for collective raises are usually ensemble sitcoms like Friends or Modern Family or BBT. If he would/should lobby for anyone it's SK who shares equal if not greater screen time with him. If we found out he lobbied for SK to get the same money as him I would be impressed.

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My favourite promos are still the snooker table one, the Advice from Castle (though not really a promo), and there was a cute one where Castle and Beckett throw in different adjectives from ages ago.

Those are good, but this theory one is really one of the better promos I've seen lately.

I think NF has been pretty consistent about how long he wants to keep doing the show. I don't recall him saying that he wants to stay past season 7. I also don't really think he'd do a lot of campaigning for his co-stars or crew.

He's always been pretty vague about it though, probably intentionally.  I think he's talked about going out on a high note, but I don't think any of us can really know what he's thinking.  He may be desperately waiting for his contract to end, or he could be happy he has a consistent job.  He's not going to publicly say either way.

That "Richard Castle" interview is really funny:

ERN: Does it change how you feel about your character Derrick Storm now knowing that your real-life father is actually a spy?
RC: Wait. How do you know my father is a spy? Who are you working for?




I employ the power of my imagination to help calm my nerves. I have these little games I play. Sometimes I pretend that I’m the lead character in a TV show, and can never get hurt too badly.

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Castle's always been a cheesy show (at times) but this was a new level of cheesiness.


Well, yeah, the clip is over the top and melodramatic.  I think that goes without saying.  The episode itself could be better though, once they get past the Castle's alive reveal and start looking for him.  Or maybe we have to wait until they deal with the new mythology crap before it gets enjoyable. We'll see.

Edited by KaveDweller
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When I watch that sneak all I can focus on is her ruining yet another wedding dress. For all the bitching Hack does about the budget you would think they have a limitless supply of dresses to get wet/dirty for the sake of over the top melodrama.

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Well, yeah, the clip is over the top and melodramatic.  I think that goes without saying.  The episode itself could be better though, once they get past the Castle's alive reveal and start looking for him.  Or maybe we have to wait until they deal with the new mythology crap before it gets enjoyable. We'll see.

This episode will immediately get better for me when they move away from the scene of that car crash and the reminder of that stupid, eye roll worthy cliffhanger. Bring on the investigation quickly, get them back in the precinct and get her out of that bloody wedding dress pronto.  

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Luke. Oh God please no. Curb your enthusiasm I don't want to see the result. 


The only other person I can see Nathan taking into account when it comes to salary negotiations is Katic because if they work together they can probably get a better deal than taking on the network individually but him lobbying for a collective raise for everyone? I don't see it. As Elysium pointed out this is no ensemble show.  


My favourite promos are still the snooker table one, the Advice from Castle (though not really a promo), and there was a cute one where Castle and Beckett throw in different adjectives from ages ago.


Those are my two favourites, the "Advice" one had more heat and sexual tension in it than anything I've seen on the show. I remember being so excited watching that at the time thinking of the great opportunities for the writers there to showcase them together. I keep that and the Always clip as a reminder of what Caskett are capable of when it's done right. 

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SK will never get pay parity with NF.  Salaries aren't based on how many hours you work, they are largely based on Q-Scores which translates into viewers.  They just came out and NF ranks #17 which will help him a lot if he wants to stay and negotiate a new contract. SK didn't even make the top 50 for actresses.  It amazes me that she hasn't been able to get better name recognition/popularity considering how many times the show runs now in syndication, but it will hurt her at contract time.

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I have heard of Q Scores but not read up on it. 


I presume this "The Most and Least Liked Fall TV Actresses" and this one at the Wrap are what you're referring to.  I have to admit I don't recognise a single woman on there until you get down to Kerry Washington but then I don't watch NCIS etc. I see Emily Deschanel isn't doing too badly but yeah Stana doesn't feature and it's a shame if that hurts her negotiating position.  


I love hearing the writers and directors talk about their work on DVD commentaries you can learn such a lot. They have a totally different perspective from the actors and it's often more enlightening. TPW is definitely my favourite Castle writer at the moment. 

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Luciana Mangas has just tweeted that a screener is out, so expect spoilers to be coming hard and fast on tumblr and elsewhere soon.


Heh. Samantha beat me to it. 

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Comments from someone who's seen the screener. Source: http://blueaerynworld.tumblr.com/post/97831135421/10-things-to-know-about-castle-season-seven-premiere


10 Things To Know About Castle Season Seven Premiere “Driven”
Kate Beckett can both have total faith and loose it in Richard Castle at the same time.
Kate Beckett trades her mother’s old murder board for a missing person board.
Sometimes the evidence can be too overwhelming to deny
That feeling of family Kate Beckett had with Martha and Alexis at the end of season six becomes strained in the season seven premiere – there is unconditional love and then there is a feeling of abandonment
Javier Esposito’s looking at the dark side of things, and continued Castle bashing, is getting old.
Two months is a long time
The first 30 minutes of the season seven premiere is kind of tedious and you want to speed it up
Kate Beckett still has her apartment
Lanie Parish can get evidence from a live body just like a dead one
Sometimes you just can’t pick up where you left off.
Extra Credit: Who wanted to see a scruffy Castle?
"I did loose hope. But I would get it back. Developed rituals in order to hang onto it." - Kate Beckett


Edited by madmaverick
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Prelim thoughts:

- Sounds more ominous than optimistic to me.

- Sounds like it's about Beckett again (giving me Probable Cause vibes) rather than about any insight into Castle (at least in this ep).

- Sounds like lots of procedural investigation, light on good character interaction.

- Tired of Castle bashing, be it from Espo or anyone else, especially given that something bad's very likely happened to him.  Hasn't the poor guy done enough to earn trust from them over the years? If only Martha and Alexis have unconditional trust in Castle, then I have to say I'll be in their corner.  I hope Beckett can trust in Castle more than whatever evidence.

- I sense more Caskett angst ahead, possibly of the contrived variety, likely unpleasant to watch.  Will we even have a joyful reunion, I wonder?  Or are we in for another joyless 'resolution' like the proposal?

- If the finale wasn't enough of a turn off, will this grim sounding premiere be the last straw?  I know what I want to see on Castle and I'm not sure it'll be here.

- Yes, I definitely wanted to see a scruffy Castle!  Ugh, I am getting the bad feeling that they'll have it that Castle engineered his disappearance and the writers use that to have them at odds with each other.  Boo.

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Espo is kinda an asshole, period. He, and Lanie, pissed me off in Probable Cause .. they both actually believed that Castle could, not only cheat on Beckett, but kill someone? Lanie was no kind of help to Beckett (Stana carried that scene, in my opinion) but to be the one to urge her of the possibility. Espo wasn't much help anyway. Reason why Castle, and later Beckett, had to help himself.   Ryan didn't go balls against the wall for Castle but he sure as hell didn't think Castle was capable of murder. 



Regarding Alexis and Martha: Really? Alexis I expect this shit from but Martha?! Not like this is Beckett's fault. Why can't these 3 women, who love Castle most, come together and support each other through this? That's no more soapy than the season finale final scene or the premiere sneak peek (Beckett, fire, water, dress). 


So I guess, once again, Beckett is going at it alone both at home and at work. Where is Jim Beckett? Beckett needs somebody's support.

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Felt much the same way mad maverick after reading that. I was going to try and stay relatively screener free but it popped up on my dash and I couldn't help look, I'm so weak.


Scruffy Castle? Yes please but that's about the only thing in those spoilers that got my heart pumping.  I really don't like the word "tedious" being mentioned to describe 30 minutes of any episode let alone a premiere. 


The one thing I do know is that even if this episode disappoints none of it will matter after a few weeks.  The events that take place which should prove emotionally damaging to Castle at the very least (if not the rest of his family and loved ones) will be quickly brushed under the carpet as they get back their usual crime solving routine.  It's probably for the best, hauling themselves out the hole they dug themselves after that finale was never going to be easy, no need to dwell on it. 


As for Espo, he's been getting on my nerves for the last few seasons with his pissy attitude, the guy seems to have chips on both shoulders.


No Jim Beckett by the looks of things, but if dad can't make an appearance now when his daughter is in such great need for emotional support then when is he going to show up? 

Edited by verdana
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Teasers from Matt, TV Line:


To help tide the rest of you over (and more importantly, add fuel to all those theory-building fires), I jotted down a few non-spoilery thoughts about the intense, even twistier-than-expected episode, which was penned by new showrunner David Amann. Take a look:
* The cold open, which picks up immediately where the finale left off, is gorgeously directed by Rob Bowman, as Kate processes the ghastly scene before her, fights tooth and nail to get a closer look and, at first, can only believe the very worst.
* All told, the first seven minutes (leading up to the first commercial break) are quite frenetic. Real edge-of-your-seat, no-coming-up-for-air stuff.
* Bracken, 3XK and a third blast from the past all get name-checked as Kate takes stock of her and Rick’s assorted enemies.
* Rick is first seen about one-third of the way into the episode — and in a most unexpected context.
RELATED Castle Alternate Reality Episode Will Ask, ‘What If Rick and Kate Never….’
* Someone at one point is made to wonder about the missing groom, “Maybe there’s a secret side to the man nobody knows?”
* Someone at one point is made to wonder if Rick perhaps had last-minute “misgivings” about marrying Kate.
* Among the guest stars, Jon Lindstrom (General Hospital) plays an FBI agent who makes Kate at least consider a harsh reality, while Matt Letscher (Scandal) plays someone with information that throws the investigation into a peculiar new direction. (And before everyone asks, yes, Tory is in the episode.)
* Make no mistake, the best-selling novelist’s vanishing does make headlines. Lots of ‘em.
* As first reported by TVLine, there is a decent-sized time jump about midway through the premiere.
* Dueling theories about what transpired (and who may have had a hand in it) will put Esposito and Ryan at odds.
* Whomever is behind this mystery is deduced to have “unlimited resources” at his or her disposal.
* There’s a long-lost Derrick Storm novel…?


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