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Derek Morgan: He's Got Good Abs

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I want to like Morgan more than I actually do. His genuine concern for his fellow team members, which I appreciate, too often comes across as condescending, officious, I-know-what's-best-for-you-better-than-you-do self-righteousness to me. And I think the writers have done the character a disservice by overplaying his role as The One Who Doesn't Trust. He doesn't trust a case is right for them; he doesn't trust a certain member of the team is ready to be out in the field; he doesn't trust non-him people to do things effectively. I appreciate them giving him flaws and I think Morgan's is a realistic one when you take his background into account, but the way they've written it just makes him come across as annoying and unpleasant to me more often than not. 

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I tend to agree. Another example of that is in Penelope, when he doesn't trust that guy who hit on her. Even though he did turn out to be right, his first, knee-jerk reaction was to dismiss the guy. 


All the more reason I enjoyed Morgan this past ep. We saw him drop some of the posturing and just relax as far as the team. His 'breakfast' remark to the Detective regarding Reid came off brotherly, and I really miss that interaction with those two.

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Back when I used to watch soaps, Y&R was a never-miss. I loved Shemar as Malcolm but was never 'in lurrve' with him like so many ladies. Jack Abbot was more my style. But this is a really cute clip, and I admit I didn't watch the show cuz Willow and I were at the doc, but I do want to see his appearance, just for olde tymes sake.



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Looks like Shemar may be leaving at the end of this season.

From Twitter


Shemar Moore Verified account

Edited by zannej

True, but taking a leap of faith suggests (at least to me) that he is leaping out of his current job and hoping to land safely with other career options. And he did say before that season 10 would be his last.

Possible...or, since he had made it known he was leaving, it could mean CBS convinced him to come back for one more year (or one more contract).

Whatever happens, I hope to know soon and not after the finale.

He said his movie is scheduled to come out in the autumn and I guess that means a lot of promoting to do from now on. He was very adamant last year that Season 10 would be it for him although he hasn't said anything specific recently so I guess he may have changed his mind. If he is leaving I wonder if they would have the nerve to kill him off - or would Messer have him go off into the sunset with Savannah? I imagine we will know soon - unless they want to give us a shocker of a finale!

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From what I've seen of Erica's writing, I don't think she'd be able to bring herself to kill off her precious Morgan. She would think it was too sad and would want to give him a happy send-off. Perhaps one that would allow for him to visit from time to time. My guess is they would have Savannah be pregnant and Morgan would want to go spend more time with her and the baby. He spent a good portion of his time without a father and he wouldn't want his kid to go through that.

Edited by zannej
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When Morgan was good, though, he was a balancing force, not only a balance for Gideon and Hotch early on, but a great counterpoint for Reid. Morgan, as originally written, valued Reid and even loved him as a brother. There won't be anyone like that if he goes. Rossi is now invested in Reid, but it's fatherly.


Can't say I'll miss Garcia-and-Morgan, but we'll keep the part of that duo that I like the least. Just hope she doesn't find a new object for her "affection."

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When Morgan was good, though, he was a balancing force, not only a balance for Gideon and Hotch early on, but a great counterpoint for Reid. Morgan, as originally written, valued Reid and even loved him as a brother. There won't be anyone like that if he goes. Rossi is now invested in Reid, but it's fatherly.


Agreed.  I greatly miss that dynamic with Reid (and found it insultingly dismissive to have heard it dealt with, in God Complex, as 'hey, it happens, it's nobody's fault'---when it was the writers' fault)  


Back to Morgan---I liked his earlier relationship with Hotch, because it was so multi-dimensional.  Each of them was part critic, part supporter, of the other, and there was a bit of mentoring going on, also in both directions.  That's faded quite a bit in recent years, as we see much more of Hotch with Rossi, and way too little of him with anyone else.  It would be nice to see the writers explore all the permutations of the relationships, as they did in the past.  When you have a character-rich show, that's the best way to keep it interesting.


If he goes, I, too, will miss Morgan, partly for the character himself, but even more for his dynamic within the team. 

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I like Shemar and I really like Morgan, so if he leaves, I will miss him. And not that I don't think he's talented, because I do, but I don't see him hitting the "big time," any bigger than he is now. I don't see the harm in seeing CM through to its natural end, so to me, his leaving doesn't make a lot of sense. But I wish him the very best. I wonder if he will still hang out with these guys and if they'll still be close.

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I think we've had more discussion in the past day about Morgan than he's ever had on these forums. Be still my broken heart...


Anyhow, he's my favourite character but I'm torn about him leaving (if this is what is actually happening...we don't know yet). Ultimately I don't think I'd like it, but I also look back lately and I don't really see Morgan get used all that much and all that well, this last episode notwithstanding. It's sort of the same thing I feel about Reid and Hotch...they don't get used as much as they should and haven't for quite some time, so I wonder why they keep sticking around. Then I think about it some more and think it just isn't Criminal Minds without Morgan, Reid, Hotch and Rossi. Heck, I'd probably throw in Prentiss too but that ship has sailed a long time ago (and further underscores just how badly CBS screwed up in 2010).


I think, for me, if Morgan were to leave, I'd rather that CBS just doesn't fill the role. I know it'll be hard- because someone will play the card we know so well, even though they're using it without thinking- but it'd be better for the show to have fewer agents, so they can get better screentime and focus. I get that CBS might be worried about demographics, but it's better that we get more of the other characters that we like (and, with less time to divide between main characters, perhaps better cases) than for CBS to put on some token person that's clearly there only for one reason.


Ultimately, my preference is that he stays, but that his character gets a chance to grow and be used better than he has been. He should already be in a leadership role by now or at least serve as Hotch's understudy, and I hope that, should he be back for S11, his leadership aspirations come to the fore, which could create some (amicable) conflict. Otherwise, don't leave me hanging until May- I want the chance to see my favourite character through to the end and celebrate it with him, instead of being exploited at the end. One of CM's originals deserves no less.

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I wonder if the BAU has an Assistant Unit Chief position. I know the INS had Officer In Charge (which was pretty much the Unit Chief) and Assistant Officer In Charge. So OIC and AOIC. Morgan has been in the BAU long enough to qualify for the 2nd in command position. But I think that Shemar is tired of the show and wants to play a different role. There is now so much focus on the unsubs that they don't give the cast too much to work with.


Of course, maybe Shemar is threatening to leave in the hopes that CBS will give him higher pay to keep him there.


Btw, I was recently reminded that Hotch, Reid, Morgan, and Garcia are the only ones who have been on the show for every season.

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I wonder if the BAU has an Assistant Unit Chief position. I know the INS had Officer In Charge (which was pretty much the Unit Chief) and Assistant Officer In Charge. So OIC and AOIC. Morgan has been in the BAU long enough to qualify for the 2nd in command position. But I think that Shemar is tired of the show and wants to play a different role. There is now so much focus on the unsubs that they don't give the cast too much to work with.


Of course, maybe Shemar is threatening to leave in the hopes that CBS will give him higher pay to keep him there.


Btw, I was recently reminded that Hotch, Reid, Morgan, and Garcia are the only ones who have been on the show for every season.


Considering Hotch doesn't do much fieldwork lately, he could be the one staying behind at the police station while Morgan leads the field unit. Or Hotch stays behind in Quantico and hands out the cases for Morgan to lead in the field.


As far as the cast goes, technically JJ has been in every season too- she started in 01.02 and was still a regular in 06.01- but, only Morgan, Hotch and Reid have been regulars in every episode of CM. In fact, Morgan and Reid have been the only characters who have appeared in every single CM episode, since Hotch missed one, "25 to Life". Otherwise, he'd be up there too.

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Oops, I meant as regulars. In season 6, JJ was technically a guest star for the first couple of episodes. Stupid CBS...

So, if Shemar leaves, Matthew will be the only one who hasn't missed an episode yet.


Not to be nitpicky, but Garcia was just a recurring character in S1- even though she only missed one episode ("Broken Mirror"), if I recall correctly.


Anyhow...it's part of why I hope Morgan doesn't leave...he's been there from the start (just like me) so I think he should stay to the end.

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Kirsten Vangsness was listed as being in 225 episodes. MGG was listed as being in 227. So I think Garcia missed 2 episodes. But you're right that she was only a recurring character rather than a main cast member. I had forgotten that. Thank you for reminding me!


It will be weird without Morgan, but they have made it so that the character contributions are mostly so generic that almost anyone can be given the line, so his unique contributions from earlier seasons are gone. Only problem would be figuring out who will kick down the doors (well, that and the brotherly relationship between Reid and Morgan will be one-- but they didn't use that for a very long time and it only pops up every once in awhile now).


Bottom line, if Shemar is happy with the change, then good for him. Also, they will probably have his exit be in such a way that he can come back for guest appearances from time to time.

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Oh, Reid is my dreamboat as well. Make no mistake.

SM seems to thrive on the attention his physicality brings him. Sometimes -- ok, often -- I think it's the only thing he feels he has to offer. Just endless pictures of him shirtless, or working out, or smirking at the camera. I find him most attractive when he posts pics of himself joking around with Matthew. I love that he's so comfortable showing affection. I love that he calls Matthew "Pretty Boy," onscreen and off. There's a video on YouTube of a birthday celebration for Shemar and Matthew is seated -- he grabs Shemar's wrist and Shemar bends down and they kiss each other on the cheek. I love seeing male friendships like that. Men often seem so skittish about showing that side of themselves. Shemar and Matthew are comfortable enough with themselves to do so. That's very attractive to me.

Edited by Droogie
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Oh, Reid is my dreamboat as well. Make no mistake.

SM seems to thrive on the attention his physicality brings him. Sometimes -- ok, often -- I think it's the only thing he feels he has to offer. Just endless pictures of him shirtless, or working out, or smirking at the camera. I find him most attractive when he posts pics of himself joking around with Matthew. I love that he's so comfortable showing affection. I love that he calls Matthew "Pretty Boy," onscreen and off. There's a video on YouTube of a birthday celebration for Shemar and Matthew is seated -- he grabs Shemar's wrist and Shemar bends down and they kiss each other on the cheek. I love seeing male friendships like that. Men often seem so skittish about showing that side of themselves. Shemar and Matthew are comfortable enough with themselves to do so. That's very attractive to me.

do you know what was so hilarious about that video. From a certain angle it sort of looks like they are kissing on the lips. Now of course they're not, but it did cause many Reid/Morgan shippers to go completely bonkers over it  when it first came out.

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I find him most attractive when he posts pics of himself joking around with Matthew. I love that he's so comfortable showing affection. I love that he calls Matthew "Pretty Boy," onscreen and off. There's a video on YouTube of a birthday celebration for Shemar and Matthew is seated -- he grabs Shemar's wrist and Shemar bends down and they kiss each other on the cheek. I love seeing male friendships like that. Men often seem so skittish about showing that side of themselves. Shemar and Matthew are comfortable enough with themselves to do so. That's very attractive to me.

Then you should visit Argentina.

I lived there for three years, and people, males and females, are like that. Kissing, patting, hugging, instantly including you into their space. Women kiss women and men kiss women in the first meet, and if they know each other for a while, men will also kiss men when they meet. As a rule, if you enter a room with let's say ten people, it is customary to kiss every single one of these persons, even if you don't know them. If you don't know them you also say your name, and they will tell you theirs, and voila: you are an acquaintance!

Nowadays I realised I wouldn't mind a spinoff with Reid and Morgan, and Hotch as the boss. Maybe the three of them could move to LA.

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I would love to visit Argentina, but I don't think I'd go for all that kissing. I have a rather large personal space for people I don't know well. Which is ironic I suppose considering I'm a nurse and am constantly touching people I've just met.

But that easy affection between friends, that's nice. So many people are touch-starved -- friends and loved ones should touch each other more.

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