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Season Two General Discussion

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Don't worry kids - show coming back. As soon as everyone returns from their vacations. And especially when Matt returns with his daughter - ut oh - Raindrop - you didn't see that coming. Could raindrop be Matt's daughter. Oh, do tell - please...

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Jbob--are you talking actual #'s about they family's pay or guessing? It's probably in the reality show ball park, certainly. Also-if true- the youngest daughter's share would, by law, have to be at least partially put in some kind of escrow account until she's, I believe, 18.


Could raindrop be Matt's daughter. Oh, do tell - please...

Have you heard something or is this kidding around? I have trouble telling sometimes.

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I agree-the date thing was such bs. "Do you like to clim trees"? lol

They all have the worst teeth. maybe they should take some of that TLC money and spend it on their teeth.

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Can't say how I know. All true. Let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy. Show is definitely coming back. More or less family members as well...

Who did the Brown's buy the land from? Who did they rent the house aka apartment from. Riddle me this...

Am I the guy or gal?

Who's your dentist?

Follow the clues for answers.

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Rainy  is Matt's daughter?  $20,000 per show for each person !  If they do 10 shows that is $200.00k !   Maybe we all should consider doing that and contact disco.

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All of them except Matt and the two girls have been indicted for various theft charges. I believe I read somewhere their court date is in June. Disco has filed a motion to film the whole thing.

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Alaskan Bush People Tackle Their Biggest Challenge Yet – Finding a Date in the Alaskan Wilderness By Lydia Price @lydsprice

05/08/2015 AT 05:40 PM EDT

The wildest family of reality TV is back!

Discovery's docu-series Alaskan Bush People follows the lives of the nine-member Brown family, led by parents Ami and Billy Brown, living in the remote Alaskan wilderness. The family is so isolated – they can go months at a time without any outside contact – that they have developed their own accent.

In an exclusive teaser for season 3, the civilization-shunning family faces huge life changes.

While the "wolf pack" works together to finish their new home, the grown male members of the clan seek to bring romance into their lives.

After mom Ami hires a matchmaker to set up her five sons, the show chronicles their first foray into the dating world.

Excitement for the Browns doesn't end with the introduction of "beautiful" outside women. As they continue to try to live independently, the buck shooting, wood-chopping family contends with law enforcement and even tries to develop a new business.

Alaskan Bush People premieres May 29 at 9 p.m. ET on Discovery Channel.

And there you have it. The bullshit keeps on coming and I can't wait!

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I am waiting to see what sort of things magically appear. 



heating system?




full pantry?

water system?

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I just saw the coming attraction last night. Are you ready for this - a match maker trecks in the woods to fix them up with girls ! She asks what they want and the one guy(Noah?) says he want a woman who can howl back to him the way he does. WTF-lol !!!    It looks like Disco is really going to lay the bs on this season. We better get our waider boots on.  I can't wait to see what those girls look like.

Clod-lol-we should all keep a running tab on all of the stuff.


**Sorry-posted this before I saw the above summary for season 3

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The family is so isolated – they can go months at a time without any outside contact –

Except for the film crew, the neighbors who live eighteen feet down the road, the pizza place on the corner....

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 a match maker treks in the woods to fix them up with girls !



that will be so easy.     look for all the personal ads seeking  "men over 30, no job, living with parents".       




ok, that was snarky.        :)




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Except for the film crew, the neighbors who live eighteen feet down the road, the pizza place on the corner....




I'd still like to see that first location on google maps.  and the second location.    satellite photos would be nice, too.


is it too late to send some spare parkas to them?     

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I am waiting to see what sort of things magically appear. 



heating system?




full pantry?

water system?


Interior dry wall?  A roof that isn't a blue tarp?

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they have a nice roof.     it magically appeared.    shazam!      


I am going to guess that they hold off on installing a regular door, though.    that would be too civilized. 

they might hang some skins or a tarp instead.   that would be more rustic.   and, uhh,......  what's the word?   .............  oh, yeah.   authentic


what's that in the background?  over there, next to the hoosier cabinet?   oh, a dehumidifier.

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what's that in the background?  over there, next to the hoosier cabinet?   oh, a dehumidifier.


Noah made it out of a new humidifier he bought at Home Depot.  He really is the DaVinci of our times.

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He really is the DaVinci of our times.



mentally, I am  hearing  DaVinci  being pronounced with a special bush family accent.

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I was letting the show run in the background a few days ago.    I noticed that when they were within site of their new location, the oldest son says something about finding a cave and building his own house in it.


this is the guy who built the saran wrap hut.


and previews showed him building a tire hut.


put all three things together, and I think he is over-ready for some independence.   a place of his own, without eight relatives in it.




Interior dry wall?  A roof that isn't a blue tarp?



ah, I just watched this youtube vid, and I see the blue tarps.    I suspect there will be some shingles or something up there, soon.


from that vid, I got the impression that it was a good house, with some things intentionally made to look rustic.

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That sounds about right to me, Clod. I loved the moss used as insulation around the windows and couldn't help wondering how much that cardboard on the walls is going to help when it's -15 or -20 degrees. Okay, a real door, as opposed to a curtain will help but nothing to insulate the floor (okay, maybe it's underneath. Maybe.), They're likely have the town carpenters add shingles or something to finish the roof but cripes--seriously? I'm also hoping they add at least a wood stove at some point and are they really going to jog out to the outhouse across the compound in a blizzard? I don't mean to sound like a princess but I've used an outhouse and it's frigging cold, dark and you don't know what you're going to meet on the way to and fro.


And, of course, their man-power will be reduced after the verdict and sentencing for fraud and theft against the state (or whatever the actual charges are).

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OMG - you guys are too funny - I love the snarks! I saw a coming attraction where Amy goes on and on about them not being criminals and she will fight for her family. I hope they hired a good attorney with all that Discovery money.

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 I hope they hired a good attorney with all that Discovery money.


they might have to dip into their PFD money.


I predict a settlement that includes a payback on the money, and community service.      the community service will  be running a welcome center for cruise ship tourists in Ketchikan.    cruise ship companies will protest, but to no avail.     90 days later, Ketchikan is a ghost town, inhabited by an occasional miner from a gold reality show, and a strangely optimistic matchmaker.

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Why would THE BOYS have to build  houses( like in THE BIG BAD WOLF)

with all the BEARS in the area?

How long do you think it would take a BEAR, a wolf, anything to break down a tire house?

at least they should get those TREE HOUSE MASTERS from that show to come build tree houses.

So for the next believable season they all should pick a big tree, build a tree house in it.

No more tire houses and plastic wrap houses and living under a stairway in a sleeping bag.


hardly gives a single gal looking for a husband much hope.Over there during the matchmaking of the boys who are not boys but are grown men over 21 by the way...

I agree-the date thing was such bs. "Do you like to clim trees"? lol

They all have the worst teeth. maybe they should take some of that TLC money and spend it on their teeth.

Seriously why don't  THE BOYS and THE GIRLS  make tree houses to live in

they should be able to do that

those other nonsense houses were out of a comic book...silly ideas really silly.

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I was letting the show run in the background a few days ago.    I noticed that when they were within site of their new location, the oldest son says something about finding a cave and building his own house in it.


this is the guy who built the saran wrap hut.


and previews showed him building a tire hut.


put all three things together, and I think he is over-ready for some independence.   a place of his own, without eight relatives in it.






ah, I just watched this youtube vid, and I see the blue tarps.    I suspect there will be some shingles or something up there, soon.


from that vid, I got the impression that it was a good house, with some things intentionally made to look rustic.


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So yesterday i was flying from Denver to Chicago and ABP were on a loop playing on the United Airlines video in front of me.  Sadly, I did not have earphones (and the Both United Airlines Stewards who I asked never got me any) - but anyways, the episode was the one where they went to town, ate pizza and met girls.  I had not seen it, and while I saw it yesterday (over and over), I couldn't hear what they were saying, but that was just fine with me.  Looking at their faces was enough to get the drift.  So I am saying that if you want to see this episode, take a trip between Denver and Chicago….

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Dang, if only I'd known...I have a son who lives in Denver...


So tonight they're trying to find chickens to keep (bush chickens?), the Bobbsie twins Matt and Bam (?) have to find meat for the larder and another bro--forget which one--goes on a supposedly honest to god no kidding date. Doubtless arranged by central casting. I'm on pins and needles here.

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who will tend the livestock when everyone is away?    oh, I worry too much -  that might only happen once a decade.   


 need more tv bear drama?   try raising livestock in bear country, yeah.        I wonder if bears like barbequed chicken?

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