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Meredith Quill

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22 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

BTW, I know the actress has passed, but is Zoe still alive in-universe?

I believe she is yes. She phoned before Noah’s birthday didn’t she to tell him about the trust fund. She’s been mentioned a few times here and there, including by Joseph Tate and Graham, who were still in contact with her. 

100% Agee with you about David. Once upon a time he was the comedy aspect with a bit of charisma. Now he’s just some pointless, drippy background character that ruins everything he touches. 

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I was kind of hoping David had pushed Caleb so that they'd have a reason to write him off. I don't know why, but I would like Nicky to stick around. That age group feels so empty- there's Belle, Vinny, Gabby, Naomi, Tom...is that it really?

I like Mandy and Paddy together and wish they would let them be happy for a while. 

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Given how the show promoted it, the whole "Who Pushed Caleb?" thing was a pretty lame whodunit.  Lame that the show didn't name Nicky as an official suspect, lame that it unraveled on-screen in like three days, lame that the shaky alibis the other suspects had didn't launch any kind of interesting new story.

They're really playing all of Belle's greatest hits within this Tom story with the Lachlan drama this week.  What's next, Will Wylde shows up to fight Tom for her heart (...I would actually kinda love that, I loved the Wyldes!)?

Are we supposed to care that Chas is having Feelings about Paddy being with Mandy?  Girl, you made this bed.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Nicky's actor is handling the dramatic scenes better than I would have thought! Really liking him and Caleb starting to work things out. 

Kyle stopping by was sweet too. 

Sometimes I'm surprised they didn't go with making Vinny the son of Paddy. It's like the cast someone who looks like him, has similar mannerisms...and then decided to not make that link. 

I'm a little torn on Belle. I can understand that she doesn't want to be defined by her mental health, but when she stops answering texts and skips work without notice she can hardly get mad when people worry and go looking for her. 

Chloe also seems like she's overreacting a bit too. I'm not sure if I hope she and Mack work it out or not. Their little family was kinda cute, but I'm not super sold on them as a couple. But I also kinda don't want him back with Charity either. 

14 hours ago, Jenniferbug said:

Sometimes I'm surprised they didn't go with making Vinny the son of Paddy. It's like the cast someone who looks like him, has similar mannerisms...and then decided to not make that link.

OMG, you read my mind.   During the past two episodes, I've seen facial expression and mannerisms that are so like Paddy.  And he really resembles him at times.  Keep wondering if, somehow, he's Paddy's son. Mandy isn't his biological mother, right?   Do we know who his mother is?  I would love for it to come out that his mom had a fling with Paddy.  Considering the scum he had for a father, I bet Vinny would be pleased.   Plus, he needs a storyline.


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1 hour ago, sas616 said:

OMG, you read my mind.   During the past two episodes, I've seen facial expression and mannerisms that are so like Paddy.  And he really resembles him at times.  Keep wondering if, somehow, he's Paddy's son. Mandy isn't his biological mother, right?   Do we know who his mother is?  I would love for it to come out that his mom had a fling with Paddy.  Considering the scum he had for a father, I bet Vinny would be pleased.   Plus, he needs a storyline.


Ooo, finding out his biological mother had a fling with Paddy would be good! I don't think we know anything about her.  

I’m not sure I’m liking how this whole Caleb/Nicky storyline is panning out. I think I’d have preferred it if Will had pushed Caleb-I’m getting really tired of his rubbish ‘hard man’ routine. He’s really nothing more than Kim’s lackey and I find him irritating.

Nicky has been a bit of a surprise, that constant ‘almost smile’ on his face before made him seem like a really bad actor, and his voice is always completely monotonous and emotionless, but his face carries all the emotion his character is supposed to be feeling. 

But most of all I don’t like the direction they’re pushing Caleb in. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again-the potential between Caleb and Cain to be one of the best double acts of Emmerdale is HUGE! The writers are missing so much potential there! I really hope they find a way back for Caleb 

On 6/23/2023 at 5:53 PM, TeeVee329 said:

I actually thought it was a fresher idea that they brought Mandy back with a kid but DIDN'T make him a secret child of Paddy's, a la Jimmy/Kelly/Elliot, Marlon/Donna/April, etc.

It's not that I'm bothered by him not being Paddy's secret child, it's just odd that they cast someone with a decent resemblance and then didn't go the predictable route. It almost feels like a waste. But it doesn't impact my enjoyment of the show so not a big deal. 

On 6/24/2023 at 3:52 AM, Tallulah7606 said:

But most of all I don’t like the direction they’re pushing Caleb in. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again-the potential between Caleb and Cain to be one of the best double acts of Emmerdale is HUGE! The writers are missing so much potential there! I really hope they find a way back for Caleb 

I agree! 


Are Vinny and Naomi going to be a thing? I thought I saw a while ago that she was leaving the show?

Jai and Laurel getting engaged was cute. I don't know anything about his past to really feel this adoption story but could be interesting! I did think it was kind of funny that he had to go find his divorce decree right away. 

Poor Jai, stuck in this boring pairing with Laurel and now finding out he's adopted and Rishi (and Georgia, who I wonder if we'll see during all this) keeping it a secret all these years.  It's really a far cry from the cocky showboat with the flashy car he first was when he came to Emmerdale.

Gabby threatening Nicky was pathetic.  Girl, you're no Kim.  But also, Nicky being all shocked Gabby's not over his deception yet was a little ridiculous.



On one hand, I get Jai having a reaction to the adoption news, especially given the poor way Rishi has approached it and tried to brush it off.  On the other, he's kinda acting like a teenager who found out this news versus an adult who has a blended family of his own and who has been through much bigger crises.

So we are

going to see Georgia, though recast, as well as a cousin of Jai's who catches Nicky's eye.

Edited by TeeVee329
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5 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I can't decide if the show having Nate and Tracy immediately reunite, let alone get married, when the actress returned was rather clever or rather shortsighted.

And there's David continuing to be so, sooo pathetic, with his babbling congratulations.  Please, Show, just get rid.


I honestly felt it was entirely pointless. Most people had forgotten about Tracy by this point-and Nate is more of a background character-or an NPC as my son would say 🤣 

It’s a shame because I used to love Tracy, she was feisty, sassy and confident-then they turned her into a gibbering wreck. Post natal depression is an important topic-but she wasn’t the right character-soaps are entertainment, not a moral compass. 

10 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I can't decide if the show having Nate and Tracy immediately reunite, let alone get married, when the actress returned was rather clever or rather shortsighted.

And there's David continuing to be so, sooo pathetic, with his babbling congratulations.  Please, Show, just get rid.


I'm not sure what to think about the quick marriage either. I'm a newer viewer so saw none of their prior relationship, aside from their fling during the 50th, so it's hard to really care since I don't know Tracy and Nate is barely featured. She seems fun though and they're pretty together so whatever, I guess. 

Only just catching up on this weeks episodes. 

Is anyone else getting royally irritated at Chloe inserting herself into EVERY Dingle occasion? And Moira stating the wedding party was a ‘family occasion’ to explain Chloe and Mackenzies presence? What was that about? Mackenzie is not a Dingle-he’s a Boyd, and Chloe is just the new girlfriend of a Boyd-so why do the writers keep insisting on including her? 
She is by far grating on me the most out of all the characters-shes just some common little tart that drops her knickers for every bloke that looks at her for more than a split second. Please get rid!! Kill her off in some horrific fashion and let’s forget she ever existed 

I don't hate Chloe or the Mack/Chloe pairing - I'm indifferent to both - but it was odd to me that ANYONE would think she would need to be in a family picture when she and Mack (who barely qualifies as family either) have been dating for about a month. Especially front and center, when the bride and groom were in the back. It was a plot contrivance and not a good one! 

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On one hand, shut up Gabby, your resume is hardly free of schemes that involved manipulating peoples' emotions and/or relationships.

On the other hand, Nicky, you had to know you wouldn't be welcome, you should have just stuck the card in the mail or approached a less angry party - like Dawn, for example - to pass it on.

On yet another hand, shut up Gabby, how many times are you gonna throw a tantrum and blurt out Dawn and Billy's business in front of their kids?

Yeah I wondered why he didn't try to give the card to Dawn or Billy instead. I do think it was a nice gesture of him to get one. He did seem good with the kids (aside from that weird episode where he snapped at Thomas and then the next episode was all "but he's a nice kid and Gabby is a good person".) Did they ever make it clear that he had faked his nanny credentials? Or has he actually worked with kids? It could be interesting if Tracy ends up opening a daycare, and he will need a job eventually. 

Maybe I'm just easy to please, but I'm liking the new characters they've introduced recently. Gail is sweet and Suni seems fun. I laughed at Rishi's immediate "not him. He's trouble." 

I'm assuming Dan's actor is due for a break and will do a short stint in prison. 


Gabby is becoming another character who is impossible to feel bad for even when their feelings are valid.  She caused this whole mess with Clemmie in the first place and, as Kim pointed out, it's a fuckin' mansion, decamp to the opposite wing from Nicky and cram it for one night.

It's kinda funny how warm Kim and Dawn are with each other now given I remember scenes where they were calling up each other whores and the like lol.

Edited by TeeVee329

More ridiculous posturing from Gabby today.  Bragging about snagging a big chunk of Kim's money while threatening Caleb?  Girl, you didn't put together some flawless scheme, you got pregnant completely by accident and then had to send your grandma in to broker the deal for you.

The show really seems to think Gabby is the new Kim, but I ain't seeing it.

In other news, this little Clemmie subplot made me realize that I like Dawn more than I thought, she's a solid B-level heroine in these family-type stories.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I wish I had mentioned this earlier because now it reads like I'm being all Monday Morning Quarterback about it, but as soon as Suni showed up, I guessed his dad was also Jai's dad.  It's kinda a lazy choice given we saw something similar not that long ago with the Bartons, but it's miles better than the other guess I'd seen going around, that Jai was the product of rape.

Moving on to today, oof, that opening scene of the mail being pushed through the letterbox with Rishi's dead body laying there, having been there all night, was rough.  Nice performances all around as the news spread.

I also liked Manpreet being pulled in, being the one to call Priya. Can't wait to hear how they explain her and Nikhil not being at the funeral.

Oh, we were supposed to be caring about the whole Bob/Wendy/Liam thing?  I never have.

Edited by TeeVee329

Why Rishi? Why?? 

Rishi was the only good man left in emmerdale. He’s had no affairs, no scandal, no violence… lovely, daft, softy Rishi. Why!? 

Not keen on the new Georgia either, she doesn’t have Trudie Goodwins fire or sass. 

As for the love triangle, no. Don’t care a bit. I’ve never liked Wendy, never understood what the point of her was, and Bob turned into a drip when they got together. Put him with Bernice, much better suited

Yeah apparently she’s ‘pursuing other projects’ 

This will be about the 4th time that she’s left-and I’ve never, not once, seen Samantha Giles in anything except emmerdale. 
Id rather she took Wendy with her to be honest. 

Is it just me or is anyone else elated that Lloyd died and Dan is likely off to prison? I’ve not been able to bear Dan and his incessant, permanent mopey face since he first came to the village. One of life’s losers that only ever sees the dark side of the world 

Yeah, that story thread with Dan and Amelia has done and is doing nothing for me.

Ah, so Rishi conveniently wants to be buried in India, making it easier for Nikhil and Priya to attend off-screen.

Backing up to yesterday, I hope, when she inevitably learns about her trying to kiss Billy, Dawn gets to shove Gabby through a window.

For real, though, Gabby is the worst.  It's been half a day since Dawn found out that Gabby tried it on with her husband and then tried to blackmail him, but Gabby is all huffy that she hasn't been forgiven?  And all it took was a half a day of Dawn being mad at her for Gabby to decide to leave town in a strop, screwing over Laurel in the process?  So whiny, so unrootable, shut up Gabby.

On 9/6/2023 at 1:15 AM, TeeVee329 said:

For real, though, Gabby is the worst.  It's been half a day since Dawn found out that Gabby tried it on with her husband and then tried to blackmail him, but Gabby is all huffy that she hasn't been forgiven?  And all it took was a half a day of Dawn being mad at her for Gabby to decide to leave town in a strop, screwing over Laurel in the process?  So whiny, so unrootable, shut up Gabby.

But whatever makes bratty Gabby leave 💁🏻‍♀️ though I’d have preferred she did it in a wooden box. 
In other events, was what happened to Lydia really necessary? Has she not been through enough? Losing her mother, losing her paraqueet, melanoma, the baby story and all the abuse that came with it, marrying Sam dingle, having Samson as a stepson and now this?? 
BUT the Yang to that was the Dingle dinner. Yes I still hate Chas, I will never like Chas again, but I was literally grinning from ear to ear at Cain welcoming Caleb into the fold with the welly. I love those two together

Edited by Tallulah7606
Autocorrect is the enemy

This David/Victoria/Jacob storyline…… I know there’s a smaller age gap between Victoria and Jacob than there is between Victoria and David, but…. Considering Victoria was David’s girlfriend once, is anyone else getting Maya flashbacks? Is Jacob genetically programmed to only ever fall for women his dad has been out with? 

Just me watching these days…. 🤣

Catching up on this week, and I’m left wondering what they were doing hiring the awful guy playing Amit. 
We lost adorable, sweet, hapless Rishi-and we get lumbered with this Z class ‘actor’ playing his brother. This guy couldn’t act his way out of a paper bag. I get the feeling they’re trying to portray him as some sort of sinister monster, but honestly, I’ve seen better attempts from the guy who played Stephen Reid in Corrie. 

Massive fail emmerdale, please wrap this story up asap 

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