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On 4/22/2022 at 10:26 PM, TeeVee329 said:

I'm kinda intrigued about what Layla's secret is with this Suzy chick.  It kinda has the shape of an illicit affair, but I don't actually think that's what it is.

100% I think they’ve had a fling, or she knows about Leylas fling with a different woman. 
to be honest, I feel a bit let down by emmerdale these days-Meenas last scene was awful, they should have let her go out on a batshit high and have her court appearance be the last we saw of her


So Leyla's big secret is that she's been doing drugs on the sly.  I'm a bit mixed on it. 

I kinda like the setup - that it was this once-in-a-while thing she was doing outside the village with her party friend to deal with all the craziness in her actual life, but now it's creeping into said actual life via Suzy's presence in the village.

But while it's a nice touch that Jai got mixed in given his own cocaine addiction (and having been reminded he and Leyla have a romantic history, that could lead to all kinds of drama down the line), it was also a reminder that this show has done this story before, and not terribly long ago.

But also, Liam?  If your wife comes home beaming about the great day she had, maybe have A glass of champs with her, c'mon.

Edited by TeeVee329

I dunno if the timeline of when Suzy and Holly interacted lines up, but I guess that's the ticking bomb that would eventually go off between her and Vanessa.

It is interesting, after setting up Suzy as a bad influence on Leyla, that I suspect Suzy is serious about living clean from now on and Leyla - not wanting her party outlet to run dry - will be the bad influence on her.

I don't like this Suzy character or the Leyla plotline.  Seemed to come out of nowhere.    Have only been watching Emmerdale for 4-5 years, but it seems very out of character for Leyla to all of a sudden be doing drugs.  She's always seemed very together and business driven.   Even when she was dealing with Liam's grief and his rejection of her during that time, doing drugs seem like the last thing she'd do.     

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I get the entire thing was a contrivance meant to expose Suzy's connection to Holly, but the smoking gun photo was ridiculous.  Holly was the photographer at this event, why would she be front and center behind the bride and groom in a shot like that, she would have been the one taking it lol!

It was a bit of a surprise that Vanessa fessed up immediately to Moira, I thought that string would play out a little longer.  And I was happy at least that Moira showed some awareness that everything couldn't be blamed on Suzy.

Ooof Chas is really becoming unlikable in this affair storyline.  It was almost a mistake the writers let Aaron bring up her pulling this same shit on Paddy with Carl because at least, then, Carl was a well-established love slash weak spot for Chas, it was only once before Paddy found out, etc.  I get that this is a soap and Chas and Paddy have been together for a long while now, but it's a baaaad color on Chas.

I hope the writers don't think people will root for Chas and that slimeball Al to get together.  So now she's going to run away with Al,, taking Paddy's child away from him?  How would she feel if Paddy did that to her?   Any sympathy I may have had for Chas having to come to terms with losing her Mother is lost.   I CANNOT WAIT for the truth to come out.  I so want Aaron to spill it. 

I think we're supposed to hate Samson for his harsh reaction to his baby, but I found it quite interesting.  So many soaps, particularly US ones, are usually all, "Yay being a teen parent is the best!" and I liked the inversion of the "Once they lay eyes on their child, all the doubts fall away!" trope with him today.  It's an echo of what happened with Debbie and Sarah forever ago.

Also, it's clear they've pivoted Samson this way because they're going hard on Noah's 180 flip so they can push the Noah/Amelia pairing, about which I do not care.

Edited by TeeVee329
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What are the writers doing with Chas???

many characters have had personality transplants over the years, but this is the most ridiculous! Al leaves her in financial ruin and loses her both her home and business, so she suddenly falls ,ally in love with him and turns into the vilest, nastiest, most manipulative POS imaginable. 

There's nowhere left to go for her character now, she can’t be redeemed, ever. So the only thing they can do is kill her off. 

7 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I usually really like Chas, but yeah, she's been absolutely horrible in this affair storyline.  Her twisting around Paddy's attempts to support her and her family into something selfish in the midst of what she's doing was unreal.  I don't understand where this contempt for him has come from.

Probably from her guilt because deep down she knows he's a good man.  Unlike that scum she's been sleeping with.

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Not looking forward to the days if not weeks we're in for of Chas all sad about Al's death and now being "stuck" with Paddy, ugh.

Also, maybe not a great choice for Kerry to be screeching about justice being served given the manslaughter she totally got away with a few years ago.

Edited by TeeVee329
On 11/2/2022 at 9:17 PM, sas616 said:

After watching today's episode, my guess is that Kyle did the shooting and Cain is covering for him.    He sure looked guilty about something when he was talking to Moira.  

Interesting theory.  I'd enjoy that outcome if only because it would knock Kerry and Amy down a peg.

Speaking of, this twist with Kerry being Chloe's mom is dumb.  It feels like a lazy redo of Vanessa and Tracy finding out they're sisters.

In more enjoyable news, Belle poking and prodding Chas with questions while her eyes clearly communicated she knew Chas was full of s--- was maybe the most I've ever liked her.  Chas is playing this all wrong with her smug snappiness, the Dingles are already going to turn on her HARD in favor of Paddy, she needs to be winning over some allies.

And Kim and Will teaming up to take on Dawn's feckless ex, with Kim decked out in fur, was fantastic.  I like that these two can be a bit naughty together, without one of them judging the other.

Edited by TeeVee329

Regarding the vileness that is Chastity Dingle, I saw the best fan theory the other day.

She discovers that Al was also cheating on her, and it’s not her and Eve that he bought the house for-she also discovers that his plan all along was to expose the affair and destroy Chas’ life for the whole Woolpack debacle 

Now THAT I would happily watch! You never know, sometimes fan theories turn out to be true… Many people correctly guessed that Kyle was the real killer way before anyone started noticing he was acting weird

On 11/26/2022 at 7:44 AM, Tallulah7606 said:

Regarding the vileness that is Chastity Dingle, I saw the best fan theory the other day.

She discovers that Al was also cheating on her, and it’s not her and Eve that he bought the house for-she also discovers that his plan all along was to expose the affair and destroy Chas’ life for the whole Woolpack debacle 

Hell, let's find out Al was cheating on her with Edna's niece Eve, just to remind us that it's so dumb Chas named her daughter that.

In other news...David and Victoria are over?  Thank gawd, they were very boring.  Maybe now that Leyla's free, she and David can get back together?

On 11/29/2022 at 2:00 AM, TeeVee329 said:

Hell, let's find out Al was cheating on her with Edna's niece Eve, just to remind us that it's so dumb Chas named her daughter that.

Haha!! Yes!!!! It irritates me frequently when I hear Chas say Eve. That name was either thought up by a very young writer who was born sometime after the millennium, or it’s an inside joke that we just don’t find funny. 

As for David and Victoria, I could NOT agree more. David has turned into an absolute bore in the last 12 months, he used to be fun and a bit quirky. And Victoria’s fish lips, quite frankly, just grate on me 

Surprised we've already had Arthur come out to Laurel.  Laurel never quite won me back after the Marlon years, but she handled that conversation beautifully.  I did kinda wish she had mentioned Jasmine when Arthur asked if Ashley would have been okay with him being gay (I don't recall him caring about Jas being bisexual).

How are we supposed to feel about Elliot outing Arthur to their peer group like that - was he being malicious or just an idiot?

In other news, Belle dragging Chas like a river when she realized she never finished the affair with Al was a thing of beauty.  And oh man, Moira's face when Belle connected the dot that that's why Cain "killed" Al.  Me thinks Chas is gonna be getting a "gift from Glasgow"!

Edited by TeeVee329

FINALLY!  I loved how calm Paddy was throughout confronting Chas, and particularly how he pointed out that Chas not only betrayed and disrespected him behind his back, but treated him horribly when they were in the same room.  "Did loving him really mean you had to hate me?" was a fantastic line.

And oh, then them returning to the Woolpack and the reveal that Moira was sitting at the bar waiting to tear into Chas, so soapy and fun.  I gasped when Moira elbowded Charity hard in the face to get her off her.

Interesting that Chas didn't drop Aaron in it about knowing.  Wonder if that shoe will drop.

Aw cute hug with Arthur and the other teens, I like this squad much better than Noah, Amelia, etc.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I get that a lot of the people giving Chas static - Mandy, Belle, even Paddy himself - are hypocrites becuase they've had affairs themselves, but her self-pity is really doing this character no favors.  Her crestfallen shock when Aaron wouldn't talk to her?  What did she think he meant when he basically disowned her over all this when he left the vilage?  I'm kinda bummed she (I'm presuming) is going to have a supporter in retconned new brother Caleb.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Ugh, so now that she has a smidge of moral high ground to climb on versus Cain and a steadfast supporter in Caleb, Chas is back to not feeling bad at all about what she's done.  Yelling at Paddy that she wasn't going to be bullied out of her life, the life she would have abandoned all on her own if Al hadn't been killed, was ridiculous.  I'm so tired of her.

I’m really liking Caleb, but I’m concerned after his slip up about evidence that the whole clan may now turn on him permanently. I could well be proven to be horrifically wrong, but I genuinely feel like his intentions are good at this point, he’s just not coming across as the sinister entity that the media are trying to portray him as. 
Chas though, I do wish the writers would listen to the fans and write her out. Lucy Pargeter herself is an extremely unlikeable person, but she always managed to make Chas likeable until al. Now there’s just no way back. She seems utterly pointless, but I do recall a while back reading something about Dominic Brunt leaving the show-so I’m concerned that paves the way for Chas to stay 

I'm liking Caleb too, and I'm really confused why Cain was all "don't come near my family ever". Like...did I miss where he told Moira what that's all about? Because it seems like there's no solid reason why Cain shouldn't want him around. I don't remember them mentioning that he's into any dangerous business or anything. I kind of hope he stays around and doesn't end up being a villain. 

I like Naomi lately too- her relationship with Marlon is sweet and I liked her chat with April today too. 

I'm not very interested in the whole Leyla/Liam/Bernice/David quadrangle or whatever is happening there. 

Is the nanny guy supposed to be taking care of Gabby's son too? Weird he's only ever seen caring for Dawn's kids, but Gabby was part of the interviews to hire a nanny. 

Don’t think anyone’s reading this thread anymore, but I had to come on for whinge about the whole Alex storyline. 

First complaint, PLEASE get rid of Naomi. The character is awful! Really really awful, with absolutely no redeeming qualities. 

Second complaint, the police thinking it was Charles before they’ve even had the impact analysis back, and the writers clearly trying to make us believe Charles could be sent down, is utter ludicrous! 
The impact analysis will absolutely exonerate him, just looking at the car should have! The difference in damaged caused by falling on a car during a fight vs being hit at force at 40 mph is VASTLY different. 

5 hours ago, Tallulah7606 said:

Don’t think anyone’s reading this thread anymore, but I had to come on for whinge about the whole Alex storyline. 

First complaint, PLEASE get rid of Naomi. The character is awful! Really really awful, with absolutely no redeeming qualities. 

Second complaint, the police thinking it was Charles before they’ve even had the impact analysis back, and the writers clearly trying to make us believe Charles could be sent down, is utter ludicrous! 
The impact analysis will absolutely exonerate him, just looking at the car should have! The difference in damaged caused by falling on a car during a fight vs being hit at force at 40 mph is VASTLY different. 

Why do soaps insist on making the police look so stupid?   For once, I'd like to see a proper investigation where the police don't look like idiots.

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I've felt no investment in this whole Charity/Mac/Chloe thing from the start because we've seen this already, when Charity was married to Jai and he cheated with/had a baby with Rachel.  And while Emma Atkins is doing great with the reveal because she's always great, the actors playing Mac and Chloe are not up to it, IMO.

The only piece I'm slightly interested in is Charity feeling betrayed by Sarah and Ryan for keeping parts of Mac's secret.

In other news, I'm liking Nicky and Ally, particularly Ally.  I actually think the story would be more interesting if Caleb knew Nicky was gay and was totally fine with that, but still wanted Nicky to seduce Gabby as part of his plans.



I really like that they had Caleb not care that Nicky is gay, but still love his revenge scheme against Kim more than his son and choose that over Nicky's happiness by forcing him to continue with the Gabby charade.  I hope we haven't seen the last of Ally, though, I like him and I dread Nicky getting stuck with human flatline Ethan.

Charity having a moment about Mac and Chole's baby in front of Jai, who totally did the same thing to her, and that going unmentioned, was weird.

Edited by TeeVee329
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The awkwardness between Tom and Jimmy...I guess they had to do it this way given how long Tom has been off-canvas, but I've been finding it hard to believe that family man Jimmy wouldn't have kept in contact with Tom (and the referenced Anya) all these years, that this tension would have festered like this.

But, oh Jimmy, you've been keeping the secret about Carl killing the senior Tom for a loooong time, but one off-hand remark from Tom and that's your poker face?  I did like that King history being pried back open, though.  And the mention of golf reminded me of Matthew beating Carl with a golf club that time (hey, let's get a secret Matthew kid in the mix so we can have a whole next-gen of King boys!).

But also, Thomas?  If the mere mention of or allusion to your dad sets you off so much...maybe start a relationship with a shrink versus one with Belle.

Edited by TeeVee329

Despite what I said yesterday, I am enjoying the show playing Tom as a normal person reacting in horror while other characters matter-of-factly recite these OTT soap storylines.  "You don't understand, Tom, your grandfather was killed off in a 'Who Shot J.R.?"-esque storyline!"  "I accidentally killed my best friend, but it's okay, Tom, it gave me meaty story for like two years after!".

Obviously, I loved Jimmy talking about the senior Tom, the show home collapse, his murder, all of that.  And the village at large does now know it was Carl, right?  I distinctly remember, when Chas was on trial for Carl's murder, her repeating in court what Carl had confessed to her, because the show so smartly cut to reaction shots in the courtroom from Charity and Edna.

But again, Tom, Jimmy's right - if you hate your dad and any reminder of him, no matter how big or small, maybe live anywhere else in the entire world.  I can't buy his five-second relationship with Belle six zillion years ago is really that much of a draw back in the face of that.

Edited by TeeVee329
15 hours ago, Jenniferbug said:

I'm finally caught up to yesterday's episode. I think the show has been really good lately! Hopefully they can keep Caleb and Nicky around. 

I especially hope they can keep Caleb. I love him! I think the dynamic between him and Cain has the potential to be one of the best duos Emmerdale has ever seen. It’ll be a big mistake if the intention was to always write him out at the end of his revenge storyline 

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I agree that Caleb would be worth keeping and I suspect


the upcoming "Who Pushed Caleb?" story will help walk him back to viable.

Nicky...eh?  I like Ally more of the two, but he seems to be done with Nicky for good after finding out the full extent of the scheme.  But they have dropped lots of mentions of Nicky's mom so I suspect that will be a story avenue they drive down soon.

Speaking of Caleb, I did think it was a nice touch that they had a scene of him connecting with the other Dingle/Tate hybrid, Noah.

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Re: Charity and Caleb's hookup.  I was at first focusing on the sleeping with Cain's brother part, but then realized that Charity has now slept with all three of Frank Tate's children.

BTW, I know the actress has passed, but is Zoe still alive in-universe?

In other news...why is David still on this show?  He's been wrung dry as a character.

Edited by TeeVee329

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