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Meta: TellTale Games, A Videogame Based On A TV Show, Based On Books


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Another observation: Duncan must really, really love House Forrester to 

basically condemn his nephew to death. Even if Gared finds the North Grove, it can't end well for him. If he tries to return to the Watch, he'll be killed as a turncloak, and he'll be beheaded if he tries to go further south. His only hope is to either live with the wildlings or sneak back south and pretend to be someone else.

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I like how in the scene where Gryff and his men are arriving (if you chose Duncan as sentinel), Talia tells Rodrick that Duncan isn't back from the Wall yet.  Then in the very next scene (minutes later), we seem him standing there with the rest of House Forrester.

Edited by SilverStormm
Tagged episode 3 details

I like how in the scene where Gryff and his men are arriving (if you chose Duncan as sentinel), Talia tells Rodrick that Duncan isn't back from the Wall yet.  Then in the very next scene (minutes later), we seem him standing there with the rest of House Forrester.


You see him riding back into Ironrath's courtyard prior to that.

Any thoughts on who

the traitor on the council is?


My thoughts go right to Duncan, I mean Gared's up here looking for the North Grove and suddenly Britt (Whitehill soldier) shows up at the wall? Seems awfully convienient, especially since the Whitehills never professed to wrongdoing when they killed Gared's family, why would they send someone to the Wall for "keeping the peace"? It seems like an easy way for the Whitehills to look for the Grove as well. And I don't know about you guys, but I only ever told Duncan about the Grove. Also Duncan is Gwyn Whitehill's contact, how does he even have contact with her?


And then of course there's the Catelyn Stark reflex that has me suspecting Lady Forrester is doing it in a bid to try and protect or recover Ryon. She also tried to disperse the blame and accused Ser Royland and the maester when Rodrik told her he thought it was Duncan. Seems like a bit of a crafty move if she is the traitor. But the traitor also told the Whitehills that Rodrik is trying to rescue Ryon, which doesn't seem like something Lady Forrester would do (she might tell if Rodrik was thinking about killing Gryff though, to make sure he didn't so Ryon wouldn't be hurt.)


The maester should be serving Rodrik faithfully since he is still officially the Lord in Ironrath, but I don't know too much about him, so I can't trust him fully. After all maesters are people, despite their vows.


Ser Royland is really the only one I trust completely. He's just way too hotheaded to be hiding something IMO, and he seems willing to go to his death if Rodrik commanded him to fight the Whitehill garrison, and he keeps egging Rodrik on to do so. He could be under Whitehill orders to do that and give them an excuse to wipe House Forrester out, but if that was the case he could just attack one of them and say that Rodrik ordered it. There's no need to wait for an actual order from Rodrik, he could just lie.


Ugh, it's driving me crazy. Hopefully Rodrik is smart and we get a chance to pull a Tyrion Lannister gambit on all four of them. Tell them all different stories like Tyrion did when he wanted to marry off Myrcella and see which one shakes out to find the mole.

Edited by Maximum Taco

You see him riding back into Ironrath's courtyard prior to that.


Okay, good.  It seemed like too obvious an error.  Glad it really wasn't.


Maximum Taco, 

my thought is that either Lady Forrester has been feeding information, or no one has intentionally, and Whitehill men just overheard.


On another note, the North Grove situation makes even less sense now. Why would Lord Forrester be so concerned with the North Grove being lost if it was well beyond the Wall, beyond the Boltons' and Whitehills' grasp?

Edited by Brn2bwild

I'm not actually playing but just watching a playthrough at YouTube because I wanted to listen to the boars gore and swords podcast discussion on it. But I would probably watch it regardless because I'm curious now at how it will end. I'm very intrigued by the wall story right now. It seemed like suddenly the key to the story is up there.

As for the question talked about in the spoiler tags (I never remember the exact code and on phone there is no mark up options) the podcasters guessed the Maester pointing out that he said earlier that he was supposed to have gone to a bigger house. Also that he is the "scoby doo option" where you're focusing on Duncan and Royland as the potential threats.

Edited by Holmbo

I feel like a jerk after this one.


I totally sold out Sera without thinking. I'm pretty sure I could've lied to the lord and still gotten him to spill the beans


I think I might have to replay it, which I usually don't.


I think I find more enjoyment in this game than the actual show this season, I don't know at all what's going to happen and even though it seems like the choices don't matter, as early as the next episode, when I'm making the decisions they all feel crucial.

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Based on watching playthroughs, 

you can lie and Lord Tarwick will still tell you what you need to know.


I feel more sympathy for Griff now that I know his older siblings probably blame him for their mother's death, since it was implied that she died soon after (perhaps because of) his birth.


It seems like this episode set up 

the prospect of an alliance between House Forrester and House Whitehill. What if Rodrik and company discover that Ramsay had Griff and his men flayed? That could really change the calculations.

I'm really annoyed because the PS3 version has been unplayable for a lot of people, including myself,  pretty much since episode 3 and they haven't fixed it yet. Luckily I bought both the PS3 and PC versions so I can still play, but it's ridiculous they haven't come up with a fix yet. I'm 99% percent sure they decided to ignore it until episode 4 was out and now they're scrambling.


So, guesses on the traitor? Mine below.


It's totally the Maester. Royland and Duncan have both displayed loyalty to the House in ways that would be counterproductive if they were the traitor and the Maester hasn't. He also was willing to ransom the house with ironwood from minute one. I think Gryf beating him up is supposed to remove him from suspicion, but Gryf's a dumbass and I bet Whitehill didn't let him in on the plan.

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I'm really annoyed because the PS3 version has been unplayable for a lot of people, including myself,  pretty much since episode 3 and they haven't fixed it yet. Luckily I bought both the PS3 and PC versions so I can still play, but it's ridiculous they haven't come up with a fix yet. I'm 99% percent sure they decided to ignore it until episode 4 was out and now they're scrambling.


So, guesses on the traitor? Mine below.


It's totally the Maester. Royland and Duncan have both displayed loyalty to the House in ways that would be counterproductive if they were the traitor and the Maester hasn't. He also was willing to ransom the house with ironwood from minute one. I think Gryf beating him up is supposed to remove him from suspicion, but Gryf's a dumbass and I bet Whitehill didn't let him in on the plan.


I agree.with your choice for traitor.


Especiallly after Gwyn Whitehill told me that one of her brothers is a Maester.

I don't think

it's Royland. He was devastated when Ethan died and if he's he sentinel he defends Talia and tells Gryff he's wrong during the "Stay down!" scene. He also trains Rodrik during ep 4. And if you take him to Highpoint he'll kill Ludd for you, though it leads to a Game Over. And I don't think it's Duncan because he's so gung-ho about the North Grove, which Whitehill hasn't mentioned once. Why wouldn't Duncan spill about that if he was a spy? And Lady Forrester HATES the Whitehills and would never jeopardize getting Ryan back. I think the letter in episode 2 is a Red Herring to make you suspect her. That leaves the Maester. Who says at home when you go to High Point no matter what.


I finally got to play this game instead of just watching You Tube playthroughs, and I am so excited for Episode 5.  It's interesting the details you pick up on after playing.  More than ever, I think that

Lady Forrester is the traitor, or else it's None of the Above.  The reason I feel that way: the Maester is too obvious (being somewhat shifty and snotty), as are Duncan and Royland.  But when you talk to Lady Forrester, you are constantly given the option to tell her about certain events or keep them secret.  Why would that be an issue if she were trustworthy?  My guess is that, for the good of her family, she has been leaking information.  Either that, or a Whitehill soldier just overheard their small council from a tree up above (it's not like they were so well hidden) and Gwyn just assumed there was a traitor on the council.


Edited by Brn2bwild

So the latest episode is out.


I'll give them credit for not going with the most obvious person for traitor, but it bugs me that it's not a fixed person, but depends on who you choose as sentinel. Though to me, it makes some sense that Duncan would be the traitor, whereas Royland seems out of left field.


Also, I've been watching playthroughs and haven't done my own yet, but I would choose Rodrick to stay behind. It seems more natural for his story to end than Asher's. Asher hasn't even seen his mother and sister yet, for Chrissake. Still *sob* either way.


Agreed on the part of the traitor. I always suspected

Duncan, and he seemed to be a lot more suspicious in every way, so it made sense to me that he was the traitor. If it was Royland though it would've made no sense. He had every opportunity to do whatever he wanted to screw me over and didn't. He also doesn't seem the subterfuge type, it seems like he would betray me more openly, if that makes any sense.


Stupid game

Sophie's Choicing me at the end like that. I also ended up letting Rodrik stay behind, Asher seems more necessary to me, since he's the better fighter, he's the one who has the army, and he's the one with the connection to Gwynn Whitehill, which seems like it could be important. Still made me feel like a jerk especially after the Rodrik/Elaena scene that happened right before. I should've killed stupid Duncan, his information was useless. I might do another playthrough and save Rodrik, but the way telltale games work I fear whoever you saved in this episode will die in the next episode so the sequel game can start in a place where both Asher and Rodrik are dead. I hope I'm wrong though.

Edited by Maximum Taco

Finally did the playthrough. 


I let Duncan live because of Gared, if he ever returns. In my playthrough, he said that he never told the Whitehills about the North Grove. I believe that Duncan is extremely devoted to House Forrester, even if his devotion is a little warped.


Sacrificed Rodrick, as I intended.  Did it for a few reasons.  One, as I mentioned, the idea of Asher going to so much trouble to come home and then getting killed within an hour of landing just sucked.  Moreover, the Asher sacrifice is just so sad, with his final scene with Beshka.  Rodrick's doesn't have that immediate impact -- it might have been more even if they had Eleana there, calling for him.  Two, we've already seen Rodrick interact with his family and the Whitehills, but Asher would add a new element (especially with Gywn).  Third, he would be the best one to give the news about Malcolm and Daenerys.


Also, Asher's whole story involved wondering whether his family still loved him and would embrace him.  Having a brother die for him has to be one of the best assurances he could possibly get.


That said, I will definitely do a version where Rodrick survives.  I'm sure each version will have bittersweet, heartfelt moments. 

Edited by Brn2bwild

How did everyone's meeting with

Tyrion go? I ended up just telling him Cersei sent me. It seemed like he knew immediately that something was up when I offered him the wine. Stupid Lucan. I could've tricked him if I had gone in without any. It doesn't seem like there's anyway to "win" that encounter though. Tyrion even told me that he doesn't have any witnesses, but that won't help me with Cersei.

I told the truth, too.  Now Lucan will probably testify against me.  I've read a lot of comments that people are frustrated they weren't offered the choice of Mira giving a significant look or a nod to signal that Cersei sent her.

I know


I even

said "Cersei sent me" at the first opportunity and Lucan coughed so all I got out was "Cersei--" and friggin Tyrion still wanted me to say it outright that Cersei sent me. Read between the lines Tyrion!

In the meeting

with Tyrion I told the truth as much as I could too. I hope when you see Cersei in episode 6 you're able to go "He would have totally seen right through me. By pretending to be honest and on his side I got the good. Your guard's an idiot and almost ruined everything."


Also apparently after four months and three episodes Telltale is just now zeroing in on why the PS3 version is broken. Maybe I'll even get to play episode 6 on it right away.

My heart.


So many no win scenarios.


What did you guys do?




As Asher, proposed poisoning Ludd and allowed my mother to poison herself to let the plot go through.

As Mira, sold out Sera further to get back in with Margeary, and then sold out Tom and married Morgryn to stay alive. My Mira's a lot like early Sansa, anything to survive.

As Gared, gave Cotter a painless death by Nightshade, and left the North Grove to head back south (my theory is that Lord Forrester sent me there to rescue his bastards)

Edited by Maximum Taco

Your choices are a lot like mine.


I was going to poison the wine, but when I saw that if you called off the plot, Gwyn would align with you in the end, I went that way.


I also sacrificed Tom to save Mira, all the while resenting such a contrived choice.  A lower-level lord like Morgryn could get a noble girl like Mira locked up and beheaded for the killing of a guard, even with no evidence?


I killed Cotter with Nightshade, but opted to protect the North Grove.  I imagine it will play a role in deciding the Forresters' fate regardless.

Oh wow, I went a totally different way:


As Rodrik, I sneaked into the Whitehill camp and chose to follow Gryff to save Ryon, killing Gryff in the process.

As Mira, I protected Sera, and refused Morgryn advances, which resulted in her head coming off! So that'll be a very interesting huge difference in the next season!

As Gared, I killed Cotter with the nightshade, but decided to stay to protect the north grove, as Lord Forrester had commanded.

Another thought, I have to think this game was hampered by actor availabilty.


I mean,

the Cersei/Tyrion story thread just drops off the face of the map. I have to believe Lena Headey wasn't available to do her VAing and they weren't comfortable going with a soundalike after using Dinklage, Dormer, Clarke, Rheon and Harrington in their roles from start to finish. There's even a point where Mira can suggest going to Cersei for help against Morgryn. There must have been atleast one scene with Mira and Cersei that had to be cancelled. 


I'm disappointed. I was really looking forward to explaining myself to Cersei after the meeting with Tyrion.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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Another thought, I have to think this game was hampered by actor availabilty.


I mean,

the Cersei/Tyrion story thread just drops off the face of the map. I have to believe Lena Headey wasn't available to do her VAing and they weren't comfortable going with a soundalike after using Dinklage, Dormer, Rheon and Harrington in their roles from start to finish. There's even a point where Mira can suggest going to Cersei for help against Morgryn. There must have been atleast one scene with Mira and Cersei that had to be cancelled. 


I'm disappointed. I was really looking forward to explaining myself to Cersei after the meeting with Tyrion.

Yeah, I was wondering about that too!  I selected that option, and was confused when nothing ever came of it. It's too bad.

That's what I thought, too.  It just seemed way too contrived that Morgryn had that sort of power.  It only made sense if 

originally, Cersei was going to find Mira guilty for being a conspirator and order her to the black cells. Even so, couldn't they have made an option where Margaery could speak for you and set you free? That would have really made the "be loyal to Margaery" option pay off.

That's what I thought, too.  It just seemed way too contrived that Morgryn had that sort of power.  It only made sense if 

originally, Cersei was going to find Mira guilty for being a conspirator and order her to the black cells. Even so, couldn't they have made an option where Margaery could speak for you and set you free? That would have really made the "be loyal to Margaery" option pay off.


I think

there might have been a plan to have a trial, that way evidence against (or for) Mira could be piled up. For example, if you kept the knife that would obviously work against Mira, but keeping the Ironwood Decree would work for her, because it would provide a motive for Morgryn to frame her for murder. This way you could also get witnesses to testify for you, if you were loyal to Margaery she would speak for you, if you told Tarwick about Sera he might speak for you etc.


It feels like they ended up just hastily ending Mira's story instead. Very unfortunate.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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