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Small Talk: The Library

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Chyna, we went with the method that you used for getting Daniel to sleep through the night:

Day one we got to the 15 minute interval, day 2 we got to 5 minutes, day 3 was 10 minutes, and each of those nights he just woke the once. Last night he slept through from 7.30pm to 7.00am. Why didn't we try this earlier?

Now, Kory and I need to train our bodies to sleep through the night again: we've been lying awake between 2.30 and 4.30am waitlist no for him to wake up.

More love to kpc, and liberal helpings of vibes to all those in need.

Edited by Erratic
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The F-let is 13 today. Both my kids are teenagers, oy. The sleep thing turns itself around eventually, of course -- Erratic is working on getting her wee one to sleep (yay!); I spend a fair amount of time making sure my guys are awake. The F-let has to wake up at 6 am for school, and unlike a baby, he does not want to see that time of day. ;)

I hope you're doing alright, KPC. :) Vibes all around, take as needed, there's always more.

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KPC, I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hope you are doing ok.

What shows did you see Harvester? The weather has been beautiful since the weekend.

I'm going to interview a potential caregiver tomorrow. She doesn't have the background/experience I was looking for, but the one I have now did and that isn't working on any level. Wish me luck. I would love it if things would settle down.

Hope you get a good night's rest Erratic!

Happy birthday to the F-let and hope the teenage years go smoothly.

Edited by Endeavour
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we went with the method that you used for getting Daniel to sleep through the night

Wait a minute. Daniel? Alf has a name? We didn't know about this did we?


Happy birthday to the F-let! Two teenage boys. Must be fun [/sarcasm].


Best of luck with the caretaker, Endeavour.


Thinking of you, KPC. Check in when you feel like it.

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Has anyone watched The Passion of the Nerd video reviews of Buffy on youtube, they are quite good, he is about half way through season 3. It is taking him forever.

I don't remember how my daughter slept as an infant, it was so very long ago and I am pretty sure I spent the first few years of her life catatonic, even if she wasn't.

Super vibes for KPC.

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I'm going to interview a potential caregiver tomorrow. She doesn't have the background/experience I was looking for, but the one I have now did and that isn't working on any level. Wish me luck. I would love it if things would settle down.

Best of luck on the caregiver front, Endeavor. It's got to be one of the toughest things to find someone w/ the right badkground (or close to it) who also meshes with your mom and yourself.


Keeping you in my thoughts, KPC.


https://twitter.com/SteveGelbs - If you scroll down to the photo captioned, "How hard does Syndergaard throw?" you'll recognize why I posted it here.

Edited by Loandbehold
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Random question for Darkpool: did you know there were rabid ST:Voyager fans? Until I read all the excited gushing over at Mark Watches, I had no idea there was such a thing. Voyager is hugely disappointing, imo. Great premise, but the follow-through is terrible. I watched a lot more Voyager than I did DS9, and I remember being consistently disappointed with it.

Good luck with the caretaker interview, Endeavour.

L&b's pic is worth looking at. I honestly did not know that vampires could play in the MLB. ;)

Edited by AnnieF
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Funny pic, LnB.

Never watched much after the original Star Trek. Only a few eps of TNG. Have seen all of the movies though.

Thanks for the good luck. I think it may have done the trick. The interview went very well. You never know for a while, but I'm very hopeful that this will work out.

Edited by Endeavour
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did you know there were rabid ST:Voyager fans?


In a vague way. I knew they were out there, but I never met any. I noticed that even a few of the people at MW who loved the show freely concede its flaws, and that it could have been a lot better than it was.


Voyager is the only Trek series I've never watched all the way through, and I'm a big enough Trekkie to support fan films on Kickstarter. I gave up on Voyager early in the fourth season, when I realized the writers/producers simply had no idea what they were doing. I later heard, third-hand, that executive meddling from UPN was also a huge problem. A shame; it really was a fantastic premise with so much potential. In the right hands, it could have been the best Trek.

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LnB that's funny. Yay Endeavor for a promising candidate! Sucks about the ST-disappointment. It's almost worse when they show potential (as opposed to Potentials.)

Life is actually going OK here. Living drama-free these days - quite the blessing. Probably how AnnieF felt after giving up school traffic control.

So I cut my hair short and hoping to add a purple streak later. I'm blaming my adult-on set ADD for that. Saw sone cool movies last weekend. I'd highly recommend Viva. And just getting back into the swing of The Americans and Orphan Black.

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Gods, me three. The thing is just a week ago I was thinking about him and looking forward to a comeback - you know how really talented people sort of cycle through those in their career. I know he was far from a perfect person but damn I'm just kind of depressed. And can someone explain why a menopausal woman is having huge chocolate cravings.

Because chocolate is fabulous!

The job isn't for me Erratic. I was interviewing a caregiver for my mom, but I'm hoping, as soon as things calm down, that I can turn some attention to myself and start a job search. It's long overdue. My current job is getting to be too much. I may just need to go for it though, because I doubt things will ever get to the point where I think it's the right time. I also know I will find it stressful to make a change so that's holding me back too. I need to get over that.

Edited by Endeavour

I have enjoyed the 1st two episodes of Orphan Black. I am still amazed by Tatiana Maslney's performances. Right before it came back on I decided to watch the first episode while on lunch at work and got my new coworker hooked, He is already through the first season?

My daughter is getting into the swing of things at the community college, seeing as she didn't really go to high school it took her a bit to figure out how to be a student.

A number of my coworkers are Fox News watchers, so I don't ever discuss politics at work but the other day they were talking about the "bathroom" bill in NC and I actually stated my opinion that a person should use the bathroom that most closely fits how they present and they have been giving me the side eye ever since. I may have blown my cover.

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There's a former co-worker who I'm friends with on FB, and in the last few years, she's become a hard-core evangelical Christian--thinks Halloween is evil, attends a mega-church, etc. etc. She's a Midwestern African American woman in her late 40s, so she grew up listening to Prince and used to be a fan, but in the last few days, she's been posting all kinds of stuff about how his music was sinful and false gods and blah blah blah sanctimonious bullshit. I've been considering unfriending, but she's still connected to potential work contacts.


Today, she's apparently on some outing with a large group of sorority sisters--also African American and Of a Certain Age--so the looooong bus ride to wherever they're going is ALL PURPLE RAIN ALL THE TIME, blasting at top volume, and everyone but her is singing along. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

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Ha! That's wonderful, Chyna.

As someone who always sneak into the men's bathroom when the line at the women's bathroom is too long, I find it very hard to understand why people are so up in arms about a person using the bathroom they prefer.

Not a Prince fan, but still sad. He was one of a kind.

Edited by trudi-tru
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Seriously. Having crashed many a mens bathroom when desperately needing to pee, I so don't care.

Hope everyone had a pleasant weekend. KPC you are very much in my thoughts and heart.

I saw the last two Mocking Jay movies this weekend. I was a little underwhelmed. God help me but the last scene SPOILER ALERT

looked like a Massengil douche commercial.

How is this season of Orphan Black?


  Two eps in and I'm loving it so far. After a so-so season three, I have high hopes for this season and it's shaping up nicely.


I was disappointed with the new season of Kimmy Schmidt; I think there was a lack of focus, plus (and I know I'm nearly alone on this) why so much singing? 


  I've seen four eps so far, for the most part I've been happy with it but probably the first season up to that point I've like a little better.I don't think I've noticed that much singing so far....or I just don't remember.   Looking forward to seeing the arrival of

 Tina Fey as Kimmy's therapist or something like that.


I finally stop putting of what I've should have done for a while and went to an attorney to get paperwork done on getting the deed to this house put in my name....since my dad IS 95!  I thought it would be a simple little procedure of just some signing some paperwork, but oh hell no, there's a lot of crap to decide since I have a brother and sister too.   I got this attorney,Bob Greco recommended from a friend who lives with her dad too, so last Saturday I went with my dad to his office which was about 10 minutes away. When I met Bob, I put out my hand to shake and he pulls me in for a hug and kisses me!  Who does that?!  I mean I didn't mind that much since being Italian it wasn't a foreign thing for that to happen but I just didn't expect it from him on our first meeting. (he's Italian too) But on my way out, I got the jump on him and hugged him first! :)  He' s a very friendly guy and dad liked him too...he joked around with him, so he got in some laughs.   Also, I didn't know how....well... expensive all this stuff would be. For instance, it's $850 just for the filing fee! Oh well, I just want all this stuff taken care of soon.  Also, I told him to make a will for me. I hadn't really though about it that stuff, but might as well tackle that too while I have him.  Break out the check book!


Rave-   Last Saturday I finally did something I've been wanting to do for a while. Buy a guitar.   I've always wanted to learn how to play for the longest time. They were selling them on QVC  a few months back and I was going to buy it but then decided against it because I read a few not shining reviews.  But then I saw them selling it again over the weekend at the same "one time" sale price(yeah right, one time)  so   I thought, ok, I'm going for it this time. It's a first guitar, so it doesn't have to be the best one ever.   It was whole package thing which was the thing that made it appealing to me. It's a guitar line that the country singer Keith Urban has his name on and the big selling point for me in package was a bunch of lessons you get on dvd. So he basically teaches you how to play, going over notes, then learning and such. I don't know if I'll be patient enough to learn, but I want to give it a try. I think the fingering of the string/notes will be the hardest.  We'll see, it's shipped so should be her in a couple of days! 



Huh, I only remember the book's ending as her telling Gale why she chose Spud, I mean Riley, er that is Peta.Huh, I only remember the book's ending as her telling Gale why she chose Spud, I mean Riley, er that is Peta. Huh, I only remember the book's ending as her telling Gale why she chose Spud, I mean Riley, er that is Peta.


   Damn, I wanted her to choose Gale. I've only seen the first two Mockingjay movies. 



Vibes and hugs to KPC and whoever else could use some!


And I'm a little late but RIP  Prince.  He was my exact height!


Dang you mean the book's ending was equally poor? 

After having us follow Katniss and Peeta for three books (and having Katniss say repeatedly that she wouldn't want kids), she threw them back together and gave them kids in about three sentences. "We came back together" or some vague crap like that. Very disappointing that she couldn't devote a couple of pages to how that happened.

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Yeah, I was on Peta's side too. But overall the last one was this weird combination of a cop out and shark jumping. Just put me off the series enough that I haven't been even tempted to watch the movies. Though I do give endings more than their share of importance, I will admit. 

In other news is anyone as lost ss I am? How do I get back to my list of 'forums I follow' **wails**

Edited by romantic idiot

Rounded-corner redesign! Now we'll see if I'm too old a dog to learn the new tricks.

Lemme tell 'ya, Donald Trump encouraging Bernie Sanders to run as an Independent sends chills up my spine. I think both parties would offer him just about anything to keep that from happening. And hopefully he loves his country enough not to consider it.

Edited by Hostile16

Whoa, this will take some getting used to. Looks like all previous settings are gone.  I already visited the "I'm old and this is hard to navigate" thread. 

It's good that you're getting the paperwork taken care of Valny. I've been down that road (still on it actually) and, yes, it's expensive. Has to be done though. Very cool about the guitar. I have one that's been sitting for years. I used to play - never very well - but enjoyed it. I want to get back to it. 

I'm liking Orphan Black too so far this season. I think they are doing a little course correction after last season and getting back to basics.

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Holy carp, thought I lost all of you.  Endeavor how did the interview go?  I'm thinking only so-so because you didn't come back with a bunch of woot-woots.  Valny I think it is awesome that you finally got a guitar.  Rock on woman ( or Country on if that is more your thing...or Bluegrass...or Classical...basically have fun!)  Plus kudos to helping your Dad take care of business.  I was surprised to hear Prince didn't leave a will.  


I was surprised to hear Prince didn't leave a will. 

  Me too.  I was actually thinking the other day, I hope he made a will out because he is worth a bundle.  It's amazing that he didn't, I would have thought he'd have that covered.


Valny I think it is awesome that you finally got a guitar.  Rock on woman ( or Country on if that is more your thing...or Bluegrass...or Classical...basically have fun!)

Thanks!   I tried learning my first chord today(G) I knew getting my fingers in the right place was going to be a little problematic and it was. My pinky is the one not doing what it's supposed to, seems it doesn't like to move independently without the fourth finger moving along with it, it's frustrating but I've just started learning, I expect to get it quickly but that's not gonna happen.

Endeavour- Did it take long for you to learn guitar?
I supposed will we all get used to the new board stuff but......change is bad, change is bad!  :)

The interview went well, buffyjunkie. It wasn't a job interview for me but I was interviewing a new caregiver for my mom. She met with my mom who also liked her and then worked one day. And...wait for it...has been out since. She fell (not while working with us) and injured herself. She's getting some tests and recuperating. I understand, of course, but if the situation doesn't straighten out soon, it will wreak havoc with my work schedule and mother's routine. So much for things settling down. 

Try a C chord, Valny. Less stretching! It didn't take too long to learn.  I was younger then though and could play for hours. I couldn't devote that much time now. I think in a few weeks you'll have some chords down and be able to play some tunes. Just keep at it. 

Edited by Endeavour
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