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Small Talk: The Library

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Welcome jaytee!

Re: Taking advantage of accommodations for disability. The main thing that I notice when I'm clomping around with my cane is that I should just go first in certain situations, because everyone's going to wait for me anyway. Elevators are a big one; anymore I just get off first, because all the people are going to insist that I go. Has happened a zillion times. Doors, too. I don't even try with the "you first" to other people. They don't want to go first, they want to be the nice person who held the door for the disabled lady. And I'm okay with this. :)

It is all smoky and gross here this morning. Blech.

Are you turning it British?

Literal snorting noises over here. Hey KPC, how would your dad react to an all-fake-English-accent visit? "Crikey, me ol' dad!" :D

Edited by AnnieF
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Tut tut cheerio old chums!




I have a few more days to get me apartment patently approved.


This is what happens when I try to post from my mobile early before I've had me spot of tea.


If me Dad twigged to speaking in my egregious fake english accent, he'd be more horrified than when Edward ran off with that deplorable Simpson Girl.



Stay clear of fires everyone.  I don't wish for anyone to become a s'more.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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The smoke is so yucky. I was going to swim this morning, but no. After I dropped the F-let off (at 6:55 am, sigh) I was hacking and runny-eyed. I don't even know what's on fire; based on previous experience I'm going to guess " California."

Would it take your dad a bit to figure out WTH you were doing if you did speak fake-Cockney or whatev? Mine would not notice for a while, then would finally say "Why are you talking like that?" Heh.

"Northern California," natch.


We are doing okay after the loss of our friend. Because of his only 26 years and his emotional state, we'd started thinking of him as more of a foster kid, and less of a close friend, because he needed loving and accepting parents so badly, with his own parents being nice enough, but bigoted against "the gays" (their son was bisexual) and godless folk (which he was also), and worried about his eternal soul. His mother was beyond passive aggressive. And I can't post this elsewhere, but his soon-to-be-ex wife had really treated him badly, being impatient and mean and selfish. That made his decompression at our house so much more necessary. I can only imagine the guilt she must be feeling right now, and only 3 weeks into the start of her first year of law school, with a 2 and 4 year old. 


This has been harder on Silver Fox than on me, since SF found our friend dead, with me getting home after 911 was called. I didn't go see my friend's body because I wanted my memories intact, but SF can't undo the memories of feeling for a pulse and etc. etc. My honey has recovered a lot in the last few days, but made a free counseling appointment for later today through work, so we'll see if going over it again with a pro helps. Can't hurt. I just realized I haven't told my mom yet; I guess that's the nail in the coffin of needing her for any adult kind of support, a long time coming. It feels comfortably free, actually. Sigh. Long week.


Not that we don't appreciate our life every day, because we do, and we say it out loud, but this makes that more important. 


Get your wills and trusts done, everybody, and get life insurance. :-/

  • Love 3

Poor Silverfox; those are memories I'd wish not to have. :(

Get your wills and trusts done, everybody, and get life insurance. :-/

So, so important. Make things easier on your family after you die; make everything crystal clear. If you're like my mom, when you get older you can start giving away stuff that you want people to have, because "Why wait?" she says. My sister always loved my grandma's old tea set (beautiful porcelain teapot w/cups and saucers, plus a sugar bowl and cream caddy), so my mom gave it to her. Because my mom knew my sister liked it, knew that there would be no haggling between my sis and me about it (it's beautiful but I have no place to display it) and didn't actually care too much about having it herself, she gave it away. Obvs. you can't do that with everything, and probably don't want to do that with everything (plus we're all a bit young to start doing this), but with stuff like that? Go for it, says me.

(My mom and sis and I have also sat down and figured out who gets what jewelry; my mom has a few very nice pieces -- "guilt jewelry," she calls it, because it's stuff my dad bought her while he was having an affair. Heh.)

Edited by AnnieF
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Glad you are both doing a little better, Boliver.

I just got an email from my dad. He wants to book his flights for next year: May 20th to June 30th(!)

He has asked me for feedback regarding trip dates and length, but I think, "Oh, HELL no!!!!" Might hurt his feelings. I am going with a gentler, "Give me a couple of months to see where my life is going- we still aren't sure on ALF's status, or what I will do about going back to work, or what Kory is going to be doing..." Ugh.

Edited by Erratic
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I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend, Boliver.  How terribly sad.  I can understand how much more painful it would be to handle finding him and calling 911.  Major hugs and vibes to you and Silver Fox.


Welcome jaytee.  :o)


I've never had a permanent disability but was in a cast and on crutches for three months once due to foot surgeries.  Some people really can be overly kind trying to help, to the point where sometimes it was embarrassing.  I tried to keep in mind that their intentions were good.

  • Love 2

So sorry so many of you are in rough or frustrating places. Everyone needs an afternoon here because the past two days have been absolutely gorgeous. It hardly mattered that today while I was running errands, every lane of traffic had a slow pickup truck in it.

I've never regretted seeing only 1 and 1/2 episodes of *90210* until I saw the preview for Lifetime' s unauthorized behind-the-scenes movie. Because that looks like all kinds of awesome. Wish we could all watch together.

  • Love 1

About a week before our trip to Disney, my brother broke his ankle-. He was doing something really dumb and should have known better, so my parents were ready to throttle him--until they discovered that using a wheelchair at Disney gets you bumped to the front of most lines. :) (The ankle cast allowed him to still go on most rides, but we rented the wheelchair because SO MUCH WALKING at Disney. It was really the best possible outcome of a broke bone.)

  • Love 1

So sorry for your friend, Boliver, and for your loss, and for what SF had to go through.


Vibes to everyone who needs them. May everyone life become less sucky.


Welcome, jaytee. Come on in; the water's fine.


About a week before our trip to Disney, my brother broke his ankle-. He was doing something really dumb and should have known better, so my parents were ready to throttle him--until they discovered that using a wheelchair at Disney gets you bumped to the front of most lines.


I understand that Disney stopped doing that a couple of years ago because of widespread abuse of the system. Too many wealthy visitors were hiring disabled people to pose as "family members" so able-bodied rich folks could jump the lines. I think they replaced it with a timed ticket arrangement.

Too many wealthy visitors were hiring disabled people to pose as "family members"

When it comes to cheating, people are surprisingly resourceful.


I'm sorry about your friend, Boliver, and SilverFox horrible experience. That will stay with him for a while. It'll be good for him to talk about it right away.


The fires in California are scary. I can't imagine the level of smoke.

Boliver, I'm very sorry to hear about your friend and hope you and Silver Fox are doing ok.

I understand that Disney stopped doing that a couple of years ago because of widespread abuse of the system. Too many wealthy visitors were hiring disabled people to pose as "family members" so able-bodied rich folks could jump the lines. I think they replaced it with a timed ticket arrangement.

Wow. I don't know why I'm surprised, but I am. I don't know how people do things like this. I would never think of it. My mind just doesn't work that way.

Welcome, jaytee.

I understand that Disney stopped doing that a couple of years ago because of widespread abuse of the system. Too many wealthy visitors were hiring disabled people to pose as "family members" so able-bodied rich folks could jump the lines. I think they replaced it with a timed ticket arrangement.



I heard that too. A friend with a severely autistic daughter said that the timed ticket system is less than ideal--it still involves a certain amount of scheduling that is hard to do with children like hers. She's really pissed at those assholes who were taking advantage of a system that is truly needed by some families.

Welcome jaytee!


I've been mostly lurking, but I did want to offer my sympathies to you and Silver Fox, Bol.


On a different note, the NYC Paley Center is doing a couple of panels in October that people here might be interested in. On 10/10 there is one on Dr. Horrible with NPH, JW, and Felicia Day. I forget if NF will also be there. And, on 10/18, there's one on Orphan Black with Tatiana Maslany, Jordan Gavaris, and Maria Doyle Kennedy. Tickets go on sale Friday at noon, so if anyone in the area is interested, send me a message and I will try to get tickets. Barring sell-out, I will be going to the OB panel, but am willing to go to Dr. Horrible if someone else is interested.

Welcome jaytee!


And hugs to Boliver and SF. When Santanu was in his accident and lying in his coma, we kept praying for him to wake up, but after he was gone I was grateful for the chance to say goodbye. I saw him before he went into the pyre and lifeless on the bed, but the image that most comes to mind is the last time I saw him alive, as he was walking away to a ride home. Long story short, you'll find that you'll remember the unpleasantness less and the good memories more. It's just the way we are wired. 


re: Disney - their stopping it was absurd. They should have just let only the one person get the ride, with max a companion, or provided a companion themselves. And really how does it matter if some people beat the system? I refuse to believe the situation was so bad that everyone else was having to wait for hours. 

  • Love 2

Many many hugs Boliver and SF.  You guys are going through a super tough time.


....the pope is coming to visit next week.  And I think the UN will also be in session.  I am agog at how crazy the city is going to be.  Gridlock is going to have a whole new definition.


LnB, have fun at those panels you are going to.  Sounds like it will be a good time.  Bring back any orphan black spoilers you can


The Disney line-hoppers make me so mad.  I hope there is a way to somehow suss out the frauds from the people who truly deserve (and need) to skip the lines.  


Any fun plans this weekend?  Jaytee?  Chyna?  Trudi?


Anyone?  Bueller...?

I had my sofa and bed delivered so I don't have to sleep on my makeshift pallet anymore. But because I was in a hurry they didn't clean up after themselves so I've got to do that today. 


Yesterday, we went to an all day breakfast place to have breakfast for lunch - it was nice but i'm not a fan of chicken apple sausage. Then had a massage after a long time and then we went to collect her stuff from the furniture store and I picked up some small things. Good times (unironic!).

I struck out on the OB panel. All they had left were tickets for the unwashed masses room where you can watch the panel. On a tv. I'm pretty sure they're also streaming the panel on line, so I plan on doing that. 


I did see Spring Awakening last night. It's performed by the Deaf West Theatre. It was adapted from the original show. They have both speaking actors and those who use ASL. It is a musical. A very different type of performance b/c they use speaking actors for a lot of the dialog, even that from the ASL actors. So, I found myself searching for the actors who were doing the speaking/singing. It's a very small stage and they do a fantastic job of utilizing it on many different levels. Some of the situations (young people coming of age) had me thinking about Pink Floyd's "The Wall" (rebellion against the harsh school authorities) and XTC's "Dear God" as one of the characters has become an atheist and questions all of what we were told by the adults when we were growing up, including religion. Not exactly the happiest of shows. I found the first act much better than the second. I went with my cousin, who said that the original play had far fewer characters which explains why it appeared that some plot lines were simply dropped - in the original, they were an integral part of another character's story rather than a separate character's plot line. 


Hooray for new bedding, romantic idiot!

Will be watching the Doctor Who premiere with the nibling. Have been catching up with Sense8 which is good so far. Surprisingly, I like all of the characters - usually there's at least one I'm not crazy about.

Sorry you didn't get the tickets for the panel, LnB. It's good that you can catch it streaming.

Have fun next weekend, Erratic.

I watch the Doctor Who premiere earlier this evening. (I'm in the UK) I enjoyed it, looking forward to next weeks. Hope you enjoy it Endevour

Had a really busy day today, after a really crappy week. I suffer from chronic migraine and I lost a couple of days to that.

I got my haircut today, it's amazing how much better a cut and colour makes you feel. And my hairdresser comes to my house which is even better!

Mmm, mushrooms.

I leased a new car; that was my day yesterday. My 2003 Saturn Vue served me well, with car seats and booster seats and growing kids. But it was not worth putting any more money into that car (we traded it in and got $750 bucks for it, heh), and the brakes were iffy, so...time to find a good deal. The new car is a 2015 Prius; apparently the new 2016 Prius is redesigned and all shiny and fancy and stuff, so Toyota is offering some sweet deals to try to move the older model years. A lease for $200/month is pretty dang good. Plus now I won't have to worry that I'm ferrying my kids around in a death trap. And it's my first new car in 13 years, which is pretty cool.

[bold]Darkpool[/bold] what did you think of Agents? [bold]Romantic Idiot[/bold] right there with you regarding chicken apple sausage. Blech. [bold]LNB [/bold] I hope your spirits have lifted since the Spring Awakening viewing. I finally saw Kumiko the Treasure Hunter and it depressed the heck out of me. [bold]Jaytee [/bold] what color did you go with? My hair changes color at my hairdresser's whim! [bold]TrudiTru[/bold] did you have a favorite dish or favorite mushroom? Congrats on the new ride [bold]AnnieF [/bold].

This weekend I set up my trail camera. Hopefully the targeted vandalism we experienced due to our daughter's former high school sport won't reoccur. But Halloween is big here and if the former teammate returns and gets liquored up...well this time I'm going to the police if I have pictures. Then I wiped down the kitchen shelves and put down new liner, so woo-hoo, not exactly a "sexy" weekend. Still, had time to dine with a friend. Tried the apple cider liquor and it was pleasant. KPC how did the visit go? It was this weekend, right?

Congratulations on the new car, Annie. May you have may happy years together.


A mushroom festival sound so amazing, Trudi_tru. What was involved? Cooking displays?


I used the world "festival" because I don't know ho else to translate it. Let's say it's smaller then it sounds. It involved all the local restaurants doing an all mushroom menu and a stand where you can order mushroom plates.


buffyjunkie, it sucks about the vandalism. I hope you're done with that now that your daughter is out of school.

As far as favourite dishes go, I guess the fried mushrooms have a slight edge over the rest. Because, you know, fried.

  • Love 1
Not happy that they killed

, though.


What? Gosh I'm glad I guess I stopped watching that show. (Meaning I didn't realize I'd stopped, I just sort of forgot to watch it.)


Did I really never come on here and wax joyfully about how great it was to see AnnieF? So delightful, plenty of catch-up and commiserating and laughter. My sis and I had a lovely, lounging time in Reno, then drove over to Lake Tahoe under a dark smoky sky, dodging cyclists and squinting through the mist which was actually smoke but made everything look strangely mysterious and pretty.  I know that seems odd, and of course the fires are/were scary-I know a number of people who live or have places in the affected areas. Damn Climate Change!


Still in hiatus mode, which means keeping "big life decisions" to the level of which of the new TV shows to watch* live and which to fit in later on On Demand. More TV watching = less online time. Not sure if that's a positive or negative, except I do miss prioritizing my online social spaces. Ah well. I know you are all out here.


*What new shows are you all watching?

  • Love 1

cko, it sounds like you had a lovely time.  Too bad the mysterious mist was smoke.  


If/when the el nino comes, I hope everyone had their cisterns out to save the water!


This season:  for new shows, I'm watching limitless, for a least a few episodes.  Otherwise, blacklist, arrow, most likely the flash, brooklyn99.  Maybe AoS (not sure how  I feel about "Daisy").  And doctor who, of course.


What shows are other people watching?

Edited by KittenPokerCheater

Of new shows I'm watching Limitless, Minority Report and Blindspot for new shows. Rosewood was okay if you're really bored, Scream Queens was awful. 


I'm a total TV addict, I don't get out much because of my health and I've never been a big movie watcher. So I have loads of shows I like to watch and 'acquire' at US pace. But tonight it's Strictly Come Dancing then Doctor Who, only half an hour to go til Strictly starts. I'm away to get my snacks and things ready. 


Enjoy your weekend everyone!

So I was at the Edmonton Fan Expo, Jenna Coleman (Clara from Doctor Who) was there and had no one queuing up for her autograph. She looked kinda pissy, but she might have just finished a session...? James Marsters and Eliza Dushku were swamped, Amber Benson was off in a panel so I didn't see how she did, but, get this: Stan Friggin Lee was not swarmed at all! He was actually having a nap at his table and one of his assistants had to wake him up when a fan came. Of course, him and Jenna Coleman were charging more than the others, but still. Stan Friggin Lee!

No, I didn't get any autographs. The concept is weird to me, you line up for ages to get a signature to 'prove' you 'met' someone, when the only reason you met them was to prove you did. Like non of your friends or family with believe you if you say, "Hey, so I saw James Marsters at a convention today, and he said "Hi" to me and hundreds of other people", and really, do any of them care either way?

  • Love 3
Of new shows I'm watching Limitless, Minority Report and Blindspot for new shows. Rosewood was okay if you're really bored, Scream Queens was awful.


I'm giving Minority Report, Blindspot, and The Player a try. So far none of them have wowed me, but I'll stick with them. Agree about Rosewood--I had higher hopes, but it's watchable enough. Both Castle and Scorpion have started off ridiculous, but that's part of their charm, I guess, so they stay on the list. Muppets, yes, and I forgot about Supergirl!  I think I need to write this down.

Promotion vibes to Harvester!

Haven't decided to watch any new shows. I'm watching Heroes Reborn. I guess that counts. Oh, and Project Greenlight.

So I'm curious what you thought of The Muppets, Cynya and cko - and anyone else who has watched. I read a lot of mixed reviews on that one.

Edited by Endeavour

I liked the new Muppet show, mostly--enough to keep going for now. The first episodes of the original Muppet Show weren't brilliant either. They had to gather steam. I know some parents are riled about the *slightly* off-color jokes, but the original Muppet Show always had that stuff. We just don't remember it because we didn't get those jokes back then. But if you rewatch old episodes, you'll see some of that. And they didn't have only kid-friendly celeb guests--for every Linda Carter or Julie Andrews, there was an Alice Cooper or Steve Martin.

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