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Small Talk: The Library

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Hey, all, I slipped off the grid for a bit but I'm back. :-) Hugs to Barphe, we are here for you! And a good ol'pat on the back to Erratic, you are a marvel. And harvester is a good friend. Very sad for the family, Chyna's friends. So glad we can hang together here, support each other, and actually consider listening to country music just because val and trudi recommend it.


harvester, I facebooked you, but do want to meet you in SF for dinner this week!!! How's Wednesday? Better text me, as my visits here are kinda patchy...

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Chyna, that is terrible.

You're already doing a lot to help your friend, Harvester. You're a great friend.

It's been humid for days. Today was the worst.

I need some advice. We have a buyer who is closing on their home a few weeks before they would close on the one we are selling. They want to rent until it closes. They wouldn't move in until their place closes, inspection is done and agreed to and appraisal accepted by their lender and they have a firm mortgage commitment. I would be sure a very large down payment was made that is non-refundable if they don't close on the house we are selling. Everything would be in a contract. I understand they need somewhere to live, but I've also read horror stories. I know someone who has done this recently and it all worked out but it seems like the risk to us is huge if something goes wrong. Everyone's thoughts and advice are welcome.


What is the risk to you, Endeavour? That they will move in and refuse to leave? They will be paying rent. Even if they do drop out, they could do that at any time before closing and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. You'd need to find a new buyer anyway. There is a risk that they'd trash your place...And I'm assuming your agent won't be paid till the sale is done. 


So I'd suggest that you request a security deposit against any damage done to your house which you will subtract from the sale price. Unless you have someone else who is willing to buy sooner, I don't see a major issue. Maybe the rent could be same as the amount you currently pay as your mortgage? I guess looking at the tenancy laws would also be good, in case you do need to have them evicted. 

Edited by romantic idiot
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I don't think there is way to figure out how much risk - just that a lot of things could go wrong. The closing could fall through because someone loses a job or some other reason; there could be damage to the home; someone could get hurt; there's no guarantee rent would be paid and then you're dealing with eviction, etc. I would love to believe it will all go smoothly but, after my last experience, I'm a little leery. I've not had the best of luck so far with this.

Edited by Endeavour

On a lighter note, and because I know you all will understand: Tiny C is blowing through the Harry Potter books this summer, and she's about 3/4 done with Prisoner of Azkaban. She's at the part where everyone is heading toward the Shrieking Shack for that big climactic scene... and it was time to leave for a week of overnight camp so she had to put it away. For a week. She was DYING.

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I loved watching my nephew experience those books, and I bet TinyC is beyond adorable. Does she have any strong opinions about the characters? Has she checked out Pottermore? I was underwhelmed, but kids love it. What is her house? I am a Slytherin. I even took the damned test twice and lied on one. The Sorting Hat knows.

Edited by Harvester
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Harvester, you are doing a great thing for that person. I hope she finds the strenght to stay away for good.

Endeavour, I'm afraid I don't have any useful suggestion as I have never been in a similar situation.

There is no way to predict how things will turn out, so if you have so many doubts and it causes you too much stress, then don't rent it. Can you talk to the potential buyers, express your fears and see if they'd be willing to rent a place till the closing and then buy your house?

I'm a Gryffindor. I am not too crazy about Pottermore.

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Woot Annief!


Also, I want to send all the books I loved as a kid to TinyC.  Has she read the Dealing with Dragons series yet (the first book is iffy but the rest are brilliant).


harvester, you are a rock star.  Giving her a safe haven is so compassionate and wonderful.


Barphe, are you feeling better after your fall?


I hope this all works out endeavour.  I've never owned a house, so I don't fully understand all the ins and outs of this.  I don't know why it all has to be so hard.  Can't they give you give a bankers check and then you can give them a date when they can move it (after the check as cleared)?  Or is that insane troll logic?


In silly news, my Dad said nothing- nothing!- about my weight loss.  So I think I'm done with his obsession with weight.  But I am glad that I lost the weight because tomorrow I'm doing some work in a bathing suit.  Let's hope my stomach doesn't decide to get all poofy tomorrow.  I'd like to look okay on camera (even though I won't look stick thin since the camera is pretty unforgiving).


Fuck all ilnesses.  Especially Liver disease and depression.

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Happy anniversary, AnnieF! Are you doing anything special for the 25th?

It does seem more complicated and less straightforward than when I bought, but that was stressful too. I've never sold before. I want to be fair but not get taken advantage of. Then there are the oh so helpful conflicting family opinions. So fun. I decided on a compromise. No renting but they can store their belongings til the closing. Still have to get through inspections, appraisal, etc. Hopefully, this will work out. Keep good thoughts for me!

Anti- poofy vibes to KPC. Glad you're making progress with your father. Try not to let him stress you out.

I think I tested Gryffindor, but it's been a while so I'm not sure. Off to find out...

ETA: I took a few and Ravenclaw seems to be it.

Edited by Endeavour
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Has she read the Dealing with Dragons series yet?



I don't think so--we'll have to look for them at the library once she finishes HP. I'm so glad she finally got hooked on them. She has a tendency to read the same things over and over, which would be fine over a short time, but since she's becoming a better reader every year, she's rereading stuff that's waaaay too easy for her. I think it's like comfort food. But she needs to read more challenging, longer books now. We tried to get her to read HP last year but she was put off by how thick the book was and didn't really give it a fair shake. This time, she's caught the bug!

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In silly news, my Dad said nothing- nothing!- about my weight loss.  So I think I'm done with his obsession with weight.  But I am glad that I lost the weight because tomorrow I'm doing some work in a bathing suit.  Let's hope my stomach doesn't decide to get all poofy tomorrow.  I'd like to look okay on camera (even though I won't look stick thin since the camera is pretty unforgiving).


Here's hoping you never give his opinion another thought again. Sending vibes for a photogenic day tomorrow.


I tried out Pottermore and sorted into Ravenclaw. No surprise there. Ever since I discovered the books, I assumed I'd be either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.

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Hi KPC, I'm healing well. The colors of the bruises are fantastic, but unless I bang my elbow into something (which, since I am a klutz, is a fairly regular occurrence), nothing hurts.

I'm glad your dad didn't mention your weight, your profession is demanding enough, and besides, you are gorgeous.

I've never tried the sorting hat, but I assume I'd be a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, although, really my heart is in Gryffindor, which is why I don't want to know......

My new stove comes today. Why do they even bother with a four hour delivery window, when effectively it means I'm chained to my house for the day?

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Random knitting question. I am knitting in the round on circular needles, is there any way to decrease without switching to double pointed needles?

Only if you have a flux capacitor. ;)

Venting: I have a lot of Facebook "friends" who are CCSVI people, active in MS advocacy. And every now and then someone will post about their venoplasty anniversary, and how it's been X number of years and they still feel great, and I'm just...I know it isn't right, but atm my reaction is white-hot rage. Because it didn't last for me, and it just...isn't fair. Ha. Having a very hard time right now not being extremely angry at everyone and everything.

Edited by AnnieF
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I bet, AnnieF. I know how disappointed we all were when it didn't work for you, so I'm sure your disappointment is that x 1,000,000. To have it work and then have it taken away has to be horrible.


Random knitting question. I am knitting in the round on circular needles, is there any way to decrease without switching to double pointed needles?


You can use the magic loop method. It's pretty awkward to do at first, but you'll get the hang of it.

To have it work and then have it taken away has to be horrible.

Yes. And it's been interesting for me to see in myself all of the usual human behaviors that come out: bargaining, denial, misplaced anger. Because of course it's not the fault of the people whose veins are staying open that mine didn't. But anger wells up in me at them, which is...ugh. They have something that I also got to have, briefly. But I didn't get to keep mine. Which of course is no one's fault. But try making my brain believe that. Yeah. :(

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Annie, I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. I don't have any wisdom or real help to offer. I kind of hate that our society promotes this idea that if we just think happy thoughts all the time everything will be OK. Right now I am going to a friend's premie son's funeral. Some days are worse than others. But I wish for you, that you have more good kind of days, however that is defined.

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I really wish we had one.   He could help us all vent.  Because sometimes I think it would be satisfying to have someone take down a building (with no one in it of course).  Anger/Rage can be cleansing.  And messy, if you knock down a building.


Vibes for work, please?  I am sort of seeing an old (NOT the frog) boyfriend and I am super ambivalent about the whole thing.  If I am working, then I won't have time to see him.  And I'd be making money...


Don't want to jinx anything, but looks like we're going to close in a few weeks.

Anyone watching Humans or Mr. Robot? I think I like Humans better. I'm sticking with Mr. Robot but I'm not sure what I think at this point. I don't entirely like it but will see it through. Dont know if I'll be back for S2. Guess it depends on how this one ends.

Edited by Endeavour
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Thanks for the work vibes people.  I'm getting work (not enough never enough), but I'll take a day whenever it shows up.  


Also read for a play that I didn't get.  Part of me thinks these people (who I know) are fucking with me and it's a power play for them to bring me in so they can not cast me.  

I'm watching Mr. Robot and it's messing with my head.  Is this what dropping acid is like?  What do you guys think about it?


Yay on the closure that shall not be named- will withhold all celebration until the ink is dry.


AnnieF, I hope you're still raging if that is how you feel.  Embrace whatever emotion you feel like- we got your back.

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I'm watching, KPC. I don't know what to think and I have no idea where it's headed. I'm very undecided about this show but I'm sticking with it for now. I think it was originally supposed to only be one season but it ended up getting renewed. I wonder how much that's changing how they planned to end this season.

Sorry you didn't get the part in the play and I seriously hope no one is messing with you.

Glad we're at the end of the work week. Does anyone have good plans? Nothing exciting here. Just catching up on things. I do hope we get a break in the weather.

Hello folks. Just wanted to officially say hello. Buffy is one of my all time fav shows, and I was an occasional poster at TWOP and came to Previously when TWOP shut down.  I post on a few show boards here, but I just drifted onto the Buffy forum and posted in the Lie to Me board, and thought perhaps I should make a more official introduction.  Have added Buffy as a subscribed forum, so I will keep an eye on the discussions and chime in when I can.

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