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Small Talk: The Library

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Awww earl, how great of you.  Sometimes a kid/people need someone to vent to who is not family.  It helps them sort things out.  You are great.


This coming weekend I am off for a week.  Love that I will be at a beach, and I'll be with my family.  That is both good and bad.  I wonder if Dad will recognize that I am 10 pounds lighter.  One can only hope he will and be pleased.


Holy Cow did anyone see last night's world cup final?  What a great (mostly on the whole) world cup.  


I'm also watching Unreal.  Dark, but surprisingly good.  What are other folks watching these days?

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I refuse to comment on the football beyond a grudging "Well done, USA". And as for you losing 10lbs, well done! But I don't think you should base your feeling of a great success on your father's opinion of that. Press the button on your self-affirmation button, KPC!!

Earl is dead, what a great day! I am so pleased you shared it with us :)

On Wednesday I will have had my boy for 5 weeks. Wow! How a life can change and yet be the same. He is great and annoying and sweet and the devil and amazing and boring and awesome. It is weird. :)

Edited by Erratic
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I wonder if Dad will recognize that I am 10 pounds lighter.  One can only hope he will and be pleased.

Why are you going along with your Dad's crazy weight obsession? That is all him, it has nothing to do with you or how you look.

All it does is hurt you. Now, if he won't say anything or, God forbid he makes a negative comment, you'll feel bad. You need to break the cicle.


I live on a horse farm where I and a small number of others board our horses.

Can I come live with you? I'm small and quiet.

That is a great story, Earl. Finding someone who'll listen when you need it can do wonders. Good for you.


5 weeks already. Time flies.

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I wonder if Dad will recognize that I am 10 pounds lighter.  One can only hope he will and be pleased.


Do I really need to say it, KPC? Congrats on losing the ten, but this should be entirely about you, not your dad's borderline-abusive attitudes.


I live on a horse farm where I and a small number of others board our horses.



I'm a die-hard city boy who doesn't aspire to that life at all, and allergic to hay ... but I'm still kind of jealous.


On Wednesday I will have had my boy for 5 weeks. Wow! How a life can change and yet be the same.


Time flies indeed. Can't believe it's been more than a month already. Do you miss sleep yet?

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Glad you had a great day, Earl. Here's hoping we all have lots more of them.

I hope you enjoy the beach and time with your family, KPC. I echo what everyone else has said and hope your dad doesn't get to you.

Wow. 5 weeks went fast, Erratic. It's amazing actually. It doesn't seem all that long ago that you first told us you made the decision and were Staring the process.

Haven't heard of Unreal. I guess the newest thing I'm watching is Jonathan Stange and Mr. Norrell. Rectify will be back this week I think, so I'll be watching that. I finally saw Whiplash and really enjoyed it.

Not much good going on for me right now, so I'll leave it at that.

Hey y'all, I guess it's been awhile since I posted here! Thing is, when it was Dad and me, I spent probably 6 hours/night on the internet since Dad watched TV and we weren't necessarily compatible that way (all that channel switching! argh!) Now that it's me and my sis, I spend more like 1-2 hours online, and the rest hunkered down in front of the TV eating snacks! Yay! Go us!


Hopefully it's just a phase, recovering y'know. Meanwhile, hooray for houses getting fixed, babies growing and thriving, horse therapy, meet-ups, and KPC breaking free of her Dad's weird opinions!


Speaking of meet ups....anyone else in to meet in SF with harvester? If so, name the day, I'm flexible. If not, harvester, you name the day/night? I can jet over any time to SF...

So, I'm a little disappointed in Groffles right now :o( and can't think of where else to put this. Apparently he's been calling out Madonna because she was on her phone during an off-broadway show that he was in. I get that it is bad, but I'm still upset that he's been "calling her out". He's supposed to be made of sugar and spice and everything nice :o( *wails*

Today was a banner day.

I fell down our outside concrete steps while gardening. (The bruises on my ass and elbow are SPECTACULAR).

The oven/range died in the middle of cooking dinner-- yay big expenditures!

My demented mother in law (who lives next door) was Shocked! Shocked, I tell you, to find out we see her every day.

Oh, and I'm likely going to be diagnosed officially, tomorrow, with bipolar depression--as op the regular kind I've had until now.

(Except that's tomorrow, and shouldn't fall under today's banner)

Fuck liver disease.


The dad of one of Chynette's classmates had some liver problems, but nothing he couldn't live with. Then last week, he fell off a ladder at a contracting gig and broke his legs. During surgery, the medications they had to give him unpredictably shut his liver down, and he died yesterday. Because of broken bones, for fuck's sake.

Man, that's awful and so unfair.


I'm 43. I understand why people have babies when they are younger. And I thought three kids at once would be a breeze.

A breeze? Wh..-how? Where you under any medication when you thought that Erratic? You know three is more than one right?  :)


Hope you're doing better Barphe.


On a lighter note, psyched to be going with my friend to a concert tonight, seeing Kacey Musgraves(yeah I know most of you guys don't know her but she's a really great new-ish country artist)  Never been to this venue called The Paramount,in Huntington Long Island but I asked a friend who's been there and she said it's a good place to see a concert because it's small/intimate. Even though I have mezzanine seats I'm hoping we won't be too far away. Plus Huntington is a really cute town with lots of stores and place to eat and I've never been there(except for a wedding reception) so it could be fun to walk around before or after the concert.

And if you've never heard any of Kacey's songs, this is the one that got me hooked,called Follow Your Arrow, it has great lyrics and it's just so catchy.

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Awesome trudi-tru we'll have to compare shows! How did you discover her? About couple years ago I had heard her name mentioned but it was after I heard a podcast review her first album and they played a piece of the song Follow Your Arrow, that's when I got interested. Her new album is even better than the first.


It's pretty humid today. Ick.


Harvester, a close friend of mine runs a domestic violence (victim) support agency. I've heard her tell people this a million times. "Do not judge, do not say 'I told you so,' only be the friend that they know they can turn to in times of need." (Caveat--if threat of imminent harm, call police)

You are giving her a safe place to stay, and that's huge. She will probably take small steps to fix things, doubt herself, and change her mind a lot. Try to find a local support agency, they are primed to help.

Oh, and you are a hero.

Edited by Barphe
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