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Small Talk: The Library

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I know you're watching too, cause I saw you posting in the series thread. Yes, she posts in other threads. She's a traitor! A traitor!


You mean ... you've been seeing other threads?


I thought we had something special here. (sob)

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Oh Endeavour, I'm so sorry.  Stupid people, not buying your house.  Grrrrr.


You mean ... you've been seeing other threads?

I thought we had something special here. (sob)


I thought we had an open relationship.  Don't worry, you'll always be my true thread.  And you were my first thread.  Surely that counts for something!

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As long as everyone's vibes are out, could you send a couple of good ones in the directions of my dad's cat? She has been having some digestive issues, and the initial x-rays indicate exploratory surgery might be indicated.

As a kitten, she was abandoned at the vet, then hit by a car before the staff found her. She lost a leg and was so patched together, they named her Frankie after Frankenstein' s monster. But she helped my folks through Mom's illness, and Dad is ridiculously devoted to her.

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Vibes for Frankie.

Thanks everyone. No chance of getting the other offer back. I've got a deadline set for tomorrow so there's a very very very and I mean teeny tiny chance this current one will go through. I think I've made peace with that though and am ready to move on again.

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I guess everyone had super busy weekends? Hope they were also enjoyable.

We are once again watching my friend's dog for what will be, on and off, practically the whole summer. Lesson learned: someone who wears as much black as I do should probably never own a yellow lab. Nor any blonde dog for that matter.

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I guess everyone had super busy weekends? Hope they were also enjoyable.


Totally on both counts. Summer always looks like a vast expanse of empty time back in, oh, February. But once we're in it, we're running from one thing to another for 10 weeks and then it's back to school! We had some friends over on Saturday who we've known since college, so that was cool. Then on Monday, there was a mini-Meetup with harvester, neighbors, and harvester's fun friend. Today I took my girls and their friend to our awesomely huge science museum and we may have stayed too long. The girls all had a blast (seriously, Chynette could just stay in their meterology exhibit ALL DAY) but I'm wiped out.

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Since the F-ster is still a giant school fuck-up, he's got summer school, so I'm driving him to that. Whee. He can get a learner's permit in October; cannot wait.

Today I've got the HVAC company coming to look at the AC, which is having a hard time keeping up with the 100°+ weather. It's 85° inside the house this morning, blergh. Last summer was our first year in this house, and we had some issues with the AC then, too. I'm really hoping that the issue isn't that the unit is under-powered and we need a new AC. Let's all keep our fingers crossed. Although the pessimist in me is thinking "There's no way the summers are going to be getting cooler. So maybe we should upgrade, because the temps are only going to keep getting higher." :(

So, married folks, has your hetero marriage seemed somehow degraded, or indeed affected in any way since the SCOTUS decision? Yeah, me neither. :-)

ETA: I have read up on AC (I hate sounding like a complete ignoramus, especially in front of tradespeople) and now know more than I ever wanted. Have all y'all done manual-J calculations? 'Cause if not, your air con may not be functioning at best capacity. Heh.

Edited by AnnieF
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Evidently it did to Ben Afflect and Jennifer Garner. Dammit, some couples owe it to us to stay together. I still haven't forgiven Taye Diggs and Idina Menzel for breaking up.

Ultrasound inconclusive for the cat, and the surgeon wasn't able to get needle biopsies. So...gulp...it looks like exploratory surgery.

Edited by Hostile16
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They waited until the 10-year mark, which makes the divorce settlement more favorable to Garner in CA. So they really do seem to be trying to be fair and amicable. I never did get that marriage; he seems like such a putz.

Huge vibes for the kitty! Exploratory surgery will figure it out, hopefully.

Edited by AnnieF
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Rumor has it that the wait until after the 10-year mark was in exchange for her silence about why they're getting divorced (since there have long been rumors about him cheating and having a gambling problem). 

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Pfft, ten year renewable leases. My theory on how all marriages should be. With an automatic five year extension per child, if the lease has fewer than five years remaining.

Weekend was OK. The "free time" gave us the ability to catch up on those to-do chores that are so far down the list they may as well not be on the list at all. Loved watching the soccer games. Must confess I have great big girlie crush on Abby Wambach and Megan Rapino. Looking forward to ditching the dry-erase calendar board that has ruled our lives for 20 plus years at the end of the summer.

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My weekend in Chicago was lovely. Thanks to Chyna and Neighbors for the meetup.

While the flights were cancelled, then delayed, then delayed done more (I got in at 1:00AM) the trip was awesome.

Vibes for AnnieF's AC. May it be an easy fix!

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Vibes for AnnieF's AC. May it be an easy fix!

Alas, it is a full copper repipe situation. Current AC unit is leaking and doing other wrong things that my brain files under "Mechanical systems, blah blah blah." It's working right now, thank goodness, but its days are numbered. Sigh.

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Vibes for kitty.

Is it worth getting a second opinion, AnnieF, or do you want to just get it taken care of?

I'm waiting for mine to go. Its original to the house and can't have much time left. It's working for now. I won't have it serviced or do any maintenance. I'm leaving well enough alone.

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Aww, continued vibes for poor Frankie kitty.  Boo to full copper repipe home repairs and kids-home-for-the-summer crazy schedules. 


Anybody else remember that awkward acceptance speech Ben gave when he accepted the Oscar for Argo, about how their marriage was hard work?  I felt bad for Jennifer Gardner.  They strike me as more normal and less celebrity types - I hope it all goes smoothly, especially for the kids.


Happy holiday weekend, fellow USers!  My weekend starts at 4:30 today.  Anybody got a time machine?

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Mmm, copper recipe. It's important to get enough in your diet, because copper is a key constituent of the respiratory enzyme complex cytochrome c oxidase. I didn't just look that up. No way. :P

Is it worth getting a second opinion, AnnieF, or do you want to just get it taken care of?

That was the third opinion, pretty much, so...yeah. I pinned the guy down last night (rhetorically, pbbt!) and asked him to just tell me what he would do (apparently he's not supposed to make definitive statements about things that involve sales [yeah, I don't know either]) but he finally said that the way the current system is installed is not correct, there's a lot of leaking, which is very bad (yeah, mold, boo), and if it were him, he'd replace it and do some work on the installation, because the space is a bit wonky. Basically it comes down to: do we continue to do repair after repair, essentially throwing good money after bad, or do we pay more now to replace the fucking thing, thus generating far fewer repair calls. We're going with option two.

'm waiting for mine to go. Its original to the house and can't have much time left. It's working for now. I won't have it serviced or do any maintenance. I'm leaving well enough alone.

This seems wise. I hope it keeps on keeping on. :)

Anybody else remember that awkward acceptance speech Ben gave when he accepted the Oscar for Argo, about how their marriage was hard work? I felt bad for Jennifer Gardner.

That was so awkward. Dude, TMI!!

Happy holiday weekend, fellow USers! My weekend starts at 4:30 today. Anybody got a time machine?

Yeah, who did we assign the time machine project to? And the transporter, how's that coming along? Dang it, I think we need to start keeping better records.

ETA: and why does editing fuck with the formatting of quotes? This is a very annoying glitch.

Edited by AnnieF
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Air conditioning units sound very complicated.  Grrr.


Just so you know, when I rule the world, AC will be on the bill of rights.  I grew up without one.  Never again.  NEVER again.


Vibes to the kitty and for AC units being cheap to fix.


Yay Harvester on the fun meet-up with Chyna and neighbors!  Have everyone checked to see if they are missing any organs? I'm still wondering what happened to my kidney ....


There was no prenup when Ben and Jen married (she was more famous than him at that time I think), and then he took off again, so I think it was a good idea for him to wait until 10 years, when community property kicked in.   Ben sounds like he's fallen off the drinking wagon.  The gambling addiction never went away.  I'm sorry for Jen.  At least. at the oscars, he didn't forget to thank his spouse, as Hillary Swank did with her husband.


Taye Diggs and Idina Menzel for breaking up.


You don't want to know.


I don't know what it is will fame that makes people turn into jackholes.


Happy Soon to be 4th of July for all!

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Just so you know, when I rule the world, AC will be on the bill of rights. I grew up without one. Never again. NEVER again.

We didn't have one either. But we did have a swamp cooler, which is perfect for Nevada, where when the temp is up around 100°, that means the humidity is probably around 10%. A swamp cooler puts a lot of moisture into the air, and I think that's why they seem less popular: there's always the danger of mold, that goddamn asshole.

sounds like he's fallen off the drinking wagon. The gambling addiction never went away. I'm sorry for Jen.

I haven't been paying any attention, so this is sorta news to me. Is he known as an problem drinker? And the gambling to go with, because it's always more fun to have a complex of addiction issues. :( Poor Jen indeed. That is some difficult shit to deal with, and of course he's in a position to just have that behavior reinforced, rather than confronted. Blergh.

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Oh no! Not the other place. I'm going to have to break down eventually and join.

ETA: and why does editing fuck with the formatting of quotes? This is a very annoying glitch.

The spacing? It's extremely annoying. I don't think it's consistent either. Drives me a little batty.

I'm so glad this is a long weekend. Perfect timing. My employer has been unbearable lately and I'm feeling pretty worn down by everything that's been going on.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Oh no! Not the other place. I'm going to have to break down eventually and join.

I am in the other place but where do you post?

Echoing the happy weekend wishes to all. Endeavour I'm sorry you're feeling so worn out. Hopefully soon at least the house sale is off your shoulders and you feel some relief.

Work was crazypants for me today too. I think the scramble before a holiday weekend makes people nuts.

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It's been so quiet in here the last few days. I hope nobody minds if I take a moment to gush.

I had a really good day today. I'm off work this week, taking use'em or lose'em vacation days, and after a busy weekend that included throwing a picnic on Saturday and dinner plans yesterday my goal today was to be do a few light house chores but not not get out of my pajamas all day.

Instead I got a knock on the door around noon. If you don't know, I live on a horse farm where I and a small number of others board our horses. The "kid" who knocked (kid to me as I've known him since he worked here in his teens, now a young man in his mid 20s) wanted to let me know he'd be riding since there was no one else else around and, safety first, could I keep an eye out?

Long story short: he's going through a rough time with his family, had a rough morning at work, and decided to leave work for the day hoping to get some barn therapy. He's a novice rider with a green horse - bad combination - so instead of just watching him from the house I put on real clothes, went down to the barn to stay with him as he rode, and offered an eye on the ground to give advice. I don't and didn't pretend to know anything about gaited horses, but I do have a lot more overall experience than he does, so I was able to give useful suggestions for him to try. And bonus! His horse was wonderfully compliant, helping us both figure out what worked and what didn't without being a green jerk. The kid enjoyed a good ride with a lot of success and no stress.

When he was done riding and I stayed to help hose the horse off and clean up, he spilled his guts about everything he's been going through. That post college, girlfriend/parents/my-life-isn't-what-I-envisioned-and-how-am-I-ever-going-to-get-there struggle that so many of us faced. I couldn't help him with all that, but he really needed a sympathetic ear and that I did have. Combined with getting to use my long atrophied riding instructor knowledge and have someone really appreciate both made me feel really, surprisingly good.

Sorry this is long. It's been a long time since I've felt like a rider and a helpful teacher. Added to which feeling like I helped a good kid who even told before he left how much he really needed this made it worth my jammie day interruption. Today was a good day.

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