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Small Talk: The Library

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I haven't been up to much exciting. One guy I just started seeing has a brother who was just found dead in a drug house yesterday, so that was the sad news of the weekend. This is a person I never met, but I feel for the family.

If anyone has spare vibes, I could use them for a work situation. I know, I show up after being quiet asking for vibes, but I need them, so I will be nervy.

I also have the flu so this weekend has been top notch.

I am vibing for everyone to have a better week.

Harvester, what a sad situation. But, I hope it's not inappropriate to say how excited I am that you are carrying the dating banner! Good for you! One of these days I will be back in the swing of things, and I'll probably be asking your advice!


And everyone else here!


So glad you are all here, even with all of our ups and downs. This community is so important to me, even if I don't post much--not much to say, still going day-to-day with an extra measure of sadness thrown in. It's okay, it's healthy, right? I'm realizing that in our culture we focus so much on "happiness" (which is good, I agree) that we may shy away from pain, sadness, and grief, which are all part of life, right?


I treasure you all....


ETA: Oh, and to add, it seems timely to throw in some extra car-and-driving vibes to all who need 'em...

Edited by cko
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I'm realizing that in our culture we focus so much on "happiness" (which is good, I agree) that we may shy away from pain, sadness, and grief, which are all part of life, right?

I think maybe happiness is something that people feel more comfortable flaunting about, while sadness tends to be more private and hidden even.

Everybody wants to hang out with the happy person, nobody wants to be around the sad person. So you pretend to be happy even when you're not.

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Ooooh, April is the quietest month here on the board. Hope everyone is doing okay as we move into Spring?


It's gorgeous here and makes life a lot easier to see the flowers blooming, birds trying to make a nest in the rafters on our patio (to the mixed reactions of my sister and Dad--it's cute and fun but oh-so-messy) ...


One of these days would love to hear any of those dating misadventures that you are willing to share, harvester!


I'm realizing that in our culture we focus so much on "happiness" (which is good, I agree) that we may shy away from pain, sadness, and grief, which are all part of life, right?

I think maybe happiness is something that people feel more comfortable flaunting about, while sadness tends to be more private and hidden even.

Everybody wants to hang out with the happy person, nobody wants to be around the sad person. So you pretend to be happy even when you're not.

Amen to the wise beyond her years Trudi tru. This. Exactly.

We went from a rumored high of 70 to a "oh god, I think my toes have frozen off." I am enjoying trying out two dessert recipes for Easter dinner (coconut pie and chocolate-coconut pound cake.) I am also "daydreaming" about a trip to Australia & NZ by leafing through guidebooks from the library.

Oh hey, my daughter was watching some modern vampire TV show and one of the woman characters was bench pressing weights and a guy character called her Buffy.

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Catching up- vibes to everyone.  Harvester I hope your flu is better, and I am sorry to hear about your friend's friend.  val I am glad your Dad is also doing well- very awesome and sneaky of you to reset the clocks.  Here!


Here is why I love nurses:, when I came out of surgery all hopped on anesthesia, I apparently was very chatty (more so than usual so can you imagine).  I think I told a nurse in recovery my whole life story.  I feel very sorry for that nurse.  I remember her being very kind.


When my Dad came out of surgery (quadruple bypass), he waxed on about his girlfriend (tmi for we daughters).  They next day they made him get up to walk around and you have never seen such a cranky patient ever.  Again, the nurses were very kind, because he was in the hospital for a week.  


Lesson learned:  Nurses are very kind.


Erratic, how goes your caseworker?


Barphe if you are at a neil diamond concert, tell us if he sang that "heart light song."  It's the only one I remember.  Sorry things are dramatic with your family.


Also to catch up:  Good news- I've been working (background and stand in work) but enough that I am not panicking.  My back is practically a superstar, but you might see my front in an upcoming tv show.The bad news:  I owe taxes to New York State.  Which I don't understand, but I'm going to write the check anyway because I have a healthy fear of the IRS.


Many many many good vibes, and I hope the recalcitrant children and parents start being less recalcitrant soon.


Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all.  



Edited to add:  I can't seem to tag anymore, and the editing buttons are not letting me unbold most of my post.  Weirdness.  I blame the assassin squirrels

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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I think they should stay 4 and 6 years old forever.  Can somebody get on that please?

Time really does fly. One of my niblings just finished college and the other is headed there. Enjoy all the time you can with them.

Things here have been hectic. Very busy/stressful at work and any free time is spent on getting my mom's house ready to be put on the market. It's just about finished. I'll be glad when it's listed and all this work is behind me, but it is sad. I keep telling myself it's time for a new family to enjoy it and make some great memories in it.

My mom is doing well for the most part but I have been noticing a little decline lately. I know it's to be expected but I don't think it will ever not be upsetting. I tell myself to take it day by day and I can only hope that the progression continues to be slow.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend and continued vibes to all that need them.

  • Love 3

The weirdness of my life finds me at a Neil Diamond concert.

Was anyone actually keeping a list of "things we said that need to be on a t-shirt? 'Cause this needs to be on it.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate. This year, because the Easter Bunny has not had a car since Thursday (fuel pump), there are no baskets prepared for the F-ster and F-let. But since they are both well aware that I am the Easter Bunny, we're going to get discounted candy after brunch at grandma's. Score! :)

  • Love 3

While I would never go see him in concert, but I think it would be a lot of fun. Concerts are always fun, and better Neil Diamond the One Direction.  


Also, I can't point fingers because I DVR-ed Here Comes Peter Cottontail so I could watch it.


We need to start that t shirt list.


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY  Erratic!!!.  I hope you and the Mister have an awesome day, and for an anniversary present, your caseworker gets stressed on your behalf.


I hope everyone gets chocolate today.  And/or car parts.  in fact, I hope the easter bunny and Moses bring everything we need.


Baseball teams I hate: LA Dodgers, because the are the Giants' traditional rival. And NY Yankees, because they epitomize all the things that annoy me about baseball, heh. (Sorry val, ;))

Baseball teams that are SO ANNOYING: Red Sox, like cko says; Angels (rally monkey will never die for me, that fuckin' thing, grr); Cleveland, because they're hanging onto that damn racist caricature logo.

My kids are on week two of spring break, and I'm really fortunate that this is when my car broke down, since when the kids are in school, I do a lot of chauffeuring. But we've been stuck in the house since Thursday, blergh. My car supposedly will be ready today, so my fingers are crossed.

Pain has been pretty bad. I don't mention it too often because boring, but yeah. It's there all the time. Before I had chronic pain I would never have guessed "boredom" as one of the drawbacks, but there it is, front and center. Every day, always the same. Never a break. It's fucking tedious.

Anyway, vibes to all. I hope things are wonderful in your part of the world, wherever you may be. As a wise man once said, no matter where you go, there you are. :)

Edited by AnnieF

AnnieF when it is getting too much please remember it is always safe to vent here.  Think of it less as a complaint and more of a factual assessment of the situation at hand.  Me, I'm hoping for some relief to come your way in some form.


CKO love the T-shirt list.  Just reading it made me smile.  Good times. 


I invited a former poster at the old place to watch the final college BBall game with us at our neighborhood pub.  I'm sure I will be so wired I won't be able to sleep well tonight.  And I don't really care about basketball or college sports in general.

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Vibes for Barphe and pain relief for Annie.


KPC, is there anyone who can check if you actually do owe the taxes before you pay up?


Happy anniversary, Erratic and Kory!


I was flipping channels the other day and came across a kid show called Spooksville with opening credits very similar to Buffy's:




Edited by trudi-tru
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Fuck MS, pain, and boredom. And vibes to anyone who needs them.


my car song is "Come Sail Away" by Styx



Best car-singing song EVER. Even more so now that I've turned my kids into car singers.


Both girls are in a theater class that is doing a little summer-themed musical review at the end of the year. One of the songs they're doing is "School's Out" by Alice Cooper. Not only am I psyched to see elementary-schoolers pull that off (hee hee!), but I'm pleased with my parenting because my two girls already knew that one, and took it upon themselves to let their classmates know that Alice is not a girl. :)

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Vibes and hugs and love to everyone. I've been a complete withdrawn person socially for the last year or so, but I really do want to let everyone know I'm thinking about all of you!


It's our 18th anniversary tomorrow. Yay Kory!

Congratulations! My 10th anniversary is later this month - it's kinda hard to believe. And we dated for about 8 years before that so we're also at 18 years together.

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Is there anything more annoying than a 15-year-old child? I'm starting to doubt it.

Happy anniversary, Erratic and Kory. Your marriage is old enough to vote and serve in the military! (Mr F and I have been making this goofy comparison for years -- "Our marriage is old enough to drive!" etc. We're at the point now where our marriage should really be trying to finish grad school, heh).

I have my car back, finally. And I'm now officially at the point where putting more money into this car doesn't make sense. Damnit. I'm going to not think about this problem for a while. Maybe it'll go away. ;)

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Erratic, is today your Anniversary?  Happy Anniversary  (or Happy Anniversary plus a few days)!!!


I'm glad your car is fixed AnnieF- you can get to Hither and Yon, which I hear are very nice little towns.  Also, I will let the Evil League of Evil squirrels know that you're back, and you mean business.


Happy Wednesday all- and happy vibes!!

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Has anyone else funded the new Alan Tudyk/Nathan Fillion web series, 'Con Men'? AnnieF? Bueller? Bueller?

My anniversary was actually on the 5th. Apart from getting a head cold it was a lovely day/weekend. Thanks for asking :)

Is it normal to wish for a kid soon so you can stop with the bullshit at work? When people ask if I am excited, all I can think is that I am excited about not being at work. I mean, I am excited about the kid having and all, but we have tempered that emotion because of the not knowing how long, and other unknowns, so focussing on not work is easier. Plus, summer is coming...

Vibes going out at all you lovely people. And, hey Ace!

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It's weird watching those credits. Too similar.

Vibes to Barphe and AnnieF and congrats to a Erratic and Ace.

I sing up a storm when I'm driving. Every so often I think of that scene in the Sopranos where someone's car was bugged and recorded the person singing. I can't remember the scene exactly but it was funny. I would be pretty embarrassed if anyone heard me. A favorite song doesn't come to mind. That depends on my mood mostly. A favorite driving song though is Peter Gunn by Art of Noise.

I'm at the same point with my car, AnnieF. There's a large repair that I've been putting off that I have to look into before it bites me in the ass. I'll get around to it eventually.

My 10th anniversary is later this month - it's kinda hard to believe. And we dated for about 8 years before that so we're also at 18 years together.



Mr. C and I are in a similar place--we met when we were 19 so we dated about 8 years before getting engaged too. We just had our 15th anniversary last year and it seems like such a small number!


Also excellent for car singing? The Pitch Perfect soundtrack. I've been preparing for the sequel so I've been belting out the Bellas' finale song almost any time I have to drive somewhere.

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If all y'all had gotten married back when you met your hubs, then you'd be able to put up the high numbers. Mr F and I are coming up on 25 years because we made the extremely ridiculous choice to get married when we were 21, instead of waiting responsibly and maturely like you guys. Where's your recklessness, jeez? ;)

I find the Beatles are excellent for car singing. Thanks to my dad, I always know the lyrics (true story; the first time [out of two total occurrences] I saw my father cry was when John Lennon died. The second was his mother's funeral, so there you go). Mr F and I will often sing VERY LOUDLY along with They Might Be Giants, too, much to the chagrin of the kids. Who can resist "Particle Man" at top volume? "Universe man, universe man, size of the entire universe man..."

Edited by AnnieF

You were reckless but had the right guy, AnnieF. :)

So much of it is luck. And yeah, we've worked through some rough patches, went to a marriage counselor a few times, said the scary word "divorce" out loud. But in the end we work well together, probably in part because we've made each other who we are now, y'know? I've been with him since I was 20. We were such babies when we got married, so there's no way that we haven't helped mold each other into the grownups we are today. The toughest thing we have going on right now is our 15- year-old being horrible, and we'e on the same page with how to handle it, so things are pretty good.

"I'm a little friend, I'm not your only friend, but I'm a little glowing friend, but really I'm not actually your friend, but I am..."

Edited by AnnieF
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