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Small Talk: The Library

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Annief, despite the cotton mouth, do you think they are starting to help?


Chyna, you and your kids are the best.


I was pretty much meh on the Oscars.  I suspect Michael Keaton was chomping on nicotine gum.  Still, though, ick.


Skin saga is up and down.  Feeling a little blue (or red and itchy) about it.  It's hard to dumb down the credit card account when I have to keep going back to the doctor.


Congratulations to Boston (and I am guessing NH and Vermont and Maine) for breaking their snow records.


How did the caulking work out valny


I feel like I need to holler out ROLE CALL and get folks to check in.

When I was a teen, my mother found in my room a container of Tic Tacs of (from? to?) which I had not only pulled off the label, but also mixed two flavors. When I got home from school, she sat me down and, with a serious expression, produced the dispenser and asked if there was anything I needed to tell her about them. I said yes, that they were surprisingly refreshing, and I offered her one. And thus ended our only talk about drugs.

  • Love 5


Annief, despite the cotton mouth, do you think they are starting to help?

Would it work that quickly?  It's only been a week.  I hope the dry mouth abates and that it works for you AnnieF.


I feel like I need to holler out ROLE CALL and get folks to check in

Present and accounted for KPC!  Just a bunch of miscellaneous stuff going on here.  Finally got the boy's W-2 so I could do his taxes.  Mr. Buffyjunkie bought a small security camera due to the spate of vandalism recently experienced.  Not sure it would do much good but oh well.  Perhaps if it becomes known that more households have them it will be a disincentive.  Pretty excited about some Fly London shoes I purchased.  Can't wait for it to stop snowing and temperature to rise in the double digits and even better above freezing.  A co-worker told me that a friend of hers spotted a bear out of hibernation which means spring IS coming.  One can only hope.  Oh, and in other news our guvna continues to run the state straight down the crapper.


I said yes, that they were surprisingly refreshing, and I offered her one. And thus ended our only talk about drugs.

Hee :)  Ours was along the lines of "Don't smoke it if you didn't grow it."  (pre-legalized)

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Annief, despite the cotton mouth, do you think they are starting to help?

Would it work that quickly? It's only been a week. I hope the dry mouth abates and that it works for you AnnieF.
Lessee if I coded this correctly...victory! Hee hee, I take it where I can get it. ;)

Anyhoo, yeah, it's too early for any results from the Wellbutrin. I'm looking at mid-April -- tax time, is how I'm remembering. If I don't feel much better, the doc'll up the dose, 'cause what I'm taking now is the minimum. It doesn't help that my older son, the F-ster, is really challenging right now. He is 15. It sucks for him, it sucks for us. Adolescence is so fun.

Crossposting, whee! I gotcha, KPC, and no, no other side effects. So, yay? Heh.

Edited by AnnieF

I am fighting the frozen winter blahs myself.  Nothing that requires medication, just a complete sense of meh, all day, every day.  I second the vibes to all.


 A co-worker told me that a friend of hers spotted a bear out of hibernation which means spring IS coming.  One can only hope. 

I just heard a story on the news this morning about bears in Yellowstone coming out of hibernation now, about a month early for them apparently, due to the mild winter.  Oh to be able to hibernate through the winter, or even just have a mild winter - that sounds so lovely.


My horse loves tic tacs.  That's all I got.

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When I got home from school, she sat me down and, with a serious expression, produced the dispenser and asked if there was anything I needed to tell her about them. I said yes, that they were surprisingly refreshing, and I offered her one. And thus ended our only talk about drugs.



My parents and I had a similar talk about No-Doz. (They were in a ziplock bag in my purse because the cardboard box had fallen apart.)

  • Love 2

I used to snort No-Doz*, when I was waitressing at Sizzler. Hurts like a motherfucker, but boy howdy do you get a bump. Everyone at that Sizzler was on something; cocaine was also around, but it was far too expensive, plus the one time I tried it, I didn't like it. I'm not an uppers kinda gal. A couple of us young poor waitresses did the No-Doz thing, though, to get through double shifts. The manager was a cokehead, and a couple of the chefs were all 'roided up. Man, the 80s were weird.

*I think this datum suggests that my parents were far too late with the "drugs are bad" speech. I was also already a budding alcoholic at that point; sometimes the lines of No-Doz (and sometimes, but not very often, crank, aka crystal meth) helped me work when I was hung over. Heh, it is so weird to think about this stuff now, it's like talking about another person. I'm glad I'm on the other side and can clearly see that I am an addict, duh. Wish I hadn't had to go through all the yuck (getting sober from booze, getting off opiate pain meds, which I was abusing because addict) but hey, it's life experience, right?

Knowing that my kids might inherit some addictive tendencies from me, Mr F and I have done what the experts recommend, which is to be upfront and tell the kids that this is a thing that they should be aware of and watch out for. They've tried lots of different kinds of booze, and so far the reaction has always been "that is disgusting, why do people drink this?" And the fact that I use marijuana for medical purposes has kinda taken the shine off of pot for them. It's that stinky medicine that Mom uses for pain, gross. I really hope neither of them ends up having to go through what I've gone through.

Earl, does your horse have a favorite Tic Tac flavor? (Mine is wintergreen. That shit is delish. ;) )

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Wintergreen is the only flavour that I hate! It is the worst, especially when it's disguised as spearmint or peppermint Lifesavers.

I remember when I was a child, tictacs only had 3 flavours: mint (spearmint, not wintergreen thankfully), and then a double box with orange in one side and lime on the other side. I loved those. I would open both sides and just tip half the box into my mouth and just suck and drool until they were all tiny white grain of rice sized pieces...

AnnieF, is No-Doz like Liquid Gold or Poppers? I think I snorted that once but really didn't like it.

Edited by Erratic
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No-Doz is caffeine tablets. You're supposed to take them internally, but to speed up the caffeine delivery process, we would crush the tablets into a fine powder, make lines, and snort them. Poppers are different; that's amyl nitrite, comes in liquid form, you inhale it and it gives you a very brief, intense headrush and feelings of euphoria. Only lasts five minutes and then you have a headache. Not my favorite either. It was really popular at raves, which again, not my thing. Poppers always seemed to go along with Ecstasy, IME. That's a drug that I didn't try, amazingly enough.

Edited by AnnieF

My father banned me from taking Gingseng supplements when I was 16 because he didn't want me taking performance enhancing drugs (!)


Yeah, I've been scared to take them too, for a similar reason. 


In other news, I'm looking forward to my vegetarian week ending tomorrow. It was hilarious, All of Sunday and Monday, I had literally no interest in eating. Too bad it didn't last. 


Sorry guys am grumpy and short today. 

Wintergreen is my (mint) drug of choice too.  The horse is not picky as long as they're mint.  She spits out the orange ones.  Actually she spits out anything that is not mint or horse-food flavored.  She's kind of a bitch. 


Romantic Idiot I would be a grumpy vegetarian too.  I am, however, short every day. ;o)

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Haven't had Tic Tacs in years so I've got nothing there.

Wellbutrin (the antidepressant I just started) is giving me cotton-mouth.


I hope that goes away soon. You might want to try Biotene. There's toothpaste, mouthwash and gum. It might help.

I suspect Michael Keaton was chomping on nicotine gum.  Still, though, ick.

If it was, that's totally not the way to use it.

Vibes to all who need them.

Late for Roll Call. [raises hand] I'm present and accounted for.

Fun story of the day: Last night around 8pm, I was on my way home from downtown DC and my car hit a massive pothole. My front passenger tire went "boom", but I was on an elevated highway, so I chose to drive to the next exit as op stopping. This being DC, I ended up stopping next to a Federal Building (the Bureau of Printing and Engraving--aka the Mint). In the time it took for me to open my trunk and find my spare a couple of tourists came over and offered to help. I was going to say thanks, but no thanks, but then she said, "my father's a mechanic." Done! please, help.

More amazingly, within a few minutes of that, a Polic cruiser stopped by to check on the situation. This could have gone a lot of different ways, DC is policed by a half-dozen police forces--DC metropolitan police, secret service, FBI, US Marshals, Park Police and a few more. It turned out to be the Park Police, and they also joined in the fun of changing my tire. I was done in less than half an hour. I couldn't pay the cops--I offered, but they said, "we're on the clock, so we are getting paid for being here anyway." For the tourist couple, I offered them a ride to where they were heading--it was literally on my way home-- and I tried to pay for their dinner, but they wouldn't accept it. (A lovely young couple from Canberra, Aus).

It could have been a nightmare, and turned out to only be a minor inconvenience, thanks to the generosity of strangers.

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The dress thing is interesting; I mostly see it as blue and black, but if I go out in the sun and come back in and look, it appears white and gold. Our eyes are some funky shit, yo.

That story was wonderful, Barphe, and I'm glad it worked out so well. :)

Leonard Nimoy's death is making me really sad. Here is his final tweet: "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP." Indeed, our wise friend. RIP.

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Depending on the photos it's either white and gold OR blue and black.  My first look it was white and gold.  Eyes are a weird thing, but I am glad we have them


I'm now picturing black bears doing a burlesque strip-tease.  Whoa[/quote[


Ha Buffyjunkie!


Barphe, that is an awesome story.  I love how people can be so cool and helpful. 


SO sad about Leonard Nimoy.  What a man.  

"I love a rainy night" by Eddie Rabbit.  Was he Roger's cousin?


I love hearing people's birthday songs.


Also, Barphe, lnb and valny, I want to hear what your birthday songs are.  It can't be any worse than Eddie Rabbit.


Was there really a band called Bread?


Is it very wrong that I kinda wish SpiceGirl's Wanna Be could be my birthday song.  I could say "Girl Power" and "Zig Zig Ziggah."

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I think I had a Bread album in college. Back in the days of the Columbia Record Club. Remember eight records for a dollar (or whatever) and then buy x number at regular club prices?


My conception song was "I Want To Hold Your Hand" by the Beatles, and my birth song was "Baby Love" by the Supremes. No joke.

Edited by Darkpool
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My conception song was "Green Tambourine" by the Lemon Pipers (which, ha, no, my parents were not that groovy).

I always kinda liked Eddie Rabbit. He had a cute beard, that's what comes to mind when I read the name. And his songs were catchy.

My conception song was "I Want To Hold Your Hand" by the Beatles, and my birth song was "Baby Love" by the Supremes. No joke.


That is hilariously awesome. Very on-theme. Heh.

Yeah, how young are some of y'all? ;)

Back in the days of the Columbia Record Club. Remember eight records for a dollar (or whatever) and then buy x number at regular club prices?

Yes indeedy, I totally did this. My first batch of records included Journey, Foreigner, Eagles, Pat Benatar, Styx, Aretha Franklin...and I can't remember what else. It was so exciting to get the package with all the albums in it. So freakin' enormous- looking now. Ha. I think I was 12 or 13 when I did that, and my tastes were pretty all-over-the-place. But it was fun.

ETA Styx and Foreigner make me think of the concert that jaz and I went to. The one where we went Def*. I miss her. She still owes me a dollar. :'-)

*ok you probably remember or got it but Def Leppard also played (they were the headliner, in fact, and they totally fuckin' rocked).

Edited by AnnieF
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OMG I used to love Bread. So romantic.


At least I've heard of all of these songs, unlike the ones I usually find in "my" year. However, this app says my birth one is 16 Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford, which is cool because it's political and has the great line "Sixteen tons and what do you get; another day older and deeper in debt." I believe it's about coal mining.


Much support to people with life changes and bad bad weather.


ETA great story Barphe!


And funny drug stories, you all...

Edited by cko

Oh, Herb Alpert is the coolest! He's quite the Renaissance man -- composer, musician, vocalist, producer, visual artist, theatre producer. Back in the day, he was the one instance of my parents being remotely hip because they had the album Whipped Cream & Other Delights, and when I found it as a pre-teen, I thought the cover was really racy.

If you don't know "Rise," check out "A Taste of Honey" -- that's Alpert on the trumpet.

Edited by Hostile16
  • Love 3

Oh, Herb Alpert is the coolest! He's quite the Renaissance man -- composer, musician, vocalist, producer, visual artist, theatre producer. Back in the day, he was the one instance of my parents being remotely hip because they had the album Whipped Cream & Other Delights, and when I found it as a pre-teen, I thought the cover was really racy.


We had that album too Hostile16, it's probably still in my basement smelling mildewy.  Back in the day when you're just a youngster,you're at the mercy of everyone's music in the house, but I am grateful for that because of all the records I got exposed to and played. I didn't know what was cool or not, I just played them on the turnstile because I loved music. Such a vast variety: Italian artists that my parents loved, and others like Streisand, Rosemary Clooney. From my brother's collection I'd grab Jim Croce,Elton John,Carole King,John Denver and I would also listen over and over to some of his comedy albums like Bill Cosby,Phyllis Diller.(my sister never really bought records now just thinking about it, huh.) Hell,I ever listened to a Mitch Miller album. You are oldish like me if you know him!


The first album that I ever got was The Jackson Five's: ABC.   I was in love with little Michael Jackson for some reason. He was so cute and talented. I always used to say I wanted to marry him. Well now that didn't work out.


I can't take anymore of this snow!!! Stop, just stop! I think we got about six inches or so today. More than I expected. I hope the roads are cleaned up well enough by late tomorrow after because I made a doctor's appointment for my dad last week for this Monday (nothing horribly bad to check out hopefully-   leg problem) so it sucks that it's crappy weather out again damn it! And I don't need him slipping out there. 

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