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Small Talk: The Library

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Just to clarify: The "kidnapper" wasn't a child molester (although he did wield a gun). In fact, I believe it was the aunt who, voice disguised, threatened him with being sold as a sex slave.

I'm with AnnieF. it's vaguely feasible that you ask a friend to lure your kid into a car, then give him a big lecture on "what if." But the trauma of taking it the additional steps is beyond outrageous.

I wouldn't think the fact that it was this own basement would impact a smart legal defense since he was bound and blindfolded so he didn't realize it was his own basement. But I imagine this will end up with a plea bargain.

In happier news, today's Laura Ingalls Wilder Google Doodle is by the Wang brothers. If you haven't seen their board books of classic lit such as Jane Eyre, Oliver Twist, and Les Miserables, then hie thee to Amazon.

ETA: Edge of Tomorrow is another excellent sci-fi movie in the 12 Monkey vein. With a kick-ass Emily Blunt.

Edited by Hostile16

Haven't seen 12 monkeys but it sounds like something I would like. Tom Cruise might keep me away from watching Edge of Tomorrow.

I might be watching too much sci-if these days though. I was adding an appointment to the calendar on my phone the other day and I read the travel time option as time travel. Did a double take to read that correctly.

Edited by Endeavour
on my phone the other day and I read the travel time option as time travel.


Cool. AT LAST!


I was stunned and amazed by Edge of Tomorrow. Can't believe that wasn't a huge success. And 12 Monkeys, great movie, is anyone watching the TV show? (I'm not, wanted to, but can't seem to swing it. With the caregivers here, kind of sensitive to not watching stuff that might be unappealing or too much "in your face.")


Dad doing pretty well; the caregivers are amazing and are getting him up, walking around the house, sitting in his chair to watch TV, and eating at the dining table. We'd been more resigned to him spending most of his time in bed. Trying to not get our hopes up about him getting better and better though. Know it will be all ups and downs, and finally just downs. Trying to appreciate the time we have. It's quite an experience, I'll tell you.

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is anyone watching the TV show?

Husband showed it to me this weekend.  He thought it would be the kind of show I enjoyed and he's probably right.  But I'm having trouble just holding the threads together of the shows I have been watching: Arrow, Agent Carter, MARVEL Agents of Shield, Orphan Black, The Americans, Modern Family, etc.  Guess I just have other stuff on my mind. 


I enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow but that was all on Blunt.



Trying to appreciate the time we have.

Yeah, funny how tough it is to live in the moment.  Did you ever read the story about the "Zen" dog?  How every moment was "now."  Then, "now."  Followed by "now."  Very tempted to get the word now tattooed on my wrist where a watch would normally be.  Hugs cko.


Dusky, how's the plumbing situation?  You hanging in there?  KPC did the skin rash subside?  LNB how's your mom doing?  And your knees?

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LNB how's your mom doing?  And your knees?

We think she's going to almost all the meals, although it does seem that she occasionally misses breakfast. She did yesterday when I came by at 12:40 and she was still sleeping. Also, she rarely participates in any of the activities. This frustrates both my brother and me. We recently discussed things with her neurologist who said that apathy is very common and really can't be treated with medicines. What's most important is that mom is interacting with people, even if its just at meal times. So, we're still frustrated, but realize that we can't push her to do things. Won't stop us from nudging, but I have to learn not to be disappointed or frustrated when she doesn't take part. 


The knee is doing well. Only hurts if I do something wrong, which I try not to do. My elbow is also doing pretty well. I pretty much only wear the brace when I'm sleeping. If I don't overdo my workouts, I'm OK. 

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Won't stop us from nudging, but I have to learn not to be disappointed or frustrated when she doesn't take part.

I read something about this that I could really relate to.  Our elderly housing eliminates so many of the freedoms we've become accustomed to as adults.  What time we eat, what we eat and drink, where we live, who to a large degree we associate with and so on.  So yeah, tough situation.  Still, this is still relatively new for her, yes?  Maybe a little more time.  Glad your knee is doing well.

Massive vibes to cko/ and her family, and to LnB and his family.  You guys are super amazing to your parents and I admire you both- and everyone here who looks after their parents.  I hope that as spring comes and it gets lighter/warmer, that their spirits will pick up.


Keep being good to your knee/elbow LnB.  I plan on coming to some of your softball games this summer.  MM represent!


I am still Lady Cassandra:  Moisturize me, Moisturize me, but the itching is not quite as acute as it has been and the red patches are less blistery and red.  I slather myself with vitamin E, and vasoline, and cortisone, and aveeno twice daily (so go buy their stocks, since i feel like I'm keeping them in business).  I'm slowly tapering off the steroids, so it's now a waiting game to see what happens next.


I am LOVING 12 monkeys. I liked the movie a lot (and YES IT HAD A HAPPY ENDING I CAN'T HEAR YOU IF YOU DISAGREE LALALALALALALA).  I really enjoy the series so far.  I also have a small tv crush on Aaron Stanford since Nikita so that also helps, but I have the darndest time keeping up with the time jumps time whimey wibbly wobbly.  I am glad that people here are watching it too.  I like Cole's friendship with Ramsey.


Are all the East-coasters ready for the latest storm?  And are the west coaster pineapple express okay and not too windblown?

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The "kidnapper" wasn't a child molester (although he did wield a gun). In fact, I believe it was the aunt who, voice disguised, threatened him with being sold as a sex slave.

That story just gets crazier and crazier.


I'm glad you're getting good help and can have your Dad with you, cko. Hugs to you.


I did y'all a favour today: I watched 'Cake' so you don't have to.

That was very generous of you. Seriously, was it that bad?


I have to learn not to be disappointed or frustrated when she doesn't take part

You absolutely do.

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Glad you're doing a little better, KPC and hope everything clears up soon.

The doctor doesn't think your mom might be a little depressed, LnB? They would be able to treat that. Do you think there may be something that's holding her back from participating or is that just her personality? You said she's going to meals and interacting. Has she made any friends yet who participate in the activities and would encourage her to join in?

My mom has a doctor appointment today and I'm a little anxious about it. Over the past couple of weeks she's more tired than usual and has been less focused. It's not a big decline but it's noticeable. It's frustrating because my first reaction is to prevent or stop this from happening but I know I cant. This did seem to start around the time the manufacturer of one of her prescriptions changed, and I can't help but think it may be the cause. I've been told the manufacturer doesn't matter but I'm not so sure. This could also just be me trying to find someway to fix something I can't.

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Vibes to cko, L&B, and for you and your mom's appointment today, Endeavour.  Working in generic pharmaceuticals has taught me a lot about how drugs are developed and I think the manufacturer can absolutely make a difference. I hope you can talk to the doctor about the changes in your mom if they could be side effects of the change in medication.


KPC I've had good experiences with Aveeno's oatmeal bath for dry, itchy skin.  I think they also make a lavender variety.


I'm glad this potential snow turned to just rain - I can't handle any more ice on the giant slalom track that is our driveway.  This morning I got to the end of it only to find a dead deer in what appeared to be a brutal crime scene.  Blech.


The doctor doesn't think your mom might be a little depressed, LnB? They would be able to treat that. Do you think there may be something that's holding her back from participating or is that just her personality? You said she's going to meals and interacting. Has she made any friends yet who participate in the activities and would encourage her to join in?

She does suffer from depression and is taking medicine for it. Unfortunately, there really is no medicine for apathy. She does make friends - really likes the two people that she eats most of her meals with, but I don't know why she won't participate. She'll claim that she was too tired, or forgot about it, or that the facility is just making it up and really doesn't have these activities. I'm sure depression plays a role, but I don't know if that's the only reason, or even the major reason. I also don't know if the people she's made friends with go to the activities.


According to my doctor, different generics can have different side effects, or not work as well as others. Or the original version. I would definitely speak to your mother's doctor, Endeavor.

Are all the East-coasters ready for the latest storm?  And are the west coaster pineapple express okay and not too windblown?


It was pretty icy here this morning as I surveyed the situation and decided to play it safe and not go in to work.  There are hilly areas near work,so I didn't want to take a chance of them not being sanded properly and didn't want to be spinning out anywhere. 

I brought a five pound bag of salt on Sunday in preparation and I'm glad I did because my driveway is on a little hill and it was super slippery. The salt definitely helped melt it away afterwards.Got a workout on my arms chipping and pushing ice away. 


I see Boston has gotten pummeled again with snow. Have you gotten a lot more snow too dusky?


Big hugs to you cko!


That was very generous of you. Seriously, was it that bad?
 Yes,was Cake that bad Erratic? eh, I'll still check it out because I want to see what all the Aniston hubbub was about.
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Thanks everyone. The doctor appointment was canceled by the office but I did speak to the pharmacist and am trying to get the prescription changed. I have a few more calls today to get that accomplished as it's too early to get a new prescription.

Hopefully there is someone who participates in some of the activities that your mom is friends with and will encourage her to try some of them, LnB. Or maybe someone on the staff could try. If you could find a way to get her to try just once, she would probably enjoy herself and continue to participate.

We had a lot of ice too yesterday. My driveway was like a skating rink and the lot at work was terrible. The main roads were all pretty good though. My driveway also has a little incline which makes things dicey. It's a tiny one but enough to be a problem. Salt cleared everything up nicely.

Sorry you had to deal with the deer too, Earl. That's not a pleasant way to start the day.

Have you watched Better Call Saul yet, Valny? I may not get to it til the weekend. Work is a little crazy this week.

I did watch the BAFTAs and saw that Boyhood won for best film. I never saw the end of that. I ordered it through cable and it expired after two days. I'll wait til it gets to Netflix.

At our school's big auction-fundraiser thing, many of the teachers help raise money by hosting parties or outings for kids--you buy a "ticket" for $15 or $20 and a teacher will take them to the movies or teach them to knit or what-have-you. These parties are hugely popular with the kids.


This year, one of Tiny C's favorite teachers is getting married, so she's having a bridal tea after se gets back from her honeymoon. She's going to bring her wedding dress and show the kids photos and all that, and the kids are supposed to dress up fancy. How cool is that for her to do?


Those of you who are familiar with Tiny C and her love of fancy, girly things probably know: the child's head just may explode at the whole idea of this. I have set up multiple alarms on my phone and computer to make sure I buy a ticket the second they go on sale.

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Yes,was Cake that bad Erratic? eh, I'll still check it out because I want to see what all the Aniston hubbub was about.

It was well-acted by Aniston, but it suffered from having a beginning, middle and end. The other characters were unreal, or un-needed, or cartoonish. William H. Macy appears for 3 seconds in an important role that is almost swept under the carpet, and the results of his visit are used as a tool to move the story along (vitally needed at that point of a very long drawn out middle), but in an unrealistic manner.

So, yes, it was a bad movie with some good acting, especially considering just how awful the writing was. And it was awful.

For those of you hating winter right now, it hasn't been above -50c this week where my husband works, and it has been as low as -57c. For you Yanks, that is a range of -58 - -70F!!!

Edited by Erratic

Have you watched Better Call Saul yet, Valny? I may not get to it til the weekend. Work is a little crazy this week.

I did watch the BAFTAs and saw that Boyhood won for best film. I never saw the end of that. I ordered it through cable and it expired after two days. I'll wait til it gets to Netflix.


Yes, I've watched both eps Endeavour. The pilot was a bit slow, not too compelling. But I will give it time. The second ep was much better, we get to see a bad guy from Breaking Bad, and he was the focus and highlight of the show. I don't think I'll be loving the show, but I like I say, I will give it a chance. 

I didn't know the BAFTA's were on Sunday, rats! Endeavour- What was the last scene you saw before finishing Boyhood? How old was the kid? It was a looong movie.


For those of you hating winter right now, it hasn't been above -50c this week where my husband works, and it has been as low as -57c. For you Yanks, that is a range of -58 - -70F!!!
  Thanks for that temperature conversion Erratic. I never know how it works. And grrr... for your balmy winter weather!


Chyna- that's such a fun/great idea the teachers have for the kids.


I haven't watched Glee since the first wave of new kids were brought in two years ago, but for some reason I thought I'd check out an episode on Demand since it's the last season. Good lord, they have taken it to a bizarre place... at least in the ep I saw. It was baaad! I think one of my WTF moments was when I found out

Blaine was dating that guy who had been picking on Kurt,but then later on came out as gay. When the hell did that happen?!

Boyhood is in my Netflix queue, but this week I was sent Annabelle instead. (Note to self: Watching it at 3 a.m.? Not smart.) I'm not surprised it's long, though. Can you imaging trying to edit together twelve years of footage? Only Michael Apted might be able to sympathize.

Chyna, I remember in third grade when our student teacher revealed her engagement ring in the first Show and Tell after the Christmas break. It was like a real-life fairy tale for all us girls. She will always be "Miss Hutcherson"; he is forever "Andy."

Edited by Hostile16
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Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuckety-fuck, fuck. Just got a call from the long-term care insurer. Seems mom is not sufficiently cognitive impaired to qualify under that standard, but is able to do enough so that she does not need assistance with two aspects of daily living. Therefore, they are denying her coverage. I will get a letter in the mail and can file an appeal. Fuck.

I'm sorry you have to deal with this bs, LnB. What's involved with the appeals process? What does that timeframe look like?

Valny - I got to the part where the son was in a new high school.

I won't be ordering a movie through cable again. It's already a rip off and the movies expire in 2 days. I guess that's not usually an issue with a movie but it was with this one. I canceled the dvd service with Netflix and only have streaming now so it may be a while before I get to see the rest of that one.

How are things going in Dubai, romantic idiot?

AS of now, all I know about the appeal process is that I will get a form along with the denial letter. I assume I'll have to file the appeal w/in 30 days, but that's just a guess. This is an internal appeal. Assuming it's rejected, I believe that I can pay a fee and have it brought to arbitration. I'd have to check the policy and, right now, I don't have the energy to do that. My brother and I are going to see the elder law attorney in two weeks, so this will be another matter to ask about.

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LnB, FUCK the insurance people and their fucking asshole behavior.  Yes, I think you have 30 days to file and appeal, and I have also heard that they pretty much deny ALL claims first time around so as to dissuade anyone who might not be applying for the right reasons.


IN the meantime, I am cursing the companies people in charge with the curse of 1 million awful paper cuts followed by a lemon bath.


What's the coconut cream that doesn't smell?  And is there an olive oil that doesn't smell like....olive oil?  The steroids fixed one problem but now that I am off them the spots are coming back....along with the insane itching.   Aaaaaaaah!  I am considering going gluten and dairy free.  I warn you, this may kill me.  The idea of never having a piece of bread or a cookie or a cupcake 


I am also mourning that I may never get to take any of kind warm shower again.  I actually dread showers now.  Also...anyone heard of something called bag balm?  I'm getting desperate y'all.


I know I am complaining but it is nothing compared dealing with the government yahoos or pharmacies or parents or driving on scary roads.  So me and my Cassandra problems are like not even first world problems.


I hope everyone is warm and not under 12 feet of snow.  Erratic especially you.


Also, I am adding on another hearty FUCK YOU to the insurance companies that are messing with you and your Mom's life LnB

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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Super vibes to LnB and CKO for dealing with aging parents, not easy.


I am completely buried in snow. We lucked out this time and only got about 8 inches but it is super cold and windy. They have closed the office 3 times in the last 3 weeks, they very rarely close the office. I have had a cold and now my daughter has the cold, I would rather have the cold 3 times as long than have my daughter have the cold, she is a whiny miserable sick person. I would like to complain more about this frickin' winter but I know people are dealling with worse. Just please can it be spring.

KPC, I am a gluten-free person, and I'm here to tell you, it can be done. I also went dairy-free when I cut out the wheat and stuff, and then introduced it back into my diet gradually; it doesn't seem to have a negative impact on me, so I eat dairy. But getting rid of the wheat made an enormous difference for me. My pain levels are lower. That is enough to make it worth it. In my experience, the most difficult day was day three post-bread, when I had sudden HUGE cravings for French bread. Like, almost literally said "fuck it" and went and bought some. I had a similar reaction to going off opiate medication, which...heh. The way our brains process opiates and sugars is very similar. The biochemistry is fascinating.

Anyway, that's all a very long-winded way of saying that I am here to be your moral support if you decide that you're desperate enough to cut out some food groups. :)

Been thinking of you and hoping that you'e not completely buried, dusky. Over here on the other side of the country, the headline on yesterday's paper was "Our Vanishing Snowpack." We'e in deep doo-doo. Ship us some of that stuff, wouldja? ;)

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I wish the weather reporters would just report:  "It is fucking cold" and let the networks eat the fine.  Because seriously, that has been the weather around here.


Thanks for the encouragement AnnieF.  I'm trying, at the moment, to severely cut back on the bread and sugar.  I think if I go cold turkey it will be ugly; like, I'd end up holding up the magnolia store and saying  "Give me all your cupcakes or give me your life."  Then cko will have hide me (I'll bribe her with crumbs cupcakes) and I'll become known as "the mysterious magnolia cupcake maniac."  Which just sounds silly.


I hope everyone is having a day off, because we all deserve it.

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