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Small Talk: The Library

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So my skin issues are so bad my doctor put me on steroids.

Maybe you can audition for the role of Female Hulk.

Kidding aside, did they tell you what's causing the skin problem?


I really hope the assesment goes well, Lo. Anti stress and health vibes for you.


romantic, I hadn't realised you were staying in Dubai for so long. Are you there for work? How are you adjusting?


I'm sorry about you Dad, cko. Hang in there.


Erratic, do you have some friends neraby with children that could lend you stuff? Just in case you need last minute things.

Edited by trudi-tru

I hope the new medicine helps and you're feeling better soon KPC.

LNB, I also hope you are feeling better and everything works out so your mom gets the care she needs. De-stressing vibes to you.

I'm sorry to hear that your dad is in the hospital cko. Be sure to take care of yourself too.

Dubai sounds exciting, romantic idiot. Tell us more!

Stay warm and safe to all in the northeast. A local news show said my county is in the jackpot area. How lucky. I don't usually win anything.

Sounds like the worst of it will be overnight through tomorrow afternoon. We have a blizzard warning and, if what they are predicting is accurate, it doesn't sound like anyone should be driving in the morning.

My bosses aren't at all reasonable when it comes to snow. They prefer that you spend 4 times as long trying to get into the office in unsafe conditions to end up going right back out in an hour or two because they decide you should then go home rather than staying home and working where it's safe. We can all work from home. If they were really concerned about the work getting done, they wouldn't have us waste time trying to get back and forth to the office. Not to mention it shows a complete lack of concern about their employees. It's a ridiculous situation and a control issue on their part. If it's bad tomorrow, I plan on staying home regardless of their decision. Here's to hoping that they will be reasonable.

Erratic I am late to being in front of a keyboard but many congratulations to you!  My go-to shower gift for first time moms is a washbasket full of things that you either can't have too many of (like burpy cloths and socks), or things that run out, like J&J bath products and Dreft.  I don't have kids so that's my measly 2 cents :o)  Best wishes to you and your family!


L&O and cko - major vibes to you as you take care of your parents.  I hope you can take some time to take care of yourselves too.


Endeavour I've worked for companies like that and it sucks.  I'm so grateful to currently have a boss who gets it - I'm working from home today and probably will tomorrow too.


Stay safe everyone! 


Stupid post-eating post eater ate my post.  Let's try this again...

It seems to have worked?


First of all, stay safe you guys, and please don't drive if you can avoid it. Not worth it. And here's to hoping bosses remain reasonable. 


As to my being in Dubai - basically this is my 7th day here - arrived on the 20th. And thank god the hotel has free wifi or I would be cut off (or broke). I'll be there for 6 months - presumably. We basically identified some projects that we wanted implemented in UAE, but they are a small team so didn't have the bandwidth. Therefore, I've been sent as a project manager here to ensure everything gets done. And as usual, without having any authority to actually get things done. We'll see. I'm really hoping I do a good job here, not only because it's a great opportunity for me, but also because my functional boss showed a lot of faith sending me here. The good news is there's a lot of good will to deliver these, and I'm probably going to be my own worst enemy - the amount of documentation required is mind numbing and I find it very difficult to motivate myself into doing that. So, I'm going to be quite challenged being disciplined. Which is good for me. 


in terms of how Dubai is - I like where they've put me up - it's centrally located and 10-20 min from office, which is good. The weather's pretty good now - not looking forward to April. I'm bang in the middle of the Dubai shopping festival, but unfortunately with no money to spend :o) - which is good because I'm determined to save. My friends have given me a list of things to do, which i'll try to get through. Culture shock is comparatively less so far, things seem fairly cosmopolitan. The cars I've heard are cool - I'm keeping a log of the cars I ride in for my brother, who's a car buff. 


I went shopping the other day - pretty much the same things I can get back in India, though there's a lot of beef stuff around which suits me fine. Then we went to this nightclub as a team party thing (head of the department's farewell). That was on the 27th floor - which I think is the highest I've been. It was the rooftop and everyone was freezing (which is Indian freezing, not actual freezing). So I had like 3 glasses of sangria and a glass of wine. And they just had small appetisers, though quite nice ones - so I was hungry and had a sandwich when I came home. And i was also horrified because the dress code there apparently specifies no salwar kameez which - what? Still, something I won't be doing again, so it was nice. And good timing on my part for sure. 


Nothing more to report really. Will keep you guys updated though i daresay most of the things new to me will be old hat for you. 

That sounds like a great adventure, romantic idiot. Have fun and don't be too hard on yourself. You know anytime something new is being done, there are absolutely no problems. So, when the inevitable does arise, know that it's expected and hopefully built in to the timetable.



I just hope it doesn't get bad enough that the electricity goes off. Did I just jinx myself?

Don't worry val. You just jinxed me. Sometime between 11:30 and 3:00 AM, all my electricity went off, except for the fridge. Turns out that happened in all the front apartments. The rear apartments had all electricity except for the fridge. I washed my hair by flashlight this morning. Supposedly all the electricity is on. I'm going to be leaving the office within an hour to double check and hopefully plug everything back in. If not, my brother is willing to put up a wayward refugee for the duration of the storm.

And i was also horrified because the dress code there apparently specifies no salwar kameez which - what?

Wait, at your company? Or in Dubai as a whole, 'cause that seems weird (well, it seems weird either way. Wtf, people, it's clothes). I'm glad you're settling in okay, romantic idiot, and I hope it goes really well for you while you're there. :)

Vibes all around, excuse the exhaustion. :)

Oy, y'all's snow. Please be safe. It sounds like it's a bad one.

Edited by AnnieF
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No, no, at the nightclub - or rather rooftop dinner/club restaurant type place. Which - no. 


My company wouldn't dare. Though my mentor did say that it's better if I stick to western for the most part here, which I've followed. Also, because I'm tired of being in Indian and have been on a western kick anyway. But yeah. Different cultures are always interesting to come up against - in both good ways and bad. 


And thanks, LnB, yes, we're going to have some buffers built in there, especially for the IT stuff. 


ETA: Because Annie and LnB are (presumably) different people. There are even folks here who've met them as separate people I think. 

Edited by romantic idiot
  • Love 2

cko, many many vibes for your and your Dad.  


Lnb, I hope the assessment comes out the way you want it to.  I hate the red tape hoop jumping.  And I hope your electricity stays on and your heat is keeps you toasty.


And all other east coasters in the way of the storm- stay safe and warm.


I'm not super worried, for some reason.  I worry for folks on Long Island or Jersey or DC (Barphe), but not so much for the nyc area. I feel like the weather people Cry Wolf so much, it's hard for me to believe them.  I'm all set though- it's sort of standard to have extra water and flashlights and blankets and stuff.  I'm lacking extra water, but that is why I have so many water bottles I can fill (which I am doing right now).


The doctors don't know what's causing the skin condition- but I am dousing myself in vitamin e oil and eating salmon and feel about as greasy as a stick of butter and have to constantly reapply or it itches like a fiend.  I think the steroids are helping.  Has anyone watched Doctor Who with Lady Cassandra?  I feel like her. "Moisturize me, Moisturize me!"


If I ever figure out what is going on, I will let you know.  I might see a chinese doctor/acupuncturist  when the steroids are done, to get a little eastern medicine on the case as well. 



Romantic Idiot, how cool that you are in Dubai!  And you can drink there?  I thought alcohol wasn't allowed there.  If you go "skiing" in that big indoor ski venue they built, I want PHOTOS!  This sounds like such an adventure.  I hope you can post here (or other places) where we can hear all about it.

  • Love 1

Yes, because I'm still stuck on the idea of anyplace saying "no salwar kameez." I mean, what?

ETA: Because Annie and LnB are (presumably) different people. There are even folks here who've met them as separate people I think.

Indeed, there are several folks here who could blow our cov...I mean, identify us as different people. Totally fine, go right ahead. I'm not worried at all, and neither is "Loandbehold."
  • Love 1

Well I was assuming it's prejudice. There is supposed to be some resentment here. But, you guys have made me curious enough to check. Will find out...


And yeah, I am definitely checking out the indoor ski slope. Though I'll probably break something, since I have no hand eye coordination and sense of balance. But it'll be worth it. I'm trying to avoid posting pictures immediately - not till i'm settled in. Basically because I'm being superstitious. Also because it's a work thing and they don't like us with the social media so much. But I definitely have plans to journal. 

  • Love 1


Electricity is back on! My apartment is firmly embedded in the mid-20th century!



Oooh sorry I jinxed you but glad you got your electricity back Loandbehold! Jinx didn't last long,so that's good.


They let us out of work at 2pm and it took me almost two and a half hours to get home. It usually takes me 30-35 minutes with some traffic. The worst was when I was just leaving, it took about 50 minutes to travel about a quarter mile! Thankfully I had tons of podcasts to listen to, so I was entertained. And some chocolate was eaten. :)


My co-worker posted a picture of a grocery store she stopped at after coming home and the bread and milk shelves were bare! It was creepy.


Definitely won't be going in to work tomorrow so that's nice to know ahead of time. (oh yeah baby,I can sleep late!)  There's a fair amount but not a TON of snow by me yet,(I've seen more accumulation before with other blizzards) but we're expected to get from 12-20+ inches and it's gonna be snowing all night through tomorrow afternoon supposedly.

I know there should be kids coming around wanting to shovel tomorrow and it's so worth the money. I can do some of it, but I ain't no spring chicken anymore and I have some back issues, so I'll happily let them do it all.   I surely don't want my 90+ year old father doing it! He actually said he was going to go out tomorrow and shovel. Um no dad, you're not. I will hide the shovel from him if I have to. His back has been hurting for almost a week too, so that's even more reason why not to even get near a shovel. Bless him for wanting to though.


Romantic idiot- I don't know exactly what you do for a living, but hope the job goes well in Dubai. What is the weather like?  I always think of it as balmy and warm.

  • Love 1
it's better if I stick to western

Really? Dubai isn't exactly western.

I guess if you live in the desert and have never been skiing, and indoor ski slope might sound fun. But I can't imagine someone who likes skiing enjoying something like that. It would just seem so sad to me. I'm curious about your impressions.

Keep us posted, romatic.


The news here said Mayor De Blasio called it the Worst Storm Ever. Is it that bad? Stay safe and warm.

I had to google salwar kameez


Glad I wasn't the only one. Like everyone else, doesn't make sense to me.


Has anyone watched Doctor Who with Lady Cassandra?  I feel like her. "Moisturize me, Moisturize me!"


This made me laugh. Glad you're keeping your sense of humor, KPC. I hope you're feeling better soon.


I know there should be kids coming around wanting to shovel tomorrow and it's so worth the money. I can do some of it, but I ain't no spring chicken anymore and I have some back issues, so I'll happily let them do it all.   I surely don't want my 90+ year old father doing it! He actually said he was going to go out tomorrow and shovel. Um no dad, you're not. I will hide the shovel from him if I have to. His back has been hurting for almost a week too, so that's even more reason why not to even get near a shovel. Bless him for wanting to though.


Sounds like my mom, val. She just said the other day that she can shovel when I wouldn't let her help me. I said I know you can mom - doesn't mean you should. Enough snow has fallen so our association will have us shoveled out eventually. I'll have to do a bit of cleanup though. Whoever they have doing it this year isn't doing the best job. Still better than me doing it all.


Still snowing here this morning. Quite a bit is still coming down but it's a fine snow. Last night the predictions were all over the place. Work did decide yesterday afternoon to have everyone work from home today. Maybe they're learning. Even if they didn't close, I wouldn't be going anywhere today.


In other news, I saw The Imitation Game and really enjoyed it. I ordered Boyhood last night from cable and watched about an hour. Will finish up today. So far I'm not impressed with it. Probably another case of expections being set too high.

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They closed the office for today, they were nice enough to let us know yesterday before we left, so there was no getting up and half getting ready waiting for the phone call. The snow seems to be very light and fluffy so even though there is a ton of it it should be fairly easy to deal with. I think pretty much everything is closed today and people are staying home, I will probably try to catch up on things on my DVR, I still haven't finished True Blood and haven't even started American Horror Story, I have the Veronica Mars movie but my daughter hasn't watched the series so that is out if she ever wakes up.

  • Love 2


The news here said Mayor De Blasio called it the Worst Storm Ever. Is it that bad?

Nowhere near in the city. Maybe 4-6 inches. In fact, many people (especially employers) are hella pissed that they can't open and will be paying their employees for not working (in my neighborhood, most of the people who own businesses will still pay their hourly employees if there is no way that they can report to work). As of noon, we're supposed to have public transportation back to Sunday service rates. For those in Long Island and parts north, stay safe and let the neighborhood kids do the shoveling. Meanwhile, go out and build snowmen, make snow angels, and go sledding. Feel free to take your kids if that's your wish. 


I will be getting off the computer soon to do some work that I took home yesterday. Famous last words.

Edited by Loandbehold
  • Love 1
ETA: Because Annie and LnB are (presumably) different people. There are even folks here who've met them as separate people I think.



But have we ever seen them in the same place at the same time???? Oh wait, yes. I have. And what a time it was.


It's at these weatherlicious times that I remark on how wildly different our day-to-day lives can be from each other. And yet still we commune. That's cool.


Thanks for all the well-wishes, everyone. We're definitely in a decided downturn. Will be back for words of comfort and humor and weather and snark as I can. Really appreciate you all right now.

  • Love 5

So yeah, the snowstorm in nyc was pretty much a bust.  It was probably good to close the streets, just because it helped the plows (although a chuck of manhattan midtown got ignored), but mostly, it was another case of The Weather People/Mayors Crying Winter Wolf.


But I hear Queens got a foot.  I hope Valny out in Long Island is okay.


Glad you get a snow day dusky and could sleep in.


Much much love to you cko, and many vibes.  


Today, I'm going to work on my declutter project.  I read about this "look at an object and if it doesn't bring you joy then toss it."  I kind of like the concept.

How is everyone outside Snow-meh doing?

  • Love 1


But I hear Queens got a foot.  I hope Valny out in Long Island is okay.



All is fine out here on the Island, thanks!


Two guys came around about an hour and a half ago to shovel. When I asked how much he said $70!!!!  Um no way, bub! It's just our driveway and the walkway to our front door that we need shoveling right now. It's not a large area.  With some back and forth, we settled on $30. He was just starting high to see how much he could get away with. But it's so worth the money. I could have done some of it, but I've been fighting all day with my dad about both of us shoveling. He doesn't want me shoveling and I don't want him. Hard headed!!!

When I woke up, I started watching some tv and in about half hour, the power went out.  But it was only affected half the house, figures it would be the part of the house that has the TV's and stove. I was not looking forward to a day off with no stove  and no tv to watch. But luckily it came back in about a half hour. Really strange. I have a feeling it's something on our end because every once in a while, when I wake up, I notice my alarm clock has the wrong time, so I know that sometime in the night,the power went out.  Maybe it's some kind of circuit issue. Either we need an electrician to come by or it's the electric company issue.


I ordered Boyhood last night from cable and watched about an hour. Will finish up today. So far I'm not impressed with it.
Uh oh. I'm hoping to see it soon-ish, I hope I like it better because I was expecting it to be good,but ya know,all this hype and awards,etc. It gets your expectations up.


I will probably try to catch up on things on my DVR, I still haven't finished True Blood and haven't even started American Horror Story.


I'd go with AHS first dusky. That's the more entertaining show IMO.   I gave up on TB after a couple of eps in the finale season.

I caught up on Downton Abbey and Resurrection. Still have to catch up on the last two eps of Sleepyhollow. Although I heard last week's ep was pretty bad, which makes me not even want to watch.(Michelle Trachtenberg is in that ep playing Abigail Adams. Yikes.)


Special strength vibes to cko's dad and cko!


  • Love 1

Vibes for cko, her dad, and the rest of the family. We're here for you whenever you need us. 



Today, I'm going to work on my declutter project.  I read about this "look at an object and if it doesn't bring you joy then toss it."  I kind of like the concept.

My brother just asks, "do you want it?" If you hesitate more than a second, out it goes. 


valny, unless you or your father know what you're doing, get an electrician. Since it's only affecting part of the house, it's likely due to an internal problem. (Speaking strictly from the knowledge gained because of what happened yesterday.) 

  • Love 4

I probably would have just paid the $70. I have no idea what a decent price would be. That's great you got them down to $30. Now I'm thinking I totally overpaid this summer when I got my landscaping trimmed. I'm going to try a little haggling next time.

I watched Sleepy Hollow last night and I felt like I missed an ep. Michelle Tratchenberg? Didn't even notice last ep. Either I'm extremely unobservant or I did miss an ep. I'll have to go check.

When it comes to electricity, if it can't be fixed by flipping a breaker, I'm out of luck. Last year I lost power to half of the house. Turned out to be one of the two lines coming into the house. Good thing about that is it was the power company's issue and they were good about getting it taken care of - even sent a landscaper to fix the part of the lawn they dug up.

I gave up on Resurrection after last season. If you can, check out Les Revenants. It's on Netflix I think. It's a French series that I think Ressurection was based on. I thought it was well done.

KPC, if you're having trouble parting with anything, a show I saw years ago said to take a picture of the item and keep that instead. I'm pretty good at letting things go. So far I'm only struggling with one item kept at my mom's house. Unfortunately, it's a car! It's a classic and belonged to my father. It's not worth much except what it means to me. I don't think it's practical to keep, but I'm still struggling with letting it go. Figures it's the biggest item there. I think I'm going to have to take my own advice about a picture.

  • Love 1

So I had TWO days of work tomorrow (moisturize me moisturize me) and then they bailed on me for tomorrow but MIGHT need me to work friday (moisturize me moisturize me).  I need to work so that I can keep myself soaked in vitamin E and other various oils.  Being the last "pure bred human" (aka the Doctor Who thing) is expensive.


Also, I like to work- and I'd get to wear long sleeves/trousers so no one would see my patchy skin.


romantic interest, I watched smallville in reruns and was sorry that Chloe wasn't Lois, as it were.   But the whole Lana stuff has made me sympathetic to the whole Laurel antipathy Arrow drama (even if I am not a big fan of the actress on the whole).


cko, still sending you and your family and Dad massive loving vibes.

  • Love 2

Many loving and healing vibes for cko and her dad. We are definitely here for you.

Vibes to LandB and his mom. You really are the best son.

Healing vibes to KPC. I had a friend who had great success with Corn Husker's Lotion, but I have never tried it.

Many safety vibes to those buried in snow. We have had 70 degree weather this week, so global warming is truly an odd bitch.

  • Love 1

I watched Sleepy Hollow last night and I felt like I missed an ep. Michelle Tratchenberg? Didn't even notice last ep. Either I'm extremely unobservant or I did miss an ep. I'll have to go check.


Don't worry,you're not unobservant Endeavour, she was on the episode two weeks ago, not this past Monday.



I gave up on Resurrection after last season. If you can, check out Les Revenants. It's on Netflix I think. It's a French series that I think Ressurection was based on. I thought it was well done.


  Oh, I've seen that when it aired on the Sundance Channel over a year ago. .Agreed, it was really good, much better storytelling than Resurrection. Except I wasn't crazy about how it ended. But there will be a season two,so hopefully questions will be answered that were left out.  And there will be an American version coming March 9 to the A&E channel, so looking forward to that.



We have had 70 degree weather this week, so global warming is truly an odd bitch.
  Damn! I would love some of your weather now Harvester.  Were do you live again?

My daughter keeps breaking crap, she managed to pull the handle off of our kitchen sink faucet I can't get it back on and my back isn't in any shape to crawl around under the sink and replace the faucet, so I have to get someone to do it. That means finding the person, finding a time they can come in and frickin' paying them. There is only so much you can do in the bathroom sink.


Her car is also back to not working. After we got it fixed the windshield wipers didn't work and then the battery died and now it is buried under 2 feet of snow and she isn't doing anything about digging it out so we can jump it and get it back over to the mechanic's. Also it is snowing again.


I want to send super vibes to cko. the rest of you will have to make do with regular vibes ;)

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I want to send super vibes to cko. the rest of you will have to make do with regular vibes ;)

Trust me, I'll make do. Any vibes are appreciated.


Sorry to hear about dusky!daughter's actions. I could say that it's your fault for having a child, but I will refrain. Maybe you should encase her in bubble wrap for when she's in the house, and, if she's working, make her hire someone to dig out the car and get it repaired. If she doesn't have the money, treat it as a loan and require her to pay back a certain amount each month. Eh, just spitballin'.

Teenagers are the worst. The F-ster will be 15 in a couple of weeks, and he is driving me up a goddamn wall. He just won't do any schoolwork. Doesn't wanna. Arrrrrrgggghhhhhh. I feel your pain, dusky.

Big vibes everyone. I've been dealing with family crap, fallout from Xmas, and it's fucking exhausting. I don't want to be in the middle of anything, and yet. Here I am. Whee.

Sorry for the vague, it' just too tiring to type it all out. But I am sympathizing hard with everyone's family dramz. Vibes for everyone. :)

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Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh Trudi Tru!  Sexism is getting to me a lot these days.  Grrrr.  Argh.  And many many hexes tossed at the sexist things out there.  Congratulations to your winning team in the Australian Open (a grand slam is not small feat)!


Fall out from Family Dra-mah sucks AnnieF.  Keep reminding yourself that some of these circuses and monkeys are not yours (even if they try to sneak in or claim prior residence).  You get to decide who is in your circus.


Teenagers sound like a trial.  I wish there was a cure for Teenagerism like the Mrs. PiggleWiggle books.  


It is amazing, though, how hard children can be on hardware.


I thought of all the parents here last night when I realized how many washcloths I own.  Clearly, it is s Must-Have item for all.


How is everyone?  Check in if you can!  


Love and love and love and more vibes and happy-vibres and healing vibes and just you are all AwesomeSauce Vibes.


I didn't work this week, which given my cold was probably a good thing.  But nonetheless.  I am main-lining zinc and lying low this weekend.  Also, this clutter clearing (does it bring you joy then chuck it) is strangely cathartic.  Today I might go through my books and (gasp) not even attempt to find them new homes, but to pitch them into the recycling.  I feel kind of like I'm committing a cardinal sin but I do not care!!

KPC was the book you read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo?  Because I read her book last month and it put the proverbial bee in my bonnet or bur under my saddle banket.


Oh man Dusky, that sucks.  Sometimes I feel like my house if falling down around my ears faster than I can repair it.  Except now the fix-it quotes are in the $3,000-4,000 range and that's just not happening. 


AnnieF, right there with you even if it is a few years ahead and a little to the side.  Breathe, breathe, breathe.  I hear it is good for what ails us.


KPC I've been told coconut oil works wonders and you can buy it refined which is odorless.  I swear I've fended off colds better now that I take a teaspoon of coconut oil in my coffee every morning.  But that is internal vs topical.  And also anecdotal.  Correlated not causal.


On-going on-line hugs and support for CKO and LNB and all others in need.


ETA: Is anyone else having difficulty when they access this site on their phones in terms of not having a reply option?

Edited by buffyjunkie

I just got back from a quick 3 day trip to the mountains. Man, I love the Rockies- such a literal and spiritual breath of fresh air to reset your mind.

Kory leaves on Monday, and the gov't are dragging their feet on our licensing, so it was a great time to get away. And now until Kory gets back in 2 weeks, there is no rush for the government to get organised. In the meantime I am trying to sort out my replacement at work. Going through a temp agency seemed like a good idea, except they charge 60-70% on top of wages, which seems... high? Especially as they can't pre-book someone more than a month in advance or less than a week in advance which doesn't really work for us. I think I will just hire someone and have them start in mid-March and either they will be the most trained replacement EVER in August, or they will have a little time with me if any surprises come earlier in Spring. It sucks that no one else in the company does my job or has the time to be trained to do it, or has the time to do it, even if trained. I have been saying for years that we need more cross-training especially amongst the specialized managers. Maybe they will start to understand if I vanish overnight for nine months.

The Rockies are indeed breath-taking Erratic.  Good luck with the replacement training.  Sometimes life is just full of hiccups.


So the girl has got me hooked in her Grey's Anatomy marathon and so far I've seen Cecily, Prinicpal Wood, and Oz..  Thank god for the extras because with the exception of Miranda and occasionally Yang I can't really stand the most of the regulars.


Guardians of the Galaxy tonight.  Anybody else have fun plans for the weekend?

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