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Small Talk: The Library

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In-laws visiting. After two days of them avoiding the subject, I asked them if they had any questions regarding this whole 'Foster to Adopt' issue.

They asked a few questions, so we explained that the kids probably won't be as healthy or as white as their other grandkids, and they said helpful things like, "Well, you can always give them back before you adopt them for real", and "Maybe you'll change your mind and not do this. It's all a learning process".

I helpfully explained that we don't want the healthy kids that are easy to adopt out, but that we are actually choosing kids that *need* a family, and that this *is* happening and we are committed.

So. That was a fun chat.

Edited by Erratic
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I hope it wasn't too cold outside, val.


I got some pretty neat shoes from my uncle. I really like them, but probably never would have bought them myself.

Those are pretty cool shoes trudi!  (heh, I almost typed turdi)

and no, it wasn't cold outside when we got locked out of the house. Luckily it's been unseasonable warm for the past few days for this time of year. However I did stay in the car waiting for the locksmith to come.


Deep breathes Erratic.  Oh those wacky in-laws.


Guys, if you're looking for something good to watch on Netflix, I highly recommend the Australian series called Wentworth.  It focuses around the lives of group of inmates in an Aussie women's prison and it's soooo riveting!! No humor in it like Orange is the New Black, it's strictly drama...it's really nothing like it. Only thing that is a little like it is that but they do use flashbacks with the prisoners, but nowhere near as extensive as OitNB.  I think I may like it more than OitNB.   There's only two seasons. I just finished S1 recently and it was awesome!! I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next.   It has at least one really good villain in it because what's a women's prison without an inmate you love to hate. She kind of reminds me of an evil Martha Stewart of all people,if you watch the link you'll see who I mean.   Give it a go mate!


I love the Aussie accents!


Edited by Valny
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In bath. Got told off for having 2.5 glasses of wine with supper. Told off, but strictly in a passive-aggressive way of course. They were suggesting that the son-in-law they just spent two weeks with was ornery in the morning because he drinks too much, and I am ornery in the morning too... Feel more in sync with the BiL than I have in years. Having them in one's house causes all kinds of ornery behaviour. And drinking.

valny, if you enjoy 'Wentworth', Google 'Prisoner a Cell Block H', the original Aussie show made in the 80's and 90's. 'Wentworth' is a continuance/re-make of that, and it went for 7 or 8 seasons if I remember correctly.

Edited by Erratic

2.5 glasses of wine doesn't sound like enough, actually.  I hope the in-laws are leaving soon, Erratic.


I spent my week off binging on Orange is the New Black.  I've avoided it until now because it didn't look like something I'd enjoy, so I was happily surprised to be wrong.  Although it also resulted in my having to up my data plan to avoid overage fees.  Oops. 

2.5 glasses of wine doesn't sound like enough, actually. I hope the in-laws are leaving soon, Erratic.

My thoughts exactly. I'm not sure I care to count the shots of rum in our nog that it took for my sis and me to sail through Christmas when my Mom was in top form. Playing devil's advocate, I can understand concern given the stress that special needs children may place on a family. But who in their right mind says crap like that? Nevermind and carry on with your wonderful selves.

  • Love 2

If it is all snowy and icy I am perfectly justified in skipping the pool this morning, right? Good, thought so.

I took extra pain meds to get through my holiday dinner with the inlaws. Whatever it takes. There was a time when I would've handled it with extra wine, but now it's pain pills. Oh well. Erratic, I hope that there's just some worry on their part about their own ability to be good grandparents to special needs kids. I mean, it doesn't sound like that's what was happening, but I have hope that maybe that is part of it. And that they will realize that indeed they do have enough love in their hearts for the lucky kids who end up with you and Kory.

The forecast is for snow in Vegas tomorrow night. It's forecast snow here too, but we're 400 miles to the north. Vegas almost never gets snow. I can't even imagine the hell of Snowvegas on New Year's Eve. You can bet your ass that the cabbies don't know how to drive in snow. Yikes.

Anyone doing anything fun tomorrow night? And by "fun" I mean staying away from scary drunk drivers. ;)

  • Love 2

Damn Erratic. With her sensible advice, AnnieF ruined my fun at your in-laws' expense. I was going to suggest sending them to KPC for a real New York-style ass whuppin' with just the right amount of Southern flair. And by Southern, I mean south of Westchester (NYC joke - just go with it). Seriously, dudette, those are some fucked up things to say. Remember when I offered my services as a traveling notary? Well, one of the couples adopted a Guatemalan boy. And, neither of them is even part Hispanican.


As of right now, no NYE plans. Maybe something will turn up. Or, I just might go to sleep around 11.

  • Love 1

See, you need to tell the in-laws that you're not having a "natural" kid so you can continue to drink. That should please everyone.

Dad and I still hacking away with bronchitis, the gift that keeps on giving. Phlegm.

It turned out for the best that the rest of the family spurned us. For one, I bought my sister's presents today for $60 less than they'd have been two weeks ago, plus free shipping.

And a reminder that adopted kids make the best trivia mavens and Secret Santa organizers. My folks had planned on a special-needs child, but they were offered me instead (insert joke here). I think they frequently felt guilty not to have taken the challenge.

Edited by Hostile16
  • Love 6
2.5 glasses of wine doesn't sound like enough, actually.



I'm beginning to think that Wine/Beer/Spirits were created as coping mechanisms for handling Family. 


Erratic, Your InLaws are....exceptional.  In all the wrong kinds of way.


[n]LnB[/b] and I should go to Hell's Kitchen and send some Westies to visit them.  They need to adjust their attitude, and while Westies can be heavy handed, they also are effective.


Harvester, way to polar vortex!


I want to learn how to pick locks now Valny.  The last time I had to break in to someone's house we just found a window that hadn't been latched.  The doggie door was too small for us.


My New Year's Eve Plans are to stay home and to watch The 100 (I know, let the mocking commence).  It's hard to get to places without having to bypass times square and the subways are jam packed full of drunk idiots.


It's fun to hear about everyone's SS presents.  


I love my parents but...My mom told me she had RA- so we went to see her doctor who told her that she didn't have RA, but was getting arthritis because she was getting older.  Tip. Of. the. Iceberg.  I don't think you guys want to hear about Dad.  Long story short, I LOVE YOU GUYS and I'm not going home to see either parent for awhile.


Hostile, I'm sorry your bronchitis is lingering.  Shoo, bronchitis, go away!

  • Love 3

People suck. Sadly, sometimes those people are related to us, directly or indirectly.

That's what alchohol and pills are for.

I had a friend who volunteered in an orphanage and she once told me that more kids are returned than kept. Because people suck.

I'm up in the Alps and will be watching the fireworks and avoid "New Year's Eve fun" like the plague.

Feel better, Hostile

Edited by trudi-tru
  • Love 1

Boo, bronchitis. feel better, Hostile and Hostile's dad. My sister gets bronchitis every winter, and it's becoming a struggle to find an antibiotic that works. She's onto the really hardcore stuff now, because the standard first-line treatment no longer works on her. It is scary.

I approve of everyone's NYE plans ( know you're all relieved:P). Staying snuggled up indoors is defs the best plan. :)

  • Love 1

Sounds like heaven to me Chyna. We are blowing off SIL's combo housewarming & New Year's party to sit and R.E.L.A.X.

I hope you and your Dad feel better soon Hostile.

Today the girl and I took a compression glass making class. It was fun but location was basically a head shop. Daughter thought it was funny to ask if I would buy her a pipe. She looked taken aback when I said, "Jesus kids these days. Can't you just roll your joints the old-fashioned way?" Seriously what do they think will happen come the Zombie Apocalypse? Those $500 bongs are not going to survive.

P.S. Has anyone read The Slow Regard of Silent Things?

P.P.S. I think I figured out how my SS was so wise! I thought it was through a post I made in the old place but now I am thinking it was through FB.

Edited by buffyjunkie
  • Love 2

Annief you are in good company.  Not only can I not roll a joint, I can't inhale.  I tried to smoke cigarettes when I was younger and stupid, and couldn't inhale those either.  If it ain't air, I can't inhale it.  And still that makes me a bit of a dweeb with friends of mine- I guess some folks never outgrow the need to peer pressure.


I like that most of us are staying in for the evening tomorrow.  It shows that we're smart and savvy and cool.  And also, that we want the kids to get off our lawns.


For those who are partying- ROCK ON.  And have an awesome night.

  • Love 2

Staying in here too. Cooking prime rib and sweet potato pie (my FiL asked what the back-up was in case he hates my sweet potato pie. I suggested that he was under no obligation to eat any of my food, and for all I cared he could watch how much we were enjoying it. He retreated and said he was just joking. I replied that so was i, and I could joke much harder and aggressively than he). So, prime rib, twice baked potatoes, gluten-free Yorkshire pudding (because they are watching their gluten!), and sweet potato pie. And two bottles of wine for Kory and I, and alcohol-free wine for them. And Crown Royal whisky for FiL because although he doesn't drink, he likes Crown Royal.

In other news, we had our last home study visit today. She is writing the report in the next 14 days, will send it to us to review by Jan. 13th, and then we should be licensed by mid-February, and could be looking at placements as early as March. Holy fuck!

Also? I love you guys!

Edited by Erratic
  • Love 5

Huh. I've got the smoking part down (although at this point my tolerance is so high*, I don't really get stoned, as such) but could never do the rolling thing. Weird. ;)

Erratic, I swear my first reaction to this:

my FIL asked what the back-up was in case he hates my sweet potato pie


prime rib, twice baked potatoes, gluten-free Yorkshire pudding

I mean seriously, dude. Listen to yourself. Good on you for pushing back on that. :)

*Medical ganja has saved me. I can't take opiate painkillers anymore, so my pain-management options are very limited.

  • Love 1

Can eating pot give you the same benefits as smoking it?

Yes, although imo edible products are a pain unless you live in a state with medical pot and dispensaries where you can buy said edibles. Making them yourself is a royal pain in the ass. Pot brownies (or whatever other baked goods) are made with pot butter (at least, the kind that'll do you any good are), which is just what it sounds like -- pot cooked with butter and water for at least half an hour, usually longer, to extract the cannabinoids. It is a giant pain in the ass to make, but if you want to make the most of your product, that's what you do. Just throwing marijuana into brownie batter and baking it off will not bring it up to a high enough heat to activate the cannabinoids.

Or so I've heard. Ahem.

Once again, AnnieF to the rescue with the cooking knowledge! Truthfully, I inhale but never smoke. Don't know if it was my allergies or what but I would have been better than a police canine...whichever dorm door I started sneezing at, there was someone toking up behind it.

Erratic I have seen pictures of your cooking and would travel great distances to taste it and travel even farther just to enjoy your company. Your in-laws don't realize what a treasure they have in you.

KPC how is the back doing?

Edited by buffyjunkie
  • Love 3

vape = vaporise?


So, I just started Arrow - watching the first episode as we speak. My memory's been playing tricks or me, or maybe it's because I just got done watching the latest The Librarians*, but Oliver's better looking than I remember, Tommy's a lot worse and the acting not as bad as remember. Huh. 


*primarily the women. 

Edited by romantic idiot
  • Love 1

Sorry, yeah, this is vaping. The active ingredients in THC (the whole point of the marijuana adventure in the first place) don't become active until temps around 350° F. So you cook the frell out of it, vape it using a fancy vaporizer (because not-fancy vaporizers don't work so hot [get it? Never mind]) or set it on fire and breathe in the smoke. Of course if we'd been allowing actual medical research into marijuana then maybe we'd have a better way of getting it into your system by now, but since drugs are bad, m'kay, we don't. So light that shit on fire, yo.

Edited by AnnieF
So, I just started Arrow - watching the first episode as we speak. My memory's been playing tricks or me, or maybe it's because I just got done watching the latest The Librarians*, but Oliver's better looking than I remember, Tommy's a lot worse and the acting not as bad as remember. Huh.



All of the acting gets better, romantic idiot. I couldn't stand Thea at first but now that I'm on S2, she's pretty good. Tommy gets much better too, and more likeable, but that doesn't make up for the fact that the actor is much too old to be playing early 20s. That becomes even more painfully obvious when his father comes on the scene.

Edited by Chyna
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Hang in there, Erratic. The in-laws sound like real winners.

I hope you and your dad are feeling better soon Hostile.

I'm all for having a drink or two..or three...to get through family quality time around the holidays. This year went well. Just the right mix of relatives and downtime so far.

I'm another one having a quiet New Year at home. I do usually stay up til midnight though. I'm going to light a fire, snack and relax. I do wish we had a little dusting of snow.

So, I just started Arrow - watching the first episode as we speak. My memory's been playing tricks or me, or maybe it's because I just got done watching the latest The Librarians*, but Oliver's better looking than I remember, Tommy's a lot worse and the acting not as bad as remember. Huh

I just started watching too. I'm farther along so I won't say much. I like it a lot so far. The only thing I'm finding distracting is that island Oliver reminds me of the unappealing Rob Lowes from the cable commercials. Pulls me out of every one of those scenes.

Hope everyone has a great new year and the upcoming year is good to us all!

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Thank you for asking Buffyjunkie, the back is a little better.  I've tweaked the chair and hope it will work.  Otherwise, I'll have to get some yellow pages books and sit on those.  


Annie, too bad vaporizing won't work.  Hoping that the laws change enough.


I was sure that Arrow wouldn't last a season because the acting was so chunky.  But it got better and I still enjoy it now.  But my favorite time will always be Ollie and his salmon ladder.  Here's hoping for more of Ollie's abs in 2015.


Since I am home, I'll probably post again, but if I don't:  I wish everyone here a 2015 filled with happiness and joy and success and only good, happy, healthy times.

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Why don't you volunteer at the airport, buffyjunkie?

Because it offends my sense of basic decency to arrest people on minor drug charges when the white idiots shoving coke up their noses get to walk free with a fine?

Mmmm, Ollie abs, Diggle arms, kick-ass women. 'Nuf said. It is all good.

Edited by buffyjunkie
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I live in a state that legalized marijuana, and a dispensary is not hard to find. However, if I smoke anything, I wheeze like a cat with a hair ball. Not attractive. The edible options are reportedly very, very strong. I don't need something that will make me hungry as I enjoy food very much as it is. If it gives anyone relief from pain or even a bit of pleasure or relaxation, I say have at it.

  • Love 1

I'm home for the evening now, hours before any drunks hit the road. And will be watching Gilmore Girls with a touch of sorrow tonight.


Happy New Year, all.

I liked what Lauren Graham said on her Twitter about Edward Herrmann:

"My friend Edward Herrmann was the kindest, classiest, most talented man. It was an honor and joy to know him. A devastating blow to lose him."


Less phlegmy  days soon to you and your Dad , Hostile16.


Joining in with all you cool people who are staying in for NYE. I couldn't tell you the last time I went out. My Dad invited over the couple we used to dog sit for, but they had plans.

  I'm happy with my chips and dip which I had a little while ago and also had some guacamole with some Scoops chips. I just recently got into guacamole, so I'm liking it now. I never used to like it because it always tasted bland to me, but this brand I like.  Trader's Joe's Apple cider is getting cold in the freezer now for midnight. Hopefully Dad will not go to bed before midnight like last year


Happy and HEALTHY New Year all!!

Edited by Valny

Happy New Year, y'all!

The FiL now decided that his (very minor) cold is probably the same flu that Kory and I had last year. I explained that as he has no fever, body aches or congested lungs, it probably is just a minor cold. He is now sulking in the kitchen.

Yesterday, after the last three days of eating out at restaurants with starters and desserts at every meal, he announced at 2pm (when he realized that the sweet potato pies actually looked good) that his appetite was starting to come back!

I can only presume that he lost it at 1.30pm after he finished a huge bowl of my home made turkey soup.

Three and a half more days...

... And now my husband has a cold and is desperately trying to hide it from them.

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