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Small Talk: The Library

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Been away from the forum for a few days and am catching up. I have finally de-stressed! (now with hyphen) Last week was rough, but I'm feeling a lot better now.


Happy birthday cko!


Erratic - I am sending extra vibes your way and am sure you will do great.


I hope everyone who is not feeling well is better soon.


LnB - does your mom already have long-term insurance and it's now a matter of her meeting the requirements to be covered? I hope everything works out so she can get the assisance she needs.


As for tv shows, I've got The Librarians and Arrow already on my list and I'm now adding Black Mirror. Is that one finished or ongoing? I started watching The Affair which I didn't think I would, but it's not bad and I'm interested in seeing how this season ends. I think I'm 2 eps behind. I've watched Supernatural from the beginning and think it's fun. It can get a little too gross for me at times and I agree there have been dips in quality but there's a lot of humor and I still enjoy watching it.

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Glad you've been able to de-stress Endeavor. Mom has a really good long term care policy, if she can meet the requirements. Plans today usually go for 3 to 5 years. Hers has no limit on years.


I thought this past episode of The Librarians was so much fun for 55 minutes. The last 5 were too saccharine-sweet for me. But watching Bruce Campbell and Matt Frewer chomp huge chunks of scenery was great. 

Vibes and love to all of you!

Today went fine. The only iffy moment was when she was reading my response to which drugs I have done.

I admitted to having smoked pot, she misread the line I had checked off and asked me when I did cocaine and crack. She might have even looked a little concerned. I replied, "Ah yes, that sweet, sweet crack!", and thankfully we both laughed. Her, a little more cautiously than me initially.

Other questions were easier. And a little boring. Nothing as scandalous as I was expecting, so yay.

One more home study visit on Sunday, then we wait for our approval hopefully.

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I have my fingers crossed for you, Erratic!

Watching The Librarians, I keep thinking Noah Wyle is doing an imitation of David Tennant's Doctor and the redhead is very similar to Jayma Mays.

Holy cow, that Minotaur is terrible! I could make a better costume! It looks like that monster muppet.

Edited by Harvester
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Heh - yeah that was pretty bad. But the episode itself was a huge improvement on the previous two, for me. i'm torn about the Christmas one. It was fun, but I'm going to struggle liking Baird, I think, and there was too much of her. Still, overall, I"m happier than I was 2 weeks ago. 


  On 12/23/2014 at 12:21 AM, Endeavour said:

As for tv shows, I've got The Librarians and Arrow already on my list and I'm now adding Black Mirror. Is that one finished or ongoing? 


Black Mirror is definitely less of a commitment, it's only had 6 episodes (2 seasons of 3 episodes each) and one Christmas special. There's no news on it being renewed for Season 3 yet, or whether it will be, but it seems to be a safe bet. 

I was paying the parking at the mall yesterday, I had a ten euros bill in my hand and was looking for the bills slot, when a guy grabbed the bill from behind me and put it in the slot himself. Good thing he intervened, I never would have found the slot on my own. What the hell is wrong with people?


I'm glad the visit went well, Erratic.

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I had a ten euros bill in my hand and was looking for the bills slot, when a guy grabbed the bill from behind me and put it in the slot himself. Good thing he intervened, I never would have found the slot on my own. What the hell is wrong with people?

Chivalry isn't dead. It's been replaced by impatience and obnoxiousness.

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Happy Christmas and Hannukah for those in the future (Australia, India, and Europe in a few hours)!


Happy Christmas Eve and Hannukah to those in North America.


And to cover my bases:  Happy Christmakuh, and Happy Festivus (for the rest of us).


Congrats on the first interview being over with erratic.  How awesome that it went so well.


I've only seen the first two episodes of the librarian (Sniffle Excalibur).  I know it's kind of hokey, but I am enjoying the Frank Capra-ness of it.  And Christian Kane.  AND yes, even Noah Wyle's slightly off kilter I wanna be a kind of Doctor Who.  When I get home, the santa episode!


I miss Jane Curtain and Bob Newheart, though.  Hope we will seem them again.


Chivalry isn't dead. It's been replaced by impatience and obnoxiousness.


This made me laugh SO much. 

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OK, this is a little weird but it is a testament to my faith in you people. I have a friend who is seriously affected by SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and it has been like living in the land of perpetual twilight for the past month here. I don't care if the temperature drops ten degrees but would y'all be so kind as to vibe up some sunshine for her?

In other news, I found a silicone do-hickey to protect the edges of my pie crusts from burning whilst baking that fits my big pie dishes. This makes me very happy.

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Sunshine and happy vibes for Buffyjunkie's friend!  


I did something silly that I probably should not have done (because, starving artist):  I donated a honey beehive to some anonymous family somewhere in the world via a place called heifer international.  When I donated it, I thought of you sweet people (see what I did there?) and how you make the world a better place.   Viva the Meet Market!!



I also heard the world needs more honey bees.  They're not wasps.

  • Love 4
  On 12/24/2014 at 4:38 PM, Erratic said:

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and many blessings to everyone for the holiday season!

Love you guys.

Definitely all this!


It's officially Christmas on the East Coast!  Merry Xmas to East Coast MM'ers!  Wait, are we still called that over here?  Old habits.


Anti-SAD vibes to your friend buffyjunkie,  Hope she'll feel better soon.


In other news, I found a silicone do-hickey to protect the edges of my pie crusts from burning whilst baking that fits my big pie dishes.  This makes me very happy


 Mmmm... the crust is my favorite part! I wish they'd package just pie crusts,I'd buy that so fast. And I also would crumble it into some vanilla ice cream.


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What else did everyone get for Christmas,etc.....?  Spill! Any fun stuff?


Went to lunch today with my dad and when we got home about 2:30, found ourselves locked out of the house. I won't go into who was to blame(Dad!) but long story short, we waited about almost two and a half hours for the locksmith to get to the house. I'm just glad we found someone who made house calls on a Sunday! My BFF actually found the phone number for me, so she helped a lot.    I suppose maybe we could have went to the firehouse or get a police person to come by but luckily didn't have to. After waiting about for the guy for over two hours, it took the locksmith under 10 seconds to pick the lock. His first pick didn't work, so he tried another and voila! His pick was so little and basic looking! It was like a burglar in the movies.  Anyway, that lunch turned out expensive since it cost $135 to get into the house! (since it was Sunday,they charge more)  Ugh. Nice business!

Oh man, that's a bummer Valny. I've secretly always wanted to know how to pick a lock. But I would be too timid to be either a burglar or private investigator.

Gifts? Aside from my marvelous SS food (crunching hazelnut crackers as I type), a girlfriend gave me a lovely pair of fingerless gloves. They are fleece lined and a beautiful dark grey. I always wanted a pair for some unknown and probably illogical reason.

So, can any of you worldly travelers advise as to whether it is really necessary to have a RFID-safe passport and credit card holder?

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