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Small Talk: The Library

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trud-tru, the place has good food. And, when we were there yesterday, they were passing out a jello-plus snack (jello w/ pie pieces and other goodies - or so I was told by my brother as I did not partake) and a tangerine-type juice. She's eating well. We just need to distra...squirrel! What was I saying?


By the way, I've been remiss in my duties. If anyone is interested in helping clean out an apartment, please let me know. We buy you lunch in thanks.


ETA: I've never heard of Italian or French soda.

Edited by Loandbehold

Yeah, Torani, for example, is a big market-share holder in the flavored-syrup market. And also it's almost never wrong to figure that if an American thing is named after something European, it's because in marketing terms, "European" equals "fancy" (or "classy" or "sophisticated.") France is the #1 choice for this, usually, but if your product has actual European provenance (like Italian flavored syrups!) then so much the better.

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I do not understand why the foster parents licensing process has to be so exhausting. It seems like the goal is to dissuade people from going through with it.


I feel your pain and laud for sticking with it. Maybe they are just trying to root out the easily dis...squirell! Now what was I saying?


Anyway, vibes to all, yay for street cred and letting imaginary insults roll off one's back. 


In other news, just got home for the holidays. My mother has made good food - mutton curry. And she came with my brother to pick me up from the station. Isn't that awesome? I usually tell them not to bother, but it's been nice since we got the new car. Yippee. 

  • Love 1

We just need to distra...squirrel! What was I saying?


They do say it helps to plan to leave when lunch or dinner is being served. The treat idea is also good, but this...


It's both sad and annoying, to be perfectly honest.

is so true. It really is a mix of emotions.


I spent a good chunk of Sunday and last night ordering Christmas gifts. I'm almost there, but not quite done yet. I'm just stuck for ideas for a few people. I'm determined to finish in the next day or so.

Never tried Italian soda. Also, missed The Librarians. I'm a bit behind on my tv viewing. I'll have to catch it on demand.

Enjoy your visit with your family romantic idiot!

Thanks. I plan to :o) It helps that I'm the little spoiled tyrant who gets to have it her way. Except when my brother, the brat wants his, and I deign to allow it. Which actually means I'm still getting my way :o)


I caught The Librarian. I expected to be more bullish about it, to be honest. But the creators and Kane have earned a lot more episodes from me before I give up it up. 


I have to find gifts for a groom-al shower and wedding. For guys who'll be going abroad after. And we don't have wedding registries here. My mom and I are trying very hard not to just give up and give them cash. We'll see. 

I remember ordering an Italian soda at the coffee shop as a college freshman and feeling so worldly.

Oh, memories.  I waitressed at a diner in college when flavored coffee syrup became the swanky new thing.  All those high school students with 11:00 curfews, tipping me nickels and feeling like they were the height of sophistication.


Enjoy your family time, romantic idiot.  It sounds like you already are.  :o) 


In order to use up vacation days before end of the year I will only be working (at most) 3-day weeks for the rest of the month.  This is making me very happy.

Edited by Earl Is Dead
  • Love 1

Money clips? Passport holders? SIM cards for their cameras?

Okay, my peeps. At long last the Secret Santa assignments are going out. I can't apologize enough for the delay. Depending on how the time-delay works for Trudi-tru's spare time (and how she sorts through the various half-finished emails my Kindle insisted on sending her ... there's an incorrect apostrophe, too), she'll be informing her group. Anyone who hasn't gotten an assignment within 24 hours should send up a flare in my direction.

Have fun; be creative.

Edited by Hostile16
  • Love 1

Yes thank you SS Hostile and elf Trudi


Took daughter to doc today.  Concussion confirmed.  Trying unsuccessfully not to worry. 


To expand on my thoughts regarding The Librarian:

Didn't set well with me. Savant girl gave off Amy Acker playing crazy Fred vibe. Noah Wiley's Librarian was too Tom Baker the Doctor. Fight scenes were atrocious and made SMG look butch. The episode gave off Nicolas Cage National Treasure movie vibes. Even Christian Kane seemed to be like Gina Bellman playing Sophie Devereaux acting poorly.

  I don't even know if I can make it through a second episode.  I am looking forward to Agent Carter though.

Sorry to hear that buffyjunkie, I hope it's not too serious.  Vibes to you and your daughter.


I watched the first couple Librarian movies because I like Noah Wiley.  They did remind me of National Treasure, but in a good (campy) way.  I don't really have room to add a new show to my schedule right now but hopefully I can catch up with the series during all the upcoming winter hiatuses. 


Did she hurt herself during a match?

Yes, in hindsight I remember the hit.  She and another girl went up for the header.  She controlled the ball and the other girl dropped like a rock.  But a whole bunch of stuff began to add up.  Poor play that day (poor depth perception.)  Queeziness on ride to airport (nausea.)  Too tired to watch Monday night football game Green Bay vs Atlanta.  The last one caused me to pick up the phone and call the doctor.  All of these signs were obscured by red herrings like the mono that was going through the school (would explain fatigue as would the travel), her period (again explains fatigue and aches) and she has always been susceptable to car-sickness,   Today was a bit better than the prior two days so I no longer feel like I want to throw up.  The reason I am going on about this is that I want parents and other adults around kids to realize that there can be repercussions even though the child doesn't hit the ground or even necessarily hit head to head.  OK, I'll get off my soap box now.


Carry on you wonderful folks.

Best healing wishes to BuffyjunkieDaughter. Poor thing :(

Okay. I feel that I have an update on my thing.

We had our home visit, and we were given the time frame for the rest of the process. We start a 42 day home study on Monday, which involves 3-5 interviews in our home, some together, some one on one, all very personal and very intrusive. After that, we receive a copy of the report to review before it is send to the bigwigs for licensing that takes up to 30 days. So, by the end of February we should be licensed and on the wait list.

Holy fuck.

  • Love 1

Oh, wow, buffyjunkie, good vibes to your daughter. Good thing you were so on it. And Erratic, woo hoo! This is so exciting. And also bizarrely trying and bureaucratic, but you'll get through it.


Thanks y'all for the support over on FB with my dad. Glad we picked up the signs and got him to the ER, extensive testing has diagnosed congestive heart failure, likely brought on by a cold leading to pneumonia. He seems to be doing well, will be released tomorrow, and then we'll see how the home stuff goes. Glad to know you are out there sending vibes, it helps.


Hooray for Secret Santa!


ETA: Funny, I agree with all of Earl is Dead's views of The Librarians but I will continue. It seems like lightweight, bordering on cheesy, fun in a slightly different setting (not a detective/police procedural), so we shall see..

.Hahahaha "Sophie Devereaux acting poorly," whoa.

Edited by cko

Too tired to watch Monday night football game Green Bay vs Atlanta.  The last one caused me to pick up the phone and call the doctor.

Heh. I'm glad you picked up that something was wrong and she's feeling better now.

Same goes for cko's dad.


I haven't watched The Librarian movies, so I don't know who ripped off whom, but isn't the premise exactly the same as Warehouse 13?
It's the cast I'm not sure about. Aside from Christian Kane (duh), I didn't like anyone else.


Erratic, I sent you an email yesterday and will PM you now.

  • Love 1

buffyjunkie - vibes to you and your daughter.I hope she is feeling better soon.

cko - I'm glad to hear your father will be coming home today. I hope everything goes well and am sending vibes to both of you.

Good luck on the next phase, Erratic. How are your stress levels going through all of this? It does sound exciting but intense.

I'm behind on the shows I'm currently watching and hope to give The Librarians a try on demand sometime soon. Sometimes with a new show, and it sounds like it may be the case with this one, it helps to watch the first few eps all at once.

I've have my secret santee's information. But I have a question that someone needs to ask for me, because, SECRET.  How can I do that?


LnB you are a hero for all the work you are doing for your Mom.  To the Bat Cave!  Or Arrow Lair!  Or the Hall of Justice!  I am so impressed with how awesome you are.


Buffyjunkie, I am glad your daughter is better.  Concussions are no joke, and it is nice that people are finally getting that.  Our heads are not made of titanium.


Erratic, Sorry for all the paperwork and interviews and invasion of your life, but YOU ARE GOING TO BE SUCH A GREAT PARENT!!!  How long do you think you will be on the wait list, once you are on it.


Not much with me- some winter blues and trying to get work.  But I finished a draft of my play (finally) so that is good.  Now on to draft two.  The ending of the play is wonky, and I need to see how to fix it.


Vibes and Awesomeness to all who want and/or need them!!

  • Love 1


Big vibes for concussion-healing, heart-healing, and adoption-readiness. :)

I like that sum-up.


KPC, finishing up the first draft is fantastic! Now, with something down, you can see the wonkiness and figure out how to tackle it. Progress, as slow and frustrating as it may be.


As for The Librarians, don't set your expectations high. It's popcorn, but can be fun. I think the first movie came out before Warehouse 13 (too lazy to Google), so who took the idea from whom? At least from the first two episodes, I liked W13 better, but they brought in Jaime Murray in a recurring role, so mondo points for that.

CKO, so glad your Dad can be released from hospital. I think hospitals, while excellent for tests and treatments, are not as good for recuperation.

Erratic, holy shmoley that time table is sub 3 digits. When you first revealed this I thought no child would appear for a year. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful new year for the three (or more?) of you.

Thank you for the kind wishes. I was really freaked out. I was a somewhat awkward child, not beautiful, not athletic, and only had my brain to rely on to escape the poverty and small mindedness of where I grew up. Clearly my daughter has more going for her but my history explains my over-reaction regarding an injury to the brain.

  • Love 1

AnnieF, have you gotten your Secret Santa assignment yet?

KPC, email the elf who made your assignment, and she will ask on your behalf. Although she will also need to ask random people to keep your secret.

Romantic idiot, have you decided on the groomsmen gifts yet? I got a catalog today from RussellsForMen.com that offered a ton of ideas from pens to multi-use tools to small leather goods. It might be worth perusing if you still need inspiration.

Hello, yes, we got cuff links and a tie clip set for the groom. (The shower was today). Figure he'll need it once he's back in Canada. For the reception in 2 days we'll probably get a glittery clutch or something for the bride. I'll keep it in mind anyway - no dearth of weddings in my family for sure. Thanks for the ideas, me peeps :o) 


And now my mom's making noises about going tomorrow and day after for the small ceremonies too. 

Woot for you romantic idiot on your presents to the groom.  I hope you have a great time at the wedding, now that most of the shopping is over.


I am remiss cko in NOT mentioning- and wooting- that your Dad is home.  I always feel like people recover so much better when they can be home.  Hospitals are certainly life saving, but they are STRESSFUL to recuperate in.


Lnb, are you taking this weekend off to heal your muscles or are you still cleaning out your Mom's apartment.  Have you found anything cool or indiana jones-ish?


I had minor surgery yesterday- had a cyst removed from my shin and now I have stitches.  The minor surgery was painless (except the mistake I made in watching him make the incision) but it's 24 hours later and it hurts!  I don't remember stitches hurting when I was a kid.  But maybe I was a weird kid.


I  watched the librarians- it doesn't seem as smart as leverage, but Christian Kane is great, and I like John Larroquette, so I'll stick with it for now, and hope it doesn't get too hokey.


buffyjunkie how is your daughter this weekend?  Back to her old self, I hope?

Edited by KittenPokerCheater

KPC, no muscle rest for the wicked. Spent about five hours their today. Have to go back tomorrow to throw bags and bags (and bags and bags and more bags) out. I'll see mom first, then my brother will pick me up and we'll head back to the apartment. Next Saturday, the salvage company comes, and Sunday a cleaning woman (who used to come about once a month when my mom was living there). We'll probably be working on the apartment right up til the 31st. 


I hope the stitches stop itching. I hear liquor is often helpful (kidding). 


Vibes to all who need them.

Oh man, just reading that LNB gave me PTSD flash-backs. I wish you godspeed or whatever gets you through it.

Sorry the healing site hurts KPC. I suppose that is just your remarkable body's way of pointing out how hard it is working and how much healing is taking place.

Thank you for asking about the girl. Yes, we let her out of the house today but denied her playing soccer, even though on Friday the doc gave the go-ahead for school and sports.

Right now I am sick which sucks and makes me mean, well even meaner than I normally am. Plus I am reading Anne Lamott. I'm not sure we would even like each other IRL but for some reason her book Small Victories is making me cry.

I am remiss cko in NOT mentioning- and wooting- that your Dad is home.



Thank you KPC! Hope you heal quickly! And oh, LnB, thinking of you and all the clean up. Having my Dad in the hospital has been kind of a reminder of all the stuff that's built up here in the house where he's lived with various members of our large family for 40 years.


buffyjunkie, I can't imagine you being mean, but hope you feel better soon anyway. Hugs to all here, good wishes in navigating this thing we call life.

  • Love 1

A friend who's an ER doc (and therefore does a lot of stitches) once said that stitches in places where there's not much extra skin or fat (like a shin) tend to hurt more.

Yeah, I'm thinking stitches on a shin gotta hurt quite a bit. It's also a place you move every time you walk.


Feel better buffyjunkie.


Lo, I am exhausted just reading about all it takes to clean out an apartment. I hope Santa is taking notice.


I baked a bunch of cookies for my coworkers over the weekend, I'm bringing them in tomorrow.

A very happy birthday to val and Superflyse!


I will second this!


Hope everyone who is feeling under the weather is better soon.


KPC - that is great news on your play. Hope your stiches stop bothering you.


Hang in there, LnB. You've made a ton of progress in a short amount of time. You're putting me to shame here. I've still got quite a way to go in my mom's house. It's difficult because my mom is with me and I can't get as much as I need to done when I'm there and I'm not getting consistent help from the family. I don't know how to fix that problem and I can't keep waiting. It's not just the house either. There are other matters I'm trying to get taken care of. I've given them info and asked for input and after 2 weeks....nothing. I'm going to have to move forward on my own and get it done and that will probably make them angry. It's a bit of a no-win and creating a lot of stress for me. I'll stop venting now.

Happy Monday?

My post got eaten. Let me try to recreate it as best as possible.


Happy Birthday Superflyse and Valny! I hope your day(s) bring mirth and happiness, or contemplation if that's your thing. Of course, Superflyse might have celebrated yesterday, or maybe not until tomorrow. Damn time zones.


Vent away, Endeavor. I'm very lucky that my brother is doing all that he is, along with bringing along my sil, niece, and nephew on various occasions. Plus, my mother is not around to "help." If she was, she'd be giving us trouble on each and everything that we throw out.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I keep forgetting there's a bunch of us who have bdays close together.

I used to have them written down in a little notebook, but I'd have to dig that thing up. Too much clutter around here and notes and notebooks are all over the place.


I know Hostile16's and cko's are next. 

Happy birthday Superflyse!  (ha! spellcheck turned her name into Superglue!)

Happy Birthday, Valny and Superflyse  I hope it is an AWESOME year to come!  You are birthday twins!


LnB, glad your brother has been bringing along helpers.  And it is GOOD that your Mom is not there.  Every time I've tried to help Mom declutter, she's had a meltdown.  Seriously, I wanted to recycle a tiny black and white (non HD or even cable ready) tv, and you'd have thought I was trying to take a kidney. She won't even let me clean out her refrigerator anymore.  And she is at least (I think) 20 years younger than your Mom.  So while I'm in no way having your experience, I can relate to hoarder-style Moms.


Fingers crossed I might work tomorrow.  If so, it might be a fun day, and if I book it, I'll be sure to detail it at the other place.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater

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