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Small Talk: The Library

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Erratic, your social worker is a jackhole and a douchecanoe and I want to kneecap him/her.  You and K are going to be awesome parents.  Is this the same social worker who had silly ideas about what makes a family?  When your kid(s) are 18, they're going spike YOU in front this social worker.


You are all so terrific and great and fantastic people,  Thank you for your vibes.  I spoke with him the next morning (and made friends with the makeup artist, who I think put in a good word for me while I was trying on clothing) and we agreed to split it down the middle.  There are some photos outside, but the lion's share were taken inside or in the coffee shop.  And when we were outside, there were no complaints from me at all.  Since he took about 1000 photos I am guessing that there will be at least ONE I can use.


We may never be best friends, but I think I had his respect after the shoot.  And certainly, he knows that actors are a chatty bunch, and if I had a bad experience or unhappy product, that it will get out there.


Standing up for oneself is HARD y'all.  It was nice to imagine you all as my imaginary army.


Black Friday is scary.  I might go see a movie (hunger games maybe?).


I'll have proofs in three weeks.  And I'll let you all know where at the other place, so you can weigh in and tell me what you think.

We talk about what we are thankful for at thanksgiving, and it's a no brainer:  I am thankful for YOU.  ALL of you.

  • Love 3

Dear Diary: Day four of no TV. Considering chewing off my own arm just so I have something to occupy my time. Note to self: Do not chew the right arm or else I won't be able to add to these entries. 


I decided to take one of my mom's HD TVs since she only had room for one. My brother suggested I check to see if my cable box could accept HDMI. When I called, they said it could, but I was eligible for a new cable box since mine was from 2008. I went on Thursday to exchange the box. The new box only accepts HDMI, so I was without cable. Also, the new box did not come with a power cord so I had to return to the store to get it on Friday. I took my tv downstairs (stupid to do it myself as it bothered my elbow). After doing more work on my mom's old apartment - and this time it was clear we made progress - we first went to see her (she's doing well, so yay!) then returned to her old place to pick up the tv. I told my brother that the only thing that concerned me was getting the remote programmed. Anytime I get a new cable box, the technician always has problems. My bro told me not to worry, it basically does it itself. And, in the unlikely event that there's a problem, tech support can help me over the phone. Well, as suspected, there was a problem. So, I called tech support. After 45 minutes and going through the same steps three times that I did when I tried to do it myself, they said they had to send over a tech. Appointment Monday afternoon. I have a medical appointment Monday morning where my eyes will be dilated, this appointment in the afternoon. Tuesday I have physical therapy and then I might be on jury duty Wednesday. And Friday. If I'm not on jury duty Friday, I need to take off to help with the apartment because the weekend is booked solid. Fortunately, it's not like I have actual work that needs to be done. Is it 2015 yet?


I have watched the first three episodes of the first season of House of Cards. At least NetFlix still works. If anyone else has seen it, is it my imagination that when Robin Wright appears on screen my apartment gets 20 degrees colder? Or does that happen to others?


I hope everyone has a fun or relaxing Sunday. 

  • Love 1

Erratic, that social worker sounds very judgmental and rude. How many children need a good home, and she is feeling powerful by form shaming someone? Someone will make a wish to a vengeance demon, and she will be stuck forever making minor errors on confusing forms, only to be berated for said errors. Bitch.

LandB, I hope your elbow feels better soon. I think you will likely be dismissed from jury service, but I will keep my fingers crossed.

Glad the photo shoot went well KPC. I want to see Mockingjay as well. Want to fly over for the afternoon?

I have the week off, and there is nothing better than a Sunday night when you know you do not have a thing to accomplish Monday morning. I hope everyone gets a little relaxation today.

  • Love 1


(she's doing well, so yay!)



Erratic I am so sorry you had to experience that.  But just think how you are taking those children out from under her care and into yours, two people who are willing to go through that, for them.


KPC I will be a scary mean soldier in your army any time it is needed.  Look forward to seeing the result of all your hard work.

LnB, don't chew off your arms; most shows have gone into their winter hiatus.  How cool about the TV- and hopefully your cable box will be working soon.  Congratulations on your new TV!


And you've made considerable progress at your Mom's apartment.  I am glad she is settling in.  She will make friends in no time.


I say this with respect- who on earth would want you, a lawyer, want you on their jury?


I slept in today- the stress of the photo shoot, and Mom showing up yesterday really took it out of me.  I was up at 8, and then crashed again at 10 until 1.  Yow.  Also, I can thoroughly recommend a Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder.  It's like a Gilbert & Sullivan play, only funnier.


I, too, am looking forward to the librarians.  Mostly for Christian Kane.  I miss Leverage, mostly because I can't see it again (damn you netflix for not having it on streaming).


Trudi, can you do old school HTML to get your bold/italic on your ipad. A la (spaces excluded)  [ b ] to bold and [ /b ] to unbold?

I think both Underwoods are cold and scary.


Glad everything went well with the shoot, KPC. Hope you're feeling a bit better after crashing for a while today. 


I'm so glad your mom is doing well, LnB. Sounds like you had quite the weekend but also got a lot done. Hope the week ahead isn't as hectic as it seems and you get a little time to relax. Glad Netflix is working and hope your cable is back soon.


Enjoy your time off, Harvester!


How is everything going with the move, Barphe?


I'm wiped. I spent a large chunk of the weekend finishing off that organization project. Nothing makes you feel more old and out of shape than many, many trips to the attic moving containers. By the time I finished, all limbs were rubbery. I've still got boxes of paperwork to sort through, but this phase of the project is finished. I've got an appointment tomorrow that's going to take up half the day to get some advice on planning for future needs. I know I'm not the only one going through this, but it feels like there is a never ending list of items and, when one gets crossed off, two more get tacked on. I'm also not thrilled with the level of assistance from family. That's something I need to get straightened out. I am taking a couple of days off, so I'll have a nice stretch around Thanksgiving.

  • Love 3

Oh no, did my whining kill the thread?


Anyone have exciting plans for Thanksgiving or the weekend? I'm doing the usual and will be at a somewhat smallish family gathering. Nothing too exciting but comfortable. I only have a short distance to go which is one of the things I'm thankful for. I don't miss the traffic and crazy drivers. One year I was stuck in bumper to bumper traffic and was trying to merge onto a highway. Of course, no one was letting anyone in and everyone was following the cars in front of them too closely. As a result, I tapped the car in front of mine (no damage). The guy actually got out of his car and started banging on my window, yelling at me to roll it down. Ok - crazy guy - I'll get right on that. He finally went back to his car and kicked mine before he did. Traffic makes me grumpy.

Happy Tuesday, all.  It is Tuesday, right?  Work has been keeping me from participating here but I have been reading and vibing.  I am glad that jobs and exes and photo shoots and moving houses/apartments and filing adoption paperwork with horrible, rude social workers has not caused anyone to become an alocholic car thief.  (Yet.)  I am looking forward to a Thanksgiving break to hopefully stop running in circles for a while.  They're calling for our first significant snow accumulation here tonight, so given the ghost town the office is becoming, I may just work from home tomorrow and spare myself needless stress of driving in.  Endeavour - Thanskgiving will be a small gathering for me too, just my parents, brother, husband and self at my parents' house.  Which means no cutie patootie niblings, but no having to drive to the hour+ to their place either, which I appreciate.


Good vibes to all who need them.

  • Love 2

For thanksgiving, I'm going up to see some actor/artist people having a gathering.  Good for me to do.  


For folks who may be traveling tomorrow on the east coast, I hope the weather cooperates.


The Ferguson riots, and the whole injustice of no indictment, makes me sad and mad.  I want things to change- and this is just another reason why I will continue to vote every year.  Local elections truly matter, I think. I hope tonight is more peaceful in Ferguson and I hope that this country can make more strides in the war against racism.  And I don't know why they released the verdict at 9pm instead of during daylight hours, as it looks like they could have.  I'm not being very articulate- my mind is a jumble in shock.

Love and vibes to all.

  • Love 2
The Ferguson riots, and the whole injustice of no indictment, makes me sad and mad.



Me too. I was watching the news this morning and Al Sharpton was saying that the grand jury is only supposed to decide if there's probable cause worthy of a trial, not guilt or innocence, which is what they did. I mean, how is it possible to think there was not probably cause in this case? If any case needed to go to trial so the facts could be sorted out, it was this one.

  • Love 1

Hope work calms down for you, Earl. If you can work from home tomorrow, that will be good. Between the weather and traffic, sounds like a good idea.


I'm off until next week. I felt the tension lessening as soon as I came home. I'm looking forward to the time off and am really going to try to take it easy. I will start decorating for Christmas this weekend.


They were originally predicting 5-8 inches of snow around here, but that's now down to an inch. I do hope we get a tiny bit. Everything looks so nice and it will be just in time for all the Christmas lights and decorations.


I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and vibes to all who need them.

  • Love 1

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and vibes to all who need them.

Ditto on that!


For folks who may be traveling tomorrow on the east coast, I hope the weather cooperates.



I hope so too because tomorrow my niece and husband are coming in from Oklahoma to spend four days with me and dad, so I hope their flight doesn't get too delayed with the weather. It's uncanny, the one day they chose to visit and there's potential bad weather brewin'. Un-effing-believable. And I've been food shopping and cleaning this house like I've never cleaned before, so I'm beat.

Can't wait for this four day vacation.


My niece wants to go to Traders Joe's, since they don't have any in their state. Fine by me, I love that place. You go in for one thing, you come out with a bunch.


If I'm not around here for a few days, have a great holiday everyone! I am thankful for you's people!

  • Love 2
I hope that this country can make more strides in the war against racism.

Looking at it from the outside, your* shoot first and ask questions later mentality, is as much part of the problem as racism is.

Maybe if you* weren't so used to pull the trigger so easily, that boy would have been roughed up or taken into custody for no reason, but he'd still be alive.

Just like the boy in Florida. Or the other one at the gas station, who had the music on too loud. I don't remember where that was.

Black people happen to be the target of choice for white people who love to fire their guns.


For thanksgiving, I'm going up to see some actor/artist people having a gathering.

Cool. Is that like something you get invited to or is it open to anyone who wants to attend?


If I'm not around here for a few days, have a great holiday everyone! I am thankful for you's people!

Awww. Have fun!


Speaking of awww, I got buffyjunkie's Christmas card yesterday!

You know, every tv show does an episode about Christmas cards and holidays newsletters. And we don't have that here, but now I got my own. Sweet.


*I mean you to refer to the US gun loving culture. Don't take it as a generalization, I know you are not all like that. Especially here.

*I mean you to refer to the US gun loving culture. Don't take it as a generalization, I know you are not all like that.


No offense taken Trudi.  I truly think the second amendment was not written for everyone to run around with guns blazing.  I wish to the gods that there were more gun safety laws.  The culture of fear instilled by misguided (and potentially racist) politicians and media outlets is appalling, and I hope the rest of the country will wake up and start voting them out of office (or turning the channel).


Yay that you get to experience the USA Christmas Card Letter!


An artist friend of mine has a super cool Mom who is a writer, and she has invited me and her daughter and a bunch of other writers/actors, so it should be a nice creative time (and potential networking, I guess).  She says they also play board games, so I might be able to play some old school Life or Sorry or something silly and fun.


I hope your family made it in val- it's been a pretty nor'easter kind of day- 6 inches of snow once place, a coating only a few miles away.


For people who have elderly parents to care for, I wish you a relaxing, stress free (or as much as possible), but for everyone- I wish you a Happy, chill and food-of-your-choice goodness.  For the folks elsewhere- have an extra-happy thursday.

I hope your family made it in val- it's been a pretty nor'easter kind of day- 6 inches of snow once place, a coating only a few miles away.




They did, thanks KPC- My niece and hubby made it here in this crappy weather with really minimal delays, they are really lucky. It also helped that got took a really early flight and landed in Newark at 10:07am,which miraculously was only seven minutes late. Left work early and picked them up at the train station at about 1:30....and I couldn't have timed it more perfectly, as I was arriving the were just coming down to the street to meet me.  That never happens!  We had pizza and split and did a three way split of a big eggplant parm hero for lunch, now everyone is taking naps(including my dad) and I'm here waiting for them to wake up! :)


An artist friend of mine has a super cool Mom who is a writer, and she has invited me and her daughter and a bunch of other writers/actors, so it should be a nice creative time (and potential networking, I guess).  She says they also play board games, so I might be able to play some old school Life or Sorry or something silly and fun.


Sounds like you will have a blast KPC!  I love games too. We played a game today from an ap on my niece's phone, Head's Up.  I think Ellen DeGeneres created it or something.  It was so fun. 


Happy Thanksgiving all you awesome people!

Edited by Valny
I truly think the second amendment was not written for everyone to run around with guns blazing.


It wasn't. It was meant to keep Congress from disarming state militias. Period. Nothing in it prevents gun control or reasonable restrictions on private ownership.


Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it. I'm having a quiet Thanksgiving. A little work, a shift at the zoo, watch some Gilmore Girls. And prep food for the big Friday Thanksgiving thing my circle has been doing for the past couple of decades. I'm bringing three types of salad (green bean & feta, spinach salad, and kale slaw), since experience shows almost nobody ever brings greens.

Edited by Darkpool
  • Love 3

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate. I do appreciate the love and support this crazy group has brought to me. I will be at my brother's today, and going up on Saturday to see other family.


My jury duty Russian Roulette paid off. I was given yesterday as my first day and chose not to ask for a postponement. One group of potential jurors were called, but, at 12, all those who remained were dismissed for the next 8 years. Except for the storm, it was a good day. And, for one of the rare times, it doesn't appear that the weather will be bad for our trip to the Catskill Mountains on Saturday. 


To those who do not celebrate today, may you have a quiet day at work (if that is where you'll be), or a blast if you're home.

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I looked at the new Star Wars trailer and it did nothing for me. I think that between the crappy Lucas prequel trilogy killing my interest in the franchise and the crappy Abrams Trek films killing my confidence in the director, I'm left with no enthusiasm for the project.


I'll probably see it when it comes out, but I doubt I'll be rushing to opening night.

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I liked the Star Wars trailer, but I am excited to see some of the original characters eventually.

My Thanksgiving was good, but very warm. It was 72 here, so the kids had a picnic. I did an enormous pike of dishes, and today I feel a little sick. Ah Thanksgiving.

Today I put the Christmas tree up, and the house is cheerful. If I don't say it often, I am grateful for the friendship, humor, and support you all provide. Yams for everyone!

I'm waiting with bated breath for the existential version of "Charles in Charge" called "Does it Really Matter if Charles is in Charge of Anything?"


Meanwhile, I don't really know how to describe this link. I can only promise that it is not "Safety Dance." If you've got 11 minutes, check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrGrOK8oZG8

  • Love 1

Hell's bells, I'm late with this. Have I missed anyone? And do I have an elf volunteer?











romantic idiot


ETA: That video was on *The People's Couch* this week, and the only thing better than its awesome bizarreness it all their "WTF?!" reactions.

Edited by Hostile16

Boliver would like to be added to the list, please. :)

I bruised my ribs (by falling into a table. Have I mentioned how fun MS is?) and hooboy, that's painful. Sneezes have become some sort of thunderbolt from above, intent on causing me to rethink my life, my goals, my plans, and my ability to tolerate pain. So much fun is being had, I can't even. :/

Vibes to all in need.

AnnieF, I'm so sorry to hear about your bruised ribs.  I bruised my ribs a few years back, and deep breaths/coughs/sneezes were like being punched in the gut.  Many many vibes for a quick recovery.


I'm happy the new stars wars trailer is out but I'm confused as to why there are storm troopers when the evil emperor was dead, the rebellion had won- and the ewoks were "jub jubbing.".  I'm beginning to wonder if there is a star wars "what happened in between the movies" primer.


Did everyone have a happy weekend?  Any fun stories?

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